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Iron County Miner from Hurley, Wisconsin • 1

Iron County Mineri
Hurley, Wisconsin
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S- I hi i i vi AY vi AND IRON COUNTY CITIZEN FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR NUMBER HURLEY, WISCONSIN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1938 $2 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE 1 a HENRY WITHDRAWS CAUSE AND CURE OF ACNE IS KNOWN CASTMDST VOTES Curse of Progress I MAMA JEALOUSJ COMMITTEE ASKS MMYCHMGES Sweeping Changes in Local Government to Be RecWimend-ed to the Legislature FROM GOVERNOR RACE Urges His, Supporters to Vote for Republican Nominee By ARTHUR TILLER Madison, Oct. 3 "The coalition movement is bigger than any candidate running for. any office on any ticket." Robert Henry of Jefferson, coalition candidate for governor on. the Republican and. Democratic tickets, voiced those sentiments hundreds of times in speeches throughout the state duriner the He won the Democratic, nomination! opposition to me New Deal machine; lost the Republican nomination to ulius P.

Heil of Milwaukee. combined victorv and Hpfpnt Bob Henry proved himself the be-st vote-getter among the several gubernatorial candidates in the Republi can, Progressive and Democratic parties. His total vote was gtfeater-that that of Gov. P. F.

La Follette and of Mr.fHeil. Yet, with a majority of the votes in, the primary election, Bob Henry himself became the Victim of the very calamity that beset the Democratic and Republican candi-r dates in 1934 and His strength was divided in the primary, as had been his predecessors' of the old party slates in the general elections. That brought about a situation identical to, what the coalition movement was first- intended to avoid, namely, a three-cornered contest by which Gov. La Follette would be returned to office with minority of. the votes.

It was the contention of B6b Hen, ry that La Folletism and radicalism could, not: be vanquished hr-a- three-way fight. Anti-La Follette forces, he declared, must, be mustered behind a single candidate. Bob Henry, showed late Saturday that lhe still believes the movement is bigger than any candi- He announced his withdrawal as the Democratic candidate for governor and urgdjd his primar election supporters to' vote "for Julius P. Heil, the Republican nominee. By so doing Bob Henry -placed squarely upon the shoulders, of the Democratic state central committee-.

m'enHhe sharing of responsibility fop bringing about the defeat of Gov, La Follette in his bid for an unprecedented fourth term. Should that organization nominate a candidate to replace Henry" in the governorship election it will prove its unwilling- ness to effectively curb La Folletteism in Wisconsin and in the nation. The only way in which this state can be rid of the political adventurers grouped about the La Follette brothers is for the majority opposed to this self-seeking dynasty to unite their strength behind one candidate," Mr. nenry saia. "Twice Philip La Follette has won, the governorship with a minority votebecause the majority was divided between Republicans and It is my firm conviction that he will win again both Julius Heil and Bob Henry remain in the race.

"I shall stand aside in fairness to the Democratic party, that it shall not have to go into this campaign handicapped by confusion; in fairness to the coalitionists, that they need not divide themselves into two camps in fairness to the Mr. Henry pointed put that, he was not the endorsed candidate of the Democratic party in the primary, but that he had been "honored with the nomination for governor." He declared that he was "deeply and humbly grateful for tftis expression of confidence" and added: "If there be a Rebuke in this for -those who would use the Democratic party for their own selfish purposes, let them, for the good of the party; take the lesson to heart. "My name was entered in the. primary by like-minded citizens as a coalition candidate. The total vote cast for me exceeded the; vote of any other candidate for governor, "I appreciate their (Republican) support more than I can find words to tell.

"But I do not 'deceive myself. It was not for Bob Henry only that they were Their votes were an indication of a widespread and earnest desire to Tid the state of the motley group of political schemers who have been, plaguing the life of this commonwealth. i "Ar6 they to be led up a blind alley because, the selfishness and stub-borness of a Henry came before the interests of the state? Would it be fair for me to remajn a candidate and thereby willingly assist in the re-election of a legislative dictator? "The welfare of the state is of more vital concern to me than the fortunes of any political party or the fortunes of any individual. Hack politicians will not understand that. Men consumed with petty ambitions and (Continued cn last page, 4th FOR Candidates for Governor Received Most Votes at Primary; Dammann Is 'Leader Madison.

The total vote cast for governor in the Sept. 20 primaries was the highest for state office, the secretary of state's office said Tuesday. The total for all candidates for governor, was 523,923, well ahead of the United States senatorial candidates, who polled 464,480 votes. The candidates for secretary of state received 452,103 votes. Dammann Is Leader 1 The leading vote gutter was Theodore Dammann who polled 353,083 votes in his' unopposed campaign for re-election as secretary of state, more than ,15,000 ahead of Gov.

