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Buffalo Courier from Buffalo, New York • 8

Buffalo Courieri
Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE BUFFALO COURIER; TUESDAY APJRIL 14, 1C01, 0 counties; May 33 And Joly 4 Tha will close here September 15 with Providence.1? In? THE PHILLIES. IttlKSiMiQillS GTAD THEATER, all 123 game are scheduled, 63 noma no a Ilka number abroad. TroyVandf Albany will Tbree Nltrhta. i Commenclnc Tfturaaay. April 18.

Alauaee fcataraay. 9 drride the holidays will Butal and Roche i Th. Mr. Byracuw ceta Lebanon Hay so ana vuij Couldn't Do Much with 3arr, but Goodall Was Easy. and Providence on.

Labor Day New Haven Engagement of the Eminent Comedian, MR. LOUI3 HARRIOON. In Rice's Produotton, A SNAP IN SIDEBOARDS FOR THE HEXT 10 DATS. has Providence May 30, and will play la that city July Lebanon ia booked for Rochester Labor Dav. and will bay no holidays as PEARL OF PEKIN." WORD.

noma. The schedules I EASTERN ASSOCIATION SCHEDULE A WORD. A $25 Antique SIDEBOARD for 15 BUFFALO XT JHOM15. I Catchy Music With Providence May 2X 21, June 24. WANTED XX AL3 HELP I St.

2S? brimtwr 1. IS. POR RENT. Beautiful Scenery. Etc ST Beats on Bale TUESDAY.

FIRST CLASS PL.UMBEI1 A Profoablo Bicycle Meet Gym 1ITiNTItn-A Witn New iiaven May ia, is, iw; dune so, This is lesa than cost but they must go to make room for our i large stock of Spring goods, i 4 STO- mn TTT-ma DIVISION. THREE YY at 10U8 Grant Street July 5. zi; September 7 (two gsmesj. nqulre on Ith Troy May 27. 28, 29: July 1 8.

29., SO; a xroy mi wit 1 ri modern, lmnrovementa. I STAR HEATER nastic Competition Track and Turf--Sport In General. September 11. 13. ANTED AGENTS TO HANDLE.

first and only machine ever invented tat premises. it With Lebanon Mar 23. 25, June 9, SO; Tnln 9T tntnmU. trt I Wednesday, 15, 1891 Physical Culture a National Wanf IDEAL FURNITURE GO. With Albany-April 29.

30; May li June 22. 23; PT WEST MOHAWK, CORNER FRANK. 55 linT two fine rooms, well heated, and light. ed; references required. anDlying postage stamps to mauauie innnBrj aDDiy 60 stamps per minute; no licking ot sTampPs; paTented February Mrff' "flT ii iv i.

at for circulars, u. 376-377 Washington Corner Kafle, opp. Iroquois Hotel. ft to a on a With Syracuse Aorll 2SJ 21. 28: June 19.

SD; Philadelphia, April 13. -SpeciaL Hard con seen tiya hitting in the last three innings -r-iriT "DWELLING. AND GRAND GYMNASTIC EXHIBITION Given by the Buffalo Turn Verein (all Itamen'a, boys', ladies' and girls' classes) aided by the Buffalo Athletic Club. Iroquois Athletic Club, and P. Stamp Sticker Company, Daniarspori, July 31; August 1, 29.

31. -n tmurovements, corner Ashland With Kochester Mr s. 6. ffil U- lfcj; vuiy Masa. to J.

"A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever." won to-day'a Kama for Philadelphia. Up CP. MJ. 18 August KH Avenue and Breckenridae Street. Apply LESSLER, 84 Tracy Street to tha sixth inning Barr, while bit freely, kept Ramblers B.

t). ISO people on i me i r- BCITAtO ABROAD, A WANTED THREE BAblSMin. nAwi or Commission, Permanent Poj tiona. A grand public demonstration in xayor in NIAG- tba bits so scattered as to be practically worth In Providence June's. July 9, 10; Au troducing1 physical culture Into ine puouw LET-FLAT IN BUILDING.

867 ara St; all modern improvements. We mean BKOWN uiiuiunna Nurserymen. Rochester. N. Y.

aK i tm is Hnnaa ina ni avur. iua iuui iuoiu lejs, but bis bases on balls were costly. In gust iv, 2u: September si, In New Haven-June 11. July 7, As- imt1.i l8! Hnt.mtMp2i21: i i 1 mm, ini tVTUmnil tV-UWiD. aaaae aavMws bers of the Common Council, and the School Department will be present tSBT Admission 60 the seventh Goodall was substituted eud change proved as tha Phillies SITUATION ANTEP-IIALIS FOR BENT-KESIJLHWKJE Avenue 11 Rooms; bath room; a mnrUra ImDrovementa.

4 Morgan cents gallery. 3o reservau Beausfo vrv in Troy June Juiy ii ia; August 14. in i The sale of seats will open on oaturuay, i Bounded him for 10 bits, ear nine 6 of their 8 Street: two flats. 9 rooms each, with bath In Lebanon ne B. 0 1 July It.

