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The Daily Freeman from Kingston, New York • Page 5

The Daily Freemani
Kingston, New York
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President Sends Message to YMCA, Praises Program President Roosevelt calls the World Service program of North American Y. C. "a means for the promotion of friendly understanding and the spirit of the Good Neibhbor in other in a greeting to Robert L. Sisson, general secretary of the: local Y. M.

C. A. and the 1,310,710 members across United States and Canada observing their annual Founder's Day. The occasion marks a triple celebration for the Y. M.

C. 118th anniversary of the birth of the the founder, Sir George Williams; anniversary of the movement; and the 50th anniversary the World Service program which the associations throughout Canada and the United States are promoting jointly. "I have always desired to be counted among who ciate the rounds work for our appreyouth which the Y. M. C.

A. has accomplished," 1 he President's greeting read. "I trust that your commemoration will inspire all participating with new determination to extend the good the organization in this country, and to make its extension in other lands a means for the of friendly understanding promotion spirit of the Good Neighbor." Nationwide observances in Y. M. C.

today include emphasis furopecial, war, study launched groups by on the the public affairs committee of the National Council Y. M. C. A. two weeks ago to encourage among young people "sober thinking" on the European crisis; recognition dinners and events in honor of Sir George Williams and the 550 World Service secretaries who have scrved in 32 foreign countries.

Simson Is Suicide Oakland. Oct. 31 (API E. Leslie Simson, 74, blind in one, eye and his big game hunting ended discase, stood among his trophics and sent a fatal pistol through his head. Simson retired as manager of a South i Africa gold and diamond mining company 29 years ago to hunt big game.

He gave $150,000 to help establish the African Mammal Hall in Golden Gate Park. HALLOWEEN DANCE TONITE Valencia Grill Featuring PAUL JONES D.INCE Music by THE HAYSEEDERS STEAK, FRENCH FRIES Beer Wines Liquors Halloween Dance TONIGHT Auspices Improved Order of Red Men at ROSE MARIE CABINS $5 for Costume Funniest Contribution 40c Ladies' Aid of the Street Reformed Church will in the Sunday school rooms, Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. Members are requested to bring their cards to the mecting. Ladies' Aid Meeting Card Party Fire Deaths Sheriff Wid Spivey said at Comanche, Texas, that Henry Haynes.

23, (above) farm hand, said in a statement his aged grandmother and an uncle slurring remarks about his widowed mother so he slugged them and burned them in their home. He was charged with murder. Winnie Ruth Judd Back in Hospital (Continued from l'age One) sill. Sunday night she visited a minister's temple, nine miles cast of Phoenix, and spent three hours at his house. The minister attempted to return the insane blonde to the hospital but permitted her to flee when she threatened suicide.

He notified Jordan. Tttendants said they surroundcd Mrs. Judd last night as she left the residence of Mel Larson, hospital engineer. When she saw escape was impossible, they said Mrs. Judd walked to the door of the ward.

from which she fled, and knocked. Nurses admitted her and rushed her to Dr. Saxe's office. "Well, here I am," she said when Dr. Saxe walked in.

To Gov. Bob Jones she said: "I told you I would come back, and I did. I kept my word to you. I wanted to sce my father. I saw him and talked with him, then I came back and gave myself up like I said.

I would." She had left the governor a letter saying she wanted to sce her bedridden father and her husband, Dr. W. C. Judd, of Los Angelcs, and would return after her visits She saw her parents at midnight last Tuesday. When questioned about how she had saved, cluded searchers, Dr.

said hystercal and sobbed and shouted. She pencils and other objects picked up from a desk. "She was literally a wild woman," Dr. Saxe said. She was given sedatives and put to bed.

She assured Dr. Saxe she had no help in cscaping. Held for Petit Larceny Charles Jacobs, 46. Grand Gorge, was arrested Monday Troopers Dunn and Hofer on charge of peut larceny. He held at the Ulster county pending a hearing before Justice William C.

