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The Courier from Waterloo, Iowa • 8

The Courieri
Waterloo, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WATERLOO DAILY COURIER, WATERLOO, IOWA MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1938 ill Study Speech Defects in Buchanan Co. Schools BUTLER 1IEBSITT Beauty Wears Napoleon's Jewels Parkersburg Camp Truck Driver Hurt When Hit by Auto Janesville, that he was severely hurt and the car taken to a garagt for repairs-. Oorlng'a Injuries were fractures to both bonea tn the left leg and to several ribs. His left ahoulder aa GROUP MSURANCE (Conner tt'trirei badly bruteed. and hla face cut.

He Parkersburg, la. Stepping from be- la a patient at Mooney hospital, Par. hind a car to crosa the road to the kwsburg. National Park service camp, Aly Goring, 21. Pershing.

camp truck Th Cotswnld limestone hills of Glnu-re "temhirt. rnilund, ire over mile Ions ind hv an ivente hfilhl of belief MX) and no feet. EXPERT III CLINIC HI IIOEPEIEIICE Oct. 31 at High School Being Planned for All Rural Teachers. driver, became tangled in an approaching ear driven by J.

R. Royer. ELECTS HFFIGEHS Gain of $250,000 Business Is Reported; Losses for Year, $36,000. sids Fight Fire in Old Prison I i Pit must Le removed fCnurtrr Special Xinteet Independence. Ia.

Pupils with defective articulation and other speech are to be objects of sion at a meeting for e.11 rural teachers of Buchanan county Saturday. Oct. 31. at the high school here, commencing at 10 a. m.

Robert L. Mllison, of the speech clinic at University of Iowa, will conduct demonstrations and instruction In methods of correcting speech faults, assisted by Dayton H. Winters, Buchanan county superintendent of Visit Oct. 30. Ur your system is poisoned (Courier Muecial S.rttreJ Allison, la.

The BMtler County Farmers' Mutual Fire and Lightning Insurance association held its annual meeting in the courtroom at Allison Saturday afternoon. Officers elected for the coming year were: President, Oeorge Pohl, Shell Rock; vice president, Ed Delc-ker, Aplington; treasurer, O. A. Bailey, Parkersburg. and secretary, E.

F. Perrln, New Hartford. I Director Named. The terms of eight directors expired and rhe following were elected: Pitts-ford township. E.

O. Wirkham, Du-mont; West Point. Emery Scott. Jackson. Will Harms.

Allison: Bui lor. A W. Jenny, Clarksville; Washington. Ed Dekker, Aplington: Monroe, Ben Ackerman, Aplington: Albion, H. Van Hauen, Parkersburg and Beaver, E.

F. Perrin. New Hartford. Organized in The Butler County Insurance association was organized In 1876 and HI Your Health is Undermined And You May Suffer from Nervous Smoke shown pouring out of windows In in old building nf (he Ohio penitentiary at Columbus where a fierce tire was brought under control quickly. The blare brought memories of the 1930 fire at the prison In which 320 convicts lost their lives.

Warden James Woodward said he did not believe this fire was part of any escape plot. No one was injured. (Associated Press Thoto). ness, Circles Under Eyes, Lack of Vitality, Getting Up Nights, Dizziness, Leg Pains, and Feel Tired, Run-Down, and Worn Out with the darlor'a prescription Cvsiei, wblrU Thfrt it uoihing thit tin to quickly nn-idfrminn your health, trenilh, end energy. la scientifically prepared, in accordance with Parkersburg WPA in eirens of cld lo your blood.

Moat has over $11,800,000 of insurance In Reinbeck Boy of 5 Breaks Leg Second reopla when thinking of Acidity think of he atomaeh. However, the tvpa of acidity will be made to the schools of the county on Friday, Oct. 30, to make a survey to locate, classify and enumerate pupils with speech defects. One hour will be set apart open to parents, teachers of pupils who stutter, and another open to those of pupils who have defects in articulation, parents Invited. The remainder of the time of the meeting will be open to all of the teachers and parents, and at which the teachers of the town and consolidated schools will be Invited.

This will be the first time that an attempt has been made of this nature for the benefit of the schools of any county In the state. Protest Curve in Road at Benton- that undermine health la that arising In tha requirement of th Untied State anal British Pharmacopoeia to act dlrortle oi tha kidnevs as a diuretic. For Instance Or. C. Van 8trai))ente, noted European physician, staled: "I consider Cyitea onaj of the most meritorious formulas 1 havaj ivr eiamlned, and recommend it motl highly." And Dr.

