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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 6

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Jr at Tbe Xe e. .30 sj4 2 Wl Waatuaatoe itwi. lowrM a ecovila east- at the at ldl o.u. lad," Uftder the Act Keren- a. r.

toax ornct-no a. A. Carroll. or not The Tower BoUdiag, jit Owf eentsuve. "4 ni'jr.

I ft 1 IT. on 04 THE INDIANAPOLIS NEWS ha. fjct. -opport him. com peo- pabiished dally eteebt Boa-1 pie believed thtf boaauag ana.

aa a result Ixe Angelee gained about In population last year, now having morel- then I.O0O..O0, while It really b'ellevea that It ha. or more. Indianapolis ha a tea much sense ef humor to become a boaster. tot It may enter tbe booster class wlth'an array of In teresting ft. that ahould be con- BfaEAU Wyett Vuttdtiur.

I vinciitf. Vany ay that tbe differ orpdAr. Corr pottdea. ae between Indiana and California 1 1- i. r1ifvmla ther boost and i vjfBff ad.

oortflf the vacation ja Indiana they knock. The picture mr i paper lo-low at rat j. ROk altogether true. A little h.lo-1. AHreee b.

ehd knocking ow and then la good for dird by th berlbr. i crrtmanlty Itaerrea to aaep a cr. by pbor or Vtur ar town kp lo-lta but peralat- -t or earrW. ant knoekar la ft bane- Tba beat tUscEii-rioa RATZf. thlnr XndiAnapolia can 4 to at- Tirat roe- tract Wttentloa to net ataadard Ttra jTaaa.

aw-i ig 12 7 I niwrvw 1 .1 li nd aorrowr can not ba 7 0 I obliterated In an Inatant when I r.u in other oneanpoa i eaUrolty, aach aa a tornado. RCHafc EMTICX. A TZA. aatanalra areaa, Tba 7 I deaolatlon wrouhtla.t Awk by tr at attalaawa waaaa i wiaa if ry wu la tMa p-tr. and aiaa ta il i.

Mil Hi Mil -----aaBaaMeaaaaaaM-MMBMW F.r.cvmri COMPACTS Ibirdonment for pretent lt of Oenera protocol for aa-rltr and taar ma ment. objected In a byalcAl' aenaa, for. Mverai iMi.lmoBtb at MMl. T.eA.rUied frw. la ea- preaa tba atorw till nora nStowii rtratoivauon all new.

u.tln TaCaueb la tha capacity t. n.tAhe- erMiwd ta it. a not athew fif maaterlcx bla aurround- a ina. ihat he ataeli fcJ heart. afranatheaa hl wIlL and proeeeda heroically With tha Vork of.

reha- iblUUtldn. With tha paaaina; of the flrit abock cauaed bjr deatha. In Ijurlea ind Unanalal loaa, dlapatchea I are beannlna; to re-real that brarery to by oraat aa hroaa wnIchlg 99 much' part of dHy fa r-jrntl of all tba astatine Jt fUB OTtrtooked. Tha oanrUe la Europe an4 aa pot- brotgl th4t rtTealj ltaelf In crtaea line too much reeponalblllty tha BOW b.on,in; tha berolem of tba rrltlah empire ror eommoenplaca. been followed by dlplomaua Tb oalhnl prt of tbla aUta.

Ita about what can ba bldlnf aa beat thay may ione. Ilea-lona! com pact a are bain mttn4ant on tha paaaina; and there la rnwia of acanaintancet. frlenda aad raia r.rtjlatlon aa to Franca, 1 i tho rolnf about tho In- Urltaln and Germany may blTjtabie taak of raeonatructlnr hat- brr.oht toeiher, but a Ur4 'urea and ahatterad bulldlnca. m.t!o- of the leerne of natlona xba prlTllega other and mora la' Heotember thara fortunate localltlea la to aaalat- 4 aj hi if anrihln can bo lirron Burilran. ao lately aaddenad Tf at that for by a 'coal mine dieaater, haa coma a admlaaion to tha Ieaua without I remittance to tha Ilea croea.

r. 'reaervatlona and la voted In. tha minder that buman aympathy rre.ent tlew la that aolntlon of tha way apeaka aarneatly JURI8DICTJ0XAL TROUBLES 1 A building contractor tn New Tork wa. recently obliged to auapend work; on a U.000,000 building be- cauaa two labor unlona could not ettlf a dlaputo to which should do tho work. Tho con tractor reported that bo waa having woald ba eolved, for tbera would be freedom from "shingle headache" and freedom aa to hata.

It all a question of style. There la, aa far aa ta known, bo record of a case of pneumonia that A rrara raaponalblllty drrolrea on ear doctor. ind I KXITTIZO Tha war aeema eery away, and noma of tha thinre a did while It waa raajlnr, it they are remembered at all, preeent tbemaeWaa to our eonaclouaneaa aa harlna; been per formed In another Incarnation. via. fnr Instance, when done NIV.IBl hir men.

br men who are now tabor did not carry a equipment. THE INDIAKAFOIIS- EWS, TUESDAY 3LAECH 2Vy 1025. d'sboneaty. The "wnbeatable Finn, It ought to ba noted, eeeme to ba also an Incorruptible ram. TBE JUNIOR LEGISLATURE There had been a feeling that the could ba traced to a combination of "jaBior which haa allppera and alnah.

