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Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois • 2

Chicago Tribunei
Chicago, Illinois
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1,, 0 1 POPULATION OF 1 SUFFRAGISTS I Harry MitChed rn A Tyr cunwe Igh 1 i I 11 nrn Editorial JAPAil'S ELIPERIALISTIC 111131TIONS JAPIIii'S ErtIPERIALISTIC 1111311 I Russia. where workmen seem to bel, getting sumptuous wages. They run up to the most splendid figures. What Is the godd of these puffed which are paper as far as the working classes are concerned? They are being cheated at every step, and they are beginning to discover it. There are legitimate ways by which the governmentcan 'assist em FRANCE SHOWS PARIS PLEASED GREAT DECREASE 1 Associatedi ATVILSON illS IT inmst.

It is not so easy to dellne the causes of it. Some causes are some are not. 1 1 "Let us consider those which are legitimate. In some respects the ecotiomic conditions of the country during the war have been better than any during our lifetime. There has been no unemployment during the war.

I there are special war conditions vhich have condueed to unrest. Men have been working four and a half years amid the tensest excite- ment, with all kinds of anxieties, working time and overtime, and four and: I half years of that is sufficient to pro-1 duee a condition of things where men are not in their ordinary frame of mind. Let us begin by remembering that and making allowances for it. ployment. Take the housing problem I PARIS, Feb.

the Associated I Feb 41By the My right-honorable -Adam- population-in son, ventured to say that no single four years has decreased by over 1 step had. been taken. He is quite 000, without including the deaths in oc- misinformed. As a matter-of the cupied northern-France, nor.the losses minister of supplies has already direttly to the war. taken the most gigantic steps to pre- 1 Official figures show that in 1913 the Read Resolutions and Are pare for the housing program.

They births outnumbered the deaths by have ordered material On a consider- 000. But tins slight excess disappeared able scale which will provide employ. I in the following year, since which time 'Advised How to 7.4 ,1 1 --4, 4,,,,,, I or'''ct', .:1 1.:,,,, 1 14:4.: 40.,: 4 k. 1 .0 i -4 .44 4 1 1 i-' 't 1 I I ment, bricks and windows, doors, and the deaths have outnumbered thel all the material which is essential for 19.14 by more than 50,000.1 the building of houses. That is one i and 1n-1915, 1916, and 1917 by nearly i method.

in each year. The total excess I Plans Made by Government. I of deaths over births. for these four 7.b 8 s.f 1 i 4., I I -X -4 1 I IZRUTSK 1101.1 -7 7 7 mANCH, RIA 4 "al Zr .11 V.64 Pri-ING (3 04' Ax 1,, 0 (ACK A IsliZCK7NG fimmA- 614,60141: 7 Yaoy 5 -7P4 2 INDIA 2 CANTON w' lb C- i) -41 PP el et( A'1. r' A A -'7z vArgotai There Is the development of.

the ears ways and communications of this I Births, which numbered approximate- 3 iven as 883,160. is ly 600,000 In 1918, dropped to 315,000 in i country which will open up the re- I 1916 and 343,000 in .1917, while the 1 sources of the country. That provides I legitimate employmnt and enriches 'deaths IncreaSed, but not In comparable the country at the same time. There I proportions; so that the total decrease n- i are projects like reforestation and the pop-ulatio was due tothe -gre-at settlement on- which will provide In diminution -In births, and not to any I great increase in deaths. I the healthiest means- of employment any state can find for its people.

"But there are Illegitimate causes I The statistics cover seventy-seven de- partments, excluding eleveninvaded de- partments. 1 of the present unrest: -There is a sedu-- bons attemptwhich has been made for BY CONSTANCE DREXEL. i Chicago Tribune Foreign-News 6ervIce-1 By Special Cable-I lConrtight: ,1919: Bythe Tribune Company. PARIS, We WOUld like some part in the peace conference," is i the general' tenor of the conference beginning on allied women at the Lyceum club, 8 Rue PenthieVe. Ways and means were discussed until a set of resolutions was adopted which was p6resented to President 6 Wilson Monday evening, when he received the -women by appointment at his resi- dence.

