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The Kearney Daily Hub from Kearney, Nebraska • Page 4

Kearney, Nebraska
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


TlelS)ai KEARNEY, NEBRASKA. SATURDAY, JUNE 1889. Tb Overland Route. Train taking puMeagert wul leave Kearney it (nilowi: Wm Boitkd: Bast Boohd: 1 PucEx: Kx.H:pm So No. 4 Kat Ex 1 A lien ex iMpm No.

thK. ex.S:10 Frelg-bU NofcSand 27 do not run Sundays. H. Gibbous, Agent. B.

M. 11. K. IB jeur. K.

W. Twengw. leaves "J- Ko. Freight, arrives.vr,, U.W H. as.

Freight, leave. i'm So. 35, Passenger, m- F. T. vibcbbt, annul.

GEO. D. ASPIN WALL, Title Abstracter. Under 110,000 Bonds. FABM and CITY LOANS.

DEALIH IM titj and County Real Estate. (loe under Commercial and Savings Bank, Hamer Block. Kearney, Neb. "Correspondence solicited. I 1 ABOUT TUB CITY.

-Do wiring's coal office. Ellis, office 19 Scott block. watches of Daniels, the Jeweler. re meals at the Nickle Plate, tf Buy batches of DanielB, the Jeweler. Plilmbing and plumbers' specialties.

Jewel vapor stoves at the Anvil hard- wareptjjre. m29tI. I Carriaw paintiw at Carson ttrxjtaWe ll rubber I hose Buarautsd at F. Mmi wnriri raired by Dan- )wiU be" lflltf atch repaired by Dan be right. arber opposite the B.

M. lor lu cents. 1 Slaves inoii cxkd nu viiuit uuiwi nu ei Fresh Easy shaves at Cole's barber Bhop, onnoafte the H. A M. denot for 10 cents.

'iiZtH" Call and see Geo. Ellis, the resident filumber, for hot water and Bteam heat-. ug. fl8tf If you want to sell your property call en C. Hanson, Room No.

8, Mfdway Hotel. Li. waiKecwuitaKeft eooa nores in trade for a piano. Call at music -store. Ei80tf -My stock of wall paper is not outdone anywhere.

me before placing ders. J. W. Lalokk. 111 See those beautiful signs at J.

W. or wntral-ave. nwti Dr. II. 8.

Aley, Specialist, at the Midway the first and third Monday of each month. rntf 1 Go -and see C. E. II anson, No. 8, Midway Hotel, for five or ten acre lota fur gardening.

tf Steam, hot water heating and all kinds of water supplies, at Geo. Ellis' plumbing Bhop. Fresh vegetables and California cab-. igge and strawberries at Y. E.

Wilson's arocery. Telephone 194. mlOtf L. L. Walker sold four Everett pianos yesterday, and it was not much of a day for pianos either.

i Fire, tornado plate glass and life Insuranoe. Leading companies rep-resenttfcL" Bee Geo. D. AspinwalL Having secured the services of a first class sign writer, I am prepared to do work of this kind. J.

W. Lalonk. wUf The largest stock of heavy hardware ever brought to Kearney will be here in a few davs. and will be displayed in the building formerly occupied by I Smfi lYj-nrr Cpritral-ave The only reaaou that accounts for L. L.

Walker's success in the sale of pi anos la that he keeps the best oroods that can be made. There, is no dis count in the quality or bis goods. nff the purchase of a piano are invited to can ai u. Walkm-'a mufria emDorium and examine tlthe Everett In oak. antique, flnisli.

It is something new and beautuui. and walnut cases look tame beside these. 7 Xotlce to Contractor The hnildins committee of the South Kenrnv Si. church will receive bid uonor.tne new meuiuuiBi ri)ixpm churchon the corner of Ave-B and 17th Kearney, Neb. Said building to be erected according to the plans and specifications furnished by committee, which may be seen at the office of Geo.

u. AMtfnwair. All -M4 to be accompanied by hoiulof W.O00.-. Committee reserves the right to. ject any or all bids, and the same Addrer--Bu1Mirtr Commmittee -nar? rMrnrch.