15 August POSITION IN THE OFFICE OR SHIPPING department of aome manufacturing of 11, at the Star Theater. ir5RM i i 151 -vasks ia, 14: tseptemoer it, i. MM fa I I IJl i. Ji La runs. Tha Bisons opened on Gleason savagely, bo ha soon settled down and pitched steady wholesale ooncern by a young man, twenty- 6, 7, 8 Juke 17, 18 Autrust in SyracuBe May MUSEE rooms, laundries, steamboat ana an moa.rri eonveVence.

PJOHN MAKTIN, Agent 87 Franklin btreet. i rn-K7T UPVFH1I. IT IN OFFICES IN even years old. Business education, gooa pen- ft. ball until tba fourth, when the Bisons found In Albany May 12; 4uae 15.

16; August man; ana' consiaernoio uusiuoni Good reference. O. Courier office. "For beauty of polisli, saving of labor, freenesa 1,9 peptemoer a. a.

1, h. Amnfcan RUildlnir. Apply tO ED fclm for a double and a homer, which aeemed to unnerve him. Esper then took his place. in Kochester May 13,110, ay it.

auiy WARD MICHAEL, over 404 Main btreet dust, durability and cheapness, unequalled. perrermances ansrnoen ana MOBUYfS- BIG VAUDEVILLE COMPiNTj 1 1 17 Antrnat Zl. ZJ. I- WANTED POSITION, BY EXPERIENCED stenographer and assistant bookkeeper. It was cot until the eighth inning that tha Rochester (at home) Wlta Providence May Beware of Paint and Pasta PoMah.

said to bo! labor- 1 TTOR HE NT THE STORE S5 PENEOA 8T. i I (u'f'3 Buffalo gauged Esper's curves, and then tha which stain tha hands, nit the 'saving, self-shlnln 16, 18, 19f June July 23: Bepteraber 11, 13. With NewHaven-My 20..21. 22r June t. Apply to MOHHI3 6 eia- use with poisonous and sickening sum was lost beyond recovery.

I Eeaded by the Great Austins. IN THE LECTURE HAll MOSUMENT OF GOLDEN SPLEKD03. llron, and fill the Jodor when heated. Good references. Adaress courier wucc YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION AS BOOK-keeper or office assistant.

Excellent penman, reference experience. AddreM 11. 1L Courier office. i About tha prettiest fielding sees on the warsAvenne. T7OR RENT THOSE ELEGANT NEW brick houses.

Nos. 153 and J64 Bryant wi i ii.w.r. Amnna bara- iff. July 24, September; 8, 1A Wlttt May -O, 26. 26; Jnne 2U, 30: Julyj87.

SeOtembet 14, 16. With Lebanqn-rMay 29: July 1. 2. July 29. SO.

September 7. games.) With home grounds marked tha visitor' work. STDKXn? SHEFAKD ManufctUTr8 Aoenta, BuffmJo, N. Y. Hornung jumped in tha air and with ona band Allmnv Anril 2iL 27.

28; Jne 18L 20: Jnrvl: Tbe Most Wonderful Musical and Automatic Instrument Ever Exhibited. i PEHTCE83 FED0SA, Tha Serpent Queen, And Many Other New Features, 5ir ANTED PERMANENT OFFICE AS-' YY salary 7); railway far. paid, wcod: perfect plumbing; handsome decorat lon oomplete in every respect DR. ALLEN, Pearl August 2V, iu. wun ssyracmse Aprifc aw; took low liner In tha fourth inning that looked good for three bases, and Mack, May 1: June zz, za; August a a.r na here; endow self-addressed stamped envelope.

and Eagle. Buffalo May 13, 14, 15, 50; July 4 (A. July 18, GENERAL ADMISSION jg TREET. 17: Ausrust 21. 88.

(. 1 3-- GBIPPE' 191 "TOR RENT STORE LA Bmith, and Fields participated in three double plays that aroused tba thousand spectators to MAIN Bid way. Week llay 4 Crasd Type-Settlag Contest. Main X1 from May 1. Franklin MANAGER, lock bo 6J3.

unicago. VOUNO MAN LIKE A POSITION as ofilce assistant: understande stenography." Address A. Courier Office. Byracuse home) iujt rroviaence may 23. as, SO; July L.

2, 29, 30 September (two ipamea). TT Inn. 9Q a high pitch of enthusiasm, In tha third, with 21,27, 2H; September II, 12. Wfth Troy May 20, Delahanty-on first, Thompson drove a hot one PILLS Iodide of Iron BLANCARD'S or SYRUP COBINyE LYCEUM. ipSZZZZ m.t i i treet.

and Hanover, together MAIN or separate. i Ci June zu, xi; uuiy; oepremoer riu. towards second that looked safe, but Smith by With Lebanon Mav 16. 18. 18L 30 (two srames): PERSONAL.

Niagara Street JlJ ML X' i 1 masterly effort scooped it in, retiring Dels rry .3 xnree uays uniy aionaay, ueouajr, hn Mav A 5: Jnlr 1U- 17. 24. 25e AusrnHt banty and throwing out the batsman. Again LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UAIR uur-ting. Curling.

Shampooing. Hair Dressing. 28. With Rochester May 9, 11. 12r June 15, -16; asy, Apru 10, i.

ia, Bore DsTldson ssd Blss Eamle lastla DESIRABLE ROOM- FOR RENT IN NEW building, i -No. 0 and 641 Main Street All modern conveniences Including naturalgas. Rooms large and well lighted. Apply to Zlnk In tha fourth, with tha bases full and one out, Ladles' and Gentlemen's Manicuring. 14 West Mohawk street August 7, Sej tember 2, 8.