The women representing AmeFica Inlued Mrs. J. Borden Harriman, Juliette Barrett Rublee, and Bement Davis. Read by British Leader: years to undermine the confidence in 1 trade union leaders. It has produced unfair bargain with the community undiscipline, which has made collect- (i-nbor member: What about Carson lye bargaining almost impossible, and and the lord we are bound I cannot conceive anything more fatal to fight with the whole weight of the to the industrial life of this country nation, or we cease to be a government.

thanthat "The first thing we have to do is UP "A trade union leader acquires in get peace. These disturbances are in- the course of years, like anyone else, 1 ierfe-ring with the making of knowledge and experience in course of Every morning before I went to the -E his business. Knowledge and expert- peace conference I had messages from tence 'give responsibility. The moment London about a strike here and when I 1 2 Al they exercise that responsibility they returned In the evening, of another I are attacked, their influence is under. strike, union leaders thruwn over and bargains repudiated, and I don't mind saying I think it would be to the advantage of the peace conference if I had been able to remain there a few days." Shantung peninsula to Japan and recognize Japan as successor to Germany's rights, concessions, and properties in the Shantung district.

This grant would give Japan complete control of China's iron ore deposits, of which she already holds two-fifths. Now that Tokio's program, has been brought into the limelight at Paris, the Japanese envoys hove come out into the open by reiterating the intention of Tokio to hold the Marshall and Caroline islands and to protect her interests on the mainland of Viscount Chinda, Japanese ambassador to Great Britain, later denied that his country had any secret treaties with China or was attempting to coerce Peking to grant further The full scope of. Japan's imperialistic ambitions is being brought to light in Paris as a result of requests made by China's representatives at the peace congress or protection against the pressure from Tokio for the granting of new concessions. Safe from the intrigue of Peking, where the Japanese influence extends into every department of the government, the Chinese peace envoys have taken a determined stand for their country's independence. They have asked the congress to revoke the twenty-onedemands made by Japan upon China in 1915 and that the republic be removed definitely front Japan's influence.

This complete independence is asked under the protection of the league of nations. According to reports front Paris, Japan has a well defined program of expansion- that will- make it predominant in the Pacific. In addition to insisting that Japan be made the residuary legatee of Germany in China and Oceania, Tokio is said to have brought the heaviest pressure possible on Peking that "'China's delegates" to the peace congress be muzzled and kept from disclosing the extent of Japan's ambitions in China. According to reports from Paris, Japan is trying to force from China even more drastic concessions than were embraced in the famous twenty-one demands. Although making a show of returning the German concession of Kiao-Chau to China, Tokio, it noW develops, scants China to grant The resolutions were read to the president by Mrs.

Henry Fawcett, the British suffragist and president of the United -Societies of Woman Suffrage of Great Britain. Other British delegates include Mrs. Oliver Miss Rosiamond Smith, Miss Nina: Boyle of South Africa, and Miss Atkinson of New Zealand. The French delegation included the president and officers of the Union pour le Suffrage des Femmes. The Belgian women included Mme.

Brigode, president of the Bel-; gian Federation for Suffrage, and I Marie Parent, president of the Belgian National Council of Women and League for Rights of Women. Advised to Change Plan. lo Proves His Case I When I announced that I would be the first tailor in Chicago to show the NEW SPRING FABRICS pected to have a big crowd-- and when I began the sale THIS MORNING the men were there.Theywere men who know by experience that can and do produce regular $60 to $70 tailored suits, made to order for only $35and that I also give an EXTRA PAIR OF PANTS with every suit FREE. It's one thing to make a claim like that and it's quite a different thing to prove it. I cordially invite you to tny store-16 to 18 East Jackson Blvd.

