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Choctaw Herald from Butler, Alabama • 1

Choctaw Heraldi
Butler, Alabama
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

NO. August 'gS Toe result of yesterday's Tile Flpf4 la Teu- WHilTiS INTRLLEOT ASSERTfeD BOALAWAiO- GEIIY TRAM PIED tTNDER P00T. Memphis Appeal, August THB RKBtJlT THE VICTORY. Dur'n ho editorial career of over thirtv we nevet panned nod editorial with more pleasure than we feel in nastily nri ting this article, onnounoing our, grand and elorious victory vesierday. the triurnDh is.

unprecedeDted, nd we congratulate the nlioie country on tns result. Tne mnjon-ty is not more unexpected than Nearjy all business was suspended, and from the opening of the polls to the close, a meroile, unrelenting ana continuous stream of while citizens poured in their votes frir the Bartlett ticket. The- radicals' were not prepared for In the morning they were jubilant, defiant and sanguine of success nut in a snort time tney saw tne white people bUy at work and voting with a determination to defeat tht Rudical-ne- pro ticket, unci by noon the cirtimpioos of in 'xh! boIioiiIo and social equality, plainly saw that they would nverwlnlmed. The mj rity the white ticket, ttie l)6m-ooialSHnd Const-tvuttves, is surnrtfinglv neytind th St anguine expectatnins. The PMilt hasenfoio IfrBoa the "Ap peal'1 has so constantly impressed during the entire cnvnEB tbat good and respon nihle citizens of Memphis and of Shelby county can always and easily defeat the nes urotss and tbetr carpet-bag masters tbat warm about the polls on election day, if tbey will take tbe trouble to do ao.

Hun dreds of men undoubtedly voted yester day tbat have long habitually neglected tbut duty. Tbe success tbat has crowned their effort ought to encourage them to preserve in welldoing in future elections. Every tax payer ought to know by tbis time tbat it is Ms own vote that be must look to for protection of his rights and property. He oannot safely trust anybody else to do bis voting. Let every citizen who feels re joiced at the result of yeaferday'a voting carry this lesson with mm the rest of bis 1MB.

mjuHi una pxhci jutiiCB nil umiuu al ties and races: civil and religious free- do i oppwition to negro supremacy the Civt Kuhtu hill, m'Xd schools and ooial equality, wen Uih devices inscribed on tbe hntiiieis under Vvhicb otu embattled hosts rin ed bat le an to victory, Ti-e fiiii v. ittfe a- Wi wi ID- Al) bUBineaenirusted to liim Will re c'e'lv'e' prompt attention, JBMRCHQOTAW COUNTY ALA TTTu.L,. practise all the Courts ol the adjoining Counties', and Mthe'Hupremewonit ol Alasamb. S3" Prompt atleptiou given to all hum SrJ.HUP'S 169. 34-lv T.

Pbwck, Mii Sterling; Ubi Bntto Taylor Prince, ATTORNEYS -AND COUNSELLORS At lAW: GHOQTAW- COUNTY ALA. WILL practice in all the courts of Choc and Washington counties Jit.tH 5th, 'W 'Resident Physician, JBladott 8MnrB, Alabama, Wootp most respeotfully inform the citizens of Bladon Springs and vicinity "that l'arn now prepared to serve them at all hqiira, eiihrr by day or night, When bo profeAsionMy I will he found at my residence, near the store of MeRr Turner as hon. 3t THUS. COBB" Llfingflton, Al JNO M.T lllltlM Atbmevs And OounRellorn Laic, ST WILL ft notice in the ircH. Pro bale -and.

Clmitcpry Court-- nf (linr.tiif County 3 J. AlTHB, will rtldO nltPi td nirs insinfe in the t'ourts of Cojinfyi jnV9 i' i i -'ft J. G. (SWiiii Sons. nriporlera'add Dealers in Foreign, I' luertxe Hardware.

Gtitttry Irdn, Nails Steel and Farniiiig linptemtnis, JqrnprSt. -h i i 'i Mobile, At, tcxma. AGENTS FOR Mobile Barrel AND jBtJCEKT FACT011Y J. C.Gwin. G.

