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The Buffalo Sunday Morning News from Buffalo, New York • 2

Buffalo, New York
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mals in tbe corral. the went in and saw Animals with Scarlet Fever. A nntownrthv incidrnt ia renorted in con IMPURE DRUGS. nn with hie cur. THE LUn 1BDUT Tfl'JH.

PARDRIME CO, ELEGANT CARRIAGES! Washington bell. Entering a brilliantly illuminated euite, be suddenly biekel tow aid tbe door, and in horn tied tanas exclaimed: 'My I've nude a mistake!" lMy dear Senator Blank," said tbe hurrying toward liitn, "it bat is tbe look til," Ob, notbiig, nothing, only I am such a I came very near entering tbia apartment by mistake. Flense pardon me, and ow me the war to tbe ball-room." by. Senator tb i ia the ball room. Wbat THE PUBLIC High Private Lewis of tbe G5tti Before the Bar, -i I Ol'i'KIt TO mimmmMi -0F- THE SUNDAY NEWS frVBLISHKD ST THS "SCyVAT A'SWS BCILDIXQ.

tiS Main Street. THE SC'NDAl is political, literary iad news Journal of excellent standing aad larre influence, being uuieieaueot ta ererytaiti' it ia tue paper of 1A people aod the let medium Vfl Western Now lark. 1 EilMi-hn nsu per copy; 2-o0 per year to brmI fiTnlMi RATES made knowa at the THE BCFFALO BVl'VIXQ over 19.000 df tne largest of any aewinPr in too State, outside o( Jtew Tork City. gnieredttt P'ttojf'ce at Buffalo A. T.

04 MYtfM4-o'c2M nwxu-waftfr. CARRIAGE Now Shown in the City. 6 Superior Workmanship, Firstdass Goods. Correct Styles, Approved Designs. CALL AND BECONVINCED.

I'c the cualit of lire work ofTercd hit price will he found ury low. ALLNEW WORK WAKR4NTUD. Cartiaite rtpalrirR; done inroioptly and efticiently. A. 124 and 126 Pearl opp; St Paul's Cathedral.

i Telephone No. 799 ONE-THIRD OF I 3 I umib AoniMi LIFE Id BED: Now as the season for houne-claning In at hanl would it not te intuiting your una' ViCUY blir I.NTEtttfiHrH, i BC EALTH," To that your BEDDIXQ Is put in proper ondition, properly aired, proptrly cieaused and properly made over, "EQUAL TO NEW If you would have this done in a workmanlike manner, send them where they are manufactured daily, and where tbey have proper-facilities to do the work. i pvRts cirrtien it a in ar.tTTR:tf.iF. BEST SPRIHG BEDS IS THE MARKET, (OVR OWN MARK) ARK OUR. 8PIICIALTIKS.

Call and see For youraelCand be convinced. Ladies! Styles and Shades in Hats only 1 7c, McGEATH BISGOOD, 88 Pearl St. lert. four mountain lions, and without a moment bet-it at ion attacked them with an ax Two cf tfce lions lumped tbe corral and fled. The otrer two rusnea towara ner, artertneoits She dealt one a blow with the ax, laying its run open to tbe bone, men both fled.

The ext morning 50 ot toe valuable goats were I tout dead, and :0 wounded, and 14 of the lauerored at ter ward, and now the ranchers ixst River are all crazy over Miss Tal- It is the Season. be season now to go At-out the couotty gh and low. Lg tbe lilacs, fatted in haud, tao two in fairyland. tbe Fiebihg maid. ram ana nan arnia, Domeet BLne tne hsztil'd brook.

and linger, pau-e and look. bco and. blithely paired. eir rough a- tuufrie piny they shared, k'tso ani quarreled, laughtd and cried, eragop.t Easteitide. whom wbh rude, uplifted hand did betbnaten or command In a somewhat longtr dress, now would trcmbl- to carese.

by the stile ablaze she stops, his demurer eye be crops lhey excoaufce averted sighi, Matd and mary siltrnt eyes. he to ber a bero la, -And twe ter ste than ijrlmrose; com 'ticn silence ier far Likhiiugr 1 ana mavis are. when tbey sever wtdded hands, titn hies id tntlr b. s.m man levely itapj und tails thtit Up lu maoi gal. R.

L. Stevenson. SHE WAS NOT FLAT. Henrico 'Waa Determined to Demon strate it to the Dastardly Vlngardo. "How.

now, Henrico! Wbat means that ruireed scar athwart tbv cheek notbicg, girl, except tbat yestere'en I me o'er tbe trytting wall and did with accursed clothes-line intermingle," "Ah. shrewd and cunning cavalier! Ttaoa avert the truth his tale of thine is but shift to down me circumspection." "Besbrew thee, maid, but tnou a ciever PU not deceive theel Tme scar befell in a brawl with tbat game recreant, Vin-gardo!" ingaraoj "Ae. He that doth Leanuts scatter i1 the onran ana bawis nis runes irom parts 'Tfce same. Andromeda." 'He taint thee with the pollution of his touch! He brand Dane own Henrico with plebeian pinion? that the gods had "Abate tbee, wench! Turn off tbe faucet tbv erief till I have told thee of our joust. swees luutm vue uiw wnx ub nuy ujuju.

"Give it me. then, Henrico! i gasp tor part wfcere thou dost tell me of tbe gore Wherein 1 InabH this nGtArtnnnirnr 11 tbt.uch wallowed this costermoager. "liive o'er, tnen. wnue i ao croon thee imstArc'pn. prn TPt, the dnnt bad SODned Hit- last sweet dr ueht of suniifrbt.

I did en counter this Viugardo, and in a woody pass beard bim say that i' the matin service yestermorn my own. Andromeda had flatted the Sanctus f1 'Me nat! ven'mous tongue: sing of hell's distortions! Where then was that vi Erin a Gag thee, thou prattler. An' thoucravest sore, keen thine ears alert and 'twill be thine battle on. Attend me now hen thus be accuse thee and thy larynx, as qmca as 'twere tue ecno oi nis speecn ne gat tne ne, a'en as ouick his knuckles did I find fami crown with this, me disc 'Twas then. Ardromeda.

tbat like the douerhtv knight. Juan Sullivani, be tbat of Boston culture tbe fruit, I massed me portions muscular, as a ram doth burl bim. at au urchin's afterward, so did i acquaint me with his frontispiece." ice zeds ne oraisea lor cms sweet noius. HenricoT And bow looked tbe knave when thou didVt cease thy calisthenics? "As 'twere a for gone tomato had usurped lineaments and o'er tbeir parts strange sediments bestrewn. Had thou unwittingly looked thereat, tbou woulds't have thought thee 'twere tbe very place wnereon some modern railway casualty naa out just uclcii, VoilA-ers Gazette, In the Hands of Bis Friends.

Bavins' made arraneements with Mr. K. Bradley, says a Texas editor, to fulfill all my paid-up contracts 1 now bow myself down and out as a great journalist. 1 bave saved country Lance am haiov. Bradley will continue to keep it saved.

1 have filled the lorg-felt want and Bradley will tor jw his weight on tne stopper ana eoneavox to kop filled. I baver't made any money to brag but! bave bad a large assortment of run. LTbis remark bas been in pickle for several veara and this is the first aiiorooriate OPPr tunny i have naa to use it. i Know tnat friends will weep over my retirement, hut when I tackle them with a basket of bananas or string of garlic they will still have an opportunity to recognize my fine Italian band. I cannot-afford to be idle and must keep busy until our Uncle Grover throws a oostomce cr a mission to Turkey i over my manly form and says: "i nomas.

vaur country ueuua uur botvicot, wki ur take this there are better things yet io store thee. Then will announce tnat i am in hands of my friends. Grover Cleveland tnese menus. Painting the Tewa Red. A few davs eeo a man armMed to tbe man ager cf a San Krancisco theater for work and was told tbat be bad nothing for him to do unless be painted the town red.

