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Jacksonville Republican from Jacksonville, Alabama • 1

Jacksonville, Alabama
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

"Tho Price' of Liberty is WHOLE NO. 1379' JACKSONVILLE, ALAvMAY 30, 1863. tasaaattssBeasmxiam AND. in The Yankees and the British Again Great Britain, baa bor back up once more hgititirife tho lratikoe3, for indifference in her comniercial stairs. Minis-tor Adams, it seems, has undertaken to to licence trade with Mutauiorap.

His authority to do this is indighaully do nied, and the Yankee Minister, according to tbe accounts aro in, hot But so many of these things have oc BEfJKRt'EL) from Co. 9.tb Uanullion Ala. Jnfiintry, April 18th, 1803, James Lovell, age sSs eyes blue, hair light, complux-lon fiiir, 6 fcot 1 inchliigh Geo. Sartlnj.age 30,. blue eyes, red hair, fair complexion, 8 fety.lQ inches high.

John Hodge, deserted April 28th, 18C3, ape 28, eyes blue, hair black, complexion dark feet 3 inchralhigh all' of vrhem reside precinct 8t. Clair county, Alabama. I win giWBD dollrrs fpriellhtr oi.e dcliv? creil to ino orVto the ebtnraauder pf the caiup( Talladcprn, Ala, caDt. comde. SalJxriBgistsi.iiicrehfthls nd Physicians ownr, At nro MlUu.

ft Hh-nyrhTfln One dollar ah rrft AM Annuncmiion or. uiiijiiiirefju package, nbiskcyj ailiclavit ll eu in. luo lol-l SSWtS-rTnB ObitbarreBpnll.ovejf vei using ratts.f V'KlBar'thrft l.yill Qtmb, dishoso'of or sell, THE Conrt of County Commissioners of Calliouu eounty, A-In will hold asnecinl term on the 3d dav of Juno. 1563, for the purpose" of distributing for said county, for the voar Ti1B 1W to send fn tho names of eaoh indigent poldior's family, as is entitled to shaTe in said distribution and who. have not harotofoie.reported, or they will no excluded from tho benefits of' safd I'l'ob'ate.

ward Dickie, and ill my absence- to thonrmy of tho Confederate Stales, I nu-. thorizo my brother, Jolin Dickie, to do busiuuss with said estate, oa niy a'-ont. This aotli day of April, 1803. May 10. WASHINGTON DICKIE.

COTTORf CAESUS. undersigned will have in a few days, -1 ,10 1 llfl MIRI rlfiW.AlttrcaBi.fe May 16, 'C 2t. tli6: pgaesj affd4hnit.A?j-fcnotflisposcof'or sollthe Administrator's Notice, nnrnftra s.t inn'..'nm to unv tt AM, nf.i?.,i. jn eoun-' thai flll.j;ti)eir JeRitimnto rprnetice' in tbuir profession. jie.a(Wva ay mffoPf suiw.w"i,o ik6 immodlaf? payment v.

May -2rs iXAJTOBJ Admlnisfratoi's Vi-ETTEIlS'ofjadirdnjsljaUoii the 9 isi i a quantity ot Cotton Oards, whih they imshln urhnntfc on favorable terms, for in Uy.tPro.hatoiicinn, and that I will uotsell oi dispose cf the wyni than for due in. inv eiswloruient' oi unueruij tonnai t.ojio(io To JPhysKxans; TBE STATE. 01? ALABAMA; I do solema- 1 will not or dispose of tins whiskey R.tPi-n or-the State of Alabamu jit Ja-k- ii (or niconoi; purcnascu t.vnifTfiA hi" mi' rtc ft Miv. i game toe uioro man liny per ceni, nen pront, jTallatU'ga xiaivaio llarshall SfClnii'i Ulount Itnadoliih ine proporuoasw.i i ircmuwr jniBu .1 Aiiminisirators notice. LTTKES of Adumiistialion ImMiig bee? cned on lie wtiite I c't onlhKy of obntcrourt ofKnn.lolph 1 glHUltll LU IUV IIHUVII ot Nnncv tannin dcc'il Anril 1803.