That ia a remarkable fact if it la a fact for nothiac ia mora aartlT of pneo-! monla than the reaction between! alaahjr aidewalka and pnmp-clad feet. There ia a certain arrlmneae about the combination that la mot enpleaaantly Impreaalr The feet and anklea of the yonuc women moat ba leaa aenafUre than their eeka.for If it were not ao. pneumonia and headache" would ba run nine a cloae race. Tha first caaa of fafng! headache- In thla country ahoald ba promptly reported In order to afford ample op portunity for proapectlTe rlctlma to anoiP thetnaelraa with rbata that fit cloaely and law at tha back." i Cuta. conrened for boost, would high-minded an cuorle of atateamanahip.

Old! timer who have been throug-h factional and partiaa.n battle in the general aeeembly were riTen to understand that youth could and probably would point the way to higher and better thing; The Jan ore bran with a dlaplay of lntenee nartlaanahlp, dlfidiag alonr Re-publican aad Democratto Unea. with the P.epubllcana In con trol of both house and senate. If any third party members are alt-tJnc their Volcea hare not yet- bn. heard. Different blocs dereloped and tbera were etrugglea for all of tha mora Important posltiona.

Party poiit)c waa played when the Republicans Toted down a resolution to Inrlte Senator Ralston to make an addreaa. The retaliated by latroduclaa; a resolution aaklna both Ralston and Watson to appear. It waa also defeated. Apparently the elx-day aeasion la to 'follow the old theory of like- father-like-aon and the newer na of llke-mother-llke-daug-hter. Tha I a ftt a Inr over cross-word putalea.

Many youngajera prooao w. of our flrehoueea. If memory la not treacheroua, bad their aniuera. some horaea tha beada of amlllea ao-ealled wielded the. needlee, or needle, with a rude akllt, and for tha moat part It waa Tory rude.

Not eaay la it for tha hand to become "aubdaed to worka If either tha work or tha material ia at ran re. Knlttln at Ita beat, and la tha handa of aa expert, la dona au tomatically at leaat it seems to tha uninitiated watching tha opera tion. Tbera waa many a man who learned, to bla' eurprlae, that the word waa "purl" and not -pearL' txr. t. vt to see "uurl In a croae-word puiale.

It 1 hereby cora- mAn4it ta tha architects of thla braln-teaslng derlce. It lm. not a for elgn word, or an abbraTlatlon. or notlbn of Ctrl! government, state In stltutions and parliamentary pro-cedurejA-lso they will get Out of school a week. It might have been better had they convened with a determination to show their eldera that many of tha ordinary legislative practice a are foolish.

It tha Junior legislature had cast fac tionalism aside, forgotten party Unea and given a demoaatration In civil a-overnment that might have been taken to heart by thl regular Ieglalatora. tha time would ba spent to better advantage- It aeema un fortunate that the yonng men are hot giving more attention to leg la latloa an lesa to practical poli tics. "One Sunday motorist, caught by the police on a crowded boulevard. waa charred with drunkenness, va obsolete. Why, thla perfectly good crancy assault ana battery, unlaw In th W(rd, and one with such aacred as- uj possession of firearms, operating i i.h nun Tii I iji fi iiomooi i wnni uauer lot rniiy Mev.nA irDinmuiiiifi m.v...

nuutu proniem ni i-- a rr. llnnnr ehIM nerlet. falllnr 4tuasslnn of lied py calamity pj Dy the pue-uuuars i pizzz of record in Placa. long -ntoucha think of men knitting with 6 a ttk by general grief, not that It la hamt and fingara to thoroUKh of an he atatea A reurn to VhJVm. needed, but aa aa llluatraUon that hiv been a alow Uw, for th.

protectionof man and s.Vhm. not painful-- motor. the clrllls.d world, and tha Inter- may give of tbelr meana to help put when patrlotlam calla. who est of the United Btatea In a return prMnt benefactora. who are not follow aa a necea- Jlan .11 sss, xrz onBosltlon In tlon.

a Instance. The he-knlttera of the c.nd and cbwlna aum. mm it AA In flreat Drttatn i "Wliero flood "or lira Or oerlod have, bad acant Juetlce r.her than claara but you neva th fmmlnlone. and there would there, too. go inch la tha th.

Tf few of them died can telL rrltlciam ot apy ai mott(L ot th lied Croeat tha great- for th wer motly past ag ao narrow as to wm i Thai a. i tute no mora than an armed am-1- 01 I a nee. net ween tha two pole. lle manner In Whicn 11 naa I a solution. If Kuropsan atateaman-0f tha work of tba moment la testl- snip ran discover It, It should ba tna JmonJ aav'to tha right to nd duty of Am.rlc.n Worda.

IV ba. ao a-aiesmananip to 1, ery a point cf dep.rtura for Tro- but for the support of tha peoplolt potftl of wider acopa and mora would be helpless. Tha gratifying untrsrtsl prolnlaa. reaponae thua fr; to Ita appeal Tf rrltlciam of tha protocol at ahould bo continued aa long aa drawn by the league' aeeembly 1a neceaaary, In a eentenco William and tha need of elarlfl- Forttina. prealdent of the Indiana-ration on certain polnta bai been poll.

