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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 16

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WORKERS WILL PRESENT OROAN- 7 izATiorr cause. Assignments for suhday Men of national aa.6 Stat prominent la tb campalga against th aaloo tar bera brought to Indianapolis toy tie sou workers' conference the national AntJ- Sakwn League, bald til wk. pTedlaa; the national coeventioo of th league, la a jiumber of Indianapolis pulpits fa-mor row, at bota th looming mad irttaag ervK. om of th U0n of tb least win glv aa account Its general and Sut work, presenting cans appealing for tb support tb churches, Tb churches la wfcicS aati-aalooB vork- wiil gpeaavar: Morning 8rvfe. Robert Parti M.

E. chorea. Dr. Oorg Tevna. of OvotfUm.

Kt i Matldiaa- atreet SC chorea. Own w. Marrow, Detroit; Centrsi-avena church, I. K. McCasb; or Dm Mol.

Is. nUhr Plae U. E. church. Kdwtn Ray ebureh, TJ.

O. Humphrey, of Indianapolis; itowaro r-iaee a. a church, W. C. Halt, of Evnnsvllla, WcxVlrnff-evenns U.

P- church. Samuel a Mr iMtiM'. Uirflor Coa vWcatiotul church, E. S. ribomaker, of.

rWuib Bend, Trinity K. church. John K. Uvli, of Indianapolis; Tint Presbyterian to Hew. a.

Bakr, of Cordmbus, O.j rottrta Fitrytrlari church, IL 1L Roseell. ew TortJ I Memorial 'reebytrtan church, Tbwna JL lted. of Nw Tork; rVmth-tret Bp-t church. Pstrlek Faulk, of Terra Ilanfa lnd Trwt vrlnA church. S.

Nicholson, of iumburfc Fa-s fnrUl) church. E. C. tMnwlA51, of 'WMhlnfiM, U. Cl Hall Placa at B.

church! J. O. Peck, of buffalo; Oraoe M. K. church, iraer, iodUnapoIla.

Evening ttrvlcam, Broadway C- a abarch, Joaa F. Zewta. of XadlanapoUe) ruraae Flaoa M. JC church, Oeorr of pt- troJt Irrlnttoo M. B.

ehurca, N- A. raJrorr, of allnorapotU; St Paul iL X. church. U. O.

Humphrey, of aforrU-etroet VL C. ehurca, i. W. Watt, of Richmond. Oak HUJ at, church.

Patrick FaaQc. of Terre Ilaota, Second 0rmaa aO E. church, J. O. Peck, of Buffalo; Second Preebytortaa church.

P. A. Haker. of Columbue, OJ Klret United pibytertan church, E. JylnwMdie, of Weehtnftoa, I.

1 VMhlnfxoo Preetfyterran chureh, r. Khumahr, of Mouth Hno, ld-l ptlxth preebyterlan church. AV. C. IleiU KrenerUi Ind.

unKn oerrloo of Oraoe Prwibyterlaa and llyflo Perk M. K. thurchce. al uraco freeuyxinM churcn. tiara uei L.

uaoeey, 01 ni. mwi Pinion enrtco of rnth ChrUtlaa an4 Thlrty-ftret-etreet llapUet church, at Brwtitn cnurcn, n. cm, of Ie Jioliwa, Korth Conreatlonal church. U. N.

barney, of lndianaoolia; ly mouth Conrratlonal church. Dr. Oeorft W. of Oeorrctowa. JCf.

NEARLY HALF THE STATE DRY. No taloono In tOf Townohtf Out of a Total of fii. Ulyaiea O. Ilumphrer1, SUlo arper Intendenl of tho Aatl-Saloon Loathe, further InTMtlri-Uok haa found that lomi Cfurea aa ta aatlaaloon work In Indiana, drea pat day or two.aro, contained error. There are onlyX.oil towaahlpa la tho Bute, la-tead of t.tlt, aa rtron out In tne there are no eeJooa.

