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Advertiser and Register from Mobile, Alabama • 3

Mobile, Alabama
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Thf nPtrpanasfottnd drunk, with hts handi full nf sliver, ud was taken vu to xeeo hhn finm loa'uit his mo-n y. HeahoTfdaOllWeirraUWae fOTthitttefiUoBibat ho waflnoiJIP. Hugh Vlnoe was rcaulririi-lo aire a bouJj MJw Ut ep thopuaceJn btsufliahbilbond. Kblob lu very tourh au- boyedbr his conduct. to, without bear has beiiiue.ttt set eri tlmea tor drunke uud rtlarderly conduol, was flnit 5 fo: another of the rotnest.

Astrauter it iheelti iletpluz la ho open plgeo raidhe-ha came to ibecii; to set work. The tour or aenL (ilio to Ir. S.litir. JiiM iililna Morris wni hrmuht aewn. lint Dip Mavor 4 BV JlH.

TAROr A Auctioneers. atsiibi vaiiiHiiir nanurnan vnin, Ju poltit or position, ers'lineaa al loipioTtmenta, more ei.d dviiraide than In the unuply, and will (ohl fir oelo the cos: of bnlUliGci, VbU Viln iliuated quartt'f ofanitlo of 8. U. A. 8c d's, ami ahout tour mflei 10m tif.

oitSi and has the hem (It of the Hwlnchili it I road airl- tpr n. hill Shell Itoail and Dauphin Way, brlntt lna thnu a quarter of a mllo puch. For minute dta riptlonofth'n lemitlful Propertr, ieiito a tian nt oiirnTet, or vMi, hi, hp ma et und nil tfnnl ailtui nf these premMei will amL-tT repn'-ft Tiieir-miida p-Dbmrr Mtounrreiywc'l arranneit, witb flh-ldo 1 rets of arse m.wih, jintl for the Vftnekm Huuhc It li most fliitly flolMitfii nnd unenualeil in lti alyl-an 1 coinuiodlrtusntmi. and evfrythltic pcrtnlninn thne.o or modern slle a ul' or irlta Itt by yi fe r. 6 fret othtr rponift-toitthfr wllh it ftofsh throuatout, a-coml to no DrM-cta" Bra'denre In Moolle, Kverv ehie mdfrfflavhhor uxpeadltnrewaa idvvnto miketho Ira provumet-M most aamplete and tlcTaut, and tlie entire nr-ramremenu are to cotifurm to a tasteful and pUn.

IifjP'flentlemenwishlnKloBei'iirethlsflni Properly aaaured thatthryirl.lJjBaji'Uflcd bn to p'lee and tenri, aa It win he aold very fnrhetow tho ciinndtluree made. sepl3 J-Y BB. TAB!) A AncHonecrft. C'lty Praperiv. Pro'tlly located nnd neat Dwell mc.

on Vntt and Pearl v'cloity or the Camp Ground, iirto urfrrhut lli'l Road. Thu DRcllInc in n-al. wet flnlnhcd and ex-trameiy vumnioiltoiu, wtih aercn liirRelto.iiaanuu rem Hiillerl. Tho OulltouefH un- excvilcul, Rltchtn, Negro Housed, Ctirrirlo tloui, ablp, Ac. tho oremlsei and In (rout hre raoit lifuutUul 8ba4 Trees, nliu jyiowcrtlnrdet.

nnullv 110 lent. premises ncro worth, nne yr uio, nnd til now I'lnoe ItaiUCOunnd on easy tertna. A party wlililru a pleasant und very chtau property Bhoinl secure ihls. seplG "BY bK. TAUDV A Bpriiixnui uonn s(eiri'itep, Two nail fiunrter miles from it, Fnmcls street vhait, near Uol.

Blount Ao. Country Besldenee north nldo fjiinaMU Bond, nshott dJutaricefrom Ufurdte street andla'er's Terms eusf. 'I lio Iiii-ku ifrnino Kesidenee, wtlh lar na'Icrlea and Sooui of Hood slue on two door, Qutliouici, Ac, nnd three acres or nver of Land, all ot whfoh In aanesiata ot outttvaUan, and Anp ithrttbhery, Frn.ts, Ac VLUnnd locatMt, and le na desirable a position torflummer and Winter home aoolit bodo-ifod, HV BU. TARDY A 00., Aueiionoura. lrn DwHIlnii llnoaf, St.

Francis s'rect I'roperty, central position, near uamll. ion street, or Rent from Ml November nuxt, That tajtofulniidci.mmodl' us Oottauo lu-sldenoe on the South side o' Ht. Francis slrfCt, uetr Hamilton- bnlliUnic -roomy, fine KUclitn, HUhle. An. The hut hi ell arraDKed 31th Flower Garden, Ac 'iurms und price lo mi it ilw mes, lepUt BY UU.

TAKUY A S(01 Utra mt 3 lb. BY BK. TAUOY A Auctioneers. Vox Wvnt from lit iVovi'tnhur. AInrireandniceivVe-a ory ItttloK RMUENOE, infliir atJoiiflph ctrectntar ti.

Anthoby. acplS BY BU. TA UO A Aiictionficrd. Abnrxaln Inn Email HOUhK ant LOT on Church fKrce nextto tioarst, andudjolnlM; rusldcuce or I. Umry.

Lot 6U feet Trout and 100 fuet dteji. Dwclllua llouie neat, and with UvoKooma. rooi! KUciinn und outhouses, a iinr-Well or Water-a nice property, rented itt 150caeb lii advance, fricoa Laruain. Government street HKijDKNCK nnd stdendld I.ot. It Il a fine and fame llitlduuce-hot iO I eel iroai bv 510 (Ippii.

A moat valuable proutrty, near Kctchum'sand Wheeler' Dwell nn. li ucilruh usldeuco. commodious anil well finished, and unniuallcd far uomfort. The price wih be such aa to Xastty a purchase nr unrllm wlahing a capital home aauHuuicoc-aud winter reiudenop. It le the very beat located property on Government street aepl BY BR.

TAKOY A Orrat HalB-PahllpIv by Auction, Of cholcwtClty Property in thodty oX Uoblle. Dauphin aud Walerstrcet HTOItKfl. H'AltKUULitiKb Id rear of the JJiutie Uouse, mTON WAKEH0U8K Property, LD1NQ LOTH Tn Orange drove, and on Ealava and government itruela. rvrThe foreyoloK oatalome of moat valuable REAL KhTATE lntheclt, or llobllcis now placed on the mar. ki for sale at auuthio.

The kiIowUI be made on, in frunt of tho I'ostoiUoe. corner ol and Rt, Vrauua Btrectaat UK o'clock A. Bl. -KWT Terms of will he dclarf ij on day. Ou iiitcmlld IiHlOli I'llUPKKTT, comer of Pasnhln I feet on Dauphin ami 4ticetou Water itreeti adioInsJndie vaD sanirriirieion's l'rojitrty on waupuin anu trt'fft, It la au elegant three-story Brit class finished ereciud ou the en tiro This la ackoowkdifd the heat aland on Dauphin street, and the most valuahlu lot.or Its iUo in Mobile.

It Is reot-irorthepriBentieiuonat3(Xii). Two eh'Kant three-atory UR10K 6TOBK8 on the West aide of Water si, betweun Uauphlo and Mt. occnpled by Mr, Berry; adlolns N. itt. John and A.

Allen's properties. The Iol fa 311 lect front anil 10 feet deep, This la a flne uronprtr. In the moat valuable uurt or Wa ter (rtrMt, and faclna Hitchcock! Alley, and now rented ai a fair reot. SftD-- Three noat valuable W.WI'.rTOrwf Hqaaro bounded by Uamdilu, Water, Hoyal aadBt.Praii lfictawe VARKUOOPE In rear or fitore No. 1 itt by TU fuel.

This Property enjoys In common with other Ears. on line or same, the perpetual rlaht of way of a alley a ay from Dauphin clvluc egress to same WD Another WAREHOUSE in same Square aa above, aj by fuel, aod with same prlvilwus, BWiiLtlNG on Ht. Kuanuel. near Eilava sU Iot by ISl tect OOVKItNMENT BTORK. nt-ar Talcott and Ross ell's.

-Xit SOU feet fiont and BSO fwt deep from Olmrch to Qovern- en rccio. ttTOHKN and WAHEH0U8H, In "qhare fi Oraant ve, oounded by Water, Mainoila, Bunt and Lbacomb Lot and Bullduin rront Water si: 807 feet and IM feel t. Ono-tblrd Interest to bosold, aud tbe entl Lot Ii pledby aBrlokWwebouBc, AWO VAOAMT LOTtj, as toliawi: In Rquare 64 Oranue Orov bounded by tiuut, Bloodjood, Conception and Jo LolAI.vUorcet oi Lnctto, lUIs85bylli Lot nn. lib 40 by 111 Ut1to.Uft46byll 110 feet on Blooihtood sV by lid feet on Hlooduood bU by 110 feet on UioodRood at. iiiioinn (i in tin xi no bl.

IaOV AMD, li VACUfilT 11 LOTH In Bquare HOT, bonnded by-Clalborni Hunt nnd lllouditood ats.i umanu uiduurooh bib.i Ia UflK feet on Hunt and 110 teat on.lTrank. is uvji leei on iinnt bv, i usu NTJS. Ntjs.ff,3, no. Xstio; I a. i and 5 on each 40 by 1 10 feet.

