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Austin American-Statesman from Austin, Texas • 3

Austin, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Ul.Y M.11IA. Column. uiwm a Men haiMlise. $5000 Worth eer, and it d'Oi'i in in. ptuMtituil) aruuod when Mr.

Davii u. p.rv have kinder flickered and Lr. on il-alaent. It ia bad, very bad, and aim, how untruilwunhy i human usemury and gratitude TLEtiDAY 15. 1878 Local Mailers.

f.l-rm of all kinds will be barer far at er rcaalai rau-a. Thia will ka aa uut'arytus rule. Persons leaving the city to apenrl tlir summer abroad can hare tLc Daily Statu-max mailed to them fur one dollar a minith And have the addre-a changed us olten as may be desired. The poitage will he prepaid at the Austin office. Several new wantit to-dv.

tftej to feel for their baia and the J. k'lolw. As for "old frienda," who call to 0 a few dollars, they can atop on the inside of th door, and beckon for "their nun." If he manifest no energy in rusie in out to meet them, they cu conclude that he is not doing a baukiug bu.liiaa, t-tk rj'testion rr two entirely foreign to the top.c uppermost in their minds and then indulge in the old familiar "goi day" without following it with the clever assurance that they will call again. Bnr your J. II.

Wells. Fresh St. Louis beer, three glasses for 2oc. at the Parlor, Perm reel. jtlOJai Trii to all points; horses kept In fine style, and cheap, under Opera House.

International Railroad land certificates sale at C. R. Johns i mariR lm Pfvkn car loads of lumber arrived Mon-f ilny evening. Tlir. jailor will occupy, when it is finished, the handsomest residence in tha city.

i Mb. Flave Everett, of the banking 1 house of C. It. Johns left yesterday on a business trip to Galveston. A A Mexican was in yesterday with a wagon load of fine watermelons, from Mr.

Miller's farm, dowa the river. In price they ranged all the way up from twenty-i live cents to one dollar. Tue girls of Austin are sweet creatures. if la any event, they do love candy and stow av.aya vast deal of it. But we can't see that it makes their blessed lips any sweoter 1 than before, and can't help being anxious tomehow to find out about it.

A sios suited to all kinds of weather, uni()ne and quaint, graces the northern sub-i urb ol our city, and reads thus -J G. lives here. Keeps groceries snd St. Louis beer-i may travel Eas or Level Wra When you lcs.e him you ltavo the Ixn't he a poetical cuss? i Appropriate. Would not the Repre-1 scntative Hall be a very proper place for Miss Patterson to give her readings.

She is a Southern lady of remarkable intelli- i gence, and deserves such a compliment from those who have the public buildings A at their disposal. Goods at twenty-five to fifty per cent, be low New York cost at the bankrupt sale of the Biberstcin estate. Merchants are in-1 vited to bid on such parts of the stock and in such lots, as may suit their trade. Re moved to Pecan street, next door to Van Duscu's. jel5d2t kain.

Mr. Anderson, who arrived by the San Antonio stage, reports that a good i rain tell at Mountain City, in Hays county, and that on Saturday ''String Town," and that section round about, was flooded with a fine shower. It also rained up in the Bull creek settlement. The last rain we have had here was two weeks ago yesterday. Tiik chandeliers were hung yesterday in Representative hall, and we understand that during the day everything will be in readiness for turning on the gas.

Hence the hall will, to-morrow night, be nated with gas light as well as by the 1 uevolent faces of a large concourse of peo- -4 pie in attendance upon the Episcopal festi rare bargnina arc offered, i Pwsa wajlOul Maumltic Hkaler. Persona it li chronic complaint given up liy phynt cinns, should bear in mind that they can net rtlief by cnlliux on Mrs. I A. Heury ai oer riim. three doors west of the Raymond llou1, on Tine street, here she treats, by lital magnetism, and sdininis-l-rt the leoiro-maynetic tmth.

