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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 17

Indianapolis, Indiana
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A TRANSCRIPT OF THE FORGOTTEN IN OLD GREENLAWN THE INDIANAPOLIS NEWS, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1021. impressed the Thought That It Truly Had Coccme HTh3 Desert of Mr. Has Done Much in Keeping Historical: 'Records- of Old. Burial Qrcvnds, Vrota and Cavejto 'tho Gtato Library Hia Transcript of Gravestones Re-mkmnz In Crccnlawn Cemetery Indianapolis" He -Paint an Interesting Pic turo of Cods Acre" There. I 'V iKt la Asoea! re tU the prr TWp rertt I vsried tsfe I TM b't mrA i4 IaT years.

Kbsrp raV' tS I Time's rh kaed, Fiith4 the Unm mf firry trrm -Of hmanam loir fait), A4 eSU tk mm I p- tiv ef bressht mm The h'rtutm it mtmUk thai we rJr l-e4 mffem.m'mt th mIwi The aat-i'u prmrt ft sll mhm sleep Im pmM 4t4i at, ft, Mw, fRy fVV.m ItersehrUI OST JnofJmerabl pages. A Knt menial and falstortcal' hers n' written about CrtenUwyn mart rv. Ihm first' "tinA-m Are" tf Ifidlabspolts, but to -Jopb Jl. H. ilAore, bead the dt'rtfnnt ttt hitorjr of Ilm- mrrir.h JInul Training High tv.e rorr.munltjr twes at least an ap; thought for his Trans- -ffij t-t fjraveston Hemalnfng In A man rnxsnt be jkiii4 pf more )i4in the I mauls' a of the curloas to giym vr his S'jnrjmr's vacalloit pi go Fsfching With shovel and ffrtcr, sn'' the rufns ef sn old grsvtysrd thsl be might find who flat Mr.

Moore, historian at bSrt, ys that his quest wss for be sought to glva to Indian polls that which a growing city hd nrgna-enujr oTtnooa, I'erhaps century from now Mr, Hoore's -Trsncript Ul be of great sf- trervsurs tbsn now, Wew TorkQ wijruM rise in mirnty wratn against nnf who-would decrats or destroy Trinity churchyard, Manhattan's meraofy-houee of th deed, ka lnsU lutlon that makes the living pause to pay bcn-imge to thoes who mads blury, Grtenlawo' hss no tomb of Ateiaft'l'r TTsmUtofi, bot In Us now "JiJ' Ar" thers yet lUs sleeping Ki men and women who mde trxilsnapoUs to withstand peatM lec and privation that a great "city might. rHo from mires and malsrtal rooreeer s. "Wfca Slr yrtt(M. 'v' Hvrt years ago, when Oreenlawn abandoned as burl it' plsce, Many with senthr.enu for their dead rewoved the remains of their own to Crown Hill, and other cemeteries. That was a kindly thought.

Jt was rior whoslept forgotten that Mr, Mortr, the teacher, mads bis little book (if remertibrsnce and presented the Indiana Stats Library for "those who, In generations to come, may Inlaalng boughs from their "fauUy trea." It was back io the twenties that OreeUWTi, tr I'lty. cemetery, cam Into "elteica." How tha scene has chscged aince first that little burial plot had Its beginning. Tlctura In youe. mind's eye settlement of Hurdy pioneers In a clearing a half Vt'hlt river, where tV'aah-lORton ftrfft hss Its croaalng. Scattered here and there were log cabins -and turopcrowtjed thoroughfare liftown Washington street.

Farther to the, cat wera other rablaa'and the straggling, struggling settle ment wsg called' Indianapolla. llera "was a tvern. there a wagon maker's shop. Scattered about, with but little Idea of order, were the cabins of th pioneers. Taree Faaerals ef In the dtsry of Calvin Fletcher, one cf th earlleat settlers, there three notations of funerals as early it IISJ, They ran as follows: un3y, March 24, lt2tAttnded a funeral and a burial.

I did not see a etngie tear shed In the whole aa. semblaae, except by Mrs Rowland, when he snowed me where her child wss buried. Sunday. July IS, II! This day Mr. Jcnea departed thla life.

II Is to be buried this afternoon. Monday. Koyember II, 182J About o'clock p. m. Mr.

Nowland departed this life. and. It Vas said, very ly. He said be "had taada his peace with Ood and was ready to The.burui flrat mentioned vti not reccrdei Rams In Mr. Fletcher's dUry, Is presumed to have been of soma-titraager In the new "community.

