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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 1

Indianapolis, Indiana
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i' IMBIAHAPOMS NEW LSBT EDITION FAIR AND WARMER Sunrtee, Sunset. sQC Dally Average Orcvlatioa January! 1 325. 13.400 Febntai7 1924. .131.158 yoL'-Lviigsssr. "5t ITj tared ea MmnUiiM a-attev.

at Poatoffv-a. ttidiaaaooUa laaud dai'y ece-p Sunday lad FRIDAY EVENING, JIARCH 27, 1925. FIFTY-SIX PAGES 17.27 II IRT LOCAL CARRirm tte SolSlTIIREE CENTS UAH BT tOXrS Tie TO 91 DIMITY, PRAIRIE FIRE TOLL IN V7EST IS HEAVY AS THE SIDE-CURTAIN IS RAISED For Twenty-Six Years Was Secretary of the Indiana State Board. Three Plains Towns Reported Razed. Four Lives Lost, Great Area Burned.

Chamber of Commerce Body Meets to Consider Ways to Boost Indianapolis. SERVED IN LEGISLATURE CHECKED IN ONE DISTRICT CITY'S LEADERS INVITED HEALTH HEALTH EDUCATION LEADER DEAD INDOSTRIAL ACTION LEADER ,18 DEAD PLAN TAKES FORM Death Result of an Attack of Influenza Was Seventy-Three Years Old. N. Ilartyy for twefcty-tlx years ecretary of the Indiana lata board of health, and recognized leader in public health ranks l.i th nation, died at hla home, 31 rt Eleventh street at 4 a. m.

JriIay. I la wu aeventy-thre years eld. Death was, the. result of an attack ef Influensa, which began last Saturday and which left hla heart In jrh weakened condition that th efforts "of attending phyalclens were without avail. In 1121, Dr.

llurtr retired from the fflre of secretary of the board of health, to bwomi a candidate for a nomination for atato rep-reeentatlve. 1I wee nominated ana elected and aarir ad la tho 1931 aea-loo, Mevaeiiel Servtee At the and of tho 1131 aaaalaa Vr. llurty suffered an attack of Influents. It loft him In a ffail condition, and tho laat two years of hla 'Ufa waro Inactive aa compared with la a aarllar yeare. Announcement waa mado thai the' Indianapolis Medical Society, of which ho had baan a member for 'mint yeara, would hold' a mime rial service at tho Athanaaum Tuee-iiv evening.

lr. llurty waa one of tho thraa or (nur but known man In Indiana, lit many yeare of activity In public Ufa, hla acarraaalvo charactar, l.ia man rampt(ni for tho better ment of tho public naaun aervice, Ms national prominence, and hla dUna t'ntveralty school of medicine ati't the- Indiana Dental College, rm.le him known In almoat ovary household of tha atata. 'Ins Indiana atata board of haalth affectionately regarded by lr. vhih boim known all ever tha IMied states. It waa Dr.

llurtr no wrote ina nrsi puro iooa iiw i 1 exwev rf (ha atata, and thla was dona In I Additional Checks of $1,000 advance of the united ruatee para law. Tharo la probably no ta sceratlon In saying that Dr. Iluity waa tha daan of tha 'eedlng health offleera of tha United State no haalth offleara of promlnanca nowIn tha service were la eervlce hn Iir. lfurty began hla brilliant f.u his power, and few dented waa one of the moat uaaful of the state In calling the ii-niirtri of ihe people to the dan of lastly of living. ilia franknaaa In denouncing bad The rislnjr tide of generous con- r.r:,i,ri?7.cli.i?K:,w.Viii: p'i? exocs.

a modern haalth and aanltatloaioz tr.o Rod Cross and liiovamanL. I TV- rAt 11- xt i atiuianapvtu irom R9 nrinia.t Spoaaor. nfl v. i n. I pfrioniiu vi Ji linn aomathlna! that mada a doap Impraa- alon on oTarybody who cam la con- throughout tho state and the continuing flood of gifts from the tft with him.

Ha waa'a brilliant I people of Indianapolis swelled the ani witty apaak.r on hla partlcalar lRti Cross fund of this city to a ubjact. and eould uaa a funny I atory to tha baat advantage In nvak- W4 In a araphlo point for tha reform I Are Received From Gary apd Hammond. la tha aclcnca of living and I Not Included In thla aura la SIOQ ontant campaign for better sanl-1 egraphed Frank 8talnaker, treasurer and better treatment of the I of the Indlanapolta Red Cross, that i.uman t.orty that some people re-1 WM aandino- in iiii.B.u. ar ed him as a crank. Hut even I nainf Indlanapolia Prl-tu roni who called him cranky apodal messenger.