Rod Croea. aummad op the gdmltted by eom. of the It The meaaur. of 'not necea.arlly follow that "Ify," b. wlll ba-eagionat bnd.r.tandlng.

ar. tho oom.Hh. m.a.ur. of can ba a ee)jaftahT. only way out.

They might af value Indeed, they were by Foreign Mlntater Rene, rf Cierho-glovakla, a leader la framing the protocol but If they aro pt connected with aoma larger arrangement tha danger I. The triple entente, Including Oreat Prtiatn, Franc and Russia, and tha triple alliance. In whtdh Germany waa a leader, trere, speaking, security compacts. slanre of power theory which they promoted brought on tha world war. The Tlmea comment I.

to tha point. Regional onderstandlnga. If they ar not to Inrlt new dangera, must be Considerably mora than armed alllancea of the Id variety. Tha tntereet and responsibility ef the United atatea la clear and were summarised well by President roolldge when he waa Inaugurated. On what ta dona In tho Immediate future aa to security, with attention telng given the smaller a.

well aa mac bine a. Wa uaed young But -other tlmea. omer noUBh by thig time to make a ssc- aa a wise man aald. Moat people i ond contribution ara atlll "tending to their knlttlng- though they bave ceased to knit. tha aama trouble on Joba In Chicago I,ia.

and to recall A telephonV wire la peculiar fiAm.lIm,. vftii a 1 nhAtn- I wnetner mere i srranh over 11 and sometimes you done today by either except on can-t yen hear oter It. is somewhat doubtful. one, iuu vjivMi.R Tha dlacovery on the part 01 Coolidge has a sense of humor mere- be and Philadelphia. The fTort at Uaat one phase of tha war that, thanyby airplane, but hardly anyl I difficulty waa between brlcklgyera era between unlona, both ot which make 8vraj months back Faavo Nurml aoma claim to tha allegiance of thai Rt.f.iL His Another thing the Junior legla- I latum mlrhi do fa oaaa a iolnt reso- Aa far aa Wm providing for the burial of It Is not proDauie mat in.

w.v language-. tha world la aerloualy aiminianea a. thatr ceaaina to oa amuer. and blaaterera. and tha open breach nther palnfui nor brought to light aot oniy a contro between thee two crafta.

but I yxjRMI THE UXBEATEy nan not be great. rrnpi I oia nappy. tala a moral oears, ana ri nut it may be to re- better town. that they did. notwiinsiauuins; y.

where they would do the most good, breaking the and of underraln-1 a prlTate enterprise offered vic-Prealdent Diwii haa 4.ut a concerted movement haa beenUr 1 Pro.Perlfy of the unloua lacking. Now the radio listener. 1 themaelyea. bear ihat "thla I. Indianapolis, the! convention city of America." I I BOBBED-HAIR PERIL 'Ccnventtona are not the only goal I Moat tntereatlng is the report from ef the bodstera They have started Lond out to attract more industries, and bla an blm S3 000 a week for twenty-two lnounced that he will apend the aum waka to compete dally against mer at home, so the aenators can selected Indian professional rua- i- ners.

x. motion piciur. spend their vacation. In Europe without fear of Interruption. nnderatood to have offered him I a comoariaon of the different ton that bobbed-hair ta responsl- sso.QOO to appear ln one film.

Thefe I stories tb members of congress are for1 a "new malady known aa.l croooaal that be write 'a telling about how and why thlneja to be aaslstance to lnduatrlea headache." which 1. aatd to mnnina. Eaah happened during the aeasion might ktrt Th rnamK.e t.i 1. 1 -1 even mora tntereatlng than the ,1..

a i 4 a I accoui wrniw wm in. r.o Pv.i,w I but Nurml aviaentiy 1 Uehed ln tho Congressional Record. tne mncneon ciuos. tne neigaoor- mala peek 1. very aenaiuva to cam kt.

hi. amateur standing, tie aia brwd association, and all other, wbo and cold and the rest ollowa TCx-1 not fblnk be bad hlatrionic ability Auto law vlolatora may loae their are willing to boost. Indianapolis I parts are thus quoted; "Thla t. Both- I and he also waa under no illusion licenses, but almost any one of them Is to be adrerOsid far and near a. hug but a form of neuralgia, medical to bi, capacity for writing.

willing to drive without a license I .1 I till aome one catches him. a contented city; a thriving, bust patriotic, hospitable, artistic, eta community to which any person, firm or corpora tlon should be glad to move. There Is a thla line between boasting and boasting. California 'erd Florida ar. engaged In a boast-Jr duel, with ji'lortda aeemlngly fttlng the better of the argument tst now -in thla part ot the country, tra Anceles and other southern C'illfurnta clUss have boasted so that It has becom second na- tire with them.

