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Times Herald from Olean, New York • Page 14

Times Heraldi
Olean, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE OLEAN EVENING SATURDAY, JULY 13, .1929. By Dan and Don SEEING STARS MORE CLASSIFIED Real Estate For Sale For Site 12780--Buys nearly now 8 room on uo loin. down. JO.W a In othancc. Inquire 813 Main 8U BEST.

BUY IN ALLECANY--Cood homo. 7 rooms, three bedroonu, bath, forego, concrete tfllnr. Lot 60x190. Pure water, good Small payment down. Unlnnce like rent.

Phono 5. Call 43 3rd Street, Allegany. N. Y. PROPERTIES THAT MAY BE TEASED ITH CI PH -or NORTH SEVENTEENTH room modern dwelling with all conveniences Including furnace and garage, lot 4CX105, prlco J5.000.

NORTH NINTH room dwel Ting with furnnce and garage, large, lotr "ry desirable tor mechanic to work on cars at spare times, price J4.000. INTERESTED TO HEAR FROM niOSE WHO HAVE FARMS TO SELL IN -THIS VICINITY. THE OLEAN REAL ESTATE COMPANY Ill WEST STATE ST. PROPERTY- CLOSE IN--Idea! neighborhood 16500. 6 rooms and bath, nil newly decorated.

Can arrange easy terms. J5200--Bulfnlo S. 7 rooms and bath, modern Improvements, large lot 40x200 Very conveniently located to all Industries. Let us show you this property. $2500 ISCHUA.

N. room house, uplendld condition, 114 acres of land. PRACTICALLY NEW HOME--Close to Henley, oak floors and trim on ift floor, white enamel nnd mahogany on 2nd floor, sun parlor, car garage, beautiful shrubbery, baie- ment under entire house, laundry trays. Torrid Zone Furnace. This Is an Ideal home In splendid location us show you so you too can appreciate It.

COTTAGE AT CUBA LAKE--Large living room. 4 bedrooms, dining room and kitchen, enoloscd screen porch. 2 car garage. ONE OF THE HEST COTTAGES--On the like. 2 car garagi-, beautiful shrubbery, boats.

Must be seen to bo appreciated. HANNIFAN AGENCY PHONE 6531-6357 PROSPECT 431-- SIX ROOM HOUSE--In. good state of repair. Shrubbery and small fruits. Poultry houso and park.

Also 6 acres of garden that may bo bought In addition. Must sell at once. Deal direct with tho owner. F. B.

EASTMAN PROPECT AVE. PHONE 4773 SULLIVAN room house with hath, fireplace, full basement, stone foundation, Georgia plno floors and trim, sliinglo roof, garage. 45 ft. lot. Very good location.

Price and terms reasonable. 4 snlendld lots. 2 on Sulltxan St. 2 on N. Sth.

St. Priced right, with good terms. SPINDLER BROS. INC. 601-05 EXCHANGE BANK PHONB 7110 OLEAN, N.Y.

Auctions--Legal 01 I.cga] Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS PURSUANT to an order of Hon. Albert A. nlrd. Surrogate of Cattaraugus County, notice la hereby gUrn to all personi Imlng claims against the estate of Albert H. Conlcy.

late of the City of-Glean. Cattnrnugus County. New York. derea pd. that they are ro- qulred to present the same.

wllh proper vouchers, to tho undersigned, Olean Trust Company of Olean. N. executor of tho estate of slid deceased, nt Its offlco In the City of ulean, N. on or bcforo tho 20th day of Jlllv. 1929.

Ditcd: January 1929. OLEAN TRUST COMPANY OF N. Y. Executor.

Hastings. Hornhurg Andrews, Attorncvs for Executor. Clean. N. Y.

FORECLOSURE SALE SUPREME COURT: County of Cnttnruipii 1 Ward M. Hopkins. PlalntlfMs-Elintjoth Terrell. Individually nnd ns solo executrix of tho Ln't WIM nnd Testament of Fred J. Terrctt.

Eugene Brenncman, Georgia Y. Brenneman and tho Olean Trust Company, In pupunnce of a judgment of foreclosure and sale duly granted by this Court and entered in Cattiraugus County offlco on tho 12th day of June 1929. tho undersigned rci- rree. duly appointed In thh section for such purpose bv an order of this Court dated Juno 10th, 1929. will poso for sale sell at public auction to tho highest bidder therefor nt the Poit Office located In Hlnsdnli-.