Tne fellow disappeared and in the course of an hour was work on tbe famous Lotta fountain paint- a it a Dnmant carmine, rassers-ur saw bim and wondered wbat the object was, but not bin tr was said to bim, and he finished the job, daubing tne rountam irom top to Dot com, it is given out tnat ne is not very brieht and that he took seriously an iniuao tion that was intended only as a joke. This course is tbe theater manager's story. It appears, however, that at the theater in Question a olav called "Painting tbe Towo Red" is now on the boards, and tbe probability tnat tne manager put up tms joo as an advertisement, if so. he should be made to re store tbe fountain to its original color. Chi cago nerata.

Tbe "Sun on R. B. Hayes. In a speech at Chicago on Saturday to the veterans of tbe lx)val Legion Mr. It.

H. Hayes Frtmont, Ohio, declared that he regarded tte period irom inoi to as tue "tour vi ra nf hie life and I ha "nldAii davV of bis existance. Everyljodv knows, bow ever, tbat Hayes' four best years were from ivt to imwi, wnen ne drew every montn four thousand one hundred and sixty-six dot lars and sixty-seveu cents of money due to another man, and that tbe truly golden days of nis existence are tue nays ou wnicn ne gets from 13 bens a full, dozen of and one witn a aouuie yoite. How She Obtained a Husband. A female dentist in Oregon is said to have reverted to a novel device to obtain a bus- band.

She bad as a patient a handsome man. and one day gave him a dose of ether tbat confused but did not make him insensible. Then she sent for a clergyman, and while the subject was under tbe influence of tbe drur tne two were oeciarea man ana wilw, ueu tba man recovered his senses' he expressed surprise and some disgust at whit had oc-cuircd, owing to the fact, not before known to the fair centist, that he already possessed a wife, A Si'lieme for Barn Storuiers. A family of theatrical born stormers, while playiDK in a Georgia town, realizing that necessity was the mother of inventi ntt upon a new device fcr escaping their boar bill One morning tbe whole town wis stirred to its very center by the news tbt one of tbe member. of tue company was u.o.

Parties. iueuriinz tue latner ana ter'of tie stolen girl, started in hot pursuit, i.nd tbe imt-eemtiotis actors forgot to rtturn Tten it was discovered mat in cneir nasi? ihfv bad forcotten to nav their board bills i in murd the orif-f of tne townaneonle into astonishment, which cbansred to wrath when it vtos learned tbat the family was happily reunited a neighboring totate. fTalv KuoDu-li for a BoV, bright spring days have sent all tha jcung folks out of doors, the very young folks csptcially. This is very pleasant, in deed, as tbe youngsters who have never twMthmi frtMh air before think It erreat fun to be pugned ail over tne smewaiss in sueir Oauy carriages iy loetr umiuoiiu auu hku nurses. 'llPBr.

dear, he is suel a darline licue ti- lew, iwi't said one mamma to another yesterday. 2. io, reisnc. ne iiw uia Ai "Ob, it's a girl, is it? She looks ugly enough to be a boy." Another name erased from the calling list. Ho Hford lst.

Where to Find a "Can't yen tell me, fir, where I might find a situation asked a young man of a Chicago citizen. 1 am a stranger here. Oh. anything at all. I am not afraid of work." '(nf.

renommGndationsr "Well, no; but 1 am industrious, I am honest, I go to churcb regularly, 1 don't diitiir 1 "rfnn't fimoke. I don't che w. "Ab. I see. Juet apply around thecorner at the Dime Museum." t'hitadelphia Vult.

Opium and its Anticlot-A writer the Afrdicat World says tha as rptum is an antidote for so, can-vnelyi tbe real antidote for on overdose of opium is to cause persistent pain. With this iceo he has 'of ten placed a hand-vise on the thumbs and snap clothespins on the lingers to neutralize the effects of tbe drag." The method appears to have been successful, though the patients did not feel pain until a considerable time after tbe application. As tbe ptiin increased in severity the pius were removed one by one aud tbe patient revived. It Answered the iaine Puruotie. 41 You were at the ball last night, were you not?" said Hostetter McGinn in to G-ua Ds Smith.

'Ob. ve I was there a couple ot hours." you get tired ll didn't caLce. but did wbat had about the same effect on me. I drank three or four tlioi vbisky punches and' 1 saw tbe ball rc not k)g around and arout-d tbe same as if I baoU en dancing. "Te.vaa Sifinys.

He'd be Better In Heaven. 'JoLtoDV. whv you: rock tbe Ycu let it squeal its hbe out. "1 wculd it i couirj "Way, Johnny! Want oar little brotitc to die hdilor tte Tome injz is Wiitlc jour aid tbe cie a vears luiion it pot pins bv while ers) as by mix tor gets be is used tbet ycu tfce is the ent and get el nection with the prevalence of scarlet fever. In a bouse in which one cnua caa aieu ui tots disease the little one's clotbes were put a back febed to await further attention.

and in tbe meantime they were tumble! and played with by a pt dog. noon afterward tte dog was taken crazy aud bad miiea. A cataifo in tne same laaiuj affected in a sim lar way and had to be Tfce animals undoubtedly contracted disease by coming in contact with the clothing. The Htemach not deranged by Bed Star Cough Cure, by druggists and dealers. Jack Tar's Jolly Joke.

"Did you ever see the ocean lash itself into fury asked a little gil Of a seafaring "Sbirer my timbers, but I have. "And what makes it do sof Does it ge "Yes, honey, because it's so often crossed. Boston Times. i WARNER'S mrm TippecanoE THE BEST 2 A eOPYRIQHTCDl. MALARIA SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.


HJAMERiMocIiester, K.Y. Rev. Francis Gii.i,iat, Arlington. Vt, recomme.i ds W-rnerV Tippkcanok, Tii1 Bt, tor sick headache caused by stomach aisorcere. FEMALE DEBILITY UNSURPASSED.

$1.00 BOTTLE H. H.WARKER H.Y. Mrp. flPENCBB McCiEiitiAN.Gowen, Mich. warmly recommends Warner's Tippbcanob, eiiAisac a Invalids KcleliSisrgical Institute 1ST- "T- Oraranlxed with a fall staff elchteem Experienced and Skillful Fbyslclans and Sargeetit for the" treatmeat of alt Chronic Diseases OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS.

Chronic Nasal Catarrh Throat anel Lang: Diseases, Liver and Kidney Pltteanes, Bladder Olaeasea, 1 incase Peculiar to Women, Blood aud Shin Oiaeaaesu BheuniatlHm, N'euralsriay DiMenaes of the OrsaiiM, Irop, rpilepHy, or Hie, St. ViIm'i Dnncc, Paralrsia Nervooi Ocbility, all WnMiiiK Uiaeasie, t'nnatural and nbiliiatliiir IOM(se, and all Premature Weaknesses lu either Sex, cured here or at home, with or without seeing" the patient. Come and see us, or send tenccnts in stamps for our Inval Ida' aide-Booc, which tflves all particulars. Rnptare, or ureacn, ram- cally cured without the knife, without dependence upon trusses, without pain, and without danirer. Cures Guaranteed.

Rupture. Bonk sent lor ten cents iu oiumi'a. PII.E TllOR treated under fnar autee to cure. Book sent for ten cents in stamps. Address, wosxa'8 cieFiiram bTcicil 4 Mala Bt BtrTALO, M.

tta-sun "A Credit to Po paid a company of New Yorkers to a pron inent botel-ktoper of ourcity last Friday as they stood with the crowd viewing uur zraitj a is-p lay ci ucean auu unu.v risu, Special displays during LENT AT STAFFOBD'S Fulton Church unrl Pearl Sts. EVERY FAMILY SHOULD HAVB A Portable Drying Bar Useful in every household. FOK SALE BY WEED 284 MAIN STPEET, Cor. San, NATIONAL MILLS, i to tto ERIE STREET. "We are now manufacturing Patent Roller Flour, And offer tbe following well-known brands: Thornton A Chester's Best Patent, 'Globe Mills" "Franklin Mills'" and Graham Flour.