We have seta jjiven by Mrs. Robert Tetl, Mrs. A. IVata and other Udica and gju-tli-nuD ill S-tn Antonio, of very remarkable cure-, trade bv Mr. Ilenrv.

and we take pleunire in I'oiuturmling her and the msn-uetic iislh. Mr. Henry will lie plessed to irceive mils from those needing treatment. ho can be supplied with circular of cer nficates. it-lSdilt Foster's TkxaI Drawing A Farm to Evert it thr drawing rAit.s to take Place Jine 30.

The un limited confidence and lilierla patronagr bestnwed on the Texas Real Estate and Gold Distribution, of which I am ihe man ager, is a sut'jwt or general remark. 'I he postoilice records of this city show that we have received twenty-rive time as many postoilice orders and registered letter with money than a similar enterprise of this city of larger pretensions. The management take great pleasure in acknowledging their gratitude to the public, with the assurance that the drawing will isitively take place on the thirtieth day of June, lST.V Our October drawing took place with but one postiioneiuent, and so would this, but for circumstances (see advertisements and circular) utterly unavoidable. Our successis such that we can safelv promise to refund every cent of money and priteit! ecery tieitt-holder with a Itia farm, if the drawing docs not take place on the thirtieth of June, 1873. We also offer a plan (see ad vertisement) whereby those buying tickets can keep their money in a borne bauk till the drawine takes place, jet dw J.

E. Fostkh, Manager. Special Notices. INTERNATIONAL COmTnO." Now it the time to buy property, IlaiiflNoiue lliiiUling Lotw In various pans of the rity. at low rates aQd on lone time.

A KMALL IMPROVED PLACE, three Works norllicml of Bute Ceui'tcrt: besntiful locttiouaitd CUKAP. ONE AND ONE FOI'RTH ACRES, northwest of CapitoL ONE-QUARTER OF AN AI RE. on Haymonii Plateau. TUI1EB AND OKI-HALF ACRES, near Fair Grounds, cheap. Various other property.

Call and sen WALSH PIUiRW, ji-13 tf Rooui 4, Sampnuu Ib-nriclCB's huiMins. 1. O. O. LODGE NO.

ill meets ery Wudocrdsy night. f'a)h! No. 71 fourth Kiidii)- tu each mouth. meets second and leSl tr Twenty-Fiveeu Column. Noiiccn this column, making nut more than fonr nuniiftreil, will inserted at tttuiiiy-Avc cwritK Addition' liner fivecenU.

AT8 WANTED. -We wish to nurchMC 3000 hn-h Vfluf oatfi, to lie tMivert'4 thin nrjd nest lunutb. June 15, 1(475. A. h.

AVTHKY jel5 at PUtr l.uiidinK, Htcao 9t. tANTEI)-Tumih for houm which I am agent fur: Pour houaee, Ihrm romai each; tvto hounen of five room tach, ue of ten romna, one of twn rooms and one of eigtii rooins. Aly to K. W. jXiK KKM A room.

Tmumied or unfarninhrd. one and a half minaret went of the Avenue, on Hois Arc street. Apply at office of DeCordovn. Wilm-m A Co. at ANTKO1 lie ladies of And in loexafdlue a coal oil cook stAve dow on exhibition.

Cook coin- ple'eforleB than one cent per hour. J. II. William, ajzetit, IMatt'B build iuR. Pecan street.

it VANTRDA situation by a Herman labors f. hiuHeif and wife. No children. The in a 'o xl hoetler, and the wife a good cook and waht-r. cpnreai btatksmam omcc.

at 'urcuaeer for gum aud pi.tota, tuninu-, by J. A variety of Itre- nition, etc arm on band. 10 ruck boiiMj, wt-ll finished, Ave bil). outside kitchen and ci.luru. rornor Walnut Dd Trimly f3U jter Posse-niin on siiteeMh lnetaal.

Apply on premises trlmx I'jri. posturtice. jelHai W'ANTrilJ ictiool warrant. Apply to E. W.