New Yoric on tho 26th dav of July 3129 at ten o'clock A. M. of that day real eslato nnd mortgaged premises directed In and hv sa'd judgment to bo sold, ond therein described as follows: All thit Tract or Parcel of Land, situate In the Town of HInsdale. Countv of Cittarnugus and State of New York, being part of Lot 13, Section 4. 3, in tho 4th range, of tho Holland Land Company'n survey, bounded at follows: Commenc Ing at the northeast corner of said lot 33: running thonro south along the cast bounds of said lot, 4S SS-100 rods: thenco west on lino inrallel to tho north hounds of said lot 16'4 rods: thence north on line parallel to tho mentioned boundary 48 SS-100 roils to the north bounds of said lot: thence out along north bounds Df said lot 16 1 rods to tho point or place of beginning.

ALSO All that Tract or Parcel Iand. situate. In tho Town Df Hlnsdalc. Countv of Cattaraugus and State of New York, being part of lot- IS In section 4. township J.

range of the Holland Land Company's eurvev. bounded as follows: Commencing on the east lino of lot 13 at a point 9 chains 17 llnki south from the northeast corner of lot 1.1: thenco south lt'1 degrees cast, 13 48-100 rodr; thcnro west on a lino parallel to.tho north hounds of said lot 12 to the MSI line, tit said lot 13: thence north on the east line of lot 13, 12 48-100 rods to the point or place of beginning. Walter N. Renwlck. Referee.

Harry B. Keller. Attorney Plaintiff, Cubs. N. Y.

TilFI nr.VT wnv to In touch with neliml mines- of any Unit In Olean to dg uUrly. Chit RUTH ELDER IS BOUND FOR STARDOM IF SHE CAN JUST WIN AIR RACE QOING PLACES AND SEEING THINGS Ruth Elder BY DAN THOMAS KEA Service Writer Hollywood, July was just getting her st.irt toward cinema fame when tho talkies came along and upset not only her plans but those of all cclluloidia. So now Ruth ider is starting all over again. However, Ruth can't really turn her attention to the cameras and microphones until after the women's nir race from Los to Cleveland in connection with the National Air Races, to be held in the Ohio city the" last week In August. The young flyer, who burst into headlines the world over for her famous nnd nearly successful hop across the Atlantic, has her heart set on winning the coming cross- country race.

Consequently she has not time for the movies at present, as she is making dally practice flights to put her in perfect condition for the coming contest. If she wins, she will be able to pick her own studio and name her own salary, as every producer in the bniness will be following her around with contracts. Cut even 1C she doesn't win, she will start work immediately after her return from the eastern city. She recently took talking tests at two of the major studios, both of which were so successful that they brought offers of contracts. However, Ruth isn't signing any contracts now.

She has a few more brains than most of the beauties who inhabit this colony XOTICI: TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given tha't scaled proposals i be received by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Franklinvllle, N. until 2 o'clock 1'. eastern standard time, on the 27th day of July, 1920, for the construction of ad. i a treatment works to the a i sewage disposal plant. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of the village clerk, upon making a de- post of $10.00.

said deposit will be refunded If plans and (specifications are returned to the village clerk in good order at the time for i i proposals. A certified check, made payable to order of the Board of Trtis. tees, Franklinvllle, N. to the amount of $500.00 must be deposited by each bidder and accompany his hid as a guarantee that In case tho contract Is awarded to him. he will, within ten days thereafter, execute such contract and i his bond.

Tho Board hereby reserves and 1m the right to reject any or all bids or to accept the one that in its judgment will be for the best Interests of the Village. JAMES NAPIER, Village Mayor G. R. BABBITT. Village Clerk.

G. R. MILES. Engineer. --adv.

Classified Display 61 alacmnery and MILL SUPPLIES Pumping Powers nnd Jacks. Gas Boiler Regulators Shafting, Pulleys and Belting, Pipe, Valves and Fll- tings. Boiler Flues and Smokestacks, Bar Iron and Struc-' tural Steel. MACHINE WORK. LUTHER MFG.

CLEAN, NEW VOHK and she realizes these producers as well as others will talk In much larger figures. And if she isn't the first one to put her plane into the Cleveland airporl, she slill will be just as much in demand as she It at the present time. Miss Elder has cveyrthing lhat Is necessary to combat the combined force of Ihe fickle camera and Ihe even more fickle personality acling ability and, as was proven in recent lesls, a good voice. The one thing about her thai Ihis wrller can't understand is why Paramount didn't tie her up to a long term conlract nfler she finished "Moran of Ihe Marines" with Richard Dix. She wasn't given an opporttmily lo prove her abilily in that film, having been signed largely because of her renown as an aviatrix.

