The Selinsgrove Times-Tribune from Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania • 1
- Publication:
- The Selinsgrove Times-Tribunei
- Location:
- Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)
The The MARION S. SCHOCH, EDITOR--PROPRIETOR LIVE TOWN BOYS ARE BANDED AS BOY SCOUTS Lads Under Direction of Edgar R. Wingard, and the Organization is Growing FORMED TWO BRANCHES The Times Will Open a Depart ment. For Weekly News of Their Activities Boy Scouts of America, Troop No. 3, of Selinsgrove, met for organizatior February 8, and since that time has been steadily growing, under the supervision of their head, Edgar Wingard.
The local troop will cooperate with the seven troops of Sunbury and Nor. thumberland, As a Boy Scout Troop the following officers were elected and appointed: E. R. Wingard, Scout Commissioner, of Selinsgrove; Garfield J. Phillips and Wm.
M. Schnure, Scout Ray Smith, Assistant Scout Master: Marvin Groce, Treasurer; Edwin Lindner, Seribe: Gene Wagenseller, Patrol Leader; Russel Diemer. Patrol Leader Edwin Lindner, Patrol Leader; Marvin Groce, Patrol Leader; Frederick Assistant Patrol Leader; Jay Nerhood, Assistant Patrol Leader; Ralph Wetzel, Assistant Patrol Leader; Harry Keller, Assistant Patrol Leader. As a military company the following officers were appointed: Captain E. R.
Wingard; Lieut. Garfield J. Phillips; Lieut. Wm. M.
Schnure; Lieut. Ray Smith; Sergeant Lewis Pawling: Seregant Marvin Groce; Sergeant Edwin Lindner; Corporals, Gene Wagen seller, Ralph Wetzel, Harry Keller, Russel Diemer, John Keller. in this column of The Times an article will appear each week, which will contain the current events and progress of the Troop Number 9. DR. AIKENS RE-ELECTED PRESIDENT OF TRAIL ASSOCIATION Executive Committee of Susquehanna Trail Organization in Annual Meet at Williamsport Annual meeting of the Susquehanna Trail Association was held Tuesday afternoon in the Lycoming county court house at Williamsport.
Officers for the year were elected as follows: Dr. Charles T. Aikens, of Selinsgrove, President; A. P. Perley, of port and W.
T. Mernick, of Wellsboro, vice-Presidents; William Decker, of Montgomery, treasurer, and Max L. Lindheimer, of Williamsport, secretary, Immediately following the meeting, the board of governors met, with the following present: S. E. Whitmer, Perry county; W.
F. Shay, Northumberland county; A. P. Perley, Lycoming county; Frank Snyder, Tioga county; Dr. Aikens, of Selinsgrove; William Decker, of Montgomery, and Max Linnedheimer, of Williamsport.
It was decided that the next meeting of the board of governors should be held on April 22. The question of where the trail shall end was also taken up at the meeting of the governors. At the present time the trail ends at Harrisburg and it is planned to continue it on to Gettysburg and York. It was decided that a trip shail be made over the lower end of the trail. in May by the board of governors.
New memberships were received. There was a total of 322 memberships reported from the upper end of the trail. SNYDER COUNTY 1S. ELEVENTH IN SALE OF WAR STAMPS The following is a report of the sale of war stamps in the eastern part of Pennsylvania for the week ending March 30th: Union $7.45 Columbia 4.03 Elk 3.80 Carbon 3.01 Cameron 2.89 Sullivan 2.86 Montour 2.76 Lancaster 2.69 Cumberland 2.61 Centre 2.44 Snyder 2.38 -The report of some of the neighboring counties is Miffin, Northumberland, $1.01, and Juniata, $.86. -It is much better to make hay while the sun shines than to let the grass grow under your feet.
Selinsgrove SELINSGROVE, PA. THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1918 H. D. SCHNURE BURIED ON MONDAY AFTERNOON Interment in Union Cemetery Following Services From His Late Residence MANY IN ATTENDANCE His Sorrowing Relatives and Friends Gathered to Pay a Fond Respect Funeral services were held Monday afternoon of this week over the body of Howard Davis Schnure from his late home on Mill street, where he succumbed Thursday morning to an attack of bronchial pneumonia. Rev.