La Follette. State Treasurer Solomon Levitan (Prog.) received- votes. The official vote tabulations follows: United States Senator Total vote Democrat F. Ryan Duffy Republicans, Wiley 70,400, Chappie 55188, Stafford 26,393, Samp 25,809, Campbell 25,005. McMahon Progressives, Ekern 79,885, Amlie scattering: 614.

9 Governor Total Democrats, Fox 50,497, Henry 64,363, Ih-lenfeldt Republicans, Heil 126,820, Henry Miller 6,729, Peterson Progressives, La Follette Turner 33,631 scattering "998. Secretary of State Total Democrats, Callahan 74,554, Givan 26,163, Wasson Republicans, Wasson 31,326, Yorkson 21,622, Zimmerman Progressives, Dammann scattering 625. State Treasurer Total Democrats, Russell 51,669, Smith Republicans, Smith 105,769, Wilkinson Progressive, Levitan scattering 642. Attorney GeneraWTotal Democrats Dilweg 30,794, Finnegan 50,268, Martin Republicans, Martin 117,509, Murray Progressive, Loomis scattering 384. WHO'S NEWS THIS By Lemuel F.

Part on Hitler Bares His Soul to Mail Scribe New Ward Price, British war correspondent, who is Adolf Hitler's friend and supporter, and who has traveled, lunched, dined and visited with him off and on for years, is England's 'most authentic news source as to Der Fuehrer's Lord Rothermere's paper, the London Daily Mail, which employs Mr. Price, has been scooping the ears off the other London sheets on Hitler stories. Mr. Price previously has related how he and Lord Rothermere were two of four guests at Mr. Hitler's first formal dinner party af ter he seized power.

That was December 19, 1934. It was about this time that Lord Rothermere, reaching 80 per cent of the British reading pub lic, through his newspapers and press as sociations, began his unceasing campaign for fascism in Encr- land. A third guest at the dinner was E. W. D.

Tennarit, of the An- a glo-German fellowship, a fellowship which Lord Rothermere and Mr. Price have diligently fostered, with their Apologia Fascisma. Mr. Price, educated at Cambridge university, is a seasoned and richly garlanded British war correspondent. As foreign correspondent of the Daly Mail, he was the Turkish army in the first Bdkan war; he was an official correspondent at the Dardanelles, he' was with the British army at Salonka.

He has long- been a quasi-official reporter for the British empire. He writes concisely, clearly and expertly, with a keen a-lertness for revealing little human touches and with little concern for the dry impend arables of political or economic theory. His book, "I Know These Dictators," published in this country last year, was, in the view of this writer, big news, anil should have stirred up (CcstmcM tr. last F2, Crd cel.) GOVERNOR Should Be Treated at Oufset, Says State Medical Socjety Madison, Oct. 6-J-" fVcne should be treated at the outlet.

stated the State Medical Society in a health bulletin today. "Nearly four million boys girls in the United States ha and many of thim have downcast and. disheartened of the belief that this condition ever, contradicts this belief as the cause and-cure of acne is knowm Yet most cases are still left to the tjrran-ny of time beause acne, more than any other ill, the excepyor, of insanity and the social has been surrounded by an atmosphere of ignorance" and superstition. "Many factors may contribute to a stubborn case of acne; but is primarily due to the fact that difring adolescence, when there is rapidj and often uneven growth, the funclpioifs of the skin do not always keep (pace with each other, When the 1 minute gland in the skinj on faee, neck, ihest and shoulders, suddenly begin 1 to speed up the production of oil faster than the skin caii get rid of it, the oil thickens and i -clogs in blackheads that cannot be removed by ord nary means. These blackheads ipush up in points and deep liimps, causing acne.

"Tests show tjjat 70 per tent of all children have jplackheads, but they cause acne only I when they are manageable. Miost cases, are un- mild and of short duration; some last un- til maturity and! la few persist until middle age. "Acne should tie treated very outset whilj) is still at the easy to allowed correct. If this jpondition is to continue, irreparable scarring of the face Correction takes everal months, Usually four, I and stubborn cases tske longer. "The following methods off cor rection are now Combined to I cure acne: i 1.

An incredible; amount of I face washing by a technic designed, not fqr ordinary cleanliness, bu1; to help get rid, of the excess oil. 2. Improvement in genera and living conditions. 1 health 3. The use of ultraviolet rajl arid x-ray treatments.

4. Technics for getting aroipd or controlling glandular imbalance. "Lathering and massaging vith a highly alkaline green soap or, if this Droves too strong, with castile is ad-visedl For sensitive skins, cc mrfresses of warm wet towels instead pf ptrong soap are also suggested. The Effected areas should be washed first with warm water and then with cold. procedure may be followed iv4 timesj a aay, or if ims is tioj, possune, il repeated twice in succession both morning and evening.

