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The Ludington Daily News du lieu suivant : Ludington, Michigan • Page 2

Ludington, Michigan
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PAGE TWO THE DAILY MICHIGAN. TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1939. SOCIETY DAILY NEWS OF EPWORTH -HEIGHTS (MISS FRANCES FEARHEILEY, Reporter) Local Amusements seven. The third inning saw a new Nelson's Service pitcher on the mound, who held Ep- worlh to one run. In the fourth inning.

Cook, Mi-Gee and Pierce crossed the LYRIC Presents Robert Taylor and Hedy Lamarr in "Lady of the Oceana county nurses with Joseph Schild- the guests of Mason county: kraut. Gloria Franklin, Ernest nursisata delightful picnic. Cossart Mary Taylor and party, held Monday evening Trowbndge. waterworks park with 35 ladies TAPROOM in attendance. Eighteen Hart OSSAWALD CRUMB TAPROOM and Shelby nurses were present, Dancing to A delicious picnic dinner was Glenn Moore's enjoyed and swimming and a' No es social hour formed the evening's! entertainment.

The group Joyed listening to a 'portable radio, 'brought by one of the: Roller skating. guests. I Regular meetings of the; OLD HICKORY Nurses' association will begin the music "Three of NEWS Notes concerning news for this column may be left in the NEWS ITEMS box in the administration building, or given by call- in plate Edith Montedonico, Mary Ann! J- Montedonico, Jean Jones, Ann lcacl Turner. Helen Ingcrsoll, Martha Wagner, Sally Edmunds and Sally Rowe. Mrs.

Eldo I. Wagner, Mrs. INTERESTING BOOK REVIEW GIVEN The story of Dr. Anna Walter Fearn, a lady of distinction 'Shcllen'barser, Mrs. Louis De- and Mr.

and Mrs. Don Fuller went with them. The Foreign Missionary study book, "Women and the Way," 'will be reviewed by Mrs. Frank making the score 12 to fifth reduced Epworth's the sixth, spectators and players overflowed the field in a jji'otest against interference by fans vvho crowded the base lines and again on another technical charge, delaying the game so it was necessary to call it jn account of darkness. BEACH PARTY IS HELD Miss Grace Wilson of Breezy Point entertained with a beach Kathryn Turney Garten in her lo ''f in i 6 1 frmrti-, hnni- rovipw Mnnrinv day at 1U UocK.

All women Harrington, fourth book review Monday UAy Barnngton, ounaay eve- pwnlne Monaay i interested are cordially invited. nin at the Buttersvllle bluffs. evening. The story of Dr. Fearn really Miss Wilson's guests Flov Plunkett, Nome were: Nelson Eddy and Al Pearce.

They are all more human than one would suppose from merely hearing them over the air. Ouire and son of Chicago, Miss Ruth Schroeder of Detroit, and Miss Eleanor Olson if Sparta, i out-of-the-community "Kate.Smith is especially to all who work on her hour, but others attending were Mes- it's very hard work, starting Clara Petersen, Agnes 9 a. and finishing with the Munson, Emily Johnson and repeat show at 11 p. m. for the daughter, Shirley; Susie Lam- west broadcasts.

"Radio amplification is a dis- brix. Doris Lundberg and daughter, Betty; Mabel Lind- tinct advantage to voices of less- re Lena Beard, Hanna Lunder volume, and many perform- berg. Edith Westbrook, Bernice disappointing in personal Clark, Mary Lundberg, Esther inces where local ampli- I Birdsall and daughter, Eleanor; ers are appearances fiers are not accessible. "Undoubtedly, the radio has (Please tun. to Page 5, Column 4) Munson Home Is Scene of Meeting Etta Eppinger and Iva Wickham.

Mrs. Munson, assisted by her daughter. Ruth, served her guests a delicious luncheon. The Aug. 23 meeting will be held at the home of Mrs.

Guy Birdsall. HOME BAKED GODDS SALE Wednesday, Aug. 16, at MASONIC BUILDING Beginning at 10 a. m. (Sponsored by VFW I I Auxiliary) i BUCK SCHOOL.

