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The Weekly Gazette And Stockman from Reno, Nevada • Page 1

Reno, Nevada
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A. C. BRAGG. A. O.

PORTER. BRAGG FOSTER, Proprietors. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Weekly, year, by mail Dally, one year, by mall 600 Daily, by curler, per week, to nil parts ofBeno It ADVERTISING RATES Weekly, one month, one square tl 25 Dally, one month, one square 2.BO TMa Includes both legal aid commercial work. Notice to Subscribers. Having the mail Ult of the WEEKLY OASBTTC AUD STOCKMAH errors of omission may have occurred.

Any who does not receive his paper will please notify this oMee so the error can be rectified. Subscribers are also notified that the date of the expiration of their subscription is to be found on the wrapper. tat OFFICIAL meeting of the K) active Committee of the Nevada Live Stock held in Reno. Harcb 16, 1887, THB SAOIBRURH STOCKHAH was de- eland to be the official paper of the Association. In naming It such the Association does not in any sense assume tbe responsibility for Its future course, the responsible parties being those whose lames appear at tbe head or this column.

BREVITIES. Greenville, Plmnas county, had a $6,000 fire list Monday, on which there was but IX) insurance. The Democratic Director of the Mints has ordered Superintendent Wright to reduce the pay of watchmen from $4 to per day. Mrs. Marray of Port Moody, B.

killed a tame duck for her Sunday dinner. Its crop panned out a handsome gold nugget worth $3 50. The several resorts about Lake Tahoe are said to be well filled with people who have fled from the parched plains of California and Nevada. The Carson Tribune suggests the sinking of wells in Capitol Square from which to obtain a water supply sufficient to save the trees, shrubbery and crass of that piece of State property. Hclunldt'H Steel Being: Returned.

The Carson Tribune says: The California civil engineers, employed in surveying the boundary line between Nevada and California, have about completed their labors. It is reported at the lake, on good authority, that the line established by Von Schmidt is a long way east of that established by tbe United States survey, and that the monument now marking the boundary between the two States, erected near the town of Bijou on the Von Schmidt line, will be moved west to Meyer'H, on the Placerville wagon road, near the foot of Like Valley. This will give about the entire area of Lake Tahoe to Nevada. Slightly Incorrect. The Lassen county narrow-gauge railroad has put on a construction force, after an idleness of about two years.

The road is being extended toward Cedarville, in Surprise Valley, Modoc It has been but ten months since they ceased the work of construction, and no force has been put on to push the road further north. A Shotgun Title. W. K. Price, through his attorney, W.

M.Boardman, has commenced suit against the Virginia and Gold Hill Water Company for diverting water from the source from which Price bewn supplied for the past fourteen years. The Water Company is said to bold the fort by main force and shotguns. (tone Stringent Provisions. Tbe Idaho Constitutional Convention, in its framed provisions, excludes polygamists and those believe in polygamy and plural marriages, and disfranchises all Mormons. Eight hours shall constitute a day's labor on public works.

The Capital is located at Boise City for twenty years. A Molld Firm. A syndicate of mining capitalists, among whom are D. O. Mills, Frank Newlands, Archibald- Farrington and ptbers, have 'purchased the Union group of mines in Cerro Gordo, Invo county, will operate them on a grand scale.

The mines have heretofore yielded $15,000,000. aintlf a of it. 1 Ten days ago, at Victoria, B. HcNabb, a steward, drovo a couple of needle!) toward his heart. A doctor extrartel one, but could notfhvj the other.

He died suddenly Wednesday TOWJi INCORPORATION. What District Attorney Allen Has to Say About the Town Government. A GAZETTE reporter who was desirous of knojving more of the status of Keno concluded to visit the District Attorney's office and learn what that officer had to say relative to whether or not the town is incorporated, and what his views are as to the present orm of town government, which has been more or less discussed for a year or more. On asking Mr. Allen as to whether or not the town is incorporated, he romptly and courteously answered that it is not and never has been incorporated that prior to tbe acceptance of the provisions of the act approved March 8, 1879, the commissioners had but limited general powers, such as the control over the fire department, provide for policemen and for the improvement of the streets; that the act of 1879, the provisions of which were accepted by the citizens of Reno, provided for the government of unincorporated towns.