-n 4filBteo. Mi-GlLL. A iTJUkW -miervniin leeis of tlx Oity A Summer Day. THE HUB'S FACTS FOR SUNDAY COGITATION. llrlera and Personals Many Racing HortM-N'ew BanltBulldlng-The Jubilee Klngera-Tbat Old t'oach-rovtofllce Receipts -Improvement Kecord-Ofllcera Elected.

The races next week. Cocke Bros, received a new coupe to-day. Light showers and cooler, says Greeley. Typographical Union No. 109 meets this evening in Odd Fellows' halL The -city ball suuabUe is settled and the work will go bravely on.

Twenty horses arrived here Friday to take part in the races next week. How about a town clock on the city hall tower when it is completed? The Y. M. C. A.

Bible class began work successfully last evening with eight students. Contractor Wilson is finishing the four houses recently started on north of Twenty-eighth-et. The Women's Relief Corps cleared about $50 from the supper given by them on Thursday evening. Jacob A. Brown, of Gibbon, made final proof on his homestead entry to day before Judge Gillespie.

Nearly all the stalls have been taken at the fair grounds by horsemen and late comers will fare poorly. The closing performance of the Clair-Patee company to-night, in the drama, "Is Marriage a Failure?" German services at o'clock to morrow afternoon at the gwedish Lu theran church by Rev. J. A. Bardill.

Mr. Aockwell. or Omaha, who um pired the first game of the season here, umpired theJBrandlsland game to-day. Dispatches received in this city during the day confirm previous reports of large loss of life by floods in Pennsylvania. Work on the new hotel on the south side is going on slowly, but the building already presents a very credible appearance.

District court will convene on Monday. There are 327 cases on the calendar, which will occupy the time uunng me montn. E. B. Jones went to Grand Island this morning to witness the game of ball this afternoon, between the home club and Grand Island.

The Sir Knights, who went to Holdrege to institute acommandery, returned The commandery nas me line or t. Ellas, no. TT.O. Aleshire and wife went to Red Oak, Iowa, this morning. Mr Aleshire'a health has improved, but he is still very weak from the affect of lung trouble.

The city will make ther excavation for the foundations for the Midway Loan and Trust company's building in consideration" of using the earth for grading purposes. The noon freight on the B. M. brought in three horses from Concordia, one from Harwdod" and sir "from Lincoln. The Lincoln horses are owned by Dick Beerey.

A team of horses belonging to Lewis Congerton, of West Twenty-first-st, started to run away with a wagon on Central-ave. this morning, but tbey were in time to prevent any damage. Miss Blanche Beach, who is teach ing in District 67, near Odessa, is winning great favor among the parents of school children. The standard of teaching in the rural districts is being elevated each year. A very pretty new waltz entitled "Glad Tidings" by Samuel Aronson, and Samuel Bradbury's popular song Twenty ears a Sailor" have been re ceived by us from T.

B. Harms of New York, publishers. A Song Service and Gospel Meeting for men only will be held in Y. M. A.

rooms, 2212 on Sunday afternoon at 8:30. Rev. W. F. Ringland, of Hastings, will address the meeting All are earnestly invited to attend.

The coupling-match between Tony Cornelius, of this city, the world's champion, and James Lee has been indefinitely postponed by the latter, who does not eare to put up a forfeit. Kearney's man will lead the world for some time yet in this line. The stone waU put in for the city hall will be taken out and brick used, as orginaUy intended. Contractor W. T.

Scott and the building committee have arrived at an agreeable understanding and the work of consturction wiU go on rapidly in future. Grand Island to-day to see the ball game. Last reports say that a special train has not been provided for to-morrow's game, nor special rates, the officials not having answered the telegram asking for the rates formerly given. The body of Mrs. Rosa M.