With BulTato Alay 6, 7. June 17, 18; August 5, 6: September 4, 6 Monday and Bhindle'a grounder was cleverly taken by GOILTT WITHOUT CRIME have been used with gi eat success in cases of attack; also during: the critical period of the patient is greatly debilitated, and liable to develop catarrh or pneumonia. i 't 'i BLANCAKD'8 preparations are unequalled as a tonio and an alterative for fortifying the system and preventing a relapse. Sold by all Druffgists. i E.

FOUGERA Agents, 20, 28 and 30 North William New 7ork. Tuesday! Ev'gs Albany (at nomei witn frovirtence-Juay 11 ate u. Alack. and touching Hamilton on 28 Juno 2tt. 30 Julv 27.

28 8eDtember fi. 10. rHit Wednesday MatI- Wednesday WALKER. ADJUSTER OF SEWINO Machines, steam or foot power. No, Washington Street.

Elevator. With New Haven May 23. 23.28: July 1. 2J29. Ul a Ureal UIJ Be nd Evening.

the line, be retired Shindle at first Bmith, Barr, and Mack fielded everything WAREHOUSE FOR REN T-85 BYl'A oornerof Hamburg Btreet and eanaL with rslrnsd connections can be divided. A. VJ. 30: SeDtember 14. 15.

ith Troy May 18. 19.iB0: Notice Souvenirs free to the ladies. Photo-, graphs of Miss Ramie Austin wlU be given to every lady attending the theater during this June 13; jniy August io, ioi eeptemoir (A, M-). With Lebanon-May h), it, 23; June 26, DE- DAUOnTKR TAYLOR. 6S0 Main Street OUR WIFE OR that came their way, and tha chances were anything but easy ones.

For the Phillies the IF sire resl- tn hare her hair cut at your own 27s Julv 22. 23: Seotember 11. 13. With Byra cuse May June 24. 25 July 18.

20; Boxoffice open from Telephone 74. dance sends postal to No. Jx West sionawa bast work was done by' Hamilton, Myers, FOR RENT THAT ELEO ANT AND WELL-lighted store-No. 17 West Huron 8treet Also olfic in No. 19 West Huron Street: steam- Auust21.

22. With Rochester May 6. It 8 tif 'm a competent "street and upon rwcel: YOU WAN 1 IA IvlOl UK It SO, tell US THE RDHAWAY WIFE MINEUAN. hair dresser will cait Delahanty, and Allen, tha latter leading at the bat with a hit each time. After-Lyons what size you want, what you expect to use it for, and we can ffive heated.

GEORGE J. METZGER. No. West June 17, lh Ausrust 5, 6 September 4, 5. With Buffalo May 9.

11. 12: Juuo 16, 18; August 7, 8 September 2, 8. Troy (at home) With Providence May Hi 12; Huron Street vou prices that tay "We are in it." Also Electrical supplies of all O. OOWLKS JBXPEKT ACXUN A.Hi.' and anrtltor. 1(18 White -ntldlnv.

bad been retired in tha fourth, Knowles drove ACADEM OF MUSIC, tha ball to left center for two bases. Fields June 23,23: August 4. fceptemoer i classes. AMERICAN ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO, I Jr. 80 XBAXX, MXBSMT.

-i. I STORE 3Sa AND 831 WASHINGTON 44xlt4: aU improvements. Inqulr. JEWETT'S. 61 North Division Street FOB SALE HEAL ESTATE.

then lifted the first ball pitched over the right field wall (the first homer of the year), and ORRRNT FROM MAY 1. ENTIRE BUILD- July 31 Auirust 1, 27, 28. With Lebanon April 26, 27, 28 July 18. 20 AugustSI, 22 June 2k 25. With Albany May 18, 30 (P.

12; July 4, 10 September 7, 25, 28, With SyracneeWune FRANK MAYO And hla Excellent Company present on; THITEgDAY NIGHT, APBIL 10, Inc. 25 Main Street formerly occupied Dy, the Value of and its clubs are per' ambled around, sending in Knowles ahead of him. With two out in eighth, Hornung and CUKAP DOT ON AUBURN VENUE NIC A It Elmwood Avenue. LOUIS F. IULU, No.

6w0 Main Street Hon: term, ravoraoie. a li. K. Monrau MARSHALL. 34 Mala Mtreet.

mitted to go higher than union ciuos. ply to OH AS. U. 24. With Rochester June 4.

6w 6: July 14. 15: Au J. L. Dainiela tendered his resignation as Bmith made doubles and Fields a triple; the net result being two earned runs. Bbefflsr gust 13, 14; September 17, 18.

With Buffalo- CROCKETT Ml DESIRABLE TWO-STORY FRAME HOUSB tcontaining seven bed rooms) Dearldlewood DESIRABLE STORES AND OFFICES FOB rent by Klngsley A Potter, Niagara cor- captain, and It Was accepted. Hla suoctssor June July 11, 13 August 12 September 19. 22. i i i opened the ninth with a corker for two bases, on the Lake one acre ground abundance of ner jrranaun Btreet. Kew Havew (at home) With: Providence will beeleated at the next meeting.