C. t. Roberta, formerl Time Within Year ine diooq ana oicen auea ay worry, overwork, fear, late noun or over-indulgence. thin placing a heavy atraln or load on the idneya. (Connrr Special Service force, which a gain of $250,000 over last year.

The association sustained, losses of $36,000 for the past year which was heavier than usual. July and August were the months the losses were heaviest. It was decided to levy a 3 mill as-Fespm-nt this jail to take care of nctft year's losses. Nature hat provided an automatic method of tba Philadelphia General Hospital, states: "In my yeara of practice I have) mv VJr practice I nav, Reinbeck, Ia. Richard, 5-year-old son of Wesley Koch, living east of getting rid of these escest Arid, in fclod.

Thia is accomplished bv your Kld-ft'Xl 4 Aro.nil'o improve the funcfinnal action of the) to improve the funcfinnal action of the kidneys, but in my opinion there Is no) Peyt, the mot Intricate and delicate organt la your body. Each kidney, although only m.w. h. Camp to Continue on Thru December Additional Funds Totaling $118,957 Are Provided by Government. Miss Faye Cotton, above, ran describe how it feels to wear the $500,000 crown jewels which Napoleon Bonaparte gave his second wife.

Empress Marie Louise, at the birth or their son In 1X11. Miss Cotton, Texas Sweetheart, tried on the jewelry at the Fort Worth Frontier centennial, where she is appearing in a revue. She Is one of the few women who have worn the jewels, which are In this country for display. here, fell off of a bag swing Saturday afternoon and broke his left leg in two places between the knee pre ps ration that excels th prescription' tire oi your cienrnea ntt. roniain million tiny, delicate tubea or fllteri.

Your lilood clrculatet through thee tiny filters known as Cysi.ei." Positive proof of thai merit of Cystex la In each package, which and ankle. 300 timet an hour, or to frequently that In 34-hour period tha kldneya actually filter nd purify a barrel of blood, an that the A year ago at this time, the were removed from his right eowaina complete list ot ingreoients. sot that you can kpow what you are takifif and be told by your doctor or druggist that; Osteg is a medicine tn which yo can-place tha utmost confidence. Make This 8-Day Guaranteed Test If vou are rundown, worn out feet oldeii Acidt and pouonoui wattes may be re 'moved. Causes Many Troubles flf Student Pastor at DISSOLUTION Take Bids on Bonds for Town Building leg which had been broken.

"Dickie" thinks this is just little tco much hard luck for one small boy to have within a year. Dr. Walter R. George, mane yeart Health of Indlanapolft. recently titled: "Modern fooda and drlnka.

nervous DYSART DEMOCRATIC Cotner Ptieniat rrtrtl Dysart. Ia. The town council meets Tuesday to receive bids for the 1 VYhington Newt Bureau, aterloo Dally Courier, Washington, D. C. Additional funds totaling $118,957.50 have been made available for the continuation of the work camp at Parkersburg, La Porte City Goes to Dubuque School TIES IS than you are, or suffer from the eondl-j tions previously mentioned, poorly funeJ tinning kidneys may be tha real cans oil your trouble.

At any rat it will do rod no MEETING WEDNESDAY Tama County Line Courier Serial Service Dysart, la. Representatives from Benton and Tama counties protested to the state highway commission Saturday to an curve in the Benton-Tama county line road, north of Dysart, now In improvement con-struction." The road may eventually be paved, they stated, and In that case the curve would necessarily be eliminated. harm to put Cystex to the test and see ei-l antly what It can do in your particular sale of $12,000 in municipal bonds for the new municipal-community building which will be begun this fall, Title to tha four Goodwin lots on rase, under the guarantee, in (lavs' timet It must do th work to your eomolet aat-i 81 EIGHT iftimn, worrv, ana ovrrwort, pure a irc-fmendout load on tha kidneyt. For thit reason it It estimated that millions of men and women at times are troubled with poorly functioning kidneys. In fact thia condition ts often the real cause of thou-aands of people feeling older thin they should, run-down, eihauated, nervous, and worn out." If your kidneys slot down and do not function properly and Uil to remove approximated pints of Acids, Poisons, and ilqulda from your blood every twenty-four hours, then there Is a gradual accumulation of these Acids and Wastes, and slowly Isfactlon.