I "One of the most importantf things for the child, who has acne, to re member is1 that he should not squeeze blackheads. Emphasis should be placed oi the importance of right living, anything 1 that interferes with the body's action aggravates acne. Plenty of outdoor exercise, lots of fresh air and sunshine, And proper elimination will do much to aid in the cure of the condition, but teckuse of the variance in cases, every person so afflicted should be under the care of his family physician in onler that he may be cured as quickly knd as effectively as possible." BUY IT IN HURLEY! PRIZE SALlVIprf Here's Mrs. Iva Fortn, of Seattle, who -copped first honors ill the women's division of the Ban Parir. fishing derby.

She brought injj this 19-lb. 8-oz. salmon on the iijal day of the derby, to win first placb iii her class, and also a brand new Automobile. and re acne, become because must From WPA News i eau Madison, Wis, Oct. 3 If the state legislature when it convenes next January receives for consideration nothing more than the sweeping research report on Wisconsin's local government and its problems recently made public by a group of experts, it will have enough material for work" and debate for many "weeks.

In one of the most thorough, far- reaching and important documents on public affairs presented to th citizens and taxpayers of the state in many years, a special sub-committee working under the Wisconsin section of the Great Lakes Cut-Over Area conference recommends changes, innovations and improvements which will go a long way toward revolutionizing Wisconsin's long established methods of local government. The report, long and detailed, can be divided into four, important parts, summarized here: 1. Town Refbrm.i The committee report demands' a-mendment of confusing and lenient state laws now covering the organ ization of townships, and recorn mends these minimum requirements 36 sections of land, $400,000 assessed valuation and 200 electors. It -also recommends a. mandatory pro vision for redisricting all towns to obtain minimum requirements, and the dissolution of 8 villages with less than 150 population.

Calling attention to the fact that only four other states have Wisconsin's dual some critics call it archaicsystem of town and county government, the experts proposed removing town government's most important activity, road maintennce and construction; and its transfer to the county. "Originally Wisconsin had no lesser units of government than the county Counties" now have effective organization for highway conStruc-tionand maintenance, and own power equipment amLwell equipped shops for its repair. If the counties are" qualified to maintain state highways, why should they not maintain town roads?" the committee asked. It suggested that provision be made for county maintenance of town roads with 80 per cent, of funds, the remainder to be spent on construction projects under county supervision. 2.

County Improvements. The group also examined the fis cal picture of Wisconsin's 71 county governments, and particularly those trouble-ridden 26 in the cut-over "problem area" of the in north and central Wisconsin. Out of the study ame these proposals: county assessment and collection of taxes, in order to help equalization between towns and to economize in administrative costs; consolidation of county offices, sich as clerk and clerk of court, treasurer and register of deeds, prosecutor and coroner, in the sparsely settled, low valuation counties. 3. School Consolidation.

Rural school reform through consolidation of school districts is an ancient cry in Wisconsin. Billsi have before the legislature regularly fm viars. and have But critics of the present system are per- A.T 7 Continued on -last page, 1st coL) RECALL WINNER i 5 Judge Fletcher Bowron is Los Angeles' new mayor, the winner in a recall mayoralty election. Mayor Frank L. Shaw was recalled as Bowron was elected over him by a majority of more' than The recall-was based on charges of vice protection rnder Shaw's OuG POMEER THAT CONFRONT OuQ MODBAN ChOWD CARfcYlNO MS GRANTED TO 44 Citizenship Hearings Conducted by Judge Risjord Court House Friday Morning Forty-four residents of Iron county were granted citizenship papers at a special term of circuit court held at the court house on Friday morning.

Judge G. N- Risjord presided at the court session and A. B. Clegg of Dul-uth? naturalization examiner for this district, conducted the examination of the applicants. Of the group of applicants, a total of 34 had recently completed the course on citizenship conducted by the WPA adult education teachers; Records of applicants show, that 24 were natives of Finland; eight of Poland; five, of Italy; three of Austria; two of England; one of Germany and one of France.

Those granted citizenship papers, were: Matt Vidovich, Gust Gronholm, Martha Sullivan, Uuno Karpinen, John Peltomaa, Matt Tadich, William Johnston, Felicca Stremski, Vincent Matunewicz, Ahtoine Lecci, Hjalmer Lake, Eva Mannikka, Mane Stanich, Sinia HakolMaki, Victor Autio, Domenic NegrTHulda Maki, William Helin, Hendrilc Maki, Santo Colassac-co? y. Selma Torppa, Katie Oravala, Andrew Burzinski, Charles Langford, Bolego Giovanni, Stefantj Gronski, Max Spoon, Toivo Maki, JECalle Kivi-ho, Bernice Olzewski, Lydia Saari, Frank Skowronski, Mauna Aho, Ivan Skukan, Edward Richards, John Filek, Salman Jjala, John Barto, Sylvester Tonioni, Gaetano Pertile, Frank Luo-ma, Hilja Einola Helma Tiainen (Mattson). SKETCH OF ALEXANDER WILEY Alexander Wiley of Chippewa Falls, is the Republican party's choice for United States Senator, is fifty-four years of age. He has a wife and four children. Wherever he goes, they know him as "Alec." He is in the prime of life.

