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Ford County Blade from Paxton, Illinois • 1

Ford County Bladei
Paxton, Illinois
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rd: CREED DOXSEE, Office on Railroad Avenue. $1.50 per Annum, in Advance. Volume l. PAXTON, FORD COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AUGUST 19, 1876. Number 8.

LOCAL. MISCELLANEOUS. Adam Gieger has shown us a copy of a a paper published at Silver City, called THE BLADE is published Every Saturday Morning, -BY CBEED 4b DOXSEE. Advertising Rate si Solitude. He was seedy looking, and as he stood, upon the sidewalk, gazing at the disappearing beer keg, there was a vague aspect of despair in his attitude, which was very touching.

Perhaps it was this which attracted the attention of a mild looking individual who was passing by, and perhaps it was something else, but however this may be, the mild looking party stopped, and gazing at the solitary figure' addressed it thus "Old man, wouldn't you like to have a drink this morning "You've read me as accurately as though my thoughts were printed on an open page," replied the solitary, taking a quid from his mouth and passing a dilapidated coat sleeve over his lips. "I thought so," murmured the mild looking -r-No news. Trade is better this week. Go to the St. Elmo for "Bottom Bread." Our hotels have been crowded this week.

Try the Blade office for your job work. Innumerable commercial travelers in town this week. "Bottom Bread" at Clay Rawling's St. Elmo. Cutter, since his return, has given all his neighbors the Kansas fever.

Remember the "Tilden and; Hendricks Club meeting, next Mondaynight. Paxton is overrun deciples of Black-stone, tnis week. No one wants to eat any other kind after eating "Bottom Bread." We have facilities for doing all kinds job work at the Blade office. Harper keeps a full stock of lumber of all kinds, and won't be undersold by anybody. Sale bills gotton up on the shortest possible notice at the BlAde office.

The Daniels building has received a coat of a brindle paint. Old papers in any quantity short pf a carload at this office, at 50 cents per hundred. New goods just opened at S. M. Solomon's.

Go and see them. Harper has the bottom prices in lumber. Call and see him. The Masons are fitting their rooms in the Taft building up in fine style. Dr.

Bodwell is scouring the neighloring towns on business this week. H. the popular cigar man of Bloomington, was at the Paxton Hotel last Monday. Ben Kirkley says all those knowing themselves indebted to him must call and settle immediately. Jimmy Farrell has an old horse shoe nailed conspicuously above his billiard hall door.

Why is it thusly, Jimmy Riley Swinford starts next Wednesday for the East and Centennial. Hope you'll have a barrel of fun, Riley. The Stites Bros, are painting the front of their livery stable. Why don't you paint it all over, boys Remember, the Kansas Pacific land ex cursion leaves Bloomington next Tuesday, August 22d, at 5:30 p. m.

Peter Larson, our enterprising merchant tailor, is building a large barn on his prem ises, in the east part of town. Merritt E. Sawyer, 'of New York City, is visiting his father, W. C. Sawyer, in this city He will spend a few days here.

We would be much obliged to our friends if they would inform us of items of news they may deem worthy of publication. Van Tryun can tell fortunes. Now. young ladies, if you want to look into the future, call and see him, Billy Walton is training his fast nag, prob ably with the intention of walking away with the blue ribbon at the County Fair. A new station house has been built at Harpster, the frsrstation south of Gibson, on the C.

S. Sam Kelly and Riley Swinford ran a foot race on Pells street last Monday, in which Kelly came out best C. H. Frew has been very ill for the past few days, and unable to attend court, being confined to his bed most of the time. We hope he will soon

The lumber in Miller Getty's yard is being closed by tne assignees, which makes it dull for the other yards. Brace up, gentlemen, there's a good time comin'. We see Alex Gillespie'i name registered at the Van TryRn House every day. Does he travel this way so often as that? Oh, he's boss clerk, is he. The children of the Sunday Schools are anxiously waiting for further developments in regard to that picnic.

Hurry it up before overcoats are in order. These are times when a stock speculator walks complacently into a cigar store and un-blushingly invests a nickel-w-4 smoke, wheras he used to throw down a 25 cent shinplaster. Josh Billings says The mewl is a larger bird than the guse or the turkey. It has two legs to walk with and two more to kick with, and wears its wings on the aide of its head. We have some beautiful type specially adapted to printing visiting cards, and also any tint or size of card.