or you merely return th empty! package, and th full purchase price is re-J funded without question or argument. Wit hi Ia it was learned Monday at the national park service. Altho the continuation of the camp had been authorized by the White House until the end of December, funds had been made available only for the months of August and Sep- Cystex there ia no long waiting for results, because It Is scientifically prepared to act! Mrs. Edward Haymond Rites Conducted at Son's Residence. Main street south, with a frontage of 84 feet, selected as the site of the new town building, has been obtained The value of the four lots, with more than $700 delinquent taxes against directly on the kidnevs aa a diuretic.

Fori Delaware District Court for trust rerton most people report a remarkH abi Improvement within the first fonrJ ill surely your syslrm becomes poisoned. them, was valued at $225 each by a tember Kidney dysfunctions often may caiue many troublesome conditions, auch as Nervous- The additional funds will enable (Courier HiieHal Snvtcei Dysart, Ia. John K. Valentine, Centerville, state senator and candidate for lieutenant-governor on the Democratic ticket, will be the main speaker at a Democratic rally in the school auditorium Wednesday evening. CALLED TO WISCONSIN.

Charles City. Ia. (Special) Mrs. Edgar Ball and Fay Rowe were called to Watertown, Saturday by the death of their father-in-law for whom services were held Sunday. Mr.

Ball and Mrs. Rowe were at his bedside when death came, Burial was in Indiana, board of three appraisers. October Opens Monday at Manchester. sesj. Getting Up Nights, Leg Pains, piist-seas.

frequent Colds and Headaches, Rheu-natte Paint, Swollen Jomis. Clreles under the camp to remain in operation thru the months of October, November and December. With the additional funds the park eigm nours ana complete sstisrscueni within I days. In testing Cystex, you srM th sole fudge of your satisfaction. Ton) must feel younger, stronger, and better than you have in a long time you muntf feafl that Cystex hss done the work trior otighly and completely, or you merely rt- turn th empty package and it costs yotf nothing.

Cvstex costs only a dose at druggists, and aa tha guarantee proterla vou completely, you cannot afford tn take chances with cheap, inferior, or irritating tlrucs or any medicine that Is not soof (Ct)Hfirr Social rrtrrf La Porte City, la. Paul K. Figge, student pastor of the Presbyterian church left Sunday to begin his senior year In theology at the Unl-versitv of Dubtioue. He will re- In order to provide more ground for landscaping purposes, the council ia negotiating for the purchase of the Kerr lot which adjoins the other four lots to the south, now the site of an At a previous meeting here between members of the Tama count board of supervisors, Harry A. Rager, county engineer, and C.

R. Snow, supervisor of Benton county, objections were heard from delegations of farmers north of here and representatives of the commercial clubs of this place, Waterloo and Belle Plaine. As this is the only turn In road from Victor, Ia north to 218. the objectors at the Dysart meeting pointed out that efforts were being rrade to have the county line road fCoiii-ier fpeHnl Kt rftre) Manchester, Ia. The term of Delaware district court sjves.

Bacitarhes, Lass or vitality, jiurning, Itching, and Smarting, Acidity, Help Kidneys Doctors' Way D. fists and doctors In thlrtv-flve coun service will keep the same number of turn each week to preach In the electric appliance and repair shop I men working as now on the Job. used bv S. McHenry. city elec- All of the men who are to get Jobs Presbyterian church enough to be guaranteed.

Telephone youri trician. tries throughout the world think thst the druggist, for guaranteed Cvstex toronounetd here Monday with Judge A. B. Lovejoy, Waterloo, presiding. Both trial and grand juries will be summoned, the former not until Oct.

right way to your kidneys function tslSiss tn today. at the Parkersburg camp will be selected from local relief rolls, and will be paid the prevailing local wage rate for the type of work at which they are employed. A new program of development for the camp is now being worked out by the park service. Haymond Rites. Rev, Anna B.

Willson, pastor of We.sleyan church In La Pcrte City, conducted funeral services for Mrs. Edward Haymond Sunday et the home of her son, Clate 'Haymond. Burial was In West View cemetery. Attending from away were Mr. and Mrs.

