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Jacksonville Republican from Jacksonville, Alabama • 3

Jacksonville, Alabama
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let him so on. and the Flnnm nnt nh tho Sneaker aDDointed Messrs Bunks. ft Llittroll, "ILook mit for the Cars when jmi hear the WMsfle HI Wo53' sec that NICE LOT of And. he sure and call to 1,1 Ed IB ffl 1 fl HI I 1 1 mi LATEST NEWS FROM WASHINGTON." Washington, April 2 Mr. Stevens informed the Committee of Reconstruction that ho was sick, and no meeting was The offensive speeches in the House last night was borne-quietly.

Serious conseqnences aro improbable. Mr. Stanbery is speaking. Washington, April 2. The Star says heavy bets were made yostorday at the odds of three to one in favor of conviction Twenty four millions wero drawn from, the Treasury yesterday to pay interest on 5, 20's reducing the coin in the Treasury to 000.: 'No more coin will be required until July 1st, when 27,000,000 will bo required.

The following are the payments from the Treasury daring the month ending April List, Navy Departmant 2,500,000 The Republican Congressional Committee have advices from Louisiana, that the democrats. have avmajority of one in the Senate, which wjll prevent the adoption of the 14th amendment, and wAnrtncfmnfinn 'iJll Eli-ltll l.fl i to. mm iff AND THOSE NEW AND DESIRABLE Siii (fillip Sfysss, i ISci'sug-cs, Fi'fissSs, Just-received and for sale VERY CHEAP for CASH, or in exchange for 1'UUJiS and UUUiNTRY. PKODUCfU by T. F.

WYNN CO. Jacksonyille, Ala. May 9, iyti7. mi I Talladega, Ala, A RE now Discounting Bills on Seluta, unccKiug'on an tnese cities at birih. ana lnrmsn iSxehange on JSurOpB.

They buy GOI.D, SllVEK, Old Bank Notes, Compound. Interest and Seven Thirty Notes. Tliey receive Gold, Silver and Currency on Deposit guaranteeing safely, and pay back same in sums to suit parties, free of any charge. Feb. 8, 18C3.

ly. iittontion given to colleclions. HORN TUENLEY, INFORM the citizens of and vicinity, tlmt they have just opened on the cast side of the public square, a large, varied and well selected stock of FAMILY GBQGEHIES. COKSIcXINQ IK l'AKT OF fSsorja CoiSce ansel rTSoiasses, SSi'icoii, gjKU'd assd SniJ, Mackcpci, ygtcKa -and avdtiics, Ffi'taafiSi assd UosufccisoBiiniii'acs, With every 'other article usually 'needed or called for in a wel nusorlcd Family Grocery. We intend to kwp our astortniental all -times full and complete, aud hopo by ready and extensive sales to ha enabled to sell low.

Wc EXOHAKttB Groceries, for every description of COUNTRY PllODITCE. iKS-Terins CASH, where Wiclmnpro is not made. Our establishment being a convenient desideratum, long needed and desired by tile citizens of the Town and vicinity) We expect and solicit a liberal and patronage, which will muliiiilly f.cuefit both buyer ami seller in proportion to extent. in and examine otir stock and buy your In Chancery At Jacksonville, Ala. I.ea, J.

Cro-, I 1 4th Dis't. Northern zier Oliancery Divisiou of Alabama, IX this cause it is made to appear to tho Register, by affiOuvH of Cpmplainunt, Unit two of the said" Defendants, James Lea h. W. Croiier, Who are of lawful ago, are non-rcsidcuts of this State and in the town of Stiu-ksville, Lamar Comity State of Texas, It is 'therefore ordered by tho Begister that publication be made in the Jacksonville Re- puuliBan, n. Kewsnqper iiublisuea in tne 'of Jacksonville, for four Cousecutiyo weeKs, rccpunug tlicin tlic saiu non-rcsiaeni Dell'iulanls, to answer or demur to tho bill of complaint in this cause by tho 15th d.ty of June, a.

i). 18(58, or in thirty days thereafter a decree pro cpnfessc will bo taken a-guinst them. Done at olllco this 25th day of April, a. iocs. Wji.

M. IIAMES, Register, 2, 15. Notice to Crditors of Bstatc of John M. NcigliborSi dec. LETTERS of Administration oil the Estate of John SI.