Fickes, who died at her home in this city, south of the county jail on Tuesday night, was shipped Friday to Bedford Srrimrs, for-buriaL The husband, A. Fickes, and eldest child, accompanied the remains. They had been resident of Kearney since Feburary, during which time they gained many friends. PERSONAL. Juan Boyle weut to Washington yetrdav.

H. D. Watson returned from Denver this morning. Mr. and Mn.

T. H. Myers tfill visit on Sundav at Grand Island. Mirch, owner of the iost- orfice ciptr stand, went to Grand Island to-day. S.

n. Williams and wife, of Frank lin. are visiting with their sou, L. llharns. this week.

R. II. Sadler sold one of his three elegant residences in Keen's park, yes terday to Frank Daniels, the jeweler. Mrs. L.

Su-vens and children, ami Miss Lillian Stevens went to St. Paul this noon, to visit with Mrs. Stevens' parents. Alex McGillis has resifrned his po sition with the Kearney Milling and Elevator company and will eiieiitie in other business. R.

Coddington Son's wholesale grocery house is being tilled with wares. They will not be ready for business for several days. Asburry Black arrived last evening from ML Pleasant, Iowa, to visit his brother, Charles Black, on the Island, who is seriously ill with erysipelas. Chas. McConnell has taken a position at the general delivery window of the postoffice.

This addition to the clerical force was made on account of the increasing business. J. II Scoutt, who has been in Kear ney forthe last four or five months, re turns to Michigan to-night and resumes his old business. Mr. Scoutt has a number of valuable holdings of real estate in Kearney.

Kearney Wins at Grand Island. At the end of the third inning today's Grand Island game stood Kearney 1, Grand Island 0. Cran was reported injured and McLaughlin had a ringer split. At the end of the sixth, the result was Kearney 4. Grand Island 0.

Later Kearney wins by a score of 4 to 3. Spontaneous Combustion. Mr. A. S.

Hayden furnishes the following in reference to this subject, in which he relates some interesting personal experience. He says: ''As it is supposed that the Hecht Packing house tire was caused by spontaneous combustion, I will give you a little of my experience. Early in the spring I purchased a bolt of musliirfor the purpose of a covering for hot-beds. On a-rainy day whfinljdidjiot have much else to do I dipped the cloth in linseed oil and haneed it up on one of the cross-beams of the barn. After the work was done I had occasion to go up town on business and was gone perhaps an hour.

When I returned home I noticed a strong smell, as if something was burning about ine Darn, proceeded to make an investigation and to my surprise found the cloth ready to burst into flames, and no doubt in a verv few minutes my barn would have been in ashes. I have not the least doubt that the fire in the packing house was eaused by the oily waste being thrown into a pile, and becoming hot broke out in names." The Black Hills Coach. It is ail right, perhaps, for the "old settlers" to have a little fun at the expense of the new comers. But the ac count given in this morning's TewZer-foot of a "Black mils coach" Is really too bad. Except the fact that there Is an old Black Hills coach standing in the rear of Cocke barn the wnoie story is pure fiction.

The Kearney and Black Hills mail route was in existence exactly sixty days and no more. "The time re quired to make the round thip was one Yes. and a great deal more than one week, too. It took all of four weeks to make the round trio. The shortest time made" between Kearney and Rapid City, one way only, was nine days.

"Mr. George Hurlbert stated to the reporter that he never knew of this coach being fired into by 'road agents' or Indians." Mr. Hurl bert missed a big opportunity to be funny, as the old coach is full of holes that might have been made by bullets and arrows as well as anytning else. About Johnstown. There are several citzens here who were once citizens of ill-fated Johnstown, among whom are Dr.

G. L. Humphrey, Dr. G. W.

Kern and A. L. Graham. In conversation this afternoon with one of the gentlemen, the scene of the disaster was described as follows: Johnstown is located on the main line of the Pennsylvania Central, about 75 miles east of Pittsburg The reservoir which broke Is on the south fork of the Cone maugh river, about six miles east of the city. It was originally used as a feeder for the Pennsylvania canal which was purchased by the railroad company several years ago.