Members began "with "Elizabeth WINS CHAMPIONSHIP jliage, the first woman Joan Jenkins defeated her I though she herself was born sister, Marilyn, to win the 'later, in 1867, in a small Mis- 'Championship of the junior back. Bob Rogers, Chal Caro- Isissippi Her background women's singles division in a and guests of Bethel Ladies' Safes' Aicl soc ty met at the home of for the fall season on Monday,) Sept. 11. This meeting will be held at Hart. Mrs.

Perry Ayers Is Hostess to Grands Music by "The Rhythm Mak- HAMELL'S LAKE SHORE INN Dancing. Orchestra night. her! Isabel McMeekin, Dorothy Mrs. Geor Se Munson Wednes-1 the ITucld. Jane Lawry, John Dellen- 1 1 Au 9 I ior back Bob Rogers, Chal Miss Eln Bidl a there.

Phil Campbell, was''of match Monday morning. The Jones. George O'Brien, tradition of hospitality After score was G-3. 6-3. Marilyn I Cook and Bud Stillman.

her father and older brothers i won the women's singles died, she and her mother and Marilyn and Joan paired to- sisters were left to run the sethe.r to take the junior worn- New landscape work added much to the attractive- plantation, a feat which they performed, alternating between en's doubles, winning over of the land in back of ty Fearheiley and Jean Simp- IStarligh Colton John i 1 ent Mary Lundberg conducted the business meeting. Sewing on various articles has rc ared by the work commit- kept everyone busy. Mrs. Gertrude Lindgren Me- and Shangri-La cot- periods of extravagance and son 7 5 7 9 6 3 ta.ues. Miss Ra'bb'ideau and excessive luxury, and poverty.

I Mrs. Daniels have been mak- Due to this lack of funds her i GAME POSTPONED I in- it into a small park, and debut was made in a period I The hotly contested junior have ut out shelves for birds, gown, actually resurrected from team same with Nelson's the family attic. I Service was postponed after A chance meeting with a inninns of play Monday IHLKSUAI woman doctor on a train evening with the 'score tied at In interview this morning led her to the choice of a 12 runs each Marjune McClung. who appears medical profession. From the Disputes over decisions with jn concert at Epworth auditor- in joining in the pro- Woman's Medical college Philadelphia, she went to tests were" quite frequent" in China, a China which com- the latter part of the game.

pletely enchanted her, and i The first inning resulted in Mrs. Perry Ayers was hostess to members of the Past Noble' Grands club of the Rebekah I lodge Monday evening at her I home at 713 Brother street, at' the organization's regular meeting. I Tn thp nhqpnop nf thp nrpsi-' Members of the Ladies' Aid anr in tne aosence or me presi Rp fh nnv mthprnn tnat the impression made after two outs. dent, the meeting was called to society ot Betnany Lutneran i sne nvp nc shp hl oi £,,,, nf no imn Thursday evening, related interesting experiences. "Radio work," said, "has 1IL only been a side line, as I am whose people she was to love two runs for Epworth.

agr.nst interested in church and and understand. "High Wind" four for Nelson's Service, but oratorio work. But it has some or "Small Typhoon" was the in the second Epworth surged I ant finid the name the Chinese gave her ahead with seven runs, all personal touch with such well- as ghe bu John meeting of the group. At t-hp plnsp of the u. MTVJ ij.i*v^ UUoilV HII11 Pi order toy Rose Benson, vice church enjoyed a picnic outing ficientlv went ab president.

It was planned to recently at Hopkins lake. Near- Some her cases simDl make recipe books at the next ly 60 persons were present. some were amusino othpl The occasion was begun with i were difficult and sometimes business Community singing and a brief i hopeless. The Chinese she meeting a social hour was reading, glvefn bvf Rf f- found to be a loyal, loving peo and ptaochle wai played. bn Christensen, pastor of the i pie, capable of making "jokes.

Firs nrbe was woiibv Mrs Har- church. The afternoon was then That the Chinese do not love ry Stalter and second by tu ed ver fc Mr. Knudson deeply she refuted with an Frank Hansen The evening's who spoke interestingly on his exquisite love story which she Serv nackage Ss awarded travels to Ludington from Iowa witnessed, on the pattern of Mr7 Marv and also his visit to the New and Later in the evening deli- World's fair and Wash-! A visit to-japan caused her cimfsi refreshmenta were' servedilngton, D. C. give this opinion, -I found thP hflstesT i At the conclusion of very beautiful and very The.nextmeetinz of the club Knudson's talk.

delicious re- but the people are will be held on Monday Sept freshments were served Coffee; absolutely lacking in humor." 11 Rt thPhomPof Mrs J'L Eto-' lwas re ared and served by: After marriage with an frs. Christensen of Hop- American doctor Burns Fearn. hostess of the occasion will of talk was given by Capt. P. ma ke a success of both a mccl- Blake, part time resident at the practice and a sanitarium, lake, on some of his lon efr husband died, she The next meeting of the ic to America for a short group will 'be held on the second Duft went back to 'Thursday of September in the a t( ta ke part in the i church basement.