Card Party There will be a card party by the Junior Guild of St. Convent Thursday. November 2, 8:30 p. the Holy Church parish house on Pine avenue. your moneys 1.

NIGH PRESSURE living, late hours, 2. MILK is the world's greatest interover-work call for milk. Drink a glass of nal beauty treatment. Fresh milk is fresh milk every night and every morn- rich in CALCIUM, prescribed by famous ing. The ALKALINE REACTION helps specialists for radiant compiexions.

you back to normal. Drink milk every day. 3. FOR PROTECTION against colds, drink milk every day, twice day. Milk contains cold-fighting Vitamin A.

To greet the winter with a smile, start building up your resistance now. MILK is nature's most perfect, cheapest food. Drink more of it. Cook with it. See that every member of the family drinks milk every day.

Send the coupon for a handsome new FREE booklet of new recipes and interesting facts. 4. HOLLYWOOD'S health problem: How to build VITALITY WITHOUT WEIGHT. Stars like Anita Louise, stat of Republic's "Main Street Lawyer," find fresh milk every day does it! Albany, N. Dept.

F-1. BUREAt OF MILK ON Please send me the bookIct, "Milk-The Way to Health sad Beauty," FREE Name Address THE STATE OF NEW YORK PLEASE PRINT Look better, Feel better, DRINK FRESH MILKI of of of of of of of of of of of of of of THE KINGSTON DAILY FREEMAN, KINGSTON, N. TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 31. 1939. Roosevelt Proclaims Nov.

23 As General Thanksgiving Day Washington, Oct. UP claiming Thursday, November as a day of general thanksgiving, President Roosevelt asked that thanks be offered "for hope that lives within us" of coming of an eventual world peace. The proclamation designated next to last Thursday instead the last Thursday in the month as Thanksgiving Day in accordance with Mr. Roosevelt's cision to move up the holiday business reasons. Some states, however, have decided to celebrate November 30.

Mr. Roosevelt said in the proclamation that it was fitting continue a "hallowed custom" gun by President Washington when he asked the nation to lay down all tasks for one day in the and give thanks for the blessings granted by Divine Providence. "Our nation has gone steadily forward in the application of democratic processes to economic social problems," the President said. Specters of Depression "We have faced the specters business depression, of unemployment and of widespread agricultural distress, and our positive forts to alleviate these conditions have met -with heartening results. "We have also been permitted sce the fruition of methods which have undertaken in realms health, social welfare and the servation of resources.

nation we are deeply grateful that in a world of moil we are at peace with all countrics, and we especially rejoice the strengthened bonds of friendship with the other peoples the western hemisphere. "Let us, on the day set aside this purpose, give thanks to Ruler of the universe for strength which He has vouchsafed to carry on our daily labors for the hope that lives within che, productive of a day activities peace and peace shall reign on every continent." Tent of Proclamation The of President Roosevelt's Thanksgiving proclamation follows: I. Franklin D. Roosevelt, president of the United States America, do hereby designate Thursday, the 23rd of November, 1939, as a day of general thanksgiving. More than three centuries ago, the season of the gathering the harvest, the Pilgrims humpaused in their work thanks to God for the preservation their community and for the abundant yield of the soil.

A century and a half later, afthe new nation had been! formed, and the charter ment, the constitution of the public. had received the assent the states, President Washington and his successors invited the people of the nation to lay and give thanks for the blessings' their tasks one day in the that had been granted them by Divine Providence. It is fitting that we should continue this hallowed custom and select a day in 1939 to be dedicated reverent thoughts of thanksgivOur nation has gone steadily forward in the application of democratic processes to economic social problems. We have faced the specters of business depression, or unemployment, and of widespread agricultural distress, our positive efforts to alleviate conditions have met with heartening results. We have also been permitted to the fruition of measures which have undertaken the realms health, social welfare, and the conservation of resources.