Of theae. Hi ere Arj" by remonetranea, and eeventr-four Tiao been made "dry- ince Way I ty tho application of tho Xoore law. Porty-one other townahlpe that hare banlhed eaJoone by ue of tne Mcholaon law hare aUo uaed-the Moore la In order to keep the eaJoona in banUhtnent. eo that the total loviwi lpi uib tlie Xloore law 114. Hf the ue of the toore law, Ml itlAoni In the State have boon rioeed a fid forty nve thera hayo been loved by remonetmnce dirertei na-alnt tij'Mrldual appllcante, naktn total or locte vioaed by re noon ttranro alnre May 1.

Jlol. "It haa been almost lnrweatMe to obtain arotirate reporta," air. Humphrey aid. "We are confident that mere loena fcave beea closl than I have (etd. but thene ficuroe have ben cured from county auditors, and are of rtctai." THE STORY OF ST.

CATHERINE. Novambar 21 tha 8alnt't Day Dtalg natad In Har ts the day eet cat la tho Roman calendar In fconor of St Catho rtne, virgin and of the fourth oeatury. She holda aa exalted poeltloa, both from rank and Intellectual abURy. She aald to have bean of royal birth and one of tho enwt women "of AUiabdrwu tTom 'a chU4 a he nettd tvr tmr aoqutremenia in- teamina and phtlooophy and while Quit ye una he became a convert to tho ChnaUaa tnUh. Durlnf toe yreecutroa tnetituted 'Maalmuiue IX aaaumed tho ace of an alrocate for Cbritcianlty In which he uch coa wy of arfMmn and (uch powete of eleouenro aa thor ought to e.lenoe rtt paaa adrareartea.

alajiirRtnua. troubted with th'e euoreoa, 4mMfst the tnoefleamei philoerphera to confute thle Portta of the fourth cn tury. They were renqulahd tn debate end were converted to tho Christian xloo-trtnee. The enraced tyrant thereupon commanded thta to bo put 10 delh by The aJnt wa roaerred for a more eroel punuhrnfTit waa placed In a ntacbino on, pe4 of four hU. connected to-ethr end rmM with eAarnr aplkea.

eo ilvat aa they reroired the Vkctina miarht be cm to pKvea. It la eatd that a miracle prevented the cmjlMfca of thle project. the eiccutioriere wera bltidlnf the Mint tn the whevle a th of dvcen0ed from heaven, eerered the ooroe that tied ber, ahattered tho enirtaa to pecee and hilled the evecutionere and number of byetaaderev alanmlntta, oiUl ira TROUDtE CURED FREE 9 CWk mm IM.em Maat 4 lMe l' AM an 1 knax, Ta i-w iuiis tm4m at mi rmmt 1 1 it. 1w Na llin HI mill! kai ark aiaii r4 a hMMi mm a4ar care ca. Aawm aVM naajaata SaM ww ra aj ifcaawiliaaS SSaaSi arteabW eaaaaa ft at II etf arSl V.

lew W-aaJ,a, taVa) yawT 'v lWaiSi- ysssarf tM eae- fih'aj aaayajr aab AWWaj Vc-y3 we Tan ajT Via aanttat a aaa av If ya aaia attnnlMHlkiaiaeMlH aaar aart. a f. W'm tNk. afi aa raa nt an anil ImM ta tka amt''aj aial a aaa. trmmm ka aafa al aa Baj Oal INDIANAPOLIS NEWS, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER IS, 1903.

16 IT'S AHT1-SAL0DH LEAGUE FACADE OF THE SS- PETER AND PAUL CATHEDRAL. TO BE ERECTED IN NORTH MERIDIAN STREET THAHKSG1V1H6 DAY IS ALSO ST.AIIDREV'SDAY LEADERS URC CHURCHES I 1 i i- PnOTOCRAPinC RKPRODCCnON OP PTuASTEIl OP PARIS ODEU Thatifh ES. PeUr and Paul cathedral, aferidlaa a treat; near Fourteenth atroat, wilt bo ready for nao in time for the I Eaater aorrtcea la 1908, tho front of the cathedral win not bo for aomo time, no definite data barina; been fixei po for the erection of tho beautiful facade, which will front aferidlaa etroet' This facade will bo of oolitic limestone and will be. It la aald, th moat beautiful and artiatle piece of architecture la tho Weat Oscar Bohlen, of D. A.

BobJen dt Son, la tho auperrlalf.a; architect D. A. Bohlea AtrSoa are now fumlahlna tho church at St alary of the Woods, near Terra Haute, with pewa and Interior This church will not bo ready for occupancy anttl December 1. 1906. The main altar.