TSe cewetery was only a small tract, to the tcginning. but, its acreage wss increased as the years papeA and the demand burial sreaa became" greater. The cemetery's rwestera bountry wsa river anti lr the 100 years th original banks fcrattually have washed "frequently taking graves down with- tha foods. last the grveart reached over to Kentucky avenue on the est. Hirer avenue on the oth and the Tandali railroad frn the north.

Confederate MeldiersV Monad. During the civil war, when Indi-' was an Interment center for Coofe.ierate prisoners, more than l.fjJ') of the followers of JeTersoa Payir ted In prison camps here and vicr fcurlcd-In-'ar creat mound near is r.ow the Althpgb a wonu-mt-nt tr.arks the rot. th eite is one of the mSit unattractive in all Indi attapo'M. Colonel Oran Perry.jcus-toUa of the Indisns mnd I' SUlJof' and ynator llr K'cf UorgU. are Making an effort liirons; fh- corKress to have the Ce.nfeirsle Monamenl and th.ron tnts of the -great' Itrava removed to 1 V'here the Confederate monument stands the grow tail ir c' 'I lW 1 i fi st -f VSh.

I "SSSa I 1 I irm i A 3 the summer. Locomotives In Ih near- iv irdi tfialr crlm tha flootn th- pua. Old cans and pans ara aeatter! about a.nd. a few feet away. Is pile of discarded gravestones, IRE WHISKY SOLDI Tl SHARP INCREASE IN REVENUE PAYMENTS "SHOWN.

DECREASE NOW PREDICTED Mora whisky and alcohol was aol by Indiana dittllleties In tho fiscal etf mhAlng 4un 19, sold In th preceding fiscal year which Immediately followed tha dat on which ''tha nation-wide wartime ban on alcoholtsdrlnks. became effective. This Is Indicated by figures In the oftice of M. Bert -Thurman, collector of. Internet revenue.

These figures, representing the amounts of tax paid on whisky and alcohol placed the. market, serve as a barometer that records the response of the liquor interests to require raents of th In th fiscal year ending Jane SO. Ill, the amount of the tax paid by Indiana distillers was I9.61I.I1S. Nation- wld prohibition became, effective July ma and in that fiscal year whieh ended Jun SO, UZ0, the amount of tax paid by Indian a' distillers wss only The following fiscal year, ending Jun 0, lljl he tax payments Increase to 1 Since the state prohlbltfan act became effective ja April. 1111, the sals of pure grain alcohol In tha state been limited to use for medicinal purposes, while whisky has been legally handled only for export to other states for medicinal 'purposes.

r.The figures on taxes collected show "that practically no alcohol or whisky wat sold for several months after the national prohibition act becam effective. Mr. Thurmen said that apparently was due to the fact that the manufactures wer in doubt as to their privileges mder the national prohibition aft. No tax was paid for several months June. 1119.

while the amount paid between October, nil. and May. 1J0, was only 1376.000. Tax collections in October, 19 JO, amounted to fSSl.COI. Last October they amounted to only Mr.

Thurman is of the opinion that th tax collections from will continue now to decrees with, -the depletion of whisky stocks tn- storage. 1 Kntorcemeat -AetUlty. Ms says also that periodical', decreases In the collections in the 'last two yeara have followed in th wake of Increafed activities; on th part of the prohlbluon enforcement department of tha indicating "that tax -has, at times been raid Intoxicating tiqvfor unlaw-uliy marketed for be ve rare pur-poaea. The revenue colleriora. he aaid.

are concerned only with the collec tion of the tax which is paid ki the clistiUerle subsequent to placing In-totlcating liquor on the market. A recent amendment to the prohibition act dealer of intoxicating liquor iibU to a differential tax a gallon on liquor aold for other than nvedtclnal purposes Heretofore such' diversion could be 'penalised onlyboughcrltnlnal action. CULVER CELEBRATION. neetta Gives Glgsvllltat Vaea O. TenualMiea Is rtecvlred.

tfpiil to The Ittiatvanolie Newa CULVHH. December le-Offl-cers and cadets of Culver Military Academy Friday publicly coog-ratulat-ed 1. TC Gimlliat. superintendent, on bis confirmation a brigadier-general In the officers reserve corps. United army.

Itis nomination iommrssion was received byUenerat Friday morninic. When he appeared at the assemhly he was preeted with cheers, from the corrs and an order prepared hy Col. 11, tl. -Glascock in the- sujterintendent's absence Thoraday wa published to the corps. Headed by H.