Dr. John B. Focht, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, officiated, as sisted by Rev. Dr. Henry Barb, of Hughesville, a former pastor of Trinity Church and very intimate of the bereaved family.
Interment was made in the family plot in Union cemetery. The pall bearers were William K. Hill, Charles M. Clement and William R. Rohrbach, all of Sunbury, and Geo R.
Hendricks, Roscoe C. North and Emanuel E. Pawling, of Selinsgrove. The Sunbury men represented the First National Bank of Sunbury, of which Mr. Schnure had been a director since 1893.
Mr. Hendricks and Mr. North as directors, and Mr. Pawling as solicitor represented the local First National Pank. Mr.
Schnure was interested in many activities other than his extensive business engagements. He was a member of the Pennsylvania Society, Sons of the Revolution; a member of the Board of Governors of the Susquehanna Trail Association, Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Snyder County Public Safety Committee, member of the Executive Committee of the Country Club, and affiliated with the Snyder County Historical Society. Resolutions on the death of Mr. Schnure were passed at this week's meeting of the directorate of the local First National Bank, and are published elsewhere in this week's issue of The Selinsgrove Times. MRS.
SAVILLA CROSSGROVE Mrs. Savilla Croesgrove, of New Berlin, succumbed to an attack of asthma at the local home of her sonin-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob B. Bulick this morning.
She had been visiting her daughter for the past week and was in apparent good health until Wednesday evening. Deceased was born April 18, 1844 and was aged 73 years, 11 months and 23 days. She is survived by the following children, Mrs. Lizzie Klose, of Mifflin burg; and Mitchell Crossgrove, of Mifflinburg; Reno Crossgrove, of Lewisburg; Mrs. Kate Walter, Mrs.
Anna Spangler, Samuel Crossgrove, of New Berlin; Mrs. Charles Miller, of Cleveland; Mrs. Helen M. Bulick, of Selinsgrove. She was a member of the Lutheran Church, of New Berlin, Funeral services will be held on Sunday, from her home at New Berlin Rev.
J. C. Fasold will officiate and interment will be made in the New Berlin cemetery. MRS. KATHRYN M.
AURAND Mrs. Kathryn M. Aurand died at her home at Shamokin Dam, Friday, April 5, at three o'clock from a complication of diseases. She was aged 59 years and had been married to Jonas Aurand, who with four sons and three daughters, of Shamokin Dam. survives; one son, of Middletown also survives.
She was a life-long member of the Methodist church, Funeral services were held Tuesday at two o'clock from the house. Rev. J. Edward Kahler, pastor of the Methodist church, officiating. MRS.
GEORGE LEACH Mrs. George Leach died at her home at Independence, very unexpectedly Sunday evening, from heart failure. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carbell and was aged 55 years.
She is survived by her widower, three sons, Leon, of Allentown; Clayton, of Camp Meade, Maryland; Thomas at home; two daughters, Mrs. Clara Moyer, of Port Trevorton, and Tillie at home. Funeral services will be held Friday morning at 10 o'clock from the house. Interment will be made at Paradise church. Rev.
Howe, of Port Trevor ton, officiating. Times Times ESTABLISHED 1822, VOL. 97, No. 15 ADAM W. AUCKER GOES IN RACE FOR CONGRESS Union Township Man Seeks the Democratic Nomination at May Primaries PAPERS FILED TODAY Progressive Farmer to Make Live Campaign Thruout the District Nomination papers for the Democratic candidacy for Congress in this district were filed in Harrisburg today by Adam W.
Aucker, of Union township. As the time for filing nomination papers closes at 4 o'clock this afternoon, it is likely Mr. Aucker will be unopposed in his candidacy at the primaries on May 21st. Aucker comes from a line of stalwart Democrats. In fact the names Aucker and Democrat mean the same thing in this section, and for that matter in all other sections of which local people have knowledge, Aucker has been active in Democratic politics of the county since his youth.
He has served as the Demo cratic member of the Board of County Commissioners, besides having been county chairman and state delegate on several occasions. He is engaged in farming in the down-river section, and was engaged for many years in the textbook and farm implement business. He i is well liked by a host of people in this section of the district, and his entrance into the field will have a decided influence on the election. Aucker's. Democracy is of the firm Wilson brand, and his support of the Administration at every turn would therefore be assured.
