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Las Vegas Optic from Las Vegas, New Mexico • Page 5

Las Vegas Optici
Las Vegas, New Mexico
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'We are in taking care of all menu for a funeral. no matter bow aim- pie or elaborate. Our experience extends over many jeara, and we have served aome of the leading people of thia city. "Silent Ill 11 opinion such a reflection I 9 not poa- Senator Borah, republican, Idaho, said Mr. Lodge "had suggested in a nebulous way" that the treaty was a Part of a large administrative po- Ucy, adding: "Possibly If that policy were unfolded and I could find where admission by the United States of wrong doing was Policy, I might ty, April 20, CU J.

C. JOHNSEN SON -UNDERTAKERS- FORMER PROFESSIONAL NORSE ENDORSES IT uuncu oiaies or is necessary to that GRADUATE OF BELLEVUE bloat bad I could hardly stand be convinced" HOSPITAL NEW YORK, EXPRESSES GRATITUDE wor each year and ftn- I A I BALL TO FOR WON- all Derated on But I didn't Heaver City, April DERFUL RESULTS SHE OB- im ro and I couldn't sleep well as ing Herekinson, 8, was lied when TAIN ED. I WM nervous and resttesa and wor- struck by a ball thrown by a play-' rled all the time. My back ached mate while they were playing on a One the lat to add her name awfuly and I often broke down corn- school ground near here. th long list of Tanlac endorse pietely weakness a i i "Jir.CFR" ic leIUS 8 MrSl LMy A' Loantzea, SSI have to go to bed.

i rvf.1^1 0 AVe SUn fttaaci c0 b. "That was my condition when I BfcCUN ON SALT LAKE fore her marriage was a trained taking Tanlac a few mouths LINE AFTER TIE-UP DUrse a a a om Ho ago and It was one of the greatest Denver llal. York. Mrs. of my life, a it restored ray V.UHI., Apr.i Jigger" has a host of friends and acquaint- health perfectly.

My app-tite -re- The thrifty man will surely get ahead. A savings accoun: 3 his greatest assistant. TheLas Vegas Savings Bank SIXTH 3TRFET. NEXTDQOft TO POSTOfFfCE 6n ed UP JFPORTERSOF 9LOMBUNPACT TODAY Bulletin: MshiTigton, April amend- it to the Colombian treaty, of. by Senator Poindoxtar.

Washington, to restrict. of Colombia a to use of the Mna was voted down 5D 30 He today in the 'ash'ngton, April os-tion to ratification of the Co- biun treaty was voiced in the ite today by Senator Nbrris, re- liran, Nebraska. He referred to ililicun supporters of the pact aa of the White House dr-chired that payment of $25,000 to obtain Columbia's good would logically be followed by to the other nations of the Id for their good will, tho final day's debate un- way, Senator Poindexter, repub- Washington, offered several d'nents to the treaty. Ono Id the cash payment from to a second Id withdraw the unlimited privi- of transport for Colombia trips war vessels through the Canal, a third would withdraw tho ement to transit Colombian mcr vassPla and ugh Uie cunal a no greater or tolls than Khali be asooHa- American vessels and ucts. republican, Iowa, was "blackmail" the American people would it's not going to be any to swallow because tiiu bot labelled "take with oil" Iowa senator, cf cancellation by Colom- American oil concessions was in support given th-3 treaty.

Proposed payment to MP POrtBl CAPACITY AUDIENCE AT THE DUNCAN OPERA HOUSE PLEASED WITH DANCES AND DRAMA BY PARISH SCHOOL PUPILS service was hpe-nn truitv i was oesnin today ances ai.d her stateenint. conil as turned and the stomach trouble and road, it does from one who has had so nervousness left me and I felt snow much experience in relieving suffer- splendid in every way. ing will be read with wulo "Then some time ago our houae i "Twenty-six years ago," she said, caught on fire and we were bunted "wh.le dn a v.sit to the country I iut, ancl the excitement of it all un- a sun stroko and was norvtd me and set me back. Know- year and eight how well Tanlac helped me be- era) A a a a had to be fed fore, 1 started right back to taking era! super.ntenednt office today, artificially all that time. As a it again and it waan'i long unt 1 I day a a i night nnd suit my stomach was left all upset, waa Celling well and strong once Clear i my was almost gone and I more.

I am in splendid health again TM bf3ak 8uHered awful and and Just can't tell how groatful I the rock. The slide was 100 feet cramps. At times I just cried out. feel to Tanlac for all the good it has long and of an depth of 30 I was in such misery, and I would done m- feet. The blocked tunnel i feet long.

