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The Clarke County Democrat from Grove Hill, Alabama • 2

Grove Hill, Alabama
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THE JOtlBKAL, from a house at the side of the track, expect, ing sea br dsrllpg crushed beneath the wheels Ihe appoae'liing, State of Clarke County, oBAyE'PpifjiTp SyuoiAP Term, Vi A'tigusl, i860. DavidiM' i'homais, deceased, Estate of. The Radical Party. No parly history, says the Mobile Register Advertiser, speed of the train wa gradually sliiickeneij, THIS day barofljRi M. Thomas administrator ges before (he country to answer 19 a bill of of Mf IMid E.

Thomas. indictment with' counts so numerous ana so deceased, and filed his account and vouchers for a. partial settlement of. damning as those which the grand inquest of bV theiflJsWrtoe tyw it seemed impossible to check it irr time to save'the ohildj who-seemed -ftstened lo the track, and made no attempt move Irom the approaching danger. The engine went said estate.

It is ordered that the 31sr public opinion the iNaiion nas round a-gainst the Radicals. And no parly ever day of- August, I860, be-set for such seu had a rote to play so grand and certain of BY ISAAC CrBANT. GROVE ALABAMA. 05" Announcements of Candidates and Notices Jrom the Probate Court must be paid for in advancer OrThanks to Cajit. D.

Daffin for late pa. pera-frorn, -Mobile. 03-ColA. Lfl.nkfo.rd, Qf Suggsvllle, will please accept ourthanks for lato Louis on and on the cow-catcher struck She child dement, at which time all persons interested ean'o ppea rtf hd contest the $8 iTrfe if they think proper. R.

J. WOODARD, Aug Id 3w dujage. Administrator's Notice. ETTERS of administiation -on the estate of Win. Thomas, deceased, were, on the 31st of January, I860, granted to and knocked it across the track, but the momentum ofthe train was counteracted jusl as the wheel of touched the clothes of the little A few inches further and it would have been-orushed and mangled.

The mother caught the child in her arms and when she found that it was still alive and comparatively unhurt, her mother' feelings of joy were top great, and slie swooned en tirely away. The conductor says, that in many years' experience on railroads he nev. er experienced so exciting a scene. ville and Memphis papers. the undersignedi by.

ihe Hon. Probate 'Judge of Clarke county. All persons having claims against said; estate' are' ireqired'lbipfeaent ihem within the lime allowed by law or they will be barred, and those indebted to said es. late will please make immediate" payment. THOMAS CARTER, Aug9, 15 6w.

success, if wisdom, moderation and patriot ism had been; its guides' ol action lilts olose of the war. 'Every day and hour, from the moment when the South laid down its arms and left this party the victorious and undisputed arbiter of the destinies of the Government, its readers have been, laboriously en. gaged in digging its grave. -They have de veloped not one idea of sound statesmanship. Appointed, as masters of ihe situation, to be 1 he artificers of reconstruction, and the physicians to bind up the wounds of a brpi en U-oion, they have changed places with the so called "Rebels," and have bent all their energies to complele and perpetuate the work of disintegration which the seceding Slates began.

It is certain that this is nol the ban quel to which the "loyalty" of the Nonh was invited, when it was invoked to take up arms and open its treasures fur the "preser vaiion of the Union." And we think that the.Nortb is showing by unmistakable indi. cations, that it does not mean to be satisfied with this fruit of all its sacrificers of blood and money. The are plentiful of a rapid decay of Radical power and popularily ADVJjrttDnE with a bNAKfi. A corres ttotn. 0ajatehes to fhe Mobile Papers, Ajjitria, Has ecisepted the preliminaries! of peace submitted by Prussia.

The pleriipo-tecietMd asse.ij.t.Meiiiu i'je headquarters to negotiate an armistice. She has already admitted in' prTnoiplelhe peace The Prussian propositions, which are approved by France, 'are as follows Austria is to recognize "the dissolution of the former' German Bund, and the organization of a new Confederation, froth which Austria is excluded. Austria agrees to this, North Germany to form a union with Prussia, excepting the Danish States of Schleswig, Part pay by Austria of the war. expense. The maintenance of Austria's integrity, excepting Ve-netia.