Also. Commeal, Feed, Grain and Quaker Oat meal for feale. Our flour can be had at MHAj PrUCUtt of any nrst-ciass ueaier in tbe city. ACROSTIC. ficlile, Cold ard Silvtr, Copt er plating, too, 1l the bst tf stTie nill A.

W. do. vi(i end damp ovemier an iron wur uutWia. sttir thpir fine reiwiirs. 1-ct norefofget stcve ornameuls nicsle pUted Kach one tbat aa tritd Ithemsays 'none ean tliem excel.

riatinc that imperfect lorarrniafrs a beauty, Xebined we bave feet, and do our boundeo All in Erie county, wno wlsti to pieaw mo wives, i Ibia-btute sbon'd call upon ana nricg mr sticous ana Biiivt, ImproWa in all ref pects; the methods that they NcrelrvW ence. tbeir science will refuse, Go wfiere you in. hum fj P. thorough i and. i ma in si.

PLASTER Thi porous platpr i the l-st it tron(p-t one 4rwr pixw mre p'Md on'-quarier tlw timethanauy othwr hratid. Xli" irtnt's of fish i Roimmtxisi WJtll nu ami UUim iwcum-m-, Palii in tlie Sltle or -Lhnla. Stiff Joints nnd Musclea, Wrcnehosf, Iiruies. Soiatiea, Kidney AtTee-: in any rt aurrwas dinaprn ar-whentliisriasteriHapplieiC. It er disappoint, (iet'uiit: of our drnirist and- try it.

a cent. live for K. St'iit Yy nail fur priiv. Up Pntrtw Compitny, Boston, MftSHi. LAME BACK KIMBALL.


Y. Dn.lUi1tina' thftfollowirur stronirand relia ble Fire, Marine, Life and Accident Insur ance Companies: xiuluw iun. vu Tih ni-r Howard. N. Y.

Hanover, The Ins. Co. Strtte of Pa. Eliot Ins. r'A Rrtctrm-Kmitnlde Ins.

Providence; tTnited ircmen's, Philadelphia. United KtDto. Bnuinh of the Sun Fire Office of Lon don Eng. Canal Department Boston AinriA Ins. Co.

of Boston: Metropolitan Plate Glass Ins. Co. of N. Y. (insures linst accidental breakage of clasw) neral agts.

WefctfiMf New York oi the Masaohu xrifnnl T.ife Ink Hoi mcrfield Trav LLJi I zrsr SEE our tion TER At Adulteration Practiced, 'Tin Said, by Buffalo Druggists, Bromide Versus Fodlde- SobUita'es for Quinine and What Is Maid of 1 hem- Phytic in a as a Critic. Sunday ftetr; our toitorial lat Suttfav hearing refreuCa to ac tti ation tf quit) ice tod other drugs sterns well ('eervag of the attention you .1. i cere ie no acuot toai itucn or tois wof goirg cu amocg atothecaris. I call vcur attention to iodide of ootash for nest Sunday's isu. This a sdt of iodine I'OtSEb, and resembles biotrtde of potash so ucn so that even an eiert cannot tell cue from ether.

Tfcensdical properties i salts alterative aid res while the litteB has com hi ted st dative' and aohroaiHiacnowr there been a uch aall acout toe substi- cr niomne ror ion ae. -rne re.isoa ro suns' ticn or con bm't of the two thst Iodide of ccft t3 per poui.d wh'le brmMe ccst but tents The exetitof it use com- itn quinti ss rnowt ut of tbv listTlOO new prescriptions prepared us tw-my five cnitslnfd ioaide of quitine enteied into twenty eight. I mtuimisr. I A ScNbAY New reporter called upon fev druggists aud asked tbeir opinion id this Many seemed to think it was not generally practiced, but Mr. Jeffrey of Lrran it Jeffrvv when Questioned aai-it ui course it's cone, it is one ot the most corrrrcn adulterations in tbe profession.

Iodide of potassium is used almost as much quinine, and it is an expensive rug. Bromide of potash costs aboafc a tenth as much, and cannot be detected from it either Eight or taste. Tbe consequence is that uiisfT ii mi lr.ii BTtnt Acaries can vrv eaoil the two in putting up a prescription of icdideand thus maee a mucu larger prout. 'iv bat te tne ainerence to tne natieotr" "Tte difference is tbat iodide is given for scrofulous and other diseases and bromide nervous troubles, it a serotinous patient bromide or a mixture instead of jiolide pets worse insteaa oi newer, or at least dottn't improve." "LannotS pnysician ten net ner a patient cett-ir one or tne otner irom tne enecrs ''ledide of DOtasium is stow to show its effects, and in the cases where it is mist would not be readilv noticeable. 'And do vcu mean to pav tbat druiraists ao eort of thing for gain?" i ts, oo; ana it nara ror tne arseit3 who don't to compete with these who QUININE, TOO.

"How about adulterating 1 "Quinine was at one time awfully adul terated, but not now so much. se, quinine used to cost three dollars an ounce, but can get it lor ninety oaa cents now ana temptation ia not so great. When prices were tign you couia naraiy nuj pure quinine." dbi ao wej pa raw i- 'i inchnmdia is tbe chief adulterant. a lower salt which they used to throw away. It dcesn't begin to cost does.

However, that evil has almost corrected itself.11 1 Wbat else do they adulterate?" Evervthirig. You can't begin to take up subject at once. But look at it. You can buy essential oils at all prices. Some run from 30 to (50 cents in their differ grades." A.

UUCTUHS UrifllUfl, Dr. James W. Putnam was seen. 1 want you to tell me something about the difference between bromide and iodide of potassium their adulteration," said the writer. Iodide of is usea largely in blood diseases, and brom de for headaches and nervous affections.

A man who needs iodide generally needs it pretty bad, and ne should get it. Tbe effect of adulteration or Eulmtitution would be tbat the patient would worse instead of better, and it would thwart the intention of the Board of Health Song. All ye who stand in ferr this day Of cholera expectant I Get cut our wadcts now and seek The sneeterir-g disinfectant. The copreras prare not at all; Now with ur zinc be bandy; If cur chloride iron throw In at once; Fetmsnganate's a dandy. Tbe chloride lioce now solve again; Caibotic asiii spatter; Bnneon your charcoal, powdei'ed well; i Cremate decay log matter.

And thus we'll cramts et cet. avoid. And uever. never double The while we eat and drink within I This sickiy iave cf tr ut le. LowizviHc Courier-Journal.

WUiaS OF FASHION. Pretty Things to Wear and What the Wearers of Pretty Tiling a-vor Just Now. 1 Bouquet pins are in order. All laces are fashionable this year. Tinsel braid continues to grow iu favor.

Black and whiteii a favoute combina tion. Lace is again in favcr for tha edgs cf sleeves. Lac-e robes grow in as the season advances. The nrevailine colors are yegetable greens ana browns. i Alligator walking shoes have been re ucea in price.

Fan shouldi capes of fine knife plaiting are again in stjie. Etaroine scarfs are the correct trim ning for walking bats. Gauze ribbons with satin or velvet xipes are used for bonnet trimmings. Woolen lace of the color of the garment trims many mantles ana costumes. A handsome brocade velvet is selling at 1.50 per yard at Barnes, riengerer iv s.