The site of the old reservoir was purchased a few years ago by a syndicate of 1'itts- burg sporting men, and the dam was built stronger and higher, and the water stocked with fish. It has always been considered safe, as a practical civil engineer examined the dyke every month. Dr. Kern has a sister and other relatives living in Johnstown, i Dr. Humphreys has a number of rela-i tives living there.

He sent; a telegram this morning but has received no reply. 1. (. O. F.

Officers Elected. At the meeting last night of Buffalo Lodge, No. 33, 1. O. O.

the follow- ing list of officers were chosen for the I ensuing term: N. E. A. Miller; V. J.

R. Bailev; A. Newcomb. I Three representatives to Grand Lodge were selected as follows: L. D.

Fore-i had, W. L. Nash and C. R. Clapp.

The lodge meets every Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Money to loan on improved farms. Money to loan on city property, nouses and lots for sale on Five years time. Vacant lots for sale. For bargains in real estate or insurance call and see me.


Active Preparations at Fair 4rounl Many Out-ol-Towii Here Their NaineN anil the Owners Denver Horses Come To-Day, The Fair grounds for the last, few mornings have presented an animated and interesting picture. Men and sta ble boys moving about with spirited animals, horses carefully groomed, with their line veins standing out after a turn about the track, being rubbed down until their coaLs shone, and car penters finishing the repair of the building neglected since last season's races. This morning when the re porter visited the grounds, besides this scene more than usuiii activity and bustle was noticed. Quite a number of horses were brought in and assigned quartets and with them came their drivers and the stable boys, each with a load of luggage. A score or more of sulkeys were scattered akiut the stalls.

Loads of straw for bedding were being placed conveniently near the various quarters of the animals. On the track drivers were giving their horses morn ing exercise, and they went spinning around the track in fine style. The track is in excellent condition. In the stalls at the east end of the grounds the running horses have been assigned quarters, but a few trotters ire among them. 1 liese horses and their owners are as follows: Mikey Free, owned by Jim Maderson, of Wakefield, Jeff Harrington, a bay gelding from Westphalia, owned by Sam liordon; uaiiy, sorrel mare, Maderson Gordon, which they tl ey will match 1 1 any for aquaiter- nii le run; Jim Mielby, Dan lines bay gelding, of this city; Alice Murphy, bay mare, a Gothenburg mile-runner, owned by S.

O. Halleek; another fast Gothenburg animal called Blue Bird, a gray mare, belonging to J. W. Hines; Susan a bay mare from Atchison, Kb vv. urakety.

owner; also ins gray geiu-ing TW. und roan trotting gelding, Jack Roth; Mr. Isaacs, a fine sorrel running horse is there with S. Drakely or Atchison, who also nas ue-inus, a bay gelding, the sorrel gelding Sandy, and Prince, another sorrel geld ing, both trotting animals. All of the stalls on the south side have not been taken, but a number of Denver animals coming in this evening will probably occupy some of them.

The horses that are in Mu se boxes now are as followsr Two Valparaiso, animals, one called Tangle foot, a sorrel stallion, belonging toC. B. Johnson, and the other Odersn, a bay mare owned by Chas. Nichols; Yankee Boy, a black running horse, to Joseph Powell, of Sterling; Little Dick, a liiv-erton, bay running horse, the property of Bob Banks; Ollie a bay mare, owned by Lon Walker, of CnJhy. two of Charles Parson's, Norton, horses, Jack o' Diamonds and Peep also J.

C. Ringer's half mile runner, Orleans, from Fairfield, Neb. In the large main barn, which has been fitted up for the later arrivals, are six of N. II. Chamberlain's Hastings animals.

These animals have fine pedigrees and the owner expects to made a good showing with them. They are named as follows: Prince McMahon. a black gelding; Dan a bay gelding, a pacer, which made a few turns about the track in fine style while the reporter was there; Frank Palmer, a chestnut gelding; Blue Line, a roan; Ben Bassett, a bay, 4ind Jack Mines, a sorrel gelding, by Col. West. Wm.