Prussia intends annexing territory containing three millions of people. The Bounty bill passed at the last session of Congress dues not applv to seamen. The returns from Kentuolty indicate a democratic majority of Irotn 20,000 to 30, 000. This is news. The New Orleans Board of Health report the number of deaths for (he week ending the 7th 193, whereof 29 were by cholera.

The disease is increasing, and prevails principally among the blacks. The rit of habeas corpus has been sus-pended in Ireland. The London Times says the armistice did not come a moment loo soon to save the Aus trians from 'final catastrophe. A London dispatch of the 3J per the Atlantic Cable, states that martial law had bfen proclaimed in Lower Austria, and aUo tn Venice, Prussia and Wurlcmhurg. In New York on the 4th, there were twen ly-five cas of cholera and ten deaths.

In the Brooklyn penitentiary 33 new casr-a occurred on the 3J. Efforts were making to get the epidemic iindar control. Four bales of new cotton have been sent pondent of ihe Etienbag Times, writing from the Winterhoek, says An extraordinary snake affair occurred in this neighborhood a few Sundays ago. A Notice of Administratibu. LETTERS of 'administration upon, estate of Willia'n A.

Beckham, decW, having been granted to the undersigned on the 1st day of August, 1866, by the Judge of Probate of Clarke county, notice is Ijersby given that unless all claims against suid estate are presented for payment' Within the time prescribed by law, they will be barred. ST Smbot, Jackson, places us under obligations for, a late Mobile paper. 05" We again return thanks to Mr. W. D.

Council for unother installment of his most excellent peaches. Cotton. In Mobile, on the 11th Middling cotton was quoted ai 29a30c. In New York on the 10th, middling was 34c per pound. Gold 48.

We regret to learn that the steamer Montana while ascending the Tonibigbee river, on last Sunday, with a good freight, sunk some three miles "below Jackson. We learn that the cargo will be saved without much damage. As the river is low, we suppose no lives were lost. large snake of the cobra tribe, about four feet six inches Ions, aot unseen into a farmer's THOMAS UA KTISK, Adm'r. Aug 9 15 6w house, it is supposed on Saturday afternoon, and concealed himself under a harmonium.

On Sunday afternoon, the children being al school, the farmer and his iVife were quietly reading, the wife silling in front of a window The snake quietly, crawled out, got unper. ceived under ihe good woman's crinoline, and tv isted himself round her leg from ihe ankle to the- knee, which position it kept for up wards of half an hour. The farmer's wife all the while thinking it was a favorite kit ten, took no notice of it, until at length wish ing to eject the intruder, she slightly raised her dress for the purpose. Judge of her eur Prof. Pike, we understand, denies the truth of the report of his death which Ave published some two weeks ago.

The Professor may know all about it, perhaps, but we assure him it came in a very authentic form, and has since been confirmed in as seemingly trustworthy a manner If, however, he insists upon its falsity, we -will throw up the spunge and yield the point. prise on finding so deadly a creature twisted round her leg. She sat still, not even looking at her husband, lest he should disturb the reptile. At last it uncoiled, and then twisted itself Bbout her foot. The shoe filled to Galveston and sold for fcrly cents a pnnnd loosly, andshesofily withdrew her foot, and bound ng across the room, called her hus band's attention to the cause of the disturb.

and as the oarty went up like a rocket, it is not improbable that it will come down like a stick, and be suddenly eclipsed and lost to the public gaze. Not a trifling count in the indictment against it, is its gross, reckless and extrnvngani mismanagement of the pub lie finances. Waste and corruption have Hone hand in hand, through the whole pro cess of its financial legislation, to swell the National debt and pile up the taxes upon the country. A little mure than thirty years ago the administration jf John Qutncy Adams was condemned for extravagant expend iture, and this reached only some twenty mil linns a year. The revenue now being rais ed by Rndical legislation amounts 10 the enormous sum of six hundred millions, and everything but light and air is taxed to pay it.