New envelopes bave the nap square instead of pointed, witn toe monogia in tne tett hand corner. Silver daisies fastened io a black velvet ribbon make a very pretty and much mired dog col lar. Flower'weddmgs grow more and more io favor, A number of "rote weddings" are set down ior uae. A bunch of small red apples and a cluster cf wbisx brooms are two ox toe oaa aecora ions shown fcr summer hats. The latest thing in note paper pas adulter ct lily of the vsliey in tne upprr corner.

lily bells Deing small seea pearis. Handsome zouave iackets are made of dark blue and wice velvet, and will lend a touch of warmth and color to white ureases on sum mec evenings. now tbe rase of raeres is old bat bred coins converted into every variety of ornament: scarf pins, oxoocnes, bangles, huck ej, buttons an seals. lhe fashion of printing stationery with the name of the day has long been in. but now it iscoisidercd better to use tne franco worm, Luudi for Monday, Mardi for Tuesday, etc.

Where a Mule is Appreciated. rather ttranirp observed a oasseoffer from Piitshurtr thst Eueland should send clear over to Mif-scuri to buy moles for US3 10 tbe rkmdan. 1 wouder wuat toat ror: 'tactics, my dear sir, tactics replied a military looking man. "England's policy in is to cec unclose to the enemy and tben turn taii and reireut slowly aud iugood order. Here is where the mule is expect to get in his work.

nivago iterant. Take Off Your Bat, Oeorge Geoice BleifcUiri, President ofj the Courier Company, bear a striking tacial reemtilance lp John Dillon, the iriab atriot, nowsojourn ms in this country. Catholic thiion. NEW BOOK8. Mr.

A. L. Burt of IBS William street, New York, in publisher of a valuable little book entitled "Famous People of All Ages." It is. compiled by W.H.VanOrden,iud 19 designed to give condensed bicgraphies of tbe most notable men and women who have lived, and answeis in a concise manner tbe question: Wby are tbey famous" Tbe important facts and tbote only are given, and tbe seeker for kcowlcdge is not ampered by useless information. Tbe volume forms one of a series of hand-books now iu press by A.

Burt. TLey are invaluable for a library table, fu'l, coinp'ete, concise and correct. Price, 50 cents. i The first number of Good a semi-montbl magazine 1st had by Clark W. Bryan Co.

of New York city. all promises made by its editor previous to its aopearanfe. It is intended tor the home nf tne world and contains information on all topics of interest to home lovers Ld home makers. A chapter of cooking recipes is given under tteiheadr 'Uooi Things for the Table." Medical recipes and 1 ui. VAa amiila car 10 iHi a iti'nrA iil CietULU (Jill IT UBTU nuiIISF i.

thm Houee Decoration and Houi Amusements" are aoiy aiscussea rnree SDcinllv mterestine features are as follows; A series of papers by ijisa Parloa written for this miKiaMiei "Com and ISally," oy nose lerry iookb, bin a neries oi papers on "Mooei nomw iori mwei fiou- Irmnino rrfHtilld' of VaTlOUS IWH of home buiioingsfor the man of work and tbe man of wealth, rne magazine, asi a wuyie, t-iu not he too stronelv commended. Price, y.50per year, with aapieotiuim to every subscriber. 1 SAN FORD'S RADICAL jc Iir FOR CATARRH. Uazel, Amai I aa Piae, Cauaxla aei JHarigoltlr and CJotM HIokojuk. 4l(ialA Hnsa of SnnfumlV IUtdlOB.1 CtftOe ia uiont vob-nt fjaceziag lrlixl i lt tin Hfad sa watary dcbarats from the Nose and Eves, nreva(s B'caiuir Noises In the rvoue tttai ecte, acd sufcUue Caw as and fevers, in trrm.

Catbnh it ckanfes tbe aasai paw et or ro t. iiMi univ4 tha tmell. tf ie. a hea'ine wban affectte. freti tba aid broni hiel tnbeeof inftt-tr, asfeeten And uvrifles tie br at slops ire cpunvatu arms' the prc(r? of t'afisrtn towardlu or hoftlle Hatiikl Cure, olie a Ca'a-rhf SolvtBt Saiilcrn'.

InhMltr.h in tine trackage of ell dnuptrl fo for uOO, Ask Kcr Sispjru'i i cvdd. f- I'olter IkruR and Chemiml lion ton. F. th lief ani omvertion. Rnpuaiitism jiat la, fc.iOUKUMH.oi is "en oava stoaiftco a 'd Bowel Sboot'ntr Pa ns.

Numbness.Hy-jten, Fe-aaale Vamitatl- n. Pys- about to be was killed. the Is Sold a man. mad?" H. lhe a 270 and 272 Main Street.

tiEW silks FOR SPRING 1885 Our 1 Rlaclr Silk ia the best in Buffalo. IT and JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES. Our 1.23. AMERICANS is a bargain, and $1.25, EXTRA HEAVY, is tbe admira of au who have wen it. 22-inch wide adpureSilk extra luster.

EXCELLEN LINE GOODS, PAT Black-Brocade at $1 all Silk. cvreci Silica. 75c every new sha-1e. At 97c we are sellinz tbe regtfar $1.10 quality, new shade. At 1.20 we have the finest quality vet offered in Buffalo.

Beautifnl line of Colore 1 Brocades. TVYO TONE new at $1.50. The latest shades in the trade. SEND FOR SAMI'LKS -Kuinln Compare with otlier Houip-. 270 ani 272 Main Street, BUFFALO, N.

Y. Inauguration) OF THE 5PRIRG TRADE of 1885 We invite inspection of tue Choicest and jmosc complete citoca oi Carpets and Drapery lower prices than they have ever been Inown in the history of tbej Carpet Trade. I WITTONS, M00UETTES, BRUSSELS and IN GBAIIS8, OILCLOTHS, ATTINOS, Ac. Fortieres, Bag dads, Plushes, Velours. Swiss and Kottirgtam Curtains, Shades, Cornices, Parties anticipating Spring.

Purchases can fasve tLeir goods made with care and held for future delivery, avoiding the rush. COBTICINE Tie most Durable and Satisfactory Floor Covering in existence, for which ve ABE SOLE AGENTS. D.E MORGAN SON, Exclusive Dealers in CAFPKTS DRAPERY, 331 Main Street. NATIONAL DISTILLERY. The F-Mus Brand RIP TAN WINKLK RYE WHISKY, Becommendedby the Medical Fraternity of the country.

I am the sole manufacturer of this brand. which will be sold to suit purchasers at ui WHOLESALE STORE, 133 East Seneca Street. 6. F. EAGAN.

LEHIGH VALLEY GOAL CO. Miners and Shippers of Anthracite Coal, oner tutur superior WILKESBARRE COAL At Wholesale at Lowest Market Prices. OfflcCfCOr. Mala Seneca Btm H. HORTON, fiftierftt Northern tiafra Affttt, Our Illustrated Catalogue ror 1885.

of EVERYTHING GARDEN, I Full of valuable cultural (Urections, coniHimngi three colored plates, and embracina everything I new and rare in Seeds and Flaurs will be I mnlled on receipt ot stamp to cover poMage (i I cHntB). To customers ot lst seasou sent free-1 without Rppticntlon. PETER HENDERSON 35 4 57 Cortlandt New York. WILLARD'S HOTEL, a w1; WASHINGTON 1. C.

Tb'S well-k nnwo do favuiMbl Xed Hotel at the OrtntWliiterRexort of tlie Country IP Kit st ties- in all it appointments. A ut-ai-r-p-tirn of lhe Hotel wiili a biief gui'Ie to lhe citv will be su on application. Roard by tbe month accoidiDg to Iccation of rocin 0. G. STAPLES, Proprietor.

