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Advertiser and Register from Mobile, Alabama • 2

Mobile, Alabama
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

The Next Governor. Tbe time is at band witutn a few. weeks when NEWS BY TELEGRAPH, PRIVATEER SAVANNAH'S CREW. Richmond, July 2d. Tbe New York corres REGISTER AND ADVERTISER MOBILE: WEDNESDAY MOBNING, JULY i.

A Auctioneer Late and Interesting Intelligence. lotelllsenofl from Xorthwaetern VfrtlnU. Cincinnati. Juno Special dispatches from BROOKS. and Commission Merchant Oommorno Btroot AND INTO.



roccivoil from tbs Praprleton. BUIKIIOAL INBTHUM1JHT8. LANDBBTirfl GARDEN OEtiDB. IN IH3LII. AND IN (IKO.


OOflTER A Jl.niD ILtOl JAaAICAGINOKR. 003TUR A WNMHON POWDEKc, Ifor D.tu. oct( tar PITY9I01ANB. ANi) HEALEMBriPPLlKD UN LIO.RALrr.aMI). JO the People of the Stats will be called lo tbe polls to express their wishes as to who ihall be their next Chief Magistrate.

Wo hve been silent on the subject. up to tins moment'for tbe reason that we desired to leave public mind unbiassed ao far as. the influence of this press might be supposed to have any weight In its choice of a candidate or candidates. bave thought and still think it highly deitra-ble, that at the coming August election for Governor, as well as (or members of tbe Legislature, there Bboutd be no party, and, if possible, no personal contests. This Is unmistakably the general wish of the People of the State, and the feeling been caught and patriotically reflected In the action of several distinguished gentlemen whose friends have brought tbolr nauies forward as worthy of the honors of tbe Chief Magistracy.

Thus Col. Jkmison, of Tuscaloosa, and Messrs, Jul as and Watts, of Montgomery, havo with drawn their nuinua from tbe canvass, because they did not desire to be tho means of provoking contest which they deemed improper and "iju-J nous to tue puniio interests at ibis time, fix- Gov. Winston and Col, Withkrs have also been spoken of. Hut those gentlemen, answering the summons of the Confederate Government, lmvo left the Held of politics behind thomand repaired tbe Virginia frontier to meet the enemies of the country. Inasmuch as the election has to be decided a month beuce, and there is no present prospect of Ibo toruiiunlinii of the war before tbe Governor to bu eluded will liuve to enter upon the duties of his oflice, it seems to be luken fur grunted by the friends of these gentlemen Hint tboy would not leave their inilitury commands in tho fluid lo tuke Ibo gubernatorial chair.

11 this state of Ibo case, it appours that (he Hon. John Gill Suoutkk, of Harbour county, and the Hon. W. K. Moo its, of Madison, ure the only two guiittuuien whose nam oh ure kept in the Hold by their friends us uuiidinutes, and thut tho choice ia thus narrowed down between them.

The duy of the election is so close at hand, that it becomes tho voters and tho press to make a choice, und for ourselves wu feel tbut tbe time bau urrivid for us to indicate a preference. We declare it in furor of Judge Kiiuutkh, fur several reasons. The llrst is, that, us well we can form judgment from tho tono of tbo public press und of our prlvuto correspondence in the Slule, Judge Siioutkr sumns to bo the favorite of tho lurgo majority. NcxL, Judge Shoiitku comes from section ol tbo that has nover been honorud by tho selection of a Governor; he iB one of tbe public men Who wus curly and openly identified with tho revolution which has opened nnd promises lo close so gloriously and laat, lie ia qualified by character, abilities utid experience to discharge, with credit to himself nud honor to thu State, the Kxecnlive duties and fcsponsibili ties. For these reasoiiB, our vote and influence will bo given to the election of Judge IjHIfir from limaeoa.

From Our Own Correspondent. Penbacoi.a, Monday night, July 1 This is the first day of July tho armistice that commenced with hostilities, still continues. Vu-1 ily, us the old woman said, We'll buve a war, bnlu fmcadde The citizens ol Ibis place, old and young, have organized themselves into three military companies, nnd armed with rillua, muskets and shot gun b. They are to obooso officers lo-morroiv. Peiisucolu bus thus far formed six companies, two of which are on active duty in the field.

There has been no addition to the 11 cot to-day, nave tbo nrnvaf of two transport schooners, pro bnbly from Key West, with fresh provisions. The lice colored people of this place, to the number of thirty-six, have tendered their ser vices for the defense of the city, and voluntarily taken the oath of allegiance. I understand they arc to bo hu nisheil tbo necessary arms, nnd that a mom loyal corps is not to bu found in the Confederacy 'a limit ti. learn, willi deep rugrclj Jnmos Abercmiubio, who for twuuty years represented Alubnina in the Congress of the United is lying dangerously ill of typhoid fever, nt the rent dunce of his sou, a short distance from this eity. Cupl.

Wu'de, nnd aerural other olbcurs of tho Mississippi Regiments, were in the city to-day. 1 buy bring uo news from below. Miss Anokmour M. Caioi.f, a young and bean tiful maiden, a uativu of Peiisucolu, and distin guished for her piety and learning, died this morning. Tbe Continentals were out aguin this evening, with their light hut cry, practising ul the bull's eye." Ono of Ilium knocked the old fellow's spectacles oil'.

Ilnlly, for thut Continental. Lieut. Calvin Huyie, of tbe murine corps, and naval commander of the stcuiner Time, is ashore to-day. Ho is one ol thu most energetic and popular olhcurs in tho service. Rxeuridun Trip to llrleamt.

Af f-tn, iff into ike Creolr Statement 11 thu Messrs. Kditors: As everything like adventure seems worthy of note these dttys, wo presume upon your Kindness 10 nsK snort space 111 you 1 uluiiblc columns for an accounlof our little voy uge lo New Orleans. Our little party, llftceii in number, having procured tbo bcuuliful little sloop Creole from Cupt. Andrew J. Hodge, who will pleuso accept our thanks for the sume.

set out for a small jaunt lo New Orleans to see what could bu seen. Wo left no Tuesday 2(Uh and after pleasant sail of three days, arrived in Hi city, no incident wurlby of note having occurred, passed a small schooner which we supposed lo uc unkee I in quest of prey. It howov. or diil noliuleifere with us nor we with it. Af ter spending two days in tbe city we left for home on Sunday morning und arrived ul itiloxi at 10 clock on Monday.

We lunrncd that the Vankd flout hud been there and captured nine of onr schooners, but saw nothing of them. Luaving tfiloxi we mot the schooner Hiipid, I). J. Files Captain, bound fur lliloxh He bad a fair wind and seemed lo be moving on finely. About ten miles this side of Hound Island wu discovered schooner which ut first wu supposed to ho one of our own home vessuls.

She passed our bow about seven mites from GruuPu Pass, rounded 1111 tn the spit of Dauphin Inland und came about. She lowered her launch, maunud it with, as wu supposed, about eighteen 111011, 'and both the luunch und schooner made for 11s ut full speed. Tho launch fired ut us lour times, (wo of th shuts hiking elfoct iu our mainsail; tho achooner also fired two shots at ns from small cannon bulb, however, falling sltortol us about thirty feet. The launch approached to within about one-hall threu quarters of milo of us, the schooner per aps not nearer than lj miles. We fired Ilium Btilnto of thruo guns.

After pursuing us fur mile or so they tucked ship uud returned lowurdi Round Island. Wu Ihoit proceeded homeward mul arrived ul about ii o'clock this morning, with no other mlvcnturo worthy ol notice. Tho following nolo was handed us by Captain John roster, who emtio over with us un passun gun UN UOAItll TIIK UVHTBR M.Ofll' UllEOhB. it'entleiiun Although awuro of the fact that you hndmcn uhourdof tbo right grit, 1 did not expect to undyou prepared with urms lovope with an ene my, but was pleased as well ns surprised lo find on board quito a sufficiency of small arms, us rifles, muHkuts, pistols, Ac, to enable the gul bint little squad, in anything like close quarters. lo intorest, as 1 think, ut leust twice their num- bar of Hie enemy.