The same port has not been tendered the Ad ministration from this district by its present representative, TWO MORE BOXES SHIPPED BY RED CROSS OF SNYDER COUNTY Belgians to Receive Many Articles of Clothing From Generous People of This Community Two more boxes of clothing were shipped this week by the Snyder County Red Cross for the relief of the Belgium people. Several hundred pieces of clothing went forward last week, This week's shipment contained 169 articles of wearing apparel. It was the fourth box, and the aggregate weight of all was 485 lbs. and their contents were 410 pieces of clothing. The chapter has also sent to division headquarters its thirty- third box of supplies.
This one contained fifty-five sweaters, twenty pairs of socks, eleven pairs of wristlets, seven mufflers and one helmet. The goods were knitted by the women of the chapters thruout the county. One of the features of the recent shipment was a beautifully knitted convalescent spread, made by the members of the junior organization at Kreamer. SHERIFF GETS THE OSTRICH FARM AT BLOOMSBURG Persons who lost money in the plant of the African Ostrich Farm and Feather Company, at Bloomsburg, a bubble backed by one Wr. H.
Hilo, will be interested in the following taken from the Bloomsburg Press: "At the suit of the Farmers' State Bank of Dalmatia vs. James F. Marley and Felix Cons ine there is to be sold April 27 at Sheriff's sale what was known as the property of the African Ostrich Farm and Feather Company, and thereby hangs the story of the final wind-up of the proposition to make a fortune out of. ostriches--or suckers. "The whole property is to go under the hammer, thereby ending what was at the time of the upheaval an earnest effort on the part of the stockholders to save something out of the wreckage." WAR STAMPS 3 MILLION A DAY Sales of war savings stamps have run as high as 3 million doltars daily which provides the nation with onetenth of the amount needed to pay all war expenses.
The dally per capita cost of the war is 30 cents, and the highest speed at which the stamps have been sold is 3 cents a day for each man, woman and child. SCHOLARS WHO DID NOT MISS A DAY OF SCHOOL Many Pupils Are Entitled to Enrollment on the Roll of Honor This Month SEVENTH OF THE YEAR Ending of Session Finds the Interest in School Work is Unflagged Scholars of the local public schools who have not missed a day in the past month: High School--Henry Aurand, Russel Diemer, Glenn Fisher, Lynd Gemberling, Jay Nerhood, Roy Nerhood, Frederick Ott, Grant Rowe, Alice App, Mary App, Florence Baker, Mae Bow ersox, Anna Boyer, Grace Gemberling, Laura Gemberling, Grace Heffelfinger, Cora Kocher, Edith Lubold, Elmeda Maurer, Mary Poteiger, Edith Rowe Grace Rowe, Florence Rowe, Helena Snyder, Elizabeth Sterner, Lillian Wallace, Marie Walter, Rachael Wentzel, Christie Zimmerman. Sixth Grade--Edward Rishel, Lester Mull, Edwin Feehrer, Ray Crumis, Paul Baker, Eugene Steffen, Irene Neiswender, Mildred Potteiger, Elva Hare, Claire Wenrich, Naomi Gemberling, Kathryn Dreese, Esther Gunzberger, Mildred Summers, Dorothy Kocher, Mary Eva Hare. Mary Stauffer, Goldie Long, Josephine Long, Catherine McKeage, Bessie Fisher, Verdilla Smith, Dorothy Renner. Fifth Grade--Roy Bowersox, Charles Feehrer, Clarence Jarrett, Leon Moser, Isaac Romig, George Spaid, Clarence Updegrove, William VanBuskirk, Helen Gemberling, Florence Lenhart, Louis Machmer, Ethel Miller, Jeanette Miller, Kathryn Musselman, Alberta Renner, Elizabeth Wagenseller.
