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Buffalo Courier du lieu suivant : Buffalo, New York • 7

Buffalo Courieri
Buffalo, New York
Date de parution:
Texte d’article extrait (OCR)

THE BUFFALO COUKIEK: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1896. OBITUARY. r-- 'Blodyett rn. August BpltBmlller. Like Judgment for Peter Klunfpp vs.

Carl Tilling. Like Judgment for A. Whitney vs. Charles A. Well.

Like Judgment for 31. TO. STARTLING FACTS BEFORE IHE COURTS. Suit Ovc? Some Olean Land Conpany Shares, THE RAILWAY RECORD, i New Forms for Special Excursion Tickets. Tfte oin System of Doctoring das DBstroyeti piore Lives Tftan war, Famine and Pestilence Gomieil.

The Wisconsin Central has as yet Issued no ultimatum regarding the free transportation of wheels. Officials of the Erie visited Jamestown yesterday for the purpose of havins; a. conference with the Common Council 'with a jvlew to effecting a settlement of a controversy between the city and the railway eomjjvany, relative to the erection of a new passenger station. The Council failed to get a quorum and nothing was done. It Is said, that several sites and money considerations have been offered the company, to erect their new' station In different portions of the city, which would do away with a grade crossing.

The Joint Traffic Association has Issued an order which ends the dispute among the Chicago passenger representatives of Eastern foads regarding the issuance of stopovers in connection with National Educational Association tickets to Buffalo. All lines may issue them for Jamestown, Lakewood, Brocton and Niagara Fails upon the deposit of the excursion tickets with the local ticket agent. The running of free side trips in connection with these excursion tickets has been prohibited. ALLEGATIONS AND DENIALS PROPORTIONAL WOOL RATE THE EBENEZER ACCIDENT. Conductor and Motorman of the Car Held.

Responsible, Otis Hudwick, the conductor, and Peter J. Maurer, the motorman, of the trolley ear on the Ebenezer jtnjlroad, which was wrecked, by which two Jives were lost last Thursday, are held responsible for the accident by Coroner Kenney. The Coroner rendered his verdict npainst the men yesterday at noon, aid reported his findings' to the District Attorney Both men probably will be indicted for manslaughter and tried at the next term of The relatives of the victims of the disaster have instituted suits against the trolley company for damages. The Late Edward H. Fowler.

By the death of Edward H. Fowler, which occurred at his residence in this city on Monday moVning," Buffalo has lost another prominent business man. For upwards of 20 years Mr. Fowler was actively identified with the iron business in this city. He" well know in the business community for his energy, activity and integrity.

His business life Was devoted to the establishment of the well known concern of Fowler Sons, and he took pride in the successes of the honorable btwiuess career of that establishment. He was never identified with public office, although he was always interested in public and municipal affairs. In politics, he waj a Republican. In his family he was a devoted husband and father. For a number of years, Mr.

Fowler had been in ill health, but he never relinquished the activities of life until forced to do so in the early part of the present year, through his increasing infirmities. During a protracted and trying illness he was patient and hopeful. lie leaves a wife and three children. Mi "Walkinshaw's Action Against R. F.

King Says Ile.Agreed to. Settle, Hut Failed to Do So After Sutt "Was Discontinued. Some Late Rulings by the Joint Traffic Managers -Another Cut in Rates from Chicago Dy Lake Lines General Intelligence. IVlunyon's More Humane, Gentle and Effective Treatment Has Cured Over 700,000 Suffering Pa- tients Throughout thejUnited States During the Past 5 Years. Ir Munyon's Improved Homceopathic Remedies Arc the Em bodiment of the Combined Labor of Fifteen of the Most Eminent Physicians of America and Europe.

JUNE'S MARRIAGES. BROOKS LOCOMOTIVES. SHIELD OF HONOR. The- Probably Long: Series Very Happily Begun. So No Guess Work, There Is No Experimenting, If You Have An Danger, No Loss of Time- Ailment Munyon Has a Cure.

Delightful Double AVedding Ceremony at the First Presbyterian Church Other Pleasant Events. At the First Presbytitfan at o'clock last night a brilliant -double wedding was celeb rated two brides being the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. William L. French of Jtrscy Street.

The church, which- was filled with the MUNYON'S DOCTORS AT YOUR 8ERVIGE FREE. Offices Open from 9 A. M. to 8 P.M. Sundays from 2 to 5 O'clock P.

M. No. 75 Niagara Street (W. C. A.

Building) KLL HRE iAiELCOME.i I friend the young people, was lecor- ated simply with palms and. with mar St. guerites, U.tli of the brides ing pain of the stomach, constipation, di-zincs, fiiintness and lack of energy. Late yesterday afternoon the, case of William D. "Dodge against Henry Saal-.

A was ready for trial in the. Supreme before Justice Childs. 1:, his complaint Dodge alleges that on M-jreh 7, 1803; at the request of Saal-' he enter, into an agreement to lend seven shares of the capital stock he Ivurx Land Company, whose, priu-, place of business is at Olean. N. Y.

the terms of the agreement, Saalfield himself to return the sewn shares leninnd. Later Dodge demanded the f-. rfn of the shares, and received, live of in. Imoalthou-rh repeatedly asked to re- the remaining two' shares, Iodre y. Sa-alfield failed to do so.