Mrs. William Ynn Chinese educa- -club oimstead Will be hostess at thisr T' ri fho No. 1 announced today that mee ting i-f year of hcr use regular weekly meeting, to bei I 1 11 lte sne came home to 1 Sr da 1 ln a th Arlene McCumber Fourth Ward park instead of at had meant her. the courthouse, as usual. Participating in the interesting program prepared for the evening, S.

C. Ortega his niece, Mary, of Pentwater, will pierce rf in known radio stars as Lanny the Ross Kate Smithj Fred EAT LAGESEN'S DANISH COFFEE CAKES, BREAD, ROLLS and PASTRY "Famous for Over 25 Years." Dark Breads Keep You Healthy Swedish Litnpa, Rye Graham, Rye, Whole Wheat and Facially Breads. L'AGESEN DANISH BAKERY 605 S. Washington Avc. Phone 755 ITS EASY TO ACHIEVE BEAUTY WITH RUSSELL'S SKILLED HELP Beauty lies in your beautician's finRCi'tips.

why it's so important to select your shop carefully! Russell's skill and experience assure perfect results! PHONE 139 WE SPECIALIZE IN ZOTOS MACHINELESS PERMANENTS AND UP. Russell's Beauty Salon 10-1 W. Ludington, Avenue Phone 139 In Rear of Central Shoe Store THE YEAR'S BIGGEST BEDRi PECIALPU 5 NITURE SALE! 1 Mrs. McCoy. Will Meet at 4th Ward Park ofW.

BOAT RIDE is ENJOYED BY CLUB REEK pretty 1 A boat ride across Hamlin wedding wa.s solemnized at the lake was on the program for home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph' the Pepperettes club Monday. 6 th Townsend lan Brant Sunday noon, Aug. 13, Ne week other activities will Although only 11 years of age.l when their son.

Walter Brant, bu them, plans having been and Miss Arlene Florine McCum- madc a meeting Monday ber were united in marriage by ai and a Oieater partv CJ Ti ii-ii- Mary is well-known as a debater. Musical selections will be furnished by the Hayloft Gang. Fred afternoon In case of inclement weather, am I to see "The Wizard of Oz' the meeting will be held all The brjde was lovely in a On the boat ride were Flor- Townsend headquarters in the floor-length gown of pink silk nce Porter. Helen Shellen- A chiffon and carried an arm 1B01 3 Eu el Eieanor to quet of harmonizing flowers. The ll cl lw llv Holliday, Mar- Mc-; Masonic building.

The Townsend club wishes make correction on a previous i bridVs "sister Me- ric Ward Jca Mundhenke, statement: In Mr. Alexander's; Cuber Bridesmaid and she'v; a rjone Miln e. Mary Ann letter to The News' Open Forum! ae Voo -le efh drS lIne Mai -y Wagner. Jane Me- delegates was in reality 16,000. Grand Rapids Scouts Return wore a floor-length dress of teal Monday evening, the number of blue taffet sh al 01 Risers Anne Pierce.

voting delegates at the Indi- ian arm bouquet to match her! Wmme Jenkms Mimi Coates. anapohs convention was given as dress 1,600. The number of voting hc Rrocm was attended by Paul ilemmer as best man. Followng the ceremony a wedding dinner was served to the bridal party and following guests: Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph Brant, Mr. ana Mrs. Douglas Brant. Roscoe Brant and daugh- A troop of Grand Rapids Sea-j ter. Beverly Mrs Audrey Mc- scouts returned to their homes, Cumber and child: en.

Sylvia, Sunday after spending a week: Walter and Junior- Mr and Mrs at the Youth camp in Luding-, Earl Lyons and Billie- Ivan ton State park. As guests oiv Reed, Mr. and Mrs Hugh McKay Aug; 10, the troop entertained: unc i daughter. Edith- Mr and I members of the Edwin C. Shelby Mrs.