The money representa tha contributions of tho cltlsens of Winchester. Tha IndianaDolls Ntwi r- celved a total' of tll.Ctl.S7. all nf hlch haa been or will bo tumsd i I Ta Ik" I. to tho Red Cross. The Indl ofuu became loud spoken whea aea- Polla Chapter of the Red Croaa of the leglalature ware on.

I haa received directly, IS3.523.I4, ih.m in denouncing llurty a ol. 1 truae. aecretary, an 7 enrorcing the health Iawe. I 1 alwaya came out the I Message Vrm Official. inner In freauent attemnta to I trengthan and batter the health I Taaterdajra report Indicates iw.

on one occasion, hla frankneas I aplendld advance In relief program V.rii of -The United A few of antlro Jame. PIeaer, ra a he waa os the program national vice-chairman of the Red a ipttkrr st a national health Cross, telegraphed William Fortune, matins: Washington. Inatesd of prealdeat of the Indlanaoolls chan- rt.hvering a cut and dried apeech. he 11 un ths di.rti..inn Af tor, Friday. "Sufferers In Indiana racticta InJulgad In by a large parti- aeauredTull attention, ho aald.

tha farm population. He made the A gift of from the membera point tr tl flit that many farmera not only "ny instancea wera filthy In, per- "The farmer- atlBka, waa one of ma maiagant expreaaiona. Mssy Farssers) Aroassd. The apeech waa reported widely tn th papers and many farmera ware I from much a of the Indlanapolia Community, Greek Orthodox church. St.

Trinity, 331 North West street, waa turned over to The News Friday by Jamea Angelo, 313 East Washington street, for transmittal to tha Red Croaa. With tho check for $1,000 the cltlsens of Gary came a urt. Dr. llurty meant for hta rm J' Ji fnjdr. publisher K.

I of the Gary Fost-Trlbuno, saying sting, for ha felt that was contributions were still coming in to 1 tha only way to wake up the farm-I hla office and that he expected to population to the fact that-there I SI" pother check in a few days. iniTirTniffni to contribute something, he said, mm in nnnging SDout morel i- nitry conditions. Some of the In-I Frosa llasaasesd Cltlsens. iirmrri wno wars ins "Ami" i -i. i A i ii.

I iii.rua ux lKiiini.jriii nrnn ie, later be- I rm i lko county crimes, bars sent a I r. ITurtr was horn tn TLahannn liKiixt i-ir 11 nsa Cross for the tornado r-iir- and a classical scholar with I victims. Mr. Mcllle, In his fetter ac- nMrmhl fim, mm -n -1 company ing the draft, said: Thrs icjiator." Ills mother, Ann Irene I mor- to tollow'" nd expressed A ikr. wss a arandnleoe of "appreciation of tha work of ji n.

(iiviincutaneci military of fleer I ro- oomg, ana con- of the American revolution. I tlnued those in trou- tn 1 a a rr irnrt f.iK., I bie and distress. InUsns. wh-se hm opened thai -Miss Cruse reported "another ru ht.M school st nirhmnM 1 ik. I splendid gift Friday which was In er'y.

Madison. Itl-lng Sun nd Utf. I vl In a letter from W. H. rr.inur Ir.

llurty rectv dU Dr prmrni oi iof reopies con-mn srhool and high school tdu-1 clonal Bank, of Lawrenceburg. The ('la4 est raae Talrty-aavca. Uuiinrsi Pours in. From All Over Totcn Thn FU T.m Family la getting to- ha pretty widely. known In ilUrapolt.

People who have alvrtled In the Fix 'Km col-Vi-nr, are beginning to tell Tho Nwa voluntarily, about the ex f-tnnal reaulta they have ob- 1 It-nry Msael Co, 1001 rrth Meridian atreet. do furnt- upholatarlng and repairing, ssys thst the adver- he cerrled for two weeks resulted tn thirty or thirty v. rails, from which he haa be4 ton aubatahtlsl orders. ban never had any amount of hualneaa outside hla own dis trict on the north aide, but Tho ew, (M.a!fid advertlalng 'rvight rilli from all over. town.