Miande. and reliable agents for crery town aud county hi Tuxa aud New Mexico to in- roduce tue new hhotocrome Picture." bv Hil- dreth, Youne Co. Address K. S. Lee.

general agent ronvxas and New Mexico. Office in Or. Cumraineyii residence. Bols d'Arc slreet, Austin. jelx 111 ANTED STOCK TO PASf RE-three miles Irum the citv.

Terms reanouat.le. Annlv to I. CALLAWAY. Postomcc lloi S72, or to C. Callaway, Lantl Office.

lr AN'TSD Tlirce or four iionrders at Miller's fine residence, two blocks north of the Capitol, ub Colorado street. Mils. I riAMKK. riOWS FOK SALE. Four cikj young cilvw, are offerud fur sale.

'8 pIiih; elore. ANT ED Hu I'SK A Dt bonne with 3 or 4 rooms and out -houses, convenient to busi ness. Add res A. care bXiTBSMtH office. DOAKD- Desired for a rmall amity, who detire to 1 9 remain permanent.

permanent. Frivate lanulv preieired. Ad' 0s MONDAY NEXT, Fourteenth instant. I etiall open a boarding amine oa Bois d'Arc street. on tho firm comer of eecond block west from the Avenue.

This house has iuet andercone a thorough re pair and cleaning up of the entire premiBeo, where cof'd boarding for gentlemen can be had at $1.50 per week, and louring included at (i per wvk, payable weekly tn advance, la currency. A share of public Itairoiiage eonciiea. WILLIAM J. Kl HMtLL. June 9, 1875.

jelOdlm jOIt RENT. The New and Nicely Furnished BniMine, three door north of the Statkriiaii offlre. known a the "Cliy hlije For terms apply MIOUOUGllBREDS, We have a car load of DURHAM CATTLE, areVmaicdv Took all Dremiunm for phort hornB at Waco Kair last October, and at Houston Htate Fair. Can he wen at prceent at the Fair GrouBda, and are ior sate, cneap. iwi i Aiiuun ab j.

Jtiue ltT5. jeouu M. CROSTHWAIT. J. H.

BOWMAN. rXIXGTON IRON WORKS, Austin, Texas- Having gi tten onr Foundry and Machinery in opera- lluu, we are prepateu lu uu aii nuuu ui RUASS aud IKON CASTINGS for ENGINES, WATER-POWER, GIN, HlX KING, THRASHERS and REAPERS; up All Kind of Machinery in Good Style, and on bhort Aotice. Lll Work WarrAUtecl Caeh on Delivery, or City Acceptance. The lllsliet market Prlr Paid for Old Brawn aud lion. my lb ly tune to bay, fo K-liohuieiit Oo4on' La4 Aiwy.

Ut r. 'arwrr Jt CORDOVA, WITHERS A TEXAS LAHD AOEHOY. or Tin wd rr? iMnoullr. tad vltk f. -toii iu atai.

liHl la may Wn art a. nismi. aohxt mni-m tu Ibm Klal. Of IlMIUI. jrumiil, RAL Hi'MEA.


Ham FrotrllD, or North Alakaaam. CAPITAL (100.0U) DacoRDOVa. wrmtaa a co. -0 TAXES! Locatable as Headlights. Land Certificates 640 Acres Each.

A few of tfieM ralathl certificate for iala by may. Ub'JOKDOVA, W1THKRS 4 CO. ANTED, M-HOOI. WARHANTS. lull DaCORUOVA, WITUKHS A CO, yALUABLE FARM, Noar visit We are InatractMt to offer a wj 1m1)t IbdcotM farm about Ihroa mllea from Aiulta, ConUUniiic 300 Acraa.

Will be aoM at a low future and on auy tanaa. Will be divided If reqalred. Jaoitllf UalXJRDOVA, WITHKM CO. OR SALE. 91 Acraa lam We.t ot and adjolnlni tbe San Antonio road.

ti mllea from Auatio. Uood land tor coltlvatkoo. Da CORDOVA. WITHKKS A OO JpOR BALK. Lota 2, and 3, Block 70 and 1, 1 and block 151, dlrl.lon DaCOBDOVA, WITH IR8 CO.

