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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 3

Indianapolis, Indiana
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1 i OPERATORS AGAIN ASK "STAY Oil JOB" PLEDGE Miners, However, Contend Time Is AmpJa for Pact. DEMANDS would be do flrsi- ARE CONSIDERED ATLANTIC CITT. N. J- 11 Operators and of the anthra cite of Pn7lrnla. to4r rium1 eorjaldrat9n la fubcotnmlt tee of the 6eraaft4s of the employes.

There wii no fixed program tt to th ordr ct the lrr.n3a. but It wti expectad that th er. xkioe tor In creaaeJ wifti for, contract minara Teater4av the operators renewed their aurtlon that the miners Ifn to continue work alter Atifutt 3- In the event no sfreemenl la reached br that tlma. but the union leaders hwH 10 disposition to change their position to the effect that mere la pientjr of tlma to n( tlate a contract. Tha operators wihd such an agreement order to aiay puhlls apprehenalon that there will not ba continuous sup ply cr coal next rail ano winter.

I warraa tad As letsatlea. The mlwrg rapliad that it wu an unwarranted Anticipation that the aubrommftta could not reach so aftmnt by th'nd cf and would have tha effect cf assuring-. no arl timmnt as there would ba no -reason to hurry, While carrying on. tha? neg-otlatlons with tha anthraclta oparatora John Iewis, International preefo'ent of the anion, la in touch with tha ol atrlka altuatlon lit Nova Scotia: iia has baan advlaad that a nieetlnar rm yesterday of tha district board of tha Nova Krotfa minara to con- eid.r Ms I r.structiorf to call off tha striae because It waa tn violation of tha contract with tha ctl company, waa postponed until today. It waa eapected that If hla Inatructlona ara not carriad out ha will take lurintr action.

Grfa Bark la laa to aaef la. William Creea, ratary. treasurer of tha L'nltad Mine Workara of America. hM returned to tha Intarnatlonal headquarters In from Atlantic City, where he attended tha mtIlrt(i wttn tha anthraclta rnlna oparatora and mlna workara in art endeavor to nagotlata na wir avale to supplant tha na ending A -Runt 11. lit aad tha aeaalon probably would ontlrjue eeveral days, and tia wouid liaiard a iruaaa aa to tha outworn.

Tha eifTlculllaa that have ana.n with tha defiant attituda taken by tha mlna workara In tha Nova Kcotla diatrt-t ag-alnst tha International administration ara heinc hin ailed by John 1 bwln. Internal Knal raaldant, at Atlantic City, ha said. v.owrr.n tmsATisriF-u. fays Ceal nrxr Pavers QhiIh erea Attempt ta Dia Strike. tVASIflNfJTO.V.

July Labor organisations find suhetantlar raaaona for dissatisfaction with tha report on tha anthraclta Industry Juat completed by tha coal rnmmlnlon, Samuel (Jompr, president of tha American federation of Ijkhor. asserted In a statement. Tha 'rommluion'i recom-mendatlona. ha aald. contain "real penaltlea for minara, but phantom jenalttea for mine oparatora." particularly in that they are aimed st maktrtsr striken In tha Industry beraoaa thay contemplate "compulsory lahor." "It la rlaln to aea that of all tha brljrht mlnrfi' An tha committee, not na waa a representative of tha coal minara." tha statement said.

there bad been a elnaMe one of tha men who actually pr'lue anthraclta coal the committee would acarcely have recommended that tha i'reatdent be fven full power to fix tha waee to ba paid the workera In lha event of a aupnion ot mtnins; opara llent. "Any attempt to outlaw the rlaht pT.liint i Let mc make you a ciqar" IIT AD occasion rccnUy to explain the manfactur cf I -a Talina Cifrars to several business men. I brought from the factory the vari-cua tobaccos cf which La ralir.a is ma tie, and rolled several cigars for tKem to sracke. I wish I could do this for youl You could see the delicate texture of the fine imported tobacco, free from heavy stems and veins; you could smell it excyuisite bouquet you could see how( it is combined to, produce a Cavor that is full bodied and rich, yet always mild; you could see how the fragrant leaf tips, the finest part of the tobacco, are distributed throughout the length of each cigar. If I could make you one Palina I am sure you would always smclce this eirr.