Everhart. of Maitland," has Walter a bay gelding, in this building, aud Taylor of Graham, have the sorrel mare, Lizzie Logan. Near the gate, the stalls on the west Ride of the grounds are occupied by C. W. a bay gelding pacer owned by Geo.

Loom is, of Dallas, while his brother, F. Loomis, of the same place, lias Highland Laddie, a black horse. E.CConley. of Denver, owns the chestnut stallion Bismarck In the next stall; near by is Jenny Lind, C. Tal-mage's, of Lincoln, brown mare; I.

L. Curley's bay, Beatrice Ike, of Beatrice; G. L. "Maxwell, of this city has his bay mare, Red Star, among the number also; next comes Matt Riley's black mare, Nellie Mitchell. In charge of Fred Robar are D.

W. Roe's bay stal lion. Kentucky Kebel; A. L. ishepard bay pacer.

and Ira Tuttle's bay pacing mare iiinie G. From the Par- rotte ranch there are two stallions, J. L. a sorrel, and Ignis Fatuus.a bay. Two Minden horses owned by J.

W. Ferguson come next. One a bay called Battalion, and the other a brown horse know as Allen Boy; Fleming of Minden, also have their bay mare, G. among the entries. With so many fine animals on the grounds and the other local animals which will enter, together with the Denver animal9 coming to-day, there can be no doubt of a most successful series of races.

The men are diffident about giving the record of the animals and prefer to have the work oi me am mals on the track tell its own story. The management is to be congratulated upon the success of their efforts so far. The fact that there were over forty horses on the grounds to-day shows the interest taken. There is little doubt that over sixty horses will compete for the purest offered. IJig crowds or peo ple ill be in attendance each day of the races next week, special rates having leen arranged for iwrBons from the surrounding towns on the railroads.

The Ftsk Jubilee Mincers. The concert to be given at the opera house, Tuesday evening, June 4, by the risk Jubilee Singers will be a rich treaL The conceit is given under the auspices of the Baptist church. The Chicago nmnng journu says ot a re cent concert: "The Fisk Jubilee Singers have swept us out of ourselves and almost into Paradise with their own wonder ful singing. There is a wierdness to their voices that makes one think of pines and moonlight aud lonely seas of graves under white winter stars, and dim aisles of moaning woods where a tempest is whispering itself to rest. May's Postofllce Receipts.

The receipts at the postoffice for the month just ended show a splendid increase over the corresponding month in 1888. The receipts in May this year were: For postage Stalin's and cards, for envelopes wrappers, So2I.0S,atotal of 1.325.47. In May, 1888, the total was The figures show an increase of nearly one hundred per cenL Postmaster Wiley has been advised that an inspector would be here shortly to investigate the demand for free delivery. The requirements having all leen filled, we are likely to have free delivery by July 1. NEW BANK BUILDING.

llamlHoiac ami Finely Kqnlppl with Ullee INm.iiim. The new 'building to lie erevted for fie Midway Loan and Trust company, on the corner of Central-ave. and Twenty-third is showu from the plans of Architects Frank A I'ail to be superior in every way to any business liouSo coiiitvui plotted for our city. The work of removing the building on the site of the new structure began today. The new building will front 6n feet on Centnil-ave.

and extend feel on Tweiity-third-st. There will I a basement iittd for offices, and three stories atiove, giving ilw structure a total cight of forty-six feet. There will be a tower at one corner seventy-two feet high. The building will be equipped with the best sanitary plumbing and a passenger elevator. The ground floor will lie used in part by the Midway Savings Bank, besides which there will be a store twenty feet wide, running the entire depth and turning to the north, with a side entrance on Twenty-third-st.

