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The Angola Record from Angola, New York • 6

The Angola Recordi
Angola, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PACE ex ANGOLA IICOKO, AH60LA. If. T. Thursday, Aufusi U'J NEW YOEK-PABJS FASHIONS Lion oa New 2 BiH Is Error of Designer California Youth May Become King, far and awr practical WKtm cation, summed hi. We, of smiling situation by saying-scientist knows saore about k.

philosopher less about more uJ end.w know aoibin, tolt Carlo tba Qa rraatataa aara (bat ba aaie-relly U1 leapt tba honor aa4 lo fk ktagdosa baek ea aua. A ra-aatabUsfcattat ot atari ihert that eaca aoar- Ishtd there, aad tba foasdlac af ba beaaa will ba a aatoajd Moata Carta ajra twa bia idaaa. torHtwt ta Paiaair Wk aakad ba ba waatd Ilka batac tba abaolata atnairtb ot a klaidoai, rraata(a aaovad tba tttrt a( bia aaw world taacbtaca- "It all daaeada aaoa bar (atara ot a rcBabUeaa (oral ot cer- Panhandle Pete- doesn't aw an Autotaohih. is not interested in the Net Automobile Financial Eespoa bility Law that becomes tfferthr Sept. 1st 1929.

To the automobile owner operator who has bo liability ui property damage insurance it a vital matter. Let me write your automobUt insurance and remove all cuut for anxiety. FRED C. BARRETT GENERAL INSURANCE 279 Main St. Unlimited Rides Between Angola and Buffals SOMETHING NEW Weekly Pass Good For Anyone Shaleton $1.75 Farnhua ItfS rUILWAr CCMPAJYA GEO.

MACIJEOD. RECHVEJ SIX ROOM FOR CASH $448 srtisv eixcisK ojlA Vs. To Gene Ogllvie. of tba adversity branch af tba Peoples National Bank of Cbar-lotteevUle, at CkaHottwsllle, Va (oea th diatiBCtioB of being tbe (rat to discover a defect, or rather a discrepancy ia tba recently leaned new cur-reacy af tba Coiled 8txtea. Aa error waa found as tbe back of tba new S3 eate.

wbh-h carries a Hkeoeas af Tbosaaa Jefferson oa the front and a picture of Moatleella ea the reverse. Eiamlaatioa of tbe picture of Mon-tiaella reveals thai It tritafns the Image of two I loos, one on eitlier side of tbe veranda of the mansion. It is pointed out that these lions are. la reality, not oa tbe groanu at Monil-cdlo. Nor were they there dtuin; tbe regime of Jelfenoa.

The animals were placed there by Mr. shortly alter be purchased the property many years ago. Dorine bis ownership the Hons were there, hut when tbe Thomas Jefferson Memorial foundation bought Ihe estate tte two kings of beasts were removed. Sad It Is thought thai they were sold at auction nli-ng wltb ulk-j from tbe house. London, Paris Police Unite to Fight Crime London.

The police dciwrtnients of IxMidon and Paris have concluded tin agreement to work together In curbing tha activities of international bandits The agreement was reached during a conference between Lord Byng. commissioner or polk of London, nnd U. C'nlappe, the Paris prefect of polio, ft provides for close co-opera tion between the police and emigration departments of France and England and tba establishment in France of aa office tor checking the movements of International criminals. "This agreement la one of the most Important steps yet taken to stem the activities of thieves and armed bandits," said M. Chlappe.

"Scotland Yard has noticed that whenever a particularly daring raid has been carried out lo this country tha bandits were generally foreigners. This Is also our experience In France. "We must do everything in our power to check the activities of these dangerous aliens." People who profit by their own mistakes usually profit to a trreater extent from the mistakes of others. Farnliam DAY AND SFWICK F. Manguso, Prop.

Karnham. N. Y. The Hamburg Private Hospital 92 Hawkins Ave HAMBURG, N. Y.

is open and ready to receive patients. Co-operation by physicians aa well as the public will be greatly appreciated by the Sup't Nurse Abel Telephone Hamburg 444 tLIIMIWMUIftluWtmMHI QNCK again in loosoig over the last models from Paris, are we impressed with the new use of but- tons as a trimming rather than Just as a means of holding everything together. Here, in the frock wbtcb is a copy of one from Vlon- net's, tbe buttons are of tremendous importance in carrying out the color scheme and the decorative idea. Tbe favorite light soft blue of Vlon-net is used for the background of the dreaa Itself and the applique and buttons are in a vivid dark blue. It Is Interesting to see that at a time when- moat of tthe couturiers of Paris are concerning themselves almost entirely wltb one piece dresses, Vionnet is making use of the two piece type.