The Klx 'Km Ads may be found mlar Ti'jalnaas Services Offered, II to 29, News r'- fied Ada letter resd: are requested by Jacob Sns nagel. mayor of the city of Law- renceburr. to send the incloeed draft for $SS0 representing collections mada through the cltlsens of Law. renceburg for the benefit of the tornado suiierers. There pro Da wy win be another draft to be forwarded to you as soon as tne collections are made.

Amonsr the other larare rifts thst came rioay was one xor soeo irom lh. Wul.rn fill Rrininr rnmnnv sent by J. IL Trimble, president. In tho same mall came a II bill from Frank Nauta, an eight-year-old boy. with a little note ssylnar: -I have saved up SI.

I wanted to give my II i me torntao sunerers- I una. The itev. U. Klfer. nsstor of the; Central Avenue M.

E. church. announced 'Friday that members of the church and Sunday chool and members of the business men's Bible clsss or tne tunday school, had con tributed H57 to the relief of persona In the tornado-swept area. Of this amount 1200 i was contributed by members of the Bible class. The contribution goes direct to the stricken area by arrangement completed by member of the church and the Ited Cross.

Br, Ftfer.ssld. Children Do Pari. Children, through their Sundsy schools, through, the public schools and hfe doing their bit to help. -A check for 119 cam from the boy's class iof the Crooked Creek Baptist another $10 Continued oa Page Tersaty-flve. IND DR.

JOHN J. ZXURTY. Dr. HurtY, state health commissioner of Indiana for more than a quarter of century, nd ft leader in health education and sanitary work In the state, died early Friday. SH RELIEFS! NOV NEAR 366,000 tinue to Flow in to Offices of Red Cross.

state cities swell fund NDIMPOLISA NGUE S. JUDGE INOUI MAYOR OPPOSED TO RY English Said to Have Left Referee Practice Before Him. HAWKINS CASE RECALLED IBr tha Aaantad Frail ST. LOUI8, March 17. Tha con-sraaalonal Inveatlsratlon to dater-mln whathor racontmendatlon of lmpaachmant ahall bo made aaainat O.

W. Enfllah. fadaral judge, vearad today to tho, charge that permitted hla (referee In bankruptcy to practice laVrbefora hlrai Three daya have baea jdevoted to aduclng taatlnaon'y that the Judge was tyrannoua, abuaive and opprea-alvo while on the bench, and that ho had knowledge of an arrangement' by which hla aon Parla collected Dr MBL on hinlirimif money deposited in tho Union Truat ThrOUrh II. Klndirf St Xxiula attorney, It waa brought out i n. inoraii, appointed ret ereo In bankruptcy by Judge Em II an, waa called into the caae of tha Hawkina Mortgage Company In which Judge Engltah laaued a re- atraining order while aittlng In the federal court at Indtanapolia In the absence of Judae A.

H. Andnrmn. It. llurty waa ao Inatatent In the mayor of Winchester tol-tih'n uda of tn InWna diatrlct Ho aald Tho ma a waa niM r. tatner of $1,000 and that he appeared coun ono aay.

aitnourh It was planned to use Thomas also In ths criminal suits against Hawkins. JBIodrett said that the order to udge Kngllah to prealde at the In-lan a polls hearing on a petition for an injunction in the Hawkina case was handed to Judga Kngllah by 8. Hawkins himself. Dlodaett was Oamtlssed ragro Twty-fle. TUBERCULOSIS WARD Disapproves Recommendation for City Hospital.

OTHER POINTS MEET FAVOR While Mayor Low Shank said Frl- tlay woold bo unalterably op posed to any effort to build a ward ror treatment: of tuberculosis as a part of the City Hospital, as long aa he is. In office, aa was mended In a report made nubile Thursday by the Marlon Countv Tuberculoals Association. Dr. Her man Q.

Morgan, secretary of the city board of health, asserted other recommendations made in the re port, for combatting tuberculosis in tho Ity, meet with the approval of the members of tho health board. itecomroenaauons affecting the county government were discussed by tha county commissioners, who spoke in opposition to some of the proposals. "There-Is such a tMnr pita! getting too big," said Mayor "And I believe we should have some waro lor me acceptances of Incurablea who. otherwise, would have to go to a poor farms "But as long as I am in office. I will bo opposed to anytnove to place tuberculous patients In the City Hospital- I am opposed to tuberculous patlenta being near other patients.