right nowso that you can satisfy yourself That if I male your spring suitl-OU'LL SAVE FROM to $35 Or 1 the garment. it want you to: se the large variety of BEAUTIFUL NEW SPRING FABRICS, the very goods which you'll see later on in Chicago at $OO to $740 foril made to order suit. They include heavy, medium and i light weights, suitable for irn-s! mediate or spring wearfor Sunday or business suitsand I will make your suit to your order for ONLY give you an EXTRA PAIR of PANTS FREE If you place your order now you'll avoid the rush and you'll have a better opportunity for selection. I'll deliver the garments now or I'll hold for de- livery later on at any time you state. I guarantee everything to be just as you want it to be so colltie in to see mesave this $25 to -on yotg suit and get an extra pair of pants FREE uitt They nedi-um and able for im-, wearfor is suitsand suit to your $35and ZTRA PAM LI- order now and you'll ortunity for vet the gar-hold for de- tny time you everything vant it to be ee mesave yolg suit of pants Ring Urges Reforms.

King George. in opening the new parliament, after alluding brieVy to events since the dissolution of the last parliament just after the armistice, urged quick and decisive action on reconstruction measures and asked parliament to stare no effort in healing the causes of the existing The king said a government bill would be presented simplifying the procedure in house of commons to expedite what the government considers imperative measures. Among the measures, he said, were better housing. the formation of a department of health, the fulfillment of pledges to labor that unfair competition would be prevented, and the betterment of the agricultural situation through improved transportation. The king also urged constitutional reform for India; durable settlement" of the Irish question, and continuation of the present amicable illations between Great Britain and the United States.

4- President Wilson listened attentively to Mrs. Fawcett's reading and then. asked the women to sit and things over. which they did. the audi- 1 ence lasting more than a half -hour.

The president made no set reply, but suggested that instead of following the procedure of the which was: to have the women appointed by the- federated societies of the various countries, time be saved. He suggested that the conference of women meeting in Paris name a small committee of representative women to act with the peace ctE4egates. imined, distrust and suspicion are sown ab9ut them, and the result is chaos where there ought to be confidence, and so It is almost impossible to do business In some trades. Why is this done? It is done undoubtedly, by some, for the-very reason that lawlessness is the only thing that can follow, and that is what they are after. Lawlessness is their aim.

Lawlessness is their purpose. Some of I these men are seeking' to destroy not merely trade unionism but the state. There are several aades upon the continuous work of which the success in war was dependent. If they had sus- pended their activities for a month, it mightI won't say have produced disaster -or defeatbut would have seriously impaired our chances of success. Leaders of these trades knew that.

They behaved with patriotic re- straint, which does them honor, but now that the war is over tlie sense of power remains with those but the peril which created the re-: straint is for the moment gone, and there are men in those trades who are undoubtedly urging their leaders to use the power which they have to hold up' the community. Will Scan All Claims. Every attempt whit ch is put forward by any body of workmen. the government are bound to examine i 1 and they will examine carefully I 1 with a view to removing any le- 1 gitimate grievance and to redressing Iany unfairness or any inequality, but every demand which is pressed for I ward with a view not to obtaining fair 1 conditions, but with the ulterior motive to hold up the community. to I overthrow the existing order -and to destroy the government, relying not 1 upon the justice of the claim, but upon brute force which is behind itthen.

I say, on behalf of the government in all solemnity, we are determined to I fight Prussianism in the industrial world exactly' as we fought it on the 1 continent of Europe with the whole I might of the nation." Labor member: Can you fight it in England?" Fight Force With Force, Fear of Unemployment, There is genuine fear of unemPloyment. Men have got that fear now. The better educated working lasses become deeper and stronger in their resentment against Social conditions, many of them involving human degradation. They protest against them. Then there is bad housing and everrrowding in many districts that has been aggravated during the war.

"Thet0 there is no doubt at all that even restrictions on the people's luxui les and arnusements has had its effect. All these are causes which have contributed to unrest. In so far as there are legitimate causes of unrest, It is the business of the government to do its best to relieve them, so as to give no Justification. so as not to give material for those who are exploiting unrest. Ili flour for 3,000,000.