Are the provisions of that act in force? No, sir; the act was repealed February 10,1887. Did the repeal of that act effect an incorporation of the town It did not. After the repeal of the act of 1879 were no laws in force relative to government of Reno, other than general laws which were in force wior to that act. How long did the town remain in condition? Prom February 10, until March 5, 1887, when section 16 oi an act approved February 26,1881, wan so amended as to bring the inder the provisions of that act. Here might say on tbe of February, 1881, two acts were approved, one of which repealed all the acts incorporating Virginia City, and the other, when accepted, placed the government of the town among the powers of the bounty Commissioners of Storey county.

The act repealed disincorpo- rated and the other did not incorporate Virginia City. Some of onr best lawyers claim that Keno is incorporated. I know that, but with all deference, differ with them. If incorporated he town could sue and be sued by a corporate name, would have a corpo seal, etc. As it is, suit.has to be brought in the name of the Board of he County Commissioners for the use ind benefit of the inhabitants of the own.

and there is no seal. In many respects the conducting of the business of the town is the same as if incorporated, but, with all this, I still cling 0 the opinion that the town is not incorporated. You have said practically that from February 10 to March 5,1887, the town lad no special government. What was and has been the condition of the ordinances that were passed prior to March 5, 1887? They are a lullity. All the ordinances that were in existence at the time when the act of 1879 was repealed fell with the law.

In this there are attorneys who have disagreed and do disagree with you; am advised of that fact. Two years ago I took the position, that with the of the law the ordinances then ex isting fell, and have maintained it since. The statutes provide that all laws shall take effect on and after their passage, unless otherwise provided, and tbe constitution says there shall be no retroactive laws. Trenched behind these authorities and certain decisions, 1 know I am not mistaken. Do yon stand alone in these views? No, sir.

Recently a matter came up, and, owing to ray views, it was necessary to have the question submitted to other attorneys, who, on investigation, have sustained me. What will be the effect upon the town government if your position is correct? It will necessitate the reenactment of all ordinances that were in force prior to March 5, 1887, shoulc it be thought wise to re-enact them, because a prosecution for their violation could not now be sustained. Does the nullity of the ordinances passed prior to being legislated under the provisions of the Act by "which the town is now governed affect the ordinances passed since March 5, 1887 No, sir. All ordinances passed since in conformity to existing statutes are solid and will stand the tests of the Courts. Other matters were freely entered into and discussed by Mr.

Allen. The above being topics that especially interest the readers of the GAZETTE, the reporter has taken the liberty to formulate and publish them. Slow Freight. Goods shipped at Detroit, seventy days ago, on which the charges were prepaid, have not yet arrived in Reno. DIED THE A Man Perishes Near Granite Creek Kanrh.

From Louis Dean, who arrived July 31st from his Deep- Hole and Granite Creek stock ranch, a GAZETTE reporter learns that a man ay the name of Long, late of Rose- aurg, Oregon, who had been prospecting in the vicinity of Rabbit Hole Springs, and who had started with an emigrant for Granite Creek station, but who had left his traveling partner a take a shorter cut, was found about middle of last month within half a mile of the ranch, where he had evidently perished for the want of water, where he had lain for tw weeks. This would make the time of his death ibout the last of June. When within two miles of the ranch the unfortunate man met a teamster, who carefully directed him how to reach the bouse, but he evidently became partially demented, for he only proceeded ibout a mile and a half after receiving bis directions. The manner in which be had torn up the ground where the body was found shotted ttiat he must bave died in terrible agony. Deceased bad told the man with whom he had been traveling his name was and where he was frum.

He was a very large man and muat have weighed 230 ftounds; and he had given his age as sx-ing 72 years. Among the effects of dead man's pockets was the address of J. Moct, No. 1721 Seventh Street, Oakland, also a child's ring containing the initials H. on the inside.