Verne Kelly and family September's Tax Collections for Butler Reported tCrtttrier Special ff rviret AlUson, Ia.Aurene M. Flynn, But. 12. Forty-flve new cases have been entered upen the docket fcr this term, of which eight are divorce actions, as follow: Floyd F. Whitman vs.

Gwendolyn M. Whitman. Myrtle made a part of the primary road system, and the stretch should be straightened at this time in antlcipa. tion of paving. To eliminate the curve would require more fill, necessitating an additional cost of $2,000 or more, but Snow thought the Benton board might pay half the cost if the total added cost would not exceed 2,500.

i Derr vs. James Derr. Ernest Maul Icr county treasurer, reports tax col- Firmrs I nd Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Haymond, BENTON CO.

BALLOTS WILL HAVE 92 NAMES son vs. Agnes Maulson, Dunnnnk 1 Cedar Rapids; Dr. and Mrs. Carl- lections for September amounted to E. iiie collections lor last three days of the month Includ (Conner Fneaal Service) Vinton, la.

Ninety-two candidates Nina Guess vs. W. H. Guess, ton Anton. Puebl- Co'0-: Mr- nd Harold F.

PufTett vs. Eileen May MrR Beardmore, Ira, and Mr. Puffett. Blanche Louise Stock vs. and Mrs- Jonn Fo' Mr- Mrs-William Charles Stock, and Mayme John 8outh.

Mr- Mr- KnKmrt v. KnKmH tw i Oversee and Will Lcversee, Walker, ing the mail, totaled $49,491.64, Ap- proximately $10,000 of this amount i for national, state and Benton coun- Mrs. Nels Wemark Buried at Ridgeway (Courier Bprciai Service) Ridgeway, Ia. Funerai services for Mrs.

Nels Wemark, 79, one of the earliest native born residents of these actions are brousht by the husbands and five by the wives. Four Damage Artlons. Damage actions are brought bv William SelcheA vs. Glenn Nlcker- of Lincoln township, who died Fri- day after a brief illness of angina g0n. Frank Schroedcr vs.

James pectoris, were Sunday at the Lincoln i O'Brien, Letha Ris-cr vs. Dr. L. C. was paid by corporations.

ty offices have been certified for the The total tax levy for 1935 was Nov. 3 election by the secretary of $608,508.71. The refund received by state and County Auditor Carl Cul-the county amounted to $98,599.29 1 ver. reducing the levy to $509,909 42. Col-, of the number, 72 are national and lections to date amount to i state office seekers, 20 county didates.

The Republicans listed 10 In 1934 the amount of the levy was county candidates. Democrats seven, $463,482.05 due to the fact that there I and Farmer-Laborites, four, was no state tax and the amount of An present county office holders refund was only $33,997.35, gre running for re-election with the exrrption of County Attorney Victor UllWCCS ArC (rlVeil iViiqualn. Belle Plaine. defeated In in Tnn Tl'intiii Republican primaries. lO 1 110 it OlllCn IIO Thp Democratic ticket has no ran- Marricd Brothers for record- Lutheran church near Ridgeway, Ia.

Kensington. The Jacob sisters, Maxine Elliott, Guinevere Barnhart and Mrs. E. B. McLaughlin took part in the pro.

gram given Saturday at the ken-sington for W. R. C. members In the K. P.

hall. Mmes. Alma Hack-ett. John Good, Jark Kerr, Mary Gardner, A. E.

Ayers. Eva Renlcker and Igou formed the entertaining committee. Mite Snrlrty. The Thimble Bee Mite society of the Presbyterian church will rb-sen guest day Wednesday with the following committee as hostesses: Mmes. George Banger.

Plato Ashley, Belle Ohland. Harry Knight. J. L. Voting.

Wayne MrQullkin, R. T. Garline. wid George Speake vs. Merel Casterl.

Partition f'asr I'p. Partitirn litigation is brousht by W. Bates, receiver, v. Genree A. Collard et, al.

Elizabr-th H. Bower vs. Bert Smith. Carl March va. Hn-ry C.

Marten. Hope1 Tihbitts vs. Gertrude White et al, and Nellie Foster rt al va, Frank S. Alrrtrn i (Ctyurter Special Sf met Independence. divorces NEW BOY SCOUT TROOP Rev.