Neighbours, dec. having been grauled to tho uudersigned, by the Radiate Court of Calhoun county, Alabama, on tho day of April, 1808; Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims a-gaiust said estate, to present thoin to me, legally within the time prcserU bed by law, or they Will bo barred; and those, indebted are requested to make payment. JAM ES il. NEIGHBOURS, Adm. May 2, 18B8.

Notice to Creditors of Estate of J. 1. King, dec. LETTERS of A'dmiuislmUou having been granted to thu undersigned on tho 9th day of March, 1868 by tlio Probate court of Calhoun county, therefore, all persons having claims agaiust said Estate arc hereby to present them to mo, duly authenticated within the time prescribed by law, or they will be barred. ELIZABETH KING, Adm'x of Ap'l 25-Gt.

THE STA TE OF ALABAMA, Calhoun County, Court of Probate for Calhoun County, Ala. Apt, 18th, A. D. 1868.. THIS drtv catno Jno.

C. l3arker, Adminis-istrator of the Estate of E. A. Northcutt, dei-easedj and presents and tiles his account and vouchors for a linal settlement of said Esbvte; thereupon- It is Ordered by the Court, that the 22nd day of ilay, 18C8, be sot for making said settlement; and that notice thereof be nivcu by publication the Jacksonville ttepuhucan lor three successive weeks, prior to saia day, as a notice to all persons concerned, to be anil appear at a special Term of said Court, to be holdun at tho Court House of said county, oil that day, and contest said account if they think proper. A.

WOODS, Judge of Probate. April 25, 18C8. 3t. THK STATU OF Calhoun County, Court of Probate for said County, March 30lh, d. 18G8.

THIS day came John J. Wilson, Administrator of the Estate of Jane B. Alexander, deceased, and presents and files his petition in sutd court in writing, asking an Order aud Decree of said court, authorizing him, as, said administrator, to sell tho following described Lands belonging to suiil Estate, for dtstribiitioii, lo-wit: all the Land tying and being oil the west side of Terrapin creek, extending to low water mark On tho cast side of said Terrapin crock, known as the Lots or Fractions 17 and 18 of Iractional section 31, mid fractions 10 and 21) of frne-tmnal section 35, in IVuctiotiiil Township 12, Of Range 1 0, cast, 120 acres more or less; aild north west fourth of section 2, in township 13 of Range 10 cast, and nil lying and being on the west side ol Terrapin creek in the north cast fourth of Section in fractional Township 13 of Itaiigo coiitaining n-liout 80 ucre3 more or less; and north east fourth of section 3, in Township 13, of range 10 t'UStt iliul alsO a portion Of (qtlantity not known) lying and being ill north cast fourth of section 3, Township 13, of Range 10; known us the Ilcrry old field, containing too acres more or less. Said Administrator represents, that Albert 0. Alexander, Samuel Alexander, Martha Scott, wife ol" Scott, l-'amiie Alcxan-nt'dcr, Alcdora Alexander and Juno Alcxari-imdcr are the licirs bf said estate, and that they arc nil non-residents, residing beyond the limits of the Statu of Alabama, Said administrator further represente, that nn qtlltalile division of Said Land cannot bo uiade without a sale of the snmo.

The premises considered it is ordered by the Court, that the 1 1 th day of May, 18G8, be set for the hearing of said petition, and that notice of Ihe filing mid of the day set for the hearing of said petitioiij by publication in the Jacksonville Republican, for three successive weeks prior to said day, a notice to said lioli-rcsideiil heirs, and all Other persons concerif.d, if ally) to he and appear at li Term of said court, to be holdett -it the. court house of said cotinlT, on said 11th day of 1808, and defend agaiust said petition, if they think proper. At WOODS', Jiiige of rrohate. April 4th, 18G8 31. THE STATE OF jlAEMiAA, Oalhouri County, Court of Probate for1 said conntyj Ajiril 13 th, A.

lSGSt allllS day came B. S. Evins, adm'r of tho Estate of ilJtirton, dec. and presents nnd files in martins' resignation as adminis trator of said and at the same time presents and flies his rttcount ami vouckers for a final settlement of his administration of said estate! Ilis ihcrctipbu ordered hy thecoiirt, (hat the 11th day oTMay A. Vs 18GS, be set for making said settlement; and that notice thereof be givcm by publication" Sri (he Jack-1 sonvilfc Rcpublicanj newspaper published in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said day? nS ft notice, lo nil persons conJ ccrncd, to bcand appear at a special term of said court lo he holdcri nt the court house of said conniv said 11th day of May, 18G8, and contest said account, if they think proper A.