It is hoped the above may meet the of those interested in learning the fate of unfortunate relative or friend. AMERICAN PLATE GLASS The Largest and Best Ever Manufactured. It is only quite recently that manufacture has been introduced nto this country, and yet it is claimed, says the American Manufacturer, liat the largest and best plates of glass the world are now made at Pitts- iurg, aud that difficulty often arises in heir transportation owing to their size, he railroad tunnels not admitting hem. Two plates, 14x16 feet, were ecently ordered for use in a Philadel- ihia building, and it was found to be mpossible to get rail transportation or them. Arrangements were there- ore made to bave them shipped by iver to New Orleans, and thence by sea to Philadelphia.

As an index of he progress made in this industry, it may be remarked that in January, 888, a store in Detroit had a plate of beveled glass, 13x7 feet and three- ighths of an inch in thickness, itn- sorted from England, which was laiined to be the largest in the United states. Tne plate above alluded to, as ecently made in Pittsburg, is more ban twice tbe size of the last men- ioned at Detroit. HEAVT LOSS BY PIKE. William Bailey MafTerg a IMHH of S1O.WOO. A fire at Bailey's ranch, on the Big Bend of the Carson river, July 27th, barn and other outbuildings and about 500 tons of hay stacked on the premises.

The residence of Mr. Bailey was saved from the flames by great exertions on the part of the ranch hands. The file i supposed to bave originated in a stai where some persons camped the night before. The loss is estimated at about 10,000. The barn was a.

line structure and cost 'Included in the property dostrojed were the large cattle corrals, sheds and feed troughs, which could accommodate 500 head of cattle. A wagon with a derrick was also burned. THE UNION PACIFIC. Still Making Surveys Toward the Went. The Pioche Reeord contains the olloving railroad news: Railroad matters have been the subject of much alk Iduring the week, a general inrer- est bang manifested in the movements tM parties reported as being at ililib'd last week.

It is now learned rom a reliable source that a party of seventeen civil engineers in the employ of the Union Pacific Company is now uaking a location survey of a railway rom Mil ford southeast to Sheep Springs, a point about twenty miles southeast from Pioche. A similar party arrived at Sheep Springs on iVednesday, and they are to make the oeation survey of the next section. The road will pass within a few miles of this town, being on the surveys nade last jear. It looks now as hough real business had begun, as can begin over the survey now being made. Ilumbolfti Items.

The Silver State saya: Hay is baled and delivered on the cars at Lovelocks at $13 per ton, and it costs about per ton for freight to Win- nemncca. slough is said to be covered with dead fish. There are thousands of them floating on the surface of the water. Latest reports from Big Meadows are to the effect that the Humboldt Lake is entirely dry. Heretofore, in the dryest seasons, there was water east of the island, but that is now dried up, and the bed of the lake is almost parched as the desert.

An Indian Tradition. The Boise Democrat says: "There is an Indian tradition that Snake river once upon a time went almost com' pletely dry, so nearly that it could be easily forded anywhere. We are informed that Mrs. Jonathan Keeny, widow of the pioneer of forty years ago, says that she well remembers a great drouth during which Snake river could be waded in many places. II looks now as though history intended to repeat itself." Attempted Maleide.

The Tuscarora Times says: A lovesick Indian, at work at the Spanish ranch in Independence Valley, vvhorn a dusky maiden had jilted, started for the happy hunting grounds a day or two ago, by the wild parsnip route The ranch hands administered a powerful emetic in time to save his life. Daily Rvaporation. From tests recently made in regart to evaporation at this altitude, it is estimated that the sun daily pumps out of Walker Lake 150,000 tons water; out of the Carson and Hum! boldt Sinks, 230,000, and out of Pyra mid and Winnemucca lakes, 600,000 tons, or a total of 1,090,000 tons. Fine Haj Crops. Louis Dean informs the GAZETTE that his alfalfa crop on his Deep-Hoi ranch will aggregate 800 tons, in addi tion to which he cut 200 tons of grass hay and raised 1,500 bushels of oats The Logging and Wood 4'amps in Ureat Peril.

The Truckee Republican of the 31st It. says: Last Monday a tramp built fire near the railroad below Boca and went off and left it burning. Owing the dry condition of the country it pread in all directions and finally got nto the timber of the Boca Mill Com- tany. It reached mammoth propor- lons and threatened destruction to verything in its path. Yesterday the nill shut down and all hands went ut to fight the flames.