Hancock was admitted to membership. I EATDRE 1BH0RS PAIH I and scored on inowies's single, a bate on WASHINGTON fruit ann flower. five uiiuutq walk irom tbr.a beach, one mile I' water in house. RENT STORE 318 XTOR May 6, 7. 30 (two gamea); July 18.

20 August 25, 28. Wit Troy April 2 30; Mav 1 June balls, a wild pitch. Thompson 'a scratch gave uouireof THE OOUH1BB CO. If A Street Will soil for SI.80J. worth S3.U0Q.

COAT, wort a Ahd on Friday and Saturday Nights, April 17 and 18, also Saturday Matinee, Next Attraction SOL SMITH BUSSXXL. 17. 18; August 7. September 2, 8. -With Leba the Phillies one run in the first; two basse on Buses, No.

A Seneca Street 8he does all she can to A boat tha Riders. jj J. W. H. Behrenfdshas the lead in'the whisk balls, another wild pitch, and singles by 70S BALE MISCELLANEOUS.

keep you well, but often nonMay 2, 4, June, 15, lt August 6, September, 4, 6. With Albanyt-June 4. 5, 8: July 14, 15." August 11, 12; September 17, 18. With Syracuse June 1, 2, 3: July 13; August 13, 14; FOR 8ALE-8 OR 14 ACRES WEST OF Main Street on Englewood Avenne cheap Myers and Allen two in the fifth; singles by est in that locality. Inquire E.

M. VOISINET, Delahanty and Thompson, a sacrifice, "and AT from 10 tournament of the Butlalos, and loots Jilce a sure winner. The tournament will close April so. 1 fails. Then she wants helDl We have now COURT ST.

TrmATER room iW Main btreet September ia. vvittt June 10: Julv 9. 10: Auirust 19. 20: SeDtember 23.24. Clements hit two in the sixth.

Allen was the Mahogany, The Ziczaers will hold their oomplimehtary fait batsman to face Goodall in the seventh. choice Rugs, etc. opened a local office for Public Consul WE OFFER YOU A BARGAIN IN NKW 2V story frame bouse. West Side conven and he hit safely. Knowles took Gleason's With Buffalo-June 11, 12, 133; July 7, August 15, 18; September 25.

38. I i Providence (at home) 'withfNew Haven Jnne 25. 27. 28; July 4 (two games), 18. 17; August 21, 22.

1f i- iHW vvts.e.a. -UC in i ni 4ift reception at Orpheus parlors Thursday evening. -1 T70R BALE LIE RTA FEU OIETY liner cleverly, but in trying to catoh Allen he tation, and Treatment of all Ailments of Hunianity. We cordially Invite the hope- JT Stock per value Addreaa Uourlec ient to Ferry Street Belt Line: built br day work all modern Improvement. owing to on- expected business change owner sell for 20c I LILL ULm With Troy May 2.

4. 5: June Auirust 6. office: threw over Fields'! head. Hamilton was given HORSES AND COLOSSAL GAIETY jDO Jess and the helpless." September 4, 5. With Lebanon April 29; 30; May 1: June 17..

18; August September i2. 3. TOR SALE TWENTY SHARKS OF ZIE- base on balls, and Shindle, Delahanty, 4uo less tban actual cost UU A I Uii 1 11 au BURKE. No. 0 Seneca Street WE.

US Sc CO.M NEXT tele Brewing Company Stock. Address Try our Methods the best Modern Thompson, and Myers followed with hits, and An Attempt Being Made ro Close Gutten- Courier office. With Albany June t. July 11. 13; August 13.14; September 19, 22.

Wfth Syracuse June 4. 5. July 14, 15; August 11. 1-'; 18. (7V TJ 11 14 1 lntw tr o.

five men crossed the plate. Allen opened th Scientific Remedies and Agencies. Persons SHEA'S MUSIC HALL OCJlHERKIMER STREET, 1 STORY OOl frame; modern lmorovem.nts; larr lot; make offer. CO ATS WORTH BURblL, borr root Room Troubles. The New York Herald says: Petitions torn ninth with a single, Esper and Delahanty made suffering from Eheumatism, Neuralgia, bits, and Bhindle and Thompson doubles, 1TUU ItUVUCSWI-UHD tit lih U) VUIf JIlUK ust 16, 18; September 25, 28.

With Buffalo June 8. 9, 10; July 9, 10; August la, 2U; Septeaibar No. Seneca Street the enforcement of the gambling law against Kidney and Bladder Disorders, Liver Com- 8HEA 8CHEU which petted three runs. Boors: the Gutter burg race track were circulated plaint, Gravel, Gall Stones; the numerous 17 OR SALE OR EXCHANGE 429 PROS-. pect Avenue.

A barirala if taken soon. yesterday in nearly all of the churches of Hud Lkbanoit (at home)-rWith ProvideticeMay 13,14, 15; June 19, 20; July 31; August 27. 28. Female afflictions Lung Weakness, Inquire T. W.

MITCHELL. 70 Evans btreet, corner Terrace, 1XJJL VAXJ vvitn isew iiaven May iz; June zs, x-i; au The Greatest Entertainment In the City. And why Because we have the Best Spe- cialty Artists Money Can Procure. Gilt TEH Om LIST FOB THIS WEES I -KITTY O'NEIL- THE FAMOUS I THE GREAT 1 gust 4, z. ai; 2epiemoer w.nn iroy-Tt.