Call and see styles and learn prices. It is said that the ancient Egyptian sac rificed their red-headed girls to the devils. If the Americans would do that, how we'd like to be the devils and with the devils reign. The Eleventh Annual Fair of the Iro quois County Agricultural Society will be held at Onarga, commencing on Tuesday, Septem- 0. E.

SCHAPFTER, Dealer in and Manufacturer of Monuments, Tombstones, MANTLE-PIECES, Every Description of Marble Work-Shop on Pells east of the Illinois Central Rail Road. 2-yi E. Q. SMITH, House, Sign and Ornamental PAINTER, Paper Hanger and Grainer. Give special attention to FRESCOING.

PAPER HANGING and CALSOMIN 1NG. Residence first house east of school building. Orders left at Wilson igley's Drug Store will receive prompt attention. h. Mcculloch, COUNTY SURVEYOR, Office in Court House, one Door East rff County Clerk's Office, PAXTON, ILLINOIS.

Residence one door north of Moffett's store, Market street. i-yi. J. J. SIMONS, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE.

Office over Berryman's Store. Special attention given to collections. i-yi E. L. GILL, Licensed Auctioneer, Office at his Sale Stable, MARKET STREET, PAXTON, ILL SHELDON SWANSON, Manufacturers of BOOTS SHOES South Market Street, PAXTON, ILL.

July 1st, 1876. Ford County Bank OF Thompson, Blackstock Co. Eest Burglar roof Sate, WITH- Hall's Patent Attachm't T. J. BUNNELL, Proprietor of PAXTOH DRAY LINE ALSO DEALER IN KANKAKEE ICE.

DENTISTS. HARRISON GALLOWAY, DETJTISTS, OFFICE OVER LINDSTROM LAURENCE'S PAXTON, ILLS. TEETH inserted from one to an entire set. TEETH handsomely filled with gold and warranted. TEETH examined and paper of tooth powder given free.

John Bodwell, A. Z. Given DRS. BODWELL GIVEN, DENTISTS, OFFICE IN BLACKSTOCK SUTTON'S EUILDING. Artificial Teeth inserted in all the Styles of the Profession.

Special Attention Pali to the Preservation Natural Teeth. BLACKSMITH. WM. L. WALTON, Manufacturer of exclusive first-class CARRIAGES NEWEST SXYLlb.S.

Phaetons, liueeies. (too and oDen). Sorimz W.itrons Road Waeons. and Track Sulkies a soecialtv. Work' manship and finish second to none in the county.

Orders receive prompt and special attention. All Work Warrants EL the Lyon County Times. Size 24x36, sub scription price, $10.00 per year. Four large wagon -loads- of broom-corn passed our office one day this week. It was doubtless, intended to manufacture brooms from, with which the Democrats hope to make a clean sweep this fall.

These mornings we are unable to tell whether the sheet is too short for us, or we're too long for the sheet, and there is nothing on earth that will find it sooner, than an intelligent fly. "Pope" Bob Ingersoll will speak in Gil-man some time in September. Excursion trains will be run for the accommodation of those who wish to hear him. So says the Star: II. Cloud ransacked the whole house for a pin last Sunday morning, and not being able to find one, dropped into a chair with disgust, and was immediately rewarded for the search.

We are under obligations to our friend H. G. Eggleston, of the Kings Go. Rural Gazette, (Flatbush, L. for another bundle of late Eastern and Southern papers.

Do it again, friend E. A new sidewalk has been built past the large corn-cribs on North Market street. It needed it. Now let the sidewalk commissioner attend to that trap on Railroad avenue, and we'll be happy. Dio Lewis advises all young men to get married immediately.

That's what the Paxton males have been trying to do for the last quarter century, but owing to the poor stock on the market, the girls won't invest, aud we don't blame them. The German Lutherans of Ford county are going to have a meeting at the Swedish Church on the evening of the 30th, at 7:30 o'clock. There will be preaching in German, by Rev. H. Hebler, of Melvin, All Germans are invited.