B. GwtN. II Gwin StpU mter gffth, 1 1 87'2, 3d fli. 1 is -Mt -Sterling, Ala, ffavltag Aasfioiatr-d, ffer ihfir ee ic-W4lheciIi2Piis6f tthoclaw County, In vntitm brnclip8 of Mgaiclueand Sur- OPFICE. MT.STERLiVd ALt J4 -lfi7A' 6 1 -am MTlIMEHEft "Eeildent Physician.

Bladon Smngs Ala OfiiCS, (next door to Willie L'otinsf's) oh Uf Number 31. people, aa-far as can be learned, Itb.eve' was no: other cause foe than a determination on part of the lie groes, innuenceoiAQ aouus uu nuiw men, to claim and rights and seizs ptbpertv to wUioli they' npj entitled. Fortunately. tUeVfWhites, whonS1 these amiable blaok people desired by a concerted iwivemenMo, wind of the affair and. by promptly bandirg'.

to getuer ana snowing' nipped the insurrootiottip the bud aftaj'sai-ved a vast amount of blood-shed. Strange to say $tr State lVtfay so prompt togo.ptoJcopTrulsipns over any-' violent demonstrations' toward Radicals, whether white orblacjbas.been aingul ly Bilent, concerning this aiSair whioh involved a whfile.qomrxi.uuty1and p6rhpB a State, LatertidvSceiardtd the effecf'that thtt" ring leaders in this affair, have been arrea ted and are now in iail. But for'a diaoov" ery of the plot, many, white famijies would have been butchered of night. Mbbtgomeiy AdjiertiiaK Memphis, Aug. 11.

A special to the Appeal' from Helena" Arkansas received at a. m. saya At eleven o'clock last night three ladies" and two gentlemen arrived bere'-ffdiii Austin in a skiff and report considerable fight-' ing late yesterday evening, ine comman der of the post whose jnainewe did- not1'" learn, dispatched a scout of 25 men on the road to Cold Water Station on the Mississippi and Tennessee Railroad, and captured a picket of negroes who were stationed about two miles from town and brought them in aa prisoners and disarmed them. Ooe of them, as they were being'- put into the Court House tried to make his escape, when he was fired upon and killed, and in the melee which ensued' another negro was wounded but not fatal- lv. the' even log it larger body1of negroes advanced -from the south, aU laoted the town, driving in the white skirmishers to the Couri-Hquse, where the iuain body of whites wera stationed.

A charge was mads by tbo whites, and the negroes were repulsed with the loss of several killed nod wounded, Fighting was going on when our informants Lsfr and tbey were fired upoo as they crossed' over to Ship Island. A second dispatch from Helena says Maior Horn Chalmers, of Hernando, has jtiBt arrived here, for the purpose ofchsr wring a ooat to tase men to tue asamiouto of the whites in Austin. He says a courier frotn Mayor Woodson, of Austin, reached Hernando at daylight, stating that the town was surrounded by about i.oocr" negroes, and asking for help, About. SfJd men from Hernando and vicinity, will bs4 hero at 2 o'clock, and in company with volunteers from this cStr Will stiff iat 4(- o'clock for Austin, Dr. Smith, who is tbe unfortunate cause of the trouble there, rwoned hers lut nieht.

ome three weeks since lie WH" nttnded in the streets ofAustin by a negro, -and drawing buj pistol fired on the negro, -but missed him arid killed: littls negro-girl standing by, which, ezaspsrattrd th negroes to such an extent that tbey col- lected mob and toot uu mitn tna -woods to bane hinr. which they would have done hut for the entreaties of Mayor Woodson and Dr. Smith's wire. Since that time Dr. Smith has testr a' voluntary inmate) of the jail, to prevent biV ingmoUsdjiinlit friends came and carried hinr td HsatoU on learning Which lbs negroes oolleot! 'itf large nqnioejs, ana nonuou ui mnjer piif unlesn be was brooght back jail thy would burn the town.