But since I cannot do this. I do assure you that each La Palina at the ciar counter is made exactly as though it had been rolled for you. CONGRESS CIGAR COMPANY 0 PLIladalphU Majar 10a for Ulunt 2 for Zie Hro3M is rrfecto Craada. oe SOe Alee wamrreae etXer ps2ar aAaraa ad txam. TKmtrihmfm Th Cta-vr npoJts.

I'hoo. tirte f.lA, The Uajae 1ar IT. raja, las. rno 7 Aci- yl -1 ITS JAVA. FtAPPCD -v 1 (2T to stop work ss a means of Improving tha conditions of tha worklac people of tb United States Is iooml to fall.

Such attempts have failed la the past ajsd will ba equally unsue-ceaafal In ths ntar. Iabor will never (ire up tha to atrlka as a Uit retort in th flsht aralnat wronar and oppression. "Tb very fact that the commission fonnd that anthraclta operators re recetvinc nearty three times as tarse profit as before the war is a atrons; ararument aajaJnat any attempt to force ths minara to remain at work, year in and year oat. re-sardleee of ths attitude of the mine-owners. "On tbs the whole, the report can not be considered ss constructive, although the commission's recognition that coal Is a public utility is a step la advance.

also, are the recommendations that anthracite dealers be compelled by the congress to make current reports to tbs fed. eral reasrdlnc costs, rrlcm and profitr. In order to protect the pnDllc ana tnai operaiova snouio comblns ajuarantee a standard quality of anthraclta for ths consumer. ASKS RECALL Of TROOPS. Otaraalaee Uker mt Caaaaa Makes Ayyeal le laavlr KlaaT.

OTTAWA. July lLPrsmler Kins; today received a letter from the executive council of tbs Trades 'and Labor Congress of Canada, asklne; Immedlals rsealt of" troops from the Cape Breton atriks area and, if necessary, th ealllns; of a special session of the Dominion parliament to aeal with the aituation. The letter, a copy of which was sent James Mnrdoek, minister of labor, aiao that a royal com-miaalon immediately be appointed, -with the widest possible powers fully to Investia-ate every clreum-a la new or condition in any way connected with or leading op to the call-Irs; out of and ths presence In Cape Kreton. at this time of military forces. Representation of workers on the commission was requested.

Bible school CI eel ag Kserrlsea. 'The cloains; exerciaes of the dally vacation Bible school of St. Taut He-formed church'. 711 Belmont avenue, will bo held Thursdny evenlnsr at the church. The program will Include an exhibition of the class work.

Ths school has been In session since June IS and has bad an average atendancs of forty pupils. The lararest attmd-ance was seventy-one. The teachers of the school Include the Kev. John II. lioatb and Mra.

IJosth. Mrs. Oer-trude Hteck, Mlaa Dorothy Itomnel and Mies Lola Rntwhiatle. DATTEniEG ftj lift- v. Jr" Cc THERE is no sub-, stltutc at any price for an Exlde Battery except another Exidc.

There's an Exide Service Station near you. Make use of lu The Electric Storage Battery Company Philadelphia THE DCDIAXAPOLIS XEWS; WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1923. PLEAS MADE BY PASTOR PREVENT CROSS BURNING AT CHURCH SOCIAL Pleas by the J. Lather Jones, pastor of the Weal view Baptist church, Betmoat avenue and Jones street, to "remember our pierce to uphold the laws, prevented the burn-Ins; of a fiery cross, emblematic of the Kn Klux Klan, in defiance of an order of the board of public safety, at a church social riven on the church arrounds Tueaday nlsbt- The Rev. Mr.