They refuse to be- Kr anything bad about their ell their their soil or moral. Kvery day they boast title hsr-ler, while the country I'Vs on and a boaater always amusing, even when he men ear. caused by- removal other nronoaals to make of from the tender nape ot the I money out of hla name bad much neck, which thus t. exposed to the to commend them, as witness blustery wind, of March." "Happily I tDf following a preventive baa already been die covered la the ahape of "hata which 1 1. write testimonials that certain fit cloaely and low at the back." kinds ot liniments kept his runninjr which -are aald to ban effective gear in ahap: that eertala medl-WB 1 Iclnes have kept him fit; that this land that-IOOU nas uaue nim iiruug But the danger la tnat tne iasn-iand that certain etyies oi wearing Ion in hata may change while the apparel have helped him become bobbed-hair' fashion survives Thla.

greatest runner. we think, t. to happen. No In all. Nurml 1.

aald to have re-devotee of the mode would. even to I used a total of 15.000. The ef- avold rahlngle headache. wear an I forts to buy hla ability aa an ath- antt. neuralgia hat unless It were lete can be exctfsed.

perhaps even the etyle. The idea of being bound defended. If the purpose for which Irrevocably to a special pattern of be came to th Cnited Statea is hat i almost revolting. On the overlooked. But the attempt to other hand, If women ahould quit buy the misuse ot his name for ad-bobbtng their hair the problem I vertlalng le on a par with i-itrtght An old law is going to be ln voked to stop Sunday fishing ln northern ladiana lakes.

so tb courts may yet have to decide He baa been offered large sums whether a fisherman la a fisherman if he catches nothing. There might be a good deal better chance for a career for many bright youag man tf he would take more Interest In politics and les interest in getting a political job. which Is so often a temporary occupation. Nor did an open muffler ever add to anybody's popularity. That In an Impact the llgnter vehicle penerally suffers far 3iore than the heavier one is a good thing to remember aa a railroad, traction or even a street car crossing Is OLD LITHOGRAPHS An article on "Tba Junk Snupper.

In the Saturday Evening Post for March 14 In discussing the Old Currier and Ivea llthographa aaya that a recent aartlon aale offered a collection of Jo of these printa and drew an audience of 40 people. and at this aale a winter scene. -Thanksgiving Day only fru-hea brouarht It waa the sort of thing that waa' probably put out originally to aell at S3 or Of these pictures there were several distinct groups, both aa to slse and subject, the moet popular slse. probably because of cheapnesa. being xl inches.

The suDjecie wr often natriotlc ecenee from American history, such as the -Surrender of Comwallls or they were domestic, aucb aa farm ecenee, and where, eentlment waa attempted It waa mora than likely to be aentl-mcntality. The drwWlng and coloring were usually cfud, but they hit tba mark with thoae for whom they were published. In the garrets of the school district of Franklin township, thla county, there should still be lingering In oblivion aorae of theae now prised llthographa. Fifty yeara or more ago No- achool-houso (now serving lnglorloualy aa a etable a mile aoutheaat of Beech Grovel waa once a year coitverted Into an art gallery, the glories of which muat atlll haunt a few beads long since gray. Two of Its teachers.

John T. Leachman ana Marlon Ferguson, ruled not by the rod but by moral suasion. Aa to rut and dried ouallf icatlr-na It may whether either couia I cant-tell-hlm-a-thlng variety or speculator the clerk In the store. the lawyer, the small-town mer chant, the school teacher, all who were attracted to the gambling tick- Ta era by the audden rise in wneat The man won a bet by drink- prices and the atorles of fortunss whikv mnO. than being maae over mini.

Certainly tha economic lose, any. Xnd by tfte Bam token. Juat aa 1 vlno a ah Ft haa been the case hundreds of times before and will be, true hundrede et General Perahlng seems likely to I tlmea In the future1, the shrewd trad- to draw it. be the odd Joba man for the federal crs. the men whose business It is I I and ba content almply to revive unoerstana Mall travela faster by tornado cierk'B business to know how to sell dnthlna- and the school teachers If not specially Inspiring, la a body carea to get a letter that way.

Ltnen to know how to turh. hart srarnered the profits of the slump Tne nurgiars anu diuci a uo a I Tba federal advernment. rendered A.nnrKT in in inn I I ..4 i.ii..,.ii. 1 msnij movrmrui i.v I 1 In piClOUS VI i v. wheat prlcea in two weeks, and, bw- plasterer.

In New York. 1 e.Vordiln tha If 24 Olympic game. Member, of the Junior legislature lievlng th. grain futures law had lrecord in tna iz wiympio f.nn. violated bv Interested persons.

of two year. tn. Par a caused him to DO nanea oy iv.u ha- beerun an lnve.tteatlon of con- beenimaklng un.uccea.ful effort, to conaervatlve critlea as on. ot I v- hut who lmaalnea that any reach an agreement in New, Tork, i arraat long dlatance runnera of I of the "sucksrs- sucked Into th The Jurisdictional 'fight haa heenl- had Finland, hla The New Tork man who loat a bet aown-whlrllng maelatrom. win ge waged with great vigor and dster- I tr wldelv known that ha oould drink a pint of whisky monsy back? t.

i. live to tell It Dut too much faith I tv. i nna wav to "beat th it la a fat of tell It put too much faith Thr. motion. Ia a way JJ htt'0 telloNto the leadership of tho union officiate.

Amrlc4, to con- ln The aama feeling na. up farther attention on hi. native junior Legislator. th larger European, countries, mayjothfJ unlona. Ia none of the caaea depend the trend of development ftTOiTad 1.

the employer aecuaed of i or otraoea. or on. toing uis- noncprapllance with working agree- on an affective acale. ment 1 or unfalrnea. to the.

men. especially with' reepect to land rjnion leadere, of eourfa. realise tb 1. practically out et the situation and seek a remedy not yet tuestton until acceptable assurancea available. aa to security ar found.