UOiR 0 ix icei ironi anu i iu icui uuep. HO fees aeep. 1HIW VAOANT Un 'to BqwoTBiiU, hounded by Jackson. Olat jAN urr in nqnire au, neunqea oy jacason, umi-: iiatand undivided (nurin at In V)i followlB Lots TlsSTHI-fOl-reatonLlpicoiabsL norne, unnanii-Mi iOU u. arn iu oy uv iceu I.nt.

fila bvIIU feet. Lot and 7 are each by 97 feet, 1-ot U97Xfc7.WsfMw. LaU 9. 10 and ara each 40 by 110 feet. BR.

TARDY A FrapglaaL UY JIU. TAUOY A AuettoMoera; Mrin uo iaAiMe sroaeri v. OverleuacrtsorOronnd, froothutho nprlnihU! RoaJ iBreffDemVstellaoOT rflummer RMideuocs anywhere lu tho vicinity of I'Alan. -Atnll til I aliLpil ffti- Pnlilln Ur Iii.i -T and ooulo be laid out In Lots ior HuihlinK purposes. This Property Is a part ot the city rising- In valuo and 1 ent Inquiry.

It Is Immediately faclnv tho tiprliuhlU lull' road and just ono mile from the Rounhnuae, On tho premises la a foi -nt of Oak Trees. HhrubhPr-. A.t. As a whole it without doubt, a moit vulunhlo proportv twr Plata or tin; Froperty, as laid out in Uulldlnn ijoli' with a tiquare tbereoii, caa he ncun st our oQlcc, lrThU Property Ib to be sold wholo and In bloo I nrreiicv. CKMTRAL, Oonnncrclnl, Momaomery, Fufnula oiul Northern Dank Ullls received AT PAK In settlement of dotu due the sutmcrlbcr.

IVIM O.A.AUNOLI). To Church nnd Steamboat Men. THE (Juderilirncil linvti nn oonn imnHt a vmv suticrlor UfchL or fine tone, tunable for a uiiunuii or wuicn mur art) au-tborlsad to dlsposo CI on (avorabls augll J- 0. UW1 A 00, Wanted to Hire, A GOOD COOK, WAfiJiER and IROMKII, One without children Applyat the Albambra Build-bur, Roral street tuiatf For Hire.

ADININO ROOM UOV nnl 1IOUBK BRBVANT. AlsoA 15 yean of aae, haedy for al most any purpose. Apoly a. tide tllco. 96 Noah Higgins, City Sexton aud Undertaker.

HT. MICHAEL HTtfKlfT-Betwasn Joachim and Jaskwn sUrMt. KtUVS on band a large Hupply of all kinds ofTomna. and la constantly lewlvfnir and 1LIIH- TUW'8 MCTAliO HUIUAI. and' OAHKKTH.

Shroada. Hondlaa, and everytbiuc within Ibe llneif aa Uailertaker. which will be furnlnhed at tlw sliortnnL notice and "on very reasonable terms. mr OORPSfcS prepared fur IJodartakers snppliwl at liberal discount. ilcm DANIEL HOJBEKTSON, VJS'DERTAKEn, TU Dlipkll ud 2 St.

SuMnil stTMl. tW yURNITURI REPAIRED 011 MADE lOORl'a'K. faf- MATTRtioM HAUS AND IvTl Come at ar a buaUi tutrix or. VlrglnU Hair BMtMMr, tlctrcoelvcd and for sale oy. On.WNllAll tllulBrt.

(tltORllI 00.. A'nts. i Ta ii. -Kosaliwwi'rerepoTtert. WIJATWlCoirtM'fi, kt, i Ihromth the m'otiTpiMoiisorrihtiiiifl MVsi iiinmr viiiieii sjivunil mtloti iKitltililHiriHslitrtlinni: tmuI wliJi fvcry (mpintuiiiiy, riu- univci.sil t.phtlon lhat the FjuareMp atul tlial.

mihcriii tht- l'f fxreMlre ruins huve only naiiiuiiv (nut wor.h he mention) 1tftKifl-wwlf fftvnrnhif itrttHiect, 1 ut we one IndvMnal fi.R.riibh to the filmid if otinn. AS' ysi worm has onlr ami llifti, plinuld mvitonnlilf weal ut aUuiiri- furor u. Ihiil urtx Jnita Insect will titf retuiilnlns bolls Which bavnUj-n saved from ditU wctloo by the rti't. It a tlfplnrahlf; rluld- in wluv tl fallen forma und uefirly itiaturedbulls, liHiuliiintuiiitlni; under nvtry plain. Thi-Plviters arc tislugiheir licit mivonll Uie luutureii liidK uutl, after itallit-rcd.

ilrylntt tt.rm In tli between liowera ur by mMcIhI Kouite, Onzettf. MAUINE :L.1ST. flteiTmlMint Ciillfurnlu. llniiklpa. from New Orleans.

ortt liblsfeUgnr, bbls ok), ttftto. mill Iif do molui-ji, Ill VEH PACKETS. vat MoMKofflf-rt. The very light tlrauKlit, tintiltiK htnimi-r iJlJlfoON, U. 0.

Baldwin ItllUlCr. Will lenvt! ffil'tttn nllnvn unit nil In lerniodlHln landiinw PlllllAY r.VKNlNO, lit 1 clock. For frdiilil or pgiiuge iipply on honrd. sejibAAN itotViwn IWry. i JfSaJfc tMl "inning passenger LgsHioff slumaer At-N, mu'tV," ssjbjSbbbbbbI will leuye for the above and all In crmedltte liuidinrK.

i-ATlfnllAY. I mt ar freight or puiae applr on board or to I WfP ill.WIABBIATllKWAgCnJS. For Montgamrtvr 0. W.CIoaV i mutt-r, will icave for tbe iitmve ntid till bliiterniediatU'liuidhiirs on tiATUUDAV, UtO i douu or to: Mm nnd Moiitcomfry. Tbesletmboat V1K0INIA, W.

V. Burklcy wtl, leave for tha nlwyit rvKitY av cut ill. or tommc upplyon board. fttlD.IK KVBlfJXU --Mr TnsfiiUow( hhiI iliorllinort. ME fAVOBlU 6TKAMJES P.

0. WLLU, I til tlltliual al. IT. IUM.lln, 1,1111 1H, Th's aUMLUivr will lewvy Mohllo cvury fRT-WmHKUl tho ciitlr sen on. Till latVm lift tllHti filfM ttllfllTlriF liltn uiWirnr, 1 1 ouiib repBl-inir, an'l will rcHUmo- her reeular.

trim, at the opeiimtT of the eiofl lor imaU ot her class, nnd will onu-llnne iu thfl trade puntlually as hwetofore leavlu Mohlle every FUIDAY al 4 o'ctai: 1'. -leaws liiscnlooaa 0D ritowna -dtrlpsvtry MONDAY fcVKNlNd. Uegulur Tuesday EveiiTuTTuchei Vm Hladon and Hnriun nnd an fbeoew, lllitdrauatiU fastruuiuna pusmu UsOTersieaiaer.ol.ll'fKR.H.tLjol,iii5 rnaster. mmmm will leave, aa above, every TUKdllAY l.r-MlAti, at 4 clock, fror trclcut nr paasaieatiply on hoard. Nolice Ureal AvcoiuuiodaUon.

Jitr "he aehr, WAVK a' oaicaeud to make rcinlar wL WKKRI.Y TKll'Htoaod Iroi DltAOGpN "am" 3alBBKuD(l ilAVOtl I.A 1IATMK will In.vr, every blONDtY HuKNlhG, aad MoPlle evtry ru boll AY for freight or pasaaae apply.on boartWattherootorOliUrrliitriJvt, orlo vm niVfiiAtiuo, muuimvin aiiallUtr No. O'unuocroe el For IVuKucohi. mjarTi rollowitiK prtcua hcrefter-wUl be slJga'ChanedfnrTRAN81'0RTlKUYKM0in' ho tls tf.Y- PHKBS. umiur nvo iiunureu Five uondrod Bkc, wive iiauarou Over Five Hundred pound. In largo tei Over ton and under twenty (I ait itauiuNiua uittiur vru Ha Letters to he prepaid Prtpcra in eraxiU pneka yes lOe.

enrh. VRKlti HT receive al the Waverty flu Dara of leavlno MflKllA YK; WkHtNitKlift VH in URDAYd. farther lpiormtiou. apuly io yins rnunifj n.i.x or IrABLEfl NOTIClLi. BitMmsr A'n.

mowle mail Tha ln.uraisim in iwimtt UAlfURH 1 A. i Jpklriij Is hereafter eapeot-hile for New Orleans, ill- Itopk and Of the bu'clock cars. i nr PfttUOUT.recolvtd Uie llav nrev! artu, Aaent. IVuiice. The simmer ORKHOl'NT In'ln.

In rood rder. will Irave Mobile at UK I'. 0.. for Point OI.M.

mwML. the 1st No.'-aiTivinK p-. rinuiri.oiuoiie uyur. In U'lVance ot he Junior, lMrtlataayinK Uial -In: will not run tell a olNbood.

0ALKI1 I1ANA. will Kuarantco the time lin. IciHlnoljiivurniocnt lakes burfrotutnahy force, ...) lul iiiiimi.Biiu rrts.en.cTa. lySO OAl.KIl DANA, Cantata, Notice. KiW.V'W,1'' sluamer JU-NIOR will leuve her wharf foot of fjov.