Barely enough space was left open at the tuir.el portal permit a man to get through. The slide caused a suspension of freight sen-ire on the reads. Passengers fro mtralns on the Denver were being transferrod around The Duncan opera house was filled to capacity last night with the friends the sliod 10 another train, which was of the pupils of the parish school of the Immaculate Coticaption church who caught on the west nf the slide, had come to witness the annual entertainment. The first part of the pro' slide is declared to be the gram consisted of a pretty cantata, "Dreams of Fairyland," in which the young- ln the history of the er chlidren participated. The children looked sweet in their many-colored small rock and dirt lido costumea, and their sieging and acting was surprisingly good.

of tlic reported In the last few choruses, in two parts, where the fairies and the gpod fairies contest days and train crews havs been in- for the love of the two mortal children who have wandered into fairyland structed to take unusual precautions was particularly well done. to avoid serous accidents. Tha you uger boys of the school appeared in a double-mask dance and pantomime, in which they furnished some of the real comedy of the evening. The production, "Juan of with which the evening was closed, was elaborately and correctly costumed, aud was well acted by the young students. Great credit is due the teachers of the school, the Sistera of Loretto, for the skillful manner in which they trained the children and developed their natural talent.

The outstanding feature of the program was the ease and naturalness with which the children performed their parta, and the accuracy 'with which they sang their aongs. Among the children who took prominent parts In the program were Irene Ryan, Rose Eggert, E. Burrell, I. Groth, A. Hughes, A.

Burrell, Rebecca Mun- xanares, M. Carvill, M. Eggert, Jfc Eggert, Consuelo Baca, J. Or- Very definite progress towards the tega i Phillips, C. Lucy Sena, Helen Purcell, niccesH of Las Vegas' new hotel en- Cnarlolte Herman, Josie Garcia, E.

Monsimer, A. Gallegos, Julia Oarcia, V. trrpris- was effected at a meeting Gum P- Carvill, V. Ortega, G. Kggert, S.

Abeyta, L. Branca, J. Montuno, in the director's room of the Pfei er M. riandoval, M. Montoya, A.

Ortiz, E. Chacon, James Purcell, Las Vegas Savings Bank late yoatsr- Edward Groth, Helen Gump, Emmett Koeble, Milton Herman, Francis Eggert, day afternoon. This meeting was at- A Zummach, O. Zummach, Carlos Gallegoa, Tom Griffin, S. Roberts, C.

tended by the directing committee Roberts, L. Blanchard, I. GallEgos, J. Gallegos, W. Herman, who had speak- of the campaign organization and Tein or singing parts.

Clarenca Hanson, Carlos Blanchard, J. Gallegos and presentativen from the larger Inter- Hugh Root were pages, and, in addition, there were a number of others in ests of the city. As a result of the the choruses. somewhat lengthy discussion, the accompaniments were played by Miss Margaret Roberts aad Clar- heartiest kind of support, both mo- eiice Roberts piano and violin. ral and financial was pledged by the An orchestra ot young people and directed by Robert Rasper played representatives pre'sent.

The meet- duding the evening. Us music was particularly enjoyed. PROGRESS HOTEL ATHEHNG CITY OF 3HRUT TOBESttNEOF A TRADE FAIR I Beirut, Syria, April trade fair will be held here tula month, organized by the French, who are completing the military occupation of this new colony, or possession. It Is pointed out that Syria, if given a chance, will become as rich as portions of it were in ancient times, during peaceful epucns when the Romans dominated its Its like much of western Asia, la rich enougli, but what is needed is the peace that will let its people work, with the hopa of holding their earnings. The territory reaching from Constantinople to Egypt is aprinkeld with the ruins ot past civil iwtons, of prosperous cties such aa Tyre and Sidon of the Phoenicians which attest to the dsvelopmetn of ancient times.

The Germans, with their Bagdad railway scheme, had realized what might bo done again to re-people and refructlty thia great region, and the French are planning in the same manner, though not oik so ambitious a scale as the Germans, whose object was to control! virtually, the old Ottoman Empire and reach on to the Persian Gulf. handling passengers and the disinfect, ng plants are BJ large and modern that German officials hve found little i i in meeting the gestions of the American health officers. The Hamburg-Amcrican line, which is cooperating with the United American lines had model emigrant hails since 1907 which are in a section of the city the. Elve. Arriving emigrants are first put in what is caled the "unclean" section.

After the emigrants are and found to be healthy they are bathed, their clothing Is disinfected and deioust'd, and they are then transferre to the "clean" section. Here they are examined twice dally by physicians unt 1 they sail to make sure that they carr no disease upon the ships. All emigrants who are ill are isolated in hospitals and persons who traveled with the sick paasengers 'are put into observation stations until it Is certain the have no communicable disease. STRICTER QUARANTINE TO BE ENFORCED Hamburg, Apr.l 20i--America's enforcement of stricter quarantine regulations "to prevent 'vermin-infested emigrants from carrying typbua into the ports of the Uoited has cauted German shipping companies, operating from this port In connection with American lines, to use greater vgilan'ce in the Inspection and of passengers. The facilities are so good here for LOST EMERALD MINE Santiago, Chile, April lott emerald ttiine near thia city has been revealed "through spirit trol" to E.