Fourth Grade- Gertrude Fisher, Anna Hoover, Theron Kemberling, Mary Kocher, Grace MacKissock, William MacKissock, Anita Miller, Fisher Sones, Lena Wenrich. Third Grade--Bruce Bendigo, Paul Bingaman, Ralph Bolig, Harold Laudenslager, Howard Long. Eletha Mutch ler, Howard Schnure. Second and Third Grades--Law. rence Fisher, Glenn Gabel, Robert MacKissock, Saylor Neiswender, Al bert Ott, Joseph Snook, John Salem, Mildred Boyer, Helen Gabel, Bessie Snyder, Alma Bowersox, Martha Forster.
Martha Laudenslager, Margaret Miller, Frances Wagerseller. First Grade -Alfreda Walborn, Mar garet Ulrich. Erma Brouse, Alice Roush, Ruth Walborn, Chester Bolig, John Potteiger, Clare Bendigo, George Poe, Mahlon Hendricks, Manuel Michaels, Roscoe Fisher, Ernest Rowe, Miles Sholly, Charles Forster, Clarence Gotshall, Laird Gemberling, Har. ry Musselman. Isle of Que, Third and Fourth Grades--Raymond Romig, Clarence Steffen, Blanche Gemberling, Esther LeFerer.
Amelia Steffen, Helen Bower, Catherine Feehrer. 20 YEARS AND $10,000 FINE FOR DISLOYAL ACT Bill is Reported in Senate Committee to Impose Drastic Penalties on Disloyal Deeds In favorably reporting a bill to impose drastic penalties on disloyal acts the Senate judiciary committee adopted an amendment by Senator Poindexter, of Washington, prescribing imprisonment for twenty years and $10,000 fine for "whosoever shall by word or act support or favor the cause of the German empire or its allies in the present war or by word or act oppose the cause of the United States therein." The committee also approved the same penalties for persons obstructing government war bond issues and for wilfully "attempting" as well a8 actual attempts, to obstruct recruiting or enlistment in the army. LAD SHOT PLAYMATE Lewis Pawling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Pawling, was accidently shot thru the arm on Saturday, by Russel Diemer, son of Mr.
and Mrs. James H. Diemer. They had been cleaning a gun at the Pawling home and were on their way out doors to try it, when the accident happened. Diemer had the gun over his shoulder and Pawling was in the rear.
The gun was loaded and cocked, and acci dently exploded. The bullet went thru arm and lodged in the house FREAK SNOW STORM IN THIS PART OF STATE Heavy Snows Remind One of That Late Unpleasantnessthe Severe Winter GARDENS ARE DAMAGED Many Energetic Early Planters Will Have to Sow Their Plots Again It's been more than an onion snow. The storm of yesterday and today outclassed in every particular the freak snow story of April 10, 1904. This year the snow fall was over 18 inches in depth. Very likely many of garden plantings in this section have been ruined by the exceptional weather.
This loss will be very extensive, as more gardens had been planted by the end of last week than at any other time in this section for many years. The people were doing their best to follow the government's suggestion to plant extensively. Had war necessity not prompted a food campaign it is not likely so much damage would have resulted, as few gardens would have been planted. WOMEN AS RURAL MAIL CARRIERS P. O.
Department Authorizes Employment of Women All Over the Country As a War Measure Women are to be taken on as rural route mail carriers all over the courtry as a war emergency measure, according to information given in the office of the Fourth Assistant Postmaster General. The first examina. tion to which women will be eligible will take place on April 27 in all sections where there are vacancies and where men carriers are unattainable. This is the first time since 1911 that women have been eligible for suca posts, except in rare cases as substitutes. Previous to that time the service was opened to them for a short time, but while their work was satisfactory climatic conditions in the northwest were such as to make it inadvisable to use them generally, and the privilege of examination was denied them.
There are now in the rural route service 200 women carriers, holdovers from those early examinations. According to the fourth assistant postmaster general, who has charge of rural routes, their services have been quite satisfactory and in opening the field gain to women his office looks for gratifying results. UNION COUNTY GOES "OVER THE TOP" AGAIN Patriots for Week Ending March 30 Bought Heavily of the 'Baby Bonds' to the No. of 7037 and 418 Thrifts Union county again went "over the top" last week in the sale of the War Savings and Thrift Stamps for the week ending March 30th, when reports from the different postmasters in the county as tabulated by the Central Accounting postoffice and forwarded to headquarers totaled 7037 of the $4.14 kind and 418 of the 25 cent denomination, The per capita sales jumped from $5.28 to $7.45 a gain of $2.17 for each man, woman and child. No other county in the State up to March 30, had sales reaching the $5.00 figure, Columbia standing second with the figures at $4.03.