Mniake nil the Ianillns oil liasteni Blioro. P. and. alter WiONrSltAY. -she will miiaoumiu-aaytilp ary Wecluesday.

leavlna Mobile a 11 elock A. M. TneNAAtl eTeulna, of Wtabiesilutr UHAH. J. OONNkK.

w.Tal CUANQBOF POWELL ELLSWORTH'S' C8KAT Mill, PASSESKErt ROUTE," WON AND AWSR MTIIJOLY. I9C1. raaKjpieadltioia. Bally to In aa hours: 'twice dally, to HektitUiM MotituoMtty. Leave H0MI0 dallr icr steamer.

Kimball via Bfikull at' A at 1 Arrive al Uenliomtti neil day by 0 Aal. HihalvU fur'-J'nimcoUi. Leave Mobile twine drdlrrer toam.rHtaball VIA Blake-" lyat8A.M.andat9P.M. fj 1 1, unu. 01, I AM throniihto Do, 'Pensacola mis Mom oy lleamor.KlmbaUl.l(laiol'lo.Tariuworth!-rnlieabvtouri bone OOAChest YkrosworUiJo PenancoU oyiiuroau.ri if.

Aaent, llhe 1). W. Oo jilmnn A 2e JtUNAA3us oron boar.a'0f 'Mallboat. From tbii daU tbe attflilk it Vil SDOntTV. No.

Ttt Conception 'ttreetri will 1 emu r. ai 10 0 eiOCK A. St. Byord-roftheward. anri, 'AD.

UHAljpaON. Beeretaiy, Voluateer Relief Committoo t. marbualu JAS. ORAWfOkB. OflAiLKS LtUARON.

R. IUEDWO0D, DAMISfi UoNKlLIu BANIEC WHtlLSR, JOHN QUnDON. iirWwtSt'0 WDONATIONB ricelved by.aby member' or the Oem. mlti.n l' I.MTB,fTimi.l.rt.l. Dail mai2t'f Infirmary, mr BIMuUsloll.W, NORraKABl' OORNKK Or (ION- UKHva An uirnuunn nxMriniTJ.

IJIHARGItB-Iieladlw Board, Jledlcnl Attendanoe.i ptr day, for Whites, II to 1 per day for Blavc ,1 to VT M. nrtr. tiiar, esv ssvs for ftirdoat'OperatlonYi "H.B.MtVEnf. deellAANbly H.HABT1N. aVaVtTminMss.

rare Vftftnte-itoti jiBWBiB- rATOtmOAKxruuY ripairkd A.WAtiAtrnti 'a-Sttw lewelTTi Ifannfaotured. i Nottlr.tjJeDtDst.Ds.pbin and Water strlots. vIH.t;.VT.v.,r 'iJUBT Ol.OOmt. ASIAN ORNAMENTS liNI JP AINTINOB and ANOV' flOODS. rine' Jewelry.

Opal, Rahr, Kmerald, Poarh Coral, llosale. Etrascaa atod Plain Gold Jewelry. In- great. rarluly of Bwh. Silverware.

TeaBeta. Pttohers. Waltarh Oastori (alt SianiURpfloua. aroat variety of able fur Prcaeata. Plated if 'OI(D.

Bn.Vr.R and STRKLSPEOTAOLH: 0OL1), OILVl.Tt aod IVORY MOUNTED OANBB, etUoUoo to UPAIBINO Watches. Olocki and Jewelry. daeaobl M. K0BBIN8, VoiaiuimMioii jrUvrcHiaiit, AND WHOLESALE- DEALRR IN Vyoftl, Beeswax, As ers AAaaa. IUI i nntA1.

Kwtta Railroad fjr pViile'ttlwnitenUon'fo kcYesjiiitio tliw lu uuolLcr.cohiDlu; We add tlw following from tbl Ht IstaU llcruld, whleh peak vohimee In Its fnvor: We uv We Uka evpecitl ideaiure In' reconmendng Mul. Pirn's celebrated reoKtHeelnx Cordial as an luvltubl reinedr getsernl dclltliy ftu-i wenkness. We have cti (t teft-d Jh M-elrcle under, our owo ln.medlV.' nrnirvatlnn, nti I vouch rr its efllewr and worth. "It. is bn article which i lionia bu kt-iit oonB'fliit la every fomily.

nn it Ii certainly an invaluable me ilclne." flee Uie adTrrUsemunt In ano ther cnlttmp. up-, StrdAc a- rend this, the fbltowmg Is to eitr ctfrom a loiter written brtha Uincinnnll, and speaks volumes In favor of that world-renowned mediclneMafl. Wimrlow'b Boothipq -rtam rca OmuniKa Tursiwo wewae aa rfvertlatmeot In your olamna of Mrs. Wins- low's Bootftsjflas Jiow never said a word In favor of patent meauTejkgjQre In onr life, but we feel com pelted to wy to yor that this Is no bumbiix-we D1TI TOlit) TT. iTO trtOW fT VTSM All.

IT 0 LI tig, probably, one of tbemeit roccebiruYaaedlclDea of tlie day, beeauaalthone-of llie'ben And thoaVof your leaden who bare babiet oan' too better. than to lay ue supply, CH2R0KEB CUEE! 4n unfittllntf'tsttfi for Hetnlnat nai ismitanoua; jmporencv, pott iff: fotoer, ralna intht Back, Stone fn th Sltuftltv Obstructed itml DlMctttt Menttriuttlon, autt ttti 4)l6euhti-emwl bi.tlttiatUin'rofk Ms piith and dittoing in SeV'PoUuttoMi gy-Uy the use of.thU'Ciu'C'Lialf jriproper diacharges are thu weakened'ora-nna are speed ly curedi auil'litll ylxor that a Bound mind and body are fleceisary.tb promote con aublal v. In the Oherokee1 dure' tlt poor, dehllliatrd, worn down and despairing devotee of sensual pleasure; will hnd fBet Ui UWVW-X It la safe and pleasant but luimedlate la ila-oc. Hoa i cautaloln no ailneral polj'on. but la prcpateS from pore vegetable estfaeta.

In the form of a detleious syrup. trvTKe per.uoaie, or nu-ee bouies fo 15, and forwarded by ef pre to all parti ofthe C. Vr.SoUlby all rweciabtt'pvjtgffhti tor where. -MEMPHIR. TEks fir-Bold In Mobile 'by (jKOrOOBTEB A TAL- LAJT A 00.V 01, ARK.

OKORGK A 00., hot Male, Aiteats. JOHN WHIOIiT A Mew Orteaus. isle Aonli for the Houih. mhalANAcply LISFRANCK'S ReBaUttriyl SBBT'Tlila Medltslna hai been for lant tlmn hnfar public. The suoeess which has attended the proprietors la re'coiamendlng It to the female sex as Uie best Peraale Medicine nqplh We.

Dy hdnglnR on and regulatlnf the periods, of women (whleh it does under any and eQeot aally cures all dlseaies antl brought on pret-slon, or those caused aympathy with tlie. deranged te male Organs-nd thrae Include nearly even oompialni to which the Female Bex Usubleot. Wy renulaniig, It brion bloom and beauty to the eonate. a ance, and trapefulness and olattlolty to the fern, both or yonax its effects are almost maajeal In txtreme uM ordebUlty and disease. Pains In the Head.Baoi ud Xfmbtt'DcslDen, Helen choly, Dyspepsia, bad effcoUof tUlug Cold, Bleedhuof the Lungs, note and elsewhere Blotches and ErupUotu of the Vaoe and BJdnj Weakaess, Whites, Convulsions and VUs-ln both sexes, and eapprcssloridf.

every- kind. Hysteria; 'and nearly every female Dlwate known, can be cored by Ibis It only asks a trial, and caroful observance of directions for teitlnc, to Insure access. McLfiUjAKD A Whotestle ud Retail Dnujfctir Under the Battle House, Agents' for Mobile. sjET And by DrugKltts generally In thfl Soulh. iee'SbNAACP r-Any porson, afflicted with EF I Ili 8 or BPASMODIO'Af miom.wa hew.ofacrtlftf.t?md4 by enclosing particulars nd postofQee stamp toll, K.

fli6.kBlobU6 1 jRolldAcvlyb DWKAWS anua afloo- J. Vi Httlclilmou'a Tonic Bitters. Hy enriching the' Blood and strengthening relaxed constl-' lotions, Is a specific for these dhuureements, ami will give to the uett tallow a brilliant complexion and fair smooth ikln itmdAop 8TYUE8 1 49 i Dauphin Joachim and. Jackwn 4tt MiUlflw ShnWulrffl'aiicitittoii it Ob. UT Tlie Litdles are resnectfaUy InvKed to euil and amlnjbcrnowanamllauortedstjUuof ItATB, WlinOtlB.

ILOWtmS.lfliATBi'ES, Jtc.lHIAMW 'HATS AND tor All In town or eonntrr. will be mmYifnaii. attended to.bV;-' MRS." ralflrlAAly" IO Dauphin street. Habile. North tVoliP.K.: TM.