During time that Saalfield held the shares, as---Muents became duo on them to the sum -f 3T; The vnlu- of tlie' two shares is and Podge, therefore, asks juds-; i. tit for with interest on 130 from March 7, denies' that he agreed to return the "shares in question on demand ot ally -other time. lie further states that the' shares re only worth $10 apiece. Failed to Settle. Yesterday afternoon the case of Louise Walkinshu against Ilobert F.

wsv placed on trial in tlu Supreme Court. -he-fore Jttstict Childs. In her complaint Miss Walkinshaw states that thisuction id previously l-eo-n moved for trial in- the County Court, and that while thecase was on trial, the defendant offeredto pay her 230' if she would discontinue the case. On May 2s. Miss Wfkitlshaw says she -ajrreed to settle an.l'iliso.iitinup.

thf ease for ih- sum of $2.. Skiee then siie. tx't'ii unablo To st-oirre the- money, iiiul therefore asks jufljriuen.t for tlie sum nthied. Throiuh his Fred (J-reiner, 'King enters a general denial to Miss Vrilkinshaw's allegations. iiattstiel with His Award.

Svcne time as the Hell Telephorj" Company playvd some poles in the town of Lancaster in front of the property of Apdlx Hitchcock. The Supreme Court appointed ex-Senator Persons- and o. (iaretseea commission to appraise the tbJinape done to Hitchcock's property l.y Awarded a Medal and Diploma by the "World's Fair Commission. i Dunkirk. June 2.

M. L. Hinman of the Brooks Locomotive Works to-day received from the World's Coluniiblan Commission an elegantly engrossed diploma and a medal In bronze. The diploma bears the fol'owlnt: Inscriptions: "At the International Exhibition heljd In the City of Chlcaco. State of Illinois, in the year lss3, to decree a medal for specific merit which is set forth below over the name of an ir.divld.ial judge acting as an -'examiner upon the findings of a Beard of International Judges, to the Brooks locomotive Works.

EXHIBIT. lO-wheel express passenger locomotive. 12-whecl locomotive. Light lo-whecl freight locomotive. I Consolidation freisht locomotive (Compound.

Heavy 10-wheel- express passenger locomotive. frpicht locomotive. 8-wheel express passenger locomotive, Heavy tJ-wheel switching locomotive, iMfub.e ender suburban passenger locomotive, 1 AWARD. For the excellent representative charjieier of the exhibit, consisting of One 12-whecl locomotive. One compound "Consolidation" loconnftlve.

One heavy 10-wheel express passenger One lo-wheel express locomotive. One light "Compound" 10-whi-el freight locomotive. one locomotive. One S-wheel express passenger locomotive. One heavv 6-wheel switching Ender Suburban" passenger locomotives.

For general excellence of rtesiirn and workmanship. (Signed WILLIAM 1" M. Gi Individual Judge. JOHN- BOYD THACHF.R. Chairman Executive t'ouunittee of Awards.

The bronze modal, contained In a ye. vet lined sterling silver case, is three indies in diameter and tiears on Its face a view in re.ief of. the landing, of Columbus with a fn 1 length figure of Columbus in the foreground, and this inscription: "Christopher Columbus. October 12. 1492." I'pon the reverse side Is inscribed: World's Columbian Exposition, in Commemoration of the Hundredth Anniversary of- the Landing of Columbus.

To Brooks Locoioot i ve Munyon's Nerve Cure. Many Nerve Cure; cures an tu (Hi symptoti as deprJ' of nervqus inch ssed spirits, failure of memory, ntid sleepless night, pains, in restless the head and dizeitwss. It cures gen The Supreme Lodge Is in Annual Session in This City. The Shield of Honor is an organization similar to the Royal Arcanum or the Ancient Order. of United Workmen.

The Supreme lodge of this order began its 10th annual session in the lecture room of the Buffalo Library yesterday morning, at 0 o'clock. Thirty-three delegates were present, representing the States of Pennsylvania, Maryland. West Virginia, Delaware and New Jersey. It was expnned that at the meeting of the Supreme Lodge in Buffalo, there would Im a State lodge in York to lie admitted to the order, but the committ' having in charge the organization of the lodge reported that the organization was not perfected, and the projected lodge's admission to the order frould have to be Supreme Master J. M.

Martenet, M. of Maryland, occupied the chair yesterday morning when the convention opened. The" delegates present were as follows: William J. Cun'niii(ghani. John XV.

Mocks, William T. Henry. John F. Bain. George S.

Silljacks. Joseph Dunn. Harrv C. Smith. R.

"William Arnold. Charles It. Sinclair. James II. Lewis, Roitz Livingston, John L.

Sanders, and William II. II. Sultzer of Maryland: Benjamin D. Woolman. Louis E.

Stilz. Robert R. Hodse. A. R.