The basement will have three fine ofliee rooms, the second story nine and the third story m'ne, all equally desirable-on account of the elevator, and all light. Providing even the space adjoining the building is built uyon by an equally large structure, the ught will not be interfered with, as a light shaft conducts light and air down to the first story. The building will be the handsomest yet erected. The foundations to the windows of the first story are to be of stone, nbove which pressed brick will be used with stone and ornamental terra cot) a trimmings. The main entrance to the buildins will be very handsome.

The work will be pushed to an early completion. llce. All persons are strictly forbidden de positing manure, or any other refuse matter on any lot, street or alley in the city limits. The health of the city requires that the most stringent measures be taken to protect the health of our citizens. Anvone violating this notice will be arrested and fined to the full extent of the law.

L. D. Forehand, Street Commissioner. Put It On Your Memoranda. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrlura Remedy can always be de-lauded uiion, it is pleasant to take and will cure cramp, cholera morbus, dysentery and diarrhcpa in their worst forms.

Kverv family should tie provided with it during the summer months. 2.5 cent, 50 cent and one dollar bottles are sold by A. F. Silverthorn. Notice to Breeders.

C. C. Dawson would call your atten tion to his breeding stable on sixteen! and where he keeps a line Percheron-Norman stallion and a fine Kentucky mammoth jack. Persons interested in stock breeding are invited to call and see me. C.

C. Dawson. aiswtf Take the "Burlington Route" fo. Lincoln, Omaha, Chicago, Peoria Kansas City and bt. Louis.

Fine solid vestibule trains, with reclining chair cars to all these points. All wishing mattresses made over can be accommodated at F. Switz's. An experienced workman there makes a specialty of this work. motf During the next thirty days William Willard, of Gibliort, proposes to sell his stock of general merchandise at cost, for cash.

A good chance ror buyers. L. L. Walker, the leading music deal er in Kearney, has worked up a fine trade in pianos and is making sales in neighboring towns. mioti SPEWS New Dress Goods New China Silks New Dress Brilliantenes are steadily gaining favor, and it seems time be as generally worn as they, were ten years ago.

We Fancy Stripes and Plaids, from 50c up to $1.50. Special in China Silks at We have a few patterns of 24-inch China Silks in elegant dress styles at 5c. Lace Nets and Lace Flouncings. We Invite insection nf our line of Blak Silk Neta, which are now more worn than anything else for over dresses. We sell them all the way from 11.25 to W.oo in pretty aud desirable patterns.

Directoire Sashes, In Black and Cream, with all colors in stripes, Summer Shawls. Persian Shawls from S3.75 to $15.00, Worsted Shawls from tl.00 to S-eHal Rargains in Black Cashmere Shawls from up to We liought these at Ml per cent, off regular prices and sell I hem the same way. MM Improvement Record. The wi-ig i- a insp li i-li Juror ll.lvrUr.. the week: J.

Pi.i( C. r. AU'tiou iforo ulu- i. H.StT.tfi f- An-hitn3 i Airrji. V.

i. B. p4ii i S-nv. lf S. Brticr.

dwelling Mr Pirmenter. d.b. tU-- Me1. This morning at Avp-f tt-tweeu Seventh and Eighth St.v. Adolph Hotter, son of Loiii Kiihem serviow from Hie Sedh Lutheran church to-mort i at o'ciK-k i M.

Have your atch repaired by Daniels and it will i light. Allen Barney, Abstracters. rsDIRlM.llfc BOMj. Reliable Real Estate Dealers. THE MOST COMrUTTE SKT OF A BOOKS IS THE STATE.

OlBee lit door of Kearney Nat. Back. earner. Nebraska WANTS. XWSotica WaXTID, Fob Ha.fT.

FoK jmls. iiuerud ta tXu fjivmn LKt rnu ot ernU a tu MA ffptrioi raia on le term adi. WANTED. TAiiTED Notices ot wasted, for rem, for sale, etc, for tan cotuma. ANTED Man who unl'r-tan'1? rarien-M te4j- JOt to riffht tunu.