BLATR'Inforn), herfrlendaandtliB publto that 1X she bu sold out her STOCK uy UOOUB to MISSj! OmiOltSr; andLBOOAN, who will conduct the BlXeu at herolds.tandj.No. ll.Uaapljnitrecl.,. ttrMIU. BLAIR Ukesltuaocasilon'to tbant h-r natrons forthelrlona continued pjtrouoae, and confld ntly rHcpmmends her saocessors ai woithy In all r.snects'of their couutenance and suupoit JetetX Millinery and 'Fancy Goods. 41 STftBET.

i THB have, formed lS under thebrra of OSBOKNH A. ROSAN, and he to aollolt the oauoiiue of the A.nubllo. MARY 0H50RrIB. Hisses Mitchell -i POOTSSORS TU illtlj. S1VAIN.) ry n.

pa iwc a. jbl jst -a DABl'rilrl BTRKrar; DIEECT IMPORTATION undeniaed hsr, rqada 'arrauraent, that will enibletliantoetiicnte.lh'.; Liverpool) -i. Ibndon, i-- Gm3 QOAJielanJOaimoli-T-r' i orrii. I If" n.IaaUMrii,.jAi.,..i. 5 i WUITKAMuroOomoo'it.

OILS-Llutced and other, vt OOPPKR-Bhoet, Nalla anil totku, I OUAINB-Vor and other pnruoles. OLA88WARB, BOTTLES. MUNTZ METAL, BIUOES. TOrtmni of ImportailOD apufy to DAHIEL WHEELER 4 gh At BT. MIOHAKi BTRH7T.

IfjJitW BIITTEII--10 flrklns very choice Yellow l'en-IV neuee UuUer( Jut received and idr ta'o low ry s. uajiuikh, Dauphin 8. plahtkh-a supply of no. i i i 5 HUIB rorous riaster now aep5 JOH. TUOKKR A 00.

Cill KiHiKttR UKMEDY A tmall supply of (Lis pop-f ular preparation saie ty A iITKTilK A ftoikof reUiiedbalti.otre.powde.cJ aw aa-ais IU vul ftnniw, i or siiu iiy JOB. TUOKKtt A 00. Ill St1 XB 11 llr-Tho nen'ilo. Kcwlnn 'a Mncatsar ilj. Oil Is auucrlor to any ever oltertd l.r ma ui me uuuian imir, ur sue ny ew OH.

TUCKER 00. KKVIMK lijTl'KU-l lleicc, forttlebt -wj. J. A oo. tu.UA I UijB lu lu.

can. i for. dosi'ii for ui j. umi.jjY ut: by r-ciiCl CLAbET- Por sale by A 00. WOLFE IMPORTiBS AND BALERS IN Wines, Liquors, IU.


Ilio Board Aldermen ore remieslc to meetpiinc luallyrl o'clock to-dsy. and full In ta fir Cant, Slpnotl bus Hi Btnte tbl no per-, (jow.UlbO'ilft'i;dtik:veluitOiitlio rtenuier lii.EfiJ.ty to ort Woman wljliotH permit fnni Cwuiulltoe of rttfcty. Annivifc-We are.euibleU btatc Tor llic lwtf-niwf thoaowho dwiffitoavull $liemwl his eminent uro-. (mloiial akHl, that Dr. Hun t.

or the. 0. ruirturc cm Uvii Institute, arrived anil Inu taken inmi the Battle House. WerefcrtoDr. Bimily'ii advcrtliemcflt Maotutf t' 6 caara Membeia o' ibis company will per-relvobf aii lu initber -( umn, thai wreato la colled forlborsdayevitiln Wort which lwwrfaMfcnriaeriwiU fie bwusiit.

BrimiKO oy Dm III veil 1qm TJils valuable esiabi. JUbment.hout tlifli wiles from towe, whs bunied to Hie around about 19 o'clock yesterday, but we hare no, lofor niatob aa to th paiUca'ari or tlic iy tbli Very unfortunate oceiiirence aiioav three l.uu-ilreiibahdiaretbroailoutor ouliloyinent. Since the above was lu type we are informed that the. Are vtn accidental, that took In the enclno-rowu, nnd Hint the do-traction of the factory owlni'to want orproitaioo of mind, through fear of the li. llers ex lluilio8.

A portion of the utl hulldlniw wctu wived, ItnxJKU 0 AKXOit. I'OokltiK Into Sicilies' A Co 'ji PduIi-dry yesterday evening we round the or rlflliiK 82. pounders jirogrewlnK. The cmjiloyed works Hdmlrablruhd Is so. slinplii' that lf operation is discerned alu Blanco by pcroh fruit ordftmrr- ncflu' intmtce With machinery.

It entirely ah Idea or Mr. Oeo. Jlyati, under whqsd lujiirlatbuilBnco Uie work la oaoduotcd, wig who tiuu) to fn'rentaopiethbiifc he Lud never eocn a bca vypleueiltled nor flud anybwly who had. eura. flkntei A anS oiirclly as weU.Aft.

fortunate In Imv Mr. Hyatt's sttvlc t. wlia'li ready to rifle all the'auna In our forte iu.fitt as he mounted a32 pounder to tiljotandihcll for tue-rifled irani will alio hereiyaa wbaVi BaitCTl-LOAPiM tUswif. We'were prumt ycrterUay; evening at tUa trial of. a imall breeeli-loiidinit rifle caiunit wade Cy WK.Bt.

Janeaat'tbo oi foiodry on. North Oom uierce The gun ban betn tried befjre, but owing to lidkoocklnglhe CtfjliBe toplecei. further experiment! werf pOBtpwed until anlran ojirlnito wai" provl led, the. ihoU tired were aVlhe dlftinc of almut a hundred aiwl twenty yardUbutle9.fUat4f aecury.tUu tiecr tain whether the Joints were proof aRjlnit tils' escape of gavwhloli WBH 'ietUddaaiJifactirllr lir fuTvor of the tin provemeht. Vor.tli a purpoic the charges were heavy-ten draotimi of powdur to ftllve ounce IihII.

or one to four-und the balls lalMlnlttlio tdntet fjill very nojr.ths' fftrlher ihor of webcileve, iutho ranrah ueioriil. Thu was iittnlno 1 and vfry lallafacioVy evidence given of Uie IDlcaoy of tho piece, une of. tbo balls fired with absut live drachms of pwiler PMslnrbreuglia.ilwbilnch. tarael. and jienetMtbgalx tumid, hei'ut pjiic illroadtle.

V': A conalJvrablo number otpewiii were prcsenti oil or whom were very favorably; luipreedorlUi)tiie tuer.ta of Mr.HUJamea'liiveji under-atind, wUlWnisie ft'r'tbe pipoie ofdvlermlnliig the most cHittlj8proWrUojfor TusATfi, Mr. MeUanetonffit list nliht was iiulte equd-totbo holioute buhig well filled la all had they lin leu commendable tisur they p-ere, -oualtt 'not to bo erltlclwdf but Intleod' there, i ho occasion forli. Home apologles'were niade'for want of preparaUoo Sninonictbe dramatic porformcra, a part of whom had been substituted at a late hour, in coaatauetioe of uftiie New ifrle'aus these apjloglct were' received In very, good part by Uie aidiei)cc. Jit Tableaux woro otnlt ted, to tho'rt'Vret of all asienibletl; hut tli Minstrels, acquitted theinsfltveBto Immense satisfaction, bones' 1 and tlielr glory and the musltfwai Rlvenin u-iperlor style Uclle," in particular, never soutnl-cd better fo'i and that' popular, air, beard wo lit ok on for fjrt Jlme, "We ara going, to the dhuckirig," gavi1 everj-bpily an 'aueeabTli sorprhe. Billy 'Barlow had one luultln thu opinion of theWiehe didn't give half enough ofltj but hla 1.

hors Id every pari of. the eritertsmuicnt. of which he was iihe rlfi) spirit, 'were'asunloleiit exciuo, aiul were appreciated. IMteoItaqn br.1iTbeBoIdler frpmOlnseiiM' wai a veirexoetleotpleoe of reading, andwajicgarded by haVe with tll Who wore pteaint, an afreeabls-rtcollectloni, wldoh will -onsurs a warm welcome beretftto one, who participated In them, l((eF, Corporation Frocee'dlnpi. MBKTINO OF THE rBOAwT.OF COMMON COUNCIL icriciMLltU)ISOl), jUohllt.

IWl.f The Bonrd of Ootumei) Council met pursiiaiit to adjourn- v' lreqlduiilt Couucllmcn tijemlfnileriof ilio prccjdlnft meollnirwas dispensed OolIccVormnde his rcporU, whtcli were re. eelved nnd ordered flleiJ, as follows: HUiOlty.tiuoa tt, I toll road bond de1iU9at 1 -itt "218 COMMPSIOATlbs rtfM TUB MiVO)t, The folloiluK communication ttom Ills Honor the Mayor wiarcad: 1 7U the Uonontblt Mount of Aldwmtn ami Holdlna tt to be the bonnden NhirpairlotlB-duty of nil rlasacs i th oeoplu of the Confederate Hates tti aiipport lliekr cboatn fluvertuncnt in miitiitiilnii to ft viL'tonmu iiolltlcul.hidepepilcnce th ihfiihjoua Mar WHfred upti it by fe rtoiibim tloverninenti believing wen aa ininriauHi enmens are inciuuni-in mo of tiild du and knowing of no-way, In whlcli that duty can tie uctwr pcnoruici uian uy niuing io invimiinnl ntirrtii iirinn wlillt III WnM'Vll Ht ii nr Dip be predicated, 1 cordially nnd eameiilr fecoramftirl to tlt: two BoarMs to pan a resolution or oraoiHiicc authorising the re -clpt nt Trcasnry of Oon edera Trmurif Holm atporforalltaikeK, llccntei or other duc and the payment of tho snma for all eity Rapentlltuna. Hespectfu ly submitted by JOHN FOnSVTH, Mayor. Coanollmw JferiDlngs offered the following resolution, wblcb.vM adopted; Jtttnlvtd, That thcTflx Collector, and 0" 'ether ofllcern of the cl.ybe hereby auiliorliei) mid empowered to receive the i reaiury note" of tho Confedera'e gtote.i, ul thtfr par Value for uli claims and dues to the city of Mobile, ViPBHS FIIOU TUB POAHD OF ALPIRUKV, Theiifitlbnoftholloahl or Aldermen whs o'nourred In. Concerning lite rcpali trig of John Sampson's floor.