Culver president of the board of trustees, the faculty cadet commissioned offi cers cmo to the front and a reception was held. General GignilfUt said his frlde hi was ro greater than his st the reception from the fjt. At the -end of his talk th udent body joined In the Culver sor.g. I I a SB I I FSCALYEAR 920 Jv. K4CTW once prised memorials.

It In what tntcht ba falloif Th T1rt Greenlawo." i Slowlr. aurelv. a arrowfaa lt ent on. old Oreenlawn and cast It into MAKE To the dttor: Daring my. visit to Washington a wile ago.

the people that has charge of tha automobile traffic in the dist. of Coiunibia-wss all steamed up over th way motorists was disobeying th law nd what to b' don to leam ri ver lesson and etc and finely; ohi of the commissioners or something give It as his opinion Ihat ths tr9ubl was'on ccL of the pen altlea not being sever enough. lik for InsL most 'drivers Would rather ahoot along about 25 to SO miles per nr. and run. the slight risk of get-tlng arrested once in wileyather than always crawl alonr lik a snail's paca and never tret nowhere In tlm for tha cocktails.

Make th -punishment fit th wass this, guy's slogan and of his suggestions was as follows; A motorist caught speeding In th diet, should mad to 'draw up to the curb and stay there 15 minutes, the cop to act as tlm keeper. When a motorist parked his car In av place whera parking; was not allowed, or parked too long In a plac where they was a time limit on park log. a special patent locking devic would put on the car. by th cop. and th only keys to the lock would be kept in the various police stations andwhen the motorist com for his car and found it locked, ha would half to go to tho nearest pollc station and give proof that he was the owner of the car and also put up as much money as.

the pollc thought the ear was worth so in cas it turned out that he wasn't the owner; why when tha real owner showed up and complained: that bis car had been, stole. their could give him th money stead of bothering; look' for bis car. This cash bond would be left In the station a wk. and" If nobody showed up In that tlm to aay th car was bis, tha dough would returned to the guy that put It up. i Otker Offewsea.

That Is what th dist. commissioner suggested and dont know what they don with bis suggestions but if they really want to stop speeding and illegal parking you can bet you life that those two llttla amendments to th constitution would do the But It seems to me like they was other thing thst motorists does which Is at least as bad as too fast or parking in the wrong place and these ether things Is also vs. the law but th offender generally always gets let off with-' flue that, don't mean nothing to Kim whereas th right kind of FOR BUSINESS NORMALCY. IadlapIta aiaaiaif aetvrers Xlav Cowaervatlv ligim fer 1MX Indianapolis manufacturers will begin." the year ISt23 wlth a conservative production program which will ultimately lead 5 to general business normalcy, says R. C.

Jenkins, manager of -the -Indiana. Free Employment Serf ice, la av letter to Thomas Riley, member of the state Industrial board' and in general scpervlsion of the operation of the bureau. "It la a general opinion; that beginning January 1 business will start on a conservatively large scale and gradually -Increase until such a time- as a near normal scale' is reached." Mr. Jenkins said. The executive of the organisations have realised that th price and wag scale i now practically steady and are malting constructive programs accordingly.

Predictions of th extent of the business success in the near future are entirely out of order In the minds of the executive of the city inasmuch as th majority have adopted the time-worn slogan of "don't cross th brldg before you come to It." Mr. Jenkins said that during the week ending December 1. positions wer obtained for J2 men and that a total of SSI applicants visited th After It has been ihandnnod a. hnrlat nlair tha rttv attmr.tfi to make ine place a nuouc LV. i YiT -I'i 1 1 (riTriipRci aim wri, sii Its decorations.

THE PUNISH ENT FIT THE BY RING punishment along the lines suggested by the Washington 'man would make him' think twlcs before he misbehaved hlmeelf. Lik for Inst, they's a law In moat towns vs. drlvelng with a open.muf- 'LOCK HIM IN A KOOM FOR' A WEEK WITH NOBODY TO TALK TO BUT A TRAFFIC POLICEMAN." fler. The people that disobeys this law Is always people that likes to show off and make more noise than anybody else, so aa a penalty for violations of this law I would first cut thfir tongues out and then -make JUDG RECOMMENDS BOY SCOUTS AS ANTIDOTE FOR Judge Frank J. Lahr in juvenile court the other day had a heart-to-heart talk with the parents of five boys -were on trial for the.

destruction of cityf property. The boyg had destroyed street curb sira. It was learned that the boys belonged to a "gang" and that several of them had been in mischief before, V. "The most evil influence la the life of a boy Is the rowdy spirit." th Judge aid. He advised the parents to permitwhelr boys to Join the Boy cout brganlzation.