Catarrh, Headaches, Heart Troubles, Nervous Disorders of all kinds, I 8, 7. July 17. 24. 25; August 25. 28.

With A CALL FOR OUR NEW REVISED LIST vacant and Improved property. OOATJ son County, N. J. Tha conviction ot the proprietors of the Clifton race track for pool selling has resulted in the closing of all the New Jersey tracks except that at Ghittenborg, and if the effort now being made ia successful even bany June 8, 9. Xfr- July 74 8: August 19.

tO; are cordially invited to Consultation, which WORTH BURKE. No. Seneca Street pepiemoer xa, 24. vvitn tyrcue June 11,12. RAVINGS AND LOAN uiy nr.

August ia. ibj oepremc With Rochester-rJune 1. 2j July 1 is free, ERIE MEDICAL COMPANY, FOR SALiE OR RENT NO. 147 SOUTH DU -vision Htreet two-etory frame with base Champion Clog and Jig Dancer of the World. 1 and Louise Montrose, Minnie Watson, Rose this will be compeUed to go out of business.

gUBt JL 12; September 19, SJ2. Wltb ment and barn. Apply to J. TILLING HAST, No. i 685 Delaware Avenue.

June 4, 6, July 14, 15; August 13, 14; ptepber The petition will be presented to the jgrand 64 Niagara Street. AASSOOIATION Newham, Maud Clifton, lnman Staters, Shaw, the Great' i'i Ladies Grand Matinee every Friday at I. Buffalo. A.n. ru b.h.

p.o. a. Bcheffler, r. f. 4 1 0 0 1 Mack, 6 0 1 3 6 0 Lyon, c.

4 0 0 0 0 0 Knowles, 3b.r. 6 1 2 10 2 Hornung, 1. t. 5 1 1 4 0 "Vield, 4 2 8 ,11 1 Hmith. s.

4 0 1 2 6 1 Murphy, c. 2 0 0 2 0 0 Barr, 3 0 0 3 3 0 Goodall, 1 0 0 0 0 .0 67 24 13 8 PHTLADBr.PHIA. AB. R. A.

JS. Hamilton, 4 2 0 3 0 bhindle, 8b 3 8 0 2 0 Delahanty, Lb 5 4 4 13 0 0 Thompson, r. t. 6 8 4 2 0 0 Myers, 6 8 0 5 0 Clements, 6. 4 1 8 Oray 0 10 Ibornton, o.

5 2 0 -0 Allen, 6 8 6 1 2 1 Gleason, 4 0 1 U8 0 Esper, 1 0 I 0 1 0 urging that procsedings be taken at once to I7OR SALE OR RENT 1313 MAIN STREET, two story, and attic substantially built ABOUX.THB A TH UETE 3. IS I close the track. If the arrand lory does not rls Buffalo's Largest and Best brick dwelling, bardwood finish, modern im act, then citizens will cause tha arrest tha Lox-aia's original; Fist JiiMlee singers BT provements. U. KliIAH A SHO, SSO Kxchanse Street Exhibition of the Y.

M. jD. Gymnasium Senior Classes Athletic Notes. race-track officials. Ministers in nearly every church in Jersey City preached sermons on JOIN IT TO SAVE MONEY.

ARKSIDE LOTS BARGAIN IF BOLT) Quick: 100 feet corner Vernon and FalrS.l i The senior class ot tba Id. U. A. gym the subject It Is claimed that the IT TO SAVE RENT. nasium a very Interesting in street); sewer, near electric rallroid and ri racing men haw been able to do business so Assodatfon Hall last nlghi before Speotaors lenirai iieit un station: irood inrsstmsnl OLIVKR STEELE, 6 South Division Btreet, corner Main.

long only through the lavish use of money. At Association Hall, 1 9 W. Mohawk St AprIM4, 1891, Admission to the pablio. Including reserved seats. 60 seats, to Y.

M. C. A. members, 89 cents. Chart open at Y.

M. O. A. offlco, April 11. 13, 14.

i fc GRAND BENEFIT CONCERT EMERGEN VY UOSBIJAL Uuslo Hall, TfcuTsday Evening, April 6. Mrs. Fannie Miss Elizabeth Crony Sopraoo that completely filled the auditorium and the Sis You Can Draw Deposits at Any Time. gallery. The balcony wa5 prettily decorated To Close the Pool Rooms.

A-J DOWN TOWN BUSINESS BLOCK FOIt A sale Beneca Street near Main owner with tennis rackets and nets, boxing glove's, In Nsw York, April 13. Inspector Byrnes to retiring from business; price $35.1 Oil. C0AT3 2T 0 ft Total; 45 13 Buffalo 0 0 0 3 1 ft 0 18 1 1-6 8 13 dian clubs, football, and guns, and from, the I Corl SWAN and PEARL STREETS WORTH BURKE, No, day instructed all the police captains to begin 6 heneoa Street wall was suspended the president's prizs banner at once to close all the pool rooms in the city or Bwnor lern RESEVD tl.OO on which will be enrolled, the names of the OF PATTERN BARGAIN NEAR DRIVING PARK. BELT Line Station, Puffer Street lot 80x130; irood and to get evidence against their proprietors. winners in the wand and dumbbell drill last i un sate ueuion cottier's.