Tried 0e. Saya Mayer. -We tried a tuberculous unit at the City Hospital in my last administration. We erected small houses on the property and spent $5,000 trying to do some good, but our labor and money availed us nothing. am convincea mat Institutions' for tuberculosis patients should be erected and maintained by the state and counties.

Dr. Morgan said the recommendations were basic and that the majority should have serious attention. He pointed out thst in eev-ersl instances some of the recommendations had already been compiled with, by the city health board. He also pointed out thst the survey on which the report was based was made at the invitation of the city health board to find the "weak places." A director for tuberculosis work In the cltr as recommended In the retwort has already been provided. Dr.

Morgan said. Dr. Alfred Henry. ('tinned Page Thirty-seven. The list of eoatrifantors ta the tornado relief land wilt he feaad na Page ST.

4 Two Widely Separated Zones in North, South Dakota, Nebraska Affected. ilr th AaaHat)-d fr-sal ST. PAUL, Minn March 27. Fire fighters in two widely separated area in North and South Dakota and Nebraska today con tinued their fight againit prairie fires, which have, according to unconfirmed reports, destroyed thre villages, taken the live of four persons and devastated more than, 300 square miles of land after raging virtually unchecked for two days. In the Rosebud Indian reservation country or South Dakota, near the Nebraska border, volunteers from six counties wers reported in have gslned the upperhsnd in a fire that had leveled the villagea of Tuthlll.

Vetel and St. Francis. In South Dakota. An Indian woman, her two enuaren and another child were re ported burned to death at Tuthlll. The other fire was sweeping Into northern South Dakota from south ern North Dakota, and though in early; reports yestsrday It waa said to be under control it later wae re ported to be flaring across a huge strip or land.

Death Reports larMflraH Reports that four persons perished tn the fire when It destroyed Tut hlll could not be confirmed. Several nersons ware reported Injured, while grest -property damsgs waa suffered near the Bouth Dskots-Nebraska border. In 'thst territory, pioneers characterised the fire as the largest In their memory. About one hundred Oqusre miles of lsnd was said to have been laid waste witn tne flsmes pushing on toward Valentine, iseo. Thotiaands of tons of hay.

several hundred head of cattle, farm buildings and machinery ware destroyed, according to reports from the Rosebud country, There are no telephones In the heart of the fire area ana eilorts to noiiry moti in ma path of the blase were unsuccessful. A schoolhouss on the Rosebud reservation was destroyed, Istest Ody and Neiel. was to ths TWO Of WitnOSSSS Say Car were awakened in the night and Found at Murder Scene It. congregsted In hotels ready to rise should the fire surround the towns. Will, farm telephone lines down.

Km'efYn'h. townT'wera d'epended INDIANA FARMER IS on for Information. Two hundred head of cattle were lost near Cody. reports said. Within Eight Miles Tow.

flra'on'the "North and 6outh Dakota border, burning from Wak- n. la In Self rid re. N. over TRY TO IDENTIFY AUTO AS ONE CHAPMAN USED a rectangular area estimated at I man. sought to identify a motor car more than 100 square miles, waa i found at the scene ortne muroer lsts yesterday reported under con trol after destroying, five 'farm homes near Selfridga.

an unestt-! mated amount of hay and too sheep- Later Information, however, was to tne effect thst tne names wors Oowtlasied Pagre Tweaty.five. BELLSUITJS-DELAYED (Br the Aeesetstsd Fraaal HARTFORD. March ST. Three witnesses testifying today at tho trial of Gerald Chapman for tho murder of a New Britain pollce- as one stolen by Chapman at Steu- benvllie, ex, last April. James H.

Snelder, owner of tho Stanton Motor Company, of Steu- benvllle. the first or the day wit nesses, testified tnat a atrsnger within eight miles of Wakpala and I looked' over a certain automobile on his sales floor early in April or last year and spoke to mm concerning it. He did not Identify the stranger. Says Was Mam. Miss Catherine Room, bookkeeper 1 of the Stanton Motor Company, Identified Chapman as the msn who BY NESSO JUROR car operator of Berghols.

teatl- fied that a few dsys later, he had Action to. Revoke Charter Is Continued Until Monday. RATE EVIDENCE EXPUNGED By a Stan Correspondent! cause of the Illness of J. W. Judah.

juror, trial of the state'- action against the Indiana Bell Telephone Company for the revocation of cnarter and tne appointment or a receiver, was continued until Mon day in the Johnson circuit court to dsy. seen Chapmsn 'at the side of stalled car of the same mske on the road leading to Canton. O. Ellison, at that time a bus driver, said he "offered to give the car driver a -lift." but that the driver, whom, ho Identified as Chapman, had refused IC A car of the Kind mentioned. found in New Britain after Police man Skelly had been shot by one or two sarecrackers wno were aur- prlsed while robbing a department FRANKLIN.