The army of Radical contractors and shod dy-ites that has amassed collossal fortunes out of the war, shows clearly how dearly the Government has been made lo pay for its loans, and ho much of its three thousand millions of war debt has gone into the hands of the Radical financiers and their friends. For all ihis waste and besides their passion for political destructiveness, ihe Radical parly is on its trial. When the Frredmen's Bureau bill was lately up in the Senate, Senator Saulsbury, from Delaware, rose and said it was useless to argue the mer its uf the bill, for Ihe majority bad mode up its mind to pass it, and he added, "Very well ance. The savage creature charged the wife and was only kept off by the husband with his Sunday coat. It soon retreated and got under a footstool, pulling out its 'h-iad as if to threaten death to any one who should State of Alabama, Clarke County.

Probate Coukt, Special Term, iho 26th day of July, 1868. Richard Montgomery, deceased, Estate of. WHEREAS, on the 6th day of May, 1863, Elizabeth Montgomery, administratrix of the estate of Richard Montgomery, deceased, filed in ihe office of the Judge of suid Court, her application, praying an order to sell the lands of said estate for ihe purpose of paying Use. debts thereof and the Court there, upon set ihe 18th day of June, 1863, for the hearing of said petition and' whereas on (ho said 18th day of June, 1863, the Court con. tinued the matter of said -application to the 30th day of July, 1863, and again continued the same without fixing upon a day for such hearing; and il.appearmg to the Court thai such hearing has not yet been had, now, on motion ofthe said Elizabeth Montgomery, as administratrix as aforesaid, It is ordered by the Court, that the second Monday in Sep.

lember next be appointed- a day for hearing said application, and thai notice thereof be given by publication for three successive weeks in the Clarke County Journal, a news-paper published in said county, calling upon all persons in interest lo appear on said day and contest said application if they think proper. R. J. WOODARD, Aug2 15 3w Judge. Executor's Sale UNDER and by virtue of an order and decree of the Honorable Probate Court of Clarke County, I will sell at public auc lion, at Ihe late residence of William Jackson, deceased, in said county, on Monday the 3d ot September, I860, between the hours of 11 o'olock, A.

and 4 o'clock P. M.r all Ihe following described real estate belonging to the estate of said- Win Jackson, deceased, lo-wili The north half and south east quarter of section 8, township 5, range 4 cast; the south easl fourth of the south west quarter of sec lion 32, township 6, range 4 east; the south west fourth of the south east quarter of 32 township 6, range 4 east; the north eust fourth of ihe tioflh West quarter of sec lion 5, township 5, range 4 east; and the south east fourth of the south west quarter of sec tiou 32, township 6, range 4 cast 010 acred mote or less. Teems Oho half cash, and Ihe balance on a credit of twelve months, with interest from day of solpjUie credit payments lo be secured The Ckops of this section, so far as we have ascertained, are not doing well. Cotton is 1 shedding" badly, as a general thing, and is not very promHng, irrespective of this fact. Early corn has done pretty well, considering the unfavorable-ness of the weather in April, May and part "of June.

Late corn, in most places, has been badly injured by: -the drought of the last few weeks, so mucn so, we fear, that the showers we are now having will not beneiii it much. approach it. A slick was brought to the far in specie. A ney classed as strict middling. Great preparations were making for the Philadelphia Convention.

It is thought that 50,000 persons will bo present. It promises to be a grand success. Efforts are making by the President's friends to induce Valland-igham not to attend, as a great ouiory is be. ing raised by the Radicals on account of some being sent there as delegates who have, in the past, been considered extreme men. Charges of a very serious.

nature are suid lo be preparing against Gov. Wells, of Louisiana, it is reported thai Gen. Canby will produce very strong documents against him tie is thought lo bo largely interested in land andjflher schemes, and used his office in fur therarice of his own interests, to the detri. merit of the Stale and General Governments. are rumors of a now military com Bander for the Department of the Gulf.

mer who struck a terrible blow at its head, but hit the stool instead, shivering the stick to pieces. This exnsperated the creature, which darted out al the farmer, and was kept at bay again by the coat. Al length it retreated to the bedroom, hero it was killed, "We hope that the slumbers of our Mr. L. M.