As a nation, we are deeply grateful that in a world of turmoil are at peace with all counand we especially rejoice in strengthened with bonds of our friendship the other peoples the western hemisphere. Let us, on the day set aside for purpose, give thanks to of the universe for the strength which he has vouchsafed to carry on our daily labors and the hope that lives within us the coming of a day when peace the productive activities of shall reign on every con- witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused seal of the United States of America to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, thirty-first day year of Our Lord. nineteen hundred thirty-nine, and of independence of the United of America, the one hundred sixty-fourth. FRANKLIN D.

ROOSEVELT 1 Engineer to Become Citizen to Help Children New York, Oct. 31 -William Georgi. wealthy British engineer, said today he and his wife had decided to become American citizens so their three children could "get a decent start in life." "They couldn't get a decent start anywhere in Europe now," Georgi explained. are hopeless there and will be for the next thirty or forty years. It's war now, and if the war goes on for a year or two.

there'll be revo- lutions The when it's over." 60-year-old engineer ar-' rived with his family yesterday on the American freighter Black Gull. The older daughter, Dorothea, 17, said she wanted to study medicine at Johns Hopkins University; Mary, 13, was eager to hotel business; Henry, 8. merely wanted to see the World's Fair. Auction Was Success The Longyear-Fallon auction of household goods and antiques, to settle the estate of William V. A.

Longyear, held at. 199 Pearl street Friday morning, was well attended. Mr. Fallon reports that all the articles offered were disposed of. at satisfactory prices, Palen Shapiro were the auctioneers.

Church to llave Special Service All Saints' Day On Wednesday, November 1, All Saints Day, there will be two services in the Church of the Ascension, West Park. In the morning at 10:30 o'clock. there will be celebration of the Holy Communion and a commemoration of departed. At 7:30 o'clock in the evening a special service of evensong and sermon will be held. The preacher will be the Rev.

Wilfred Osborne Budd. chaplain at "Wiltwyck." the New York City Episcopal City Mission Socicty's institution at West Park. Following the sermon will be a commemoration of the departed. The choir of the church, under the direction of Myrtle Thompson Jordan. the parish ol'ganist, has prepared a special program of music for this service.

Several Are Hurt In Queens Crash During Rainfall New York. Oct. 31 -A dozen or more persons were injured. al least four seriously, in a bus-truck collision during the morning rush today in the Newtown section ol Queens A brisk rain was falling and streets were shippery when then accident most seriously occurred injured was al pedestrian, Joseph Guardino. 26.

who suffered fractures of both legs and arms as well as internal injuries when he was crushed between a traflic stanchion and the swerving truck. Other victims requiring hospitalization Charles Rappolo, 27, driver of the truck; Anthony Pellicani, 23. a helper on the truck. and Angelo Millazo. 25, at passenger in the bus.

The bus was crowded with WPA workers en route to the North Beach Airport project Interest Will Be Paid The interest on first mortgage bonds of the Orpheum Theatre building will be paid as usual on November 1 at the office in the theatre. Office hours daily are from 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 p. excopt Saturdays, Sundays and holtdays Thursday only they are from 7 to 9. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT BE SURE TO VOTE ROW Democratic 18,438 Policemen Await Strike Call In Taxi Situation New York, Oct. 31 city's entire police force of 438 men was ready for action day should a threatened taxicab strike be called.

Police Commissioner Valentine conferred yesterday with district commanders, drawing up plans for mobilization of the men if necessary. No time has been set for al strike, however, although the Transport Workers' Union (CIO), claiming to represent a majority of the drivers employed by the big companies, has authorized its officials to strike because of contractual difficultics with Parmelce and terminal fleet operators. Txi drivers generally were more concerned today with the anticruising order which becomes effective at 8 a. m. tomorrow.

and limits the movements of cabs in the area bounded by Third and Sixth avenues, 42d and 51st streets. Commissioner Valentine was served with a show -cause order yesterday in the cabbies' fight against the cruising order. The matter will be argued in supreme court tomorrow. Among other taxi groups, not covered by the Transport Workers Union, wage difficulties form the basis of their grievances. Independent cabbies will hoid a mass mecting this afternoon to discuss their problems, including the new cruising restrictions, which.

they maintain, would reduce their income. Park and Port Ewen WCTU Groups Hold Meet The Ulster Park and Port Even W. C. T. U.

held its regular monthly mecting at the home of Miss Anna Terpening, Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. John Lynn was in charge of the devotional hour. which included: Singing. This IS My Father's World.