It is aald. will be, on of th Snoot altar la tho country and will coat 13,000. It win bo made In Italy. Besides this altar there will bo alz amallor ones, all on th mala floor, Tho church la of tho renaissance style of architecture and will aeat 1.2 bant on nor destruction, ordered her to be carried without tho walls of tho city. here she waa first scourged and then Tbe lee-end ears that after fleam nor body waa carried by all over tho Red sea to the summit of Mount Blnai.

The celebrated convent of St Catharine, situated en a elope of that mountain, and founded by th Km poror JuaUnlaa In the elxth century, contains la its church a mar tie sarcophaua tn which reltce of ft Cathtrtne are deposited. Anions; thee Is th skeleton of a band covered with nnas and Jewel. In all pictured representations of th saint there to arured a wheel to represent that vpon which aha waa to have been tortured. Prom this ctroumstance It also derived th well-known circular window In ecclesiastical architecture, termed a -Catharine-wheel window." A well-known firework of lVet form also bear the name of th Catharine wheel. ITS JUBILEE CELEBRATION.

Contlnuanc Sarvlcaa at First Church ef EvanQtlicat Association. Th celebration of the fiftieth "anniversary of th First churcN. Svanaellcal Association. Kew Tork and New Jersey which reran last Thursday even Inc. will eoadud with services to be bald to-morrow and oa Uonday.

There will be no eervlce thle evenlna. Prof. 8. I Tm-bach. D.

lecrarM last Bht on "Tbe Loads c-r the At a. ta. to-morrow there wCl be a unday-chool rally. At 10.) the Jubilee semmn will be delhrered by Profeaw.H Umbach. who wilt sneak tn Oermaa.

At I p. rru tHer will bo a moetlnc tn which me surviving; metanera ox tne con-rreraiton of fifty year aro will arlve remtnlsoence of bysone dya. At the evenln; eerrtce Profesaor I'm bar wiU be tbe prtacipai apeaxer. Monday evening th sermon, which will bo riven la EaslUh. will be erven ry Utah op Bowman, of A Hen town.

Pa. Next week will be devot04 to a serteo of revived cnecUaaa. CHARGED WITH ATTEMPTING TO BLACKMAIL THE ARMOURS W. S. MeSwain and William Col Ar- rtsttd at Chlciflo -Echo of th Baf Trust Invtatlgatlon.

CmCAOO, Novnnber 9. at cS wain and William Col, his brother -in-law, wera arrested her pasterday charrt with ta blackmail Ofden Armour and other member ot the firm of Armour Jb Co, tor ta connection with th beef trust tarnts ratton tspon letter which they are al-Teced to aav stolea from the tie of the cotnpaay. atcswaia was employed by Armour i Co. for four years aa a tenocrapher and ta that way had access to part of the mall of th packins company. Three weeks S-o.

U.te aald. atcdwam e.p- proachel Air. Armour and threatened to turn the letters erer to the Federal av ihorttJea unices Saxaa) waa paid bun. Mr. Armour refused ta listen to tho proposition, and then alcSwau, It is allured, mads similar demands ether ofictala ef the company.

ith the hope of lead-ins; atcSwain and his easnpaoci tato a trap, severaJ oceans- were held bv tweea McSwia and attoruev Rosenthal. a roprseatatlT of the pacalea oompaay. "At eacn uee meetuunc said air. RcsanthaL 'the sura was aravdualiy re duced urtil McSwita axreed to trive tip the Icttei for tn sum or (ixcna. A meet ing- waa amtnared with him at tho Auc torinns Hotel, where it was srred that Ji.0 should be paid bta on tbe- delivery of th letter and S5 a week later." v.

hen the two anecrxi conspirators ap peared at tbe hotel to ooUoct the money, taey wera arresieo. SIR GEO. WILLIAMS AND WORK OF THE Y. MC A. WONDERFUL GROWTH 18 SHOWN IN THE ORGANIZATION.

FROM A BEDROOM GATHERING Th body of Sir Oeorre Williams, who founded th Tounf Men's Christian Association June 1944. and who died November t. was laid to rest In St. Paul's. London.