Brewer has disposed of fair readers will not be disturbed by visions of reptiles after reading the his interest in the Monroe Journal, and take3 an interest in the Camden Times, which is to be greatly enlarged and improved. Success to both papers. gentlemen, if you think there is no hereafter, Tim President, as usual, will see that all above very "snaky" story Thai good old "Sunday coat" turned the tide of battle on more than one occasion, and should be prized in all time as a friend in need. vou can go ahead with your measures." a-c right regarding the late rfol to 1 ta wl ..1 The Rad oa evidently begin to see the be. Nrw Organs.

The civil authorities are ex .1. 1 it ir ginning of lhts "hereafter, and they trem- the laws all offend p-clcd to execute agaicst ible at the sight. ffhe Democracy, it would seem, have gained a splendid victory over JrsT Found jt Oat. While travelling a A Vootn Who nkvek saw a Woman. ers.

From the. Mobile Register (J Advertiser Mexico. the anti-Administration party of Meadow's history of the Chinese, lately out few days ago, says the Greenville Advocate, in London, id a chapter on love, gives the! between Tensa3 and Pollard, we came across The New York raid states that the Em Kentucky. We trust the ball may roll on until the miserable Badical party is driven from power and niace, and until a Congress shall be something in the shape of a man. He had a following story press uarioita has ich Mexico lor Europe, A Chinese who had been disappointed in cap of coon skin, shoes of raw hide, his coat 'and inai Maximilian is preparing to fallow and pants may have been of Confederate marriage, and grievously suffered through tt.

4 utu 4tw. gray, but ihe rags were so slimy thai it Was women in many other ways, retired with his impossible lo- identity them. He had an old by ine notes oi uie purchasers, witu at least infant son to Ihe peaks of mountain range eanlfe8rt Bnd haversack. On inquire we found two sufficient securiti es. the imperial cause is doomed and soon the will bo left to themselves -that is in anarchy and civil war.

In this view, the Herald recommends ihe United States at once lo establish a protectorate over that unhappy in KWeichoo, a spot qnile inaccessible to the out that he Wa9 a deserter from the Oonfedef Also, al the same lime and place, I will UUUSCll IVUlbU JULl XlurV tuc WJ3UUU1 to originate good and judicious laws, and the honesty and integrity to enact them. Hothing is now thought of by the dominant party in Congress but opposition to the Southern rate army, and had been laying in the Tilt. sell bull CASH, a lot of Household and Swamps of Florida, arid was hunting Up Kilcheii Furniture, Baolts, Old Wagons, one little footed Chinese women. He trained Ihe boy to worship the gods and stand in a ve Can; one old Ruckaway, cod some- Cattle Federal officer to get paroled. country, lo set aside the agitators and poliii-j drea(, of buJ necr Mentoned wo I -t I cai ano guoruince a iair cnoice 1 people, opposition to rresiaemj onn- property Of said estate, james M.

Jackson, july 14, 12 ids Ex'r said estate. loaves a Republican Magistrate by the son and a love or tne fishe3," and the best means of retain-JPple. To this complexion the Mexican State of Alabama-Clarke County. 0rli is stated that Gen. B.

Butler desires a nomination for Congress, Thieving, robbing, murdering, blood-thirsty, insolent Massachusetts would have a won thy representative in the person of the spoon thief and women insultcr. La Crosse Democrat. men 10 him, always descending the mountain alone to buy food. At length, however, the infirmities of age compelled him to take the young man along to carry the bag of rice. Leaving town, (he son suddenly slopppd short, pointed to lliree approact ing objects "Father, what ing them.