WOODS, Judge bf Probate April 10, rises' 3U TUJS STjTti OF MAJSAMAi dalhoun county: Couiif op PEoniTB for said county, April 18, A. D. 18G8. rrIlfS" day catnd John" R. Norlhcult, Ad ministrator of the Estate of Henry1 Amc rine, deceased, and presents' nnd files his account and vouchers for a final settlement of said estate; hud thereupon, it is ordered by thcCoiii't, that the 22nd day of May; 1868, lifr set- for making1 Said nnd that pub-, licn.tion thereof bo1 madd for three successiyo.

weeks in the' Jacksonville Republican, as a no- lice to nti persons concerned, to be and ap-pepr at special term of said couvt, to, bo olden at the court house of said county, on that day and contest said if they-think proper A WOODS, Judge. of Probft((Sv Aprjl 251868 3t. jecting, ho went on. Donnelly had mrp going to snow that Wash-burne had outrageously slandered him. Ph Washburno replied, reiterating the truth of the statements in his letter, and saying ho could make no answer to a man who had boon falsa to.

hie his party, his country, his rc- uglUII UUU 1113 UUU, Pending a motion to censure Mr. Washburno, the Uouse adjourned. FROM WASHINGTON. Washington, May 8. Mr.

Uingham will ocenpy two, and probably three days in his closiug speech. The following is au extract from Mr. Duuuelly's invective against Mr. Washburno: 'If there be in our midst one low, sorded vulgar soul, one barren mediocre intellect. one heart callous to every kindly sentiment and to every en-erousiuotion, one tongue leprous with slander, one.

month, lilts unto a den of foul beasts-, giving forth deadly odors, -if there be hero one character which while blotched and spotted yet raves and rants and blackguards like a prostitute if there be one bold, bad empty, bellowing demagogue, it is the geutle-uiau from Illinois." FKOai WASHINGTON. Washington; May 4. Mr. Windon this morning presented a resolution censuring Mr. Washburno.

51 r. Washburne also presented a resolution, the purport of which has' not yet transpired, us the Speaker requested it be withheld until after the ad-'journment of tjiq Oourfc. Mr, Pi uguanv is addressing the Impeachment Court. FROM BALTIMORE. Baltimore, May 4 A duel was fought near hero to-day between a general and an attache of the Prussian legation Parties reconciled after an iiJofTuctual fire.

Wasiiixotox, May 4. In the House, a 'Committee of sevciiy with power to send for persons and papers, was appointed in the UunnellyTWashbuine case. A motion to expunge Saturday's proceedings from tho record, caused, much excitement. This motion was withdrawn. After Dunuelly and Washburno had withdrawn their offensive language, and ponding a motion to adjourn, Mr.

Duuulley asked leave that he and Washburuc should imitate Stanton anil Thomas and take a drink together. astiburnc that lie- -was a temperance man. In the Court, Mr Bingham proceeded with is speech Ho disavowed partisan prejudice. Tie was there as the licpreseiitative of the people. He np" plied the epithet hired.

frequently to the Prusiutmt's counsel. He said Mr. Evart's speech had more latin than law, more rhetoric than logic, and more intellectual pyrotechnics than either. He argued that the Presidont had no mlit to contrive laws, and that tho Supreme Court had no possible jurisdiction in this ciiae. II narrated.

Lincoln's and cited incidents from the fugitive slave law operations. He said the gentleman who opened this case had claimed that the. President may judicially determine whctlwr your laws arc passed under the Constitution, and whether he shall execute them, Mr. li. repeated (his that it might sink deep in to the hoar's ul tho Senators.

ho laws arc only to be executed if it please his Highness Andrew Johnson, nst King ol tho United States! If the President can do this as insisted upon by the conn- sl'1, he in sis' oil that lie Constitution whh.ii we had lofig been taught to ro vcroas the bulwork of our lihcrtit'S, is a Cotihlitulioil which invito violation of law not obedience to ibv and he insisted further that if the Senators by their judgement should countenance this plea they would bo the architects of their country's ruin mid would give nvcr the land to endless euaos and anarchy. sNii matter what demagogues may say about it out.of this Chamber, the issue is an afchv io the land, and the recording an rrel of histtirv is ready to trace it. This is all of it. It 5'. the head and front of Andrew Johnson's offending, that he has assumed to himself the prerogative of iuterp'-efirig the and decid iiii upiii) the laws for himself In spite of "all the lawyers' tricks in spite of all the technicalities this wsts it, If, with all respect to the Senators and to the able counsel after the weeks and w-eoks of diseilssioii irf this case) there one man who docs not understand this plain proposition tlimi God in his infinite wisdom has denied him reason.