Reading of the Scripture from' Deuttronomy 31st chapter. and Mrs. Frank Page led the Union in prayer. Poll call was answered by Alcohol in the news 7 Singing, Stand Loyally. Mrs.

Emma Carpenter, county president of Plattekill, gave an 10- teresting report of the national convention held at Rochester There were 13 members anad five visitors present. The next meeting will be Rally Day, and payment of dues will be made. It will be held at the of Mrs. John Lynn. Port Ewen.

with a pot luck luncheon at noon It is hoped every member will try to come to this mecting. The president. Mrs. Herring, closed the meeting by singing, "Blest Bc the Refreshments were served by! the hostess and a social hour vas enjoyed by all. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT.

POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT. It will be to the advantage of the laborer, the taxpayer, the business man, the needy, to all interested in the future of Kingston to have EUGENE B. CAREY SERVE THE CITY AS MAYOR FOR THE NEXT TWO YEARS. While Mayor in 1932-1933 he paid the debts of the City as they came due. He issued no bonds to refinance existing debt.

He put the credit of the City on a sound basis by installing the present form of accounting and budget system in the City Treasurer's office. His tax rate of 1933 was lower than that of this year and last year. Pull Down Lever 5 in Row and Leave it Down. I Mariners Are Missing Veracruz, Mexico, Oct. 31 The captain and some crewmen of the German liner Columbus were reported missing today after a sudden storm lashed Veracruz Ilarbor.

The Columbus took refuge here when war began in Europe. The captain, who was not otherwise identified, camel here in a launch yesterday with several members of the crew from the anchorage 12 miles out. Re- I turning, they were caught in the storm, and the Coast Guard the launch had not reached the Columbus. Special Christmas Offer Beautiful Hand-Colored MINIATURES Framed Complete $2.48 SHORT'S STUDIO Strand, Near B'way, Kingston. PENNEY'S HOT BARGAINS READY WEDNESDAY AT 9 A.

M. SO BE HERE WHEN THE DOOR OPENS Our Better Quality Percale 36 inches wide, 1 to 10 yard pieces. BE HERE AT 9 A.M. Yard Fast Color A BARGAIN CRETONNE COTTON BATT 36 Yd. yards Only in.

300 left wide 2 72" 1b. stitched. 90" Ladies' Rayon Large Size, Only 25 TAFFETA SLIPS RUGS 34 to 42 Special. Size Brocaded 30" 55" JUST ARRIVED! Quilted Mattress Pads 6A 54" Buy plenty at this low price. Special Only 500 Yards'! Men's fast color Better Quality Nets and Novelty No- Wilt Collar.

I Weaves. Sizes 14 to 17... CURTAIN DRESS SHIRTS CHECK THIS Men's B'dcloth V.M.UE! Iron Board PAJAMAS COVER Complete PAD Size Special A to D. Ladies' Pure Men's MonkeySize GLOVES, SILK HOSE, Face Nap-Out Pair Pair Hurry: Hurry! Men's part wool CLEANSING SWEATERS 1 Bor of 500 Style. Sizes Sheet-.

to 42 TISSUE, Coat or Slipover 36 Check This Value Don't Miss This Value! Wool Men's Worsted Sateen DRESS PANTS BLANKET. Bound. Pastel Shades Assorted Colors. Pair BE HERE 9 A.M. 300 LADIES' .1 new one if they fade.

Sizes 14 Only House Beautiful Dresses Prints to A BARGAIN SMASH: REDUCED FOR QUICK SELLING Cotton Plaid LAUNDRY DOUBLE BLANKETS MAILING CASES 70 80. Pair 87 for Complete THE TALK OF THE TOWN! Men's All Wool Cossack 1.97 JACKETS Navy Blue Melton. 32 oz. Slide fastener front. Sizes 36 to 46..........