fiT Sixteen years igo, a Horth hw Una father, who knew the virtue of th thrasbed his big boy and sent him hoe corh. The first seen of hfm ehxwr was -last week, when fi rsturfiljd ffdai Osli-i foroia with $50,600 on his hoe, WhW yon sesdi boy oat to bit Dorn, iihirttft "lick" him first. frir The While man naitf Ss'tfrwrif itfe in favor with' the press of MissisliptKr The leading papers of that Slate iff dfo eating St. jfHT The Courier Joutaal ts that ''ankls scene" and obtwhat tmk'j Ubtistian painter uenry wara ami Elisabeth, seated on the floor lMitig sora eegravingsjBil Thsott iUndi'in' dim dislanoe, cohtemplatifig tbs 1 epecMoItf with iamotion too- aiseb- for benealKtha: folds of hw akiUP) AWJM odors ftsels within his very soal tbat-Hsans ought, if not wnoM imptaoiiosors sm-. stbamtd of himself.

WHOLE 8SI new soheme, No politioinn can keep his place, with the party who shows any opn- eideiable indisposition to stand' with if on a strict aiigbtment to its principles. The Dem'ecValio party will go into the PreBi- dontial.eleotion tinder its own nag, upon its o.wq, and under its most, latthtul renreBentaiives. if an lJemocrat or nrom. inece attaches' himself to any third party or third term movement, he will find" himself brokeb entirely from- any Democratic con )ituency. 1 hat, act signs bB rlaath-u arrant.

The serious: and. determined temper of ir II a iA Si JLl tne uetnoorum auuuau 10 juoi me uieu-tal condition of tbe old party that we have long looked for, and 'believed when, it should come, would be the Bigo and por tent ot a victory to sweep an oppoeuion before it. We siippose tbat the tical as well as the -reiUctant to believe that would. come again, niust have tbeir doubts spasen oy uninterrupted, tide of cheering Oemocratic news that Bwoens from every field on whiob Democrats are giving battle to the foer of Free Trade, Hard Money and Home Rule We think that Thb Register may, with out overstepping, the modesty of lbs occa sion, felicitate itself upon tie accuracy of its judgment and tbe truth of its political instincts forecasting the iurn and ulti mate outcome of public agoirs id this country. It clear, indeed, that the convictions that preserved' so loog, and under circumstanciea ao adverse to their apparent realization, must have been strong? firm.

Tbey were maintained1 upon what seemed to us an impregnable hypothesis. This government began to fall into corrup tion and decay from tbe moment tbat tbe principles and statesmen of the Damoarat-ic party were expelled from its counoilea. It went from bad to worse until the ruin of American institutions finally stared tbe people in the face Tbe experimeut of the' enti-Democratio policy of administration was complete, for it extended over three Presidential terms of office. The cause of decay being obvious, tbe remedy was plain. It was to retrace the Bteps tbat led to the downward career, Either the constitu tional policy of the Democrats had to be restored', or tbe fiee principles of the United States would be lost in the establish ment of a government of one man power, Under no matter what name of Empire, Monarchy, or Military Dictatorship.

Which was the most likely! We found answer to this question in tur abiding faith in the instinctive and educated Jove of tbe American people for liberty. The Gov eminent and office-holders bad become alone thoroughly corrupt. Men nearest to ilm m.uc,nm,.nl imnnlfio. infahui. And eitenjpsallon.

had tost' their traditional love .1 I CI ii oeriy, ano tnesa are tne men wno to I 11.L..J i uui wusiuuie mo mnu iorm jiurvyj no a'eii to empire, out they are but s'ep to empire. But tbey are I fraction ol the great mass of tbe people. j'fbo latter has stood firm, a solidarity of freedom, tio doubt confused, sometimes h.d nn 3 'osing heart, but always hoping and esi ved that wtenevei any great cap tain party were found once again to tit etntidard Of free govprnmeDt, they ul in i under it and strike for tbe pure sjsteiu I lbs rial bert, in snort, we oe liev fr the first beginning the people would infallibly choose as between tbe re. public and the empire, the first, by overpowering numbers, To tbis belief we pinned our faith, and the result is that to-day The Register can look abroad over the country and boneitly Bay that its politics are the politics on which the people are forming in order of political battle to fight and wio the second declaration ol Amen maepeoaenca, auu io mupw. tinri mat a i-nnii nArpfi unfi mntecfatferj 10 freedom bj? our brave old ancestors'.

