The Courier from Waterloo, Iowa • 1
- Publication:
- The Courieri
- Location:
- Waterloo, Iowa
- Issue Date:
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- 1
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
Ctl00 fflftt 2h. KAN-NO. WATERLOO, IOWA, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 21, 1891. PRICE FIVE CENTS. The business of Thk Coi niEi; estab Turtle Cuspidores irs' V- PA LACK SHOK STORK.
Organizing Congrosrs. Great crowd gather always to witness the opening of a new congress and to crush one another and act like a herd of hungry animals striving to get at a feed trough. lint it is really a commonplace affair enough. The most pleasing part of the s-how is the bright colored garments of the ladies in the galleries and the brilliant fl.nvers that adorn the members' desks at this their "opening." The senate is a jwnnanent organization and had this year therefore only to meet, swear in new members and organize committees. Of the eighty-eight fcenators in the Fifty-second congress thirty-two are either new or begin new terms.
But in the house it is different at the beginning of a congress. This year the majority political part' had not yet decided by caucus who their candidate for the speakership should be when the hour fixed by law for opening congress, noon of the first Monday in December, had arrived. There was consequently nothing to do but for Mr. Edward McPherson, clerk of the Fifty-first congress, the one expiring last March, to call the house to order and call the roll to ascertain if a quorum of the members was present. That being done, all that was left was for a member to move an adjournment till Tuesday at noon.
The Democratic majority in the present house is the largest ever sent by any party to the house of representatives. By Tuesday noon the Democratic caucus had made up its mind and Mr. Crisp won the prize. The next step was the election by the full house of the speaker. On Tuesdajr, the house again being called to order by the ex-clerk, a member moved that the house now proceed to the electivyn of a speaker.
This was carried. F.ali party nominated its man and the election proceeded by roll call, Democrats voting boisterously and tri-umphantir, Republicans modestly and quietl', rs became the minority party. The vote was viva voce, each member merel3" uttering the name of his candidate. Very simple was the ceremony that followed the election of a speaker. Two members, one of them the Republican ex-speaker, escorted the new Our cheapest shoe is Solid Leather.
You Avili find no shoddy in any of them. AVe want your trade next week, next month, next year and will endeavor to merit your returning again and again. If you are not posted on the value of Footwear, you may find it to your ad antage to trade with those avIio can giA you the benefit of their experience. Our steadily increasing trade proves that our trustworthy methods and reliable goods are appreciated. WEST SII)K.
MS-" J. e. SSO Stock Light 121o BRHGDON Commercial St. HAMMOND AVENUE Farm and Poultry Yards. llRKKDKH OF STAXIAKI TROTTINGHORSES Recorded Poland China Hogs, Brahma Chickens Pea Fowls.
Hammond Avenue, RIVERSIDE ADDITION (Formerly tlie County Fair i round.) Harvey's Door Closer! Tati nli-il liui V. April 1 1, T'ur ihnal'ility ami i-rfvt working, it has imi 1 1 an lied to any door in IWII llllllllt'-s. nautfil in rry I omity in tin; I'nited For list i ice In low a. rail on nr V. V.
I'lriii Wutci Ion. Iowa; other States, .1. IIiiot. 'otiii. NO 20 FAILURE.
YEARS in ttit.siue.sti in Waterloo jtrores that ire hoic to etoose tlie best fjootls ft ml best ftssoftetl Jewelry Stock tiii: CITY. Holiday Goods I Don't miss this opportunity of seeing our stock and buying of us. Balliett Weld, Op. Logan House, 206 E. 4th St.
K. I.1CHTT, 1'res. vVce-l'res. bee. and Treaa.
mil LICSTY HILLMAK Wholesale Grocers, WATERLOO, IOWA- J. B. Young Co. wood a ma an COiiL. Smithing Coal Charcoal, Portland Cement and Stucco.
OITiss 323 West 4th St. Telephone Ho. 33. Neely-Bryant -DEVLEKS IX- LUMBERS GOAL. 1 lav in stock Kt all times full Hnc of ISl'IBiE2; BKST QUALITY OF HARD AND SOFT COAL.
