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The Gallup Independent from Gallup, New Mexico • Page 5

Gallup, New Mexico
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Barbara Comer Recite Vows students study culture, Economics The Gallup MM Independent--Saturday, January 20, 1973--Page 5 Miss Barbara Jenn Creslo become the bride of Lin Corner when they rcclled vows recently In the Firsl Baptist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Cresto of 405 S. Ford Dr.

arc the parents of Ihe bride. The bridegroom's parents ore Rev. and Mrs. Jack Comer of 909 E. Logan.

The evening ceremony was officiated by the father of the bridegroom, Flev. Comer. Das- kets of white gladiolas were placed beside the allnr. Ardith Hudgeons sang The Wedding Song with the accompaniment of Mary Dob Ingram. It was followed by the traditional Wedding March.

Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a gown of white double knit. It's princess style with round neck was donned with set-in sleeves and graced with pearls and silver trim. The cuffs of the sleeves were set off wilh while bows. The elbow- length veil of white tulle fastened to a white bow which was donned wilh pearls and silver Irim. The bride carried white roses and baby's a set in a bouquet of blue net and ribbon.

Judy Creslo was her sister's maid of honor. Her light blue princess styled gown was trimmed wilh blue sequins around the collar and sleeve cuffs. She carried a bouquet ot white roses wilh blue net aral ribbon. Best man was Harold Hassey. Brothers of the bridegroom.

Bernie and Drewin Comer served as ushers. r'or her daughter's wedding Mrs. Cresto wore a royal blue double knit long sleeved dress. A white lace coal completed her ensemble. A rose double knit Mr.

and Mrs. Lin Corner dress was the choice ol the bridegroom's mother. Both mothers wore corsages of pink carnations with while ribbons. A Hirer tiered wedding cake was featured at Ihc reception held at the church. Blue and white roses wilh white belts were on oacb layer of Hie cake.

It was lopped wilh a bride and groom. The bride's table was enhanced with wedding Iwlls, blue flowers and silver a i i Coming Events Saturday. Jan. 20 Open movies will be shown at the Ford Canyon Coffee House 15 p.m. Sew and Sew CIMI.

Center, 61ft N. Third, 10 a.m. Inter-Tribal Pow Wow, Manuelito Dorm, 7-12 Mead (lancers will be Jimmy Box from Iguacio and Teresa Kaglc from Ignacin. I'uhlic is invited lo the free performance.

Simdny. Jan. 21 Annual Parish meeting of llic Church of the Holy Spirit (Episcopal). p.m.. Movie will be provided for the children iliir- ing the nux'ling.

Sunday School, First llaplisl Church, a.m. AA llreakfast, 10 a.m.. Kl Kancho. mcctinng follows i a.m. Sunday School, all ages, all children welcome.

CIMI, Center. 620 NV Third 0:30 a.m. Men's Prayer Breakfast nl I'irsl Baptist Church. 8 Church Training.

Firsl Baptist 1 Church, 6p.m. Monday, Jan. 22 Weight Watchers. .113 Coal. 7p.m.

ONEOAA.FI.Dc-fia ijoc, trailer near chapter house, Bp.m. MAvc. 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. Jan.

23 Callup Santa Fc federal Cretlil Union Annual Meeting. Shalimar fIntel, Kmcrald llnnm, Huffi-l Supper, Business Meel ing i Call Mrs .1. Perdue. Chapter I'KO al Hie home of Mrs Helen Carney, It 10 Country Club Drive, 2 in (there will lie a speaker.) McKinlfy General Hospital I.AMI', 218 W. fjfi, AA, 207 S.

Strong. Bp.m. Weight Watchers, ma dial. 10 a.m. B.

and I'W Cluh. Sbaliinnr Inn, TOPS. 3311 Church Knck. Id a.m. First Baptist Church-wide visitation, piil-luck supper p.m.

Allerwaril.s Ihe group will HI in visit in homes, 30 p.m. A i i a a hoipilal rafrieria. installation iT p.m. Weslcrn UapUs! Assni-ialinn. l-'irsl Baplisl hurcli.

suppel -7 in program. 7 -IS in The enipliiiMs is an evangelism Keln Pt diaper nf Sigma I'lii. nl tin- home ol Mrs. Lynn Tanner. -113 Aztec.