But she did take advantage of every chance which came her way. people think that the fame Ruth gained by her Atlanliu flight has made her the figure she now is in cinema circles. On the contrary, thai fame has been more of a handicap than an aid. With the shorlsighlcdness for which Ihey are famed, producers have been unable lo vision her in anything bul flying roles. Unlil re- cenlly when she was called by Iwo sludios lo make lests for non- flying roles, none of them ever gave a Ihought to the fact that she might be able to do something beside pilot an airplane.

O'NEILL'S WIFE GETS JJIVORCE N'EA San Francisco Bureau Above is a new picture of Mrs. Eugene O'Xeill, who recenlly ob. lalned a divorce at Reno from her playwright husband, Eugene O'Neill. Hollywood, July cinema Is a glamorous bait; dangled before the cycs.o/ the multitude as a medium for attracting crowds for every conceivable form of commercial x- plollallon. a estate firm opened a tract in one of tho nearby suburbs of Los Angeles.

It so happened that a defunct concern of pre-talhie era had a studio in the neighborhood of the really enterprise. It was'adverllscd prospective lot purchasers would not only be given free transportallon lo Ihe silc, and a picnic lo T)oot iut would be shown about a real, honest-to-goodness film studio. It was Ihls laller'promise lhat brought a small mob out on a certain recent Sunday. To be sure, there was nothing going on In Ihe sludio and hadn't been for weeks. Nevertheless, a vast number of persons were thrilled by the mcVe.

prospect of treading' lhat holy ground upon which films have been made. Even in most racketeering moments, Broadway never attempted anything like lhal. Yet, such is human nalurc, everyone seemed conlent, 1 am told, to glimpse the barren magic land in which bathing beauties had once cavorled. I have no doubt but that many lols were sold on Ihe prospect that one day Ihe sludio would again come lo life. Or again--Ihere are three or four restauranls which have made Ihcir owners rich and, lo some cxlenl, famous -because piclure stars appear there at various times.

Crowds will lilerally bal- Ue for seals in order lo see Clara Bow gargle her soup. Even a mere cxlra has her momerft. For extras are frcqticnlly young and beauliful--in fact, more frequently than not. A few years ago, the father of one of the most popular and hoydenish young film players decided lhat he would cash in on Ihls public curiosily concerning screen players. He opened an eallng place nnd his charming daughler went Ihcrc dally.

When It was noised around lhat she dined there, Immediately rushed tho place. Of course, it became immensely popular almost overnight. But the film concern which retained this particular bright and shining light decided thiit it was unbecoming her stalus In the film- light to be engaged in such an outside side-line. A few months ago representatives approached Hi'- father and urged 'him to clos' They also urged the star to at the "bigger and beller" places. Finally Ihe paler was induced to sell out, and--so I am told--waa put on the film company's payroll at $250 a week so long as he stayed out of the cafe business.

Now he nolhlng lo do but sit back and draw this very excellent salary. The while, his daughter Is seen where It Is important that she should be seen. But pleaseyjon't' ask me to make any sense out of all of this. Or again--a certain manager of a certain famous comic, having come to a parting of Ihe business ways, opened a museum, wherein were reproduced a great numbci of screen sels Not the least in tcrcsting a lure of his dis play a series of set ups so they lell me of "Irick" slage." whereon i revealed Ihe va i melhodi of trick otographers All were in min- ialure, but were exact reproductions of certain originals. He charged modest and, for many a month, did a very tidy business.

Most of his customers were tourisls who had itched to know what the films were all about. Most of Ihem found what most tourists must learn that Hollywood is a locked -door and only the sacred few may enter the gates. Tickets rf enlrance are oblained only by Irick, device and drag. And since Ihe talking pictures came lo pass, drag of one sorl or nnolhcr is required before the magic doors swing open. GILBERT SWAN.

Industrial Census Shows New York, Making Greatest Ratio Of Advance By COl'ELAND C. BURG International Xevvs Service Staff Correspondent NEW progress is being made by New York at a greater ratio of speed than maintained by any of the first ten manufacturing States of the nation. That is the claim advanced by Willis H. Booth, president of the Merchants' Association" of York, in making public an analysis of the state's industrial progress as disclosed by the United States census of manufacturers of 1917. Reports of this census are as yet not available for general distribution, but have been obtained in advance by the New York association, The number of manufacturing, plans, the number of wage earners and the value of output all are growing constantly in New York, Booth declared.