November 14. This organisation which began with meetlnc of a few clerks tn a bedroom has srown to bo a or 13-wide institution. At the world's conference held ta Pari last April It waa shown that the association had extended to thirty-nine countries and enrolled over 700,000 member la 113 organisations. so appreciated Mr. Williams's service to ber young men that Queen Victoria knighted htm at the Jubilee of th association, which waa.

celebrated tn London in lSSi. It has been (he privilege of few men to see tbe development of an organisation of so large proportions and so vrorVl-wkle an tnnuence flunax- tneir own iireume. it grew far beyond his original conception, which was solely for the commercial jroung men class In the city of London. Now Its branches affect men In every department of life, front the mine boy to the unlversityrman. The associations have attained the ownership of suo buildings worth S37.tW.ftM.

While tbe American group contain one-half of tbe world membership, oyer two-thirds of the employed and owns three-fourtts of the property in buildings, and while the American type of association work is the one sought for and prevailing in non-Chrtsttan lands, still It Is equally true that the personality of Sir George Will-lams, as the founder of the parnt London association, haa commanded and commands from the world brotherhood, universal honor, loyalty and aSecuon. Notes of the Churches There will Je an "old people's meeting' at the West Wsahlngton-street M. II church to-morrow morning. The Gideons will bold a revtral eervtoe at tho Covenant Congregational church to-morrow evening. There will be music by soloiat and choir.

The ReV. L. D. Baa will baptiss at the South street Baptist church to-morrow evening several persons who Joined tbe church during tho recent revtral. Th Ethic of Trad rmonlsaaT wQ be th subject of the sermon of the Rev.

J. if. Barnett- pastor of the Brightwood Congregational church, to-morrow evening. Th saints days for the coming week are: Sunday. November 1.

St. Elisabeth of Hungary; St. Felix of TjOoie; a. preaatarton of the Virgin Mary: tt St. Cecilia; St.

Clement: 24, St- John of tbe Cross: S. St- Catherine, Th Rev. albert Hurlstone win begtn a eerie of special setmons on practical hemes at Roberts Park M. E. church Snndav night Th topic as announced an: November 1.

"Leavlna: No vember St, "Th Dreams ef De cember J. "Ie It Ever Too Late to MendT' December 10. "Governing the December 17. "Holding the Tongue." The Rev. 3.

O. Excell, overseer of the Christian Catholic Apostolic church in Zlon the "Dow le church at Zlon City. Ill will speak In the Murphy League Hall, Alabama and New York streets, at 10.30 a. tn. and 7:30 p.

m. to-morrow. The Rev. Allan B. Philnutt will continue to assist the Rev.

F. W. Norton, of the Irving-ton Christian church, net week In the revival which la being conducted In that church. Mr. Phllputt will preach each evening except Saturday.

The report of John R. Welch, treasurer of Holy Croes (Catholic) cemetery for the year ending October 51. 190S. shows 248 Interments, of which 267 were of adults and eighty-one of Infants. The cemetery association has on hand a balance of li The Methodist, Congregational and Baptist Churches of Brightwood will hold a union service at a.

m. Thanksgiving. The Rev. J. H.

Barnett will preach tbs sermon. Special music will be furnished by a choir composed of singers of the three chu-cbes. The Rev. Elijah P. Brown Horn Brown" of this city, Is conducting a successful revival at Grace church, Ko-komo.

The papers of that city are featuring thae meetinga and giving much space to epigrammatic sayings taken from his addresses. The Rev. Dr. Edwin C. Dinwiddle, of Washington, D.

C. wtil apeak at the First English Lutheran church, the Rev. R. Foster Stone, pastor. Walnut and Pennsylvania streets, at 10:45 a m.

to-morrow. He wtil be assisted tj Kdward Payson Osborne, of Wooster, the noted singer, who will sing at this service. The Disciples of Christ are planning a great centennial, to be celebrated In Pittaburg. tn with a rally of fiO.OuO oersona The leader of the propose a crusade comprising the following objects: To clear all Disciple churches frem debt to plant a new Bunday-erhool for every existing congregation, to preach Christian union in every community, to Induce every minister to select and train one your.g man to be a minister and thereby double ll number of ministers. and to distribute unity literature every where.