UNION SEMINARY AT NEW BERLIN IN HANDS OF SHERIFF Institution's Property Threatened With Foreclosure proceedings in Its Trouble Financial Sea What was formerly Union Seminary, New Berlin's institution of learning on the hill, will soon pass into other hands thru a foreclosure by creditors. This distressing news was learned Thursday morning when Sheriff C. N. Renner came over from the county. seat and placed his official paw on the real estate and personal property of this historic spot.
Less than a year ago the institution was purchased by James F. Ogden, a real estate man, of Philadelphia, who gave some assurance of re-opening its doors to those seeking knowledge, but, for some unknown reason the plan was dropped. THOMAS A. STETLER IS SUPERINTENDENT AGAIN Chosen Tuesday For a Fourth Successive Term in Snyder County HAS EXCELLENT RECORD Victorious in Spirited Contest With Three Other Men in the Field Thomas A. Stetler was re-elected superintendent of Snyder county public schools on Tuesday of this week for a fourth succesive term, The salary including allowances is about $2100, and the term is for four years, Mr.
Stetler's opponents were Isaac D. App, of Beaver Springs; E. E. Shambach, of Middleburg, and W. W.
Brunner, of Paxtonville. During the three terms he has been in charge of the public schools of the county Superintendent Stetler has given a good account of himself. He has worked sincerely and successfully for the best interests of education, and the appreciation of his work was one of the most potent factors in returning him for four years more. First ballot--App 23; Brunner Shambach 17; Stetler 31. Second ballot--App 28; Brunner Shambach 14; Stetler 31.
Fourth ballot--App 36; Brunner Shambach Stetler, 39. VIEWERS APPOINTED FOR STATE BRIDGE AT MONROE MILLS To Decide Relative to Structure to Replace One Carried Away by. Spring Flood Announcement came from Harri-: burg Saturday of the appointment of viewers to report on the need of a new bridge over Creek. two miles West of Selinsgrove. The was swept away cn the crest of an ice jam some weeks ago.
Agitation for a new bridge was immediately, begun and steps were taken to place the matter before the proper authori. ties. President Judge Kunkel, at Harrisburg, has appointed the following viewers: C. W. Herman, Selinsgrove; Calvin Stetler, MiddleLurg; E.
Clark Cowden, civil engineer; Joel Claster, and John A. F. Hall, of Harrisburg. LESHER-BOYER At the home of the bride's sister in Baltimore on Friday evening, March 29th, at 8 o'clock, Miss Emma Mae Boyer became the wife of First Lieutenant Lea R. Lesher, son of Postmaster and Mrs.
J. G. Lesher, of Huntingdon. The ceremony was performed by a Lutheran minister of Baltimore. Lieut.
Lesher has been located in Washington in the Aviation Department for the past several months and expects to be assigned to field service within a few weeks. Previous to his Washington assignment he had served in the Phillipines for ever six years. Mrs. Lesher is a native of Selinsgrove and the families of the bride and groom had been neighbors for many years at this place, The couple went to Huntingdon on Saturday and spent Easter there and on Monday left for Washington, where they will reside temporarily. YOUTHS OF 21 TO REGISTER American history will record June 5th as "Service Day," upon which the men of this country responded to the call of the selective draft.
The provost marshall general is planning to hold the second draft registration- for men who have become 21 since last yearon June 5th, 1918, first anniversary of the first draft registration. As long as the war lasts a similar registration will be held on that date. It is believed that 500,000 Class 1, physically fit men will be added to America's defense columns annually by this program. Congress is expected to complete the necessary legislation for the regis tration well before June 5th. GOING TO FRANCE TO OPERATE AN ARMY TELEPHONE CENTRAL Miss Ida Phoebe Keen, of Wilmington, is being entertained at the High street home of Rev.
Dr. and Mrs. H. N. Follmer, while en route to Camp Dix, where she will qualify herself to go to France June first to operate an army telephone exchange,.
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