Wot W.VTMKIAJO. C. K. HARPER, Manager. EUREKA! YES, WE HAVE FOUND IT! The Greatest Discovery of tliis Century.
Arc troubled with DAXDRVFFt CD 3 12? US IIV RIVERSIDE ADDITION FOR SAL.EBY The Waterloo Improvement Syndicate The Best Bargains in Real Estate Ever Offered in the City. AH lots are desirable: are within the city limits, and the residents thereon will have school and other city advantages. on account of the remarkable but sound increase in residences and iu business enterprises in the city, prices on residence lots are steadily advancing. If you desire to procure a home, or make an investment only, von will save as well as make money by buying at once, one or more lots, in liiversive Addition. Terms to suit buvers.
9ailu do 1 1 W. II. IIAKTMAN COM TAX V. W. H.
HA HI MAN President, J. C. HARTMA1 Secretary and Treasurer. TIIK DAILY. THE VKKKLY.
ivr wcpk.d'-iivered. lc One year. month, coc Six month. l.oo luontli, mailed, 50e Three months, ard rates of Advertising in both publk-ations furnished on applloatlon. 45- Often in Covrier lt'oek, 16 Ilridge Street.
'I rlrpfine JS'o. 21. Our C'liristiiuis Ciro ting. This issue of Thk Daii.v Couimei: conveys "Waterloo's Christmas Greeting to the world. It tells of over spent in the erection of new buildings and in permanent improvements during the year that is now closing.
It shows you correct pictures of many of the new business institutions erected during the year and the new manufacturing plants established and also calls vour attention to some of the attrac-tions which "Waterloo offers to home seekers. Necessarily the article is imperfect and undoubtedly will not be found to be entirely free from errors. However, it gives an idea of our city and of its growth and prosperity which, we think, will be found to be of interest. AVaterloo takes a commendable pride in its location and surroundings, in its natural and acquired advantages, in the enterprise and push of its people and in the fact that it possesses all the elements needed to make a prosperous city. Firmly believing in these facts and in the future of the city, AVaterloo cordially invites every one in search of a home to come here.
Stealing in Hih Places. Mileage is a "phat" take with California congressmen. As shown by the mileage accounts presented in the house last week, llepresentative Geary, of Santa Iloss, traveled the greatest distance, 3,422 miles, and drew mileage amounting to $1,368.80, and Mr. Uarnes Compton, of Laurel, the shortest, only eighteen miles, with mileage at $7.20. llepresentative Geary thus receives a clear gift of about $1,000 in excess of his actual traveling expenses.
The mileage steal ought to be eliminated from congressional and legislative perquisites. Actual expenses is the utmost that should be paid. State Register. AVe agree with the Register that the "mileage steal" ought to be abated. In no other profession would one expect to fatten up his purse in such a manner.
If a man begs for, and secures a fat job in Chicago, would he expect that the employer pay his transportation expenses? Not much! And if he should squeeze it out of his employer, it would be difficult to convince him that he ought to be allowed ten or twelve times as much more as he actually paid out for the trip. The whole system is nothing less than a steal, and it would be well enough for the voters to give the professional congressman to understand that the '-day of judgment" is in sight and that the practice must be abandoned. The leading newspaper of Iowa is, beyond question, The Iowa State Register, published at Pes Moines, by the Clarkson Bros. This paper has long been at the front and the success which it has achieved was certainly merited. The llegister is soon to receive extensive improvements to its plant in shape of a newly patented stereotype perfecting press specially manufactured for that paper by 11.
Hoe Co. New York. This press will be placed in The llegister office Jan. 1st, and will be beyond question the finest newspaper press in the State. The builders say of it: "It will be one of the linest, if not the finest machine of the kind ever sent from our works.
In all its parts it is finished as perfectly as human skill and ingenuity can make it. The guaranteed running speed of this press, with the papers folded, pasted and delivered counted hi bundles, is 12,000 eight-page papers; 24,000 four-page papers, or 40,000 two-page supplements per hour." From the AVashington hand press of a few years ago, to a press like this is an immense stride, but not greater than the stride The Register makes as a newspaper. AA'e wish that enterprising paper as great prosperity in the future as the past. We give to all prospective brides for this winter the thrilling information, as cabled across the Atlantic, that in the costnme of Miss Mary Theresa Olivia Cornwallia West, who was married in Westminster abbey, the inanteau waa edged to correspond with the fonrreau. This once we drop into fashions.