bv the Probate court ol linn-lollih county, nil persons haviiiB; claims gitlii9t snidauilcaroherebvnolihtit to putcutlhuu ii. thin the time pre- unrnti; nun SIAlTE 01? ALABAMA 'Idosol- Eurt uneronee cuuuvy, iAiiii injtuuuiu- "gircu- tu iibuiwi, uur will I' pvi liuii ur unv jiuiouii 111 uij etteptoi employment' or under niy control to do so. catedj prjCnlhoun one burrol, 65 to Bo gala. ALABAMA, I Calhoun County -J nPHIS day came Stephen Clayton, Admr. JL- of tho estate of Benjamin Geer, deo'd.

and filed his accounts and vouahers lor a final scetlement and distribution of said estate. It is therefore ordsred by the court that Mon. day, the 16th day of June next, be set for ex amining and auditing said accounts ami for a duel distribution of said estate; it is furtner ordered by the court that notice tbo time aud place of said settlement bo given by publica-. tion in tho Jacksonville Republican, a news- uaner nuhlished In flald eonntvr for three! weeks, ns a notice to all pCrgoiu intn-csted said to ho and Appear at my office in the town of Jacksonville on said 15th day day ot Tune next, to eoutestsafd settlement If they desire. May 16, 16, 1863.

A. WOODS, May 23. Judge of Probate. Commission Merchants, and General Jlgmits. GADSDEN, ALABAMA.

AM VS. iVJS- PRODUCE wn 1 arties oaVtnST JjANnS lO SC11 in UllS oopi.tinn hv intr nn Ha onii crxmv Parties desiring to buy winuw acres in a ivzci. price from 500 to $4,500. Some valuable Jron Fi i.ilii 1 nlMJ oprnB rrnnr. nm wnrwinrr in uu.v.

Pwinnrtil rrmcr ower, wr saie. SftoO REWARD. trom his post iu I hi-tutiiuupn XJ tub. Tin, 1303, private rntis. K.

Turner, who was enlisted by inu the 16th lauos can op accomuaaiea wuu inmost I ILLi buy or Bell, Jj GROES STOCK nn i A'xmTCJ? u.u same imniuiu ujcueeimi iu uu itsiiv" uiuuin ly 1'riic for nhiskcy 10 00, alcohol Ij 00 per gallon. ail'J3- ed, pushed on with Ins work, and when any description ot place, as we baro a it was done, be found himself far in ad- number 0f places for sale, from 120 acres vaiicn of anv other Confederate troons. hflr.wiii:DBDarreai.nnu!rinosui -urc I. 'Ynttr Mf s', 4 fay qjr AdTOinuilrtiUoB. ugtw the ee- talc-iot jiafiHaiirotnors-uHB utwvuwyn.

oall noiflinRl.fiiLii1.;fn1irf) nnscnt thein'l il ii I t-B in hen treated' ihiii thutimo Wescribed It iaw, pr IbeyAyUl be haired, and thosUn- klebted admr I wKSrSS lai trraptedaO.thKtinaei'SiEncdpni.the 81st- day of J'arch, the Probnjn, court of HobiroOfl'Adeod: all nirionsTiavlnir claims a- i tralnstsaid estate Jircliertbv noltficd to prc- scnt tbemaajmc, lrenlly nutliMitlcatcd'Hvitliin 'ahc tlme prcecrlbca by -law; orfliey'wm be inni-bteff tsutto aro reuuested sto" wake prtybenfe 1rf me-lniinu-diately. IJAXD, Adm. IPissoltUion. THE flrui of SxUGE AN'P CHiEQO hda dissolved consont. J.

llvSargcant having bjtnitsKt out tlio-iuterest- of J. UufimX i.ivery$utbTe, tngeth- er rnwu -ati mo urojwrij, iiuaiia, uuivn hiiu accmfuls of i aid firmi ailfl thtf said 11. Satgeniitj n'ono antbotiicd. to settle 10 collect, tlia bolts and Aicoun' Jue, and will tho debts nnd CfaJttH asitiiul said 3 II, PAnflnANT, IB--1 rouiitv an-- be uudCrSfgnedOiftJlifcUth da AptiJ, Cnlho.uulconu.- JTntir.e nirnerFons hVT 1 10 indebted to said estate are notuicu ioira-. a OUll, Ull llll-U HI8IIIVVUUIDIIII.

rtviltq imincdiatc uiC'iwnJ. I vomhera lor a tinttl scttlftnientor Bidd estate, Apr. 23. JAiiLfa il. JIirULIv, (ie ofllco or the Jttilge of l'robatisof Chero 1 jlicucounty, Alabama, nnd that the 8th tiny of Administrators Notice.