"In trades affecting three millions of agreements have already boen arrived at with regard to hours of labor, and in trades affecting two millions negotiations are in progress. L'ut there is a good deal to be said for a more general Investigation into the whole course of industrial unrest. The government would be glad to agree upon any method of investigation which would be satisfactory to employ6 and employer and to the community at large. "My right honorable friend, the member for Derby (3. S.

Thomas) made a very broad speech on Sunday. He said he did not altogether trust parliament to carry out its pledges of social reform. I cannot Imagine a graver Indictment against any government in any parliament if that were true. Still the government meant to do their best and I am confident that parliament will support them. Bills will be introduced and Introduced soon, and we propose submit to the house certain regulations for the improvement of the procedure.

1 Ileace Al'ork Satisfactory. I am glad you have not put any ttetalled questions to me about the I conference. I think the honor- I rl)le gentlemen exercised wise discreIon in that respect. It would be a misfortune if the discussions. before hey were concluded, were referred to the parliaments of the various countries which are represented at the confcrence.

So far we (the peace conference) have made progress which is equal to And even beyond the most sanguine cpectatIons in approaching agreement upon most of these questions. I should deprecate very strongly anything in. the nature of separate debates In the parliaments of the various- countries upon questions which be best discussed by representatives of thqse countries together. Many l'roblems to Solve. "There is this difference between this conference and all other confer.

aces the world has ever seenthe conrence of Frankfort in 1871, the conference in 1878, and the conference. The previous ones practically all dealt with differences of 4ipinion between two countries. Here. this conference, we are settling which involve every continent in the world. It Is therefore a klifficult task to adjust all the various 1 Calms which are put forward and hich will have to be most carefully considered.

"The whole energy of the delegates of the great powers has been devoted to trying not merely to effect a durable settlement but to effect it at the earliest possible moment, because we all realize that not only is peace important. but a speedy peace. and until we stablhdi peace among the nations there will always be a feeling of unr tit throughout the world. and Industry will not settle down to its normal task. Work to nit War Blame.

"Only two questions have been asked about the peAlitl conference. One as about the punishment of those responsible for the war and the other about milking Germany pay. As to toe first. an able commission has been appointed representing all the great Towers to consider the responsibility hot only of an individual. but of a reat many individuals, and not merely responsibility for the war, but for violation of the laws of war.

We hope to get their report upon the whole question with regard to the lademnity which is to be exacted from tee enemy countries. which also has another, wages. curtailment of hours of labor, increased cost of material, these have added 90,000,000 pounds to the cost of running the railways. Where is the fund of profit drawn upon? There it is all gone. Who is to make it up? The first class passenger would not produce much if you doubled or trebled his fare.

You have to get it from the consumer in some way or otheryour your goods, your foods; that is only way to dolt. I walt every section of the community when it puts forward demands to bear these essential facts in mind: That all these demands are passed on to some one else and that there is a stage where if you could pass them on they will crowd on top of some poor industry that can hardly march now. That means unemployment for some one. Short Hours vs. Employment.

ing back, because the men do not know what is going to happen if an enterprise which they start is going to be interrupted by some social upheaval. They would rather not start it. They know perfectly well that if they begin and something happens, to be caught half way would be ruin. Confidence is, therefore, essential for the setting of the wheels of industry and commerce going. Disturbances, create unemployment, aggravate unemployment, perpetuate unemployment.

is the second possible cause of unemployment if the cost of production in this country becomes so high that it either reduces the purchasing capacity of the community at home or puts us out of the markets of the world? Both would happen if the cost of production was as high. That means disastrous unemployment. This is why one individual trade cannot be considered without reference to the rest. One Might Wreck AIL OCEAN STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS. He further suggested that a corn-mission of peace delegates be appointed by the peace plenipotentiaries themselvesthis commission to look after the interests of the women.

His third main suggestion was that he would do 1 all he could, but that the women themselves should do the missionary work among the other plenipotentiaries. The women left feeling that they had 1 found a friendly spirit to aid them in pressing their needs and opinions. Arr CARMANIA BEROENSFJORD METAPAN DUCA DEMI ABRUZZI. LEVIATHAN CASERTA OTT I Sailed. GREAT NORTHERN CELTIC UNITED STATES HUNAJIRI MARIT d.