March 3T. Be- store. Is said by the prosecution to navs oeen stolen irom tne sale room floor of the Stsnton Company. Ford Eagiaeer Heard. James W.

Brown, an engineer of the Ford Motor Company. Detroit. teetified that the Lincoln car shown him In the yard outside the court- Defense counsel, in opening their room was one sold to the Stanton case Thursday afternoon, were suc cessful in having stricken from the record all the state testimony regarding rate schedules and liti gation tn federal court. They also were hopeful of favor able Instructions to the jury regsrding the A. T.

and contracts. The defense was overruled on motions to strike out refer ence to loans from the A. T. and T. to the Indiana Bell and to the options held by the A.

T. and T. on ths qualifying stock shares held by the directors of the Indiana Bell. Defense counsel expressed the view that the scope of the state's case had been considerably curtailed. Origlaal Complaint Stands.

U. S. Leah, chief of the counsel for the state, in whose term as sttorney-ireneral the action was besrun. ex pressed the view that the original Goatlaaed oa Page Twesty-flva. SENATOR WHEELER IS INDICTED CAPITOL Oif Man and Former interior Solicitor Accused.

CONSPIRACY IS ALLEGED! I By the Aasoeisted Preas WASHINGTON. March 27 Sens-tor Burton K. Wheeler, of Montana: Gordon Campbell and Edwin f. Booth were indicted here today by a federal grand Jury on conspiracy charges. Mr.

Campbell is an oil land operator In Montana. Mr. Booth Is a former solicitor of the Interior The indictment Is the second re turned against heeler and Camp bell, they having been Indicted In Montana on cnarsres Involving allegations that Mr. Wheeler Improoerlv represented Camp Nell before a gov ernment, aepanmeni. The: new indictments sre based.

on charges relating to the obtaining or oil land iermtts in Montana and relate to transactions alleged to have taken place while Booth waa in the Interior department. Starting of the grand jury pro ceedings nere some weeks ago Continued on. Page Thirty-seven, Compsny last year. His testimony was designed to link up with that of the three preceding witnesses Chapman possession or tne car at a later date. Brown testified that the engine number of the car had been altered and that changes hsd been mede Jn the top In an effort to change Its appearance.

The car identiried ty Brown was found by the New Britain police near the looted department store. Knew Chapman. Says ladlaalaa. James Hance. a farmer, of Wheaton.

eleven miles from Muncie. testified that he knew Chapman under the name of Tom Miller. The prisoner, he ssld. came to his farm home last April, driv ing up in a car similar to that found at New. Britain after Skel-ly's murder.

Chapman retained a room in his home. Hance ssld. until last August, often leaving for several days on unexplained trips In his car. Two men. the witness ssld.

often visited his lodger. Hs did not know their nsmes. The prosecutor produced an au tomobile trunk containing three shotguns one a pump gun and an automatic pistol. Thess the wit ness Identified ss Chspmsn's property, saying he had engaged In target practice with the prisoner on several occasions. Horse Is More Hazardous Than Plane, Pilot Avers WASHINGTON.

March S7. Ex la tea "forced laedtafm- la the Bah 7 aeentelna ef Nevada have eesvtared Air Mall Piles Inter that rldlag a herae la axtre haaardoita thaa flyias aa alrphise. As related la his report te the peategWe departaseat. laser waa fljla a aval piaee betweea Elks, NevM aad fvalt Lake City meetly, whea he breka a aet ef ceara aad waa erred te laad la the saeaataiae. A raaeher left hla a herae te ride te the nearest telepbeee te an-assee sastataaee.

Be get there aU right aad thea etarted back te hla plaaa. "I aseaated. er started te aaeaat, wrote t'assr. aad as all tree western berate de. this eee teea eg la a eliaibtng tare kef are hsd get- la the seat aad had say safety belt fsatened.

