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Booksellers' Review du lieu suivant : London, Greater London, England • Page 68

London, Greater London, England
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04 The Christmas Catalogue Of Jioohn, Mfhfazines, Periodicals and Stationery, November 18, 1897. MESSRS. MARION CO. (Soho Square, W.C.) The productions of Messrs. Marion Co.

as regards Xinns specialities are much too well known in the trade, to need much explanation from us. Novelties of every description and practically at every price are here to be found in abundance, and the all-round excellence of the goods they turn out is testified by the immense and ever growing popularity of the firm. Of cards there is a valuable collection comprising somo of the best forms of art, but it is in the picture and fancy goods departments that Messrs. Marion score their greatest triumphs. The former stands unsurpassed by any similar house of the present day, both in the magnitude and the quality of its display.

Eveiy form of art reproduction is here represented, and may be seen at its best. There is plenty ol room for originality and enterprise in connection with fancy novelties, and here Messrs. Marion Co. show to advantage. It would take many pages to even briefly describe the numerous productions of this sort which they are now offering.

In its scope and character the collection is really something to marvel at. To enter into any detail here would hardly be possible with any idea of doing justice to the subject. One of the firm's lists will, however, prove of the very greatest assistance to the retailer, while a personal visit would be better still. MR. ALFRED HOLNESS.

(Paternoster Row, E.C.) Mr. Alfred Holness' handsome show-rooms in the Row are packed once again with a choice assortment of the season's productions. The genial and ever-courteous proprietor of the establishment is really to be complimented on the never-failing good judgment he shows in the choice of stock. Purchasing such immense quantities as be does from every manufacturing house of note, it is really marvellous to think that one never finds in his warehouse a single line which is in anything but the most perfect good taste. The cards, booklets, calendars, and so forth, which he oHV-rs are invariably the pick of the in the sense that the most expensive works are chosen in preference to the cheaper (on the contrary, all prices are fairly represented), but only what is really good at each figure is offered.

Thus it matters not whether one wishes to buy halfpenny cards or shilling ones, the very best that can be obtained at either price is set before him. This fact no doubt in large measure accounts for the extraordinary popularity which Mr. Holness enjoys in the trade, and we have no doubt that his business during the present season will prove that he retains as firmly as ever the confidence which has been placed in him for many years by hundreds of retailers. Bookbinders' Papers. The trade will not require reminding of the existence of Mr.

W. IbbotBon, of 64, Goawell Road, London. His bookbinding specialities are well known for their excellence and the moderate prioes at which they are supplied. We have a number of samples before us which oover a very wide variety of fancy book ends, thoroughly up to date as regards design, and of first class quality, Mr. Ibbotaon evidently can supply every kind of bookbinders' papers at very generous terms.

TheBe include special buff ends, 20 by 30, 12s. 18 by 23, 8s. 6d. per ream. Special black or chocolate, 20 by 30, 20 by 25, 18 by per ream.

Fancy book ends, 20 by 30, 12s. and 25e. per ream. 20 by 30 brocades, gold prints, 20s. and 25s.

per ream. Transparent book wrapping, 20 by 30, 4s. per ream. Skytogen" imitation and leather papers, marbles, Should any bookbinder require them samples will be sent onapplioation. The Marlborough Specialities.

Messrs. E. Marlborough and of Old Bailey, are now supplying an extremely useful list for the benefit of retailers. This consists of a four-page sheet containing a list of the principal Christmas Numbers, Annuals. with space left for either the trader to pi an impression of his rubber stamp, or upon whioh he can print his name and address.

This list (No. 4), will be found very handy for the ooming season as an aid to canvassing for customer's orders. With the near approach of the New Year it is probable many of us will be turning over a new leaf, and amongst the good resolutions be determining to adopt some better method of keeping one's trade accounts. None could do better than obtain this firm's list (whioh will be Bent on application) of trade account books," from whioh they will disoover the best and most suitable books that could be devised to meet the requirements of an intricate business. The cost of providing such a help to safe tradiug is very small.

1899 Almanacks. It will not be newB to the trade that high class coloured almanacks for 1899 are now in preparation. Mr. J. Upton, of the Baskerville Steam Printing Works, Birmingham, informs us that in order to ensure his designs for almanacs and wall calendars reaching the colonies in time to be properly handled, he is obliged to work fifteen months ahead.

He therefore sends us samples of some very fine designs executed for use in 1899. These are most excellently turned out in all respects, the printing is done in a perfect manner, the oolouring, while giving warmth and brightness to the piotures, is far away from anything of a gaudy oharacter, being, indeed, most tasteful and charming. The trade oan have a choice of a large number of designs suitable to every class of business, and oan be recommended to this house. CHfilSTM-AS 1 "Funny Cuts," "The World's Comic," "Larks!" CHRISTMAS NUMBERS Will be ready for delivery to the trade on the following Funny- Cuts," Thursday, IV World's Comic," Monday, MEO. Oth, "Larks!" Thursday, DEC leth.

They will big value, and the demand is sure to be great. large pages, some printed in Four Colours, IAP mm mm mm mjr full of Seasonable Jokes and Stories. I III If HI EL bNIl READY NOVEMBER 29 TH. The CHRISTMAS DOUBLE NUMBER of the LADY'S COMPANION With Extra lagea, containing a large number of New Designs for Winter Costumes, Mantles, ani an exquisitely beautiful Chromo, from a painting of a Female Head (size 16 in. by 12 printed in Nine Colours, forming tho third of a series of TYPES OF BEAUTY IN THE LADY'S COMPANION" ART GALLERY, ALSO A Paper Pattern of some Pretty and Seasonable Garment.

The Number will be including Picture. Order early of your Wholesale Agents. Send Post-Card for Specimen Plates and Bills. R. CARTWRIGHT, 8, Johnson's Court, Fleet Street, London.

Price 2d. READY NOVEMBER 11 TH Price 2d THE CRHISTMAS NUMBER OF Leach's Children's Dressmaker With whioh will be Presented a Handsome Coloured Plate ON GUARD." AND THB GRATIS PATTERN of a YOUNG LADIES' COAT. With Diagram and Instructions, in addition to the usual display of New and Stylish Costumes, a LeBson in Dressmaking, Answers to Correspondents, Send Post-Card for Specimen Plates, Posters, and Hand-Bills. R. CARTWRIQHT, 8, Johnson's Court, Fleet Street, London..

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