TO GO TO CALIFORNIA AND SEE If Hart Is the Man He Says He Is He May Have Child. If a trip to California, proves that How ard If- Hart has reprejseiked kla station tn life properly, it ht probable that he wCl be appointed guaruiail fur ten-year-old Jufi Horlce. by the Marlon county Prorate Court. Hart, who has recently come from the West. Is reputed to be a millionaire, having, it is said, been one of the first to "strike It rich" in ths gold fields of Alaska.

Little June Horine is an orphan Her father died about two years ago a-id her mother, fcndret: herself the vlct-m of consumption, left her chiH fr fear that the disease might be transsi.Ttt-d. She had completed arrangements for a Journey to California in the hore that her health might be benefited. whn ahe lvi. Hart, returning recently from the Wcet. found Jrr.e.

of whom be is a distant relative, and made up his mtnd to care for her. desires to take her to California, vbere she will be educated at Leland Stanford Junior University. It Is his Llaa to form a botes for children, whom wishes to educate Oren Hack, guardian of Jane, had a conference with Hart yesterday. Hack went to the Probate Court, where be beid a consultation wttn Jsujre Walker, axd it was practically dec Vd that he sbouid make a trip to California, and. should every thin be found satisfactorr.

the xuardlanah-p of the ct'td will be changed. Th estate will bear half the expenses of th trip If Hart will bear the other 1 THE TWO FALL ON THE SAME DATE THIS YEAR. SCOTLAND'S PATRON SAINT Thankrglvtog this year comes oa November 3. St Andrew day. The beginning of the ecclesiastic year I rcgnlatad by th feast of St Andrew, th nearest Sunday to which, whether before or after.

th first Sunday la Advent or the period ot four weeks which heralds the approach of Christmas. St Andrew's day Is thus sometimes th first and sometimes th last festival Ja the Christian near. 8i Andrew, th apostle, was tn son of Jonas. a flaberman. tn ttauiee.

ana was the brother of Simon Peter, but whether elder or rounaer. we are not informed la scripture. Ho was on of th two- disciples of John th Baptist, to whom the latter exciaimexi. as be saw jseu pas by: "Behold tho Lamb of God!" On bear ing thee words, we are Informed that tho two men followed Jesus, and having accosted Him. were invited by th sa viour to remain with Him for that oar.

Thereafter. Andrew, went la search of bis brother Simon Peter. and brought him to Jeaoa, a circumstanc which baa In vested Andrew with a special pre-eminence, i After th ascension, the name of An drew Is ot mentioned In the New Testa ment but be believed to have traveled as a misKlonary through Asiatic and Eu ropean Scythia; to have afterward passed through Thrace, Macedonia and Eplrus into Achats, and at the city of Patra. In Achaia. to have suffered martyrdom annul in year a l.

The Roman proconsul. It Is said, canned him to be first scourged and then cruel fled. The latter' punishment he underwent In a peculiar manner, being fastened by -cords Instead of nails to the cross, to produce a lingering deatn by hunger and thirst The Instrument of punishment instead of being T-shaped, was In th form of an X. or what is tanned a cross decus sate, i Further lnformatk-n Is given that a Christian woman of rank, named Maxi- JBala, caused the body of St. Andrew to be embalmed and honorably burled: and that in the early part or tbe fourth century It waa removed by th Emperor Constantino to Constantinople, where it was deposited in a churct erected in honor of Twelv Apostles.

Remains Carried to Scotland. The history of the relics does not end here. It is said that about thirty years' after th death of Constantln. In XI A. a pious Greek monk, named Regutus or Rule, conveyed the remains of 8t.

Andrew to Scotland and there deposited them on the Eastern Coast of Fife, where he built a church and whers afterward arose tbe renowned city and cathedral of 8t. Andrews. Whatever cred may be given to this legend, St. Andrew has been regarded from time Immemorial as the patron Saint of Scotland and bis day, November SO, is a favorite day of reunion 'among Scotchmen at homo snd Andrew la one of the four patron saints of Russia, the others being Nicholas, Wladimier and Mary. i Service for Deaf Mute.

The Rev. Austin W. Mann, General Mid-Western Missionary of th Episcopal church to deaf routes, 'will preach at St. Alban's Mission. Christ church.