Ilcspeclfiilly, JXO. FOSTER. You will plcaso giro Ibis a place in your col itintiH for what it is worth. hANE, Captain. F.

W. VALUING, 3d Lt. Nopt. Blues. II.

JACOBrf, 0. 8. Torrent Rangors, nnd twelve others. Chance or Stti.k. A few mouths ago, we used to say Alabama is out," Georgia is out," Ac but now we see paragraph in South Carolina paper, headed Virginia in." That is the proper expression, nml may we.soon hear that Kentucky Missouri and Maryland, and tbe mother of tbo blue hen chickens," are tn.

The Winans Gun. Tbe secret of the famous steam gun Is in this city. Tho Yankees stole the engine out tboy did not succeed in capturing tho art ol working it. It strikes us that this is on apparatus, which might be rendered very useful clearing onr rivers ot Yankee craft. The entire cost win not exceed tbe whole can be onairucwa wenmona, kigo, nuig.

van of in on pondent of the Baltimore Sun, in Saturday's is-sue. Bays the office rs and crew of the privateer 8a-1 ah are comfortably situated in the Toombs. They appear cheerful and era hopeful of an early release. Some of tbe morning papers have relied their price of inbicriptlons. PEACE MOVEMENT.

A State Convention of tbe friends of peace was held at Dover, Delaware, on last Thursday. It was immensely attended by the bone and sinew the State. Ex-Gov. Temple, President, with thirty-one Vice Presidents. Tbe first resolution declares In favor of peace preference to civil, war, and an acknowledgment of tho Independence or the Confederacy preferable to the attempt to conquer and hold ub subjugated provinces.

Other resolutions denouncing Lincoln and ex pressing grateful thanks to Senators Ilayard and Snulabury, were all unanimously nnd enthusiastically adopted. The first new wheat was exhibited in Haiti more Friday, ruisod in Maryland, Washington, July 1. Tbo steamship St. Nicho las bus been seized by Southern paeseugers. No diplomatic appointments will be considered until after the adjournment of Congress.

A Mix anuria, July 1. Henry C. Karnes, a citl- of Richmond, wus killud in uUucking the durul pickets. Tho Pocahontas and Pawnee huvc sailed for MathiuH Point, RKNHOAHK ULAIR DECLARES FOR WAlt TO THE KNIFE. Washington, July 1.

Uluir wan serenaded and Med out. Ho said tboMurylund Legislature was noHt of copperheads. Hu spoke tauntingly of the Southern Chivalry umusing itself picking oil' Fe- xnl pickets. He declared for war till no enemy wus left. Ho abominated compromise aud complimented Lyons.

1XE CAPTURE OF- THE ST. NICHOLAS CONFIRMED. Haltiuork, July 1st. Cupt. Hollitm wont on board tbo St.

Nicholas disguised ns a woman. After tho seixuru, the St. Nicholas cuptured three vessuls laden with ice aud coffee und took them lo Frcduricksburg. FEDERAL WANT-WILL THEY GET IT? Wasuinuton, July 1st. Tho Federalists want 'uirfax before Lho'llh of July.

The Southerners are running cars within In miles of Alexandria. 1 lie tjomeauruie steamer tieorgo I'agc is cruis ing in tho vicinily of Acquis Crook. Col. Stouc is lo occupy tbo Maryland Heights. overlooking and commanding Harper's Ferry, Win.

Ilrent, of South Carolina, and Henry Suolt, of Maryland, are urrusted as alleged spies. RANCH TO RECOGNIZE THE CONFEDER ATE STATES. A most significant article, published simultane ously iu the Patrio und Mouiteur, of Paris, fore- shudows tbe coming recognition of the Co 11 fedo ra to Slatos. Tbe Emneior Louis Napoluuu iimionnLos for himself und other European Powers, that tho Confederate Status have thu same cluimH for ac knowledgment us tho now Kingdom of Italy when it shows it can muintuin itself und thut in- tertiulionalrclutions cun bu established with its Rulers. IMPORTANT FROM MISSOURI.

MsMrius, July B. An express bus arrived at Utile Rock from Fort Smith, bringing news that Missouri is being overrun by tbo Federals. Illi nois Liuculnites possess tbo towns on ouch side of tho Missouri river. FREMONT A MAJOR GENERAL, John C. Fremont is commissioned a regular Major General, ranking next to McClellui An ordur is given to supply tbo whole force on olh sides of thu Potomac with extra rations for six days.

FEDERALISTS PLANNING AN ADVANCE. Puttersou's delay in udvnucing keeps everything wailing. The government has decided lo take him out oi tbo way. It is believed a general ndvanco will occur on thu 41b of July. Liune and Montgomery ure marching for Hi nuian country.

Springfield is filled with Federals, intending an invasion of Arkansas through Fuyotleville. Gen. Hen McCulloch proclaims, culling on tbe Arkansianslo rendezvous promptly uL Fuyulto-ville, drive hack the invaders und sustain the Missourians. RELEASE OF THE TROPIC WIND. Richmond, July yd.

A curd from thu British Consul in Richmond stales thut thu British sohr Tropic Wind, lately seized by tbo Federal fleet in lluiiiplon Rouds and sent to Washington, bus been released and given buck iulo the charge of tbe master of tbo vessol. Latf from WnililiiKtnn. Tho Wasliiiigton Star of Wmtuetiday evetmiK putH down the total number of troops which hara arrived there at 48,815, uxcIiihivo of rucrtiitjt. numburmu: about 2,000, and neveral independent companies, an that tbo aggregate is over fiO.uOO, without counting rcgnlura, marines und Diatrict of Columbia troops, the litttor about -1 atroti. If thin in true, tho total aggruguto ol' troops ul- ready on thut Uno amounts lo between hTty.jjix unu tilty-suroii tbousand.

AX KMIAGKMKNT AT ATillAS TOINT: The Klnr bus tbe following letter II. S. Ship Potomac Rivkii, Juno lift. Intil. i This shiii, commanded by (Jo mm under Itowiin.

acconipaintiu uy ttiu tuntior, Jamoa uuy, it'll Ac quia (Jrenk this morning for Math ins' roint, cur ryuiguapi. tvnonuury, u.n. AngiiiecrH.uiKlUunt. rulmor, u. n.

Topographical KnginuerH, to make a recoil noirusance lliurotlo iuaru bother bitltorica wore or wcru not boinu uructud tberu. At ft a. ii. Capt. Kuwuti sent an expedition of au men, rmiiura ami iiiuniica, uaiioru in two Doatd, in cnurgo or iduut.

Uhaplin and Aliiatur Kliie, all under Cnntaiti oodbtirv oominaiid. A a tlie steamer upproucueu tho enemy ahowud llieni Helves in coiraideruble mimbeni. but tbuv kcuhi. jiered over the hillri wbuu tbo ship directed a few ahull niMUiBt tlioni, und tbev were kui.t in check by un oeatnionitl shell wlulu tho expedition was uHiiun). i-iiuuiiiig tu cuuipiiHu hh irorK ilutnoieB- iiMi.

i tn HiuuirH eapiurcu two norses, Hiulilloil and bridlud, compelling the rider to riuek aalutv in IlighL. Ono of our men received slight wound m.iiiu wriat irum ruvi-ivur biioi. Dunn if the recounoiHHuiicu the thrnu- thirty eliell, which kept tho vniMiiy hi chunk, though their reported force thoru is mix hiimlruii limit, ono hundred or more boing mounted. The purty that landed saw the eiiumy'H camp from (irimcH houeo nn tho bill; ami having on their roturii to the I'nwiicc pointed out ita direction (Join. Kuwait tmt tlio shin in a tironer miHitioi within tho aboitl, and shelled it, completely di-iiersing tho camp, and at-tting liru to Komelbing litMiinu mo urn.