Lste of the Thousand ulaud House.) A Remarkable Cure of a Horse Col- Jan es L. Fleming, a prominent BTOce ry nterefcant, a member of ti-e nrm oi riem- lowing atotement of the treatmeut of a valuable borse with fcwift i Hprciflc: In the fall of IHSit I bad a valuable oU takea with a revere case of pinkeye, wbich resarted in tbe fearful cise of blood poisoning have ever seen. After eight or bine months of doctoricp with everv remedy that I could bear of, 1 despaired off a -cure. Atthistitee the uore was uuy became of B-ollen limbs. His right bind leg was as large as a man uy, sores.

He had alo a number oi Jige foieB on bis body and other limbs. He was a most pitiable looking object, and I was advised to end b'B isiifferinirs iith the shot gun. He was a valuable animal and I did not want to ioee iiigniv brain in search for ano h-r remedy more emtwf'us. i I knew it was invaluable to tAe human family as a blood nnritier. and whv should it not he for tbe animal as wllf did not hesitate, but sent last Julv to Atlanta for a supply.

I bes the rreairoens i w. i and 4 es. of water three tinea a day. I bis continued for a week. Toen I increased the dofeto6 ok.

of wutinuea for a week. hen I increased lo Oi. ami ruu iv whtn I went back to or. asatn. Ibe result waa tbat at tte end of nbe first week, the borse had a fair which he had not had since sickness.

At the end of the second we even greater improvement was apparent, for mauv of the sores were healing nice- aybout. At tbe nd of the third wtek he be-e-tn to bow gain in flesh, and had full appe- UA dUamuiaKA.1 I tite. ibe BWfini'K usd in all about 15 bottles. of bwiit'B Specif ic, and wbei 1 l't itsu-e tne uoi-se uau omy ur small sores iett on uiai, ani tney neuieu in.nfMlRIPIV In August last all symptoms of tbe disease pasted away, and np date co signs of the reiOI I'l vui.iT- "T' pearance, and tbe borse bas done a mule woik cn my farm, I regard it as one of the moat remarkable cures I have ever known. Thus this great medicine bas proven a boon to the animil as well as to the hunan raee.

JAS. L. KLEMINt. Augusta, Jan. 1M85.

8end for book on Wood and Skin diseases. It is mailed free, w-fr Drawer A-laU, U. pa A4 jjSEEOS. PLfl BUFFALO. APRIL 26 1835, MUSICAL XATXEKS.

Buffalo Talent Coins Other t'lebis off Lttftor Music BU' Slow SubriP-. ion--An InterUua; TMtcn, of Loral RA Foreign Musical New. Ifee iao reels are that a considerable gap vf-. A in tiie rants of ibe iro- Z-ei: summer fr? tiie removal to otner riiJa of bn.vr of iii. Hilda Berg.

Mr. L-r VVuod, Sir. F. Tu but and 34r. W'm.

O. Brewster, 'lhe la -named gentleman is said to (X-ine in possession ot a large inherit-ani-e ttte aaia of. a brother in in of whtvh be will trn-'c as a means ot livelihood. Ail I-. -e a rL.L-onisd above have aided greatly a i'UC ic advanced state of 'r-iiiput in tins community, and a be a great r.

jnuw.a resident of tbU of Omaha, is stirri. up mu- ki a.i a ij in that citj h4 caiiel to i trie protft-t of a fertival to take oo ''tb and 'tb consisting of tbe choral feature of wbich to frara Hadns from rilaricQ i ius" from Tannbtuwr; Hnsoaer i fr-m Fidno: itelet'tiona from "M.we in aad "Fisber- r- 't'Ctu-." irom Maauillo. Ha is to be in tLiisicai Uirecficr oi ta cx uv TVeditir fcr tixlay ot St. John's ifi Mi--i Scujieos, klr. Kiockand air.

Mr cootioufs receiving rsur i "iav id aud (iotiatb," tbe last LeJ.i fr'-oi l'j-t0Ov Aiai. iHr. hn w. aikr, formerly orjranist of the, of tee bis beea n-gs? tne fcurch ot toe Jdefcialu I be St. Psul bTs furnishe-i the chst-ii itc a 'p'stKi ew Mason Hamiiu el organ, and attr having tbe oil on ul il to Faui's iierman Vision.

It. F.aaene K. 8torvk. who is to be ooe of tcek--is ac tbe next Orpheus con-cert, is bavirs? a dra made for tbe e-c'-Ms wnfi-a wui eclipse Mtoraas must 1 na xMieert, OjveivtE and ball of tbe Hara-gri -noT-n'bor iiive been uoslponei fmro .9 -xl to Inirs-iay, tbe aota of Atird. lukvta for ae dat wtU be bonoicd on tbe latter.

Wr. Andrew Webster, who preiided at tbe orcao at f-t-. FanTs cburvb od Eititer with so ir. aots atMlitv. enters upan hia duties as orn-3st of tue irst ir rejiywnau Cburcb today.

It is to be h-nl be wiU bare a new organ at bis disp-si eure many moons. The of tbe Schwaebiscbe Stflpqrer-bund at tiarnioDia fctsii on iioaday evenaii? was rajt yed by a Vare audience. Ot especial interest "were tbe niaJe choruses and cbii-flito'i cbt.vnte. Mr. h.

Ptand'-ioefer, the dTevtor, is stiUed to great credit. many friends of Mrs. Oscar ne fuikte larcy. will be sorry to isarn tbis lauiy is aasioe tbruub a tvtre Uiness. Sbe a convaleocios at last a ceo tints aud wiU no doubt soon be re-itCuxed to a large circle of admiring friends.

It is rumored that a prima donna who natil lately occupied tbe position of soprano in tee Eet qnarteue of tbis city, ba written a letter wbich she sooke ber miod freely reardinic the action of a German sintrin wbk-a sang voluntarily at its Last convert oo condition of bia engaged for ooe soon- to take place, but whicb co di'ioo vis (iiretfarded aud a singer frooi an sxtrn citjr taken in ber stead. In add-tjon to Mrs. Lsonant Ioigs and tbe I'bi'aarmonic string quartette, mentioned in Uits column last week, tbe Liederraiel bas fortuuate in securing JAisa Clara ri. iiarnt, the popu-lor ctrsito soloist and Mr. imon and MiiS Biaata Fleiacbman, woo wHt plT tbe e-aOoraLe a txxjtn rtj tue ts to thecboruses ar-rauiCd the airectur tar four bands.

Tos proie ra of is concert, ic ta a kea p'aoe at the Court street Tueater on Tburs-day May 7sb, promises to exceed in general iuUrrest toote previouily given tiaia season. FOBEIQZV. Frans Abt, who died March SI at Wiet-badeo, was tne most prciirtc song writer of this age. Trie numbr of his opus exceeded guuO, of whicii tMj were for male chorus. Foete from all countries -tens bim tneir flu, iocs to set tbem to music, in consequence of which he accumulated more of that cls of literature than any living; person.

Two hundred and sixty societies in various ptrta Of tbe worid among these tne BurTaioLiedar-taiel and tv-vngerbund elected him Uierr.ber, and the diplomas of these nemberbip4 ornamented tne wads of bj study jToom. According to tbe fcUowfog the Badiacfca Lmcis.ze'tuAj, published at Carisruke, in LrrmBy, easily distancei tba Cologoe papers ua djstoruug tbe faces regariio our grat tire: "New Yoric. Alsroh 26 Lat Digbt tbe (rreat Masic Hail in Buffalo and ear; dot a of Kriei was entirely iuomerat-ed. Aiiiiost at the same time the Cstnoiic t'atbirai in tft Louis capttal of tbe tale of Miourii became a prey of fcbe flamea. Toe tire broke oat ata time wbeo tae church was tilled with devotee.