Telegrams ffere sent to Truckee and a number o' men went down to assist in the work, 'he fire was working its way towards le logging camps of the Boca Mill Company and tbe wood camps of 'hanipiou aud Stewart. At last ac- ounts a hundred men were fighting fire, and had succeeded in check- is its course, although by no means ubducd. It has already destroyed ome tiiiiber, but it is thought that it ill now be controlled. All day yes- irday the smoke to the eastward was dense that it was impossible to see tie Washoe mountains. There are other tires in the moun- ains, and before the summer is over lere is liable to be great damage done, 'he country is unusually dry and it jehooves those having timber inter- sts to be extremely vigilent.

afternoon the report is bat the fire has taken a new start and again beyond control, except on one ide, where the men are working hard keep it from destroying railroad wood. The fire now covers the coun- ry for a distance of seven miles along he i idge east of Boca, and is doing ncalculable damage. It will take a leavy rainstorm to extinguish it. Heavy Damage Mult. The Winnemucca Stiver State of the 2d inst says: Colonel J.

A. Hardin has brought suit against the Southern Pacific Company for $75,000 for in- uries alleged to have been sustained him by a collision while on lis way to San Francisco with a train- oad of cattle last winter. J. H. MacMillan of this place and Leonard Lindsay of Reno are the attorneys for he plaintiff.

This complaint was filed In the Clerk's office to-day. District Conrt. Judge Bigelow Saturday granted divorce to Lena, wife of A. Z. Franklin.

Letters of administration on the es- of the late J. H. Borman were granted to Joseph Peers. Next Thursday was set for the hearing of the argument on demurrer in the cases of McCov vs. Ross and Fogg vs.

N. C.O. Besides the above, considerable probate business transacted. Forest Vires. Heavy clouds of smoke have been rolling over the Sierras, mostly from the other side.

Very large forest fires ure sweeping over the country back ol Grass Valley and others up and down tbe coast, especially in Shasta and Santa Barbara counties. Near Boca quite a fire has been burning for a few days, but it is dying down. A Sew Chnreh. The new Catholic Church at Tuscarora, which has been under construction for the last six weeks, was openec at that place on the 28th of July. The services in the morning and evening consisted of a sermon appropriate for the occasion, which was ably preachec by Father Qnigley, and was very largely attended by all classes in that community.

Donner Hold. Mr. Kruger of the Truckee Lumber Company has bought the land formerly owned by the Sitka Ice Company a the lower end of Donner lake. J. Evans of Reno was after it to nee the lake as a reservoir, and had it bar gained for at $5,200, but it went others.

Mint Appointments. Friday Jerry Caughlin and Nate W. Roff received notice from Superin tendent Wright of the Carson Mint their appointments as Cutter an Drawer respectively. FORKfeT FIRES. SWALM SENTENCED.

nother Leaf In the History of the McDonald Divorce Malt. Seneca Swalm, who mixed himself 3 with the McDonald divorce suit in an Francisco two years ago, and who sak' to have a liking for Clara Belle, as been sentenced to seven years at labor at San Qnentin. The Gt- ETTE believes Mrs. McDonald to be a ure woman, notwithstanding the Me- onalds--old and young--have tried 3 blacken her character. They are cb, but that is all.

A man who wilt ull his wife into tbe slum as young cDouald has, no matter what'the were, is too low to live, nd, as far as the old man goes, it is a ty that Clara Belle did not wipe him rom the face of the earth at the time le had him downed in the Baldwin otel. The writer has known Mm. cDonald from childhood and believes er to be a good woman--far too good associate With the McDonald cattle. Justice Manle's Way of Maying Things. Do you know what an oath is, my hild?" "Yes, sir; I am obliged to tell the ruth." And if you always teil the truth, where will you go to when you die?" Up to Heaven, sir." "And what will become of you il tell lies?" I shall go dow.i to the naughty dace, sir." Are you quite sure of that?" Yes, sir; quite sure." Let her be sworn.