Revenue to-day This evening's StAA has the follow-. ingt- 1itim'fif are confident of his1 aenuit tah They figure Out at the outside hot more than thirj'y-two votes for conviction INVESTIGATING COMMITTEES. A General Washing of Solid iiincii Butler, Gold) Spdonsy and Spoils. THE IMI'EAGHMENT TRIAL, The Chances Against Conviction. THE DEBT STATEBIENT.

Wasnihglotij May 5. In the Housoj- "Impeachment stock fluctuates honr by IiOuiV TO-day it is snoKcy; wuy, is nntflemonstrdtcdT Thd President and Thomas, Poland, Griswold, Blair, Woodward, and Beckon the Commiltco to investiiiate ehnrrrns gainst Dunnelly. Jiroolcs Cbarsie that he had made Butler disgorge in gold which Butler had stolen in New Orleans, was referred to the same committee. In reply to a question Boyer hether gold covered plate and spoons, ic Speaker answered, no. A nronOfiition tlmfc tho.

P.nmmiHnn extend its infiuii-ins nvnr Bnt.lnr'a adininistration in New Orleans, was jeetea. Oarv moved thn wit.hrlrawnl r.F H' 10th. impeachment article, as unbecoming after the nrocccdinffs on Tho Sneaker decided i question; and pending a vote on its re-' Al. I ui'puyu, me uou3e atijournea, In the Impeachment Court, Bingham rnsnmed his argument He will conclude to-morrow. The UfiCOiiStruotion Oomniittfin mnt but did nothing.

The debt statement shows, increase of debt' bearins coin intornsfc ftlQ 0110 i 000; decrease of debt bearing iiiiiuiosv fliii.suu.vuu; aecrease ot total debt. iWfiiisn tit -ilnht-Wa cash in the Treasury $18,500,000. It is stated thatFesscndon, Henderson, aud Grimes have prepared opinions iu liiu uupeaenmene looking to acciuittal. This lnnlrn 'imnrtihnMn- Vint betters on conviction are holding Off to day. Nothing has transpired regarding tho routine to-morrow after Bingham ftlnsnq.

The Evening Express says: "The icciiii." umiinn rnmpn a aa vanii as democrats is that the chances aro de cidedly in tuvor ol acquital of the Pres- The Eomhiq Star says: -''The bears 1 nave it in too itnpeaciiiiiciit stock: market to-day. Bets are two to one for ac quittal; but nobody knows why." It is stated that a majority of tho Reco nsl ruction Committee arc in favor of the admission of the Arkansas delegation in tho' termination of the Im- Trill The President to-day transmitted to too xiouse tne aoutn: uaroiina and Ar kansas Constitutions FROM NEW YORK. New York, May 5. An engine fell through tho trestle-work at Jersey Citv to-day. The engineer aud fircnieu wore drowned.

'J'hrce thousand emigrants arrived Saturday. FRO ATLANTA. Atlanta, May 6. It is understood the test oalh will not be required ot members of the Leg The Legisla ture will assemble at Millcdgeville aud lake action on the Constitutional amendment; ihuu adjourn. FROM WASHINGTON.

Washington, May 6. In tho House Stevens was called to order by the bpeakcr iu Ins Alia Vela explanation, aud withdrew all that part read, which was very ouustw on Nelson Gary's resolution withdrawing the lUth impeachment article was not cu- tcrluincd. by a strict party vd'e. The of the whole with the understanding that the speakers would avoid discussions on impeachment In the Court of impeachment Mr Bingham concluded his itriftimcnt. A motion to adjourn till Saturday was lost -20 to 29.

The doors of the Senate were thcli closcdi A resolution to admit official reports lost, Sumner's resolutions were discussed to adj Hii iimt'ut. Ilunnnlly says he was misunderstood that ho neither desired nor desires reconciliation with Washburno. Gen. Grant sent a communication to the House covering letter froiri Gen. Oanby detailing the evil eficct of compelling State officers in North Carolina iind South Carolina to lake the test o.t th.