NIA NSFJORD AN 3EGLI ABRUZZI 71-IAN rA NORTHERN STATES RI A RU Port. New York New York New York New York York Senoa 3an Francisco Port. New York New York "hristianta Baltimore Harry Mitchell 16-18 East Jackson Blvd. itchell kson Blvd. 1 i Between State -and Wabash ad Wabash if, Jr 1 1 '---7--( 1 1-1 s- ---7 Ur; been referred to a singularly able commoission.

Upon the commission the 13ritish empire is represented by the prime minister of Australia, by Lord Cunliffe, and Lord Sumtner; They have been sitting every day. I saw Mr. Hughes (the prime minister of Australia) just before I left. He told me they had appointed three subcommittees to investigate different branches of the question. Commons All-Powerful.

"A third qtestion was asked, whether the treaty of peace will be placed on the table of the house before ratification. I believe that is the ordinary course, of course, subject to the ratification of the treaty. Representatives of this country will follow the same course as representatives of every other country, and sign the treaty at the peace conference. The treaty will undoubtedly be laid upon the table of the house for ratification. If the house of commons chooses to repudiate the treaty.

the house of commons is all-powerful. "With regard to reform of the present procedure of the house I am certain that our present method of having 600 men scrutinizing every line end every word. of a measure for weeks in the presence of the press is a fatal method of transacting business. I am perfectly certain that Magna Charta would never have been carried if all the barons had adopted the procedure of the house of commons. Deals with Unemployment.

"Now I come to the question of unemployment. I do not believe there is any fear of unemployment if we had rationing, but if there is any attempt to reproduce the conditions which we have witnessed in Russia where there Is a deficiency of profitable employment and of food, that would indeed be fatal to employment in this country. The burden of war bears heavily upon all classes and upon all industries and that has got to be borne in mind when you are trying to start the wheels of industry again in this country. I wish it were borne in mind when demands are put forward by certain sections of the community that there IS plenty of material for employment if all classes act with restraint and wisely. There is no danger of unemployment if certain essential condiItions are adhered to.

First of all is that confidence must be given to those who are responsible for starting the wheels of industry. It is with difficulty that we can get a moveint. There is a great hang There is a feeling that one way of providing employment is by reducing the hours of labor so that there be enough work to go round at the same wages. Reduce the hours of labor to what is fair, profitable, and possible, but to reduce the hours of labor merely in order to create employment, paying exactly the same wage, Is one way to make unemployment in the whole country. Cheers and of Boo from Labor benches.

"I should have tought that this stood to reason. It is so It increases the cost of a particular commodity and that commodity is an Ingredient in something else. If you put up the price you diminish the purchasing capacity, And if you diminish the purchasing capacity you diminish employment, and not only that, you destroy the overseas trade upon which this' country depends more than any other country in the world. Cites Russian Example. "I despair.

if the working classes of the country do not recognize that elementary and fundamental principle, but I am sure they do. If in the end you increase the cost of everything. you will only do what has happened in Continuing after the interruRtion Lloyd George.said: "Anybody who uses foice to drive an At the present moment the great increase in the cost of some essential ingredient like coal or transportation might easily destroy our chance of restoring our exports. I believe we exported before the war something like $5.000,000,000 of goods of all sorts, which was gigantic trade. It used to be put that half of that was wages.

Most of that business was conducted on a narrow margin. It was not a big margain. A little change this way or that would give the trade to some one else. Four shillings alone on coal, a shilling added for some other, ingredient, whether it is shipping, transport, or in some other way, may deprive us of hundreds, of millions of trade in all parts of the world. "What does that mean? It means throwing hundreds of thousands of men out of work.

I will not say it might not run to 'millions. Would the miners gain by that in the end? There is no better illustration than the railways. At the beginning of the war the railways of this country were making a profit of millions that produced under 4 per cent. Losses of the Railways. "What has happened since the war? Owing to increases on one thing and elje TI)imgc, ZriBunt.