June not bo it day set for said settlement. day ofNov. 1802, in Cherokee county, Aln A correspondent, to whom wo arc into seive during thewar. Is 23 years of ngo, 6 reet 10 luchctiigh, fair complexion, black for tt, "Vc, i Inir and eyes, and by profession, when oa- Alabama, ntho batllo or Salom Church l.i.ons K. II Initio nt Miillim "i- daughter of tlccnit, nsltlo in I-nyotville, coutito, and Andrew ttcrson, Arkanims post odlcc unknown BuRut Place of Gbv.

Jackson. It is to be regretted that the remains of Geu Jucknon couW not be iuterrod near those of 'Slouroo in Hollywoo'J, that beautiful spot, so near the theutrji of his glory, wher-j every breeze wi'lh his rcuowiij and the luurnutriug waters, ns they roll solemnly by, seem to attains theniselycs to sweet yet mournful melodies of the grftye. But, in hcc6rdaiicn wiui a ciesi re aaiu to nave ueen exurea- sed in his will, the body of tho fallen In- ro will be to Lexington was his of residence before tii war nnd there, for years a subordinate professor tiio Military Institute. lived and labored, unknown to tho world, and perhaps even to himself, till iL 1... II i.l euuuu mru uy roviuenco to play a Pttrt in.

of mankind wlndi'Laa borne his name to the romotest corncrn of the earth, and to achieve a fame that will bo grand and enduring as the eternal mountains at whose foot b- was cra whose-long shadows, like those of will conseoral his loftiest ninnnolos will derive now sublimity tram tiiuir as- sooiatton with tho nnmeot Jackson. i a- A Sad OcouniiRSCK on tub S. B. R. Tuesday, 5th a lady by the name of Mrs, Brown of Randolph comity, who was On a visit to her relatives in Airinrinnq nnmn tn ihn nun in return home, sho unexpectedly met her ginia, on the same tram.

Tbe Bhook was too great for bor. She swooned away and could not bo restored, nnd died in a few minutes on (he train, what sad newK for her aged and widow- ed mother. Son and daughter both brought home dead at tho same timti. Macon TeUgarph 8th, Sonn pcoplo cry penco," pence, while thero is no pence. Let us cry ffar i 1 war," whilo there is war.

Louisvillo Journal. While you aro crying war." war," George, your old brandy-soorchod stom-aoh is crying icarter l1' Robol. THE DRIFT OF THE AVAR. Tho Richmond Enquiror in som'd rat mark on this subject; says "It sorely most bo plain at last that this is to bo a war of oxlermtnattou. Sooner or later wo will liavo to accept it upon this footing.

In I'onnsy lvunin aro rich farms and cities and there is flro-wood in Philadelphia It will go hard upon Soutliorn officers and men to enter upon this horrible kind of warfare but J'10 must oonuer a peace wo mnst cltlar a jt turouEh davaitation m'1 aG paw- fef Peaer b- Ihn Inn nnn tn- .1 n.t.l liiuab luunu bllD IUI1 IWl lb, Ull't pray for 5 1, or it will nover come." was tenor irutu moro utty spok.n. rrom tho Sbutbera Confederacy. AN lCCIDEft'T. An accident has happened which pals' Us in pS3scss5on, of tho following leltor written by a gentleman of this city to his wife, who the time c'ri a visit Id the cOuiitry We publish an'oxtract from the loUor, Ihnt it trill be equally entortaining to any other man's wife who may chained to he visiting lha cottn njiBjmv'od of Iho news in regard Id tEo tiuttonOvonts at home: Atlanta, Slay 18. "A distressing nccidett occurred at the Railroad crossing on Salnrday last which I have riot seen mentioned in the papers'.

