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Times Herald from Olean, New York • Page 24

Times Heraldi
Olean, New York
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THE OLEAM BVgMMG TIUM. tUTUEPAT, OCTQMUMfo Year Round Zephyrs S2 inches wide, yard 59c 15 plain colors, ano some pretty printed effects. Our guarantee protects you. If the cloth fades, we pay the cost of the material plus the cost of making the garment. See them in our window today.

H. W. MARCUS CO. THE HOROSCOPE "The Wsutt Imttm, (Copyright, IMS. bjr UeCkm FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1128., other love affairs Ittmtl wlik-h Iw a wuw if iwt a Ivttft It is a fiiUfriim stvrjr ot warriage aud wHl Iw ivuc uapujljeml by thus? wlw it, Tuere will aLfv be vu tUt' Huwiay the fina eyistxk' of Hie tbrillius; chapter play 1 Iu Tau fwl- luvivd by uue every Sunday ihwaftvr.

It Ixiasts uf au all sur uur put aside while lot regret rtn-lr aeriul ivijk-h players rule tiure Veuuv KiKiu iSwIgwicS. Jafk Mower, Kuili: V.aus Art and mute are wbiwt to llu- AlU-n -S-iiiib aiiU ah-ill ctrunyljr brut-tic U-sl pwsiUe luflunvw aud will' liruulty. Mi-v is It tivay uudt-r EMI i ralltd iulo wrtlw la United the tkiuglitrr Dm; it-) K-wui ami titil wutttt ilwuM ivvrfc willi Ilie mutt profitable M-n-r siii-u a Ultir In 'to of i-ouradeliip lulu. It a roM.mik- rid Muvdiil Jluitl-uKuers and proprietors of lory uf at tin- of lu as 1 are to jjrufit greatly j- during WBCII (her viil more Tin- stvrv (alfe i-law' 1 1 lu the of tbe culuuiw mutually fur tuidii-re lu Ixvuuio a uKiiwu. Its oi iiatriolic iutt-r-1lake rare of.

It fww-ast. I siris will be '''his is "a favorable rule for t-vvrv nic.iioii fau willi TM of iu wurltl I uiudicus. uiilllui-r. and lewt-lerj luu-ivsH-d iu thv history of bmi so Kasbiou will leauy ilw iuau. ut will tvn- i mattfi tu ibt-lr I.U:«rv ur vividlf and lu Iu t-uiulug: uortra'vwl.

mv Mual tbirly-fiie Is an tit turln-r Klllln.lit.i fit I ti" A touittiy fjlfu Ilie I'iH al I3u- Ou will bt 1 a four IK-I vuildt-vilk- bill ami a I'lititlcd the N'fckl Willlniu 1'iis pniliiftlou. iu wed It 1 and it Is lii-ld Iliat 19i3 will Houii-u are favurt-d byibrina iuui-h r.f IUOUK-UI lo iwr- HIK ilayV ivln, rn wakw fur suett-ss und bapjiim-s in i IVrwiif nbw blrllidale It Is all at-Ui (urwst of fi.rium-s atlrnd iliost- wbu iirufliable Ix'llen and wrlt- nndi-r iMs iini-iiuu of Ibejnixs shouhl Iw t-arc- flarr. Itriiti-s limy t-ouui uu last-1 li-isiii'ii brings trotihlc me lou- and fiib-ljty. chiltlivn Iwru ou lUiic day will fiud ibis rule auibitiims iiud orlKiiial in their aiisuk'kms in Ilial ii tiisu i-nierurisni, it is urueBowicatiil. ITCIJ ilte Wive pCKutt, 7'llWc' of usiiuilv of fliariu, sirnii" Ihi'y IlK'y wbo ilulr iroih to- never lolerute halfway mwisiireii.

A photograph of You would mean as much to Someone as Someone's photograph means to You. 1-'1KST CLASS WOKK. 1'KICKS. AS Don Seele Studio Knst Knd, I'i 130 XOKTli STIIKET. IIOI.I,\\VOOU AT THE IIAVK.V Starling loiiiurruw bf a photoplay siiitwii at Hie Huvi-u utiiiki' i i i i i U-hirr.

it ttlh: tiie slury uf a girl wbo wi'W lo llotlywiKid flint iiit'l slars, and minaiH-f. and--lu-ai-lacbi'. Hie cast 1 sixty and California. capital of I'ilinduui as It n-aliy Is nut as it is luinicd.j liolivar, Oct. 27--Mrs.