7:30 p.m (ilillllp llraiu-h Ciillcgc Civic Chorus. Gallup Music lluililinK. in Weiejit Watchers. 31:1 Coal. 7 p.m TOPS.

I nil 7 i in Al Annii. Ft Defiance IraikTiieaidiaplcr liouse.JJp.ii i. Cily Council. Council Chambers. City Hall.

Woiln.siiii\. Jan, 2( liiitL-hi-iin. Cotinlry Club, noon Kaililum tin Mavnjie li.ill. in while candles, all were set on a clolh of blue net. Registering guesls was l.anell Morehouse.

Lillian Morelioiisc, Charlcnc Creslo and Lanell Morehouse served at thr- reception. The bride wore a maroon pantsuit with her corsage of while roses for Iheir wedding (rip to Beaumont and riainvicw, Tex. Both members of the couple graduated from Gallup High School. The bride all ended the University of New Mexico and was employed "it a Bank, and the bridegroom Wayland Baptist College. Cresto is now employed by Ihc Baptist Church in Plainvicw.

Tex. School Lunch Menu Monday. Jan. 22 Reefy Macaroni Casserole Toinalo-Cabbagc Salad Bread-Butter Cake wilh Ciicrrv Sawn '3 Pint Milk Tuesday, Jan. 2.1 Hamburger on School Made Bun Parsley Potatoes l.cttnce i French Dressing Chocolate Cake I'm: Milk Wednesday, Jan.

21 Cook's Choice Menu Thursday, 2n Boasl Beef Gravy linked I'olaloi-s Carrr.t Slicks Krentl-Duller Fruited Gi'Ialin '7 Pinl Milk Friday, Jan. ZC Uurritos wilh Green Salad Cornhrcnrl-HulliT Apple 'i I'inl Milk Window Rock School Menu's IIIIKAKKAST Muttered VY.ifrici Unnev, l.asagna (Jrcen tM llolls and Duller I'nrpV Plums Milk Tuesday, Jan. 21 HHKAKKAST Rolled Wheat I-'ruit Cocktnil Milk l.l.'NCI! lied Stc-w Corn Hn-ml Ori'i'ii Salad Trull Salad Fruit Milk Sororities Ready For Valentines Beta Sigma Phi and Kp.silon Sigma Alpha is preparing for 'annual Valentine Dinner Dance. Representatives of each chap mcl al the flallup Country 1 Club Jan. II In gel work- on the festivities for annual ball, 'the representatives from Ileta Sigma I'lii were: Mrs.

Johnny Mrs. Donald Moon (Xi Ileia A Orliz, Mrs. David Hunt (Bela iiela). Mrs. Frank Chiapctli, Mrs.

Kdward (Gamma Pi), Ixipcz, and Mrs. Robert Olive (Heta The representatives from Epsilnn.Sigma Alpha were: Mrs. Heed Ferrari, Mrs. Bon Fritz (Alpha I'i), Mrs. Terry Pel- tejohn, and Jan Pollzcr (Delta DEFEAT HEART DISEASE THE No.

1 KILLER With Memorial, Bequest, or Special Gift Mail to: McKinlcy County Heart Fund 208 West Malonoy Gallup, New Mexico 87301 Maryolo Brlyvich Memorial Chairman (iaminni Mrs I'ena of Xi Heta loin voli-cl lo lie Vnlen tine Committee Chairman 'there ill tie queen from each chapler hor.drt'd al the ball. The valentine cclehralinn will begin with a cocklail hour then a bnffi-I dinner followed by a conialioji uf chapter queens ending svilh onr formal valentine ball. The next Valentine flail Cornmilee uill mrol al Ihe (iallup Country Club al Hp 2.Sth. Wrdnrsihiy. Jan.