You know how careless persons are in crossing when trains are iiassinei Iho Only wOu- wnen trains are passing mo only wou- Ucr 10 merig wat accidents we not mow ii.u n. Cf "if fraclr, leading by ther hand' ft icautifor tf 1 s. have 8con a more 'lovcl littla crealnr0j 8fleme(, fcfr 't6 di nine Kin some nve or six years oiu lenlless wheels of an enemo. Bat tho j-i -a nnmia(3fuf 0f the neft- lhat g- ,0 tta g4nger depot tfneonscious that, death hovered nfco? their1 pathway when ti.fc jiX. 1V over and dreadfully mangled nn ugly dog: that was trotting along nt lha heels of a smb'Bidsd aiffger.

4 CosTi.Y, T'bo Ctocihn'i'f Ifftquirsf saj's: Tb'epfcpsVationsXor tho atinoki Oft GharlesfOn 66stone hundred ario'Sftjf miHtousF. fight lasted hut hour, or at Iho rale of kffr ppr nnnutev' Of tho curred between the lanitco ana lira- isb Govei'umotit and resulted hi nothing ut eating a little humble pie by one side terestitidir but ni t.h a' nth nr. th at til 6)n 1 v- excited by. ouo of them is an amused eu nosity to sei which wiij. back out.

W-i forpet whose turn it is this time. Niwth (Iahot.tva BurnAnv. -The Stato Journal learns that 'at Ghuneollorville Gdn Hoke led his in ft o) djlBQgod tll0 pi uummunuiiig uu.ip ai A breastwork bad to be carried, Tbe man flwnlll7 fitiwnrii. -ITnl'A Inrl pn nnon wm-ks. tha rVnlr 1 resorting to the bayonet, lie peshcu in upon tho foe with loud cheers driviug them from tbe works back upon the supporting forces in the rear, who, broken and contused with the pressure of their own men, fell back in turn upon still farther linos of the support, causing ti cencral rout.

Uen Lee askeu, "who' the young man was leading that gallant Gen. Ilnke. In this great charge IJoke nna olr nl-nn frnm i a mrsfl i so- 1 Tn his ardor ho knew not the injury he had received, but remount uuus nuuuu. 1. I 1...

aware of tbe aeriousncss nf his wound. rf 1 .1 ll I. no unu oeeti biiois viiruuuii iuu mil 'shoulder, near the joint, with a uuuuie ball and though a portion of the bone ia un nvn nl.irl fn lnnrn llin wound is uot regarded as serious." The Bnttld ofSulcin Clmrcil. Wilcox's brigade, composod I of tbo 8th 0th, 10th, 11th and 14th Alabama rotr- .1 1 f. .1 tinnnrn.

npnvii niir.if Tiuirn i. inn inim whole Yankee division. They knew tlm' all our force, except Wilcox's brigade Was near Cltanccllor-ville, nino miles distniitfrom-I'rcdericks-btirg, so Ihejr attacked our brigade un der the most lavordblo ctrcmin-tanccs to thein. Tftcy cll.irged on oilr lino nnd rut, atilirml'v VmOnml nili nHriifmnt. tn Inn left, but Still Our men hold their purf ollicorB and men of this brigade think ixm TM Silt Alabama carried Iho conclusively that though Into in tho field they nro (rue patriots nnd worthy a place in those regiments; that have already made a name for themselves.

STONETTAItl Tho Richmond "Enquirer" of tho 14th says! Of Jackson it tnay hd truly said what can be affirmed of but fbw men that have lived in this groat slrng- can aeveiou. ii mav nos uc oui ot T. 1 Ljt.i. -iLr tv. wishes in regard to his successor shall be respected; if indeed, it bo true that ho expressed a preforenco.

ins AlAnAMu inmons yo had the pleasure of readtng a letter from i-rr geonr regaro l. nnmn rra iinru rTi i ti irji ii i'H id North nor says ne uouwuueu uuur we order ot JHOem vm, ui tneomcers taken in Alabama found serving" Wl'h armed slaves, The Governor is not certain, tha information 11 a right to roako a Sinn- whether he has lor demand for tbo private, but haa do- Alabama, in which th Gover-- i 1 i 1 i i fcrtTllS pndprsigncarcspcctfnlly' informs 1H urn itniinrati, nto o'ciocKip me evening up- wounded nnd CnnlUred moro laukcus n-rf w-' ta hero is a good nnd com monious l.ivcry i Dog, bliecu and Deer Skins, dehvi verod at 'their Tun Yard, 4 miles south bf Jacki SOB- ville, Ala. 1IITCHELI BRADY' Apl. 16, 1803. S50 HEWAUD ST AY ED or STOLEN from the Megs near her breast, A bridle was stolon at he same lime, with an old double headstall IVlil till an OIU llOUllie licaasmtl auil new raws, oum uu iyushkhi, eecuuiMiiK nn Pnhoft rWnr Inwnrit (inflation, with 'ncavv set yellow complected negro on her bnrc uncle, bare beaded a nam ot meat in njs Mill pav thonbov I nf for iflfcimarton that -V cad U.