1 Daily 4 A. M. lo 4 P. M. specuiauon.

OLIVER G. i STEELE, 6 South OFFICE HOURS i Monday evening, otoo.1 xJirion Street corner Ma'ln. night (- This is owing to the conviction of Samuel Fisher and the remarks of Judge Barrett in imposing sentence. .1 The entertainment was opened with a Waud COAL. NOBCRT rOM.TTH, aBstIOWT FOR SALE NUMBER OF NEW HOUSES on Otis place: Drlce from S44UO- MOOOt oemenk drill in which Louis Casandier, George F.

onnefs Hats a. jsossoN. Bnaith, A. Beckef, John Muntz, F. cellars, stationary tuba, Boynton furnaoes, eleo- trio bells, handsome gas fixtures, hard wood Notes of the Turf.

The Tennessee Derby will be run at Kemp, and A. Q. Lockwdod took parti! The mantels, fine lare-e rooms, rood Earned runs Buffalo 4, Philadelphia 8. Two-base hits tiheffler. Hornung, Knowles, Smith; HJhindie, Delahanty, Thompson, Myers.

Three-base hits Fields. Home run Fields. i-acrince hits Sheffier, Lyons, Barr; Hamilton, Myers, Clements, Thornton. Bases stolen Hamilton, Shindle, Thompson, aSyere, ift on bases Buffalo 9, Philadelphia 13. trnclc out Mack (2).

Knowles. Fields (2); Sdurphy. Uoub plays Mack and Fields; Bmith and "Xields Mack. Smith, and Fields. Jlrat base on errors Philadelphia 2.

base on balls Sheffler. Lyons, Murphy, 2); Hamilton (2), Delahanty, Thompson, Clements. Hit by pitched ball Barr. ild pitc hes Barr 2, tioodali 2 Gleason 1. Time 1:35.

Umpire Riddle. drill was neatly executed, showing that Direc W. N. O. BSMM.

Tecs.unta. Phiup Jev.s. aoTjy. gomery Park, Memphis, td-day. i tor Muntz had carefully i trained his young Daniel Brown, the well-known trainer of (W' A complete assortment of UN- closets, convenient bathrooms, spacious attioa, all modern improvement; lota Si to 36 feet rontt boue, lot and location can not be daplimte I for the pride 1 we sell on easy terms bay of thi owner and eare agent's cemmission; Otis plaoa trotters, died in Lexington Sunday from the athletes.

Very good exhibitions on the vault HEWRY. SMITH GOAL. If 1 Anthracite and Bituminous. effects of injuries received Saturday by being ing and horizontal bars followed, after Which came the dumbbell priz drill. The contest is an aspnaitea street feet cast ot Alain, between Ferry Street and Woodlawn- Avennet TRIMM ED HATS for Ladles.

Misses, and Children, and all the Latest Novelties in Tine Millinery Goods. The ladies of Buffalo and vicinity are thrown irom a cart crown nas a eye loped many fast horses, among them the sensational two-year old Sternberg. ants were George F. Snaitb, Frank Bark- Maln-etreet cars pas. every four minute.

1 will be on the property from 9 to 5 p. u. O. L.ilAH- 7 bard John Muntz, Stephen Degeo, F. Kemp A.

G. Lockwood, Owen Pugb, Louis Casan K.1ES. Mall address. 01 St John's Place. SPORT IN GENERAL respectfully invited to be present IF BABIES COULD VOTE, FOR SALE MY RESIDENCE NO.

813 LIN- wood Avenne. D. LEWIS. Special attention riven to ratatl orders. dier, and jHeury a.

tJecKer. The drill was the feature of the evening, and so Well-; were A. Dixon Is Cemlng IMeasnce ts. BufTdlo Cfflce 23 West Swan Street Chapln Block. the contestants trained that bat one of two MISOELLANEOUa.

C. Bowlers Notes of Various Kinds. Boston, April 13. George Dixon, cham breaks occurred. Tba gymnastic programme JOHN HAMILTON'S REMOVAL TO NEW BUILDING ENABLES na to offer for rent the was concluded with some pretty and difficult work on thejhorss and parallel bars, in Which pion featherweight pugilist of the world, -who recently defeated Cal McCarthy, will start J.

LAIIGDOII COmPAHY. brick buildings corner of Perry and Indiana' streets, suitable for all' kinds of manufacturlnm American Association. HADDOCK PITCHES" GREAT BALL. Wasbingtox, April 13. The new ball grounds bere wera formally opened to-day by the game between the Bostons and 4The game was well played by both teams.

Carsey was hit quite, hard, while "Washington was able to get but three clean bits off Haddock. The feature was the batting and base stealing of Brown. Attendance 5,000. Score all the senior" cla3s took part with his manager and Jack Williams, ex- SWEEPS COACHES 383-385 Main Street, I 3 BUFFALO. N.

Y. lease on favorable including boiler, engine, and shafting. Buffalo Upholstering Co. INCORPORATED. The judicial composed of William Schmitt, F.