Martinus B. Quill officiating. Burial ww in the church cemetery. Annie Marie Alfson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Knut Alfson. was born Aug. 22, 1857, near Ridgeway. On April 4, 1879, she was married to Nels Wemark of Sioux Falls. and with him lived in South Dakota until 1884, when they returned ti Winneshiek county to take up farming near Ridgeway.

They retired In 1910, sinr-e which time they have lived In Ridgeway. Surviving Mrs. Wemark are her husband and two children. Mrs, Evelyn Lomen, Northfield, and Oscar E. Wemark.

of Decorah. She is also survived by one brother, Albert Alfson, DcLamere, Minn. et al. INSTALLED AT ROCKFORD were granted in district court Saturday, the plaintiffs being the wives of two brothers: Pearl Randall from Paige. R.

B. Tripp. M. L. Llzer Keith Kline, Charles (Courtrr Strviret Charles City.

Ia. With the installation of new boy aeout troop at Norton and i Rollin A. Randall, and Marjorie i Randall from Harry Randall. Two-Day Regional Session at Dysart Evangelical Church Raymond Hackctt. To Convalescent Home.

Nina Welnand.s, who has been a asked for the decree on the Rockford last week, the East district grounds of cruel and inhuman treat- of the North Iowa area boasts one menl. Both had one minor child i trooD at R0ckford. one in Nora and the plaintiffs were Riven the Sprngs. three in Charles City, one cuMody of the children. Both htu Sea Scout ship in Charles City and frrrKoi.rrirf patient in University hospital, Iowa Dysart, Ia.

The Northeast Iowa cy for verti weeks receiving Regional conference of the treatment foT nervous disorder, cal Peace Reformed church will be was bv Rmbutenr(. Sunday to conducted In the Dysart Evangelical A11n Memorial convalescent home. Butler Co. Ballots Are Being Prepared bands were granted the privilege of visiting his child at reasonable times. The couples separated in January.

1936. The only variatlrn vu that the former couple was mauled Jan. church Tuesday and Wednesday. Waterloo. Dr Kltck, president of the synod Move to Acreage.

i Mr. and Mrs M. G. Osihelmer will and the latier on Feb. 2.

9. 1918. 1931. move to an acreage on Black Hawk read in Waterloo the first of the one cub pack. i The district launches the fall round-up with large and stronger groups than in any previous year.

WAYNE F. KEMMLRER TO PRACTICE LAW AT DOWS Parkersburg, Ia. Special) Wayne F. Kemmerer, formerly of Parkersburg. has opened a law office Dows, where he and Mrs.

Kemmerer have moved. He formerly practiced law at Mason City. frT mm of North America, and Rev. J. J.

Allison, Ia. The Butler county au-BlaUPri executive secretary of home ditor's office Is busy preparing copy missions, will be the rrincipal speak-for the general election ballots. Bal- Rcv RaI Hungcr, IoCB. lots will be printed and delivered In to announr.s. ample time to take care of those de-1 aJr.nt;I!:"' rural teachers in week The W.

Ingels family will BUTLER COUNTY CETS ITS SUPPLY OF 1937 AUTOMOBILE PLATES HJ IJliir; MUUIUin I'll l-il occupy the Mrs. N. L. Paige place vacated by the Othelmers. To Leave f'lly.

Mr. and Mrs. William Thurston, who sold their farm to Irvin Wol-bcr Osdcn. will move to Waterloo to lake charge of the apart- MANCHESTER MEET billots this jesr. RAH! RAH! RAH! Xo roll lradrr i nrrdrfl 1 work ii for tlipse BIG OAMK "BtTaS" in the ii'pd car rolumti.i! Hundreds of rrhuilt nsod rars that ran 'Hake it" this winter, that will save von monev on rppair hills and insure vou against p.xpensive afcidenf (Jet a better car and on the fifty-yard line, not fifty yards from a parage with the old wreek.

Trade or buv now! (Cnitnel tce Allison. Ia The new license plate for 1937 have arrived at the office of (('furrier Sp'rtnl tr1ttet Manchester. Ia. Forty-five rural MRS. OTTO RIECKMANN DEAD AT PIERSON.

ESTATE TO DAIGHTERS. Independence. Ia. (Special The ment house at 706 Wellington street, the Butler county treasurer. The ship- teachers of Delaware county Satur FUNERAL IS WrTDNFriAY I day attended meeting at the Man- after thv have their sale and give ment included 4.850 sets of car plates will rf Mrs.