Concerning won't of sc. Ion for opening Btull street. Concerning phanglng name's 6fstrtv fJonccrnlng ijalnting the nameaof streets wldcb have neen cnatutea; Concerhleg grant of further swmto the Relief Committee; Concerning repoiUf receipts and payments by.yald uommiuee. On motion ef the Board of Aldermen to enjoin A. IL Ry-land, action was further postponed, coamnsw.

The Jpiht Plnanoe Committee repotted the I'ay II ill for tue noou oi Aogasw wuicd was passeo to naymeiit. amount ofsalarlea, 5.1 43, inbtcelhtncpus 31. Total. The Joint jCotamhtte on the I'ubllc Water Works, the following report: To the JfoHorabtelke Board qfAMermen and pommon Council the uitu of' Mobil Yonr on 11 Public Wator Worki," to whom watreforrod tho several cominunlcatloDs fr-m Mr, A. Stein, have taken the matter into careful corulderutloti, In connect! with thf contract ente ed Into beiwttn tho clt authorities of Slobiteand the Bald a.

Sttln; una now be leave to repon Tint your comtnittto itou that the city authorities have nnvraiinUtil and airretd ta nllutv Mr. -A PLi'lu Um fi tuul undlaturbed poueis-un of tho Mublte Water Works fur Twenty years and until he has bctn imtd the vnluu of ttic worgaaa mm uuurtcvu uuuii, ne, ineamu nit ui, nisuxc cutorsi admlulitratorauiM a 5 Rnu. uett ami truly cam-ptylnQwtth all (ititt tlngnhtr the within tUpulatlotas andaffrtemtntitmkU jHtrUtoOadfliHtjieifiii'inttt ami wmjmtdulUi" Yuiir If an. lladlm will nercelvi that Dm iltv Ii bonml to perforin ccrta acts, oa certain V-ur Com-mltlee are iot duposed to complala of tho )un juiuc or the loieniuiine conirnci, iiDiwoui-jmLTeiycRiiyouratun-iiin tothefucu tbatlntbeentrevo tructthun In no penalty iigprenfedforthenun-fulfllluicnt of any of lt pr'ttlslna, save and except tlm time ut which water suould be Introduced into the cltF. It UUien plain to your comml tvetliot the penalty Imciitjui to be Imposeil uin Sir, Hit In for iion-'inphhrice on lila part nlili any of hia oovenuuto, and the only penalty that can be iu.

erred from the cuntiacu a a release io Uiu city fruu tin; iicnoniiuiicu of tiny the The city authorities having agreed to perform certain acts on ce tain conditions, the tint quus-tlout i bedeterndrn il is, whither or not the conalu.iia have been compiled with WatvbiK. for tlm tlirnt brinir. nnv ovinnlnbtlnn Inli (lml port. on of the coiilrucl which rehitea to the mipuly of water mm tmiiiraunihuiiuiuu iwu; CUIUUIM'1UI Ql Ulir VIUXCIIV III rolailou to their paying tor water whkh thy dj um uud ui obtain, your committee wou merely rvfrr to lew or the -'stlpuiatlonaond agreemcuta ou iiln (Jlr. tK-iii'i part, to done, trior mud und uumpllcd Willi" im- UIVWMiZ't MMfiliuu l'l IIUJCIIJ am iion new.

la(. Mr.blelnagrcBitoiiUftLTandpmnHilie Mayor, Al- tlernien and Common Council of thu city ox Mobile, "to use two tire plugs, and no mote, at all times within mild city, where the ate laid dtmit, aa often as mni uo do cessary fur watalug the gutters of the streets." a conflagrutlon ur Are or building', rr much water iu vuty be neoeWyv from any and all parts oi tho Works." And 2d. tie further agrrcs to pluuu and so arrange the lire plugs that there shall be four ilrupluiu to tucli uiuare of ground where the pints are laid." Here are three vera imuurtant and essential conditions. applying dlrecuy to thecity authorities aim the public pro tectlon, not one of which hci bven compiled with: and your uonuniuce ni noi nunow mat Sir, Hlelu lilrosell, how-ever much be mubt be ilUpoaed to evade mv pruvt -Ions or construu the lutent ana inmbte of those conditions, would lor one moment contend they bad not been violated. YourCommlltee hold: that the "Corporate Authority" of Uie city Is veined with sowHim powen within ts legal and KOarauliIcKlllinltJ.

It ltd UUve. ami r. tcuJyo. It cn enact Its uwu inws; decide all quutllotis in which It Interested, uud enforce lis edicts, subjec to the hioKtr Miithnrllv of the ttatu or at tue i'nnfrvrntt ii verument5; and In any uueu.lon that iua nrhir hetvceti orate Authority and any of Us cttlscns. tha proper coor for the Authority to decide ucu inrry-ut tsown views, ma leave to thelndtvldunl hid ncountc io dMffier HUthor-ly should be feel hluuelt agrleved-In vlow.

tberef r. of the lacta and clrcumstaneex of the entire matter, and. after careful and niaiuicdelthi railoa. your CommlttewsiibniU for your cunsidtnillou tLtftollwW. mg resolution 8trin fllVvi1 lil complying with the stipulations and mfreemeuu on pnt t.

aernrd. ance with tLj ointracttniered loto bf hha, the i gfulh" HW Flty rMblle are ubjolred afid Uaswi Irotii all oblUaUond on their purl, founded on said contrac'. M. MlNik JAMES ttADOETT. On motlou to receive tuid report, Councilman smith, bariQif been of counsel for Mr.

Htcln, declined appeurloi that there would be no quorum voting, on mo. Hon actlou waspostponcd. On motion the Board adjourned, Mivfta'a Oorjar- Wtdnwtay, Srpl. John For. A siao, from the country, found' lUtlna 1a a doorway all iv at uii no Point (tBw'Hr -tff aeau title an-l Nc.

Urh an. heiuy rcauoied. and encour Wctnerit otl. fromnumcnU! fnettdil. we troiHilv tnopcu tic almve IIUiKL on Ilia SOril OfULY.

fW Weenn.rnnnilenilr aweit ihat no walerlna place on the Gut; many reQuli't-s Tor ciimrort it. Point Clear. VAWINM Iim jio oqu il fiu.liinooail,' 'and the drive. In llic ilrbUtf ar. A Veleifnpli Oftlceh in the' Hotel, corairnniCNtlna with all uorttony uf Uiooountry.

tlT tVlille ire meal nsV llieliidu'afncbof ailQata lector Tame oencacjia- will giroinlii Til iliall llotoir. piled wlttt all lie luli.laiitlal. ine best file market alfoida. It. CDAMBKIILAIN Proiirietors Point Olear Hotel and Battle llouie.

Mnb.lfcJulylM. laAN "Shelter Houu, 'at Xostrote, POft RfcNT. tnr Uiu lt.MMn. wliole plaiie Is eood rrpalr. wltli new WRfllt.

aiiu.pA.iitiiuua, a one 1'iana nnaa from im laluwharf. The lloiaebas and ipdiio a number of femlll.e. ApWr J- IrHAA Hll.l.KR A BATUt. KESrARAKT'tRACAIS, AT'tHH OI.Ii riTA'Sl) it'OR'wNTCO.

Battle lloiwe Oyster Saloon, miYAi.Kiftt. atwnya ii baod'tjie nry brVl of Oy'ter, Hickled, fplcad, Ciiokad In Mrred oa tW8U.ll at-ny iV .1: BrenkfAMt, fllnnwr. nr upiier. of the ehoieast Kl.ll.ttia beat or-venlniuvand Bird. tVild Turnr.

cmiliMl In fir.l ml ivla iim.U.p. d. at the etiortasi ugum. r. rr i iird.rA 1'rlTatifRnonn eligaotlj fitted fur.lhe aecohtnlodatlon of ramlUes and p.rti...

Tliankful for loriner favors h. reapMlfully solicilsthabr Ctuai'diii. ofnroeurlng a PLfcAflANT LOOATtOV and GOMKOltTAm-tt KOOMB. would do well to am soon at No. AI ooruer of.

House ts pleasantly situated, and has several flne Booms, 1 aovttf IjlAMIUKS orSIKflLVi QKN11.EMKN iceoni-: modated on reasonable Apply aV.No. etet Qot. ernmenl street. irlT Printing! Printing! FARROW IFBACtlCAL rHUITKR, MOUTH WAT15H 1tKa-l', om nook Vftqa d'aVphim. i- iTirydeserlptlonol PLAIN, PANUV ANn.ONArrAl,pSlr(TTRli cjcmneu of cuera; wim uie- mraotl dlwatoli, and at Jow.ratOk BITlcktU.