C. Laudefeld, and E. Hare, champion featherweight of England, for Buffalo to-morrow morning. Dixon andf Will-lams are to spar together in that city Wednesday evening. On April 20 Dixon will meet a LYMPIC PARK-BID1 RE- WILL.

BE then; announced their decisions in the I wand and dumbbell drills, Which were as follows: tbe stand and score card privileges at Olympta WOULD BE OA celebrated featherweight In Chicago. fara xor ine season lUi. ld. can be made out for one or both tiririletree. and addrfs.uvl tr Wand drill Henry A.

Becker, first prizes George F. Snaitb, second John Muntz, DRIED PEACHES, JAMES FRANKLIN. President No. baa Niag uowimg jnaicn. 4 ara Street ELECTED BY.

A LiRGE MAJORIH r.lOTHERS DECLARED Dumbbell drill John Muntz, first "prize; Buffalo, N. Y.t Kim Ira, N. Ya 210 BALD WIS ST. VENS'S NEW ELKCTRIO -BREAD tieury a. xaoiier, secona; Hiouis ijasandier, CHANS BLOCK.

Beautiful, white, soft like velvet. tn daw i 11 their preference for them thousands of times. have used it; nothing llkoll nave asea 1 iignt or ail wno tniro. Athletle Notes. 1 ever made in your rrocer for it Plums, Pruaelles, Apricots, Cherries, 1 Raspberries, every loaf stamped Ovens' N.W JUectno Breads The Pleasure Bowling Club and the Buffalo A team will roll four gamea this week, two to take place on the Athletic club alleys to-morrow night and two at Gsbhard'a Friday uiht Tha club having the highest total ia the four games will be the winner.

The following will represent the Pleasures to-morrow night: CI Churchill, L. P. Gebhard, A Goodwin, A. Swindell, J. JC Land, O.

Rudolf, L. Schrack, The Souih Side A. CJ will open its: club house April 30, and npt May 30, as was errone NEW OARPSTS. CHEAPEST iuKrains Wo. all kinds of fine oar- ously announced.

IS uxivi 11 xaiu TIME. A STORE FULL OP THEM nets at 10 to- wir cent lower than any store In BOYS YOUTHS The Buffalo A. C. willfhbid its annual meet town. GEORGE WlPPEKT.No.

Main. A.T ell 3XA.IX STIlEKTert UfX JL ing at the clubhouse to-nizbt The election rYENS3 SNOW-FLAKE BREAD 13 AII- A FACTORY FULL AT KJ other new brand we aremakinr: Young, Mabee, and Koehler. last Monday night occupied so much time that adjournment was taken ntil to-night The regular meeting of the Highland Park XST897 TO SOI yjAOARA. STREET at Open evenings at oil Mala Stroet A. XX will be held at the rooms.

No. 2091 Main At elose prices at AKER'S, Bread Is made to oom pete with others wbo ar trying to imitate our Electric Bread I ea yr none have been able to make Eleclrto BreaV-Consti sr. look to the on every loaf ana yoa will not be deceived, i 1 Notrs of All Kinds. Joe Harris has deserted Jim HalL and Boston 0 0 1 0 2 3 1 0 00 00000000 Hits Boston 13, Washington 3. Errors-Boston 0.

Washington 1. Batteries Haddock larrell; Carsey and McGuire. TIMELY BATT1ITG WOIf. Baltimorb, April 13. The Athletics won to-day by' timely -batting in the third Inning, when they got in a single, a double, and a home run, made by Wood.

The fielding on both sides was perfect, Score i 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 03 Athletic. 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 4 Hits Baltimore 6, AthletlcalO. Errors Baltimore 2, Athletics 2. Batteries Cunningham and Townsend Callihan and McKeogh. AK KKLLT RETIRED.

St. Louis, April 13. St Louis outbatted and outfielded Cincinnati to-day and won with ease. King Kelly in the fifth inning gave place to Hurley. Out of four times at tha bat Poyla made two two-baggers and a borne run, bringing in two runs in the second and one in the third.

Attendance 1,500 Score: Ft. Louta 0 4 0 8 1 3 0 I 213 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 2 06 Hits St. Louis 13, Cincinnati 10. Errora St. Louis 8, Cincinnati 4.

Batteries is'eal and Boyle; Dwyer. Kelly and Hurley. Street, at a o'clock Business of im portance in regard to Saturday night's exhibl- TO VI AND u. a il bers will attend the Police ball at Musio Hall RAM GEM HKPA1HSU II O. DONALDHOX IS H.

Dlrljrfo. 69? Main Street, cor. Chippewa. A.NEUPERT&CO. in a body.

7 ii The West End Rowing Club has been reor JIONET. says be will not back him for a-match with Fit zsimmons, claiming that Hall has "proved unreliable. Harris will return to Australia by the next i A Ft Wayne, dispatch Frank Siddons and Tommy White, the well-known featherweight pugilists, hare arraoged to fizht in or near Ft Wayne May 1 or 5. The purse will be $1,000 and gate receipts, skin gloves being used. 4 ganized and will hereafter be an amateur dub.