Compare With 102S In making an analysis of the 1927 census the figures contained in the 1923 census were established as the index, it being assumed that 1923 was the earliest year comparatively free from the downward influence of the postwar depression and. the rates of progress made since that a reliable measure of recovery from the depression. The loss in the number of industries in the nation's industries between 1923 and 1925. according to Booth's analysis, is reflected in the fact that all but 1-1 reported losses. None of these fourteen were among the so-called manufacturing states, except California.

The census of 1927. according to Booth, shows that in the general recovery from the decrease depicted in the 1925 census. New York plate led the manufacturing states nnd also the percentage of increase In the number of New York establishments on the basis of the 1923 index, has been greater than any state in the union, except North Carolina, Nevada, Texas and Georgia. KnclorlM Increase-. Between 1925 nnd 1927 the number of manufacturing establishments In the United States Increased from 187,224 to 191.866, thus attaining a recovery of 2.4 per cent, of a 4.3 per cent, loss sustained between 1923 and 1925.

Twenty-four states contributed to thj gam as sho'Vn by the following table: Stales. 1923 1925 1927 N. 38,087 33.392 3fi.650 Calif 9,148 9,035 10,066 111 14,307 14,104 14,711 Mich 5.081 5,508 5,800 N. 8,751 8,204 8,312 Mass 10,494 10.027 10,037 Penn 18,996 17.298- 17.314 Ind 4.889 4.762 4.726 Ohio 11,157 11,131 10,961 Conn 3.125 3,052 2,877 Between 1923 and 1925 the average number of wage carnets throughout the country decreased 4.5 ncr cent, from 8,768,491 to 8,381,511. The average number of wage earners in New York State factories fell, during the same period, from 1,149,411 to or 7.3 per cent.

Workers Decrease. From 1925 to 1927 the country as a whole suffered a furlhcr .2 per cent, loss in average number of workers probably due lo mergers, increasing mechanizalion, efficiency and olher faclors. New York during the same period, with a .5 per cent, gain led all' of the manufacturing states except California. The. changes between 1923 and 1927, ns reporled by the manufacturing slates, were as follows: State 1023 1925 1927 Tal 262.035 N.

Y. 1,149.411 I.OC.G.IOS 1.072 2S1 III. C14.67S 622.127 623.46S Ind 280.633 2S0.7I7 Coirtl 263.217 242.362 240.S06 i 698.241 67H.C61 669.097 Penn. 1,091,672 PS7.414 a HS6CO'i 591.43? S78 OoS 447.765 377 40S OJII Mich. 503.217 4SS.S5C Gain.

While the average number of wage earners throughout Ihe country decreased by 4.5 per cent, between 1923 the total wages paid fell but 2.5 per cent. Thirty-two states reporled decreases iri Ihis item and of the manufacturing states only Michigan reported an increase. Payrolls Increase. Between 1925' nnd 1927 the amount of payrolls throughout the country increased 1.1 per cent, though but five of the ten manufacturing states- showed increases and of these New York with a 5.5 I per cent, increase was second only BY WAX THOMAS XEA Sen Ice Writer Hollvwood, July 13. -When Dorothy Valerga was born in San Francisco along about 1905 or 1906 nobody dreamed that some day she would blossom into Dorothy Revier, prominent screen actress.

From her eaVIy start as a dancer In Tail's Cafe, then a famous San Francibco restaurant, Dorothy has climbed to her own particular niche well up on the cinema ladder. How this was ac. compllshed, we'll -let the pretty Revier tell you in her own words. "My father, Thomas Valgera, was either conducting his own orchestras or plajing in the symphonies of San Francisco and Oakland all during my childhood," she declares. "Even before I entered high school I had become fairly proficient on the piano under his tutelage.

I entered high school father en. rolled me in Madame Moroslnl's dancing school at the same time. She had been a famous ballet dancer in Italy in her youth. "My big ambition at that time uas to achieve big things on the stage. With this in mind, I used to go down to the Italian colony on North Beach with Madame Moroslni and appear In shows at a little Italian theater I could neither speak nor sing Italian the audiences eeemed to like me and I gained rich experience there over.a period of several months.

"Then I got a Job dancing at Tail's. At that time their stan. dard of cnlertainment ranked on a par with the best vaudeville in San Francisco and it was the ambition of every San Francisco actor to gat work there. I was scared to death the firsl night I appeared there, but my long training came to the fore and I managed to get through all right. I danced at Tail's for more than a year and all that time I had but one aim in mind--Broadway.