We do hotte thut a m.v!slltta1100 muil came 01 Mr 013 WI" jority of the Northern people ftyypars of experiment have good enougu, wise enougn ana pos- (sen cover umeni. unu wiieii uinxiiiiinan ue- pans, tho American friends of the so-called NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, are those things? Look! look! what are ihey The father instantly answered with "Liberal cause' in Sexico, Will firid that in espe ling the Emperor, they have left thai ses3 patriotism enough to put these destroyed of the Nation's and reputation where' they can do no more harm No measure statesmanship hag emanated from them since they ohtained the ascendency in Congress. jEJvery thought, word country a prey to the direst National evils. Notice of Administration. LETTERS of Administration upon tile estate of EDWARD SMITH, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned by We have always maintained that if this snould be the result of United Slates sympa the Honorable Judge of (he Probate Conrt the peremptory order, "Turn away ybnr head: they are devils1." The son," in some alarm, turned away, noticing that the evil things ere- gazing at him With Some surprise from behind their fans.

He walked to the mountain in silence, ate no supper, and from that day lost his appetite and was afflicted with melancholy. a time his troubled of Claflte County, Ala, on the 13th day of and act seems to be ihe dictation of August, 1864: Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to said estate will make a mad, Mind and reckless fanaticism, -How long, how long, are we to be under the iron heel of such a Oon gress Is man capable of self-gov I KOBATfi LJOlTRfSSPCtAt, EtlM, i ihe 26tb day of July, 1866. Malcolm, MtOotquadalt deceased, Estate of. HEREAS, on ihe 1st day of July 1864, George Cox, as the administrawr of lhe estate, of Malcolm MoC rquodale, deceased, filed in the office of the Judge of said Court, his account, vouchers SnO evidences for partial settlement of said estate, and ihe Court thereupon appointed the 4th day of August, 1864, as a day for making such settlement and whereas on the sard 4tH day of Affgast, 1864, an order was 'entered Upon the Minutes of said Court continuing the partial settlement of said estate without fixing upon a day to make the same and it appearing that such settlement has not been made, now comes tire said George Cox, and moves tho Court, that a day mayv be appointed for ma. king a settlement of suid account if is ordered, therefore, by the Court that the matter of s'ich partial settlement he et for the sec ond Monday Of September" next, and that no-tice of ihe same be given by publication, to be oontined for three successive weeks, in the Crafke Gouhty Journal, a newspaper pub -Iished in said count that all persons in interest may appear on thai Say and earnest the same if thftV thiol proper.

J. WOODARD, AugS It) 3w Judgf, payment to me, and those havingclaims Will present them properly authenticated within the time allowed by law or-hev will be barred. iOim L. SMITH, Aug 16 1866 17 6w Admtr, ernment We believe he is wise and anxious parent could get no satisfactory answers to his inquiries, but tit length the young man burst out crying, with InexplicSt. ble pain "Oh, father, that tallest devil thai tallest devil father" Administrator's Notice.

thy and agency thai there would follow a high moral obligation to come lo the rescue of thai people and save them frorn (He ruin which our interference had prought on them. But what a perilous duty is this for ihe Gov. erhrnent of the United Stales Torn by a Civil revolution at home, all but ready lo break out in flame and blood, in what position are we morally and pbliticallytd become the evangelists of peace and order in a neigh, boring country 1 Is there not danger that it will aggravate the dangers of our own poai-lion and perhaps embraif Uie nat ion with for eigtV powers'? ft is 6 question far wise States-manshfp, and alas there is no statesmanship in the Legislative department of the Govern, menl. TETERS of administration, on the estate enough, in this country, but the vents or the last few years have staggered our faith as to his being honest enough and good enough. May we not fondly hope that the great gathering of the Nationjs wisdom, uatriofcism and conservatism at Jj of Joseph Thomas depeased, having been granted the Undersigned, by the Probate Court ol Clarke cuunty, on the 81st of An Exciting Scene.

A few' days since, says the Wheeling a train on a railroad leading id this city was running at July, 18bb, notice is hereby given to all-in debted t) said estate to make- payment. full speedy the engineer saw on the track a PhHadeTphiaV day or to aincej wiH Small child; He immediately whistled down and those having claims to present them ao cording to law or thev will be barred. THOMAS CARTER, AugO '6(5, 15w6 Admtf. do much iartherance ot the coun- the brakes and reversed the engine at that tryVt redemption moment the mother of the child emerged.

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