The lishment was never so extensive as it has been the past year, and the present head has watched over its destinies for nearly thirty-four years. The subscrip tion list of The Daily is increasing right along, and new names for The AVkkkly are being added from all portions of the county every day. AVe are working hard to make it a neirs- jHtper in every sense of the word. GOINGS-OX IX IOWA. At Evans, in Mahaska county, AV M.
AVoods attempted to murder his wife and Casey Harris, her alleged par amour. AVoods unloaded a six shooter at them, one ball taking effect in Harris' stomach and another in his arm causing serious injuries. Mrs. AVoods was shot in the back. Her mother stopped further fatality by laying AVoods out with a stove poker.
winter tornado struck Marshall-town Monday night causing much damage. The house of Andrew Oleson was blown down and burned. Oleson was caught in the wreck and fatallv crushed. The farm house of Thomas Hughes, six miles southwest of town, was lifted up bodily and carried a hundred feet but was not badly damaged and the occupants escaped injury. A crisis in the affairs of the Swedish M.
K. church in Hurlington, has been reached, and tipon charges preferred, the pastor, A. M. Soderstrom, a probationer iri the northwest Swedish conference, was adjudged guilty of falsehood, frauds and treason, and suspended from his pastorate. The judges in the church trial were llev.
S. AA'ag-ner, of Keokuk, and Gabrielson, of Galesburg, 111. Rev. John Hendit, of Galva, 111., presiding elder of the district, presided. A shocking tragedy occurred in Keokuk Tuesday, shortly after noon, Clarence II.
Gardner blowing out his brains with a carbine in the presence of a woman named Mrs. Sheppard, with whom he wanted to elope. Gardner had lived in the neighborhood where the Sheppard family reside, and has been considered as one of their intimate friends. About two years ago AA'm. Sheppard, husband of the woman in question, was arrested, charged with making and passing spurious coin.
Later he was convicted in the United States court there, but sentence was suspended because of the penitence of the man, and the abject poverty of his family. Ever since this unfortunate occurrence, Gardner has been trying to alienate Mrs. Sheppard's affections from her husband, and succeeded to a considerable extent, according to the story told by the woman's husband. Hut Gardner was determined to induce Mrs. Sheppard to elope with him, and having threatened self-destruction after she refused, Tuesday proceeded to execute that terrible threat as soon as possible.
Blowing Up Millionaires. In itself, it is not a sin to be a millionaire. We know this is contrary to modern teaching from labor reformers, socialistic reformers, from cranks, and even in some cases from the pnlpit. Yet we lay it down again as a proposition to which we invite your thoughtful attention in itself it is not a sin to be a millionaire. The teaching to the contrary, the constant dinning it into the thought of ill balanced brains results in the blowing up by dynamite of men like Mr.
Russell Sage. There doubtless are millionaires who deserve such blowing up, that is if anybody does, but on general principles the dynamiting of financial magnates is not a good moral doctrine to preach. There are millionaires who are among the best citizens of this republic in spite of the general belief to the contrary. AVith the processes that go to the fashioning of a man's brain we are not yet acquainted. Eut say a man is born with the money gaining power.
Plans for acquiring money come to him easily and those plans develop without any bad luck. He founds industries, hires hundreds of men, pays them their wages. He gets wealth and becomes richer and richer by the known legitimate processes of accumulating wealth. Is he therefore a criminal, and does he deserve dynamiting, especially when, as occasionally happens, he uses much of his wealth to help his workmen and others? According to the teaching of a certain school of economists, he does. One of the accomplished facts on which the Nineteenth century will look back when it departs will be the practical extinction of the wild Indian of America.
The warriors are now being regularly enlisted in United States military companies. The president, in his message, recommends that the five civilized txibes receive from congress citizenship and representation in congress, like white men. In that case we may expect to hear the halls of congress echoing to some of the ringing Indian eloquence that has been confined hitherto to the school One of those boxes of 25 Garvin's Lsader cigars will make a nice Christmas gift. 18-r-tf AVITH REMOVABLE COPPER CUP. A Novelty for the Holiday Trade, and other nice Goods are shown by the Cutler Harflware Co.