Mary A. Dennie, mho and nn sen of truck plates rtc at Winthrrn Sept. 28. waa rnesier man scnooi nuiiaing oesignen swieum isi rmirr i (Courier fpermi s.n i'ei primarily lor inexperienced and new. nurinne rimhen.

Greene, Ia. Mrs. Otto Rierkmann. teachers in this county, of which Billy lee. 10-year-old sni of Mr 1, died Sunday aftrnoon at her there are 27.

Experienced Instruc- and Mrs Roy Lee. Iractured hi Home at Pierson. of carrinomt. tors were invited, who swelled the left collarbone while playing football 'he had been ill since Aug. 1 She attendance to forty-five.

Saturday, -rmerly was Hedwig Btsrhoff. Instruction was given bv Miss Loula Auxiliary Tlie numb-r of 19.16 license plates fii probate with the clerk of issued up to October 3 was 4 964 for the district court her on SatuT-cars and 625 for trucks dav She leaves her entire estate During the same period last rear to her two daughters. Mrs. Florence 4.739 car licenses were issued and 560 Knowles, Jpsup, and Mrs. Maud truck licenses.

l. Reinhold. of Winthrop. The two Net year's plates ill have a deep sisters are to be evecutrices of the blue background mith mhlte numeraLs estate. Mrs.

Charles Loveless entertained the American Leelon auxiliary at a kenslnglon Monday. Her brother, Rev. Edward A. Bis- Grippcn. Drs Moines, representative ''ioff, pastor of St.

Peter's Lutheran of the A. N. Palmer company: and lurch it Greene, was called to Dr. L. Ritter of Iowa State Teach- and will go on sale Dec.

1. RELEASED FROM HOSPITAL. Charles City. Ia (Special) Har- HAS HEART TROt'BLE frson last Thursday, and Mrs. Bis- ers college.

Cedar Falls. -t ho'f had been there for several days. A general meeting on methods and i ai'lll lUlldl1fJ Dysart. Ia. (Special) Mrs.

M. S. ry Bfine, mho ha been in Cedar sunmng oesmes ner nusDana are plans for the improvement of Uistruc- Thru 1 .11 A Rames ffrrinr for ome time from v.n. wmt.i for I III II i 1 1 I I I I I 1 I I 1 ires children, Wilma and Ruth, at tion In Delamare county Is being heart trouble, is seriously ill. with no treatment for three fractures of the pome; a iter, Mrs.

George Land-! planned for Friday, Oct. 31, at hich 1 (Cnurirr finmnl I onrvarnt rhflnoa frtr it Stf.r TT.r right arm, was dismissed Saturday Beine mas Injured when the arm m-as caught in a pulley of a m-ell areoe, wisnei, H. ana ine orotner all oi tne rural leacnera in ueiaware i Rlf.evine, cattle barn is daughter Mrs Huddleston county, numbering some 250. will bem, constructed on the Lewis As. Boone.

Is mith her. riinerju rrKra i P- m. panifipwe. fahl farm. w.vt of here.

juius Boll has been sepously 111 1 drill Wednesday at Rock Branch Salem i Plans are brine made to erect a i a. eras omir -k- s. ehurch near Correct ionville, Rey ASSIMES PASTORATE. Charles City. Ia.

(Special) Rev. i I i oarn ine Le- ne Button farm the la-st two weeks. Aurora, la. iSpeciali Harold replace the one destroyed bv Are: Meyer In rharre Werner E.fscho.f. student at Liitner Hoaglan, farmer residing south of month.

Buttrn has built and rhooi. Decorah, Irene here, wived eret and shoulder filled a portable silo to replace the nd Irrra CWene. and Rev. ir.firis h-n th" dttiv he wss rid- one de; ane which bed lu si-el Vr Mfrr Krrplcn, Tripcii, mil! riz rhre-v htm, then snimbird and Wn ctmpletrd dtv befoe the 'J ntr. fell on him.

fiif. IMTIENT IN HOSPITAL. I George Vouga and wife arrived here Dvsart. Is -iSnecia!) Fred Ir Saturday from Paw Paw. 111.

where w5 taken 5s' Franrla hospital, on S'indar Rev. Votiga took up ht W-erTort, for and treat- as paster it th Fir-t BapiW men. i churf h..

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