This la really good news for two piece frocks are so much more becoming to the majority of women than the one piece 7 and, aa long as Vionnet thinks well of the Idea, they will not pass completely out of tba fashion picture. But to get back to this particular model. The material is a heavy flat crepe, th belt and tho- appliques are of the same- fabric aiid the buttons la shell which is especially attractive In these dark vivid oolora- YOU CAN BUY THIS HOUSE OUTRIGHT wa. i. i- is i i i araamt aad, tbr tbtak aa I lbr aball alect their awa kadar.

do aot kaow aach a boat tba lalaad. bat fro at what mr awtthar m. tharo ara about paa-ala tktra. Tba ratalas ot abecp foata, lablaa" aad (arailM Miuatttuta thlr Uvallbaod. Httla iahwtle of Aataricaa aad baataoat awtkod woald aa barn aad I beltera that a mmmer reaort aaek aa Moata Carlo or Cannes woald ba a great dravlnr card and make a lot money for tba paopla." Criminals in Belgium Inclined to Be Tall Antwerp.

Belgium, In the criminal population of Belgium the proportion tall persons Is much higher than It Is among recruits, representing presumably tba average of the male population. Doctor Verraeck, a Belgian psychologist and authority on criminology, made this discovery after a eouqiarlton of the measurements of sh.ut Individuals. Tiw Belgians are a abort but broad race. Their average height Is about feet 6 Inches. Doctor Vervseck rlusslfled the recrnlts and criminals Into four groups tha shorts, between feet I Inch and 3 feet the middles, from feet to 6 feet 7 Indies; the talis, from 5 feet to 5 feet 1014 Inches, and the superior tails.

5 feet 11" Inches and over. The shorts Included 1,1.5 per cent of the recruits ami only 11.6 per cent of the criminals. The middles Included 63.1 per cent af the recruits and only W.M ier cent of the criminals. In both tall iMiupa proportions of criminals are In excess, the talis having 22.1 per cent recruits and 90.8 per cent criminals, while tbe very talis Include only till per cent of recruits and 1.9 per rent of the criminals. One Street Housing 100 Incorporated as Village St.

Louis, Mo. One street. Ilfleen families numbering wltb servants less than k0 persons, five trustees and a bridle clubhouse as town hall com prise, the newest village In St. Louis county. The Village of Huntlelgu, located on Denny road, was recently Incorporated by the County eourl to avoid the possibility of annexation by some other community.

Trustees, who were appointed by the court, will cull un election soon for the purpose of cliiMirliig a mayor. Canada la Third Place Canada ranks third In tiiiortanie is a source of mentis of the platinum roup, aflet Itussin and frlonibia. Soldier of Fortune Still Hopes for Pay Tenn. Captain B. H.

Polk. Hying soldier of for tune, nnd chief of the Mexican revolutionary forces before the revolution folded up. hasn't given up hope of being recompensed for his services. "I believe." he insisted la an Interview liere. "that If Oen.

Escobar ever comes out of hiding he will pay me." Oen. Escobar, commander In chief of the revolutionists, has not been seen since the rebellion collapsed. But pay or no pay. Copt. Polk declares it's "never again" for him.

"I've bud enough fighting lo lust me for a while." he said. When the revolution ended the Mexican government offered a reward of gltl.ootl for dipt. Pnlk "dead or alive." lie escaped across the border In tbe auto mobile of an Stf II at raw alaaa aa wroas Am tbay aaaMttaMa will. Aad tka bMtra mim lota Aa raw citmt tka klHi Baiaaakar. air friaaa, a aart yaa aiar fM'U ad la tka aad A bncktar aar Ua Ufa.