A negro man cauiu oil 10 tlie tthip and gave Infuruintiou thut two hundred nl the enemy are kept constantly on the beach, and die ruiiiuiuiier in inu cum p. or tiiuofh mow ihciimiinii. AhKXANimu, Junu Urt. Vesteniiiv lour loroiLMi gentlemen rouobud hvru from the fur South, via luenmuiiu unu AianuaHAR imy cumc through on passes of their Consul und ex-Governor Letcher, Tboy represent that thcru ure but tew troops now at Iticlimond, the main budr of tboso that woro tberu uol long since having been sen to oriota ana lowaras una ueyonu Atnuus- sua in tins iiircciion. The Washington correspondent of tho Ci cinnati Commercial repot Is There is growlnu dissatisfaction with Simon Cameron, 1 have very good reason for believing thut this dissatisfaction exists in the Cabinet us wull as out oi it, liu is not doing bis duty.

If it wui-e not for tbo aHiBtnnco or Ueu. ocott and ki retary Chau Scott dictating peremptorily Mi Chase suggeotiug in a by niithnrily sort of way Hi Wur Department would long before this have been in an iucxtricnblu bumble. Kven as it Is, Cumoron don't know wbut be is about, lie talks economy, and gets contracts at which his sons can niaku fortuuus at a dash, llu seoma to desire to economise by keeping soldiers out of mo ueiu, ana uy Bpoiling uiose tnui are in tho Hold. Thoru will bo a storm raised directly that win uriro nun out ol tlio uanineiiu uisgruco, Isnr.rRNDEST Hkoimk-st. Col.

J. F. Cushman of Oxlord and Col. W. F.

Dowd of Aberdeen aro rat sing an independent Itegiineul for the war, or for three yenrs, and now have eight comnunics. Two more companies cuo gut places in it, and as aonn as ouered tboy will be marched service LdiiBB. paper, Bdttauatchis iluNTsms. This 4s tbe namo of a opicuMiu u-n tiuuiuauy -juieuuuia, oiiooibbipm, who have enlisted for the war. The company numbera Si Dr.

John Bian is captain. liroad For laf 1 air JU A. Al I) twr II See tlie Outside Ige. Another change 1a the Sabedulu of the Paiseantr Train! oq tot Mobile and Ohio Killroad Is announced to com menee on Sun day tuxt. On and after tliaV data the mall train will leafe tuts cllj at 4 P.

JL, Inatead of In the morn Ins at heretofore. Tliete chanices of ichedule are of in tereit to our aubicrlbers, well as ourselves, nrnl will doubtless cauie them some perplexity, as It will make the Advertiser and Ilentiter several hours later lu reuchliiK them. Anxious to scire out friends with the latest news, and liavtna- occasion to know that we are treat relied upon In tbli reaardi by a larjre lection or Hie country, we iliali, un lculnttrnctedtotbecoutraiT. mall to oil the subscribers to our morning imper-who are icrred by the Itallroud nall-thc latest edition we (hut can possibly he muilc lo reach them. UurlriK Ibo week this will be the first or second editions of the Evening Ntwt, and on Eurnluy tho Advert! er nnd HuKhrieruf tlmt date.

Should Ibo schedule he chanced again we will conform to It at once, ao that our friends may depend uikhi beli.K serv ed at lUI llmea with kULlt tie A'lvcrlWr uud ILtnUUr or the Kvenino Hem, whlchem will rencb thorn wniiiinL We may add, that our facilities for suijhInK the curliest reliable lutelllKetieu are nuBurtacil. We Imvc umtutet! a aystcm of Hnectal by lukuraph ami the roallg from nil iwlrili of particular interval, ami lie lldva orKAiilted a ecll vxiire'a, by which we shall be lteit fully posted with such Intelligence from beyond the Con federate Slates as la of interest wnd luiirartuiicu to our readers. The subscription price, under this ntranjtemcnt. will be 10 per annum, or at the rate of 41 hit month for a fraction-alpartof tho year. Hie munpy timM.

Itivarliibly acvoiu: pany nil orders for tlie iuier. The paper diiconllnucd unlcii i-revinusly reiiewewhvn'lliejtjiimi for wiiieii payiiifiit naa ueui maue expires. -MOHIUf, June 2, Itfl. i'enioiial Hereafter we BliaU be compelled to charge, nti for other advurtiairneiitH, all cnmmiinit-utimw recommending cnndidatun fur otllce, 'Him yit tern of pulliutf or election curing lias liuconiit a burthen to tho press of Alubitmu. fur which it in proper that wo should be coiiiptiiisuU'd, in the cane in Houtb Carolina and other States.

Tho rule will be obaorved without dtHtiiietion, for all ofllcus bigb or low. Mont. Advcrtiaur. We say "amen" to Die fbicKoliiK, nnd hIiuII folloir tho example of our Montgomery contemporary. Tub Nkw Kailiioaii The following are tbe chief points in the now Hcbedule udnplcd by the authorities of tho Mobile nud Ohin, the Southern, Ibo New OrleunH and JuckM.n nnrl the Mississippi Control KuilroadH, and now in Tbe train Icariit Mobile at 4 o'clock I.

reach ob Meridian about 12 o'clock at nifjlit, nnd Corinth about 12 at noon, making clowi connections with tbe rouds ut thnae (mints. The tram leaving Now Orleans at f)i A. roaches Juck-flon at 5)ij 1 ednni-otiiif with the Southern road going East. The up nnd down Irnina of the Mobile and Ohio road meet ut Meridian, to that a'pasBenger leaving New Orleans nt7) A. M.

will rcacli Mobile ut 8 o'clock llie next morning, ttnd leaving Mobile at 4 o'clock 1 will reacli New Orleans at ft the next day. Tbe through ticket between Mobile and New Orleans IB 112X0. An arrangement for currying freight from lSew Orleans to Mobile bus also been pur-fectcd, and will go into operation nt an early day. Passengers from the North will he uljlo to avail themselves of this schedule by taking the Mobile and Ohio Railroad via Corinth and Meridian, and tbencetbo Southern road to Jackson, aa by tbe Mississippi Central they would nol he ublo 1o make tbe connection. The CI lv Water Wi.rltn.

Communicated. 1 Mmr, Editont The coininuuicution from his Honor thu Mayor, to tho Hoards of Aldermen nud Common Council, in relation lo a resolution offered by meat a Joint Convention of the Mayor, Aldermen and Common Council, seems to ri quire some comment thereon, in order that the subject may bo more billy uiidcrbtoud by the citizens generally. Be it Utsohtd hy the Mayor, AMernmi Uh-tnon Qttutuiilof Ms City of SUMU in t.n-tenlioH autemhUd, That his llouur the Mayor be I hereby authorized and empowered lo demand from Mr. A. Stein, and fnke into possession, the Mobile Waterworks; bnve tho same properly protected nnd guarded, mid take (he proper steps to havo tho suid works onuratcd lo their ut most capacity to the end that tho eity muy bo furnished with more adeipiutu supply of water, and that the suit) water works shall be under the entire and exclusive control of the city authorities during tho continuance of thu wur." His Uouor the May or declined to carry out the resolution, and givus as his reasons Ful, Thut the two Hoards with the Mayor, nHsuiubled in Convention, have no power to pans either ordinances or resolutions exuupl as provided," Ac.