When the aiarm of bra was given it gave ris to a terntic paQic. Ain and women rushed for the exits. whh wre soon clogged by tboe wuo fainted away with fnnbt. The tire department was ooiicrsd to batter dowu doors and windows in order to erfeot an eatraoce aud giva vent to the suffocating artKke. In spite of every erf art made by tbe tire da(aruiient nearly ooe bundi-ed persona perished in tba Nothing could do greater injustice to lb hemic cooaes and bravery of Father fcorg nor tbe deliberate calaiae of tbe grea cocreration, whicb stopped lon enough to Biter a fervent prayer for tbe safety of their encrabie edirice.

WHKBt ARK TBE RICH HEX? Isn't it strarge that more of our wealthy cit zees do no respond to tbe call for re-bu-Jdmg of the Muic Hail. No building in this city, it is conceded, has dooe mwefor the we.are and faaie of this city tau ie o-A Muiic Hail, aud all the big bare, acre or les, been ot advaatagd to people. MELANGE. Mr. Htb C.

Clark plsyN at the derbe-ation of th? r- ti ciitan la Uu Catiiolic L-tiurca at EiOck- L- P. Vsilt. aan? it St. Joha'a CbnrA last SrnuaT. ib a proibiuiy ber Accepting i pos.j'n in mat choir.

t'o'e ba up id ber duties tnj prsr.o st the -r. and b'ps slia 11 i veLtire sstialacuoa to Urs critical coogregft ti.D. Tbe aiipic at the Obtrrcb of the Asjermkm has brB piacrd the bards ct Mr. Geo. Karo, io nuaen fuii c-ct'tl.

We hv fiUi mat Mr, f- ario will ihe cou.ea:a'ioa. Burl's UejUs" 0era troupe ra-l-iu Mi -laud a the "1'irat-sor Pciihi.b" for tvwri' cf tiwU. A tntitL Mrs Litlr and Vr. i iarke will ooaie on frota Sew iork aad appear as btftre. Prvvicus to death IV.

DrnrfS-'h t'-iia a cot tract for a season of performance Oiwra t. ominy id i'Diia-iHipais. Hiss V- iittsc LaTinif Can'e4td the enzaiirnieat thi di rectni of ifce AeatVmy of Mixic nave aeci.el to tue me etaia lor oaianes, Wfcm the studrots of CaoMus CjiHege go out for tittir aaently rou.p they are prwtie i or tne fir-nkutrba ot ifi-r fidtows Pi 'jf. carl is th niu-sical iusrrn M--r of th.s Isre ecu. hist itviM ju maiX matte i the mdu oi iu priacrpu i-auirs.

Furscb Madi has ccntracted with the TaCilora Thomas cototrfc uoupe htr apparaQce ia ccocerts. i tie contract ojsrtos Apni 'M, aad rirwi lor funv concerts f- bi. u'Sch to receive i-h. if Tbj-ns a. a- re, it coo.

be arraturea for her to si a it Ct urcbe havioir crB-os stoa ui a thoroHjtj ev rbai-liiiK wiSi do wi( to secure the seryics of 1. r. H. P. Hoiiard of tie celeb aid hu of Hi ok.

JC Boston, a- that UJ ihts vicuntv for a aSo't time. iuey beacditsred 1-iAubura street, KJibury, A Faulty Historian. lro, M(ch Anrlt 1 Taa T'U tell te i- liiC'wyio ot tbe phrase. ns tiis n-r a dub in taw mu on-a Ti'ia: 15 a very ea-y one lo wJiei vi-ifc-vr. to (.

4iO taaue by scaire fi-nvMa- oJJ ptou'sr Larotn jono ui itrinw mid fie jour uf-y rriQ itufrsro io tbe WtrH. he a nanl iRii lu -l iv ati'i hurt nma Jiy. ffsir BurTii'o J. iio mi.ia mm a iib lie driver that wss to ba uutrry ur a.i.eep in eriier to uiiq a wun tii a-kMtoQieJ r-guUr ty. li.a y-fnie wen ta-? ca ae i ddv's drive of Coico, Ta-r-- nt-r -y rro o'lj jvo-fl in the ci they tad eviC.nttv di-c -vered what od.

As lie nT wax nar cad A1 3 tu ail oiirtit ia 'r-ter reach 1 hi'-: ffi aKioiP. -in Qi-iuy t. Dit to f. rsrt his carun oicl Joim i-ep. be nii O'giiu to an one 'i(inrpaniK'T crow-'lert hi a out of hn t-iti-w iu.i'ii dona in ht torocr, ezhaned his i-ja cat for Ji-iE ooco sun and pfetcmi li'rtn, AM ctct long ti dweepuou wi si evrry bou', ni cic me u.r.

ii si ne -p. a as 'E'lershaw sn i g'T'ng I L. iff rs tf ws rnaooea jho i jlsj i( in hit iMLtT, but he Dt ns-l oi ifist v. sjl he bsca-ne funtit tint av bad tj tut him -er (T-i-r-l. Aifjirj f-jf uama-H.

anil i cane oc raiting up ma It the Hiiewaii is nnt full the man who pen ted tne forf wpf irg oncht to i scat ut for at six reioutn. Jouo Cddershaw never drank wbiky. no stuge driver who ever wheeled ft ccach out of Buffalo co'-iid have it The Festire Season of Ice Cream and Stranrberrien at Hand. IclLnrthF1rKt Some Wonifn lHt tike rack Other trover Cleveland. Photos Si ad; of the I'omaioa Council Tbe ice create bosineaa is not very brisk, acd tbe few dealers who opened up with that tootcsome artici yctept 'giris deligbK'' bave put their freezers away for a monta or to.

Tbe sun not hot enough to create the requisite appetite," said a dealer a day or two ago; "it takea the sun to do toe bust-cess." Ibis reminds me of a little incident that cccti ned a few eveniegs ago wherein tbe sun refused to do the business. A beautiful brunette with. ees like Mars to threaten ana cuff.avr.d. as tbe melancholy Bane puts it-, wdo resides on ooe of oor principal avenues, gave her taven tresses a suampo ui lrg the afternoon, expecting to bold b--r tad wi'tre a fun ray would dry Tba i-undidu't do it, and when the datling of ber teart called to lafee ber to ee tbe opera that evenirg uttered a vexations "So that traveled do stairs to tbe young expectsnt ksg befcre tbe little angel abo had birue bis request up one Might could return to hiin. Tbi who is well up in tne sconces, new thinks that Brother Jasper was right weenie saiii '-pe sno do buts'eis prtatly in doubt as to its base-burning qualities.

a My attention was called a day or two ago by tbe action of two women who passed each otter on tbe public street, and immediately after passing turued and actually sneered at each other, el though neither bad ever before eo the other, bach incomprebenble misconduct prompted me to speak to a lsdy about and to ask of ber tbe cause, and what do ou suppose itif iSbetold me with charming frackuess that it was covetoasness and jealousy which caused the sneers' fclach woman bad tome articla of dress better than that worn by tba other, and hencs the contemptuous sneers. Why, my dear women, if men acted in such a way there would be rows at very step, tb ambulance corps and hospitals would bave to be increased beyond ail mea nre and tbe world wouji sojpn become depopulated. If any man has a d.nitt of the the ftel'Dg which takes possession of a woman's heart when she passes another better kt bim look at toe insolent wheeling about and tbe haughty sneers. The "first nlchtn as a distinctively swell eatbenug seems to have gone out ot favor id Buffalo, lbe audience does not seem to be even representative any more, i was particularly reminded of tbia on Monday evening last as 1 surveyed the bouse that greeted tba return of ile Kbea an artiste whom our bet lad its have vied with each other ia borormg. True, the house wa a large on and one person's money must be admitted as eood as another's at tbe box office: but it did seeru odd to miss the bright evening dresses of tbe ladies aud tbe esprit of tbe men who used to be "jrf gulars." Not a person in full dres any wbara and two of the finet seats occupied by domestics in aprons.