Finek. M. Joseph N. Ituch. Henry Haccrmaa and Kdwin II.

Nason of IVnnsvl vania D. P. Kries. John S. Read.

K. S. Matlack. Howard Evans. Gyrge.

W. Stevens, and William J. wrid of New Jersey; Charles. T. Martin.

William Wondmnnsey. John XV. Humphreys, -J, G. Longfellow, A. B.

Crossgrov.v W. G. Winner. 'M. and George M.

Horn of Henry .1 FellMr; Tie. mas G. Mnybury and' James A Wood -of West Virginia. The morniing anl afternoon sessions were taken up in hearing tht- reports of the several supreme officers and chairmen of standing committees. They show the order to be.

in a splendid condition, with the pro's pf-cts of adding largely to its during the coming term. The order is now successfully introduced and in working condition) in Maryland. Pennsylvania. Delaware. New Jersey.

New Yrk. Virginia. hio and Missouri. The session to-day will be for the purpose of act-upon new laws framed by the appointeil at the last annual session. The officers for the new term will be elected to-morrow.

deftility, stimulates and strengthens oral the nerves and tones up the whole body. Price 2 cents. The three protective forms of special excursion tickets which were recently recommended by the Joint Passenger Committee of the lines in the Trunk Line Association and Central Passenger Committee have been approved and adopted by the Board of Managers of the Joint Traffic Association. According to a circular just issued by Commissioner Blauchard these special tickets will le hereafter recognized as the standard forros for meetings, conventions or other gatherings in Joint Association territory, for whjch the issuance of round-trip tickets is authorized, ami the Trunk Line and Central Passenger Committees are directed to include in their recommr ndations the form of ticket to be used. Each form of ticket contains the words "Joint Traffic Association Railroad," and on the face are printed the conditions and restrictions of the ticket and it distinctly warns everybody, against using the ticket other than the purchaser.

The necessity of each buyer signing his or her name appears, and a few lines of warning are directed under the caption "Caution" against the manipulation by scalpers. There is space on the back of the ticket for the signatures of the agent and purchaser, with the date of identification to le punched out. This form is for the terminal agent. Form 2 is virtually the same as No. 1, only it is to be handled by the special or joint agent of the Association.

It also provides for the signatures of the purchaser, agent and joint agent, with the date identification feature. l-'orm 3 is the ordinary excursion ticket, issued for such occasions as the national convention, and is not sighed. Fropwtlan Kate on Wool. The Traffic manager have issued the following circular' fixing proportional rates" uii wiml: The managers recommend that effective J'ine the proportional rat' on wool, compressed in bales ot saeks. carload, minimum weight.

n.imiils per i-ar iexees carloails to be charged L. rafei. from all in the following States and Territories, 'alifornia. Nevada. Oregon.

Washington, Idaho. I'tah. Montana. Wyoming. Colorado, Arizona, New Mexi o.

Kansas. Nebraska. South I'akota. North lakota. Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, and the Indian Territory, not Included in or covered by transcontinental arrangements or taiJffs upon the 'authorised bawis, tie made upon the basis of centK per loo pounds.

Chi'-ago to New York, and 4. cents per 'loO pounds. Cairo to New York; usual differences to otlifr seaboard cities. "On shipments from the same territory reaching Joint Traffic Association roads, via any of the Mississippi Kiver crossings. East SI.

bonis to East iMibmpie. both Inclusive, the proportional rate east of east-bank points to be 40ty cents for 100 tounds to New York, with the usual differences other seaboard cities, the rates to be divided via the respective gateways in accordance with Joint Hate Committee divisions upon the pwr 'enrages applying to the respective destinations. On shipments coming from points in the above described territory, when rout oil via St. Paul. Minneapolis, and Minnesota transfer, the lines east of Chicago and Chlcaco junctions and IVoria.

to receivp the same earnings ss on shipments routml via Mississippi Itlver crossing." Munyon's Kidney Cure. Munjn's Ividuey. Cure cures pain in the or g-'oin from kidney disease, dijopsy of the feet and limbs, frequent (lpire to pass water, (Irak colored and turlbid urine, sediment iu the urine and diaoetoB. Price Ho cents. i Margaret" When7 th wedding march played by Mis.yMary Howard.

was lo-ard the first bri- dal party entered the church and proceed-I ed to the. left side of the chancel. The bride. Miss Cora Marie; French, came in i with her father, and she was attended by two maids of honor. Miss Bessie Bennett French and Miss Marian Boulton of Tor-: onto, and by four urhers L'ssrs.

John Henry Ince, Arthur Horan. t'haunccy" Deiew, and Kenneth Oamoron of Toron-! to. The groom. Mi. Wolfrid Hudyerd Boiilton was atended Jy liis best m.

in. Mr. Jcorge 'Fllwooil Hontiug. Thi-n lie I bridal prty eit, reil ami lo the right of i lie altar. Miss (Jertrude French, the bride, walked with her brother.