Monument Place. to- morrow at 19:30 a. m. and I p. m.

Communion win be administered at tho morning service. Last Sunday the Kev. air. iann neid a service in Ht. Psul's church, Flint where ho began his work In 1S71 Presbyterian Field Secretary.

1 ST. PAUL, November lt-Dr. John F. Fulton, pastor of the Central Presbyterian church here, has been asked to accept the position of flfcid secretary of the permanent committc on temperance cf the General Assembly of the Presbyterian church. Dr.

Fulton said had not decided to accept tbe position, but that It appealed to him strongly. I Y. W. C. A.

Notes. The Once-a-Week gymnasium class will have its first meeting Tuesday at 8 p. tn. Mrs. Hankemier has begun to train the choral class on special Christmas music.

The morning shirtwaist class, organised Wednesday, will have a course of six lessons and each member will have the opportunity to make several waists during the course. Mrs. Emeline Tut lie wtU speak on her mln.1on work among the Modoc Indians at the Sunday 4 o'clock vesper service st the Young Women's. Christian Association. 31MJ North Pennsylvania street Miss Anna.

Cochrane will sing "Nearer to Tnee and "Just for To-day." Miss Josephine Sims will give a violin solo. i LdXDl TIE aBanayaasaaafaaBaaaaaB A Mr ffitts-n I I tis fsrop ef tin J'C- Cannot Rest Tour appetite la gone. What Uttl you eat. distresses you. Strength Is failings are bilious.

Tou have headache, backache, feel blue and melancholy and can not rest or sleep. The fact Is your nerves are unstrunav and you are on the verare of nervous prostration. They must be strengthened, renewed. They will not our nam elves, but most bar a nerve remedy. This you will end In i Dr.

Miles Nervine It Is prepared for just such ailments. and Is a never-falling remedy, because it soothes, feeds and builds tho nerve back to health. If allowed to continue, stomach, kidney and liver trouble will soon added to your already overflowing measur of misery. "1 suffered from nervous prostration. When 1 began taking Dr.

Miles' Nervine I couldn't hold anything In my hands, nor' get from one room to another. Now I do all my own work." MRS. CHAS. LANDRUM, Carthage, Mo. I Nervine seldom falls to do all we claim for It, and so we authorise druggists to refund money If first bottle does not benefit GOOD LUCK Da Yosi Waal Uveal Laekt Do you desire to kaow hew you anay be fertunate la Ufa.

aucceaafu! ht buslnaas aad prosperous financially Is It your dasira to hsve evary-tblns to come roar wasf I have thousand of letters from people who ware unlucky In everything aad are now bavin- irood luck and are proevevoua In ail thair undertakings. Hand your nam and ad-dreaa to Captain Rand and he will tall you all about it; it wtil eoat you nothing ta writ him. and It may retult in your fortune and fulurt happtneaa. CAPTAIN WALTER I. RAND.

17ft Trrmont Hi, oaton. alaas this is not astrology or fortune tailing. There sre tiro classes of Pcraedies: those of kno-rni fj-aal-Ity sad lrLicli aro permaiicntly lnefldal ta efetrt, iztizj feslly, ta Lsnaony witli nature, wbea natars teei3 asslit sacs; sad another tlass, composed of prepantlcas cf ttatnoira, Tmcertata and Inferior cliapmcter, atlnj ten jo-nrlly, tut lijnrlously, as a resalt of fortisj tta nalaral ftrcetlons Tmneressarilj. One of the most exceptional of the remedies of known quality and excellence is the enr pleasant Syrcp cf Tis nanuCictaxed tj the California Tit ETrop trhlch represents the actite principles cf plants, known to act most benecUlly, ia a pleasant syrup. hid.

the "wholesome Califonuaa tine are used to cc trihnte their rich, yet delicate, fruiry favor. It is the remedy all remedies to rireetea. and refresh and cleanse the mtsia ftntly and naturally, and to assist one ia overcoming consti many ills resultls? therefrom. Its actlre prind- troality are known to physicians generally, and ths therefore met with their approval, as well as with many millions of well Informed persons who knoir personal knowledge and froxa actual experienej that It Is a most excellent laxative remedy. VTe do not claim that It will care all manner of tils, hat recommend It for what it really represents, a laxative remedy of knowa quality and excellence ccrtaislEj nothirj; of an tjjecticmaile or tcjious character.