Jar recovery. Slay 1 JOS. JOHN JlcCBOtn inoot Iu cuimut ut rewuru TS h-nhv civen that William F. Jfrans, as a.i.i,;i,Ioihii,i iho Mint irnliom The following are the nercsidenntciri) of said latatr to wit: Joint itutits a "Wi lf' jwwiw, i Midce, iirtbti Hell, formerly m. 1'.

Alary J. All said Inir.1' and nil other ocrsons interested, vu "in nn nn ruiu unu anm licnicn' it tiii'V Sic proper. uun unocr my blind, a' nlli, Jlay, 1803. UJUIUL .1. STAXHIV ill, l'robnjc JtiJee.

Mny 1(1. ESTRAY KOTICE. UCt'X nn l.v X.iifv llualirr. and Mr-ted I V. a lmr fiilv, nlu.ut tliric old, 14 hands high, wilh white s.rnl on l.rr IcR i.nkle mid smc May Oih, 1813.

ot wonaie. ciit.s, A Inmr intimate ai'ttuftin Unco itlt surll I psiitcss joetifies him in tiny ins that when ctitrusicl to his cure, they Will Le priisnnicu to nn ciny uu sutiraiu. prntnpl rclillts to tin ir IttlCH, consiiHing hint n(l I lis fctncxcift by special agrt-e- i orrranonnenis viii aiunc pptixnt. nn nmonnis cnncri- of the sin will be made hf from the looks, or olliirw'ise if Order- oLtHnRij' CtAlJIS. "The claiming! heir tnti3l proilnto I113 or licr nffidavif, and; ptnott, sfaling Uie: t- iBomtnE me oruoiinu unc At.t iMn.

trt tmr nnner iwucst f' the under- for procnrirrg isdiart'cd sol for tircsrntalion of Si or he will pay on the same nt MKCStno ot named below lor Rev it Hope, Richmond Blair, mood. IfnHri lion Ewing, h.y, lloaW w-Avery, Aioig awof u. And of tho Virginia legislature. v.n,ft tjf Wffina a Jbie office, BkhmondVa, QeJkto uwt tGotnef of Watirnl Grttn Stritti. 5MJA ALABAMA.

J. lUBTQWE, Proprietor. Tt iELS" bsmber, living live miles south of Aslivule, St Clair vnuutr. Ala. on the nigh of the 28th bay Killy three years old.

IS nnndS hiuh, somowhat grayish on bar fore up. reward for said naj UAlMM Vilfl WPPLIUS mid I w.i,r ninoi tfivfiiTi3 t.t rnnracit r. HOTistml Aioorman. Atn-timuuit, and uare looted, with i i( puoitctnav-no nns- Tuntea. me jjivurj.

Stables of Privottfc Farmer) and is now pre pared to accomfnodftta4 travellers- by convey? ubcetanjr jioin't dCslrcdi flndiffliWJloO BtfleSjiilackJ ytaracxncrlinccJiS the mnti-azomant of horses feltcs 1i5m'ohRdcnce la lilsabnity to give iAtiifaciioa to iboso wh way flcSIa hi and, Ao therefore doll itberaj opiigeaf ibrfubHc. iJ; SAKGEtNT, 16t 1833.. Sft-T ejiil in Centre, CberokttJ xoxtriif Ha, Afcrtwir von'tlia 2d day of al, a.ticgro boy, whb says his iiame is Alt' KO'J'rtdMi Bn'l that betelongs to-ThOrnis JlLIfavdCn.cITaI!aaetra (SntitVArBDXtia tsiu'A hM ii wrt tilacKfinitileted. and is eteveu jucuu, uiu. (3f foW 'rs'rwar3, ytt vH'piHf tnd" fitke hist HcSdCirs, tfofnnian3-Ot Ccnsciljf TALIiADUGA Aj rillj W62.