Mr. Edwin French, and her ma-ids were Miss Florence Arnold and i Miss Roberta Brains of New York. The ushers were Lyndea Arnold, Mr. IVicival ('roniwell Smith of New "York. and Mr.

Ilaro'd Lewis; of Atlanta. a The groom. Mr. Frank; Wallace Arnold, was aceomjianied 'by his st inait, Mr. Alfred Do.lsworth-.

The ceremony was irformeil by the Rev. S. S. Mitchell, assisted by the Rev. Kdwaril-IIiintinirtoti Rmbi Mr.

French giving away" both of his daugh-i ters. The brides both were gowned in white satin and they wore tulle veils and car-j ried bride roses. The maids wore dainty white organdy gowns, two being made Sever white silk and two over pink silk. French wore gray faille trimmed with ttoint lace. Catarrh Cure.

Works." Beiow this Inscription Is the: ship T'sD i)i lie er-iioi ui me i no dsmasres -awarded by the commission were Hitchcock believes he should have re Nina with- lii sails opened, ami surmouiitiiig the inscription a " with an angel on either side -one holding in her left hand a blank tabiet and with- her right a pencil, with which she points to the location America upon the globe: the other with laurel wreath In her right hand and the trumpet of fame in the Burning torches are displayed at each side of the inscriptions. MERRY WAR CONTINUES. Catarrh xsitively; cured. Are yotl willing jto spend CH eents for a cure that positively cures catarrh hy removing the cause of the diseasen It so ask your druKrist for a bottle of Munyon's Catarrh Curif -aiid a bottle of Munyon's Catarrh Tablets, The CaJ tarrh Cure will eradicate Ihe disease from the system and the tablets will cleanse and hed 1 the afflicted parts1 and restore to a natural and healthful condition. Munyon's Liver Cure corrects headaches, lulliousness, jaundice, constipation and all liver diseases.

Munyon's La (inppO Cure attacks the root of the dread insidious disease and allays inflammation; price 23 cents. Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia and breaks up a cold 4n a few hours. Three years neo union's Remedies were unknown in Huffalo. To-day they are a household word, ami Pfof. Munyon and his renowned IMPROVED HOMOEOPATHIC SYSTEM is discussed and praised wherever you r.

In the drug stores, on the cars, and on the streets you can always hear soihe one relating the remarkable cure effected, either upon himself or some friend. The old-fashioned busi-nefs jp2.m for advice and r'k? for prescriptionhas hoooino a memory' oi the past, and eannot he rosiirroeted. Tho p-tildie now know- that 25 cents in-vested in a Mmiyon Itemed relieves them at once, and euros them in a short time. Heretofore, it has taken five or six days for tlie stomach to recover from the effect of poisonous, nauseating and drastic drugs, even after the disease was cured. Is it any wonder thftt intelligent men, sm-li as the drunuists and inhabitants of Huffalo.

have beeome ronverts to this modern and scientific school of medicine? To those- who persist in tho old style of do. toring. we have this" to say: Call at our office. No. To -Niagara Stret, and read the thousands of testimonials we are receiving daily the whole ni-dieal profession in Huffalo has not accomplished one-half of what Munyon has done during the past month.

What better proof can you ask than Professor Munyon's liberal offer of FREE LOCAL TREATMENT to all who come to his office? Your case is carefully diagnosed. Y'ou are told what to do and what to use. It is entirely optional on your part to buy remedies or not, just as you deem fit. Wo are just what we claim to be, and are here for the purpose of inculcating the doctrine of Munyon's Improve-i Homoeopathic System to the citizens of Huffalo. Rheumatism Cured.

Munyon's Rheumatism Cure is guaranteed to cure rheumatism in any part of the body. Acute or muscular rheumatism can be cured in from one to five days. It speedily cures shooting pains, sciatica, lumbago. ad all rheumatic pains in the back, hipfand loins. It seldom fails to rive relief after one or two doses, and almost invariably cures before one bottle has been used.

Stomach and Dyspepsia Cure. Munyon's Stomach and Dyspepsia Cure cures all forms of indigestion and stomach troubles, such as rising of food; distress after eating, shortness of breath, and all 'affections of the heart caused by indigestion, wind o.i the- stomach, bad taste, offensive breath, loss pf appetite, faintness or weakness of stomach, headache, from indigestion, soreness of the stomach, coat-! tongue, heartburn, shoot AN ANNUAL SUPPER. Miss French gave. her. maids flour de lis pearl pins, and Miss Gertrude French gave hers pearl cresent pins.

The ushers re-! ceived gold watch chartus. After the double ceremony a wedding! supper, and reception followed at the home ceived more money, and yesterday requester Justice White not to eonlirm the commissioners' report. The request was denied. In the Municipal Court. Judge Hinson in the 'Municipal Court yesterday fined John with costs of for breaking through shrubbery at the Front, after the open air concert Monday night.

The fine was only a part of- the "penalty. Judge Hiuson reprimanding. Mr. Doyle addition. Park John O'Connor made the arrest.