George, CUrkt-sville Oct "7 oziuo somcr IMPOJIP si jjjOsborne, Jirs. Arthur amtv iioldvu and' I Jordaii of is .1 l-iirainiiiiiit iiroiliifliiui. Williams and Mrs. i i i town Mou'dai- only sirauwrs in Hie piny arc Herrick were shopping In Clean BraUfml us MlJlollt Iniiliiiuwii iiiii.vvrs who ruosday. iMonday fdSs Mr.

and. J. Hurley and! A wif( Wllwti BOLIVAR West larks ville Indiana, and who arc quuu iln! son, of Kane, were frril they tli-picll. Jm-I Whituk-Quests of air. and Mrs.

C. S. An- i -J 'V is onlrml West his health. I Suuday. tUn-iict! IJim-li und wifi- Cuba I Hi, E(Igar DI a 1(I Mrg Fredj MLTchL of IK with him to set-lea in the shauw attended the Uolivar-AI-l week 01 il will, MM 1 Davis TM 1 Mip Hs are Meyers vi Urileu luts rt'iitoil the Couu- C.

F. Kepp. November J. Mr. C'oolt will move on La Itue Hills was in Olean on! llie Jl.vle nt FricuUsliiu.

business- Wednesday. i James Windier HIK! fattiiiy of ilia iiiul all iiet into the films cxct'it Anyc'la wiiu a i Out- of the wit res. perhaps the greatest of the picture is seeing all respectively tlK a I I I scm folk iu one film. Mr. an.l Mrs.

Moses HaTver ot AT THE PALACE JBMwin, played Tomorrow for one day only there i. Bine and Marie 1'revost. Another is the opportunity of Los Angeles are guests of Mr. and will be a return engagement of They are married by not happily, a i the fainous places in anil a C. W.

Young. photoplay Brass, a dramatic tale of Phillip is home Iwdy mid stays nr the western film capital, fuipiei- marriaje and divnrte with a cast home with tlw baby while Marjorie i tinnably ibis is one of the most novel that includes Monte Blue, Marie goes 'gulavantlug about the cafes. pictures that ever reached, the PrtTMtt, Irene Kich, Miss DuPonf cabarets and otber resorts with a screen. Harry Meyers. It is a-story set that befteves In fagt tempo 1 A comedy film and the usual Snn- tdmpted from the popular 'novel of I When lie remonstrates she retaliates day short subjects complete the bllK he Dame life and of deals with Phillip and tbe uinr- Marjorie b.v snins divorce him for PhilBp divorce.

After finds himself the en- Hollywooil will ft Momlay, Tuesday 150 nml IK? shown ot Wednesday. TONIGHT J. WAIIRKX KERRIGAN AXD SIXVIA BRBAMER In 'THE GIRL OF THE GOLDEN WEST." A Story of IXTC and Sacrifice In the Buys of tbe '40cr. COSIEDV. USUAIi PRICES.

KEW8. COXTLVUOU8 3-11 SUNDAY--MONDAY --TU ESDAY--WEDNESDAY! Nothing so Fascinating Ever Screened ALLTheSTARSinHOLLYWOOD SKIES! jj JBHC ULACKV KBt. 9 A JAMES CRUZE Ayrcs Wm. S. Mart Viola Dint Ben Turpln May McAvoy Jack Anita Stewart waiter Htera Joy Betty Compson Will Rogen Poll Negrl Jack Halt Loll Wlljon Bull Montana l-ilj L-Owen Moort NIta Naldl Sirs.

Roy Glover of Buffalo was guest bf Mrs. Lula Burdlck Wednecday. Wlnnlfred Quinuy ot Oil City Is of bore. Miss Lottie Hearons lias re- urned to her home In Now York ity, after a few weeks' visit with er father, Thomas Herons. Mrs.

Orr Snowden and Mrs. cnneth Snowden were shopping Tuesday. jasper Johnson of Machias was town on business Tuesday. Mrs. Marcia Lowry and Mrs.

E. W. Cowles are spending ays with Mrs. Edith Flaunigaa at Harrisburg, Fa. Frank Young ot Salamanca was guest of his daugtter, Mrs.

E. E. Hungerfor'd, Friday. Rer. Leo Ferrary and Rev.

Robrt O'Hay and Rev. Paul Harktns St. Bonaventure College were uects of Mr. and Mrs. F.

E. Moore 'hursday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dempsey Cordraj at the Organ A Mvrte Ahnrt Mw M.tie«! The IM of i Kftfyfcmly Big On Think An AppMilinj; Storr of a GIH Who Tried To the lomtt tmOc Mwitns.

Ere. 22-33-17c. I Newi-IRerfew. iCuba iu Sunday. -Mrs.

Henry Writs iud Mrs. Fnu- gumtf.ol Mrs. II. 11. Murray nie of Westoil's 31111s Wliitiuuu Kai iu I'ritud (hip.

Smvday. WntUiu' Eberhait and, family of Tonawm'wla were' recent piesta of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoyt.