Te aaake a leeg itery ahert. 1 en neutralled. her eoae dewe sad I aPaa er altde a'lpsea I deal kew which aa te the sreead with great My lert aaaie broke a twe aad I waa well ahakea by the ft After ha vtmc the aet at Elka. tncer. by havtag straps tarfced ea the rubber bar te saake )p fee tha leea ef hla left feet ts aavtgsllag.

new his repaired plane te Ban aae JUNIOR DEMOCRATS PLAN BOLT AS GERRYMANDER THREATENS Replica of Penrod BiU Is Repored Favorably by Senate Com mittee Solid Party Alignment Is Result Joint Session of Both Houses Is Held to Hear Roscoe Gilmore StotL Plans for a bolt in case a gerrymander bill, introduced In tho sen ate of the Indiana junior general asembly Friday forenoon, was called up for final passage, were laid in a Democratic caucus called immedl A solid party alignment has resulted from tho bill la the Junior body. It waa Introduced by Senator Charles A. Relncke, of Culver Military Academy, and rushed to a committee. The committee report for passage was accepted, 29 to 19. Address en JaaaJag- Senate and house met tn Joint session In the senate chamber during the forenoon to hear an address by Roscoe Gilmora Stott.

of FranTrJla, Chautauqua lecturer, who epoX on, "Shalt We Junk the Lawsf He aald that the word law means "something laid, something to abide for public benefit. and that laws are made for public protection agalnat the wrongdoer. He asserted that profesalon of Ignorance of the law is no excuse for law-breaking today, because laws are given by an Inteilllgent preas and analysed by experta. "We are In an age seeking a thrill, and law-breaking sseme to render a sensation," said the speaker. "The public thinks this Is amart or it would do aa aome places have done bring down an iron hand." A bill for the licensing of restaurants was psssed by the senate, 41 to 0.

A bill for the appointment of MUSCLE SHOALS STUDY COMMISSION IS NAMED No Cabinet Members on Body To Report to Coolidge. UTILIZATION METHOD AIM IBy the Aaaeelaled PreasI WASHINGTON. March 37. A coramlaalon to study ths Muscle Shoals problem, consisting of for-' mer Representative McKensle. of Illinois; former Senstor Dial, of South Carolina; Professor Hsrry A.

Curtis, of Tale University; William McClellan. of New Tork, and Russell F. Bower, of the American Farm Bureau Federstlon, was named today by President Coolidge. Contrary to expectations, no cabinet members were placed on the commission, which will be authorised to determine the most prsctlcal methods of utilising the facilities available at Muscls Shoals. til Report Prealdeat.

Appointment of the commission, which will be under Instructions to submit a report to the President If possible before the next session of tne conareaa. wss in line with a resolution passed by the house. sir. McKensle. a Republican, re tired voluntarily from congrees March 4.

At the time, he waa chair man of the military committee, which has Jurisdiction over thoals legislation, and In the 8lxty-elghth congress, he led the fight for acceptance of the Ford bid. Heaver, Weeks May CeOperate. Mr. Dial Is a Democrat, whose term In the senate expired March 4. Mr.

Curtis la a professor of chemical engineering and at one time was executive officer of the army's nitrogen resesrch office. Mr. McClellan. formerly of the University of Penn sylvania. Is past preeldent of the American Institute of Klectrlcal En rlneers.

while Mr. Bower, educated at Wesleyan University, has been en snared with tho Farm Bureau Feder atlon In a study of Muscle Shoals nrnblems. John Weeks and Herbert Koover. secretaries of war and commerce, probably will co-operate with the commission in an Boriaorr rapacity. Chairman Norria Neb.

I of the senste agricultural committee, who made a fight for government operation of Muncie fchosls said after the announcement that all of the members of ths commlaalon whom ha knew are vigorous opponents of government operation. Regardless of what the Investiarstien would show, he said, they would not be expected to make recommendation a for government operation. fate as did a ratification reeolntloa at the Heventy-rourth general assembly. Representative Olsler. of Marlon county, opened debate for the reso lution, tie asserted there la a mle.

children." he said. Why. Indiana polls alone has to have twenty truant officers to keep children in school. It would take aa entire army to take cars ef tha problem Argument during the first night session centered In a bill Introduced by Senator Joseph Harbatralt. ef Ceatlaaed ea page Thirty seven, OLSON'S BODY DUG UP IN M'CLINTOCK INQUIRY Will Presence of Poison.