U'hut position wus admitted in the Convention, and I do not believe there was a single member then present who was not fully aware thut the entire proceedings of thut Convention, from the cull by bis Honor the Mayor, to thu close of the meeting, was informal, extra-judicial or even ilhyttl. lint, us be suys, This, however, is a forum I matter. There are grnver objections," and thus proceeds Were I to consult only thu phraseology of tho resolution before me, and ignore its intent nnd apirit, I might, under tho official aspects of the whole question, have a right to interpret tbe resolution of the Convention ns an n-tttructton to me to open negotiation with Mr. A. Stein," Ac.

I do not. know tlmt I correctly understand (bat firoposition. The "intent and of a rcso-ulion I have supposed was generally determined by its In this instnnce they were expressed, and the proposition of bis Honor seems to me to bo thai, weru to commit mlv tbe phraseology of cue fwtitm nf the ruMtltilioii, and Iguoro the other fiurtiiw, I might havo thu right to interpret," kc. The logicul scipienco to be deduced from such proportion would be, 11 thut were I to perform an illegal net, thai I havo the right to perform smnu other nut. And on such proposition he proceeds with an argument worthy of Mr.

Stum, or his attorney, about the existing contract," (he "duly of the city Ac, Ac, all very well under certain cireumstunces, but entirely irrelevant ut the present time, inusmuch as the true "intent and spirit" of the resolution, as therein expressed, did not, was not designed lo, nnd cannot bo construed or iiituroruleil sn as In interfuru anv way with the contract, or with the negotiations mat may do ncuuing uetwuen iliu citv and r. Stein. The facts in the case are simply and plainly tboso We are in state ol war. Our laws, which were enacted in times of peace, have made no provisions for contingencies which frequently arise. The public expect much, very much from the action of tho city authorities.

With the disposition to ttcccomphsh us much as possible, and iinding tbe ordinary course of legislation inapplicable and inofKcienl in stute of re in bit ion and of war It wus deemed advisable to cull a "Convention of tbe Mnyor, Aldermen nnd Common Conn-ell," to consult and deliberate on what steps could be taken lo add to the protection and defence of our city in tho present emergeticv. As a member of thai Convention I felt it to be my duty to offer that resolution. 1 ollerud it because we had an unscrupulous enemy on our border, and no ono could tell when or bow tlmt enemy might attack us in nnr midst, devastating our fair city with tiro as well us with eword. Tlmt under such cirenmstunces prudence required that we should be furnished with as great a supply of water ns possible. That tho supply of water should not be permitted to depend upon the ability to defend, or the disposition to iurnisb, of any unu individual, no mutter how pure or how patriotic tlmt imlivi.i.,..) might bo.

That the uct of faking possession of coiiBtiiiiruii illegal but that the "exigency of tho times" created no-cossity a military necessity "for the step and that the city might bo held responsible to Mr! that sot. That Mr. ritcin would not bo hii' within ibo collection of his rents t. rl'ored tract with individuals, was oo in ton feet that ull questions in an" oded, from the the ordinary ocoupae' way connected with lillng eontroot -y of the works or the ex- joint 00" thu city weru in the hands of jjinitteo, and not before tbe convention. -e gist of the question was, whether tho dan-' cer was nn imminoni the oxiuoncv so ureal as to warrant us in disregarding tho existing forms of taw in mopremiBes lor me mcreuseu proicciion that might bo thereby afforded.

Whether it was not a mere question of dollars and cunts, ao far ns Mr. 8 to in was concerned, and a mutter ol life and deatb, and a terrible destruction of property to our citizens, whose Uvea we ara bound to cherish and whoao properly wo ore bound to protect. His Honor gives his rcunona for refusing to car-' ry out tho wishes of tho'Oonventloii, und hud ho confined his objections to tho "intent aud spirit" oi the resolution tbe questions that were acted upon by tho Convention 1 should have remained and not have felt I to attempt to relievo myself from the odium' oi' inexousaoie ignorance ouno luncuons ot-'the cornorato authorities, end of ondoavorintr nc. compllsh an object not warranted by'n proper-construction of the phraseology of tbd resolutianj. introduced.

lu conclusion, I commend In all kindness to bis Honor tbe following words from his beautiful aud proclamation of tho 26tb ult.t "If an invading force should bombard, sack and burn Mobile, it would be but a poor solace for the losses and humiliation of such an event to bo able to say" that no act or approval on my part hsB mado the aity respouiible for one bo far as tbe technical forma cdMuti ogrieplotft made. wUhA.titeio aro oonoerned W3I( B. JENNJNOS, cirri wo Kit dovn havf with Ho A ut to 'i a fi Grafton say that Uol. McCook, of tbe Gcruinn re (int. moved to PliHiuui Yesterday inorniDu.

tfergeaot Dunham of the Slth iridium. Regiment, nest scoui in me service, an oia comraao ot Carson, returned, to Camp, having been three inside of tbe enemy's Hues. lie reports their number at 6,000, including 600 cavalry, and two regiments of infantry ure from wouin. uirouun. Tue troops nave plenty oi uunB, buttliny are of miscelluDeoua churacter.

They bIbo live 0 pounder, two of which ure in masked battery. Guv. Wise was expected there three regiments, when an attack would bo made on Phillippi. Uurhum recently had nn only brother hung In South Garolin.i,aud he s-vore to avenge bis death. shot three rebels while he wits out one a Lieut, linurioiH, jnt In from Phillippi.

lie says overything is r.ady for an iuHlant move. AM is quiet ut Cumberland and I'iedmout, The forces on both sidea ure concentrating. Our troops ara In line spirltsuud ougor for notion. Gen. Picriinnt tn-dar unnuiuted Col.

Kflly Ilrigudier General of the Wentcru Virgiuia forces. WAR MUVKMBN'TS IX WKSTSBN VltlQINIA, We gather from the Wheollng lutclligencer Home iluirm uoucuiiiitig war inovemunts in VYes tern Virginia TWO HOLHIKnS K1U.KII PRISONKItH TAKKM. On Satitrduy oveuing as Cotonid Sturgea bul lry wus pructicinK ut a target on a low piece of ground, about mile from Urafmn, five or nix shots Wfie liml upon the men by Confederates from a concealed lUKilion, without fifed. A ticnulini; paiiy were Mnt out and Komo five or six oPthu party wilhannH in their bauds were captured and brought Into ramp. Among thu rust were three til iliu Too mmily, lathor mm two sous.

largo number of prisoners wcru being brought into camp viry day by the scout uud active prvparatiotm w-re hi'ing niado to clean out the gucrilluH who ure iiifcaiitig the mountains. a ami aeciuititi occurred near aiuonuigion on Hut day night by whinti two aoldiurs of tho HDtb Ohio wfre imtlmbly kilb-d. T'tey were standing guard on thu track and both fill attloup. Tbe train cuuio ulun, ami juiHHed directly over their bodies, killing cine iiiuu mstaritly utid injuring the other ao that he cannot recover. UV TUOOl-rf.

The fleet of steamers which left Bcllnire few days ago, conveying the Ohio 17th nnd Kegi mi'iits, us wo ull Hiipposed to Kuuuwha, stopped I'aikersburg, arid the two regimuiits, together with live other Ohio and ludiuuu regimeiitH, makiny in all about nix thousand men, wurn Hhijipfd fiver thu Nnrthwentern Virginia I tail mud Clarkaburg and Graf ton. Fire hundred cavalry IhiIhi'H wero also hhipjied iu thu aimiu direction over the Haute route thu latter purt of laat week, cxcln.Hire Ibo dragoons and artillery which nc-compaiiu'd Maj, Ueii. McClellau. The fleet was evidently dt'stincd for tint Kanawha country, but the evacuation of Harper's Ferry and other events rendered a cliunge nl pruKranime desirable. There wuh great excitement about the Ohio Uuilnud depot yi-aleiday afternoon, coiiMfoiivnt mioii thu deuariurc of troons from (Jarlilu.