He says he hangs onto nobody's political coattail. He believes in discussion of principles rather than personalities. He is not a politician. He has not been feeding at I the public trough. Heis one of the common people that Lincoln said God must have loved because he made so many of them.

He comes from Norwegian stock. Before he was born, his father's name was changed from Vila to "Wiley. Alec knows the nroblems of the state and nation, having' himself learned them in the school of "hard knocks." As a young man, he worked in the sawmills of the north at 15c an hour. He worked liis waythroiigh college. He knows the farmer's problems, having owned arid operated a farni for twenty-four years that his fath eX and mother owned before him.

He now operates that farm in Barron county. -He is not a theorist about' the farmer's troubles and cares. In his homeTxwn of Chippewa Falls," he Has become associated with small He knows the problems of business. He has the confidence of folks who know him. He would make a good public servant in Washington.

A man with judgment; one who would not waste the people's money or dissipate the people's faith and resources. A psychologist says that the well-to-do folks do a lot more fretting and stewing than the poor. Certainly. All the poor have to worry about is how soon the government is going to send them some of the rich fellow's money. CITIZENSHlfjS VMJ OF TH' HARDSHIPS HEQO WHO HAS TO WALK PAST GGL-FOEASD'A TEACHERS' MEETING AT ASHLASD OCT.

6-7 Prominent Educators Will Ap- pear on Two Day Program The forty-seventh annual meeting of the Northern Wisconsin Education association is being held at Ashland this week-end, Thursday and Friday. Schools, in Iron, Ashland anil Bayfield counties will be closed on those two days so as to give all the teach-. ers of the three counties an opportunity to attend the meeting. Listed on the two day program are several nationally known educators and speakers, among them being Dr. Morris Fishbein of Chicago, president of the American Medical association, who will give a talk on "Medicine and the Changing Social Miss Katherine Lenroot, head of the child welfare bureau of the S.

department of labor; Carl Sandberg, famous American poet; Prof. A. H. Edgerton of the University of Wisconsin, and Dr. Harry C.

McKewn of the University of Illinois; At Friday morning's session, Oscar Swee, director Of the Hurley high school band and orchestra, will render several vocal solos, and at 9:40 choric readings will be under the direction of Miss Marcella LaMont of the Hurley high school. Other Hurley; and Iron county teachers who will appear on the program at sectional meetings on Friday include: 11' to li :30, Discussion, Miss Aileeri Gates, leader, Hur ley; 10:40 to 11:30, Questions, dis cussions, leaders, Miss Nora McCarthy, Hurley, L. C. Vaughan, Mercer; 10:30 to 11 :15, Questions, discussions, leaders, H. F.

Connors, Hurley, Verne Downey, Saxon. 7 Miss Ida B. Bradley, county superintendent of Iron is a member of the committee on resolutions, and L. C. Vaufghan gf Mercer, is chairman oftne committee on nom inations Officers of the association are: Supt.

J. E. Murphy, Hurley, president; George W. Sullivan, lontreal, vice-president; wight Kenyon, Ashland, secretary; Miss Mabel O'Brien, Ashland, treasurer; Carl L. Johnson, Mellen, executive member.

WISCONSIN HAS A SPLENDID PEA CROP Madison This year Wisconsin produced a total of 9,065,715 cases of peas in terms of No. 2 cans, according to the Crop Reporting Service of the Wisconsin and United States Department of Agriculture. This is the state's largest pea crop in eight years and Cone of the est ever grown. Much of this year's pea crop was gf own under unusually favorable conditions, and -it is believed that the quality of the peas this year is, in many of the state's canning plants, the best they have ever produced. Consumers are finding- the' high quality peas packed this year an un usually attractive iteha.

In dry years, such aV we have had for some time, it has been more difficult to pack as fancy a quality of peas as has been produced this year when, with ah abundance; of rain and cool weather the growing conditions for the crop were excellent. "What youth thinks about war" is what James Flint, University of Wisconsin student pastor, discovered when he toured twenty states this summer with a portable transcription machine recording their voices in tenement sections, cotton fields, oil towns and aristocratic centers, He uses and interprets these recordings "American Youth Speaks" broadcasts over the Stations WHA and WLBL each Friday at 1:30 p. m. BUY IT IN HURLEY!.

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