2J Ull Kgus Meal liullm'i! Toast Milk Plums LUNCH Tuna iN'ixidlu Casserole Harvard Heels Rread and Iliitti'r Carrot Cake Milk Apricots Thursday. 2t BIIKA'KKAST lltillemlTnasI Due Half Orange Milk U'Nflf Chicken Knchiladas Taniali-s Chili Sauce llol Hulls and Duller Milk I'ears Krlilay, 26 IIKKAKKAST Sweet liolis Peaches Milk LUNCH Hamburgers French Frius Carrot and Celery Sticks Pineapple Jello Chocolate Milk Specially developed Indian Social Studies arc now reality in all U.I.A. schools in the Navajo area. They weredcveloped at the request of School Hoards, 89-10 Parent Councils, community leaders, teachers and sludents. Preparation was done under Ihe auspices of the Navajo Area Curriculum Development Project by Bureau classroom teachers and Navajo Aides In conjunction wilh parents and' university consultants.

The total social studies curriculum, from kindergarten Ihroug level eigh deals wilh Ih subject of human relationships and interaction. Each level studies a portion of Ihe life ways of four or five different groups of people, with (he majority of the people studies being Indian groups of Hie past and present. Each year's studies start with a unit on the Navajo because il is Iheone wilh Ihe childrenarcmosl familiar. The sludy of each tribe or group is undertaken through discovery and problem solving activities, with the Navajo unit providing a base for information, comparison and extension. The study al each level centers around a theme.

The kindergarten themeis (he Navajo child in school and deals wilh responsibilities and safely needs in different environments. Level one shows i and siinilarilios in a i organizalion among Navajo, Hopi and Mexicanfamilies. Level two explores differcnl kinds of rural and urban neighborhoods in and around the N'nvajo reservation and introduces the idea of i a i a i of labor and interdependence of workers. Level three centers on Ihe economics of community life through Ihc sludy of Ihc local Navajo community, the Kskimo, the N'oniads of the Sahara, and Births MeKinley General Jan. 12 Mr.

and Mrs. Hobert Malune. Gallup, girl Jan. 15 Mr. and Mrs.

Hasilio Hohan. (lallup, buy. llcliuboth Dec. 25 Mr. and Mrs.

Krlilie Armijn. Ctallup girl. Dec. Mr. and Mrs Warren Itunyan.

Gallup, girt. Dec 27 Mr. and Mis. A A i Gallup, boy. Dec.

Mr and Mrs. Dale Schrc-sslcr. Cuba. Bny. Dec.

Mr. and Mrs A a Mallis. Gallup, Jan. 1 Mr. and Mrs.

a Slrornbcrg. Gallup, boy. Jan. 2 Mr. and Mrs.

Jue A i a Gallup. Ixiy. Jan. Mr. and Mrs.

liich Lewis. Gallup, buy. Jan. Mr. and Mrs.

llrucc Luchlerhand. Many r'arrns At girl. Jan. HI Mr. Mrs Leu Ifallihurton.

Thnreau, girl. PUS Jan. 17 Mr and Mrs. Michael finio. I'owells, Ijoy.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Itnbelu. Xuni.girl. Mr and Mrs.

Pierce a Three llognns, Aril girl. Jan 18 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pablo, lyanbito, girl. Learn A Profitable, Lifetime Career-Join PROFESSION rt C'ciSCS Slcrl Evefy Tt.eS'Jfly.

A'l Benulv WoiL. Done By Students Urv'cr Supntvis on Al Hi Style Beauty College 909 W. Cool Avc. Gallup 722-3896 722-3897 Indian Studies in BIA Schools Are Now A Reality a community In the Netherlands. Level four focuses on cultural geography and how land is used Uirough a study of the lands of Ihe Navajo, Plains Indians, (he Southern California Indians and (he Kibbutz in Isrcal.

levels five through eight build on the knowledge and understanding gained al earlier levels and help (he pupils Uiink through and deal with controversial issues. The Ihemcs for lliese levels are: Conlribu- tions of Indian sodclies to (he A i a heritage through studies of the Navajo, Pueblo, Iroquois and Pacific Northwestern Indians; Changing Cultures; People between Two Cullures; The Nnvajo Tribe in American History; and Governments in Ihe Western Hemisphere. The innovative Indian studies curriculum being used by the Navajo Area Bureau schools had its beginnings In (he Curriculum Revision and Development Project started area-wide in Ihe fall of 1967. Chinlc Boarding School is an example of Ihe intense local level participation in the project since the beginning. from the school have continuosly been members of Ihe various subject mutter curriculum committees and have contributed ideas and feedback duringpiloling periods, as well as leadership in In-service education.