'OlrculorV" ILaw Blanks. BUIUoads, Handbills, Rcceluts, Labels. ms. I'oiioie. Ac.

Ac, Ac. BOOS BINDlNft AND RUI.1NH, In coonscUoul -J. Kevllle, i 11(0 Ata. 'WhoUMU and ifrfail'raler f' qiOAits, na hand nnnle. 5- S5 n'elaetlnn nf rarltm, braiidk.

'0 1. Al.o Vlrglob, (lanndlah 'adl nuii.ainr-ionaeeu.i I'ipea. -iisa. too- 100 moii'ilkJ ala.i um' Msslim. thlnjs you bav, sunt out tbrouab yanr widely ulrculateu uiplyrlndnoUi' pluascs roe1' more than your plooelliudod Thebesl rownrdTcltnr6IIcf yon.

after "United we Divided we FalL" twr Very superior urt AMB IOttOE and UOUuLK AtfTfON llEAUd PUUPB. flora Inch We unto put up lenral of these all.o which hae We will oortttfuet and, warrant LEAD. IRON or OAh- VAN1ZED t. AMES 'ooV em, water um Fall; and tllothlug! W. II.

WIOKEs 'ai Wisolesale an. Ilclall Dealers I. READYMADE CLOTHING A OKOTlEara'IFTJENISHlHOOOfll. TRCTNKS, VALI8EB, OARPaVC BAaSOHBJlULAI, Oil aid Inlla llubber To wblehtheylnvltotheattentlon of buyers. ocil Great Bargaim in Pa4cy Dry Ooodt.

VH. II. LtlNKAUVA 00. bavloa tmrchascd the IBt'lus btouh of Q00D3 In Store No. 30 Dauouln strecu fc'im Dbtnb Brn, will sell them out AT OOBT and below their value.

The Kioto lately, occupied by ulxon will be kept open till the Whole Sloclr li'dlnKued of, and the LADIES may depend on seourlna HABUAINB at No. ao DaUahln street. IrlSNaASm OORNES OONTI AND WATEtt BTREET8." r- Uavln, of UEN'B and BOYS' OLOTMNOTonliand. will sell 11,., .1 vnre iu nwiaKii Mcrbbanls. llantert aad-olhcrsara la, lud to 'call and oaatnlna the 1 1 ii tllbtlimg n'l Lj 'It I au A lari.

aasorlraeat of NBSRO OLOTIUNS. ..1 LOW, by': H.ft I SOOIrTWAT'trf STKaT, next io Nswhonse A Oo. ,011, -AT COST. reWAAU''" Soalli Water alreet. i 'SVXox'Olaaxit Tetllor, Sespenlrully lnfjrrat tha -trabllo that ho has stock or Sl'ltlNtj flOODS.

In. i slock of LINEN anT VKaTINO ciio recommend to his eustomurt Q00D8, which he cno rccomi wnn lull coundenre. He bal'alaoonhaadaaoodseli HOU Ul i f.i iDflinu-UUUUu. 01 klndr, utNo, 31 Boulb ll-jjal street, aorUNAi Wooden BeMow at" 03 CONTl- HTREliT. i'V GO 1IIF, iiulillo la renieeltaily.

Invited to call at 'the above JL vhceaul iutfai.ijr:lie-i".'lvc,. As durnbl Uy this article ut Ituiue luauafactuiu beiti fxcellril. Taec bbocbeUi. auilrely-nntrr rmlit, nru eaiieelally Inumlcd to tiiu wunt oj Breaana. cu- itch so call em ly, tdlANlni' FLOCK bbls and sacks from Ooluin.

LuiUy. eupcrllne, from Montnmery Mills 0. A. OII.BERT. a North Uonuueice .1.

llniuu and A Illina luatoieaudtorial-by bakctf and boaw of Piper lletii. 1 selck nnd Jute Mumm'a very mtucxtur Oliarnnaane. lu miNWINOHAH A Ct boxi', Ptoe-pr A Uamble'a Mar i 1 IW do "bist Bperra' avi.j, -Mc WHI UmnllWd, vantrr RaFliaawe 1 fcifM'- MRR and fty 'virtue of an orde and tleeroeof tho-- -unn. iteorau m- wonu. 01 for HODlle ami ft-ithorhy u-ifrred bf Uio I will und trjrnin utuf we wi lielatunt -ii; :ii.m 11 lliL IMtc I LiMiitu-ice Slrt'ti, UI tlK-tttyof MattDc uu thv Ul t'uy nf tlctoher, 1 c'k M-, ul KU9 smck of Mi i-t in mil Hi rtiiilb'ldtinxtothe wu cc stiil, suaiil Hock ccmlstlng iW' lerm till All Mini untln to nat'l In uUunw v.

am iff.iP, uinn a credit sixty ihiy, an mu 'umsevei 43 tt'jn credit of nine ty duoiaiotiU' btnr inu -fti date of KlIiMiml hi- ruml by tbe ruitoi nf purchaser, with at letut two Huiiidt pt xeeitrtt 'fUliNK I M-'plMdi Kit IIKRIOU LU IVK.I I Vis. Bbrrlir Halw. ILL UK HOLD lor ta-h In In nl or Courlhouio door or MobH ummiy, oil llic flral MONllAV In Oo-lober, l.l. at la o'clock a Man nhmcd L01U.N-.a,.0Uli-lfi;'Ir,h,,, committed to the Jail of Mobile coooiT. a MmasMy.

na UuaMtii Asy of Pshru. TA yr of Hie pity of and who say he Ii jlooia lu Lt'oa- A Perm, nf Hatd Negro wUI be aold In acwrdwiB- with the provlBloni ot S' nt on ICCftof theUodenr pny WH'l JNO. II.

HWI.KYhf Iff ftl. 0. New Aaetiou Jf PHILMPi. formany i''irsnn AarihinwrlnNew hna pernisneiilly looi-led In tikis nltr, and in transact bis usual brunch of botlocsa, ijctna opened hilheMl-udhtiiew Jtrkk stores mi door to Hie Couithou-, where helil Mleml lo the tale Of KKAL KM-ATK, NKUKCl, DUY flOODi. GKOOKu PUHNITUKK, tins t-vtrx dexulptlnn of Vropwly.

No.exfrtloai, Hpnritd iu glvoiuiilHlHctlun to thoio who may lionnr him vvllh Ibclr Twtrnnajte, UCT-IIOOJl HALKS rtupeolfulli' solicited. J. I', anfiuttiir'e'fl V. M. I'lswisnn, Sun 0 Kiciui il, VI ULiltK, iK I.

J. hj Lkwik, l.T. (I. Iji.snnv, TKLL A I'lllC'bi KD, "'ii n-AWAsiH DVUm sny frouiibe city. Mil.

KINO, la luy aulliorlso.r iV olive' ft ROBKRT ETANMtU hold, our Power of nev. and will act ai iinrlnir uu. aaeUAANtr -'RlVkii. BATTI.e. 00.

uuiw ENBiNBieit'K oypiqn elUBIL Ann ubkat Nn.Tkf.BW RaiLim.n On rilUN or nrnfkN, can iad em. 'bloyment by applylna at this olllee. iiiwau t- u. jumian. miirr rnsincer.

mrru. jiv.inp i UOBliiK AND ORKAT NORTIIVRS UAllJlOAD OO.r MtrritK'TU SaKAfllttUA. HUin 0011 l'AIV lsnowKadrtorco'erwe PR0POBAI4 forthu TAANMNIKTA-I'lifff nl I'Ail. hr NUKItrtfroni Uio terminus of the Itnarl on thcesst bank crinc-ietisas tuver 10 la expeoicd that tn, will be In operation la September rural. mu." juivi'nn.

wniei r.u,inecr."-011(11 HOU'l'il IAR0I4NA ami Interior Ban's, LH, oi Alobama Holes wanteii by sfpVlf WUIT1NQA 00. Insuranco on Cottou, i PLANTATION aiiil llVKft LANlUSUr, taken Vlrslnlu Insurance Oompmiy uurai MII.LKu A BATRK. Aerols. lixchauKO ou Riehuiouii. SIGHT 1111.1.1 UN RICHMOND, fni-Biilnby usli MlLLEIt A iiisdioiicc Uommiilvr State of Virilnla, tONfKIIKKATS NOTES will lie fecolve.1 ffl-pAK In vnjnca.ui.

premium, ubb-hii. ut.mnany.' I 1." imr.i. rOllN M. WITHKII IWATMAM A MCftNPOH Stl. OKOllOK aad UILUKICr are my author.

Iswt Again aod.htlorueya ilurliiir my aWuc trom thecity. K. V. Mohilii, April CONPEbitRATt STATKS TRKAflUKV NOTES will he rreclved Inpayment AOOOUN'IR and N'OTBB oue to me Muuiiir. auelKbtr JOHN POIIKVTH.