It will be known as the West End Everybody knowa when (W mi IW 1 n.c iiUAniscuu, ivr.3Kl) PAWIJ. tney see ma above 1 I hrov. Rowing, and Atbletio Club, and application name that wa sell special rates eiven on all nas oeen maae xor aa mission to the A. U. lonna: no branch In the majority of cases a "growinf; GRATEFUL COM FORTINQ, EPPS'S COGOAi 'ik' "By a thorough knowledge of the natural nee ln4be city all business strict ilaoy new members have been -added, the tly clubhouse at the foot of Porter Avenue will be PER LARGE AMOUNT mone-r to In.

nn nl 1 1 mm pap IB refitted, and the Club will certainly be beard from In the aquatic and atbletio world before If lad feet are apparently the largest part of him. This clumsy and unnecessary appearance can largely ba done away VESTOR, Letter Carrier 9J the outdoor season ovr. law which govern tha operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of GO ATS WORTH A BURKE, 0 SENECA 8T, have ready money to loan nn dtv DmnortT PARLOR A GREAT VARIETY, and that we mean Just what wa say. Wa have with by buying FINE SHOES tlAt fit the foot properly. A an Immense variety, with everything to match.

CYCLINQ NEWS. business cnAirosa. la tbe (sneaper grades aa well aa the finest and prlcea to auit We employ workmen As we make a specialty of Boys and BafTale Bicycle Club May Hold's Tourna and guarantee au our work, ment Notes of the Wheel. Mr window Shades. Unalenm.

WANTED AN EXPERIENCED HOTEL man to rent or take half Im.rot in 1 Youths1 Fine and Medium Footwear do not' fail to send him tons to be the fine properties or well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our 'breakfast tables with a delicately-flavored bewerssre which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It Is by the Judiolous use of auch articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency so disease Hundreds of subtle malaaies ara floating around ua ready to attack wherever there is a weak point We may escape many a fatal abaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame." Civil Service Made eimplv with boiling water or milk. Sold only in half-pound tins, by Grocers, labelled Shus: Homoeopathic Chemists, London, England. jrantune jungusn corticine.

At lta monthly meeting last nigTit the Buf new "Hotel Porter," the handsomest hotel Niagara I alia. N. Just completed i will ao- commodate 3U0 guests; hat all latest Improve falo Bicycle Club, considered the idea of hold 464-465 Kan aM 271-273 Pearl SU Between Court and Mohawk eta Buffalo. ing a tournament this year, and President W. ments: open i be year round 1.

KW feet from N. V. depot vieitor. to the Falls must pa' the bOtel tO MUlh TWkiB Int. Mat A.1.4 M.

Bloomer was empowered to appoint a com From 035 to 0 1 50. mittee to look Into the, matter. If It la dt- K. D. PORTE It Niagara Falla.

N. Y. cided to hold meet tb dates will probably bo EASTEKN ASSOCIATION GAMES Clsons Will Open with tba Syracuse Stars at Olympic Park, April 25. The schedule committee of the Eastern Association completed Its labors at Albany and the dates are herewith made pub- lie. Tha Bisons will open with Syracuse at Olympic Park.

Saturday, April 25, and after a aeries with the Stars, Albanys, and Rochester, will piny abroad until May 16, when the New Havens will be In Buffalo. Lebanon, Troy, and Providence will follow. Rochester will play here Decoration Day morning, and in the afternoon tba Bisons will visit the Flower City. The same programme will be followed July f. 4, with the change that Buffalo will play in Rochester between the Hagerstoifn, -MdL, taornay, July BOABD AND XtOOIia.

I PICTURES H. JEWETT, 378 Kala Street 380 4, and tha LA.W. gathering at Detroit- Tha PHOTOGRAPHY AVENlli: PKiTTr: At A DELAWARE Bofralos are In- a- more1 favorable position to -AND- tit mi au (ul suite with private kath and tu-a- hold; a race meet than the other lead male room. ing i wneet oiuos i tnis many ot wuioa osu -jouibu ue a. ana are PR.

LAKE'S OFFICE, THE BEARDSLEY-334 PEARL CE-tral location, elegant irooma, single or suite, with board. i EASELS ip i thus debarred front vogCeriny prizes ralu'sd at mora tnaa zh lor nrst, lorsecsmd, and $10 Oor. CHMnmeroisi aod Uanal Sts Baffalo. N. ts eull oontlaaed by Dr.

Wood. Dr. Lake's partaw for year, for the treatment of for third. The craok; raoing men will not fhotographlo Portrattnre In the highest atyleof tha Art and la aU aim. JOHN G.

SEEGER, fljaeaaaa vs. a private nature in ail In the morning, and Rochester will be at compete tor sucn srcan prizes, conse- i iaar forma, la reoeat oasea a omre Swarraated ta a tew days. Teuaa SCHOOL OF FRENCH CON V1L system. Suocmisi i i pie Park In the afternoon. New Haven 2122, 12fr 126 East Genasef Street Is boosted for two games Labor Day.

and Buf quently could not ba liaduesd to ride at meets run by A. A. U. he L. A has ref need accept tba A.

U. amendment regulating ahd new oinoon i months, Dy at 1 avt 1 1 Rf ESTER A 29 Piahl OTPtaar. CUFPALO. Yj ---Aivr Jcaaa aatZeMag frau tha effeots ec sU-abaee pectnaaenllr eared. falo will hare 10 Saturdays at home, not nuuain.

Trial le the Ofaee hear 0 a. m. to JT. m. Ofiioe ap-etaira CO.

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