Four cotupitnit'M leti for uruiioii, leaving iitinc in llie camp bill the I'liliii nier All immense lot of tiroviaions. tentH and all sorts of army eipiipitienla was sriippeu, nuu overyuniiK looked Uucideuly wur-like. I'ltlSOKKHS AT WAKIIIMiTOK. W. I).

ILiildti. (if Prince (jeuii'o'M countr. Ma ryland, wlni butt been in jail fur several days past, bun been diriijiidrteti by tluii, Munpliuld's order, be having voluntarily taken tho oath ol ulleiianco. On luesday, hieut. C.

II. Provost Murshal ol Alexandria, (tent to Washington lour priHoiitTrf, who wore commuted to jail to uwuil the onlen ol Uuuerul Mansfield by Justice Doun. wo ot them, A. V. Mwmiiu and S.

S. Green, were arrehtod on the fIh June, and W. T. Walker and Geo. McMill weru arrested on Ibo Hilti nisi uud.

hi luittilioti tti hein if held hh or is- client ol war, are ie also charged with bring into nn: vain. TUB TIIK HKKTIVO OP CONflRBHS. A WunlnngKMi dispatch lo Hie I'liiludelphiu In quirer says: There ih nentimcnt pervading here amonu noiwin niiivii luiuin wan I it compnuniae. Hut all is vague. it iu the feeling, and one which, 1 believe from common rumor, f'renitleiit Lincoln himself cherishes.

A uonhrmutiou, iu part, of it, Imind in thu course oi ueu, neon, who, wiuiu tie carefully guarding every point, uud bringing our gallant volunteers lip to Die hiiihejit Hlinidtiid of mitiliLrv nee. ction, lint. iiioxf In iJi-U, it deiUxil't hh. iti ujtcr tut rnt'iti'j (Miifrrni. ANUTIIKIl IS lllfWOfRI.

A bnlUe is reiiorteil to bare been longht nt the town of Cole, early on Tnesdav, in which a party of Union Ginuds, while occupying a barn, were suddenly attacked by Confederates from warsuw, unu urivuti imcK Willi the loss of lil'teeu killed and twenty wounded." The OMHiulmitu' loss is represented ns brim-still more Kon.n.- hot probably Hie liuures on both aides will turn out exaggerations, hko tho first report from Ituone Tine. A MONO ROLIIIKIIS. A ashinKto" dfspiitcb sari: There is ennstd- cruuie stcKiiess uinoiig our troops. Frequent alarms, causing ii tegular liubits ol bleep and food, expoauru to tiits miu and ruin, und lint great hunt ul the laat four duys are producinif their leiriii- mate resultn. The uoiiipluiiitM peculiar to sum- iiui uic iui eoiiiiiiou umoiig me men.

II AltMS FOB TUB I HTATKS. who ut last dates was in Paris, expects lo bring home with him arms and uccmi- ireiuunis lor 111,11110. Uisountruct reucbes Sufif). nuu. llie Ihsi purchase he made reudhodT.VJisi, nuui i.iiiiMif, 11147 weiii lines (huiiciiJ), liinl-, iicicuirio caps and other nrlicluM ba- longingto iliu Thev bad been i.i-,...,.r..,l ii coiitnu-t fur tho Pupal army, but on account oi the dvlt-di ot ia said, 110 ver IMI'lMiMXEII.

The Washington Mm, ul Wcdnestlny evening says: flM nllicial artif (he L'ovcrtillieiit at thiu point, 1. LOiruixing ll.e govern-mnt u. Wheeling, us thu government or Virgi nu, look pluce to day, 111 hnving regular of licml lutcrcuiWKC ui Pierponl, couuiiu-11 1 eating to him ihenppiiiiinntin-iil of Virginia for the Thirty-eight I. Congnsi. The l.rcihlainnj bus been conveueil lo inert the Custoinliiiuse, Wheeling, 011 tho Isi u1 -liilt The lliiltilnoro Sun td Iliu th tilt, has the following hems Ii Old nud Fortress Monroe, by a fteitiner just arrived A carpenter wlm enme up on the said Iboro was mi intention of mulling au aitm-k on Oreut Bethel at present, uur uutil there wus connidcia, ble reiufiiict-ttieiits lothul uing of the uruiv.

Kight of tho llfirilult Naval Hrigadu, all 'said lo havo served an gunners in the l.ughsli tinny 111 the Ciiuieun wur, bail desrled and gonu over to tbe Confuderutii forces. Tho remainder of the brigade ure still on the beach, uud wholly dependent on thu vetmels in the vicinity for bread. Thirty-three ut them made an uttempl lo come up mi thu bouisiuna, bul they were refused pauses to do so. Krorylbing was quiet about Old Point. Thu! portion of mo crew of lie privateer placed on board the Muntcnota me still at Fortress Monroe, awaiting tbe deieinunalion of the cabinet at Washington.

It is li might ibey wilt bo treated us prisuiiciH of war and not us pirates. TUB MATKItlKI. OF TIIK SOUTHS US' SAW. The following is a fable of the names of llie vessels now nt, llin Smith, under llie control ol thu Confedrrulc govern men t. Many of i1U8(.

vessels were Tui morly engaged iu (he Texas, Havana and Key West trade: Tons. TfMfU. ADauilc AuierW (I en. Mlriumm. Hiilinmi Mexico MuniuU Oc It id Hnwutiee I'liiml lln- UVsi" 1 Tons.

.,.1,1 111 1, IISTp ...1,100 riK ui di-. 1 r.v. iy.H.VVH.1...... M.u6'nln Uulimni Il.hjh 3U1NR cai'tui en by rui vatkkhs. belonirmulo M.

been captured ibv tho Southern are valued ns lolluivs: Ship C. A Furwoll $10,000 Hark Ocean Uaglo lirlg Total $60,000 Dhli, Tiugh is Nkw Youk. Tbo following is an extract of ft letter from flew lork city The fashiomihlo hotels continue lo sulfur so vcruly from tho pressure of the times. TheBiis. pension of Houtliuru truvel, ol course, is almost ioiui 111 consequence 01 toe war, ana us thai sort of nntronngo was always the must profitable, tbo Lick of it now "is severely felt.

Tho fuw arrivals daily recorded hail principally from tbo Now Kngland und Western tttuluu. but even these ure Iikr an gets visits, "low and fur between The nnwspaperH, too, continue to finder from ibo state of tbe times. The Courier and 011 the 1st of July, it is said, will bu nu.i.rt into the World. The Journal of Gommerco, hko 1 ho Courier, a mercantile orgun, has also been compelled lo curtail its dimensions, owing to a iuck 01 nuveruauuiuiim. IJII'OKTAST FII01I DOWN TUB lttVRR.

Alexanoria, Juno M.f have positive and re. liable intormatiou that recruits lor llie disunion army in Virginia are Doing nightly cunveyed across the rotamuc irom Herring creek, a place about IU miles above Piney Poiut. 'ihey go over to ItniriEon I'oint in boat loud after boat loud nightly. That part of, Mary I und requires close iibar. Mr.

Hough, the baker around tbe corner, oilers tho following What is tho reason the United States cannot Bo cause thov havo lnL to- We must say, under the oireumtUnoes. that Mr, Dough la not a well-broad man. tbe We has a to tbe Benefit of tue Volunteer Relief Fund, TtOKGTS CD b. Drocurad from anr ot the folio. Oommlttee i B.


110 HE, JAMES DBOOAN, W.M. PiEf IV-Or Clear More ofS. T. O'attADV A 00.. No.

North Ronl itreet. Or-PBIOE OF TICKETS fij oruir of tbo Jrt II J. NIOLON. Secretarf. NOTICE.

tr Mo.r.. OAWTIION A BOTO will Ibo wo. cted.of Uioia'ciol Ibolr 80BA FOUNTAIN, on tbo Itb or Ja y. lo tbo Luilln' Aid AnvcUllon ljJAK2l- 8CUUOL OT" Tho Btalml MONTHLY MEETINO o( tbo SOIIOOL UUMMlBrlONHlB will bo held on WKUNEdUAY noxt, al'J o'clock A. 51.