I The Public which pay. the btll In In. itrmrm la Antttlftit to bet. MnCTfvn lr treatment, aa laboVo real chiefs land tn a manner that would command admiration and respect. The visit be regarded aa a patriotic duty, net to be marred by any per sonal act that might eauae adveree comment.

There were aome smiles at thla The Flnlander would succumb to the temptation to capitalise hla name and bla fame, it waa thought. American promoters real- a- man it WtOl 1 1 a. A 1 I Tfi aa Xadlanaroll. aeema, to be In earne.t receiving. Thel Nurml BeU th pained no one.

about Joining the boosting A union wmcn otsiwi prupry wr Uomm-rclal value of bl. achlevO fw ef the eltlxsna have been booat-1 eauaaa a eontractor anu owu.r Ing for some time, vputtlng taet.h.e money through building' opera menta. For once the about the city oii their atatlonery ttondeUya. merely as a result wrong. Nurml 1 and statistics to pUces union.

pontics, i. guuty ooiar ut amateur, Emulate American motorlata paid 180.000.- 000 ln gaaollne tax laat year, and It i Maajba all of the reports about child marrlagea In this country got materialists have I started about the time all women is still an began to look the aama age. or think market," and that la to keep out It. If It were not for the grea American sucker public, there would VJI wr Wav-- I a a ay. -I 11 aa-A And the next generation will reap not arui.y I of grains ana siocas aaa vn of Wall and many other streets M.

Jardlne. secretary of agri- would be leu to pry upvu m.ra culture, aaya that what the farmer selves. needs Is a chance. Moat farmere know what It means to take a chance. FOLLOWING THE CROWD (Anderson Herald 1 Is a simple matter to follow the crowd and alwaya accept the crowd'a Idea.

It la easy to accept your opin ions already made and to aay yea to every question which aeems to ex- that anewer. And when the rowd has won a victory, It la easy to atand back and "See what we did." The trouble wltb this sort of life. however. Is that when the crowd has on. the Individual Is forgotten.

There can be no outstanding men or women In the community that al waya stay In a crowd. Ther can not tven be any great progreee. It requlrea some one with a vision that goes ahead of the crowd to make progress. It requires soms ot the bplrlt of the pioneer to step out of the herd and expreas contrary opin ions. When one sheep Jumps a fence, the whole herd follows.

That one abeep was a leader Down on the bills of Kentucky, where som. of the tarmera keep sheep, there ar deep paths worn around th hillsides because of tbe following tendencies ot the sheep. These paths are started merely aa a little track around the MIL Soon another sheep g-oes along and naturally follows the line which haa bea made. In a short time a little groove Is worn In the little later th rain falls and It flnda th gutter and before the thing ba. ended, the farmer ha.

a deep-cut ravine where the one leader walked. In the meantime all of th sheep have been, eating over the same ground day after day. Sometimes a leader will leave the path and find new pasture and then that ia shown by a nrancn pain irom ine pain, it Is a disadvantage to the and a disadvantage to the landowner. Other cattle, without this following tendency, raege widely and the gutters are not cut In tha bllL It la a splendid example of the tendency to follow a leader. The one wbo follows must take what Is left by tha leader.

He Injures the country and be denies himself. Tha leader la so me i tries turned back but he la always first. The Independent thinker may not always meet with success but he Ira. distinct ad van- a ''tage to the coonlrj. Step out fro the herd.

Make your own pinions and then tbem. VOICE OF THE PEOPLE CommumeatioM ArmomA for publ-eauoaj should tw Aift el ta the editor. Tfeey aut be orompentec by ia Mae sad ad-frt mt the wr.vrr so that kienUncvtioa prnem to pubncatlea vtn ba QTUckly tHMble It dressed da- alrabla. The aasae et the writer vUl aot be used aaoormlty AD ahoald be as brie sa to esreed 300 worda. It aa snannarrtpt la ta be.

retarued. a stamped aad nHniwd euTatops saast be tocloeed. Tba MsslHsal Os To the Xxfiior of Th 9ews: tpalara Sir The question haa been naked. "What Is the mater w'th In- dlaaapollsT It baa been answered by an attempt to attack our form of government, when, in fact, the real trouble with Indianapolis la a state of mind. A composite men tal condition, many yeara In the making, that has brought our cltl senshlp to a point where political chicanery la accepted aa a matter of course.

And now the city man ager plan Is. offered as a panacea for all our municipal Ilia. Does any one seriously belleva that we would Pae a teacner I ba governed either more wisely or prvsvm mora economically by a manager left on their pupua was mployd by a few mn who must lsa puaaant ana a.w.. 1 lnlected Into their own P- rerlme under theae two teacnere i miimm? Tmhm, rmm one I ik, time I waa mucn nns. hlcheat officer, by whatever name of tlmea waa the mat oay oi cal, aU to This event In all tha old country th airct, ftni ntskt him achoola mant not only relea from only to a half don th routln of atudy.

but a gaia oay i men wno may, aBd mt w1l whn there waa speaking ox piece. and hay on, almnltfled. In Ia alnalna aad what not, with a room dt eerTetuatton of the full of proud parenta ana olnr I mnnlclpal condltlona which ara vialtora to applaud It all. xneae BOW decrying. Wa do not need two tutora alwaya added to the change In uf form of government, caaton a dlaplay of art Quite I properly administered, it la the beat eclipsed any exhibits to be founa I form of cJty government yet de in the homes of tnat scmi-primi-1 rta, nut what do need Is a tlve neighborhood.