Adilrvr P. O. box, KB. jltf TV ANTED Situation as nur- mi.Ml aired 4. luHt iJl-il jr'.

above Hee Hive Sture. ANTED A pl f'jr if-a-rai liovw-l work In famry uf four sif (tk1 scirl. Mr. H. Uik-rvst.

ct. ni. tli Are. ANTED Nure iriri of afout year, to take care of child in Jay titnr only: short hour. A4dre, boi or call at P'irn i.

Miller Work. H.T.Wmi mil if WANTED Genu' clothing ck-n and rt-Tf pair. New proce. ein-rt hand, nrnier-ute charirr. Call at rick noute.

No. Kal JHih-t. Mrs. S. A.

Li oil -a) mihf FOR ALE. JH SALE. Good Jersey cow with young cu. jonn M. no.

m-ni SALE Fine na.WIe mare. iD'iuire for me at Midway. K. mitf. P1R SALE A Jersey rrrw, 3 years old.

with caif3dasoi'i G. Mltlfgsn. corner -th-M. and il-ave. a2ltf FOR RENT.

FOR RENT House with six room H. Hull. mTitf. IXlR RENT-Furnished room, N. B.

vorner 2W ami B-ve. lt FOR HENT-A fumibed front room for (Tenu only. M. C. Hawes, 113 East 23d-M.

jltf RENT A good 4 block" from Midway hotel. B. H. Gouidiug. Central-Ave.

mitf FR RENT A rwo-Tory hulMIn fr a cor. i and. Unb-t. Henry' Murtln Sons. I.O-.T.

T- OST-A nmfcreU. mUh. suM bead; rov name engraved on handle, ti.ifi reward for retorn of same at once. J. W.

Holmes. mTtf TAKEN I P. TAKEN tTP-On the 15th a while calf about two mootlii old. The owner will pleae call on W. A.

Downing, pay for thi no-tloe and take the calf away. nilTlf G. A. R. SEDGWICK POST No.

1 meet every Friday evening In hall over Buffalo Co. Nat. Hank. R. M.

Grimk. Commander. J.P. HABTMAli.Sr.. Adjutant.

CASH DRY GOODS Cash, One Price, Plain WHITE AKER'S GROVE ADDITION if the additions (hat have been aihled lolhis ciiv. thru- lie qual it in am reaped. One inc it- iir-lit-SA to he bii-uess center ot city, bi ing oui iU i "ci.x tn tti the blocks from the Midway Motel. tioin the court liuiie. The bnd lays high and beautiful, giving a guud vitw of thecifv, into 1') feet higher tli in many part ottlic cit thus ui inc a Iw-aiititul iew as well as a good drainage, and the land ln'ing in a lin.dl state ol i ullualiou for a number of years, makes quilt to grow, tree.

v. and make law lis ami whi thus improver: i-l be lite iiifM nt it nl bar! ol out city for residence, being far vnoindi from all factories to be elilileiv iue. I'l'olil the lOi nilor oily knows will make, at the same time being near enough to center tor any purpose. There will be a water main laid on Ave to arrangements have been nia-le in i iiiid 10 fi' 1 g' kh! houses immediately. We will otter special imli i ciiiciiIh In nties wishing to build, for one month onlv.

We hae si in.1 r-gaiiis in all parts ol the city outside of Ihe t.ii.u- Mil will tale great pleasure in showing you any irt of the city, whether you huj or not. WHITEAKER BROS. WARNER, No. 10, Kast Twentieth St. Heal Katate Traniilera.

Filed at the County Clerk'B office May SI. lssii. Furnislied by Geo. D. Aspinw.iH, absifacter, and farm and city loans: 1' i to John Roe.

wrt, lota W-KI. Ky. 1" Hv I'm to 'nil ttt Kv, Charier. 'l ourtney lu Joneph Murphy, rd. lot K.

lirmi' A J.wksun to Story Ai Ciinip Org t'o. id. lotilti Cnttiige mid. Will. 1, II.