0HDKK3 SO. ii rrrjJfr, f. Col. Chief oi OrdJnaTicS rcuuiTKr.iftn wiin iiip gfiitBra oEarcnl nrafcaneedr OfdBStUcS stores ETTKIiS tt adnrfiilstrotion on Dices-' 11 tate' -of inillnw DaVis, tkc. having to mo Mntiursigucu, oy tuc Probate court 1 ot Cherokee ro'iy, Alimamnon of ilnrclt iiolico is here- lite 18 th day said id eilnle are requested to mnkn pavmcnt.

Apr. 0. 18G3. Wit GRIFFITH, Ad 111. TO- 4fnt! JUEIR8 OV LAKCLEY, DKCUASBll, TOSr.Pn LAXOf.EY, Caswell fount rl Nnrth fc'iljtd 0 tint I of land Iu said county, Which the umU'ralmd nsI.laeJttcnfor.

has Sottl on a credit or aW fnm -Kn trlve notice to Baldlielrs to lirovo! thfir idcaty before mo, on or ticford, the Bth day of Jnb nexW'and rcctive their rtepeclivo imnrcs. i rA. Ilfiihtovcr, Caiwcll county ryiat ioa. uayn, iw ESTRAf XOT1CE, TAltny VP tif Jereminh Collins fiSSnnd posted Lcc, Esq' mio TI. in i ttMiEg toloTtd lioreo Vulc, ohont 8 years omf corner teem oi ins unuir jaw nii, two small saddle spots on Utc left side, Anil one large saddle spot on the right side, with a Mock sfrina across his chnnlders appraised loSISO1 by Jesse Davis iitiA Siral lliggiu botharti oft 21st March, 28S3.

jip 16 A. TURN tR, Jadgc of Probate. tsraooninvB ieev ut kk mbii AiV hlnfe ive9- lit'hl hair, and btK nf- rrnr-mtnrt ni On tf.fl 1st dv of Sept. 1862, is tear six feet ft fiVads. tvho wits enlisted by Cipt.

Tay- lor at Giintersvilte Alft.y On thei let day of TTnmfm ntMurfrccsboro. on. thts bt dav is abottl five feet ten inch- Wl.tXk dark. hair, Is aboof3 years old, arid byoccupation fcuUk.Uh. haYcne thai apprehension.

Of fitsefters willltf oftidor. any 'Of liamcd soHierSr if token Bp anil tclirtned to their command. THOS'W lIAMPTONfOapt, gomatf.tdB.itfolRossolsRcgt qcn Marfift' ungaoe oy ctven 10 an pepsons wiving ctnima nKninsi Baiifcstclc, to present thou legally nutm-ntl-1 witliln the time prcscrihid bv law, or they will bo barrcdi'imd persona indebted tp i.J. 1- 1 Cr.ALRCAOT,13m,le3norihorSBV. AW ti4 ilaIi2Sdr18.

with nil wte fto wfftiiell. HSa yoNrfte ft- wUstcfntobepntdifhti -n, do- scrfcTS from the a $. A they baring ticea ftbstfrommycominy witbontgiv.tVU isfactory evince of their inability la return fiwSnhafa eiliefed CavU rirtaeAhlm Y.f-mA Uk r-nH fitkilDlBfT TiV oay .1 v.wn floWt tnjrlr. :Tii.i- ihM' -MM lived, In Shelby connty, near tie conotj-eite. i i Wojk3, in Cherokee connty.

Tbo abovo re- ward will be paid for his apprehension and confinement in any jailor jrunrd house where I nn him. HnnL I can cet him. S. P. CLAYTON, Cant.

Coiug. co. 0, Tlmmasou's Halt. Ala. Oar.

May 2 Brig. Gcn'l. Wharton's Urlgutl, WtW HOTEL STAGE HOUSE. JrAM. Tiik undersigned res HMvirntlt' tnfnrina Ibtt mill tic thal'he lias opened new hotel, on llle notlh aide O- main Street, ill the liuSrira with he extensive Livery Stable pf Jwues H.

1 "nd aceonimodatc the traveling pub- cVOTy motn tin5 Monday, ssaarasa 1 accominotlutod. Febi, 'S3. J. It. SARGKAXT.