Many good men acting with the republican party can't take it; others who could decline to do so fearing that unworthy motives wOuld bs attributed (o them. Grant espressos Ho opinion on thesuhjocti The protest of tho white people of South Carolina aqainst the Constitution1 vas received and referred to the Reconstruction Committee. AViiAf Sms Do. A I the quiet step of ihe linglfsh female Hitlers the proan of 13 hiisliea', aild by lief gealic action the is wiped away from sorrow' cliftcfef She stretclics forth licr hands over the turmoils of stilling tlie rmtfi rough Surges of sorrow; AM arcliing up. the sky of the diseased niiti siiditeiicfi ones with Hie radiant colors of libfic' niiit consolation.

At tier coming" the dark iiiittky. clouds of despair give tmck. and ific bright visfort of health shines in all its iiici-iiliaii splendor. See Picasc Call. IfloldtlmtWC hnvd uno OJZr fires Goods," believe ft riot, but, bj so goo'l as fO call rtnd examind for your i Selves; "A word lo the wise is V6r have fidditional supplies of GOODS coiiiirigV which wili soon be here Vc ici sell as cheap as eati be offonhd, "Live and let iic molo.

Respectful tfj, Tu WOODWARD SON. April 1888. The Internal Revenue receipts to-day aro for the wek 4.500,-O00: for the year Gen- rant is visiting Philadelphia; Court of Impeachment. Mr. Stanbery 'concluded his speech as follows: "Now listen for a to one who understands Andrew Johnson better than most'of you, for his opportune ties havo been better.

When, nearly two years ago, he called me from the pursuits of my professional life to take a partem his administration, I answered the call under a sense of public duty, I came hero almost a stranger to him and to every member of his cabinet, except Mr Stanton, and wo had been friends for many years. Senators, need I tell you that all my tendencies are conservative? You, Mr. Chief Justice, who have known me for onerthird of a century, will boar mo witness that, law. not arms, is my profession." From he moment I was honored with a scat-in'tho cabinet of Mr Johnson, not a step was taken that did not come under my observation, hot a word was said that escaped my attention I regarded the President closely in his meetings with his cabinet' and still more closely in private and confidential intercourse. saw him often tempted with had ad- irinn Hint ftvil counsellors were more than once around hitu.

I observed everywhere and' under all circumstances with the most intense anxiety; but never, in word or deed, in thought or action, did I abservc in that man anything but loyalty to tin Constitution and the law. He stood firm as a rock nauinst all temptations to abuse his own powers or to execise those which wore not. conferred upon him. Steadfast and reliant in the midst of all difficulty, when dangers threatened, when temptations were ptronp, he looked only to the Constitution' of his country and to the people "Yes Senators, havo seen that man tried as few men have been tried. I have soon his confidcico abtifcd.

I. have seen him endure day after privation such as few men havo been railed upon to meet: and no man could have met them with more sublime patience. "Sooner or later, however. I knew the explosion must, come; and when it had boon so long dolavcd. "Yes, Senators, with his faults, the Pre.sidont has bPCCi more sir-nrd against than sinning.

Fear not, then, to acquit him The Constitution wilMie as pnfo in his hands from violence as it was in the hands of Washington. "Put, Senators, if you condemn him. if you strip hini of the robes of office, if you degrade him to the utmost stretch of your power, mark the prophecy the strong" arms of the people will be about him; they will find a way to raise him from any depths to which you may ronsign him; and we shall live to see him redeemed and to hear the majestic voice of the people saying, "Well done good and faithful servant, you shall have your reward." "But if, Senators, as cannot believe, but has been boldly said with almost official sanctions your votes had bjeen canvassed and tho doom of the President is scaled, then let judgment not be pronounced in the Senate Chamber not here where in the hour of our creafest neril he single handed and alone niet and baffled the enemies of ihe Republic not here where he stood faithful among the fai'thlcss not here where ho fought the good fight for the Union and the Constitutions-no in this Chamber whose walls echo with that clarion voice that to the days of our greatest danger carried hope and com-' fort to many a desponding heart strong as an army with banners not here 1 Seek out rather the darkest and gloom iest chamber in the subterranean re cesses of the Capitai where the cheers fui light of- day never enters there erect the altar and immolate the vies tim." House of Representatives. TWnnllv. of Minn si made rirjer- sonal explanation Mrr Washburno, of wrote" a letter to Donnelly's Constituents denouncing Mfi Donnelly' said ihe letter contained just twenty-four false statements; proceeded for half an hour in the most bitter invective; The speaker called him to order half a dofcen times, but Mr Washburnd said Mobile.