Ciiis (ieisman was arrested yesterday by Patrolman Richard Callahan of the Seventh Precinct, (ins had a basket of bananas, and wa peddling the fruit from dr to door. The contents if the ba.sket brought Geiunan under the sway of the ordinance which prohibits hawking vegetables" befoxe 1 p.m. Judge Hiuson said the offense vlid not deserv the $10 tine prescribed, and the' prisoner was released u-q pavmert of costs amounting to $1.30. of the brides parents, ana later the Pruial couples departed on their wedding trips. Mr.

and Mrs. Iioulfon will return to Buffalo after a short trp. and 'Mr. and Mrs. Wallace-will take a short trip now and will sail sooii to spend the summer in Switzer land.

Among the many lovely gifts- was one of. HEADLIGHT FLASHES. sweats, allays soreness and speedily heals the lungs. Munyipn's Female Remedies are a boon to all women. i 1 Munyjm's Headache Cure stops 'headache in I three minutes.

Muuypn's Pile Ointment positively cures all fornjis of piles. Munyjtn's Asthma Cure Herbs are guaranteed to 'relieve asthma in three minutes: and cure in five days. Trice SO cents etch. Munyon's Blood Cure eradicates iH im purities from the blood. Munyon's Vitalizer imparts new life to weak a id debilitated men.

Price SI. Munyon's Homeopathic Company, Kot No. 75 Niagara Street, open from 0 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sundays from 2 to'5 p.m.

Munyon Eminent specialists at your service ree. THE COURT RECORD. Another Cut In Hates from Chicago by the Luke Lines. Chicago. June 2.

Chlcago-St. Paul lake and rail freight rates are still failing. By Friday, unless the trouble be settled before that time, which is not now probable, they will be one third tower than they were at this tlnm last week. That much is certain, and there: is a strong possibility thev may be cut in two by that time. All-rail rates have fallen nearly a third, and the competition of the hike! and rail lines may force 'them lower.

Notice has been given by the Lake Michigan Car Ferry Company that next Friday it wiil put Into effect -a Chieago-St. Paul rate, made on a bawls of 40 cents, tirst-class. The authorized rate, which obtained previous to the breaking out of the trouble, was Oo cents, first-class. The Car Ferry company declares it is reducing l.ts schedules to the lO-ceiit basis ti meet the' competition of the Lake Mlehi-gn Lake Superior Transit Company, which put a 40-cent tariff into effect the rtrst of the prewent month. These two lake lines are in the tight in terrible earnest.

The Car Ferry company Is practically- a new concern. It Is growing "in popularity because of anew terminal scheme under which its boats enter the Chicago' Itlver and-there pick up freight which is caTried to South Chicago for lload-lng on cars, which are then transported across the lake to the tracks of the Canadian Pacini: for the further rail journey. The Lake Superior company is suffering from this -competition, and it officials have declared they will cut rates io the bone to injure the Car Ferry company The latter, on the other hand, declare It will met any rate put Into effect by the Lake Superior company, and the earnestness of its declaration shown by the notice of the coming reduction mentioned. From the all-rail standpoint the only new development is the announcement of the Itix Island that it will meet the coniMtltion of the St Paul, the Chicago Ureat Western; and the Wisconsin Central, all of which pUt into effect tariffs based on a oo-cent basis, tirst-class (to apply, however, only below thlrd-classL The flock Island's reductions are also only on classes below the third that Is. on carload lotsl The Northwestern, so far as' learned, has Jet -decided what to do, but there is no doubt in the minds of railroad men that it 'will meet the competition ot the St.

Paul If a settlement of the difficulties be not reached at once. -SUPREME COL'UT-PART 1 TRIAL TERM the Ilea. Henry A. Childs, Justi-e. Juue Auunta Becker vs.

Eli! G. Rowland. Venhct granted for defendant. Louim. Walkinshaw vs.

Robert F. King. On trial. Iav calendar: Nos. irGU, 27S, 321, 324.

St 'REM COURT PART 2 TRIAL Sold by All Druggists. CACTI ON See that the words "MUNYON'S (HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES' are stamped on the metal cap of each bottle, That of the Huffalo Seminary Gradu ates' Association. Twentieth Century Hall presrited a charming appearance last night on the occasion of the annual supper given by the Graduates' Association of the Buffalo Seminary to the new class. In the middle of the room was a -circular table decked with ferns ami purple sweet peas, the class flower, where the new class sat and arranged in a hollow square around it were the long tables at which the graduates sat. Previous to the supper there was a reception down stairs, the Mrs.

W. II. Gardner, receiving with the two vice-presidents, Mrs. A. Wright and Mrs.

George Francis, and with the members of the class of 'ti. The class acted as ushers, introducing the members to the new class, and later conducting them to the banquet. Just before the members seated themselves, while they were at their places at the table, Mrs. George B. Hayes gave a greeting to the class which was responded to by Miss Lucy Olmstead.

The tables were dniiitily arranged by Clark, and each place was marked witii an exceedingly pretty menu card and toast list in the shape of a biwiklet tied with violet ribbon on the covers of which the letters G. A. were intertwined in a violet and gold monogram. The lettering inside was in violet on white bond pajer. Each memltcr of the new class receivi-d a cluster of sweet peas.