There was to be a Republican rally at Ludlow last night, at which Judge Tipton, the famous Farmer City orator, and Republican candidate for Congress in the Thirteenth District, was to speak. A letter received from. Missouri this week states that trade is better in all its branches than it has been for eight years. The yield of corn will far exceed any crop ever produced in that (the northern) part of the State. Helmer is reported as having said the other evening, that all Democrats were rebels.

John will have so few votes cast for him this fall that he will think the majority of the. voters of Ford county are Democrats, and opposed to electing a him to any office. John F. G. H.

I. K. Helmer has already offered us $5,000 to advoefhe his interests for Coroner in the coming contest, but we did not accept the offer. We don't propose to forfeit our honor for the paltry sum of A camp-meeting will be held on the grounds of the Kankakee Camp Meeting Association, between Waldron and Kankakee, commencing on Thursday, August 24th, and continuing a week qt perhaps ten flays. Eminent ministerial help from abroad is expected.

We were told that one of our Paxton young ladies became seriously ill not long ago from wearing navy-blue stockings. Col ored stockings, candidates and the Sioux Indians are having a very warm competition just now to see who can make it the liveliest on the "rine." A. J. Cutter has returned from his tour through Kansas last Thursday, and says the crops out there are simply immense, and that business was never more lively than at present. The next thing you hear of will be Cutter pulling up stakes and leaving Paxton.

Some of our Paxton bloods were engaged in a new avocation last Sunday that of attaching tin cans to dog's tails. One of them, Frank Orr, wandered up and down the alleys nearly all day with a loaded tin can, looking for stray dogs. Sportsmen are now in their element, and prairie chickens must suffer. The roar of musketry is now heard on every hand, ana chickens fall victims to the unerring aim of the hunters. We understand that game is plenty on the praines.

The boys must remember that quails are under protection of the law until the first of October, and govern them selves accordingly. The Board of Education of Bloomington is still troubled over the suicide of Harry Bryant. There seems now to be a little misunderstanding between Dr. Hill, the physi cian called at the time, and Miss Raymond, the Superintendent. We do not know how the thing is to be bettered by wrangling over it now the poor boy is dead, and it certainly seems that he should be allowed to rest in peace.

Inches 1 w. 2' 3 w- 1 1 m. I 2 m. I 3 m. I 6 1 y.

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do 2.00 3.00 3.5' 4.50, S.S0j 7.50! 9-75 11,00 2.50 3-50 4.5 5-oo 6.50 8.00. n.50 15.00 18.00' 3.25 1 4.00 4.25 1 5.00 5.001 6.00 6,50 8,00 8.25 10.00 lO.OOi 12.00 14.50) 17.00 1 7. 50 20.00 24.75:27.50 6.00 io.oc 8.00, 14.00 9.00: 16 00 11.00 20.00 16.00 20.00 25.00 27.00 35.oo 40.00 lo.oo! 4 5. 00 113.50' 37. 50160.00 ATTORNEYS.

MILTON H. CLOUD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, (Office in Blackstock and Sutton's Building.) PAXTON, ILL, All business will receive prompt Money to Loan on Kealkstate security. F. L.COOK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Notary Public. Rooms 2 and 4, Clark's Block, PAXTON.

Havine a complete set of Abstract Books. I am pre pared ta furnish examinations of title to any and all lands in ford county. Conveyancing and collections a specialty. CALVIN H. PHEW, ATTORNEY AT LAW, One door South of Moftett's Store, PAXTON, ILLINOIS.

Prompt and faithful attention given to cases in Ford, Champaign, Vermillion, McLean, Iroquois, Livingston and Kankakee Counties also, in the supreme and JOHN O. PATTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, PAXTON, ILL. Prompt Attention given to collections. Taxes Paid All legal business entrusted to his care will receive prompt and careful attention. in front room of RECORD OFFICE.


Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to their care. 4Office over Cruzen's Store. PAXTON, ILL. J. R.

KINNEAR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MASTER IN CHANCERY, Office over Ford County Bank, PAXTON, ILL. Practices in Ford, Vermilion, Champaign, and Iro quois counties. John Pollock. A. Sampli.

POLLOCK SAMPLE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Solicitors in Chancery and Notaries Public. Will practice in Ford and adjoining counties. Special attention given to collections. Loans on real estate of $500 and upwards negotiated. A.