Jones was Informed st a meetlac of the board of safety Tuesday that the issuance of a permit for fireworks for the social did not authorise the bfurnlns; of any ma Men's Slimmer terial and he was warned that the buminsr of a fiery cross, which, be said was contemplated, would be regarded as a violation of the fir laws. Poll Jreeat. i la order to see to It that the board's order waa carried owe. Herman F. Rikhoff.

of police, sent a detail of police In the charg-e of Lieut. Clifford Rlchter. to the lawn soclaL While the police were In the crowd and while the Rev. Fred Griffith, who aald he-waa tourlas; tbe state for tne a Klux Klan. was maklnr a apeecn.

an eisjbteen-foot cross, wrapped with Btay tie Store That jiiJiEmiiniat li Mli Jr Ji Tl tttC Tl ft ea t3ai The THRIFT Shoe Store does not hare "sales." We mark our footwear at the very lowest prices right at the start, and for. that reason "sales" re unnecessary. No exaggerated claims-t-no outlandish price comparisons no "happy anticipations and sad results" for tbe wise shoppers who come here. Just compare our values with any other store in town. Every day is Bargain Day are examples of our every day offerings Shop Before 1 Saturday fee sassaser krowm and ar.y Comfort and Service l0 Oaforals Whit Hammer Osferee Save your winter suits By wearing Palm Beach Suits inTsummer you save your fall and winter suits, adding to the life of your more expensive clothing.

Palm Beach Suits are good for two, sometimes three seasons, so far as wear is concerned, making a small investment in comfort last over a long period of time. Dress for hot -veathcr For the same amount of money you would pay for a' well-made worsted suit, you can buy two Palm Beach Suits. Alternating wear makes it possible to give the same care to the appearance of Palm Beach Suits as to your fall and winter clothing. rWom ex'crywhtre Palm Beach Suits are worn everywhere. They are as appropriate for business as for all social occasions, whether just club lunches and smokers or summer dances.

Palm Beach Suits are as appropriate for young men as for their elders. Com- fort knows no age limit. Men and boys, from grandfather down to the little chap in his first pair of all wear Palm Beach. i fVice depends upon tailoring The prices of Palm Beach Suits vary depending upon the amount and quality PALM 1 'it Strapa Footwear Palm Beach, White. Black.

Brown and Drab Fabrics With Leather Soles' and Heels. Very Comfortable. WE CLOSE DAILY AT 5 P. M. SATURDAYS AT 9 P.

Ml 1 4 i of tailoring put into them. All genuine Palm Beach Suits are distinguished! by the registered Palm Beach label sewed into each coat. This label is for your protection. Look for it. Coif inxekers and sport clothes made of Palm Beach -Cloth are cool and lood-lookini practical and durable.

3 8tZ fle'atVen''aJL wajSra ra Thi laUt identijitx the gmuime cioth THE PALM BEACH MILLS GOODALL WORSTED COMPANY SrZZtar Jimt A. Rohiut, 229 Fourth Ave-, New York Gry EAG: JL Clothing Stores a 'SHOE MERCHANTS BANK BUILDING DOWNSTAIRS WASHINGTON AND MERIDIAN STREETS' burlap and saturated with oil. waa brought Into the church grounds and erected In a hole that had been prepared for It. i Wben Lieutenant Rlchter notllfed the crowd that the police were there to prevent the order of the board of safety from, betnaj violated, his remarks were arreeted with biases and catcalls and cries of "Set a match to Tt," and "Don't let the cops step us. Lieutenant Rlchter then notilfed the Rev.

Mr. Jones, and the minister-assured him the burnlnr of the cross would not be permitted. I'tweet to Remember Oaths. In addressing- tbe crowd, the Rev. Mr.

Jones said there probably would be a test made of the question as to whether the burn in of a fiery cross is in violation of the law. and warned the crowd that the lawn soc'al was no place for making- the test. lie 2Lill 2 TT? TT 7 THY TTT1 Tt MAin 3012 mL(B urg-ed the crowd to remember their oaths the laws." The cross latetr was taken; outside the city limits and" burned. Shortly after the' crowd returned from the burning; of the cross. three smaller crosses were burned In Rhodius park about a block from the church, and were-vislbte from the church arrounds, The police detail had left before these crosses were lighted.

Floors look best and are sanitary when cleaned with Old Dutch Cleanser It leaves no Creasy film to collect dirt or show footmarks- Old Dutch talces the tiard work out or earning- You save energy when you use Old Dutch 7 You save money, too. Its tiny, flat shaped, flaky particles lie flat; spread out over more surface; and erase all the dirt. Every particle deans. That's why it's so economical. Old Dutch is a natural cleansef and contains no hard, scratchy grit to grind in the dirt and scratch the surface.