I tiring the supper an orchestra played, which was stationed on the stage behind a row of palms. Later Mrs. Frank Duiforth. who acted as totLstmistress in the place of Miss, Van VIoek. who was disabled with sprained ankle, called, the guests to order and introduced the speakers.

Mrs. XV. II. Gardner, the president, made an address, and Mrs. Herbert Meldrum sang two songs.

Then Mrs. Henry Stinson gave a review of the work of the Half Hour Reading Circle, in which she announced that, prizes were awarded to Miss Fenton, Mrs. Eugene Falk, Miss Matthews, and Miss Delaney. Mrs. John Bush spoke on the study for coming year, and then the class song, written by Miss Florence E.

Romer. was Miss Mabel K. Wheeler read tin1 class, prophecy. Mrs. Seward A.

Simons spoke on "The Modern Woman," and a trio was sung by Mrs. XV. H. Douglas. Mrs.

Herbert Meldrum. ami Miss Alice Hayes. The singing of "Auld I-ang Syne" ended a most delightful evening. Those on the committee of arrangements wore Miss Hayes, Miss Florence Hayes, Miss Ovens, Miss Gertrude Clark, Miss Morey. Miss Benson.

Miss Forbush, Miss Donaldson. Miss Nellie Smith, Mrs. Walter Donaldson, Mrs. Frederick Mitchell, and Mrs; Frank Danforth. GOING TO CHICAGO.

a number of rare family jewels (o Mrs. Boulton from Mr. Boulton's mother: Among the guests Mrs. L. H.

Arnold of. New York, Mrs. Henry .1. Boulton of Toronto, Mr. L.

Hastings Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Arnold, and Mr. Richard Arnold.

Mrs. L. W. Feck and Miss Peck, and Mr. Charles Sheldon of Providence.

R. lien, and Mrs. I'wis of Atlanta, and Miss Redfield of SniethpOrt. At 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon the marriage of Miss Elizabeth Gertrude Mooncy to John Sellers Brash was quietly celebrated at -the bride's homo. No.

473 West Ferry Street, by the Rev. Mr. Badgley of Dunkirk, 1 The bride wore a cloth gowii of Delft blue trimmed with gold trimming and a white satin vest with a Louis XIV coat. Miss Grace Fowler Mooney was maid of honor and Mr. K.

L. Tompkins was best man. The bride wore the groom's gift, a diamond sunburst. Mr. and Mrs.

Brash vi" ill be at home at Ashtabula. Ohio, after July A wedding supper followed the ceremony. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs." George Richmond of Dunkirk. Iliggiuft-Monaliait.

A special from Dunkirk'last night said: "At St. Mary's Church jthis morning at 9 o'clock occurred the mariage of Miss Josephine Margaret Monahan of Buffalo to John H. Higgins of thh city. The eene-mony was performed by the Rev. Father Cassimir Taylor, with a nuptial mass.

The bride wa-s becomingly attired in a handsome cream satin dressy witli ienrl trimmings, and carried white carnations; the bridesmaid, Miss Borthal M. Peregrine of Buffalo, was dressed inj a white -Persian lawn drefs, vcith whitef satin trimmings, and carried pink carnations. Mr. Charles H. Reeser acted as best man.

Mrs. T. J. Hurley played the redding march with graceful execution. After the ceremony an elaborate wedding breakfast was.

serve at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Higgins. on East Tnlcott Street, to which only immediate relatives of the young couple were bidden. Many handsome gifts were "Mr.

Higgins is a very, popular young man, and is head salesman in the grocery establishment of Higgins on Try on Place, Buffalo. He was born and reared in this city, and, has the best wishes of a large circle of friends-. Miss Monahan was an accomplished nurse at the Fitch Hospital in Buffalo, and is well liked by all for her many tine traits and Wind disposition, and the young couple havthe happy witshes both Buffalo amtDuukirk friends for their future happiness and prosperity. Mr. and Mrs.

Higgins departed this afternoon for Buffalo, where they will attend the marriage of Mr. Charl-s Reeser and Miw Bertha M. best man and bridesmaid, which is to take place at 4 o'clock. At this evening they will leave Buffalo for their wedding journey to Boston and; New York City, and after two weeks both couples will be at home in Buffalo. Mr, Higgins will make his home after July 1 at No.

'4W Delavan Avenue." The Hon. Robert C. Titus. Justice. Jun 2.

itherine A. Jobmlahl vs. Joseph II. Royle. Wdict for plaintiff for tV.

Catherine. A. JohndaUl Frank lioyie. Motion for non-suit Day calendar: Nos. 211.

3a0j 837, 33S. IWU'-i. AdjoumeU to June 4, lO a. ui. SUPREME COURT EQL1TY TERM The Hon.

John Lambert, Justice. 2. Louise Loepere vs. Julius W. Georger.