George Todd of Fredonia epeht Sunday at his home here. le is said he will move his family there very soon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sonborn of Friendship spent the week end with Mr.

and Mrs. George Wbiteman. Mr. and Mrs. Defrance Wilkiu- son, Archie Wilkinson, and family Miller Hardware Compaq China, Gut Glass, Table Glassware, Community Silverware We have biff stock of these goods in a wide range of patterns for you to select from.

You can save money by making your purchase at this store. Many of the Dinner Sats consisting of 42 and 109 Pieces we have in open stock from which you can buy any quantity you wish. Extra Special 95 Piece English A flfl Porcelain Sets Hotel and Restaurant Dishes We have a complete line of this White Ware bought for spot cash in large quantities. We prompt delivery at bottom prices. Table Glassware Heisey's Colonial Glassware -Beautiful White Crystal Ware in jugs, glasses, goblets, salts and peppers, sherbets, jelly compoats, creamer and sugar, oils, spoon holders, marmalades, nappies and condiment sets.

Beautiful Table Glassware in Etched and Irridescent Shades. KITCttEN UTENSILS. You will save time and money by coming here ment is very complete, including everything to be enamel and aluminum ware. first This depart- desired in tinware, Dancing Classes Will be 'arranged for Olean'a youni people on Monday, October X9th, from 4 to 6, at Coast Hall, bj Mrs. Marlon Holbrook Johnson of the True Art Studio, Bradford, Miller Hardware 135-137-139 Union OLEAN, IE Y.

Pa. Mrs. Johnson Is a graduate Kingston, N. are guests of the Columbia College of Bipres- 1s parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Dan ion and Education in erapsey. Mr. and F. C. Hungerford nd Mrs.

B. S. Hungerford were hopping In Olean Friday. BY INSTALLING AW Oliver Oil Burner in your Range, Heating Store, Furnace or Boiler, yon can settle your fuel probtema once and for all ttmcs. Cheaper, Cleaner, Quicker and Better tlum Coal or Wood.

If Interested, write or phone. Estimates cheerfmlljr giien. R. J. NEVEAUX 42 SOUTH MAIS ST.

FRAJ.KUNVD.LE, N. Y. FhoM 128. Hffmtt Wanted. Cat (hii It n-OB't pcar agaia.

spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. orer Tuesday. n.

Murray. Fnneral services for tbe The Aid Society of took in $100.40 from the Chicago, a pupil of the "Chalit Ruulan Dancing School of New York City, and slid of the Eastman Theatre Ballet In Rochester, i She will register and clrlsi for a Uo weeks' course In social dancing, and another course girls in aesthetic, interpretive, folk and'baliet dancing. Patronesses-MRS. A. B.


CLARENCE SHAW. --AdT Whooping cough Is prevalent In months old child of Mrs. chlc i en nie sunner recentlr 'ierved this vicinity. Harrj-Hanks were held from the CD LU Theodore Bntts and family visited home Tuesday afternoon. Rev, Cusin tlle new basenieut of the friends at Hornell Sunday.

tard, pastor of the Baptist chutch in spite of the inclement Fen-mzton of Cuba 'officiated BBurial at Cericx There was a. large SENECA DANCE PAVILION I October 27th. WILLIAMS BROS. Vocal Orchestra Of Boliw, N. V.

Dancing Bill (iKlHdlng Tai.) Perfect Ftoor. Perfect Musk. A Cure For Chilly Corners Heat where you want it ThVt's the Cozy Glow way. It's dandy for the living room, bedrooms and other parts of the house on chilly mornings. Ask any young mother how convenient the Cozy Glow is for bathing or dressing Baby.

Use a Westinghouse Cozy Glow when wanting I heat where you want it I OLEAN ELECTRIC LIGHT I AND POWER COMPANY TONIGHT -SELECT VAUDEVILLE The Freemans Aerial Novelty. MacPttersoa Sextette Scotch Song and Dance Revue. Scott A Campbell' Singing Talking. PHOTOPLAYS--Papjrw, TS. Zer.

Charles IB "Second Hand THE A A THEATRE Tomorrow (Sunday) One Day Only! Mat. 23-ISe. Eve. 22-38-17c SPECIAL ONE-DAY ENGAGEMENT Monte Blue Marie Prevost A Rchire fa-See and Ponder Over! IS YOUR WEDDING RING BRASS?" BltteT BtOTT ot a Marilagt TWt OIKtCTgJ Ufce OoM Bmt PrortJ MHeraMt EXTRA! STARTING SUNDAY! EXTRA! "IN THE DAYS OF DANIEL BOONE" SUrrinc Eileen Sedfwick and Jack Mower. CHtaVtTBW MOOT 1 BTCriiMMMJg HI8TORICA1 COMEDY! HALL ROOM BOYS COMEDY! MONDAY-TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY! 4 ACTS SELECT VAUDEVILLE 4 ACTS R-wwfl in "ALIAS the NIGHT WIND,".

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