-Haw GtM TO HAVE FOR LUNCHEON A COOL drink a a aaoat aacaniabla aoi day ts a refreabnent. Serve aM aorta of cold drinks with tbe lonrbtea Instead af tea or coffee, for variety. Iced buttermilk la both whulesuusv refreshing and sourishlng aad waea caa be obtained fresh and sweei ft la drink which by highly allied. winaappla Cup. Pot lata a bowl tba ulc of three lenx.ns.

twa orangea sliced and seed ed. one grated pineapple and one cupful of sugar. Let ataad aa boor to extract tbe Juice, then strain thmtigb fruit press. Add to the Juice as Binrft cold water as desired, and two Slices of pineapple shredded. Pour Into glassea half full of (racked Ice.

Pineapple Lemonade. Take one cupful each of augur and canned pineapple, on capful of water and Ihe Juice of two lemons. Boll the supir and water until It thremia Put the pineapple through the fruit pris and add to tbe alrup tbe Juice of the lemons. When ready to serve add water and sugar to taste. Serve Chilled.

Blackberry or Raspberry Shrub. For every cupful of tbe juice of the berriea take one-naif capful of elder vinegar and two cupfuls of sugar. 101 the fruit, sugar and vinegar over the fire, stir until tba sugar dissolves and boll until thick akin If necessary and bottle. When serving allow one fourth cupful of the sirup to half or three fourths of a glass of Iced water. Tsa Punch.

Pour a quart of boiling water aver a lnhlesHMinftil of tea. Hnve the peel-: Iocs and Juice ot three lemons and one orange la a pitcher. After the lea has sieeied five minutes pour It over the fruit. Add a cupful of sugar and cool. Serve wltb Ire hi tall glassea Mint Sangarsa.

Crush iwo or three sprays ot mini With a lump of sugar. Drop Into a glues half full of cracked ir. Add four tuhlcsiHKinfuls of grape Julie and fill the glass to the brim wltb charged water. Shake and strain Into another r'a-s and serve at once. lllJLOlc 7Wrttl 1929, Watim Nwwipaptr lloloa.1 What Does Your Child Want to Know AMJiecred a BARBARA BOURJA1LY HOW DOES A SPIDER Of OUT OF HER WSBf Hsr clsws ara vary, vary sharp.

Sh; cuts tha tiny strands That bold hsr fast. Ta othsr thing: They're Strang as Iron bands. t--1! rfht.l New York taxis are bejnir made smaller. That, however, won't make them any easier to dodge. I A bootlegger has to shoot a dry agent for it to be news these SPECIALIZING IN CEMENT WORK Of ALL KINDS Driveways, Sidewalks Foundations, etc Built to Specifications WM.

HERRIOTT Phone 18-M Angola, N. Y. Notified Us So At Once Free Delivery Second Monte h. B. Framploa who dreams of a second MM Carta on Ntiliirmm 114 wMb binwtr king.

atl ia tba Countess da Cullombla. I Jura received from In- I Mbttaaf of tba Island arge ma to 'becom ruler and air Bother to AGtO LOVE POISONER KAY HAVE KILLED 60 Claim "Love Potions" Were Given as Tonics. Vienna. Auna Flatora, age ninety-two or ninety-three Is to go on trial tltorfiy In I'sncero, lugo-Mlarla, en the rliurge of furnishing polaon to wives who wished to get rid of their husband. Hit wives a ho tried her "l'v potions" on their husbands and liwuine widows art to be tried with Anna, or after ber case Is settled.

Kmne say alie has led to the deaths til ki liuHlmndi, and of njanr wives, for men also patronized her. While Anna is called the "Witch of a place not fur from Belgrade, and Is an exceedingly seed ierson. It appeara tluit she la by no means a iieassnt crone. Her story as uow, told is one for novelist, but It Is dlffli-ull to say how much truth It rontatns. The United States Is not the only country In which a woinnn on trtiil for murder Is provided with roiiuintlc pnst.

Tha Village Enters. The story Is that Anna was the diiiichler of a rich cattleman of Rumania, who moved to Vlndimlrovac years ago. and that she received an excellent education. The villain, gnea the story, entered her life when she was twenty-one. As Is always the case with more than ordinarily hivirtless female killers, she had to he more than ordinarily beautiful.