On -trial. Day calendar: Xos. 1. 81, 80, 91. t'2, 102, 9, 13, at, 43, oG, 0V.

tiO. SUPREME COURT-SPECIAL TERM The Hon. 'lruiuan C. White, Justice. June 2.

Iielvin V. Wilson vs. Roynl Kgg Macaroni Company. Order directing Judgment for plaintiff. Eleanor M.

C. Mann vs. Eilza R. Kpende-low. et al.

Order of reference, to compute to M. K. Johnson. Robert l. Wilson vs.

samel Like order. Same vs. Queen City Bank. Like order. Charley A.

Gifford, as president, vs. William H. Crawford et al. Like order to F. S.

Wheeler. i John Hopp Vs. the Union Car Company and one. order substituting attorneys for plaintiff. In re petition of William I H.

O'Nell. af committee of theproperty of John Bausch. Order confirming report of leouiruittee and directing execution of mortgage. Robert vs. Kate Dickey.

Order 'of discontinuance and canceling pendens. I In re estate of Helen Kerpka. an infant. Order directing the Fidelity Trust i Juaran-tv Company to oav over certain moneys. "The Bell Telephone Company of Buffalo vs.

Apoilo Hitchcock. Order confirming report of commissioners. Motion to set aside appointment of commissioners herein denied. L). McKoon va.

Frank G. Stone et ai. Order of reference to William II. fetod-flard to compute. 1 Same vs.

Joeph A. Frick et al. Like order to William II. Stoddard. Local Freight Agents Who Will Attend the National Association's Meeting.

The members of the local freight Agents' Association who are to attend the annual meeting of the National Association Ui Chicago next month, will fto to Chicago a private car via the Nickel Plate and return over the Michigan Central. The party wiil be as foMows: ft B. Rothfon and Miss Nellie Kathfon. Mr. and Mrs.

o. C. Pore her and Miss Porcher. Mr. and Mrs.

John F. Lane, Mr. and W. X. Perrine, and Miss Perrlne.

Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Rogers.

Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Perkins, E.

ft. I. Kilev, Mr. and Mrs. W.

rod-head. Mr; am) Mr. W. C. Mis Jennie Justin, and Mrs.

W. S. tJrattan. Odds and End of New Gtherel In an 1 About Stations and Offices. The sale of the Oreen Bay, Winona St-1'aut has been confirmed.

The excursion of the Buffalo 7.1ther Ctib to New York over the Erie takes place July bl. T. S. Smith has Iwen appointed outside passenger agent of the Northern Steamship Company J. W.

Coneys. General Y'ardtuaster of the Pennsylvania, has been pTomoted to Train Master of the Richmond division. Tip' Niagara Navigation Company will put on Its second- steamer next Monday and double trips will then begin between i.ewis-tou, Niagara, and Toronto. E. O.

Man has been appointed Superintendent of the Western division and branches of the Missouri Pacific with headquarters at Atchison, in place of William Coughlln, resigned. General Passenger Agent Uuggles has issued a pocket booklet entitled "Notes for Teachers." It contains full Information about the meeting of the National Education Association, which is to be held in Buffalo next month. Another evidence of the deteniilhed opposition of the Southern to the Seaboard Air bine is contained in the announcement that the former will soon establish a pussehger service between Chattanooga and Norfolk, via Asheville. Some of the neatest looking passenger engines in the country may be seen on the New York Pennsylvania at Oil City. They are resplendent In shining brass and paint of different colors, and have many ornamental designs.

F. M. President and General Manager of the Santa Fe, Present Phoenix, and Mrs. Murphy of Preseott, Arizona, who are en route to New York, were In Dunkirk yesterday. Mt.

Murphy visited the Brooks Locomotive Works upon business connected with the construction there of sn oil-turning locomotive, to be used on a branch Of his road. The appointment of J. E. Ilennegan as Assistant General Passenger Ageut of the Cleveland, Akron Columbus has been officially announced. Mr.

Hennegan has bee-n chief to General Passenger Agent Daly in Cleveland for about one year. lie was appointed to this position from the Burlington, Cedar Rapids' Northern, of which he was General Passenger Agent. For the accommodation of Buff alon4ang summering along the Canada shore of Lake Erie the Grand Trunk will next Monday begin running a train dally, except Sunday, from DunvlKe to Black Rock, arriving at the latter place at 8:35 a. m. This will stop at Pt.

Abino, Bertie (for Crystal Beach), Windmill Point, and Rose HIM. The Grand Trunk's general change of time will go' Into effect on the 21st Inst. East-bound shipments for five days last week aggregated 40,311 tons, against 49,300 tons the full week previous and 38.909 tons last year. Lake Shore led with 5,574 tons. Other lines carried as follows: Michigan Central, 3,016 tons; Wabash, Fort Wayne, 5.331; Handle." BaMl-mon? Ohio.

2.944; Grand Trunk. Nickel Plate, Erie. 3.0S9; Big Four, The. lake tonnage was 45.933 tons. A meeting of passenger representatives of Chlcago-St.