WOMAN'S BODY IS NEXT McCllntock death niitirin vu mad today when tho bodv of Dr Oscar Olson, who died three yeara ago. was rai sea irom tne grave for a an auiopay ana coroners inquest. a intra exnumation was to be msoe ister wnen the body of Mrs. neison aicuiintocK. who died six teen rears ago.

was to h- raised. Dr. Olaon was a-friend of Che Mo-Cllntock family. The bodies are to bo 'submitted to the same chemical teets far evi dences ef polaons or other causes of unnstnral death as In the case or wuium n. McCUntock.

the orphan millionaire. who. It Is chsrged In an Indictment naming William D. Shepherd, the youth's foster father and heir bv a will. and C.

Faiman. hesd of a school or science, met death br the Inoculation of typhoid germs. Shepherd Is In jail and Faiman Is held la cuatody oy tne etste's attorney. Mrs. McCUntock, mother of the you in.

was a widow and asked Fhen herd and his wife to live with her and her son. When she died aba leit ute toy in their care. An order to dialnter. the bod lee wss Issued yesterday by Oscar Wolff, coroner, before whom Harry Olson, municipal court Judge and Instigator ef th McCUntock deal a i Executive Committee Will Be Called Monday to Pass on Recommendations. ore.

bankers, real eetats men. mar- Chaste and others who have takea an active Intereet la foeterlnsr tho movement to attend tho committee meeting. FUhhaetk to Retsrw April Sift. Sir. Noyes haa arranged to call a meeting of tho executive committee of tho chamber Monday so that there may bo bo delay In taklaa actloa oa the reootntnendatlone that the Indaettiee committee will make.

It Is expected to hsvo a definite plsa for the development of a greater ladlanapolis la which all the baal-ess and clvio Interests of tho city can Join, fully developed and ready to be put in esecution when mis S- Ft ah back, the president of tho chamber, who le away from tho city, returns April 10. Huilneee nil who are close to Mr. Flshbsck and have talked with him concerning the Indastrtsl future of tho city say that he will bo itfir to assume leadership of the movement. The Indaettiee committee eonatd-ered the outline of a program of as- tlon-that waa submitted several days ago by a special committee. The report included, it la under- ately after the introduction of the MIL The junior senate gerrymander Ufffi bill is the same as tho Penrod bill which caused tho flight to Ohio of I employed to direct the activitieeef the Democratic minority of tho Soveny-fourth general assembly.

Tho adoption of a definite plan of action to bring- about ft greater appreciation of Indianapolis not only as a city in which to Iiv but as a city which haa unriraled natural advantages as a manufacturing and business community was considered by tho industries committee of tho Indianapolis Cham ber of Commerce meeting with ft number of tho leading business men of tho city at tho Chamber of Commerce Friday. Q. M. Williams, manager of tbo Nordyke eV Marroon Company. Is chairman of tho committee, which Is mada op of thirty-five tadaatrtai manafactursrs) of tha city.

Xa re sponse to tho geaeral demand which had- developed asaong tha busiaesa aad clvio interests that a definite program bo undertaken tor tho greater Industrial eipaaaloa of tne city, jsictioiae It. No yes. vies- preeldent of the chamber, aaked Williams to call his commutes la special seeelen. Mr. Wllllsms Invited a number of tne msna fsctsr- runctlo-ea of the bureau are first to a committee to Investigate tax con-brlnr to the attention et tho mean- i aitions ln Indiana was sent to oa-1 lecturers in tne rongaated areas ox groasment.

(the esst tha fact that Indianapolis Senator A. F. Bonn, of Richmond. I bae splendid manufacturing advan who haa been assent without Isave since Tuesday afternoon, was la his sear, whin tho aenato convened. Friday mornlnr.

The junior sensts waa visited and addreeaed by A. II. HslL representa tlve In the congress from the Etev- enta diatrlct of IndU w. Una. and br Karl tijni, state senator, or liioora- tsree and to Induce them to eetab- lieh plante here, and eeeoadly, to help Industrial plants that are aow here to expand.

Sale Xaagr eV City la tha thought of many of tho bustaeea aaea who have assumed Ington. Deraocratlo member of the I leadership of tha movement that Seventy-fourth general assembly. tha Industrial expert ahoald ano- CftJId Lafcer Meauiare Defeated. I tlon aa a sales manager for tha Most of tha' forenoon eesaloa ofto affect a definite salea orgsalsa- the Junior house of represeatatlvea I tlon each as would be doaa by aa waa given over to debate on tha aia resolution for ratification ef the Another feature of tho reco names-federal child tabor amendment- I Ar ik ml 1 1 i ik.i After vigorous dlacuaaloa oa both a campaign to advertise tho city sides, the resolution was defeated bo undertaken, and that the cam-by a vote of S3 ayea to 4S noes. Tho palgn be orranlsed and put In oper-eenato prevloualy had voted It down, atlon aa efficiently and definitely nu riNiuimn met tne same i tne advertising proarram of any larare private boelaeaa concern.