The villain was a young oflii-er. who finally cost Anna aside and left her a pi-twlmlsl nnd misanthropist. Anna sought seclusion after the affair of heart, and with tier knowledge of five languages gave herself up to medical and chemical studies, she nine nut of her grief sufficiently ta mnrry a Inndowner named I'lstnvn. by whom she had 11 children. Only one survives, a proserous merchant.

Ilcr "tiislmnd's death sent Anna hnek to the test tubes' and beakers. She hunt a laboratory onto her house and evolved from herbs many real or remedies for diseases, hut Flic Is charged with having plenty of s-K, nlc round. She dispensed nuuiy of her remedies to wives who were not ItKonsolnhly distressed when their hu linds tried the remedies and left the with property and proriieets of oilier husbands. As has leon said, hi charged that not a few hushhnds v.ho tHiiifiht remedies of Anna wore cureless iihnut leaving them around ore their wives could sample them wilh disostrous consequences for the sai'itilcrs. That Is the defense.

Anna's coun ser assert that she was not remnsl hie If wives or husbands took over-doses of her medicines. Some of the fntnl medicines sre said to have continued vegetable poisons which were exceedingly difficult to detect, but some of them appear to hnve contained arsenic. Called 'Em Tonics. Arsenic Is used as a tonic and some people became arsenic addlets. The of Florence Mnybrlck was an arsenic addict, which fact Mrs.

Mnybrlrk's conviction of pohiinlng hliu to dentil with arsenic extremely doubtful us to the charge having been proved, Anna's defense Is torn: what along the same tines. She cays Unit the death dealing meilielncs t-iiulullrng arsenic, which she ills- (tensed were lirst rule tonics for" the purehiifcrs. If used properly. Alum herself is said lo lie a walk 5 lug Bdvortlseiiient for her own tonics. if she ttikes them.

She Is ilcia-rlbed us liHiking not more fifty five of nge. Instead of ninety or ninety-three; has her hair curhd daily and lliies LiUle Bird Makes It) Own Hard Liquor New fork --A little bird Ibal lives near Hie lit-iidwiitfrs of the umlicsf. far friiui Iruiuao hahlta -1 lion anil the Inlluiaclra of' bar ruoiiia makea Its own hard llilimr ami drinks II secretly Tlial jh one of the sloiie i ttrmilil here on lie l.etalhuii recently by W. loKiin. a ails; sloiiary returning for a rest at Ids borne In lluffalo.

-i i 4 The llltle bird, snld lr Ijigun if on his word as mlssionsry yt makes a Utile hole In tbe rlut ilver bunk and fills It wlih fruli 1 After the proper period ll gov back and oinhis Ilia clay '1 sips a little of the contents ami goes looking for a Hon. 1 be o4m tba tba waal ifaor da. tall aad aaa da i 5 Of a A tKCOMD Most tarto tie fate ad TsveWra. tba hhM ktf ua la the world! Thai I Ik ptaa if H. I rrafa.

tt-yr-4d orloa la BoLlilly and sateatUI tM Ir Ik tbroM of Tavolaia. rwfia to uaiar4 to nutate jMt i Hoiirwoiod, Ciif. tiipiu, wboee full nam aad rt aII Hawthorn Bifard trun-io, a CIWwtaa, iwwrt word, treat rhe Unl- iaailulul Art tha UK roans. Kikk to ta favor af MlrilB( the ibroa the (Upper Hollywood yooth. Von ctratias ss.

air I rest-rat-grwi ra 1 t.lswap Sartoloai, tb-a bead of warring faciioa la lllr. found 1. 1 Mvll ht trouble wltb tk knr" espials. a tsuwll baud I loyal followers a was ottered (d tar tha country. roar Miles H-tur sailed iuto tba am aad of tbe Sardinia founded the VlnruVm of Tavolara ua a tlajr felaad i.

jl Unit miles sowars. "Mr Mother, who to Mi 1 Paso, bora on lb lliij PROFIT IS SEEN Propagation of FUb Will Yield Dividends, Says U. S. Bureau. Waahlnfton.