Infant Flannelette Boys' Fast Color SLEEPERS DRESS SHIRTS 4 yrs. Sizes with feet. Size 2 to 49 Broken PENNEY'S 5 the Pro23, r': or lo" Ep To 1c 11C 11C .0 na 11C IS October Is Banner Month For Farmers today the the the of defor to be- year and of ef- to of con- turin our Chicago, Oct. 31 traditionally the banner cash income month for American farmers, closed today with agriculture's prospective 1939 dollar receipts the best of any vear in almost a decade except for 1937. Market analysis estimated that even though this year's income of more than 000 may fall below that of two years ago.

it is giving farmers buying power equal of 1937 inasmuch as of commodities they purchase arc lower. The farm price advance which has occurred since the start of the European war was partly responsible for lifting the level of agricultural income over that last year. Although some of the war boom enhancement of commodity values faded away, producers have large supplies of practically all types of grain, livestock and dairy products to market at higher price levels. 1 Decision May Save Valuable Estates From Confiscation New York, Oct. 31 -A decision which may save thousands estates in this country from confiscation by foreign governments was on record in surrogate's court today.

The ruling, by Surrogate George Albert Wingate, blocked an attempt by the German consul in New York to claim the $6,000 estate of Isaac Weidberg, a Brooklyn burlap bag dealer, who was killed in an automobile accident. The consul had presented what purported to be a power of attorney in a printed, undated form. Surrogate Wingate said Weidberg left the money to his Jewish wife and three children, who, he said, had a fled Germany and "escaped from the immediate territorial jurisdiction of the Gestapo (German secret police) and its concentration camps." The surrogate said his decision, which invoked a new law, was based on what he described AS "common knowledge" that certain foreign governments have seized the assets of legatees promote promote ideologies "international and to "which have now plunged the continent of Europe into a second i great war." Wingate ordered that after 60 days the money be turned over to! the city treasurer until "it is demonstrated that the sums can be paid without confiscation." Holmes Gets Year For Beating Wife, Cahill Determines Wesley Holmes, 20, of 202 Broadway, who was arrested yesterday afternoon on a warrant executed by the local police on a third degree assault charge, was sentenced to one year in the county jail by City Judge Cahill this morning in police court. Holmes was arrested following, complaint of his wife, Marie Holmes, that he had beaten her when he visited her Sunday to discuss the support of their two small children. The two have not been together for some time and according to City Judge Cahill, the young man appeared before him previously on a charge of failing to provide for his family.

Mrs. Holmes swore out a warrant for the arrest of her husband yesterday morning. She showed signs of having been badly beaten, and according to the judge, said in her complaint, that her husband also had kicked her. Judge Cahill before pronouncing the sentence of one year, minded Holmes that he was a man slightly over six feet tall. while his wife was a woman of small stature.

"Have you any cause for beating your wife other than the fact that she wants you to support your family?" the judge asked. Holmes answered to the effect that he did not and then sentence was imposed. Thomas Meehan of Pittsfield. and Frank. Murray of Worcester, were arrested yesterday afternoon at the West Shore station on charges of public intoxication were ordered out of town after petitioning the judge chance to continue in their search for work.

DR. F. M. EDWARDS' DISCOVERY FOR CONSTIPATION Benefits Nation of S. ferers! COLUMBUS, ORIO: For over 20 years Dr.

F. M. Edwards (widely known physician) treated scores of patients for constipation and the beadlack of and meatal dullwhich often twolt. This wine Doctor knew liver bile must flow freely every dry into your intestines or fatty foods caa't be properly digested and you constipated. So be chis in perfected Me Olive Tablets Olive pardy yet they gentle, thorough 1 movements and ALSO help stimulate bile flow.

Test their TONIGHT: 154, To a 1 by a to ing. jail and Fair meet and these dime see we of held Ann's at i Cross we Grove tries, the of this ruler us for of and peace tinent. In the this the the States and 3.

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