Thla waa la the change in our kind of mayore. The shape of Currier and Ivea lltho- writer haa long lived In the hope grapha decorating all the vacant tnat are might yet have na. mora paces of th schoolroom wall. John Caven serving na It is com Each of these bore the written i tnonly answsred that can not name of a pupil, and wa a present! n0w get that kind of men to run from the teacher, ostensibly aa a for mayor. If ao, then why not? Isn't "reward of merit." but aa a matter because the cltlsehs of our city of fact the donor never had the let partisan polltlca think for us.

heart to discriminate between the and Incompetent officers grab off sheep and the goats, and the woretjour responsible placee with the aid ouoll as well as the most exemplary of political machines? got his picture, and to all It wasj There Is one men in Indianapolis nn.p of aneclal prlda point possibly many more- whom the rA" tn a rim I r-I rank and file nf both nartles ballav Off trial Brwaaj.ew To the Editor ot Th Jwr 8lr Ther la widespread concern over the seeming lack of regard for the law. "Hut Is there not Extra Seaalaw Te the Editor ot The Tffewa: Sir I read Qat Reprentatlv Cooper, of Poey county, called upon tha Oovernor seeking a special profsssed themselves contemptuous of' this sentimentality, but the widow's might prevailed, and tha btrfs flutter about th grim old figure and splash themselves happily on his' head. Many Rochester gardens have some sort of drinking bowl to encourage birds, and thousands there are who look each spring for regular occupants of tbe little bird-houses provided. Still others are ELUSIVE CHANGE To the list of thlnga wattlag for somebody to Invent them shoal i ba added an artlc'e that, for lack of a better name, might aa well ba called a "change picker up." That It la eeded all who pay gas, water, tight and telephone bills, theater, railroad and other ticket, and a good many other things, will agree. Geae rally epeaklne; th tl-ket aellera and cash The Oew rklh era aad pVsUahod erea.

Ofc2eua ax caa farmers Cpea aakad ea-crse tea Tba Oew tu hjr-g ta tha aua. Aa atd wer raraa, I wt I For. rercked la teach erafest fha fca YL feaiherv tern wita in m4 ab. It woeful casta at ArQ thraura. Tb yvrs new grasa.

aad. The dallies sparkla uaVi Aad etMBteevtrwa mm wttkr Have BBiaa evry rmMj be'Jk. iers are aereae and cool behind a slab Aoubtral G3 frost ed new. nf wnarMa thil haa ben Dollshed UU- Th ah alon taaS stark mmA vJm til It give forth a dull reflectloa of JJ th. victim.

He pay. hi. bill, and 'XL'l lee he haa the exact change which statisticians aay. does aot happen once la 1.J14.14 tiraea it la necesaary to pick up tha chaagu. What to do with tha change Is another matter entirely.

At moat of tha caahlera wlndowa are little re ceptacles Into which may ba dropped with the aesurunce that It will ba used for worthy purpoeee. But flrat pick up tha money! A-man with a btll amounting to tie! doea not have tha exact change ready aad tendera a IS bill. Wlth speed ao o.ulck tha eye hardly fal- lows. th cashier daducta tha ca- SCRAPS i An Oklahoma well produces pure asphalt. The annual monsoon of India de-pre business African elephaata ara aald to aleeplnc slckaeaa.

All member, of tha cat farallv tn th New Tork too get their meat red and raw. Thomas Jefferson died )at rfty Tear after ha mtm-mA Ik, IWUmiiu count, learn that tb net amount I ef independence. due Is HIT. and fllnga forth twa i I Tnltd Statea la Weml.e a bllla. two dima and three oeata.

Tha onrr aupply for tha world mar- patron may make a fine showing kf for turqnolse. of Independence ana wai awa, Mr. Edith Wharton, novelist. Is without attempting pick up la 1th first woman to racatv th cent a. but that la aaldom dene.

Wr I gold medal the Natlanal Xnrtl- th moat part ba trtea to pry them aaa ettera loo-from the marble aUb of puhe When a dog barks at night tn tbem over the adge. holding one m-Arm la the shape I "tence-d ta work for a fixed time hand under the edge In tne snap i Bb -who. of a i scoop. Tba money Irnay have beoa dlsturhad. misses the band and rattles ta the brt k-.

x. floor. Other customer, walling la 1 mnd Mclndoea. YX. has ben Una merely add to the confasloa.