Manr a farmer baa wondered bow be could make a Ml of aprbif or twatnp land, pond or liny Ilka field, aome financial return. He atrlrea to render It aaefal for affrt-caltural purpoaes by drainage frequently with aery llltle aoccran. Tei "the propagation of fih on fanna In artlfldallr conatrooted ponda or In natural ponda of limited area Is perfectly feasible, and with proper management sucb ponda will afford a convenient and economical food supply that will justify tha expense of their construction or preparation and malnlcnanre," stales a recent publication of ihe Onlled Suites bureau of fisheries. This reoort describes the essential features to be considered In I tha location of a site, tba construction of the pond and Its operation and tba kinds of flub to use sucb as the basses sunflsh, crsppia and catfish, rood Flab Need abetter. "Aa with all forms of live stock, II Is essential that brood fish be kepi In a thrifty condition.

Good fond, proper shelter, ventlliillon and exercise-familiar requirements to the farmer-have their equivalents In the food, physical characteristics of the pond, composition and aeration of the water, and the amount of spare allotted to a given number of fish." To ohtnin a maximum production the fish runner will And It desirable to fertilise the Mnd eaih senium. This will Increase its productivity from two to fourfold. The fertilizer should be applied at In tenrsls of two or three weeks during the spring nnd early summer. In rearing bass It Is desirable to Introduce minnows as forage fish for the cannihnllxtirnlly Inclined bass to feed upon Instead of preying on their less fortunate brothers and sisters "These minnows feed largely on slgne nnd small organisms that are not or dinnrlly eiiten by hnss, and conse quently make available a food resource that Is largely lost If no forage fish are present," the report states. Black Baaa Cannibalistic While Is difficult to estimate the capacity of ponds, a two-acre pond has produced 10.000 one-yen r-nld black bass from four to six Inches long and 20,000 one-and one half to two-Inch yeaning cmppie or stiniisn per acre.

Daring the second year, thmugh con nlballsm. one may expect the bass stock to he reduced at least fill per cent In succeeding years, although tba adult hnss may consume most of the new year's hatch, enough should escape to maintain the maximum productivity of Ihe pond. The fanner may usually find a market for his surplus nngerllngs for stocking oilier waters. Flngerllng bass generally sell at S'-'O per thousand nnd upwanL Soviet Station Guard Lynched by Angry Mob PodnNk, U. 8.

3 Infuriated mob at the railroad station Grlv-nye near here recently lynched a station siunrd Just after he had fired at and killed a passenger. The passenger was turned over to the station gnard for riding without a ticket, hut attempted to escape. In the course of a short chase, the guard Turkln. tired and killed him. A crowd of several hundred witnessed Ihe shooting.

Some one raised he cry, "Kill the murderer!" The efforts of several policemen to ward off the crowd failed. Turkln was dragged from the station office, where be bad taken refuge and was brutally beaten to death Four alleged leaders of the lynchers are under arrest charged with homicide The press In recounting the tragedy warns that the Soviet govern tnenf will not tolerate any sucb mob Juttlcr Uaidantifiad EIsbmbU According to the modern belief of chemlata, there are 92 elements. Of these, 2 still remain unidentified, tinny of the named are known to he elements, while others are tentatively assumed to be so. Largest Yaw Tree? Nature Magnzine says that It Is claimed locally that a giant yew In the churchyard at Selbourne, England, Is the largest In the world. It Is said 8 it As a homo or on Investment this modem, attradiva housa hai qualify in every inch of II.

Yov will not find a batter offer anywhere. You may atk any bank in tha county regarding my responsibiliry and reputation for honest dealing. You can havo this home on your lot in mighty quick Nmo if yea write ma now. I can furnith Illustrations of other bargain at various prices. Prices may change af any time, so write now 'or particular ADDRESS THIS rA.f iOX NO.

ISO I THE LAND0N SH0PPP Special Sale House Dresses $1.00 2 Silk Dresses for $17.50 Value $10.75 and $12.75 Flat Crepes, Georgettes, Satins, Prints, Plain Colors, Long: and Short Sleeves, Pleats and Flares Sizes 14 to 48 $5.00 Silk Dresses Silk Flat Crepe, Prints, Stripes and Polka Dots, Short or Long: Sleeves Size 14 to 46 Record Subscribers Who Have Not Of TheirStreet Address Should Do If They Want THE LAND0N SH0PPE Angola, N. Y. twag ai IIIIWllilgllUllillllillillllllHIIIIUHlllillUIHIHIUIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH to aara circumference 01 ttft ten..

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