Furniture Sale Whether you are furnishing a new home or living in a one room apartment, and in need of just an odd piece of Furniture, it will pay you to visit our store and inspect the unusual values we are offering during this Sale. We invite you to look around here and we will make it a ple4sure for you. c4 II --V; 14.41- t- (.. Semiannual furnitureiSale 1-r-I 1 ev. 40 I 1 i 1 4 to 'lir 4 4.

i NVhether you are furnishing a new home or "SA i I 0 I 4 living in a one room apartment, and in need of just an odd piece of Furniture, it will pay you to visit our store i and inspect the unusual values we are offering during this 1 Sale. We invite you to look around here and we will make it a ple4sure for you. ad- I 1 'Xi 11 1, iir--, Tf 11 41'-15--- ammo --sit' 111111 i Ilitti1 1 14, I 14 I LI ii -IF ir i diAtili a 3 Jai non ip I 1 W-P. )1 I I I 10RLDS ORFAMT NIIMPM Vol. LXXV.

Wednesday. Feb.12. No. 37. 1 Published daily at No.

7 South Dearborn Street. Chicago. Illinois Mail Subsseription PriceDaily with Sunday for one Entered as Second Class Matter. June 3. 190M.

at the Pootofflee at Chicago. Ihnois. under of March 3. 1879. 1,500 combinationi fashions a.nd fabrics for your selection.

Locationat Vho1esal Plant: 731 S. Wells Stree: At the Corner of Polk Street One Block from I farrison St. Depot At the Corner of Polk Stren One Block from I farrison St. DePot your eTntmidobnfabrics i 4 for Locationat Whoiesal: Plant: 731 S. Wells Stre 221212RfaR12.171 I 133 LTA MARTHA WASHINGTON'S I FAVORITE PORTRAIT OF I GEORGE WASHINGTON $14.50 QUAINT WINDSOR CHAIR OR ROCKERExcellent mahogany finish.

A very comfortable Chair. 9.75 Sale Price MOO END TABLEBrown mahogany finish. Can be used at end of davenport, side of chair or as a wall table. 8.00 Sale Price 18.50 CHAIR OR ROCKERCharming old colonial design. 12.50 Can be used in any room.

Very comfortable. Sale Price, $14.50 QU hogany fi Sale Pric MOO ENI of daveni Sale Pric 18.50 CHA Can be $14.50 QUAINT WINDSOR CHAIR OR ROCKERExcellent ma- hogany finish. A very comfortable Chair. 9.75 Sale Price MOO END TABLEBrown mahogany finish. Can be used at end of davenport, side of chair or as a wall table.

8.00 Sale Price 18.50 CHAIR OR ROCKERCharming old colonial design. 12-50 Can be sed in any room. Very comfortable. Sale Price, winvo laFREEWith Next Sunday's Tribunals f.tte61;, ilow, The Chicago hoine of Manhattan and Star good shirts 11 SPECIAL 1 SALE I SPECIAL SALE Delicious food. prepared by Morrison Hotel chefs.

served at tables. Try breakfast today. OR ROCKERStick ley Furniture, known as "among Buy now atid save V3. High back, spring seat d14.50 pillow back. Mahogany finish.

Just 20 to sell at Li LIBRARY TABLETudor style, mahoganY. finish. 1 6." Has spacious drawer. Sale Price Ob troir 404, iv -1-v-, I .0 I'vr 14 0, -------r------ 0 1 1093 1 i 1 I Co 1 irOEM Mo I A Good Breaklas; i a OR ROCKERStickley Furniture, known as "among at 15 to 40 Cents Buy now alid save V3. High back, spring seat 1,4.50 pillow back.

Mahogany Just 20 to sell at Li Delicious food, I LIBRARY TABLETudor style, mahogany finish. 16 5 prepared by Mor- Has spacious drawer. Sale Price rison Hotel chefs, served at tables. 1 Are-fc7 11111171 daryy breaklat to- 1 a 0 II )-( 4 I LE.61 mpg, II 1 us. 44 V.