IVOTICJE. Ala. and Ten Klver Railroad WARE HOySEj Bs1 1" PETTinONB, Successor to Y. LUNDIE CO. Charge for receiving, weighiffg and shipping I tw 11,0 itin lestiyappmiwihepatriousm or those, iv Capf, and A.

O. Talladega. 23 St. TSBW FIKiU rrIIE Ondersisned havelormed a partner- i ship in the TAinirtu Aiuainnioo tinder came and style of Mttcnell BrAdjc. Thcif yard is the same as lhalreecal' ly owned by 'Vernon and Brady, and Z.

TETTERS of Adinipistralion'd bonis ton i bnvintrbeen crrnnted to tbo undersigned by the Probate Court of Cherokee c6u'rity Ala on the 20th day of AptH ISSS, upoh'lhe estate of WW. S. PliillipSf deed, A 11 persons having claim atfjust said estate must present them tialmj aust eaad estate must presen vwUWn the' time- prescribed by law, within the time- prescribed by law, or the same will be barred. May Id 1863. t.

M. CRATEK, Aa'm. glrtgaf To'txchinic ifot JJaOon, Butter, Chicltcni, Flonr and EsKS, AtBlue Wounfain, Ala.ty. Mareolt. S.

f. HUDSOST. retaiior-ship ann lonincre is no timer permit uotton, vweniy nve cohib pirunre. 11 iieu -gie, mat no naa lutuitea a great pnrposo entitled to tlai.n. lot i I xnhMort, Wroaglitthctnission for which al teajiJ'Acr, Ite "iSSritt t.e charged to be pahi by the pureb was ofcfainfrl Of Protldeacd, and there Hl r.tti '1fc Colton remaining ovar one month 4 A L.t.luU the if frpfof, totita.

wilt be charged ttfmUl that Avwg, hehMleftnortunjWhttb, erK J.tMiAlnu' Oct, 18, 1800-6m,, ho won wish to blot," II.s i na tcyr, Tin Jfapstrak adre I example, let ns liopO nnd believe, will jfjlCOA mWlUJI- survive him, and in tho coming fight -r wlrZlt thlarmy, let Jaekson'i men the orfd that Claims rtpm.I inntceTdancc with the a1 1 BACO in large or small lota. Iwill pa tt Jackson shall win ifie neW.w Who his successor wilt be time alorie par pa le ttunt iui IH IJ Ill UirLllVt "I s'- 2 nifff nactv TtrrcrMite ana obtain ti i Of W-K iaddltt, liarnessr reasonable tlwrge. no his fti1catD4wiit oere-t '2pcctfeLby thBSnfOllirg OlScfWuf this Stale, hui doifeJls vi be tnida In hj case tinief -uriiUnnt rirfifinvfrt nnless bv IvtlYO, MIA lh. hllfl fnn.t. many, 4 nuiesxuutti ot wtuuiiuot, i iix Cotnraandant of yj, J.Z.BRADY, Commiss.on icu Administrators Notice! B' order of Col.

vTjto, Mofgao, Cem- BiiBdiBe tf CtObKripf for Alabama-." luM 1 Wenfex-mt and Adjntani 1 rr'1 1 '3 ffff) th4.7a.TI fit Ri Cfjtlf codnty, Ala UianiaatiKittnolstof April, 1803, Megro faan who ealls his tiime-aton rc4ai5d8Vg.h8'hclongt4o Mrs. A ifeid boylsbfdark-copper colo'i ahoutS) reclhiBBa'H1s-nbontn6or 18tf ponnds, in 6f the IasB otf Back JesaysT thtflast oi lebro-arv' Ttie own et 6fU nf gro is to come TotVardr? fcrOVaVfopertJ' tay charges ana ks -aim awayiiovtie win ce oe thrt ftfrrt.fnj' AT ItfTCTGOUEllY termined td make vigorous inveStiga-liotf of all' the" nod turn 0Vory nieansV iit hii to brirlg tbo traitorous wretohos to a puhnishtnont boSt-ting their We greatly ndmiro ths spirit of Governor Sho.fertia this matter, and hope" to see his' example emulated iiV fivcy Stato.omc.Cwrrficr.-" mi i -V' j. kifli or. an "r-.

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