Mo. bile Register. Keep Books. Every planter ought to keep a correct eel of books, sot only for future reference, oat to guard himself sgsinst the mistakes and likely to result from a trust to memory. We know that, under ordinary circumstances, it causes quite an extra amount of labor to fall upon his bands, and We are happy to state for bis information, that we have just seen' a s.t of blank books published by Messrs, Walker, Evans Cogswill, Charleston, n.

that would reduce the labor at least three-foUrths. Ooe Is for cotton picking and the olhef for cottdb shipping, and we sintn of our nlnir as desire to be svstero- Hiica -ir ful in iheit husihessto Send at i i I tfmii books. Ex. Following Bad Xcafchcrs, For several days last week -tbere- was intense excitement its Clark oojinfy his State, growing out of threats, snd at Wei ofgtoizationofnegrdes against the' white 19, 1874 election forever nxeB the politicals Btatus of Shelby county. It makes her anti Badioa) and bitterly opppsed to negro supremacy, It has paralyzed, the plunderers.

It has saved os from tbe cor-? ruptionists and tbetr schemes of reckless jobery. 'And, encouraged by tbis success, by tbta union of the wnitee; who, have struck bands for a common interest, the voters will know bow to complete, in the future, tbe work so bappily begun, OCT We publish below tea article 'copied from tbe Mobile Watclmam of the ablest Radical organs in the Stale. shows wiiBt.kjndiOf prinoip less jare advocated by the free negro There can be no dodging the term iue made in tbis arti cle and this of itsel is enough to unite the entire white vote of tbe State againat thing tinctured with EadicaliBm.4 Read what Philip Joseph, the the Watch man has to say on Civil Righis 1 tie passage ot tne Uivu Kiguts bill is clearly a most important political Repub lican rneisun-, fndorsed by tbe Kepubltcaus throughout country, and only opposed in Mobile by the Democrats and so-called KepubhoatiS who baVe obtained place and position under false pretences. These men seek to, prevent the exposure of tbeir "clo ven feet and having tbe mask of decep tion torn from their faces to be viewed alike by both parties. 1 be Democrats oppose the Civil Rights bill out and out, and all who favors its be coming a taw, and niae not tnoir faces in opposition or apoligize for what they are doing, but boldly tells us that this is a White man country and tbat white men shall govern it.

There is no deception about their opposition to the Civil Rights bill and the negro no dodging, no cringing, fooling, no trifling, no courting or flattery, but in the open light of benveq'e any, declare against Kepublicap rule -m any form tbat you can present it, even with or without the Civil Rights bill Tbe Republicans in national council have proposed the Civil Rights bill and declared it a parly measure. The Republican Sen ate ot the United states nave passed it, and it now tn the Mouse of Kepresenla ttves for action. Tbe Republican press of the coui'try endorse and support it. Re ci'nt State conventions have endorsed it anil gave it tbeir support The colored people of Alabama endorsed if, and it is to all intents and purposes ft patty measure And bsing such, bow can me" claim to be Republicans and OppOJfl the bill a law There cannot be any dodging I' nnufttlrin IT Taiti, il n.ti n.r. n.i mi iv lcat, i if nil t.ri no It vim urn IV 7 V.

w. uU0Wj IVoirgc TJaan a Jit Rd e- i v.n'tn "'n5t tn.d- U. 9. Juiiae BusrEsn im Jug Q-m and A Hornet wAhDNert, all of lltfm candidntfs 'ff'gni inn al the hands of the negr rt, li- Hayneviile Examiner sais of d. pai-cli He noi only endorsed tbe civil rights hill, but he defended and advocated it.

lie gave resfion why llif whites were, opposed to the bill. He said (hb lawyers didn't like it because negroes Would' get td the bar, and get all the fees. He said that the reason inJuf the white men didrit it, xetvungnts was oecausewy jAoiiffAt and Sam Meadows among several others egioes. We have made studied inquiry into tbe matter, nod the above the Iea9t ofien.ivS version of tbe expfession Smith used, Ode or two Radical politicians about Hayneviile are beginning to deny tbat be said it, but the information comes from so many that it is fully beleived. Democratic Tmth stiid Conragc to Suve tho Country.