Mum -i I to imilinc hlngstrom, wd, lotn oriilili' to Kranrls Vromun, qiil, nw and nw1, s'W4 aH3 la, and u'i nw1 H5-13-I4. 1' Co to Nannie Nevltn, wd, e' sw1 lSlll-14. 1' Co toOixin Kivwson, wil, 8e' John Keitilile to Ada I. Micklc, wil, lot 7 and The CoTnineicial Travolprs' iTntppt-ive Association of the United States, lias a membership of over sixteen thousand ind is probably the strongest association of the kind in the world. John R.

Stone, their Nat'l Sec'y and 79 Dearborn st. Chicago, in a letter states that he has been severely troubled at times, for the past twenty years, with cramp and bilious colic which would compel mm to taKe to ins bed from three tosix while in St. Louis at their meeting, he procured a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrlnea Remedy, and has since used it with the liest result. It is the only remedy he ever found that effected a rapid and' complete cure. For sale by A.

F. Silverthorn. D. Hawthorne, our old reliable watchmaker and jeweler, is having such a run of watch work that he had to hire another watchmaker. He has secured the services of Mr.

A. (J. Haughey, a lirst-class workman, so bring your wor along and it will be done promptly Mtf Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has cured a great many cases of chronic diarrlnea that had withstood all other treatment for many vears. It is undoubtedly, one of the moKt valuable medical prepjirations ever discovered. For sale by A.

F. We call your attention to J. I). Hawthorne new "ad." Me will not announce it in the papers if you buy anything of him in the diamond line. 80tf Literary, art, or fashion periodicals always on hand, or will be ordered on application at news depot, south of the postofllce.

ni20tf Hose for sprinkling lawns at F. C. Philips Co Buv watches of Daniels, the Jeweler. as if they would in a very short show them in Black, Plain Colors, 65c. These silks are well worth a dollar.

at Figures. STORE spence. The Baptist Church lbmthe pleasure to atinon nee the engagement, mulct' its iii's, of ihe world Iniued JUBILEE SINGERS, From Fisk University. Nashville, Tenn. IS rou ok i op Their Inimitable Concerts.

THIS IS THE ORIGINAL COMPANY that ilRvoted over flMMMiof' its OMrnlnirx to the linililiiiir of Fisk 1' Diversity, lluil made two Muiitlci lnlly Micci'sslnl tours nliriuul, the iriifKts of huiiirx nail Ouii'iis mid I'lliiie thae-MiiMf. by-kpixial invitation for I'resiilcnlH Oniui, Ibiyes, (iai llc.l ill). I Anloir. "I never so enlnyeil Hkv. Chas.

II Si'I'iiokon. That nnisie tniiches II lakes ClCOWN i'MIM'K OK CkIIMANY. 'Their solars open the fitiintiiln of lears." KKV. TllKO. I'M.

Kit, I). 11. AT Til MODEL OPERA HOUSE, Tuesday Evening, June 4. TICK KTS 50 nud 75 ITS. Great Bargains -IM- THIS WEEK -AT- MRS.

E. J. DAVIS'. WE CARBYjrHEJ.AMKTAND MOST COMPLETE LINE OF Diamonds and Silver WATCHES. Silverware and Mantel Clocks.

Our I'rieeg lire the 1iwent. RANKIN FESS, Kenriicy'n Kellnlile Jewelera. DESIRABLE LOTS At Low Prices IN THK CBCSER DAV1ES ADDITION iu rwcaiucjr, itcuictsiva. Twelie minuten wIV fnim depot and few conn iioiihe; nirire iri'ii wihmi iniiin WHM. lrt Siililfl fc'JOOiach.

Street? park IhI-I oul and Iiih'H Ijirire II -m-Ikt- ol hon UdnK Imtlt In thi vleh lloue li-HK llmtt Htiirlen hitrti lroh rrrthc rmtiiiel, Tlui utaULf linveln or the Kr. M.iil nJ 1 1 diiMKef. I ill ml uomesiii iiw imffiMTiii. hiii jmi inure in riiuoi a iiii.i.k. 1 llcn.lcrhoii svouii miu 5 el i.

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