HFROVED CITY PU0PERTY FOR ALE. Lot. 46x1.18 feet, with large atona store hoaae and other Improvemauta, on the nortbeaat corner of lot atvision at me eno 01 tna uiy raiifoao. Aoaun. rood bargain will be fiven.

I A. I.W mam. l.t.H. 4 Wt.k en, with, lot 4, blork 174, city of Austin, near the Caut-tol. 1MCOKDOVA, W1TUEU8 CO.

ai ui An excellent farm of ITT ara (100 acraa fenced and 90 acres to caluvaUon), four miitw from Austlu, un th roaa to mauor. Plenty of Good Water, and anfficiant timber for 6re wood. Two dwellings os tne place. DaCOiiDOVA, WITUJUW CO. Austin, Aarcn man JIOR BALE, Portr-eix acres, two lots of fort t-sit acres eacb.

oil the Decker leagns, beiiig a portion uf the (troudrtcb pmpeny. OR SALE, One acre ont of Block Na 7. Division X. Austin cltT tract, witn improvementa. Honse, five rooms: kitchen, dstarn and ont houses.


JPOR SALE. A Small Frame House, (one mile from the Capitol), three rooms and kitchen. with good cistern, stable and coach bouse; ulenty of Kiicnen. etecwa frnlt truea on IU acrea of land, lmunne- ments nearly new. feblDdlf DcCORDOV WITHERS CO.

JOR SALE. LOTS, Two miles from Anstln, near the Railroad, $00 Per Lot. Jyll tf DaCORDOVA. WITHKKS CO -yERY CHEAP AND PRETTY. Twenty Iots, Near Freight Depot; riH5 feet marSO JJaCOKDOVA, WITHERS A CO.

OR SALE, 600 AND 300 ACHE TRACT otf the Kemoro snrvey, near Manor. Price one- fourth cab, balance iouk time. aprw nuuvA, wnnsioavv. OR TRADE OR BARTER. We hare a tood tract of 783 acrea of land In iwell county, In 8 or 10 miles of Lockhirt, wbld' mil trade for stock horses or cattle.

mays DaCORUOVA, WITHKM Jl CO. pOR SALS. The Brick Dwelling and the Frame Dwelling Houses, With 14 loteto each, on block or lot 18, Division ONEY TO LOAN. w. have tsooo which we will loan on good security WITHKKS CO.

In nur bail. ling repurt Suu.Uy miriiinf. "everal acre ouiiited. Mr. Lr-m ur resilience, t000; the Capital ice is tiblishment.

about the Imsinva. house of Mr. Lundberg, near KrohnV Gliding, abou' the foundry of CW thwait Bowman, east of freight drpot, 1500; a small house at the. corner ol Ash and Hickory streets, T00; a house belonging to Mr. Kuehne, to cost about $2000, and located on Mescjuit street near Red River; and a housa just completed on College Avenue, by Charles DefTenbaugh, at a cost of f1000, and no.iibk others.

were omitted. A mas remarked on the street veslerduy that he liked the Statesman because It never hesitated to nnelnak the rascalities of placemen and politicians. The Statesman is not particularly fond of shooting at game concealed in high places, but when the dear ducks will crowd around in sight and make targets of themselves, we don't mind snapping a cap or two at them. The Statesman- is working cn the principle thai the people are all right, and that the place men and politicians alone need watching. A courageous, conscientious daily paper can make money ia a city the size of Austin, and only tinkling, toadying organs are left to starve out, as they deserve to.

New Wood Yard. W. M. as will bo seen by advertisement, have established themselves at the old Janua stand, on Pecan street, under the name of the Colorado Wood Company. These gentlemen commence business under the most favorable auspices.