Democrat," of Louis Ville, Kentucky, after making an analysis ofj th" material that gne to make up th tn" talk, iik lh qtieii 'tn t. il iu i suvc-- iio reuij uuuiitMid ill u.o. at are worth? of r. flection. and nw how well the Usmecrat nariy has learned the lesson taught bv its dire experience in ihp domain of xeiiineiital polities, "new depirtiires," policy dodges, etc.

etc, The "Democrat" says i We think hot, The temper of the Dem. ocrateasa mass is very determined just now. Theytditilhe liuUor try anyj in. to i wh'( fuicid upon thein 1'Iiey met the is-jttmtpi cly nidttiatity. To the ever faith fill r.lo'fd utile Whr- volled with the Wlltl.g fiibi giv incni t'inpit nicni, 81(1 hii.o it wIk'iii thy havH bem raised, all honor riu-.

In p-rdotis contest tliu wt-efi in amiil contumely and nmtilt Too inn oh cantio be said in th ill their praise. to tnern' er hi iicfeiU'Wlcdgdi that much 1 of the glory of jestetday's ho- IoricfS to llii GerniMn-. 1 bei vo re. t.d and lit-nvy. whs dfoftifid, aim si pot'il, Ilm whin- man'i.

ft ke t. i-ks tierman ivlli.w it'Zsns Tbu vt fli- Hl.llOH Httll 111!" till Mi-dclil, IS 't Vii -vt of tli Ha Uhi' t- miii it 1 1 i 1 1 ft ding tl-d t-uef t.its i oni. --d tl emm-iva ai i tu or pei.ple. or pi-nplf, Tb av- kiolmih melntiirrd GeOtrnt i in 'ffmi np.KKtii in wot, and bave (Hard- tii '-ur 'im of peso the i. cent denunciation nr -y HhiIj iu.

Lewis. We arc jprdud tu r.cogr iz the fuppi.rt ol our He-bipwci 'z-ri-t es. rig from tbe clotchf-s Radicals the destin'ea Of Ihr count, Tb- Itsb cnntnbu'pd much tf.uard placing th biinnert which tUM in friurnph from thailpamdeterif negro Mould be allowed to vi a'tlemta vnnaoi bed RdiCfdism marry im or three teHle usomm. Oar -i- Msefrf itrt r.Ai.i 3 th 7 4; ylstsr.lay proclvms ity fiiflbis is Jr. W.

J. Garrett, ttat Kt- Irish frremf-il who c.iinjt be 'earn hi any pocket The wb Sold out tbe enerri? failed to jciiry nhytliir-g their own sgrac with 'tliem. il hoiior to u.e Iri-h. Well and biatMt iid in stand dj the own tace. They need no better eologt than their data.

The la of the Italians yesterday was pure a their own skies. Our people feel rj additional interest in this classic naiuraiizedllailafii make such useful and reliable citizens. Tbef Know the purify of thei. hifto'icit ract.aiid recoil at tlieide of in rtd8 fqu -tiy. In a wor i men 0 a i it il yte di' med thetr toi ij ul, ihrf n.v in it iii-iit nt.

tu Hie tie it tf-t couu Tii tn, it in ml in ni i.r ffli.r.t II Hi ur-s tiOu we tr tbf wJl ii-v- bavf causS setiafaf ffotrj tC6s with Irotb tbm vtsiwdaif. 't lie alianbe' made iv ths white SMhi is fbf 1 no hie, purpose, and it will tell in the future history of the cOnntyand ifl thb luiura history and prospstity or uempnie.

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