11. B. WALKINDTON bavlna taken lire Ul'OOS o. the late Irm WALK1N0T0N A wlU pay all Uie debt, of said nrmVand coh'ltmto tho bitslueu un bis own account. ZSt.

raTT ile will aell, FOU 0A8I1 ONI.V, tho DOMtSTIO OOOUS aVaaloW it rate as tbeprcieut atate nr the market will permit; 'On MNISN PABRIOII Ihern-wlU be po advance, OOLOHBU ANOY flOODS Ihece win -v5 Thfl .4 CO. UU? day been dtiiolved by the withdrawal of DUUVAY UK Lb urm name will only lie y-eu In DOLWAY HKfiL WAl.IUt.UIUH. JOHN MoRINDLKV. AHANOiH OSOWiNI StoWle. Autni-l tit, As-w'o'are TOTALLY UNAniilS TO BKPLKNI8U WIIUPUl-SUNT HTOOK.

il will bu impoiulble forili (e COTJNUK.miARCUNa 000D8 TO I'AUJ'IEIJ. Vliuic uccoimUrKOW'nOI'AniC UNPAIDS Ju4 CO. THO. aTXiMG1 JKM nlALKRIH HAV, OAT BRAN, 4c. 6.

Bwi)NoaTii wai'ii -tsTRicrr. MOBIbR; Nrw (Irlciuis. Opelousus una Urrut WesUm Railroad Companr. XKW IIULKArVH. ha lilAl- IjANO fllllB ilKW ORLfcANfl, OI'tLOO'Aft AND (I ft AT it do i r.tvn uAJimuAi' w-'irAi" x.

uy unu in Tinue Ii Apl'nf Um United fiUln UutiuroM. Dm H.l Jnnii. Iiauui UUAOb HI Ulir OMUU iiCRIHJiHUrC, Ol'tUO 1UU1 Mil Theso hands ftrolimiudud wilhiii nlriji ui SO miles In wlillli. Br ir mill nn RAnli nldo nf Llm rnllwftv 11 im nvlxiiil. i Injirrom Alalera, opposite NewOrlenns, to tf.obablno JUv- tx, or Uiu Kustcrn bonndnry al Te.vut, it lUaiauce of 8-13 mllfn.

Itl lliti Rnnlfimrilntf'it unntlnuntlnii nf th mail Intn will trnvenu luu idgh. (urtlle itraln rcitlnn of i lint State. 'ine i.anua iTiii((orpoiiic uie nrm t-t, muea oniiouom- papy iroail, arcinlheri hand tlmlterud alluvUI of tho MlislBilppl Itlvcr, on Hayuu J.atciurchu. Urund LoKtii anti t-inewtierp. iieiwecii inn imtu ami ltui muni.

wu have a very amount of furtllu and valuable Luntis lot AUuka-'aa wralrits. a hciou nowburc excelled for beauty, healthful nen, and fertility or boh. Uotween Uie 1MA mile and tho Sublne Klwr. the road traverrtta the moderately hilly and heavily Umbered pine wo. dlnuda.

varied occ.w)oDRlly by thu rich vol eys ol the streams, (lood water, Kami, olear water hro-As abotuid- itia in dii, ore common io una vmre lorjuuy, me uu.e wtioili. In nountltT aiitl nualltt. art! nun massed, unil t. la orncveu nia. uio uiiius couon prontaiiiy.

M3M iriJ Dlata can fou oua all I lien as to t1 eoLaractcrandpi-ioe of land obliuaed, attpll- rullODi title, aod terma of tola Qtial'y amtteil upon, iitihe iiiiiou O' uouiiiauj iuu Anun. nr rlsli ef lit. Blary, Lrv. AfitAfif fiiln tn tii ui ied In New OileanM. at tb Mnns or Uiu In the absence or tlie pnrehiser, a written poworofat- lArn.

mulliorieliiif tlm am-nl In uan tint act. anil thfl naLra ylvenlnpavmcn. AtidluKrunl a uioititoKO to 'Hie terms of sule are: One third cnih, remainder ia note ol one and wo years, payable at a bank in New Or- itS'-tH wiiu uiKiii per cent, per annum miereflt alter, mam-Hty, wllh moiuuc until Anal and In Usfsult, the purcunscr nay nvo ir own. iir ubuni i iccn. The UompanyrB Lands aru now houiK examlurd.

As fi airbuortSHruimidc. lliti irko our acre will ho fixed esen tract applied lor, and tho nipl.oiut dnlvnorincd ot thu same, anil he will be required to urn-opt tho laud, utthe pnuu ucilKiiaicu, wiiam a rvniiunuuau iimt-. nr in ui iawv IhuLundwillheollerfdlortialuto uthurH. Iho Uotnpany reserves to Itsulf the rhtht ofctiLtuiclriK the prices tiudtermt, rromtimetotlme. IhcOoinpiinycjt-ilrest" encsuraKO actual eetllcri, arid will arant priority a application to pei notw wtio uretiow In actutUccupHllonandcii'Uvatloiiol land; Put only area-aoQUils time will be Kranted tliera to opt)iy for and purchase, after which It will be ild any other applicant.

11. ii r. iif. rrraiuvni. Mm KaVLKV.

Land Autint iiood for (lie Army. IITS IliVK nnhinila I. A HMf. HTOOK nl ULANKETR. Vl JCANS Ind PAftNeiJ.with-alarKUfltiwrtmeotor loal Coal FIkLDS or the Alatiamu Coal MIuuk.

Company, for saje nne noasnenu or 'ww Storatre! Storatre 1 'WB have room foi ilic Btoroge and balk of about 10,000 vv jiarrois. nicrciisnis aim uie uouiuuerfiiu uototq. ment uan hn accommodated- wit Bturaau room to tin above high wAter innrk If derircd, by ipPiieauon to a uu lyiB Water street, near Pt. Anthony, MKH) POIlK- luo bhli in store antl Utidlns. for sale If A ivnwi a uu.

1 l.l.l. in uih ifL tytw M. HOWS. OR I tllIOAIt-30 hhds various srodos. lwilc bt KIIUaoesvrlmefouthCaruiIuanii1e.rnrtaicb icptt fl.

1. i. .1. JONFH. aV a ttlk aill AX 1I.I.

li7I.TrrMs rafwarlrr liv Ii LAI I. aB.ll.lAU fn. nnl. btf I t. I.J0NI3.

Sillltm choice New uilcaua rus-u and lor taleby- Iseidai h. V. llllil. A CO. rKimKtte.lEt.

FLOtilV-Sutl bh). und baas of choice as. uoiioiu Extra riour. ivbi-ivnu mi nuvue Ohio Railroad and for sale br tlBMNINOUAH A BHITII. JAMM 0AV1SOX, faVfkhv.H VI) 00,.) KfJEiVBI) Id Btote.

and otters for anlc. at the very low, cet Prices tnriUrUi.thclartiiMasaor.mentafnO&tll. MM and WEnTKKN l'RUIUt. conalBtiiM ul- KHl dos Brooma, assorted 175 boxts Caatlle Boap Ml aron -Andrews' Ycaitiowdtra UWU Iba NotmBiis cose He and "ardlnei- reams Wruuslnj FlmiTi aajorted i 11 11) osaks Pah Boda Wholes Balcralul '2U bbS Orusbed Bway Is thi. Sonar, BL antl SMtikmfe.

ii. 1K aros, HmoklnyTobaoeo --31 rrossUooil win's Toosoce, Pal, Frened 3J0 Ihousaod Q. 1), OM'l t-UQ t'euomr a case, Aiemaauea P'' aOOtrhl. Whisky i. if owa.ranay 7 Sfjtn- ij.

i i onsttlrred Iliinnictmary to eiamloe her cane, nnd said ht tftmlil liavo her uroiiprl. i-jm'trl of. iraiiounii tout mi u'iku uuianoam me irftiroim of tin Bouthe MnrKet. Tlo Manr ioieivod the case front a douai aso hfl wa th rrcp (r euH. A newo woman.

nrret itt her miiip.r'i. trrmfiii 'or worlr." sflstnrni'rt over to him for oun'uh. A ii' Km, arrested, by cltiaen drnkaod disorderly, wui ui ciwmitifrjuo ni.sco n.i hiwiuik prosecute me A.S Two of llien'rrttetehftrverl ttllirbaiir cnn(rrrnid Intlta steaUry. were dlsotiargett for.wSntf-osWeact. SjiToT -i tr- 'i An' nhht.

lha Ull, nt ItiuT.tiaatUn'fllnrb. juir. agru inyeats-tiauanier oi. air aiooney. At the reiltlnice of A.

IK Earner, this county, on 1ht morning of the lblh fnst.V Mt Lii; Din inai.v awuivm- tu tun-tut, late oi BSTNorimk, I'rlersbure mid' lllcunitmd nnnrti blewt THJK MARATY. MUftlLlX' August si. i9((: To "Many Friends," who wllcll the use of mrnamo ni I candidate for; the Mayoralty, of the jelty of Mobile at tho epiuliiKeltfctjon'r Gentlemen: IlinvocoweiitedtliHlyyunmyusuniyname! na a ndIdote furMAVOItof thiselly, hs Indicated by ynu. wuti thc.rtuervalion oujnv part, tllst I will not dectionoer fortheofllcehiftuy nnuiner, shiipu or form. our ranit ohuda-nt Borvant, nujlAAN J.

II. WOODCOOK. Hot Mftyor. tW The niHo friends of P. COLLI NB jinnouncs him a oaudldate for the Mo.v orally ef the city, ni ensuing elec.

lnaVccRitiin-. nJONAA For. Mayor. IV We an aithorlat to aimonnnCouiiclluiau-k-UA. RL I.

JONKS. at a candidate fur MA YOlt. at ma onuinif election. kok25 rWe an aulhoriieVto-eonona'ce K. U.