F. K1HHAI.1., Omit. J. u. fn will incite iiU'dhiiru i KOICT HrOUhKH, by way ol Ibc Tim uiiav lllf.l' SI.

ruluriihiK )y Uuii 1c lilvi-r. Hill itu'vo Mobile fer titochlon nt li n'obick P.M. rAHr. lor tlio Trip 41 l. UT.

Uno 00111,1.0.1 11ANU will be on board. IHNAA21 EXCUItSlON TO ORf MOUtlAN. KMTIKK ttGOKinS FOR TIIK HEN PIT TIIK LADIES ITAItV AM) hOUIKTV OF HOltlbK. The uiHtanllal atuamer W.M. tIAtiAI.KY, Jolin M.

Uavi fiminur. will make Ull KXUIJHrtlitN In fltllT Mlllt. nn U1u.lV. uL.i IimL. lurtliu liftiui.L I.

iilf1 SocletT Ickvlutt Mullltt! At II iHf.nk A M. Or Tito fcxL-utiiuiiUn luve the ro itiirLnnlfy of wlttitJilnc. at Fort Slogan, ilAri'LtuN UlliMwirnl HHPS 1'Att' PtS, Vol Maurjr Iim kiii nr atlttnl the occwion. A llANU UF MIJPIU lll on liutd. lerrAKK uiv trip si.

(MwiiKcra uiut furuuh Jja nOX, JUlAINAItl) ft Ot). II. AR.MIBTKAD. AI.PHO.nBK All: 1ST I5AIJ HUllTEL. WIIJj tiracllce In all tl, Courts Iiif IV killing! on, Uald' win fuul Miibllu.

UT" Ulllce Hu. Si. Pi-ntn-la alrnvL ut, hIhIih Iflw.m Huvuinnu naicr urceis. jyj iy FRANK H'AlVK'S (III Rill TRAINING! SCHOOL, AT OI.KN A LIMN, NKAU LtliltANOI- TKNNti.KK. S3T' Total exiieimf for l-n iutotlin, o(W.

tiu (uutureot fnauy cun rival Uicn Alidu." Aiitl'VftH, lUv. J. VV. KtKlKRS, A. Kc tor, Ac.

LaHhakor, It-nit. Jtmedl. l-tl jyit BOUTHKKN HANK OP AI.A1IA.MA, 'ill JlllV. INil. rilIHrHflAV nt'Xt, tlie HU Iji'Iu a lioitilay.

In i mi in uiii nc ii' ntirrji una in i.i.h iiui- I lliHl oat are reouiruu tu ite vaui me u-ty duv. IHVlllKNlF uF FIVf. I'Elt CKMT. uut of riimiii'n ui uiv insb 01 a uiuuuis, ntta uruinrvil. imjrbtv UH ueuioim, lit btcnii wsi.

llAiMl, M-rrcinry. Porter uud Ale. A LAKUK sopiilv of IIIbht ri'H celebrated bran Mniilnla aa iuiii quaria, on nium, ior baiu iy jyj ai. a. a Miciiaeiit.

Notice n. AM Kit 8. HAkTINua IhlvrvHl In our Rrm Is dll continued until further notice JOH. TOOK Kit A 00, SPKUIJVINOTIO-Jd. iMMU AM) MUM Mil MM! In ctiiikvuuence of the tion-arrlviil ol Hie OKr.UUN, Hi -re nil bu uu Itual Urn 1.1 nc kaviifor NewUrluaiiS uuill her IJtlJ 11.

II1I.LAKII, AltCIIl. Samaritan Society Notice VTIIK KXKOUTIVE OOMMITTKK will, on TUBS- DAY, July 2d. elect 1'HVtiIClAN and imUl.lltBi fur thu en-ulna year. IJT may bu handed to Ilia uuderalRaed nt any ttiau t.reviuua to that day. Jft DAN'b MoNKU.K Preodenl. Artillery Continontabj-C'ompany Xlt Amiuarat the Armnryiin TilUHrKAV, July irvD at7o'ulk A.M.. lu luilfumt, lur Turnui I'ntutice. 'zfiW- ilyordtrol Uai'l, U. 1. Ualk.

-fSMBlJv3 F. TliCOMH. 0. Attonvion Gulf City uun'ds t'ompuny B. APl'KAK allhu Armory on THUKM.V MilKNIN'O, 4tb at 5J-J u'olu lt.

A 1.. uuifttnu. (white imiitaj tur parudu. Ily urdtr. UKO AflKKHMAM.

jytt-AAN-lt At tinit jut -eritt-iinl. AttentionConfederate Quarus. Aiaicur lit the IMaiililn stnut "ii Tk Ulti lint. o'clooU P. M.

lur PAUAUK. Ity order of UniJt. Hodpki. Iy3 at JullN it, laymtteunt. Attention! Phcanix Rifles! Attend a KeKnlar MijNttll.V MhM'tNfl of yimr Oomiirtiiy Tlllrt tWKDNKHHAV) hVrNl.NO.

Iltc U.I ul o'clock. Jyi QKO, It- ENIIOLM, Secrefiry. Washington Light Infaatry, Co. Attention! Attend a Itiarular MONTHLY MKKriMl (if jour uonis, ftiinu Armory, on durnmiM v. al o'cluck 1'.

M. JH3 Krlt Wt! L1 orb Xndapendont Hangers! A REGULAR of i.i,- Ctin-nnr wUI 3d July, Ml IVri'litntiice IIhII. trlien mi KuKUI'ION will i lie iiem mi in uicuiciiuui I'tiiue oi ur. w. si cued.

U.All raemlierB are tinrllculHrlv rrnaented to be ure. Bviit K'-imu3 for nun aaeiiilantc at drills will Uiun onniULTea, jeili (1K0. CLISVKhANI). Hecmtary. Kosorvo Corps Indopeudent Rifles Attentions Altund tbe MKKTIN't of v-ur Uu.tii uv.

on II A KVKNINU. 41b July. mc of Cmiiiiiitalntitd (Mlicis. Punutua. Mtlcnilauuu u( uvery meiabi-r Is reqiifntel.

Jri Ai -u''lAtI' Jixorapt Steam Ftro Company. The mrinhiTH of this t'otnpaiiy will mcel fifc-nfr- Tlll tWr.linr.AUAl hVISSl.Ml, lllst HrfejtLy at 6 o'clock. Hi the oillcu 'if Mobile Ins Co, ruucMi ii auuii(iai)i ih renu ly.lAANLt U. Itr lo. Fretiiuu.

ill I iev. mitti niTY AUrHOHITIK4 of oh. taliiine lumls bv 'il'ier inuime. tn- Ouni iiiUL-u m-. im Ii anvi-HMe to ro iroK, usuu kuhimmi mitk tbe VO I'K Unit was to bu taken on TUh U.i V.

tbe ad on the proposed i. I. It, MILLK V. P. UAUK, VV.

Mo.iinitK. Isi Cnm'llc Ilonrds of AMermen Hint Com. Council- Who is (hi! Owner I KN DA Yd or nire nl'ice. a Neero lan nildnif blmsfH lorKOodi. Hu-tpectltiK Unit be Ind uolc inr- houenSly liy It.

we kept die bill and dl-emud hbu lo oliu li uwoi-r, or a written order and cximinir iun Inun Mm, He pr uniIhc I to do BQ but haa over returned Wu would be Kind to puy it iu irig rum uhokt, )yj 81- WALKINHTON A 00. Militrtx-y Goods! L. THlliUCJiLIN, DAUPHIN ETRKET 7 (ttOOTII MIPE OI-rOdltK I'L'DLIC HqUAHCj In prt'narod lo furnlNli LAL'K, MILITARY HIJI'TONS. Ac, ulieHptr Hi an unvnllior t'Blublllimi! It In the city, Or Oall and see Ihuj-oods, nndjudae for youiselv't. jeJ7 IW Peaches! Apples! Pears! av fTitnniKfiT kiipsii r.vrjiii (iunrinu.

irom me i c. m. nrVnr -nl- liv Hi. nr iliixi.n nl tin- ihu 1 1 ni i if in iniiii ni aba -einnriA ttT An Kleclioii COUNCILMAN of lite WAHP. to UU the vftc-incy rveasioned by tbe riU'iatlon of lu Woodruff, will be held ui TUKHUAY.

the day uf July next, at 1'J o'clock, M. Ily order nf the board uf Common Council. WXi N. WKKKM. 0.