Paul lines have been called for to-day In Chicago. The principal business Is to either form an agreement with the goo Line regarding east-bound- business or to make arrangements for meeting its competition. It Is probable, too, the bicycle transportation chirm will be ua for discussion. Deposit 449 MAIN STREET. i I Authorized by Law to Act as i i Executor, Administrator, I Guardian, Trustee, Receiver, Committee.

AMOUNT of money upon which INTEREST allowed, NOT LIMITED. Safes to Rent at from $5 to $75 per annum, and valuables stored In FIRE and BURGLAR-PROOF VAULTS. GEORGE URBAN, President. CHARLES E. CLARK, Secretary.

I PITTSBURGH AND BUFFALO name on a. Keg of White Lead, can of Paint, Color Stain, Potty or Varnish means that the material in the package to marked is the very best of the kind made. VHEN YOU BUY, be careful to ask for THE LAWRENCE BRAND and take no other, even if it this way you will always be sure of getting THE VERY BEST. Hi R. Ovens Bakery Hlac-lc Rock Business Men.

Nearly everyone at last night's meeting of the Black Rock Business Men's Association spoke in regard to the proposed purchase of German-ia Park by the city. The speakers ail favored the plan, and said so In a forcible manner. No definite action was taken The matter of the annual excursion was brought up and th? excursion committee was directed to confer with a committee from the North Buffalo Business Men's Association In regard to having a joint picnic late in July. The two committees will get together in Humphrey's Hal" nest Tuesday night. Otowega Club Celebration.

Members of the Otowega Club to the number of no had a jollification the clubhouse last evening, which proved highly pleasant to all participants. About 7 o'clock those in attendance formed In tine In front of the clubhouse and then started for a bicycle rifle through Central I'ark. The. leaders of the parade were Frank M. Rrlnker, Islle Bennett.

Mrs. George I White, and Miss Bel.e UiTk. Returning to the house refreshments were served and a quiet "hop followed. Crackers, ERIE COUN'TY COURT The Hon. Edward Kmery, Judre.

June 2. Edwin G. Miller vs. Franzisiska Krfjk.anowskl et al. Order of service or summons by publication.

I Almira Long, vs. Charles Harntmg et al. Judgment that defendants iecihcaUy perform contract within 20 days or he be barred from all rlyhts therein. Ertmnud Bender vs. Gnstave A.

Hoffman et al. Order of reference to-jE. L. Ir am to CCharles Waffle vs. Joseph H.

Jeddo. Judgment for plaintiff for James II. Bee et al. vs. Orlando Wright.

Like judgment for $125.07. i Krai cis A. Georser vs. Reullng et al. Referee's report of sale! confirmed and de3eieaey judgment ordereti.

I Henry IIithler vs. Stanislaus Alsjewskl et al. Order of reference to compute to B. D. same.

Judgment! of foreclosure and sale ordered. B. D. Jackson to sell. William W.

Tierce vs. James A. Adams et al. Referee's report, of sale confirmed. Theresa Granacher vs.

Maria Sabitzkl. Order of reference to compute; to lleorge M. James'E. Allard vs. Matilda F.

Well. Jury out. i Day calendar: No 24, 32, 9, 54, 61. MUNICIPAL COURT-Thl" Hon. Louis Braunleln and the.

Hon. Charles W. Hlnson, Judges June 2. i Daniel F. Lorens vs.

Henry Rothboller. Judgment for plaintiff for $40.53. William Hines. vs. D.

J. English. Like judgment for $67.80. Robert Stafford ami one vs. William KeJ-ey.

Uke Judgment for 26.i. Jofcn G. Rrtnhardt vs. Jese T. Randall.

Like Judgment for $36.10. CHICAGO AND BETURX. At fl2.W for the round' trip from Buffalo via the Nickel Plate Road, account of Democratic National Convention. Tickets g. olng July 3d to otn, ana to return until UllenbruchJ loariinp Always have Ovens Crackers.

Just specify Ovens when yk order of the erocer.Then they're sure to be fresh, ctlisp, of perfect flavor. Why not buy a loaf You'll never know what the best of eatla? is until you taste Ovens bread. ulv 12tn, inclusive. tor an tniormauou, OCCUltSt'S iv-MMiiiQ descriptions nritip.ian ll Wheels checked free on Lake Shore special train to Fredonla bicycle race Saturday, Jun ft. Leaves Buffalo at 8 a.

m. sharp. call at Liiy iitici uuii-e, cxciiauge Street. Opening of the State circuit and fourth annual bicycle meet at Fredonla. 8at-urdwy, June 6.

Special train to Fredonia and return via L. S. M. S. R'y.

Round trip only 00c. Leaves Buffalo at 8 a. sharp. It will do you good to order your printing from nheTrlnter. Carmenclta Clear.

Tb only genuine, clekr Hitiui. 3 lor 25c at TlDhaln's. 12 Swao St, Bread Crackers on 274 saort Main i notice. Street. Fare for round trip (Sue, Cyclers Parate (see 'dictionary) Is the German-American Cafe, Main sad High streets.

Hoof Garden Converts, refreshments, bowline, etc..

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