B. Pattaraon, of Cumberland Gap, according to a let- jter received at the United States embassy here from Mrs. Peterson la asks whether emeralds are commonly found in this republic. She writes the "mine was concealed many years ago and that it been so photographe don her mind't eye" she would recognize the spot immed ately. The rich deposits, the adds, may now be found in atrataa below the earth's sruface near Santiago.

So far 8 known, emeralds have never been found in any quantity in this section of Chile. Natural abilities are like natural plants; they need pruning by study. --Lord Bacon. fc progre nfade The campaign or ganizafon goea merrHy on and lar number of the team captain, report very satisfactory progress apology" name of Mr. a "sickly, i held pr'marily for th? purpose of ascertaining the attitude to- the campa i ga organization being in the Punjab, the most important ward the which would be as- should consist of the highca wheat section of India, would be cut nC1 lose able to sub possible type of public sp.rited men down half.

Theclose was strong stanually support the 6nterpris3 and of lho coinunity and this plan is be- Further export business gave flrm- of 9 thf 6 me Uni 1 th Ge In ing carle1 oul by team "PtalTM I othe corn market. the one hundred corn, and alter a slight sag scorde to nut the project a 3 a ii around. Low quotation on bogs tended to 1 pull down provisions. Today's cloae: Wheat. May July Corn, May 69V4; July 62 1-8.

Oats, May 35 7-8; July 39 3-8. Pork, May July $15.50. Lard, May July $10.50. over, least one of the team cap- resum ed their bullish operations in especially at tued 1Ct operative stocks, a but made Httle )uain men 1a the reactionary trend manifested by to Jump inte the a a a Sale, approx- "part of a at onal Policy" Vro'ccYod I Harding "toward southern and a Is a mat of to is was Riba, May July $9.20. he donbt turn at "TIT" Beef Steer.

Slow ily Apri! S.GOO; 'teers slow, weak to 25c lower of more reactionary heavies weakest; bulk early elsewhere, oils, including top yearlings ske mocK dy PriCed Hpecul bert cow. W.6807; and issues, continued to strengthen teeiler dull, bulk, stady to to 2 hlgher what's lur Experience? If coffee keeps you awake nights, change to POSTUM CEREAL a delicious meal-time drinlc.whole- scme and satisfying, bat containing nothing that will disturb TOOT rest. Economical--Better for Tou a Reason." tobaccos Pacific fell ono point to a new low for the current movement and and "Western, New York air brake and Aemrican Car lout 1 to 2 points. Crucible steel, Atlantic Gulf, sugar and International pa- prr. also registered similar declines.

Columbia graphaphone preferred at a gain of 3 3-4 points was the only consplcuoui npeciaJty. Call money opaned at per cent and exchange rates on London and continental Europe were firm to strong. Whcat Goe. Down Chicago, April Descent to low price records for tfie season continued in the wheat market today, Opening prices which yarted from the 3nme as yesterday's finish to half a point advance, were followed by a ma- orlal setback all around and then omethlng of a rally. Later a sharp upturn resulted from cuttered reports of domeatic crop do- erloration and from that of drought Mte of wtoaat ly 25 cents lower than yostTilay's average.

Beit 180 pound b-'lk of sales pigs si3idy, best Sheep, recepita 10,000. strong a choice shorn Toxua wpthevs lambs seady 25c lower; 77 pound wooled lambs $10.75. I BRING Tort Arthur, 11 day journey by canoe, tobaggan and i through the wilds of northern Ontario to bring back to civlliza- the body of Ward E. Hrown, an American gold prospector, ended today when T. Barker, com- pnn'on and brothor-in-law place, the body, which hnd beT a i dand carried several hundred mllt'8, was encased in several thick ties of tarpaulin and strapped tc a board.

It will be taken by tomorrow to Plalnwell, fo; Brown died of pneuouvla April C. ill a4i "Make it a personal letter from you" I US VE6AS MULTIGRAPH AND ABVERTISING COMPANY Office at the Lac Vegas Title Guaranty Co. Las Vegas, N. M. PRICE LIST--We do not furniah the paper at these Full sheet letters in either English or Spanish, per 1000....

$10.00 sheet letters In either English or Spanish, per 1000 7.50 When translation into Spanish is made by us per 1000 2.50 extra advertisement Is gotten up by us per 1000 3.00 extra Menus for hotela, restaurants, or drug stores per 100 S.OO Menus for hotels, restaurants or drug stores per 2 5 0 5.00 Menus for hotels, restaurants or drug stores per 500 7.60 Special Rates for Advertising Public Sales, etc. "A Perfect Copy on Every Sheet" I NTERNATIONAL made-to-m a clothes without the added value of extra trousers is always considered the best buy in town. With the free extra trousers it makes it the most wonderful bargain it's-possible to Don't miss the chance to get excess value for your money. At FRANK LEDUC. All Wool Safe with 2 Pair of.

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