The- boys' were all from good homes. One mother 'tearfully asked, th Judge how she could rear her boy better. "Tbls is the first time he has been In serious trouble. How can we parenta our boys away from gangs she asked, of mothers In Indianapolis are asking the same question." the Judge replied. AV fathers and mothers face a tremendous responsibility In rearing children.

And so few of us realise S' I 3 THE: T2HVOLUT OTf4A35iV 5sAV-. Then earn the Federal League; of Tiashall rlnhi with tnillananntii as OBe -f th cttie holding' franchise, That nart ef arf1olnlnp Kentucky avenue was leased to tho W. LARDNER them spend a wki'ln boiler factory. Or suppose a man is caught drlvelng past a standing still street car. The way to cure him from this habit would be tar make him back up and get on the car track behind the street car and follow It around for I lays.

Or If he was caught drlvelng on the left side of the street, why I would make hlra get oa the left hand car track and drive till he met a street car comelng- from the other way and -i it. must get together In our own neighborhood and solve each local problem. If we can't control our boys at the age of twelve, what will' happen when they are elder? The. judge said parents should take -a more personal Interest In the daily life of their children. "We must get better acquainted with; our children.

he said. Wm 'roust exert, ourselves. The judge asserted, the only way -a boy could be properly reared was by 1resrular, continuous education In the He said there was a-big difference between "good Christian people and good fathers and mothers." The Judge dismissed the boys with a lecture. He said they would hav- to repair th damage the curb. 1 lAOTHl- local Federal organisation anf a hall nark' wu built there.

After a brief struggle the Federal League mllanard ud fiMcnlawn't usefulness bad to diverted to other" channels, I GRI ME then see which could posh the other one-off the track; If a man come alons; at night without no tall light I would make him back up miles on the right side' of th or If his head lights was too bria-ht wouldswalt till it was time for the theaters to let Jout and then wake himtdrve up and down Broadway between 40th and 50th st. blind folded. In while you read about a motorist disobeying or 8 laws at once Ilk for Inst, they was a prominent 'ew Torker got his nam In th paper sv wile ago for speeding drlvelng on the left side of the-street and driveing wile Intoxicated all at the same tlmev. I never seen it printed what they done to but I suppose he got fined 150.00 or a 100.00 which was fust chicken food to him you might What they ought to done would be first make mm soner up and then lock htm In a room for a wk. with nobody-to talk to but a traffic policeman.

Fit th Crlm. Penalties-like "the above would soon put an end to violations of the motor laws and in the same way crimes of all kinds could be did away with it the punishments fitted them like for Inst, the way it is now days a man is arrested for boot legging and they send him 'to Jail for mos. or a yr. and when he comes out he can live in the lapse of luxury on what he saved up before they got him. The right way to deal with this bird would be to lock him up with a bbL of his own hootch and not leave him out till he drunk, -M'-X Or suppose they's a gal murders her husband or some other lady's husband.

Under the present system they print her picture 5 or 4 times a day for a couple of months and give her I columns every edition toj talk about herself and the only real draw' back Is when the Jury lets her go and she1 has to kiss IX good men. and true that ain't washed their face for a wk. and chews tobacco. Well, friends, you won't never stop the wholesale murder of gents by the opp. sex with no such methods as tha t- The way to, stop it Is for the newspapers and police to work Let the last named arrest the murderess if they wieh.

but whether they arrest her or don't arrest her. let the papers treat her the same as if she was a rood woman and had did nothing all her life but good deeds; 1. don't mention her name. RING W. URDN'ER.

Croat Neck. Dec Copyrlxht. 1921. bv th Bell Syndicate. IneJ OH BOY SCOUT BOARD.

Ferdlmaad. HoUweg I Appelated to Fill Vaeaatey. Ferdinand Ilollweg has been appointed to fill the vacancy on the executive board of the Indianapolis CounclL. Boy Scouts of 'America, caused-by the recent resignation of E. F.

Folsom. who served as treasurer of the executive oody ror several terms. Three aew vice-presidents of tha board have been added to the rvfri. I cial board since Its election lastlto have political offices largely filled month. Theae se appointment are Gov-1 ay, Edward Kahn and ernor McCn George T.