It is quite clear she knows a great deal more about il han I do." A witness once said to him: My liord, vou may believe me or not, bul have told the truth, and I have been vedded to truth from my earliest in- ancy." "Yes, sir," said Maule; "but the question is, how long have you been a widower?" Dlsrael's Dude Costume. One of the most curious passages in Motley's very bright and interesting etters is the account, as given by Lady Dufferin, of Mr. Disrael's attire when he first entered London society She met him at a large dinner party and this was his costume: "He wore a black velvet coat lined with satin purple trousers with a gold band run ning down the outside seam, a scarli waistcoat, long lace ruffles runnipi down to the tips of his fingers, white gloves, with several brilliant rings out side them, and long black ringlets rippling down upon his shoulders." State Land Office. During the week ending Augus 2d, five applications for State lane were filed, embracing 679.83 acres. CASH RECEIPTS.

Payments at time of application fldg 96 Payments on contracts 4 4 Interest payments 341 3 Total $515 6 Fifteen township plats and fifteen abstracts were completed and forwarded to the Assessor of Washoe county. A Financial Failure. The monetary successor tbe Rosa Parks, in its work on tbe old barken tine Natalia, the vessel Ibat conveyec Napoleon 1 from the Island of Elba to France in 1815, and was ftflerwar sold to the Mexican Government, an used as a revenue boat, and flnall wrecked in Monterey Harbor In 183' has not been very flattering, and tb work will probably be given this week. Important Transfer. The Reno Water Company has sol two-thirds of its works to a syndicate represented by Messrs.

Foley an Powning for $100,000. The other tub- is still held by Alvaro and Pierce Evans. Tell the Plain Troth. Never tell a local editor, says an ex- mnge, that you have "more papers han you can read." Just come out ith the truth. Say you borrow the jcal paper of your neighbor.

Say bat you are too confounded mean to ke the paper, pay for it and read it ke an honest man. Say that you are stingy to pay for that which you an borrow. This would come near he truth and as is written that "an onest confession is good for the soul," ou would certainly enjoy life much letter after having made such a coa- ession. A Society Item. The Virginia Chronicle's Lake oc correspondent sends the following: ociety at the lake is in a flutter of ex- ilement over a scandal in which four adies and their husbands are involved --all in tbe top swim.

The scandal in aid to threaten the disruption of a uartetteof households, and suits for ivorce will probably the sequel efore the close of the year. Recent evelopments give a strong tinge of ruth to tales of conjugal infidelity. Proposed Rain Dance. It is said that the Piutes are consid- ring the advisability of getting up anther rain dance. They claim to ham medicine man who is able to "call be clouds together" at short notice, ''hey say he made the wet spell of last The old doctor is said to be oinewliat afraid to bring his magic to iear on the heavens at the present ime.

From their aspect he is afraid he might bring about a cloudburst. Wants to Balse the 4rade. M. Malone, Superintendent of Gov- irnment Work id PiUsbnrg, suggests hat the site of Johnstown proper be illed in to a level with the surround- ng railroad tracks, and the new build- ngs be erected on the newly made ground. If this suggestion is not carried out, he, believes tbe town will igain be flooded.

Trying to Protect Themselves. It is reported that the brewers of the country who have not sold out to the English syndicate are forming a protect themselves against the ei ations of the syndicate Drewers. It understood that many of the largest Hewers in the country are in the movement. Duped Place Hunters. An electric physician in Fall River, whose wife is a cousin of Postmaster-General Wanamaker, has done a thriving trade in swindling poK- icians and others in that city by pre- that he had influence at Washington.

He has since fled from Fall River. Claims That He Is the Wrens; Mu Sheriff Butler of Placer returned last Friday from Bridgeport, Mono county, with Crimm, the man who murdered a sheep herder a short time ago. The prisoner claims that he is not tbe man wanted, but that question was doubtless settled when they got to Trackee this morning. Friday's Trains. One has only to notice the light pas' senger trains which leave San Francisco on Fridays to be convinced that there is a great deal more superstition even among Americans than they am willing to admit.

The Reno Redaction Works are using Bishop Creek marble for flux. By reference to our Washington dispatches it will be seen that Nasby got away with the Reno PostofBce..

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