They have purchased a large tract of land up In the cedar brakes, and raft wood down the river In large quantities, while they supply themselves with wood by the car-load. They have powerful machinery, and every facility for prosecuting the business upon the most economical way, which has enabled them to supply citizens with wood, sawed and split to suit, at the low rate of six dollars a cord. The Statesman wishes thera the greatest success in their new enterprise. Emancipation On nnxt Saturday, the nineteenth the colored people of this county and surrounding country will indulge in a celebration, barbecue and picnic, about three miles and a half cast of the city, on the Bastrop road, and from the preparations being made, and the general interest taken in he slf lir, it probable two or three thousand people will be present. We learn that the nnlitarj band has been employed for the occasion, and that liberal contributions of eatables are being made.

Davis Stewart, chairman of the committee on arrangements, called and authorized the Statesman to say that a general invitation is extended to the peo ple to be present, and that those feeling a friendly interest in the welfare ard advancement ot the colored people will especially receive a cordial greeting. Bridub the Colorado. While some of our wealthy citizens are talking about State fair, water, opera house, cotton compress, ice and other associations, it is a little remarkable that a company is not organized to bridge the Colorado river, or steps of some kind taken towards the accomplishment of so important an enterprise. As a general thing, money invested in bridges brings a sure, permanent and liberal return; and certainly an enterprise of the kind at the State capital would not be an exception to the general rule. Probably there are as many, if not more, teams crossing the Colorado at this point than cross any other stream in the State, and that the number will increase with the growth of the State is a plain proposition.

It is more than probable that the receipts of the Swisher and Thompson Cunningham ferries arc now over fifty dollars aday, and, of course if the receipts are that much now, they will be more than that after awhile, and will increase regularly from year to year. Fifty dollars a day would pay irood interest on an investment of 150,000, which would probably be sufficient to build the bridge. However, it is probable the receipts of the bridge would be at least 100 a day immediately on its completion, as more people would cross a bridge then than cross the ferries now. Bhould the city extend to the opposite side of the river, as it certainly will sooner or later, no enterprise would pay better, if as well, at Austin than a good bridge. Won't somebody do a little figur ing and take some steps for the bridging of the Colorado river at Austin Fashions.

Fashions are ever changing, and editors have as much cause to rejoice thereat as any one else. A few years ago it was fashionable for men to go into an editorial sanctum and remain there until their elastic imaginations refused to longer present subjects for lip service now they seldom remain more than two hours, and some are even susceptible of a hint and got out in thirty minutes. Oh! what a bli'ssing changes in fashions are we prsy for a few more of them, for then we will get rest, and our exemption from the discussion of subjects in which we have no interest will be complete. Until, however, the fashion changes, editors should take some precau tions to prevent themselves, from being inundated with chronic bores who are more gifted with gab than they are talented for industry and usefulness. Perhaps editors might find it to their interest to employ, un der a good salary, some Italian who sieukd broken English, or a Juhn Chinaman, to entertain those patriots who call to spend a few hours in social chat with a newspaper man, and if a few boot blacks, newsboys, book peddlers and insurance agents could be kept on hand, the variety aud rest of the entertainment would be largely enhanced.

The Statesman is always glad to have friends call, but those friends should understand that editors have but little time to spare, and when they begin to around for pencil and paper, the guests a for by in feel aro Column. FURNITURE! FURNITURE FURNITURE! House Furnishing Goods Bottom Prices Reached at last. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES! Elegant Dressing Case Suits Cottage Bed -room Snits FOX t45. Black Hair Cloth Parlor Suits Forflioo. WITH WABBLE-TOr TABLE.

Side Uonrdti, Book Cases and Office Furuititre. Oarpots, Carpets, Octxxots. Still Another Great Reduction! RUSSELS AT 81.00 Is or Yard. Threeply Ingrain and Hemp Carpets A LARGE STOCK ON HAND. White and Check Matting.

NEW STOCK JU8T RECEIVED. Real Llama Laoe Real Llama II 11 Real Llama Laoe Sleeveless Jackets, Henl Llnmn Xnce 8LEEVELE88 CAPE 8ACQUE8, To be aolat at a GREAT REDUCTION FROM KORMRR PRICES. AT FRIEDBERCER COKGRtiSSJ A EMIR. HI A Currenoy AND STATE WARRANTS lAJLt. We arc now opening ft fall stock of STAPLE AND FANCY ORY GOODS Purchased by our senior within the let twenty day.