OT Al Hie shorletl nollce. IihtIiik twelve hands at work all tlio tlmo. miiylNAASm MOBILE BATH HOUSE Kntrnnro on Contl, hetneou Uoynl Jt Bt. Kiimnupl KNTRAHOE NO. SOOTII ROYAL BTRKtT.

Tlie proprletir tnkua lcaaaro In announcing to the public that the above Establishment Is now In complete order havlnit been nloely Painted and furnished with ncwllath Ins Tubs throURhouL Ue wilt always be prepared to accommodate bis patrons with comfortable WARM, COLD and BIIOWKU 11AT1M. at all hours frum 5 A. M. till 10 P. M.

fjr A BATtuKR B110P Is also added. In short, a n-n. tloman will havo here every facility to llathc, Dress and be attended to In every respect. mhDNAAtf VOONO. WTt-Ah'V hbls Preittaa A AlcrrllP J' sale by Yeast Powders.

Just reoelvud per bfti Aura, ami tor Aura, ami it W. 11. LEWIS. UI.AMMKtilliO bhli DhQlcit HnllnFtf IB n-w ao tusi rec ior saie oj and the atljclra. esimclally.


M.iud 5 P. II. iuHrJ5 SELLIlVa 0FP. DIXON BROTHERS, It I) A (' 1 1 1 It li T. Ml llTODI.n rci' ectftilly hihm-ii t- Uilleaof Mbtle IT ami vIciiilT.

nt lieHnuwS Li.lNH ''Kf their entire r-toek oi IMtV tUIUIiH at Irnsttmiitlie angt on In nar Hvictc will lie fnuatl a nn nt in my mw tfeslrulili; lid" or ihe fi -n. eomnitluK I Icli 1 tt, Orvimltni-1. OniHiidlPH. la--f icem I'rlmeil i am ami Jttco-iii-U: abire' asaoiliiHiii if rmtrbltTli, l-n-uHtt'ii. Va-Irn Iran Lm-ea, rhl iIhk nod Hbeeil- ii 'tnh French Print-.

IV.tii toll tiimly of liO' D' cuW(i()lu (or llniiii kft ft Miuda limit bu noiil reitaidlenuf out U. cU I ie bualitra. l.Hdi'H Invited lo tull aiiil uuanne uur Icfnro lmrliaalua ihuMlieie. DIXON BBOTHEBS, JdtlJulytWn UAOPIIIN tTRCRT. MM.

V. HI.A I ft liifrtOB her fr end- ami tublU Hint ah- haan''d out h- HTvCK UP U0(l' in MtHMM OMtluKM Mid It itt a v. ii will rtmauutihu 1 udne.i at lierolil-tuml. No, I uurhl'i m-evl tf-MR- liialK h-Ntliltture M-in lo tlmnV lir rn-IrniiH 'ir I liv emit mi 'c i tuiMuf, tiinl conlttl ally rt-cdiniiH'ii'iri acte H'Tb aa wti.tby lu all rtp.ct at their cuunteiiautte uud biAip I. jgU Miilinory and Fancy Goods, II MAUI'llIN BTKKKT.

44 TIIK Invc tormed a iinrt-er-RvIvl bi bvc I'ii rih-lT'ii i Oj'1JINK vffiBr kOIIAN, uiiit UtK tu NolUit the imiiiiiiiiifj of tho MrVii I'ulilic a 1 MiuhNK. Kl, ZtllKlM KUDAN. MOIIll.fc, UU1 1U. 'W. 51a, KitiTua: Anions the miny yooil ttilno you eat out thrnuuh your widely circulated dally.

I find nolh idk thut plvaaea mv more tlmii your remarks upon tho plecubeuded I.el the Houtb Arm." The best reward I can offer you. after a cumpuiueat. twelvemonth advcrtlriuinent. United we Stand, Divided we Fall. UT Very -un trior LIFT ANU FOHOK and LIOUIU.K AOT10N II11AS8 PUMl'rt.

horn IVf Inch dlouieter to 3 We have put up several of these Pumps, ill of which have irtrtm sutltfactlon. We will construct and warrant LEAD, IRON or GAL VANIZED PI VW, as may be required. t)OM ANDHKK. Ofil'JT Iv WMTKH HIKI-T WOLFE IMPORTERS AND DEALKHfl IH Wines. Liquors, NO.

32 NORTH COUMEROB STREET, aprlojT MOllll.K. AI.A. Pine Paintings. tr We have jest received umt beaullfnl andeom. plele usortmont of 1'AINTINOH, on Canvim.

filn.s anil China, and to which wo respectfully call the attention of tliopcullo. 4. V. Mill I'M A MOIIILE PlOTlIllli aAl.LEIIY, Uuiler llie lliulle llnu.o. nr Every description of Plctui frHmesatiil ReillillPii iii a.

irreaiiv rciincii. J. H. SNOW, Southern Musical Exchange, IMPOUTKK 0 French l'iuuo-Foi-tes, WIIOLEHALE AND RETAIL. DEALEH IN se" iiL PEir as ai FROM TUB FOLLOWING CELKIIRATKD MANUFAOTORIEF: A i.k;iiti: ov uii.tDiii it OF NEW YORK.


lrla.zxoi9 to ttoxxt. No. 29 Danphia Street, splSuTuTlicp MILITARY. JOHN OLl.IS NO. "It CdNTl HTIlKKT, M0UII.I-; Ivr i ri' ir'TrnvR SIKTAI.

MAll I.KTIl;H I't HltA-t- MM, I.I I kt Ii- l-FCrlitl0IiB lUntNMlllKTn hKi-' PI. KH nrifiieral Kl'lllrtU UP In llluN lii.I liRASH jinini'-t 1 if Tin- il'ivc lirt'Cl a 111 ide thi ttinnrmt nnd nf thr iieuinrtttrlal. ic-lt) iiti Medical Rcmovai uf (lllice. nil J. II.

ft A. liCoiS buve r-iiimet tln-tr III In It hVit, up ulaira. tout ituui to ni( .1 hnlliil tf.n hi Jmiut! (iff" nt ui k. lirniiKii Die t'uv. will itnnti! there, ti'nir Uh iu.

ilI I irj ulil or liiiinu niton un tin: -lull' iii-w nut'. Iff cnu tbo old ofDre. iv'iii to Tri'mii- I' iv twnc FiVB VOUAItX JiEWAltD. i A I.A'dlK Ill.ick und tVldla rpi.ltH PKT. ii'llillm it round hlH ui-L'k.

'Iliu sun rtlurnfti tin1 Iik Joif icmiril III be tniln to imy m-tl Duuiihln SjH'iiiliill lioiirdin, l'lV'AHNT I.V nr twu wl he nccnRini(idati(I tlwi'li IlilAIlK frihr Irmn the Hr.t July, a' a ik.Ubtful I.e.iilei.Cij Auidy ut ililri udli; I CUI.1,1 I TOIt (ll'I IC, Multll.b. JuiKi.r1, -tii. Trauiforablo Stock of Coufodornto Loau of 28th Fobiuary, 1E01. him HUM II. the Interest of which Is liutnlile nt M'tbiii-, -re heruny iiidinVri Unit the kmi-- Intkkk-t on ilil d.

con lid mioxIiuu. ri.i ii- uhld ul IttU olllcc uu and Mlif tti ut dulv jeJJ Iw T. ArPttUl. Collertor. Secoudhuml Piauwioites.