O'Connor. The court of honor to serve for on year ana to near an rases oj award of honor to Indianapolis Iloy Scouts, has been named as follows: Charles E. Rush, chairman: Irving tTimams, Wallace O. l-e, J. IVlllard Bolt.

J. C. Mueller, C. JL Com stock. Zavii Harper J.

Rans'ourg and Oeorge Newton. Mb. Boite and Mr. Mueller are the only newly appointed members of the court. The followina: men have been appointed on th finance committee: Edward W.

Harris, chairman; L. linesman. C- C. Perry, Mr. Kahn and William Taylor.

A camp committee, which will supervise all camps at the Scout reservation near Millers-rille, next, summer, and will have chars-e of the reservation, was named as foliows: A. Ruddell. chairman; Fred D. Stils. Robert F.

Daggett. Mr. O'Connor aud O. K. McMeans.

Next cam commerce and Industry, to knock at the old rrivtrird'l aratas. Traction companies btiltt freight- houses and yards thera and Ha Dla- chain works occupied tha FOR U.S. POSTMASTERS HAY8 URGES CLASSIFIED SERV-; ICE FOR, ALL OFFICIALS. DISCUSSES POLITICAL PHASE Th XodlaaapoU New 53 becember Islation to put all postmasters In the classified service of the government and to make this part of the publlo service -thoroughly amenable to discipline" and' sufficiently, compensa tory to Invite the best ability of the country, was by rostmsster General Hays In his annual report to the President- Mr. Hays discussed the extent of several pages the policies, past and present, of appointing presidential postmasters.

He frankty admitted that "skepticism exists as to effective application of the merit system, and expressed his -Inability figure out" Just why the postofflce department, has been used for the payment of political obligations. He defended the Hardlng-llays policy of appointing of the highest- three on the eligible register en the ground that it -obviates the delay frequently occasioned in the method followed by the former administration Ot appointing the hlgheet eligible," Itesalts ef the Fellcy. Operation of the policy had resulted In the -nomination ef 7 persons within -the competitive" classified service without examination because they possessed the required qualifications, of the nomination of 855 persons who were No. 1 on the- eligible lists, of 233 who were No. 2 and of 113 who were No.

3- Only1 1.8S of the 12.500 presidential offices have had a change of postmasters under the Harding he point-ed out, The Skepticism about Uhe application of the merit sye-tem In the appointment of presidential postmasters is easily' understood, he th entire postofflce service has more or less been regarded over a long pe riod of years as a political treasure house where there wss always available "that "which might be needed for the payment of political obligations" which "could not be otherwise discharged." "Certain it is." he added, "that this more, or lees prevalent as to the alleged 'perfect propriety-of the prostuution of the greai postal service ba had no geographlcar limits either political or pnysica. been a long fight to as far we have In the eUmlnatlon of politics in k. service, the old fight of proficiency against plunder or service against spoils. It may be a fight to keep what hae been accompiished-lf so. it muet be made.

It' Is still a long pull before there can be an entire elimination of politics in th ap pointment or preiia nui pwwv ters." Political Appeltaet Bale- The posttaaster-general said the chief argument advanced by those fa- vorjpg the old method of political appointments is that postmasters should' be the popular opinion as reflected in the result cf an election, tre arsrumenl being based on the st3rtretion. be explained, that when the people speak and say wish members of one political party or the tk.n action should be takefi which i will give them each reprcssr.tatires. lt is correct." he cornmeiiterj. "to Insist that we expect and a re. en titled by members of the political party In whom we hav.

voted to intruet th administration of our public affairs. Th question is: are political in the aupolntment to technical er purely business positions, I sm sure It is te-illy growing In the mind of the pubiic that if we are to have the most efficient postal serviee we must heep as far as possible out of politlca This should be done? There is no doubt about the soundness of the purpose and it la the most earnest deter, mtnation of the present postal management to carry It out. It is a mat-ter. however, of evolution and not revolution. It can not be accomplished in ft day.

"Persons'ly, I favor the enactment of such as will hrini? all postmasters into the Classified service." FAvflRS GENERAL RULE Off ice and now i an anwuiu i r'nri- ple apply? Wis men will not prepo that carry this principle into the II'M je wr-w -Notes From the Diary of Calvin Fletcher, Pioneer, Show That i Burials Took Placfr in Green-lawn as Early as 1 022 Movement to Rebury tha Confederate in Crown Hill Revives Interest In the City's First Graveyard Efforts Be-V. ing Made to Have the Tract i Given Over as an Athletic 1 Field for Emmerich Manual --Training High School Do-- partment Club Interested. -'northeast comer of the tract. At the southwest corner the city placed Its dog pound. North of the 4og pound i gravel company aet up its derricks and cables.