New Orleans and 3Vew York. a Biia nana a tysasa Yqs and will coiithi-uc to Conio! are receiving every few day3, fresh supplies of Spring S' Summer 5 CO.VSISTIN'O- l.V I'AIlT 01 LADIES DRESS GOODS, Jiruwit SJoiste.sOcH, W.I1IHS GOODS, HAT1DVAR2 ahd CUTLERY, 4 E-Mf 3 A J3 li NOTION TOIXiKT SOAl PERFUMEKliES And in slfrrt every article necessary for llie wants of the family and We have also fine, lot Of these No 1 COTTOA' CAIIDS, at the fcime price 7'icts. One of the firm resides In New York, and with the money in hand 10 buy chtirj, we defjf competition. Conic one and altf we will make it to yotir interest to piirchnso your ponds of In. livery1 disci iptieti ofCOUrfJ'llY Uikcuiti exchange for Ooods.

Kforc'Wcstsido of the Public JKmJ" Call soon.No trouble lo show GobdSi ftWlfM Ja CO'. Jacksonville, iila April 4tb, 1S6S, Aduiinisirators Jfoticc. 1" ETTKRS of Administration on the estate of Willis Scott, late Of Cleburne Co. Ala -deceased? (laving heen granted lo the utitlcrsipiicd art (he nth day of March, iSG by ttiellon. ll: Chandler; Judge of tiie Probate Court of Cleburne connly: Notice Is hereby given lo' nil persons having claims a paiust said estate, to prcsfcnt- tbcm, legally authenticated) within the time prcscrib by law, and those indebted to said estate nrfi rc quired lo make immediate payment.

J. W. WIGGONTON, 28r18C8 Gt, TAILOR SHOP. wjj flit bavins ilctcr- 'A niinfed to locate i at this place, most res Jiilu pectfnlty inform" tfie citizens of Jacksonville nnd surromiditier country, that he has opened a shop in this place for the pur pose ot; doing a general Tailoring utisuiess: and if strict attention to1 business, good Work and neat fits will secure him will obtain ib and alwiivs be found rcidy lociitand make work in the latest nnd most fashionable styles. Particular attention paid to For recommendation ho refers to bis work.

A. TURNEUi Jacksonville, April 25, 18G8. Jacksonville. Ala. uee.

l-i, 13H7 If yosi mmt tiheaii Goofls Aiftl a goad Aillde, CALL ON Ri3 RrTSISfJT.a fl 0 ffi AV'bo are receiving, and have now in Store, a line supply of Spring and Summer Goods; Consisting In part of I-iiwUcs Wrss fiooels, Prints, Domestics, IJi'onn BlJh," Cients Hosiery and Gloves; ISOOTS ft SIX0ZM, Clothing, Kats Uotions. Also line assortment ot Ifnniily nml Plantation Groceries, CofVce, Kusnrs mill Wyrtip, Soilti, Candles and Soaps, Kicc, Vi-csh Ucitohcs Oysters, Nails Rope anil Drugs, Djc Stnii's fc Peifiimerj-j Crocltcry, 'X'ili Wave and Scythe la des, Axes, Hoes it Drawing dm ins, Caipcutcrs Tools, Cutlery, All of which we are ofrurm-r cheap for Ciish, and lo which wc invite the iittcntioll of JJccrj Moily. J. M. Carroll desires lo return thanks to the people of Jacksonville and of Cnlttomi county, foe their liberal patronage, nnd Halts for tile Firm of J.

M. Carrol! "doing1 fmsincss at his old stand," n. liberal share of their pntrotinge for the present year; Store west side of the Public Square, second door North of the Hotel. Ji M. CARROLL CO.

April 18 th, 1808. WOOJUWASSJ) ami $5 now Receiving ihcir SPKING To which they1 invite attention- TtiCir Slock is general, emiirncing its it docs about all the 'different lines of Goods needed in this country All arc invited to c.ill April 'UU, 1SG8'; A Fresh Bupply OF ESacon, lAivd and oilier FAMILY 0K0CEIMES, Just received by "Mm imnias Wliieir Uidy will isell low for cash or ox--change for Ginseng, Fur SkinS, Jiccswax And various other descriptions of Produce. May 2, 1808. St..

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