I mad a free bridge, leaving only two Putting glue on tba flagera la aa aid of tba thirty-two tell bridge, that la aucb a attuatloal but It la likely spanned tha Coaneetcut river, to bring about compllcatlona. Mag-1 taka a block of wood two nets will not pica up ai.u an. whisk brooma gtv very Utile aatla- I four lachea loag to aapply the pulp faction. A gaaaU. cieaner ia seoui va ww Iforme I.I0 persona ct It could ba attached to a atoraga bat- I new.

tery carried ta tha pocket, held eloao Brw1. tb daya to the money ana ta cnanga i vvilliara Keo.rh. of Vt would be drawn Into a puree, a each I aneesed. and la tha act lot his falsa or wherever It is to g. ov tain i im nttitr, lnventa oaa af these thlaga will be I Aa all night search for tha lost a true friend af humanity.

article waa fruttleaa aad tha farmer TAXPAYER DOESNT FORGET na imcsm mt xonciasion tnat on Af lllllMel Vha aw, a 9 Aa up-to-date way of taformtar Lafarett Joantal aad Ceorlerl th acher aa enforced abaaace Whether It la Justified of aot. from a claaa session at White rials. thr prl.ta la the mind of Jhe Wllllm Meyer. II radioed that he average taxpayar the Uat WM when the aenate went out of Ita way hom neighbor aad used fet to th Pre.ldnta cablnt atatloa. 2-riQn.

to tell tb plans It waa. for on thing, attempt- bead ef tha science department tret tng to display Ita menacing power ha could net attend srhaoL The tn reprlaal for tha Preldnfa action meeaage waa received on the school In beading off lest year certain i measures which called for a matter I Although dlllgeat eearch wa mad of l.0.00.00 more than the budcet. aad which constituted a bold and sinister congressional raid on the people'a treasury. So Imnilnent waa this proposed at- In aad about the Masonic TOmpla at Canandalgua, N. oa th evening In January Mrs.

Jacon Hart loat the diamond from her engagement ring and oa many time, afterward, tha atona waa aot found. Some elaat out tneir I it, Irttmrt that th PTS- I mtl.r h.lnlnr aerva a inr friends Little did teacner or in, ana Dig Business couia reiy upon I I ing rrienas. I a it ta take I Mra. Hart barneaed to aee a that a hair-century to oe rair to au concernea. nf IT.Vi.etaw anA .11 eblecl on the later print collector, would a Ing craty ana payins; II Up aao.upon esaminma rr tha humble crlara whlcn men i am or our city, ana men vet oe-1 to bo per oiamona.

In mx would not have cost mbre than quarter apiece. THE SUCKERS STILL BITE fM uncle Evenlnr Press 1 spits of warnings Issued by and purling, on Pullmans Jy verlfl wh4t ln4 rett of the practically all newspapers and many and at 'the theater. Lady caller. country suspected for some others, some thousanda of persons brought their knitting with them. time.

In the United Statea who were ouu- there. were few handbags that Ing the wneat marae, i Anwe whw a m.i tj 1 nave lost a great many iiumv.i nado relief fund should have made QOHar. These millions have come largely from the common, ordinary. hind him and nominate and elect htmT IIARRT E. NEOLET.

and pointing out the bllle which mashed the gigant.o aaaau.t o. the A ..1 treasury. lar erattv Rartha TUler. elabteea. ot It waa only through aucb berola fx- Angelea, wa tha evidence that action that an orgy ot waata and caused th conviction of a- enatcu tnoreaaed taies was prevented, thief.

Tha prisoner waa charged Rome of the men who wero to ahara with Uklng Miss Rllsy-e pure. Tba In the fruit, of tb proposed raid puree waa mi uuii are perhape resentful. Hill, aa tbelr eon- Za aoma defense for the cltlsen whoslauct from tlm to tlm clearly la QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. more horse sense on the part of our I wt) franchise eost bu. line, that public "servant." might help eome.

I ar already In operation? There la NUISANCE. 1 for bat Unea. old or new. the only coot the fees charged by the pnbllo service com mission for bearing. Incident to a petition fer an rdr of convenience and necessity.

Pupils of School 5o. 17. City session to provide relief for the What Is the leugtn oi a storm suffrrs. I would like to session of the ladlata legl.IatureT If tbl. session Is called, every mem- filxty-one daya What eandl- he of hot hAiit.i aerva witont I datas are to be aelected at the com compensation.

CHA8. M. CLAUK. Ing municipal primary? Thoae for FOR THE BIRDS Rochester Hew.SenUnell When Pretoria erected a statue to the memoryaof John Paul Kruger. the widow instated that the crown the electlv city Ollicvs 7.

rt.rk. tudu and council ma. (I) Who la 8pakr of national houae of repreeentatlvea? Representative Nicholas Longwortk. ot Ohio, haa been agreed on by the Republicans, who control. (I) Upon what basis Is representation la eoa- of shls hat oe urt open to collect fixed? Each etate baa two rain water for the bird.

Artists tha renreaentatlve. are i Hnaivi assigned to atatea on. a bal. oi population, the present apportloa-balna one representative to very 111.I7T people. Thla waa done fifteen year.

however, and Vlxa DT aome oi in. uj the statea are now much more ti rv the federal govera- ment own the Federal Tea () What la meant by the It la a Cbrtattaa church aeaeon commemorating the a-aaa a where nesting takes place fecb oa. at Easter, tha great wmA A ik. Intrtat af tha nty experlepc with th law I dtcatee.