N(lU' In fUj'O two Koscwaod sfCtld PI-ANOKOKTrf. In Roudor tr. Pvrsulciow at thu 1'lano Wururoom or J. 1IU-VKN A OILMAN. 31 North Water troii Music aud Languages.

ma 1 1 mis rilYlllu refur-etrnllr offers her it-rT cei to ilie Indies of Mubllo hi f. IKAOIIKR anil of llie MlLNOil and UKIlMAN LANi.UAdbri. ttf For her itn-i hul-cmTu ti-ndilnir. sbo liPitfi leHve iq ruler to 0 I. j.

h'. lluvia. npitlitTDl Imvb, In wh- se family rue lias, until reoeully, occupied the iiitdtlnM uf Uuverness, dilroMfil to thu cure or Mra. b'KI'UNDAl, it I JJaupMri street, oupuslte tin' Catho --w-ttFftni'iidi'il in. aulHN'AA'Jin PIANO TUNING.

A. NKUIIliRflfcH will nt tend pro mi) Ily to all orders lor Tunluit Plunos. AimlT nl JIM. HI.OCIt'8 I Muilc nnd Fancy riUire, or at KUHKIti -lr It ft WA" Dnunhln Htnmt. Wanted, ASnilER, 'kdy and enoriteilc Ii Of-IN KM MAN to whom a good salary aud pormaucut employmuit will mulSNUi Doi 107 t.

LyuUrUI 6v, NOTICE. RT Ro many coitions of my "IN PANTRY AND R1PI.K TAOTI08" havlDB )y huen liubrsui-d, 1 think It dac to both the Public n'id I'utill tRfa to stale That tlitt OUPVUIOIIT KDITION of my INFANTRY HIKI.K TAU1IO', puiUilied br H. II. UOET.KI. A In Mobile.

llu: ouly CUMIM.KI'K, COUHKO I and KKVISKU M.tto'., and this Kdttlnn only rontniaBthstiii-jjrovttntnti, ami oluitd's wtiicli 1 have ryj.ntly miule. at1n)thiic thu manual to Mia uso of tlio nrma neutrally in hands of the troops hi ibe ConfedurHte Hint- m. W. J. HARDEE, Onlfloe' Confederal Holies Army.

Foht Moboas. June bth JUST OUT THE IMPROVED EDITION OP HARDEE'S iiwarmnbi': ANU RIFLK TACTICS. Published and for Sale S. II. GOJSTZEL IIP" We bpit leave to cull Mibllo a lunllon to the fact tlmt our edilluuof COU HAitDKK'A TAOTICS the mily one that has recentif bet'ii rcvlied by the celebrated author, ami the only one secured by copyrlKht In the Con-ederaw.

The work Is publbhed la a vols bound, with plates, at 3 SO pamiiblet. at 3 OS without iilatei, at I Tlio price Is nlfftiyn understood for i he whtd tot of the two volumes, ou receipt of which will mull Ihunt and prepay tbinf.lnice(o all iinrtsof ihu Oonfttderacy. Hook Miters and.MiilUrjrOiiuitiaului, who order loritvlr, wilt re ceive a llVrul tits- i.ul Tlm-te Ilooksellers and I'uldliherc who are s-lllnf APU- U10U8 EUITIUNX of COL. UARPKK'H TACrtCf, have to suffer tlie penaltb of tlw law, and those utio are buytuKsuch edltimis, we b-a lo ntaure that they are all uiiilinted ItlonF, ni eonluilis tli'iit iiiiprovein n.i am) ctmiKes which Col. Hardee bul reren: lyNdoided.

nud which cun only be found In that cdlllon, which now brlnit before the pabllo. Most respectfully, S. H. GOETZEL IIOOKSKLLKKS AND I'UltLlttllKUH, MO I. ILK, ALAIIA.MA.

ttr PROM THIS we rill I'll OIIU STOCK el STAPLE and FANCY BEY GOODS, AT C(M I', FOR CApll. IcHAiNloi T. II. LV.MtH IH). Spring and Summer Clothing, JAMES TA1T, OOllNfK OP OONTI ANI1 WATKIl BTflKFTB.

Iliu Joel icculved liirsc NKW PA.HH IONAIII.K CLUTIIIMi lur Mm nnil wliluli will In fioltl Wliolmilc ur Itclull CIIKAI for UASII or cliy Itoceii- littlCUH. XW MKRCHANTS. PLANTKltH and others In want are Invited to call and exanhie the Hiock. mhl Now Spring and Summer Goods By Express and SteBtuBhip. Very Rlcli KMII'O tlltKMAUINKij.

Bpleu.Hd article DIlOOIli: IIAKKUK ANI.MIHK HI.K un.l WUOI. IIAIlKliK ANUf.AISI! Do iln UIIKNK .10 OIUIANI1IHK ami JACONtTS I Do flinvea rillMTEII I.INKN LAWNH D01.ll ritENVil UAREnca.alleolon 1)0 llo JAUONKTH, do ritKNOII In KreM variety Ultrn.lll l-IUNTKU I.AH'NIl AMKK10AN do do I'HINTKD lltloll I.INKNB l.Wll.iml ami AMKIl CAN l'UINl'8 With a KTcat of all cither NKW and RKAUONAHI.K UOOPH. all of which will he offeret) 1.DW. hy n.l.iaJm liliCIHIJK JUST RECEIVED, FJIOM KNGLAND- 81'KINO CALICOES IIBAVV and WOVE Sill UT PltONTINO. hylhcrard QUUXSJn white anil colored AT T1IC I.OWK.IT VAMI MICKS.

WINTER STOCK ill' COST. john uiii a feMAAH II Wo'ith Wnler wlrewt. NO'riCK 1T An we are TOTALLY UNARM! TO RKPI.KNIS'H OUR Pltl-KNT HTOCK, It will liu lltilio.nlli'u Mr tin I (I0NTINI1K CIIARUINII flOOILS TO I'AUTIEi, whin NUW UUK ARK UNI'AIII. Jet WAl.KI VOTOV A (). rlAMES TAIT, OORNEIt OUNTI AND WATKR HTRKKTP, OT Has iinit reaeircd a lareo nnd fine aHmirlniiint of.

(lent'i nml Ituya' Uno t'nlf BOOTH and tmoKo llo ilu Kimlluli Kid uud Calf UONORKHf IIA1THI1H. Ac. Ladle' and Mlirjea' IjulUli Kid CON'tl I1KH3 OAITERS llo do 111 Morocco ami Kid IIAI.MOU.M.S llo do do l.aeeHoota.OAn'KHHundb'lliiliera Iff-All ol UHKAI-for OADII. NO TARIFF. JUST RECEIVEB.

UT STRIPED OROANDIKK AND BTRH'EI) JA00NLT8, IrT" In Imht and dark cotora, JOHN DOUGLAS CO. NEW SPRING GOODS DANIELS, ELGIN Corner ot Dauphin anil Wntor Street tV Have Just received new styles In okenaiiiMkh I-AR1H TlS'lltfl KSfiMBII LACK FOINT I.AUK MiNTILLAB l-RINTKII OKUANDIES l'HISTKD JACOKK1H THREAD and COTTON UOBH liLOVEf. ItlllllONS. Ao. ntl3l) WALTKU 1'IAIIUB, 11.


WATOHEB OAREFULLY REPAIRED Now Jowelry Manufactured. Nortiweittornir Otapbin knd Water itreitt, fiMAAN Ht.Ui.-AI4 It a' n'.

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