L. s. parsons; Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewelry, Optical Goods, Pianos, Organs. Tlie Largest and Most Complete Stock In the city. All sold at Cash Prices on small weekly payments.
Fine Watch Repairing and Engraving a Specialty. W. W. Prest. F.
I Gulbkbt, OtKldar. W. L. I Lijrifo worth. Vlce-Prest.
Capita! anil Surplus, $67,500,00. THE or- WATERLOO, IOWA. -THE- Waterloo Gas 6 Electric Light Co, Solicit your patronage. Our rates are reasonable and we will do our best to give you Rood service, and need your help. It will pay you to figure with us for (nis.
arc or incandescent lilit. For Rates, See Our Superintendent. JULIUS KOCH, Furs tanned and made up to order in every style. Hepalrtna: neatly done at short notice. Office in the Daniel 'auman Co.
Building, Head of Bridge up Stairs, WATERLOO, IOWA. 265-Sra JACOB G. SCHMIDT, AGENT FOR ALL STEAMSHIP LINES. 3SOOK 3EBIND1NG Of All Kinds Neatly Done. PUKLI3HKR OF Der Deutsch-Amerihaner, Only German Newspaper published lu Black ltaxrk "County.
512 a Fayette Watkkloo, Iova. DOES YOUR Head ACflE IT WILL NOT IF YOU TAKE KRAUSE'S BeadacheCapsules $oOp Reward for any injurious suostanco lorma in tbese Capsule. Will Cur I tiarmfes. MoneT refunded if not wo say. Sent postpaid on receipt of price, Xwent y-Fl ve Cents.
NORMAN L1CHTY, Family Chemist. Des Moines, Iowa, i riSold. by all DrassUts in Waterloo. MARTIN V. LOTT, Dealer In Farm ImpIemBnts! WAGONS, BUGGIES, CARTS.
JEg7Agent for Page Woven Wire Fence. ALL KINDS COAL WOOD. Contracts made for winter supply. 5 I 7 Jefferson Street, W. Side.
S42 tm. SZ Wr CD Waterloo. TO WATERLOO, IOWA, COWIN. Secretary. East Side Opera House ht MONDAY, DEC.
28. The American Character Comedy A BARREL OF MONEY. A sublime blending of broad and 1 natural Comedy Melodrama and a tinge of Sensationalism. In Act 111 faithful presentation of the IRON MILLS AT WORK. A positive Kevelarion in Stage Mechanism.
The whole supplemented by A FKAST OF FUN" AX1 MUSIC rrices: fonts. Too I. ate. "Is there a resident of Paterson in tliis car?" shouted an excited passenger, poking his head in at the smoking ear door. "I am one," said Barkins, rising from his seat.
"What is wanted?" "I have here the full and complete history of Paterson, New Jersey. Seven volumes. For sale only by subscription." But his words were unavailing. Barkins had leaped from the train. Harper's Bazar.
Ignorance of the merits of De Witt's Little Early Risers is a misfortune. These little pills regulate the liver, cure headache, dyspepsia, bad breath, constipation and biliousness. Waxglek Bros. was JiS3 I presiding officer to his chair. He- spoke a few words to the house, promising courtesy, firmness and impartiality in the administration of his office.
Then the oldest member of the house administered the oath of office and the speaker of the Fifty-second congress was ready. After him the members were sworn in in front of his chair. They are called up in groups by states. Next a clerk, sergeant at arms, doorkeeper, postmas ter and chaplain are elected. Then the house appoints committees to wait on the senate and the president and inform them that it is ready lor business.
But if the speakership contest had not been decided in the caucus oh Monday, the house could only have met and ad journed from day to day till it was decided. After being elected the speaker pro ceeds to appoint his committees. That usually takes till after the holidays, so that hardly any important business is transacted until Januarv. In his report Secretary of the Navy Tracy speaks of the bitter hostility of the Chilians to the United States. There are several reasons for this hostility.