There 's no waste in Old Dutch because it contains no lye orr acids which are both, dangerous and wasteful. They injure sur faces. They roughen vour hands. They dissolve and wash away Old Dutch isa I natural cleanser mined from the earth 1 A LOCAL MANAGER WITH CAPITAL Jasmine Ink Corporation of Norfolk; Va. to establish branches in Indianapolis.

The business of this Company ba's increased very extensively for the past two years. This Company has contracts to supply ink. paste and mucilage to every Poat Office in the U. S. Theyjalso do business with Jobbers, dealers, banks, hotels, manufacturers, public schools and institutions; has with F.

V. Wool worth Kreee McCrory 5c and 10c Store's. Boa-ton -schools. Typewriter Co, and others. The.

Jasmine Ink manufactures a full line of Ink. paate. muclhiare, stamp pad Ink, dupll-catins; Ink, ammonia, furniture polish and BLUK GIRL, concentrated blutnr- Ifa a complete line. This Company states that there will be an opening: for a local manager with cash oapital of 11,000 to 1.500 aa a permanent connection to handle this line excluatvely for Indianapolis and nearby territory. Thle Company has local city mtlealadlea making fl.SOO to per year on original investment of 1,000.

To Ward '-Off Summer Complexion Ills iTo keep the face smooth, white and beautiful all summer; there's nothing quite so irood as- ordinary mercolized wax. Discolored or freckled skin, so common at this season, is irenUy, gradually absorbed by the wax and replaced by the newer, fresher skin beneath. The face exhibits no trace of the wax, which is applied at 'bedtime and washed off morning-s. Greasy creams, powders and rouges, on -the other are apt to appear more conspicuous than usual these days. of excessive perspiration.

Just get an ounce of mercolixed wax at any drug store and use it like cold cream. This will help any skin at once I and in a week or so the complexion will look remarkably cleat young and healthy. i Dearborn Supply Chicago 111. TRY WANT ADS IN THE NEWS "J-t'l wnaaia.1 i 1mi 1-; i I I VI I 1 II I I 4 A GRAND PRIZE EUREKA CLEANER The Eureka Sales 34 S. Meridian, announces the most intcresting: of er ever made ood housewives of Indianapolis and Marion county.

It's a bona fide offer, not to be confused with the usual kind, and gives You an opportunity get the world's best cleaner absolutely free. Act now. Read this and take the next step that may mean a brand new Eureka cleaner without cost to you. Remember this includes the famous cleaner with 12 new improvements. aias Oemoira Sim Yopb, Hme2 After much planning we have made very special arrangements which enables us to demonstrate without eot or obligation, the Grand Prize! Eureka Cleaner, in the many homes in Indianapolis and Marion County who want to see this cleaner work.

This special liberal offer will with-, out doubt create an overwhelming demand fpr the specially arranged free demonstrations. It will be wise for you to place your name on our list at once. JemontTtioriB will come in order of names received. Special Low Rock-Bottom Terms for the Month of July on Eureka Cleaners This splendid offer makes it possible for every woman' who has longed to own a Grand Prize Eureka Cleaner to do so at these- unheard of low terms which prevail during; tliis free offer drive. Get your name in today.

Sit down right t'n'a minute and write or come in early tomorrow. Phone MAin 3012, Write or Call at Our Store for Full Particulars Concerning the Free Cleaner Offer EU1EKAOLO GT TTn'a TureVa Cleaner is riven awav onlv bv the Eureka Sales 24 S. Meridian street. Authorized actory Eureka store. We are located a few steps back of L.

S. Ayres Co. Convenient and acces- sible to snoppers. The Eureka Sales Co. sells only the Grand Prize Eureka Cleaner.

This enables US VO OliCt villa sjniai csajr kiiu oiui. mb. cleaner we sel bears our unqualified guarantee' backed by eleven years' service It TrwtiannTV-tlis i Make sure that your electric cleaner comes from the Eureka Sales Co. that you will have no regrets and that your cleaner will be a Grand Prize Eureka turn Knrka Si 1m cvi 's bona fide service ana ruaramee. Our phone ia MA in 3012.

One location only 34 S. Meridian St, Remember i i tne name ana iuurr. 7 ix (Q if it? (sz rry rni i i 34 South Meridian St. i raw.

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