-4, -'s 23' Eil tranrougceh -7, al 4, i PI Li -'''r--Z' So. MORRISON HOTEL I I i I I 3 1 Clark I i ilk tadmnp- LAST FOUR DAYS All $40 to $65 Suits and Coats Ob .71 4 Pf I A 4 Ni I 14IIIL 1 7 1 a 4 rE TODAY Special Anniversary Dinner 64htli 7Toor Stevens' Da i1din6 17 tArorilt S1a1e S'1reet in celebration of LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY Come with your Family and Friends to A SPECIAL DE LUXE LUNCHEON will be Served from 11 A. M. to 3 P. at SCIc per Cover.

One of Our Justly Celebrated Holiday Dinners Will Be Served at One Dollar Per Cover From 5 P. M. to 8:30 P. M. DINNER MENU CHOICE OF Grape Fruit Cocktail Fresh Fruit Cocktail Fresh Shrimp Cocktail Select Oyster Cocktail Sardine CanapeHot or Cold Goose Liver Patty CHOICE OF Cream of Fresh Tomato aux Croutons Consomme, Princess Queen Olives, Sweet Gherkins, California Ripe Olives CHOICE OF Broiled Lake Superior 'A.

hitefish, Hotellere Fried Filet of Sole, Sauce Remonlade Stevens' Special Vegetarian Dinner Chicken a la King en Ramekin Sirloin Steak a la Minute Cabaret Grilled Calfs Sweetbreads with Asparagus Tips a Broiled French Lamb Chops with Bdcon Filet of Beef, Larded, Parisienna Omelette aux Clampignon Prime Ribs of Beef au Jus Fried Milk Fed Chicken, Corn Fritters, Cream Gravy Roast Young Turkey, Farcie, Cranberry Sauce Tomato Stuffed with Chicken Salad, Mayonnaise Assorted Cold Meats, Potato Salad Mashed or Brown Potatoes Early June Peas and Carrots in Cream Hearts of Lettuce, 1060 Island Dressing CHOICE OF Fresh Apple or Lemon Meringue Pie Stewed Apples Stewed Figs Chocolate Pudding, Custard Sauce Sliced Pineapple Stevens' Special Parfait Half Grapefruit. Maraschino Egg Nog asked Apple with Cream Vanilla, Strawberry. Chocolate Ice Cream Cottage Cheese with Bar-le-Duc Swiss or American Cheese and Crackers Coffee, Tea, Milk, Buttermilk, Cocoa or Sweet Cider During luncheon and dinner an appropriate patriotic musical program will be provided by the famous Stevens Orchestra. CA; tereacc 6Res1aurant 37.50 CHAIR the best." and soft 25.00 48 in. long.

TODAY Special Dinner in celebration of LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY Come with 61; your Family and Friends to rt.1 1---F----n -1- Build 11 Stereacc 51 I .0 iok, Weslaurant eight1.9700r Stevens'Buildin6 i 17 tArorilt S'Iale cS'1reet --1 A SPECIAL DE LUXE LUNCHEON 37.50 CH 17 will be Served from 11 A. M. to 3 P. at SCIc per Cover. the best." and soft 1 One of Our Justly Celebrated Holiday Dinners 25.00 LIB 48 in.

ti Will Be Served at One Dollar Per Cover loni 2 From 5 P. M. to 8:30 P. M. DINNER MENU CHOICE OF Crape Fruit Cocktail Fresh Fruit Cocktail Fresh Shrimp Cocktail 1 1-: Select Oyster Cocktail Sardine CanapeHot or Cold Goose Liver Patty rt CHOICE OF Cream of Fresh Tomato aux Croutons Consomme, Princess aU Queen Olives, Sweet Gherkins, California Ripe Olives CHOICE OF Broiled Lake Superior 'A.