Sample will attend to State' Attorney duties personally, which includes all actions begun for the recovery of debts due any School or Road District in this county. PHYSICIANS. H. KELSO, M.D., PHYSICIAN SURGEON. Office it Wilios Quijley 'i Drug Store, Paxton, Illinois.

Residence corner Taft and Orleans streets, near M. E. Church. 4.3m J. Frank Heritage, M.

Homeopathic Physician Surgeon, Paxton, Illinois. Office with T. P. Residence, Paxton House. Having had ten years' uninterrupted experience as a Physician and Surgeon, I solicit the patronage (particularly of the city) which my merits may claim.

lyi J. Y. CAMPBELL, M. Physician and Surgeon, Office over Cooper's Drug Store, Market Street, PAXTON, ILL. FURNITURE.

JOHN NEWMAN, (second door south of Post Office,) DEALER IN AH kinds of Furniture And Cabinetware. Also UNDERTAKING. Full stock of Coffins con-stantly on hand. Orders promptly attended to. Charges reasonable.

party, while a tear trickled down his cheek "but -conquer the desire. Fight it as yon would a legion of devils, for drink has ruined many a man who had a more expansive forehead than you've got, and then, you can't get 'stomacher' in Paxton unless yon have friends that are friends of the 'secret service' men. The mild looking individual stared vasant-ly at space for a few moments, and then started for the railroad, and boarded the first train for Loda. A Medicine Free to AIL Probably very few people in this communi-nity are aware of the excellent medicinal qualities contained in the weed known in botanical terms as Polygonum, and most generally known as smartweed or water pepper. For many of the most common and sometimes very serious complaints, it is unsurpassed.

Taken in the form of tea, or applied as a poultice, it is a good remedy for bowel complaints of all kinds. The weed is to be found in marshy places, and should be gathered and dried on a porch or stoop, where the sun will not touch more than two or three hours in the day. We have gathered a small stack of it, and intend to keep a supply always on hand. Heart's ease is often mistaken for smart-weed, but the latter has scarcely any, blossom, while the former has a large red one. Smart -weed also has a red stem.

Grand Excursion to Kansas. On Tuesday, August 22d, at 5:30 p. the greatest land excursion of the year will leave Bloomington. The fare for the round trip is $25, tickets good for 30 days. This excursion is run in the interest of the Kansas.

Pacific R. and the lands visited are in Ellis count), one of the finest counties' -rrTWestern Kansas. These lands will be sold for $2 to $6 per acre, on eleven years' time at 7 per cent, interest. For further particulars call on us, or address J. Y.

Chisholm, General Agent, Bloomington, 111. Creed Doxsee, Local Agents, Paxton, 111. Fast Time. Last Wednesday a week the morning mail train west on the B. M.

was detained in Lafayette on account of a freight train beinf off the track at the bridge across the Wabash this side of Lafayette, and was several hours behind time on leaving the city, which tht train men endeavored to make up. The trail was taken through in three hours and fortv-five minutes, making 33 stops. The stop-consumed at least 45 minutes, making an actual running time of three hours, ano as the distance from Lafayette to Bloomingt. is 118 miles, the average per hour would 40 miles This is what may be considered fast time. The train was under tne management of Conductor H.

D. Harris, with S. Quaco as engineer, engine No. 29. Independent Congressional Cenven-y Hon.

The Indepenent voters, and all those opposed to the present administration, of theStli Congressional district, are requested to met1: in adelegate Convention at Fairbury, Augu! 22, at 2 oclock p. for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Congress, a r.iembe of the State Board of Equalization, and to transact such other business as may proper come before said Convention. The representation is based upon the votes cast for State Superintendent in 1874, one delegate for every 200 votes, aniTone for ever) fraction of 100 thereof. Ford 5 Iroquois 11 Kankakee 9 Livingston to Marshall 4 Woodford.7.' 1 WM. COOPER, Kankakee, T.

P. BEACH, Iroquois, WM. NOEL, Ford, PETER VANCE, Woodford, GEORGE Committee. J. II.

STITT, Chairman. Market street presented a lively appearance yesterday, there being" more teams aul farmers in town than for a whole week before. cr 5U1, and continuing four days. i.yi.

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