I never even gave pictures a thoughl. "In fad, I don'l Ihink I evet would have considered Ihe movies if Roy Stewart and Louise Lovely hadn't come to San Francisco to film a picture. They saw i dance one night and asked me to work in their film. The picture was a terrible failure, but It gave me Ihe movie bug and a few monlhs later I was down here trying to 'crash' the sludlos." Dofolhy gol her slarl in Holly, wood the Universal studio and for several months she did pretty, well as a free lancer. When 3 work was scarce she fell back on her dancing ability for jobs.

Then she was offered a contract at tho Columbia studio, Columbia, then as now, was king of Poverty Row--the term ap. plied to a short street jammed with small studios where -pic- lures are turned out In six or eight days. It Is the haven ol slipping slars who lurn there foi their last few dollars before liring forever. But Dorothy'i case was different. She was get ting her start there.

And Isi'l anolhcr studio In Holly. wood where one can become schooled as thoroughly as on Pov-' erty Row. When Dorothy signed her con- trad with Columbia Ihree years; ago she was Ihlnking more of Ihc steady money than of the oppor. tunlly lhat studio offered advancement. Jusl then she.

needed money for living ex-: penses. She has two more years to go on her present but she already is getting "big time" experience and a reputa-i" lion by being loaned to some of. the major studios. And when- her two years are up--well. Just; watch her climb then.

fo California whose payrolls Increased 7 8 per ccnl. This condilion is reflecled by Ihe ollowing'labulaljon: States I12i 1927 Cal S3V1.792.214 S37S32I.461 N. 1.131 SSS.975 1.620 37S OS6 Ind 3Ct.7S9.224 375.217.514 111 817.729.057 014.102.C12 Conn 301.199.568 304.503.907 Ponn 1.324.4S1.011 1.315.993.319 Ohio 975.7SS.10'; 96S.181.1C5 N. 5762.15.82S 570,308.602 Mass 716.155.593 705.929.519 Mich 792,213,044 760,602,319 QUEEN When sfie goes to Hawaii, she'll be in the swim. For some of the champion swimmers of the country will meet in, competllion in Honolulu the second week In Augusl, and comely Albina Ossi.

powilch, above, will represent Ihe women aquatic stars of Xew England. 6 an Olympic champion. THE CLASSIFIED SECTION lays the whole market before ou In a clear and unprejudiced uay. WHENEVER you have a real nccil to fill the Classified Section will help you to fill it quickly, easily and In- THE OFERS In the classified are straightforward and to the point. Dollars seem bigger when you buy through classified ads.

How Far Is It Until Dinner? Good places to eat when motoring on these pleasint evenlnat or Sundays Many Excellent Places Not Far From Olean Clean to Bolivar 17 Miles Olean to Cuba 14 Mllei THE BOLIVAR OF COURSE BOLIVAR, N. Y. APPLE TREE INN CUBA-MAPLEHURST ROAD Chicken Dinners Old Style Clean to Bradford 20 Mllet Olean to Eldred 14 Mllti THE HOLLEY BRADFORD. PA. A GOOD PLACE TO EAT NEVER NOX INN EI-DRED, PA.

REAL GOOD FOOD HERB Olean to Port Miles Olean to FnnKllnvllIe 21 Mllu Canoe Place Inn PORT ALLEGAXI, PA. A Delightful Dining Room Ye Olde Forge Tea Room FRAXKLINVILLE, S. With Rustic Surroundlngi to Bradford 20 Mllet Clean to Emporium MIlM THE NEW EMERY BRADFORD. PA. Lobster Chicken A Specialty WARNER HOUSE- EMPORIUM, PA.

Chicken Dinner Every Olean to Franklinvllle 21 Ml lei Olean to Bemus Point 60 Milts Woodbine Court FRAXKLIXVILI.E, N. T. ONE TABLE OR A PAKTTt Bemus Point Hotel Bcrnus Point N. Y. Place of Pleasnnt Porches East of Olean ,.4 Miles Olean to Letch Milts COGSWELL'S K1VEHSIDE GROVE Regular and Dinners GLEN IRIS INN LETCinVORTII PARK Beautiful Scenery--Best Menu Turn To Classified Pages For Bargains WASH TUBES MONEY TALKS By Crane HUfiDRED TS FROM A 6 0 6 0 ANP I A pRujces.s Irt LOvfg'WlTH HIM.


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