It ts emphsslsed that whatever plan of operation Is undertaken It must bo based oa continuous effort aad that It should not bo conceived aa campaign or limited duration understsndinr rears rots a the amend I tiimnUi. aome iiitui. rauiicauoa xor me trial expaneion for tne time feeing, sake of humanity and tho better-1 Cilbbs aad other msnnfao-raent of future generations. Iturers of the eJty hsve pointed out Representative Lyater. of Marion I that there la a definite drift mt county, who spoke for tho opposl.

I manufacturing ladostrteo from tho tlon. aald that If tha amendment I con rested arsaa ef tha eaat to tha were passed the country would have ul Uibt are seek in ta estahitaa to Changs Its school attendance eye- I branch plants la cttles where Indue. tem. I trial conditions are toed. Indiana "The country would have to have I rxua it ta notnted ant.

Is la i. soms kind of a fsderal machine to I gar of being paseed by aad not eb make children aro to echool. for the talnlng Its share ef this new host-streets would be full of loafing I noes ualeas definite steps are. taken to acquaint tho Industrial leaders Ceatlasved ana Pago ThlitJ as tan. WEATHER INDICATIONS tarru states fnuTirra, b-cxzatj.

Tasv. Inquiry, repeatedly hsa asserted that the clrmmatsaces of their deaths were suspicious. rv. oiaon. brother of Judge Olaon.

died shortly after a visit tn a hospital from (Shepherd. Judge Olaon hss asserted. Khepherd. to whom bsll was denied Wednesday, remained In a tempo, rsrv detention cell In the Countv Jail today, while his attorneys continued prepsratlons in carry his fight for relesss. pending hta trial.

to tne aupreme court. 'f Xrug saapQga. VsrcTa ST. lttS. II I ii Be Tested for Possible SL tatardayi IT ssTeT 1 n.

a 7 a. tt 19 as, rereeset for t3aeist Pair SeasgaS Sstarday: -eraser SssnrOay la wast I south pert. roroesM far SCantnckyt Pair aad aa Loeal forecast for XadraaepoUs aad vtdus- Ity tia 7 aa, Sstwdae-i Fatr toctrtl aad lnes-tp Feraiee tar ladlaaa: Pair tesagat aad wavnasr Sstnrday la aovta satd tonight: Tseavy to slXSag tree. aaxtMay lair, warawr r- rereeaaa Jr ne. ea-r aeeesaeeai rraaa I imrmm Tmir va- CHICAGO.

March 37. A second I lAt and Sa-arday: aoksr teaicht ta ex- it. vi.w U. eaat oart: rtatag Uanc-srawa Sa- Tit rotation taeuy-f xr ha-e aavt-rs 7 a. a of aa tnes-.

Total rre- ma- LU cctleaa, above nplUtioa atcs jaanary i. is-a. Ifv-es. PefM ency ataos Jaaoary 1, Xfci. tJaChSS.

Weather tc Other a The fonowtag table ahewa the tas weelher ta other eJUee at 7 as. I Aaaartlla. TVs. Fiataarch. V.

rVvatee. Ciacsoaatl. VTaalW. War Clear Ptcvfy Clear rteavar. Osto Itoda-e O'f.

Kss. Clear HeW-aa. Mt JarSaoa-ille. Pla.e rr Eaneaa Oty. ear Mtue Koca.

Anr--. Mie-it. ris Mohike New rrteaoa. Cxxrtr hew Tees, ii. CkiT Oklahoma.

Okls. Cer Omaha. Clear miuimrgji. Portlsiwi. Or-- PtCWJy Rapid Oty.

a. fVr Kaa Antoala. Claar ta rrafcl--a. Oewdy St. IMia.

Me. t-We Paol. new r-a. rra. "wr rtn.

p. ef ms. eani. SS AO ra sr. CJ1 3 at io fl -t aa jki yr a P4 Od rs T- AO 54 rs -ta si AO SS All.

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OA 10 a. sa 11 a. an 40 It m. 4f 1 p. a.

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