The main one is that for some reason the Chilians believe the Americans sympathized with Balmaceda in the late revolution. A true son of Great Britain is never above fostering an opinion that will put money into his own pocket. Therefore, to get all the trade away from the United States that could be drawn away, Englishmen in Chili have done all in their power to increase the enmity of the Chilians toward the Unit ed States. This much must be borne in mind. Then there was the seizure of the Itata by the United States warship Charleston, which will rankle for a time.
Finally, there is an old grudge of Chili against the Californians dating back over forty years. In the early days of the gold discoveries the California pio neers drove all the Chilians out of and away from the mines. In the formation of the senate com mittees for the new congress one thing was plain, and that is that the supremacy in this country is passing to the central and western portions of the Union. Members coming to either house from the great interior states will not be satisfied with small committees or subor dinate places on 'important committees any more. The scepter of wealth and population in, the republic iS passing in land j-ear by year.
The Atlantic states can keep up in the race only in the mat ter of brains and intelligence. It is here that they must make their weight felt in future. Perhaps Chili will think over night about one portion of President Harrison's message, that in which he declares that unless an adequate and satisfactory response is made to the note of this government asking an explanation of the Valparaiso outrage, the president will call the attention of congress to the Emission in a special message. Congress ought to give that guarantee to the bonds of the Nicaragua Canal company that the president recommends. This is one of the bills that should have been passed last congress.
Good old Dom-Pedro! The kind of empire he ran was better than the re public which followed it. Inquire of E. T. East Side Opera House, C. F.
BROWN, Manager. Xmas Niht, Dec. 25. Only appearance of the distinguished Lyric and Dramatic Soprano. AUGUSTA OHRSTROMJ And her company of American artists, including J.
C. ABDILLi, Dramatic Tenor, formerly with Abbott. J. DONNELL BALFE, "Without question one of America's greatest ISassos. ALICE WATSON, Pianist, Accompanist.
LESLIE WATSON, Impersonator. j- Presenting a select repertoire of popidar and l.yuic music. Also, scenes from the following popular operas in magnificent costumes J'rison Scene from 11 Scene from Carmen." Scene from 1'alfe's Heautiful r.ohemian Ctrl." All with complete settings and stage business, an entertainment of the highest order, lielined. pleasing and enchanting. indorsed by press and public everywhere as exceptionally tine.
and 7r.c. The Usual Speech. Bilkins So, after court in? that girl for ten years, you at last got tip spunk enough to propose Wilkins Yes; proposed lost I guess it'll be all right. "Eh? Didn't she accept?" "Xot exactly, but I think she will." "What did she say?" 'It's so Xew York Weekly. Cheap Book Bulletin.
25c Paper Novels 3 for Bertha Clay's Novels, cloth, each. .20 Favorite Novels, clolh, each. .20 Alta, 12 mo's 35 Red Line Poems 60 15 Vol. Set TJickens 4.75 10 Thackeray 3.75 6 i Eliot 2.25 Ben Hur 1.00 Fair God 1.00 Uncle Tom's Cabin 75 Louisa Alcott's 1.00 E. P.
Roe's Novels .60 Mrs. Mary J. Holmes' Novels 95 $2.50 quarto Shakespeare 1.00 Family Edition of Poets 1.45 Padded Leather Poems 95 Juvenile Books at half price. Bag-ster and Oxford Teachers' Bibles and Family Bibles at Wholesale Prices. Illustrated Gift Books at all prices.
Wanoler DktjO and Book Store 3G6-3mo 4 Are ymi, or any of your fnemfx ISALDf If so. read our Guarantee We hereby guarantee our Eureka Hair Restorative and Dandruff Cure to leuloVe iMiiUiiiS, tttid grow Hair on any liald Head Of Dot over 10 years' standing. Auvcoin-mereUl report inform you as to our fiuanelal and ability to fulfill our contracts. Money will bo refunded at the expiration of 90 days If It does not prove satisfactory. PBICE, 2 PER BOTTLK.
II. I. WAGXER Grinuell, la. L. S.
McCOXKIE, East Side. SI1ARP, Agt, West Side. Will sell any kind of eating SStoves Away down- It will pay you to call and look at them. WALSH Sl WICHMAN. BULK OYSTERS! SELECTS and STANDARDS arrive Freeh every other day, at PURE FRESH CANDIES.
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