Citv and ennntrv bnveri are resDectfullv invited to call. SAMPSON A KS. CARPETS, OIL CLOTH AND MATTING A cood stock joat received bj BAMPSON HKNWl'KS. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods A fall ufortment Just recelTed hy SAMPSON HEN RICKS. GROCERIES, WINE8 AND LIQUORS.

A foil Btock. Asnf for screral brands Choice Missouri and Texas Flour. Tat sale by SAMPSON A BEN RICKS. India Rubber Belting and Packing1 From i to inches wide, 8 and 4 ply. To close ont eur belting and packing we will sell at 25 Per Cent.

Discount on New York list prlee. SAJfrSOX A HEN RICKS. BOOTS AND SHOES. Just received fnll assortment for ladles, misses, men, boya aud children. For sale by Pension Bonds Solb.

Raymond fe Vi'hi-I ti last week sold 3000 worth of pension bonds to a St. Louis capitalist at ninety- I three cents. It is a good indication to see money coming in from abroad. Money is now said to be lying idle by the millions in New York and throughout the East and i North, and hence it is gradually working its way to remote sections for profitable in At a Raroain. A neat cottage near the Episcopal Church.

Apply at the Statesman office. maj2 lm SeR advertisement ot Foster's Sccoud Texas Drawing postponed for a few davs. niylO.lwdiw Travelers visiting Georgetown sbould stop at l'eay's hotel. Accommodations excellent. Foil Sale A good family horse, buggy ana harness, cheap, together o- singly.

Inquire at. I. 8. Penn bookstore. Crootet Sets! Croqpet Set! A splendid assortment, at low prices, just received J.

S. Penn city clock building. Go to Murchison's, under the Opera Ilouse, for tho most elegant teams and saddle horses. Pocket Knives! Pocket Knives! Pocket Books! Pocket Books! I The finest stocks the city at J. S.

Penn Co. a book store. The finest assortment of fine chromos, stereoscopic, views, ever brought to Austin at J. S. Penn book and stationery store.

Du. Sinclair is permanently located in Austin, and makes a specialty of diseases of the eye, car and throat. Office on Pecan street, over W. T. Smith hardware store, adjoining the Opera Ilouse.

je8d2w Programmes of dances suitably arranged for private dancing parties, soirees, receptions, pnnted in two colors and put up in packs of twenty-five, at fifty cents per pack, always on hand at the Statesman office. j.ive b-roi Koioht and Sold. All those wishing to either sell or buy horses, saddle ponies, vehicles, should call on R. Henry, stock broker, who can be found at Murchison's livery establishment. Call and examine his stock of horses and buggies, if you wish to buy.

majMdlin To while away your leisure time go to the great book and stationery store of Aus tin, secure your reading matter nd see what a magnificent stock of everything in the book, stationery, news and variety line is kept on hand by J. B. Tenu Cn. Jin. L.

KmsrnviNK, at (he corner of lie Avenue and Ilickorv street. I of homemade boots aud shoes, which he desires, to sell at reasonable rates. He also makes a very superior article of boots and shoes to oider, and guarantees the neatest tits and best material. niav2j lm Avenue Hotel. This popular house is neither "sold out" nor closed for repairs, as has heen reported, but is doing a fair business, and Dr.

Moore is prepared to accommodate the traveling public in first class style at very reduced rates. 1 1 lw Drt. T. D. Manning, of the firm of Manning Joscphthal, occulists and aurists, AVai Texas, will be here in attendance at the Rlind Asylum until the twenty-fifth instant.

All persons wishing to consult him can call at the office of Dr. Shepherd, two doors from Johns's bank. Office hours from 10 A. M. to 12 and from 3 to 3 i je5 dim Ax Attiiactive Tailor Suop.