DIXIUOK Ksn Ub a Candidate for TJeetlua lit Manda In "December, uugSO rMR. II, 0. MoOMNTOUK Ii solicited to ruu for UAYOU of Mobile by a 1 ajtgW I.BiJlONOFKOIBNDB. milhaky; ail BATFAUOir-ail BKOM AIM. fit tOtoMtkO.M-?-'1.

Mifunun wii uo-uhki at tha Aimory.On KATURDA the-honra or ID el Oil A.M. Htlrl ai'M for the pu'puiu of viFctIrtia'Btico'nhd BHurtrBECOjiu thnanth for thu Woonitorr Hirtfrt. i.ivui. u. .11.

t'Kratr, rciKeauid. p. uain. uu j'nvaie r. U.

Ivor arc iippolntul lmiicetcrsof said Hcctiqir By Older. SrKWAllT. Mijjjr CumdV Bt'n9juijfmiit A.H.JV Soldiers Wanted I FOR AOT1VB BKRVIOK. The uiiderslsued have bf en fully anihor'xud toraltc UUMI'ANV lOMiptlfft iml-cMwi' f(tnf UOh. ZAOK DEAd H-GIMHNT.

Toe Ojinpaiir will bo suiip led with aupeilor aruir, irnd every requHI'e Tor aoufnrt fcafltJUft'cf and m.l nnilHvnniBt. Anlmm IS, App ciMot may bo made tit Moars. Uoyk'n A Moltae's rchouii, In rear ofher olllcc, between Water, und-Commerce UceU, Mobile, nr to thesuhsclhrrs peiaunUlr JOE. CLEVELAND, V. B.


Fvluuteers Wanted ii Tho uodettlanetl bniautliorllrrrotnlheB creury of Contc "crate array. Persons wlillm tn Jola me In tJiis enterprlio wUI pirate make urly applhuUon ut tito oi a a. a raice a upwrAn ior bitti' io mii uiuiwuiiua nrLooriv. gunner mnsuir a. Thlf Company will go Into Cajiu on-MONDAY next ecpUtf BA.VJOJ).

WATKHB. Attontioa' Dragoons 1 tWM.h I'M CAVAf.UV CUML'ANIKd noty fotmctl or forming in this Statu for tho purpose br Jblnltig" "Col." ADAMS'. Itciiiniint, -wilt rendesvous here, In Mobile, as soon as ready, so as to be mtiilercd info service, aid then proceed to All those desirous of Joining tie' MOBILE COMPANY, aoW forming for Jibe same purpose, will please address augSAAMU PAUL HAVE3i.E4 police. y-': The iundretiniM baa been HupinrlzciL by Wr Department, to raise a COMPANY for uctlve servtov. TbuOoiuiiu.iTWiirfiniiilltDtaaiiiijinf (Im.

Dt'IV-Ru. i LaiMOraod will reoiioavous. at Ap-' iillaaunn mar be made at inv i-eildence. cnr. oerofBLMIcraeland Hamilton slreeti, orto tULA-Ttil, at P.

WAUNKK-q Uarrlof a atorc. onOonasptlon street; oDpotlte tho PuoliO oquarev augSSNAAU- VHRV. K. BALDWIN: Kobilc Rebels I BKWWITS WASTER- The tiadealratU having htvn nuttioriaedt by life Pec retary of War. to raise a O0MPAY forthoU'inicd.

enuc service, Is now ready to receive "rtor.iiu, The MOUILK HKIIFI.M" will form a. part of Cou U. Dnift' Itttrtmtint. and wlllranuesvout at AlIlttJIlN km soon as sutioleut numb is ohtnlned, 'i'hc Couiuoay will be rpk'iididly armed Slid tqulpped and provided with evcrr roitfoiL A rare oppnrtuulty Is Ums.rres'Jjitfd lo apiivo-servm, mwm.wI. ikdiiac AttioOffiuo Uriiokg, KoytUti-ecl.

a82ir i. i oiioi tttb Courtnoule1 Montcomery aria, 'Attention I You are liiTeby cotnmniidal ia at ruur Arino oil TUKUAVd Mill t'KllUY at i u'clinik 1'. lo lull Unlfonii. for UU.UPiNY 1IU1LU Iliririlftli0.lnll. jul W.

IOBKK 0 ft Southern (Mr Ounrai-Attention. Toa'nr, oonnmniliid to at ami URIMA at IIioArmorr UH, nay lUESDAY and TIIUH9UAV, Bit o'clock, aod on UJU1JAY hVKNINU.ta o'clock. JlsoriltrcIOaiit.iVMtolutd. irtiattttj; J. PE1M0 lltgetwant Attcntion-Oennim uiiUere-Compaiiy 'Yon are commaode at Ui, Arm tr.

over every yBKnfclUAy lhliordar will oo oil ccomiaaoded to attend a Coojpnv URILL over- aiupiiax. ana rijaau umiii. I. apu rjuiiAi. a.

novrd until furthLr nallce. ily order of tho UabUjo. Attention Military WK jtve lu'1 recelvoi LAUGK LOT of JRKY IrVJitM-P IT.ANNEL8 AlUliei Mil. TARY BDl'lONB und Homo iim, OALioo.iuiuiimror Oolin. at rj.

ai, jiartx p. a uauiinin stioui. Military (Jompauics, HA VINO' Old Htjrl. nf llkel, cau hot tlicul em-Tertnl kilo UII'IJC at mo.lorato"oiiBiie and llh little dlj, at UKlilKS UUN ltflAM'tilN ttritKkit tlioae motexp.rioae.d vorkueu ttiatoauba prucur ed. Alfio, Cannon Rilled on tha out knproviid princt pie, and Pattern made fur Halla.

je4 Light Artillery Tactics HkTOW It. a ADV. a Omnn'cte and TI1u4Until Kdltlnn 11 of LMUf.AHTILLKRY l'AOTIOl. embracing H.e bcijoois or me neco onu Htiuery. mu uiatructioD io rieiu IHTVlee, corapf i tlon and of Uatleries for ac tion, uescr.puou oi rieaes, rraiomet, ac, oompuca it ktsinilftiil anllinrldpf.

Lt whlrh Ii fldfd Msnufn frtr timbre and Celt's llevnlver. Guard Momtting, Duties Bt-Dilne's. Duties qt tiuarterma tera and Uomaanlee, 8ol-dicta' fiatlonaand mode t( oonklnv thom, fiuinestivna 19 isoldlen. Blank Porma for Utltceri Ac fW Price SI three copUa lioJ. Liberal terms to the Trade.

Current lillls of any of tlie Confederate States ta- gen ai par. "Aiiaross, SfjpBdAcplm J. POWElt. IS8. JUST OUT THE IMPROVED EDITION WOBeglcWto iSairpoblw thatouredlUoaof OOL.

UAItDKE'H TACTICS It toe only one that baireoentiv been rf ULbr Uve oelebfated an. thor, srad the only one secured by" copyright leaeracy. r. 1 Theworklspubilabed f. la 3 brand, llnoM with nlatea, ft! pamphlet, aL.ii..!..1...

a OS 1 BO Theprioels always understood fortbewholn set fifioe two volume, on receipt of which we wilt mail tbbra and prepay tho pottnjre to all parts of tho Oonfederaov. book- sellen and Military Ooiapaulcs. who order rt- oolve a liberal om-oant Those Booksellers aod PuHbhem, who are s-UJnt RIOCo KDIT10NB of OOL. HARDEN TACTICS, will huTttoculTertho penalilesof the lav: im.l ihonowhoari buying such ediUuiis, we hi lu rmiurt that they are all mutilated e.dUoai, that not ouof them cotiuino th'is ImprovemcniB nnd di'ituus which CoL Uardcc but recent Ly adopted, and which can only he fuuad ia tliat edition. ttiUch xt now LtIdk hciore tho public.

Moet riBpectfuily, S'. H. QOliTZEL 4 BOOK0ELLKRa AND PCBUPrTKas, leSJNAA MOllll.t ALABAMA. Morphine and Qainine. Jl7 a UUOD BUPPI-V of the aboto arUolea, weofffr at low raiow, taking taw bluidutde AN.

UW, OOflTW A CO Itock Itilaud Paper, jHHta, OOlrOMOUK. 1A. nun onderslrne'l. Piihri Alt KM for thee. Ills, ivmstAntly on hand.

lanreneply of-Ourren, Bile, NetVB, BOOH. 1'OSTKU aud WlUl'lNU PAFRR, anJ Is i-repareil to hit ordcra uroDplly fur AMY Bf7.B0f aUAXITY ofclthcr, Or delivery. aul, lawKAAArAf 0. A. OIMlllRT.

Mflnrn. Si. Sued AA UUriHKIrH choice Heed Wheat 'heal, for ken or a bus wt, 5 ut. ati at 41 bV9 Uvu pcruuiiiei; putupiu suckh inshcla each by HllKatV UAtlirUitibld larvitiwr. Antnnny n.

Wanted to Rent, 0001 1st Movorabor neat, a FIJRNI8HK5 EOUBt a The Ilrick Dwelllns on BU, JJH1 8Sl M.O. OUWHIfQUAatl ruaiw sale by I BUCiO It. RUUINBON maa BariO M. ROUIWBOH wratar as. iilKU ArlDHAV-lalbalea fodder, IMf VAii 4SM.

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