hitefish, Hotellere Fried Filet of Sole, Sauce Remonlade 13 I Stevens' Special Vegetarian Dinner Chicken a la King en Ramekin Sirloin Steak a la Minute Cabaret Grilled Calrs Sweetbreads with Asparagus Tips a Broiled French Lamb Chops with lidcon Filet of Beef, Larded, Parisienna Omelette aux Champignon Prime Ribs of Beef au Jus Z2 Fried Milk Fed Chicken, Corn Fritters, Cream Gravy Roast Young Turkey, Farcie, Cranberry Sauce Tomato Stuffed with Chicken Salad, Mayonnaise Assorted Cold Meats, Potato Salad Mashed or Brown Potatoes Early June Peas and Carrots in Cream Hearts of Lettuce, 1060 Island Dressing CHOICE OF tew Stewed Apples Fresh Apple or Lemon Meringue Pie Chocolate Pudding, Custtevardene Special rh7i9 Sliced Pineapple slid Paris: ttd Figs asked Half wGraPeCfruaimMaraschino an t. MVaschilil, nao Egg Nag Apple Strawberry, Chocolate Ice Cream Cottage Cheese with Bar-le-Duc Swiss or American Cheese and Crackers 1 ,16 I Coffee, Tea, Milk, Buttermilk, Cocoa or Sweet Cider During luncheon and dinner on appropriate patriotic musical program I will be provided by the famous Stevens Orchestra. li I 11V 11 ,,,,,10, 1 11111.11111 37.50 CHAIR the best." and soft 25.00 48 in. long. 'V 11,61 rid Eit I I Tailored to Your Measure 1 1 1 1 E--- 1 1 a E--- E--- E- E---- LL- 4.

I me I I 1 El I I 1 .4 1 Es P. Ez: i El -7 1 I HF31 $30 to Last clean-up of $2.50, $3 and $3.50 union suits at $1.95 THESE union suits are just what you want for the spring and early summer; medium weight; not too warm; just comfortable We're clearing out the broken lines; there's plenty of sizes and if you find what you want you'll get a genuine bargain; body fitting mercerized union suits, $2.50, $3, $3.50 values, all at $193 5 tZ- 14 -1 1 It 1 ,.,.....1 1.... ko.i. atit'S 10 CANE DAVENPORTS and some overstuffed to close out at about present wholesale prices. Most of them have chairs to match.

DavenportsYour choice of lot, 8930 Chairs and Rockers to match, 42-50 12.50 DROP LEAF TABLEBrown mahogany finish 30300 inches when open. Very useful as wall table, tea or card table. Sale Price 9-25 10 CANE present 12.50 DR( when op( Sale Pric tc at about tch. 50 inches e- 9.25 VW TT rv ire wilt 1 I I I (1111 111 tr-tJli r-t 11 6-11 ra Ey 24 r-, I II 'a I 1 na i rti rI ru: tron.1 1,:, 1 r- nI i 41 A Your choice of Tricotines, Gabardines, Serges, Broadcloths, Silver-tones and many other novelties. Perfect Fit Satisfaction Assured I "OICEIT.

A the new tr. Me new 11 it Li 7 4 ir0 Maurice 4- -11. 6.4 MLA- Rothschild 1i 11-1. NJ 0 The Stevens Buildhig Restaurant 1 z----, Congress Ladies' Tailors 11-- -17 Money I 1202 North American Bldg. cheerfully S.

W. corner Jackson and State MinnChealpcoars 1 F2-- refunded St. raul t-. State and Monroe I ''''-114 I N. W.

Co t----- al, Phone Central 978 LI "Itri1L'It I 17-2f I 1 ithadsln OVEA atm. trmtavr-a co. bc. 0 I I i 1E1 ard' ST fal I I a 4 4 IL, ..,4, a. FOrthirrr clAIETT, PEABODI Is CO.

litc lit'k I RugsFurnitureCarpettDraperiesLinoteums 125 South Wabash Avenue abut North of Adams Street 125 South Wabash Avenue shut North of Adonis Strtot The Finest Restaurant of Its Kind in the World Or2rereararerclannraarEardr.

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