It was this situation that confront-td Joseph R. II. Moor, teacher and historian, when he walked over the areas of the old "Qod'a r- A pitying thought ran through his mind a he looked on the worn stones, -stones marking bodies removed and un- ved. 1 1 as th a t. decided to do what the clly.vind other his- f- torians had failed to do make a book of remembrance fer Greenlawn, "VChen Vacation time.

1930, came Mr. camera and notebobk, est on4hla errand of "discovery. It -j! might be noted here that Mr. Moore 3 work at, Greenlawn was not his only experience or thej sort, for In other cemeteries he fnd his camera hav brought to record much Interesting history, He has more than a thou-' sand photographic negatives made of r-TsUtorlo travestonea. "When he com-'pleted his photographs and notes he went home and, at hta typewriter, re-; daced his notes to record.

lie als wrote his observations of conditions. the report is interesting Indeed, Ven though Oreenlawn has been reviewed time and again; In newspaper narrative. -v Onus Ilaadre Nsmeleaa. In Mr. Moore's notes appear th fol- 1nln: VI.n th year 1S0 Greeniawrt cemetery stands as the reminder of Qwhat the first "Clod's acre of Indiana poll was.

About 30(1 ouriats remain In the cemetery, Of these a hundred are nameless. The other 200 may be Identified. There Is no one td care for these grraves and within a very few years even the piemory of Oreen- lawn wilbbe "Many different materials were used In the original cemetery. Indiana limestone was most commonly used, but nearly alt these slabs are In Poor condition, A few ot th later, tones are of Vermont granite and have stood weathering very well. ot, the simpler stones of th amorphous white marble from New England, still used for memorial This finishes well and takes high polish.

but weather badly, presenting an arpearance strongly' resembling granulated sujjar. A few stones of Welsh slate and of old red sandstone are found and there art four -stones of oolitic limestone. The best preserved are of blue gray There is one brown boulder stJU in fine condition." In a-iiother part of his "Transcript" Mr. Moore discusses Interestingly the remaining graves he found. A Kress lttO to lseo.

Thlrty-four early Irlth burials stil remain and can be- Identified," say. "Theae ere datefi from 1110 180 and jare remarkable in that i many, of these people came from County Kerry. There are forty German burials still to be found, moat of the stones in German. There aro two atones of soldiers, but there is no sign of care by any organization. Several 'twin' stones are still In existence.

The saddeat feature of the whole area Is the confused pile of atonr thrown behind a tall wooden fence." Mr. Moore than describes the old-' time decorations and quaint inscriptions he found en the -to3rs. Te painstaking sione cutters bf a half century and more aj deiishtel to hew out crosses, reclining lambs, doves, wresths, angels In flight, lode emblems, lilies, roses, hands pointing upward, weeping willows and "books with sentimental verses la- scribed thereon. Oreenlawn, during Its most thrifty years, became the center of a dlanut between Irish and German patrons of the graveyard that resulted in 'the withdrawal of both factions and the opening of new cemeteries. Then burial patronage went to the new lots.

Devetia to Detail, i Mr.Moores"Trancript" has been prepared with such devotion to detail that be has reprodufred'every retraining record on the gravestones, including those with parts of "the records effaced. lie hopes that even the part record may serve future generations' In some historical way. question of. the future Greenlawn is in many hearts. It Is remarkable how many cftlzens have, sentimental or practical Interest It the eld burying ground.

After th cemetery was abandoned the heirs cf wmt of the original donors of ground -went, to court' and hd their rights re-stored. There still are queitisns. how ever, as to the legality of their claims, according- to local abstractors. Charles B. Dyer, one of the lea-r of the alumni f.

Emmerich Manual Training High School, Is heaiJlrc a movement to hav the oi burial tract transformed Into an athletic fieri the high school, and Mrs. G. Gordon, at a recent meeting of the Worri-an's Department introduced a resolution propogirg. that acres "be made Into--a publlo rUy. ground AesSgaed to Ft, rr! Special to The todianapoi: News -I' WASHINGTON, December Major Richard If.

Kimball, cf the general staff, is by today's army cr-ders. relieved from urt hi 'detail as a member of tfc war "department general, staff, and made a the general staff of the 6th ccrf with headquarters' at TU t'sa-Jamla Urrison,.

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