9 Speaking of domestics reminds me of laundress who cornea regularly to tbe house every week to earn the pittance which housekeepers pay for that wt of service, and who bad bard work to provide bread for those oepenaeDB on ner. uae nay. strawberries were selling for fif ty cent a quirt, this estimable creature bought two quarts of them aod treated ber xamity to tne luxury. Ibis, too, at a time wben very few, if any, of the faniUesshe worked for were indulging in the luscious fruit. Her improvidence almost equals that of another poor woman whose case was looked alter by tbe Charity Organization (Society.

tbe was supplied with two dollars' worth of groceries from tbe Poor Department one week, and took her tittle erirl to a eltaims rink the next to enioy an everiug on wheel. And sh needed tne groceries, too, for she would have starved without assistance. A young newspaper friend of mine told me a rather amusing experience of his with te editor of tbe New York Graphic, la ths eariv part of August. 183, wbeo the name of Urover Cleveland was being brought forward in this city as a likely candidate for Governor my friend had occasion to visit New York. He put a couple of good photos of the Buffalo Mayer novelties at thifc dm?) in bis pocket, thinking it would be a good schsme to bare the Graphic or Frank pub-Itfh a sketch accompanied by a cue foe editcr, who is a thoroughbred New Yorker, listened to my friend's representations Tani consented to look at the photograph.

Well," be said, finally, "if we undertook to publish the pictures of all tbe chaps all over the Stare who think tbey are big guns and aspire to the Governorship we would be flooded. Your friend isn't known here, or else I should have heard of him. But 1 11 tell you wbat I'll do; if you will take 5000 copies of the Graphic to save us from being stuck, you know why, we'll print it." My friend declined. 1 he next bme be saw tbe editor was on the return from tbe inauguration. Aren't ou sorrv vou didn't publish that pic he asked in a tone which much have been de licious, "ltonl a word atout it," the thoroughbred whimpered "it's a horse on me.

What will you have to drink Snpt. Edwards is getting ready to launch the open cars, and it behooves all to keep on their winter underwear a wbile loturer. However, an cpen car ia preferable to some cf Ure close ones. A lady riding in leaky car ol of tbe fuagara street line friday morning. dunce the shower, remarked to a coin- ramon: "Mr, Edwards ought to provide this car with an umbrella, or pnt a rubber niiter on it to Keep toe water Gustav Danoreuther's violin, which jrivea vt ice to such melodious tones under bis skillful touch at tbe pbilharmouicconcerbv.

Lam toid, of American manufacture, riooae years ago Walter E. Cotton, a young Srook- lynite of good family and means, went abroad. While in Faris ha became interested in tbe manufacture of violins and took to making tbe delicate instruments himself. Un returning to this country be continued makinz them for amusement aod obtained great skill after a while. Finally be took this np as a profession.

He now makes three or four violins a year, and such his talent for tbe handicraft that his instruments are considered the equal, at leebt, of toe 6a ctradivaius, tbs acme of violius. Wbat tbey are may be judged by tbe fact that Mr. Uannreuther i cost sauui Col too now gets ---Hj each for them without diUiculty. He makes two or three a year aud cdjojs nimseit tne rest ot tne time. For a aroodstudTOf the dirTerences in hu man nature 1 would recommend a visit to tbe Common Council Chamber during a ses sion.

I am of tbe Dim on tnat tbe twenty- six soloes who affect to legislate for tbe city will djilav about as many different traits of character as any student would care to con sider. One tbjiuc in particular struck me the la-d time i was there. Several of the mem bers axe always aching- for a tiht, and iil ace themselves opposition whenever an opportunity otTera. They maintain a kind of a "treaa-ou-tae-taii-oi-my-coat" atucua an tte Probably White, Drake and Pat-ridee are tbe best examoles of this diTMwi- tioo. Let this ouenacitv be contrasted with tbe meekness of Alderman Rav of tbe 10th Ward.

He is one of thebettaturedmeuin the Council and alwaya willing to da a favo-: but be doesn't appear to have a bit of t3ght in him. On the day I speak of be fathered tome trifling motion, and bit coHearue, Alderman Wilson, moved in amendment to bave the matter referred to a com mi tte One after tbe other White and Patridge got up and opposed They made a hard Debt fcr hat motion, nut, iut the con tent was growing interesting. Hay leisurely got up and quietly drawled out that he "didn't know tnat it made very much difference. If there was going to be any opposi tion he didn't know but that it uniht jut as well go to tbe committee. bits ant rar ridge both looked as ti.ougb they had been grievously wrongea.

They tell a eood storr on one of the Inrv- Etn in a local court who baa recently been promoted. He was acting as receiving taller one day several months ago. and was very busy wben, about noon, a depositor walked in aid said: I want to make a deposit; can you make cut tbe slfpf The young man waa quite aneoroea a column of figures, aod said, somewhat gruffly: "I'm busy; make it cut at tbe desk. "All right, i don't care," paid tbe eoollv. and Itinc-out.

ha placed $15,000 to bis credit at a neighboring back. The cashier of the bank that got loft 1 it, am id pfss tniQ nair an nonr ne drove np to tbe depositor's bouie and asked to be aiowed to make out tbe slip. The ung man has always been willing to make yow that I bave picked out Rair as the meekest man in tbe Council. 1 mfohk AA that is tbe politest, Patiidge tbe most jtviuni, ira ie cue most quizzical, bite tte Wittiest. Lvtb tba stut.bornt Kfhu h.

-irJ. liest, Wreece the dignified, Richardsoo tbe most sedate, Lock row tbe fiercest, Kranlc-lin the mcst couiidaceDt, while fSummrs. tier man and Roesch are contestants for the posit it of being the most silent. I cannot pretecd to say who is the most handsome. for, to tell a secret, there baen been randsome man iu the Council since President Bettord left.

One more name is added to the list of thue who have been named as eligible candidates for tbe Mayoralty. Assemblyman t-iieee has made so good a record for himself ia tbe Legislature. and is so deservedly pfu ar.that many tuina ne wouiu oe a guua stanaara bearer for the democrats. There are many of bis constituents, though, who think that it will be for their interests to send bim back to tfce Assembly aain. 1 have bwrd many say that be bas been the best representative tne aisu'irt ever oaa.

There must be a wag in a certain Main street store. for my attention hi been attracted several times by a twice tag on an oil paitting in the show window, tbe figures of which were so at variaocs wita the relative vaiue oi tue pauibiug ma i u-cludd a wag hovered ab-jut the store. Fkni-v a nicture which a man with an ai ist ic ee would not bave in his house at r.rin labeled It has puzzled ma. for I bave often found great taste exhibited I in the store and a tine stock or gooas. rirm't vnn ro in for in aoDoint asked a friend, half in iest and half in earnett, of ill i am J.

Kuncie tbe ether day am not looking; fcr offices," was Mr. rfuncies immediate reolv. vou re beta a hard-working the other, "acd yououhtto get fconething. But look out for one thiusc. If you take a paper around to get prominent Democrat to siga it, be sure and ask eacb one fir--t wbat orHce be is after, for ha may be huntinz for the same thing vou are after.

They all want scmeiaiug. Thi Max About Towx. Weaterii Mwleatr. you r- Ha was a Weatera Senator, not uk1 to fa-iUouaUa friJ, aaa was a gues. at ou dolt! al did mnred Irom The Where Their an Tby And The 'lis Are TLey And Tl And Tbeir To And Tbe Stand This Aod ThU The The And Auc.