John Hcmmer, Miss Maxine ship, local Seascouts. Bogner, Cecil Bogner and Leo It will be noted. B. B. Patter- i

son, head of the Ludington Boy Scout council, pointed that the youth camp is not ex- "I elusive to this vicinity and is be- i ing used by groups other than those of Ludington. The camp is one of a number of such camps and is open for use to any i organizations in a surrounding I district and is not limited to the! use of organizations in the city i'. near which the camp is situated, alone. The camp is occupied weeTc by members of Troop Boy of the Community church of Ludington, whoj." started their camping period Sunday. DANCING To Glenn Moore's 'THREE BLUE NOTES' EVERY MIGHT EXCEPT MONDAY OSSAWALD PRUMB TAPROOIV: $100 Style Quality! Swedish Modern 3 Piece! 74 88 An August Sale sensation! Exquisite hand-matched Prima Vera veneers, oak interiors, dustproof drawers! Bed, chest, vanity or dresser! 57 A MONTH.

Down Payntnt, C.Tijiil!; Chlrji Save $2 50-lb. Cotton Mattress FOR MINOR AILMENTS THAT TAKE THE ENJOYMENT OUT OF ALL THE SUMMER'S ACTIVITIES BISMA REX ENGAGEMENT IS ANNOUNCED Announcement was made today of the eneagement of Miss Jane Elliot of Bast Lansing, for- tner resident of Manistee, to Robert Mummey, of Detroit, son Of Mr, and Mrs. Ray Mummey Ot 481 South James street. The marriaRe will solem Sept. 1 at East Lansinfr in the presence of relatives and 9 friends.

and Mrs. Mummey will their home in Detroit. -prominent noses of vlans aiid the wide, Negroes are be- be adaptations to the in different AN ANTACID POWDER 'FROM' THE REXALL LABORATORIES QUICKLY RELIEVES THE DISCOMFORT OF: EXCESSIVE GASTRIC ACIDITY 9SOUR STOMACH FLATULENCE AND BELCHING. SAFE PROMPT EFFECTIVE PLEASANT TASTING SNOW'S DRUG STORE Gifts For Every Occasion The Rexall Store Worth $7 anywhere! 50 pounds instead of the usual 45! Longwearing striped ticking. 7-Way Floor Lamp I Regular $12.95 Value I Adjustable to 7 degrees of soft, healthful light! I.E.S.

specifications! Pleated silk shade! Sale I Save 55 Fine Kneehole Desk 7 spacious drawers! Expensive butt walnut veneered front on hardwoods! Richly finished! Worth S3 'W Value 3-Pc. MODERN WATERFALL Ultra-violet ray treated and dowai-cd for health-comfort! 75 turkey leathers. It had to be a tremendous purchase to make the price so LOW on this bedroom! You'll see why when you examine these expensive features! Rounded, waterfall fronts in matched oriental- wood veneers on finest hardwood! All interiors are smoothly finished and dustproof! Bottom chest drawer is cedar lined! Plate-glass mirrors I Bed, chest and vanity or dresser in lasting Dupont Duco finish! Vanity Bench to Match 7.. $5.88 $7 A MONTH Down Payment, Carrying Charge HiviiIN Expensive Vacuum Cleaners 7 95 $4 MONTHLY Down Payment, Carrying Charge Cleans thoroughly, efficiently, with the famous beating, sweeping, suction action! Balloon rubber bumper can't mar furniture! Has quiet, ball- bearing motor 1, Thumb-Tip Switch I 3-Posillon Handle! New Duragrey Finishl 25-Foot Cord! SAVE ON THIS 6.2 Cu. Ft SIZE PRICE CUT! FEW DAYS ONLY! SEE IT TODAY! IT'S EXTRA DELUXE FEATURES! 1O9 $5 'DOWN Monthly Payments, Carrying Charge Compare with $160 models! Has 12.10 sq.

ft. shelf area! Extra bottle space! Big 8-qt. Vegetable Freshener! Food Guardian shows storage temperature! Sliding shelf! Big Speedy Freezer makes 63 cubes, 6 Ibs. per freezing! Automatic light! Super Powered, silent unit! MONTGOMERY 103-109 E. Ludington Avenue Phone.

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