There are two classes of purchasers; those vho are isibracd as to the quality of what they buy and the reasons for ths excellence of articles of exceptional merit, and vrho do not lack, eourae to ro elseirhere whea a dealer offers sa taltatloa of any well knowa article; hat, unfortunately, there sre seme people who do not know, and irho allow themselves to be imposed upon. They eannct expect its beneficial effects if they do not get the genuine remedy, i To the credit of the druggists of the United States be it said that nearly all of.theja ralas their. reputatioa for professional "integrity and the good will of their customers too highly to offzr limitations of ths -wa r-4e' a -J direct from us. Rheumatlo Bullet U8 aa aatt-r. Uatastly ataoa ttcsiag, faUUg i Lake sc.

Chicago. aaus, gaaarag gad ail aaae gansa, YOUNG AND OLD arc earnestly tirgeot to write oa at once for Free Adi'KC Make us your coofiiaat. describing all your troubles, stating age, aci T-e will send you Taluafcle txutrtxtioas ar4 airke, in plain, sealed enrtlope. Adiress Ladles Airtsory Drpt, The CLattanooga Itlcdkmc Co-, Giartanooga, Tenn. Worn heals mmmrd tmnie.

all pain and regulating tunctxons. It is a safe and reliable cure, for all forms of female trouble, purifying and enriching tainted blood, and toning up the soggy nerves. It; makr? sick women welL Try ft. At enrcry Drears in $1 Bottles. a IPO a ea-pw manufactured by the California FIj Syrup Ox, and la cnicr fc bay the genuine article and to get its beneficial effects, one has only to note, when purrhastng, the full name of the Company California Fl Syrup Caplaialy printed oa ths frczt cf evtrj package.

Price, bOc per botUa. One size czlj. A The Kelsey Warm Air Generator Dsaai a Perfect Deat-in Pint Vaaaaai 26000 Vi USB assBTawTaTBjsBBBsaBBj Saryassw fl Air Far aa beeaaso ta aends th prop aaa-tity properly warmed air taU every rosea ta a house, whether ta aa cxpoeed or distant loeaOoa or aet, thereby tarurlasT rra tamperatuT. Th moot healthy aysteea heating tn ws. Strongly Indorsed by leadlaa; phyatolaaa aad arshltMta, AeeacBpBsae ate Bend for book which gives pinion of hundreds of user who) hav tried other system.

your wife's MOTHERiHnrfina Soao would be mors swaet -tampered If aha didn't VS ier tVai af suffrv from ute gout. pod us bar aama aad an aoi catoa ueoaonzinsxt rrasrsni 17-ZIZ A BrsatA of Pirn BmUmm Xrary Ca bnd us bar un aad Mdoicated Frasrant arno ber a ikis or IV. Pfaja IlmlmMmt fa fmVm ad.lraaa, and wui will kill tha gout-producli hcaltn aad impart goca ln urto add. reatore Foe rtV blar heads, eraama, ngh. rad kasds, tamper.

Or you may eowplaslaw hlamlabaa. Paaltlaly as soap ess aos. at tb druegtat's or fara wu HarSaja aa a aala a4 fcair eWaeaas al Ih. nwiM1 mm 9 a tl oa twiftl IX. ll W.

D. J01N50N t5 SDN CO. Bdatisf Vcatllatlflx Con tr lit era aai Enjlneera IRDUNAPOUS I I I I I CTDU-tA eaarylktae alae SUM4. Ttayaare SA ban kicb.y raaoataMaOM by a4 ska Seas ssa abaaa, aaaat VTA VrassasSsSBsaTi et iayxcx: i niif abantaaatreaNaaia. Parfaatly aa Uatft araaaaa aa l.iaaa.

aftae fja. Ur. at. 0. Karmasd hamady Roaas Ui, 4 Adaaas Street, iblcag.

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Alter cy fourth thAt I tuilcrti freatly, and coold hxtilj ait trp. Ahct Uliag ccs ccttle ct Cardui I tejraa to get well. 1 am now cured ha re plenty of aUk and no more trouble. Ciriu't has exit raefeellHea cewwesua." 1.

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