However, the taipayer la I y0una lady. Upa Another lnsprtat nmea through contact with Its ex- i strong for Coolidge and Just as v1g-ltnm takea showed similarity and ecutlve officers? Why. for example. orously against treasury raids aad 1 strengthened tha chalna of evl- a- hould an. ordinary routine I raiders.

laence. nottc Ignore th usual amenities and assume a tone bristling with bluster and menace? Would It ever occur to any one but an "official" to send to a harmless, well-meaning taxpayer In this particular case, a woman a notice from the! F. D- Franklin Under the Moor board of health which says: "No head bus bill, passed by the 1ISI second notice will be given. Prose- I legislature, bow much Insurance to cutlon will follow failure to ob-1 the paasenger la required? The serve this order. I respectfully I amount la aot aet out In tha law.

subnlt that a little ls threaten-1 Dat 1rt to tba discretion ef tha Inge and slaughter and a little I nubile eervlee comralaeloa. (J) bat and not to bar grandchildren. If tha daughter bellevea such a will existed, or If aha can establish claim to tbe property, about all she can do lo to employ aa attorney te examine tbe condition ef tho eetate and report tbe attuetlon. City What city autherit'lee can ad vis. about wbea am ex pected to establish sewer eonnee-tlone at a given, piece of property? Board ef health.

City Hall. (S) What are the requirement, for entrance to Weet Polat? CandHet. for admlesloa are appointed from the army, from certain rated echota. nd from civilian life, aad required to- paae a rigid phyaical examination, and nore la accepted wbo has any defect or Infirmity which readers blm unfit for military service. Ia addition, each candidate mast' pass aa examination ia algebra, geometry, X-ngllsh, grammar, eom-' poaltloa.

and literature aad la history. Oradoats. of high schools of good and student, at and college, may submit educational eertlfleatee which ere considered by examining board, wltb a view to acceptance la lien ef mea-tal examination. Montetuma Pleas etate what la. meaat by a symphony orchestra Aa orchestra trained gad equippea to play a.

symphony, aa elaborate musical composition requiring a fall orchestra. C. M. City I bave loot my army discharge papera. aad while reeall pertleulera of my military eervleo.

do" not remember what com- I B. BV S3 SV aaaa SB aXm A DtllJaTU a EM XS fortunate enough to have trees feat of f.daV.1 fa. tf haw aon. Few but like the presence of f-Bll day. t) piri for ItT-Teu are ontitl.d birds In their garden and many are citr How old ta Jackie I the device to antic them to build Coogan? Ta yeara.

dove not la rue da plicate die within sight of th. home. T. IC City Twenty-eight hlrge papers, bat will upon request The blrda do not aak very much; deserted me statement of your eervlee. chiefly they wish to be made wel- daughter, then one year old.

you will procure aa laauraac eome. It la uaually tbe male who mm in the world. I bleak tb. marlae corpe hop iowara in, no-a brought tb daughter up en- office ta the Federal bulldlag la a considered etares and. cocking his trly by roy own effort, aa a eewfag good place to geaVBae.

aad have your head to one aide, scrutinises tbe Tbe only thing ber father eager printa takea atjbe eeme time abode and Its Inhabitants If they are fef Bp waa give ber tLU fill Jt out to the beet your visible. Birds hav. a necessary In- doctofe MIL. I divorced eblllty. yoe win probably get year stinct for th disposition of humans.

br faln.r after aome yeara and re- inaorerie certificate. There will be and no careful father la going to aia0 remarried. Tbe m. delay Incident to checking I a ax TT jeopardise bla neatllnga by lack of wlth She bow mf record la the war department ordinary caution. Given a welcome! ...0 which to etert a fjie.

If the adlutant-ceaeral re- end th blrda ask little more. They bu.lB for herself, and since hraalrM meT ridnce ef your eerr-like accessible water and apprcitl fcr mts of meana. can he will write to tea about tt. food, whlcn. nowever.

will find anyway. But the prettiest sight of all la the water bowl where all sorts and conditions of tbem con-gregate together, from the Intrtpld sparrow to the cocksure robin. Verbal Pulrhrltad (LAiayetU Journal and CourW Ther Is prooaoiy la nrobablv Cewld It D. E.f.reedr (akxandii TVmee-Tribune On aet of streets for walker, and another for riders may yet be the rule. They Live Forever (VTtbash Ttawe-SUr peau beat ere aot dead that's the.

trouble. force him t. provld. n.r wun iiead.rA man ba. much can not de It by jjf any method provided by law.

Tho bBfl. question. of support wae clsry. Can be have the beaeflciery h. time of the divorce, end the relative.

ra nn mw daughter naa mm I without notifying her? It I. calaw- father, property alive. (S) daughter-a grand- no or alt lac I K.nA--always sai word than unless It le daughter to he a piece of property utteredflapJacksandtreemolaasea and oftn toi my daughter that he would leave the propertyte her. ritrht to In rviarn inw w- a lw unless It ana ie boi mmrm unless -It wee lert to ner ib fol for blm to do ao? He cea have tbe beneficiary chaaged at will tf without notifying br or violating aay law. Dut the policy may per mit blm to change tbe beaefletary a K.a.flrl.n'a miM).

She baa been dead more than a MftBd fc dld without tbe aeee- and her father baa never aald WOrd about It. Caa my daughter flclaryB consent, tbe change would, be of ao force, even though tre ta- LfM 4 mwm I collect end kep tho ro nt from tbl. through Iroperi-Th. dId change. mistake P.

CL'Clty It yon caa give eom facta about when and where tre el wa. commutes. wa grandmotbar-. wllL If th. gra.d- Used mother left ao will, the property will try "nd what went to ber husband and chiiarea.

i wa dlaaltlaa.

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