The unit on Navajo Tribal Govei nment which is parl of the Governments ot Ihe Western Hemisphere was a al Chinle Boarding School in 1965; the unil at level one on the Hopi a i was Included al the specific request of Chinle Boarding School's School Board; and. Ihe school pioneered In giving Ihe- twenty 89-10 Education Aides al thcschool special (raining to help leach Ihe units in Navajo as well as in English. Both Ihc Navajo children and parents have beun enthusiastic about tlienew Indian Studies. The materials arc unique in that (hey are the only ones Dial have been specifically dei-igncd lo center on the needs of life in the past, present and future of one Indian group. Knowledgeable visitors to classrooms engaged in the Studies areamazed by (he amount of high 'level pupil Involvement brought alwut by the built in motivation of Ihe program.

They are nlso amazed by the carryover of interest and increased self-esteem shown by (hechildrcn's behavior outside of school. 1 A 'KLx FIFTH YEAR pupils construct model Plains Indian Tepees lo compare use of locol resources to -nee! shelter needs as part of (he new B.I.A. Indian Socio' Studies al Chinle Boarding School. Pediatrician Dreams Of Low-Cost Medicine NEW YORK (API Dr. Al- "In our hospital.

we have a exander Russell is ihc chil- plaque thru I've always lioen INDIAN STUDIES in progress at Chinle Boarding School. A group of sixth year pupils in Lowell Jackson's class are shown pulling toneiher a map of Navojoland. They learn map reading skills while studying Navujo cultural geography dren's advocate a lladassah- Hebrew University Medical Center. He dreams of learns of rncrli- cal specialists building a circle of defense around every handicapped child in Jerusalem. very proud of.

oul lhal we lake responsibility for Ihe weakest uf the population. That means not ihc handicapped child, but" also his mother and family, whether they be Jewish. Islamic or Chrislhn Annual Meeting Congregational The Congrcgaiional United Church of Gallup will have its annual congregation meeting on Sunday, Jan. 21. The meeting will be held immediately following the worship seivice.

In order to allow sufficient time, the morning worship service will begin at 3:00 a wilh Ihe meeting following, at approximately 9:30 a.m. The Rev. Waller Mebl will conduct the morning worship and at the conclusion of the worship service, Pauline Kcene, church a will conduct the ananal meeting. Ilepons will be heard from Ihe prcsidejH of the Fellowship. Mrs.

Louise Denu, and the church treasurer. Fred Kccr.e. Is Sunday For United Church The church council ill present an amendment lo Ihe Constitution of the Church, making it possible lo unite the various church boards. Mrs. Helen Berlinetti, chairman of Ihc nominating com- millee, wdl present a slate of candidates for church offices and boards.

The congregation will also vote on the budget for 1973. All members of the church arc being urged to allend Ibis mast importanl meeting which will determine the course of ihe church for the coming year. NANCY'S HOBBY SHOP HOURS FOR JAN. Mon. Tue.

Thurs. 12 o'clock to 5 Fri. Sat. 10 a.m p.m. Closed Sun.

Wed. In the Piggly Wiggly Trode Mori Mall. Visit Granny's Attic while you're at Carson's. -JUST ARRIVED Reproductions ol ANTIQUE GLASS PIECES Red Pinl Amelbysl DANDEE SUPCRKA8KET GALLUP ROTARY CLUB Senior of the Monfh Chris, son Mi. ond Mrs.

Fermin Gdlegos, of Go lup, is a senior al Gallup High School. Chris is active in football and Track, and his hoi bies include i and architecture. Presented by Third Year Eighteenth in Scries The Merchants Bank The Bank Thdfs kcyeo To Your Every Need.

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