One of the most attractive tailoring and furnishing establishments in this city is that of Mr. Ben Ilcrzog, over Potosky's cigar store. He has a large stock of fine cloths and cassi meres, and is prepared with his experienced tailors to turn out the most fashionable stylish suits on short notice and reasonable rates. The jewelry and silver on exhibition at Balm's establishment has been selected with the greatest care. Every piece is exactly what is represented, and prices compete with those of any other establishment in Texas.

His long acquaintance in the busi ness has placed him in a position peculiary favorable to purchasers, and he proposes to verify it by deeds. Call and examine his stock. It is unsurpassed, comprehensive and genuine, and it affords him pleasure to show it. maj20 tf The ghEatest bahoaixs ever presented to the Austin public are to be found at the jewelry store of C. Wells, in the citj clock building.

For the next two or three weeks he will offer his entire stock of fine gold watches, jewelry and ware at the most astonishingly low prices. I he ladies are specially invited to call and examine them. Iu a short time Mr. Wells leaves for the East, and ho desires the citizens of this vicinity to know that he will, in his absence, fill orders, accordiug to specifica tions, for watches, any kind of jewelry, and pure silver or plated ware. FrnNiTniE at Beduceii Pmices.

Mr. W. Hnnuig, who has so long and S3 sue cessfully carried on the' furniture business in this ciiy, has sold out to Mr. Kreisle, of Uoliud, who will take possession ou the first of July. Mr.

Hannig is desirous of reducing his stock as much as possible by July, and therefore he is prepared to offer the public the best of bargains. His stock consists of everything in the furniture line, consisting of parlor and bed-room sets. dining-room furniture, spring and other mattresses, carpets, oil cloths and matting, brackets, and in short everything needed by housekeeper. Let those needing any- thing of the kind remember that now is thi vestment. ALTiiOuon there is a great deal of building going on at the present time in this city, yet there is not enough to keep employed 4 the large number of mecliauics now in Aus-I tin.

In the past year the mechanics have 1 increased in this city faster than the work has, hence there are a great many out of if ork. We say this that others abroad may not be deceived incoming here to get work. jl Over in Eastern Texas they won't let negroes vote ccn in Democratic primary elections. There a negro can't be a Demo-' crat, and yet in this scat of government, where Democracy is based on John Ireland and unmitigated straight convention-made tickets even here, in Austin, the organ of the simon-oures proposes to have an i Ethiopian, blacker than the nether cxtrem- ity of midnight, on the ticket for alderman. if Miss Patterson will give her first read- mg in this city on Tuesday evening.

The programme will be "The Sailor's Return," by Miss Praetor; "Nothing to Wear," by m. Allen Butler; "The Famine," by Longfellow; "A Caudle Lecture," by 'a- Douglas Jerrold, and "Dora," by Tenny- son. Tickets will be ollered lor sale in i time, and announcement will be made of the place where Miss Patterson will give her readings. The public may expect a literary treat. Opera House.

Attention is called to the advertisement of the performances this week at the Opera Ilouse. Muzeppa, or the Wild Horse of Tartary," will be put upon the boards. This is the first time this celebrated piece has been attempted in Texas, and Mr. Allen, the manager of the company, promises that it will be a success. This company propose to remain here dur ing the summer, and to give the people of Austin three theatrical performances each week.

Personal. Steele Price of Chicago, St. Louis, and Cincinnati, we are pleased to say, are among tho few who put into the market articles just as represented, perfectly pure, selected with care and combined in a manner to be perfect in ilieir action and results. Their Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder and True Flavoring Extracts have been approved by the United States government.

The only way to force adulterated and cheap articles out of the market is to encourage honest manufacturers. TnB Jimplecutc wants Jefferson to found a college too, and make Mr. Davis president at 6000 per annum. Men high in authority have said they wero going to arrange aometking of this sort for Mr. Davis even 1-ere.

Of late they have been silent, how gpei it in nch 1 elegniphs Ve httva bow to deal with words of torn and public i ArSTIW. TiXAS..

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