But Ado Ttat And Now And But The Axd Tbe And The And Far And And WiU An bim tie tbe in Kid 'I inrr tbe be a 1 i a i i i I you think it wasf The tbe ladies' dressing-room," mur tbe Senator, mopping tbe perspiration his brow. Boston Giobe. The Forty -second Highlander. tropic sua ia shining on Egypt's burning sail ns. tfce 4M Highlanders, the Biack Watch raiiret.t, staous: baDfaers are uu'uHrd aad shioiug in the sun, on each fcld embUcned ia a victory they have won.

wear the garb their fathers wore oa Sct lato's a iity hills. in each breast the spirit of Bruce and Wallace thiilis; flower of Bii tain's bravest, the loyal and tbe uue. Whose hltd like water has been po ired on Spain aid ft aierloo. Htttbath worn, and tr ought of home and days nit soents loner Ta.t ciowdicg to engh their memories la torrent thick ana last. tee tie heather bloom, and feel the cool, sweft brttae.

He tweeath tbe branches of Lo toad's mighty tret ey bear again the ringing of the bells tbey rnc SO well. ree tbe old cbu cb stteple down io tbe quiet dell the tipbts are turning backward to dys ot fairer, happier hours thau they aga'n shall know. now tbey tear the brochs.aadr; "Toarms th Hlack Wtitch ad. Anctber vicoiy shall be we fight to win or pibrccb vet sounds retreat while S-xtfa's cne are near. steady, now in hollow square, the Mahiia hOets are bere; Ancther cenquest we will add to those already LD, day the Mahdi's troops shall kooir the war has betiuo; thc-y who slew by treacherous wile our kiu- rran brave and true day 1 is comtace steel shall feel, this day tbeir dead shall warning catre.

but none to 3 soon, for like tbe fiends of hell Arab horsemen chrgei the square, but back- once teaia they aiadly rush upon that wall ad quickly fell of steel. try to oack their hrs-s through with quick aid fruccen wheel. like tn. recks irom which they came tbe 4-2iatard. quickly ct te their broken ranks, when comes tb snap tiejo-ft' beloi-e have heard oa many a cbt.nt sh re, gatb up the ailei tne who hear ths call no more otee affsin the pibroch acuods above the din and en sh; Along i he luie of battle there comes a sudden flash tnce again the Arab troops fa countless bore es are seen, waving tbeir center is a flag of living lovsf ir'fch turn the tlie of battle dearly won, Scotch and Irish join tne.

fray their ven- eeance has beaua! b-isb Ian. and dirk their deadly work rtnew, o'er the deserts far and wi la tbe scattered hoeta pursue. battle's cer. the victory's woo, but dreadful was ibe fight full three hundred Highlanders Tie st-ff and cold tonight; Each wrapfo in his plaid and tartan, as lying dewn to sleep. from his native land his silent watch will i keep.

when at last the eummona comes for the great mus-trcill. Then stringit it from the grave each soldier la his place wib fall. when tbe'r names are reachei, in accents loud and clear, anbwer as in days cf yore: "second to none, we're here-' Btftaix, April 1ft, TWO BUFFALO MEN Wilon S. Rissetl and George Hlelsteln Pictured ia loa by aa Observer In the yuaker City. The first really suggestive man I saw has only recently sprung into duo He notice, says a writer in the Philadelphia Times.

acciaens nas taitea taic- ianj frnm thn citv of Buffalo a tid ciotuea in seine thing like national appirel. nappeueu to wo j. ubiuuuk vid v-land law partner wben that gentleman was elected acd he still manages tbe business of old firm, rie dropped into rnuaaeipuia bis quiet way on hi return from ash ington, woof ue ubu wu iu vay ibi Trt.npi" W. 3. Hisell is a disrnifled.

un- man and in avoirdupois is a bigger man thn air. Cleveland, rie is tan, nnety developed and must weigh nearly iUK) pounds. A full, pleasing face, with a heavy, double chin, is lit up with a kindly eye and rather interesting expression ot couauruaucs. am in Philadelphia as an incident of a trip to Washington," said he, after tbe niorn- a. I iiiaii jiH am onlv hare for a few hours.

I bave been paying a social visit to President, and have been enjoying myself. JNaturaily all of the Governor's friends are pleased with bis administration, and if fceen on aoing as wen, waicu wo an iwi nnnridnt he wilb it mav be Dossible that we will soon begin to wish that lie would make some mistakes, juot to relieve the monotony and give us something to talk about." A not ner man irom tiunaio, fieroupa tws known than Mr. Bissell but eaudtiv import ant, tided my spv-glass before the partner of President Cleveland was out of eight. He, too, bad been over at Washington to see tbe President acd stopped in Philadelphia to pay if-it to I is friend Charles Eoeu Johnson. Colonel Sno a den was showing mm torougn tha Mint Tha visitor looked Tike a bor and should fay bad little more than passea nis majoiuy.

ueorgv oinvu firman, who-has bad a rather romxntic career. Wben be was years ot aga late Charles McCuue of tbe Bulla io vonner took him into bis otnee in an numnie capacity. He suddenlv zrew into his employer's or.nfidnra and took so well to hia bunneas methods that wben be died no man in tne vait atahlihmOTit which Mr. Mc June created as regarded wo competent to direct its future destinies as young rueiBteiu. oo oe waa chosen President of tbe Buffalo Cntrirr Vim nn which newsnaner.

with its vast Job printing facilities, does a business of more than a million ana a nan a year, uuu Mr. McCune died be left this boy in bis will, and now be succeeds to tne presi- dnncv and manasrement of his late em ployer's business at the largest salary ever paia to a young man ox uw age vua ivu u-iry. It begins to look as though this is a lucky year tor tsutiaiomans. Where She Itad Him. A fyinisville eirl who was vieiting here a short time ago tcored a signal triumph over fresh young society man of this place.

They were sitting upon a sofa together aod ait tue conversation nroeressea ne nuowea bis arm to eraduallv fall down until he had it around her waist. arose very indignant and he made the fnlloarnir explanation and aooloav: "I hope you wui cot tmnic anvtnmg ot tuis. ia just a way I bave. All tbe Memphis boys act the same way aud you win have to get used to it 1 hope you wiU not take any offense at it, as it's just my way." She left tbe room, but came back in a few minutes with a ma ried ft iend and sat down on tbe sofa attain. SooQshe bee an to yawn and give every ostensible proof of being tnoroug lily bored, malty sue saia: i dreadtullv sbeov and I hoDe you'll so boose.

cu musn laite aoy oiiense at vuia. mo jiuii vilip ii la act the same wav. OU are exceedmgiy tiresome and you had better go heme at once. JJon be onenoeu at tnis. it ia aininl a WM I have.11 tie stood not upon tne order -m ni sjios.

Alert-phi limes. What the TO aim Weather will Brine Nice cool mint juleps. Lees roller skating. More outdoor promenading. Ice bills sufficient to import cold chilis.

Bcuouet bends on tbe market places. Cool excursions some very cool down the river oy meoniignt. Kan to neip taut. Aiaytnam in nts war on dirt. Impoverished Italian noblemen in the guise or organ-grinoers.

a let-up irom urs. nraay ana uongias. The ever-aeutle tramn who is "doinz" the tcenery between frew York: and Chicago, Pretty summer dreses and bright parasoli along tbe iborouguxares. Why Camels al Persimmons. Little Johnnie never saw a menagerie until last summer.

During the street parade of Barnunrssbow the camels and dromedaries attracted bis special attention. uu, mam ir mamma: ne exclaimed "there goes the show horse3 that eat persimmons" 'H bv Johnny" said bis- mother, renrov- ingiy "toose are nor horses, they are camels vv oat mane jou tmnit tueyeat persimmons "Cause their backs are puckered." replied tne boy. ietcman inaepenaent. A Popular Western Actrents. 'You fay Mile.

Sanger is a favorite in ycur town" inaeeo," repnea ids JOioraao man. lH nt tbe tbe leading lady in tbe com pany tbak was mobbed in our -place last winter" Yes." 'That doesn't look as if she was a favor ite 'Trat fbows what you know about it. All the other n. embers were killed." Ex, Beat Roller Skating. HiieKing paitie for tbe benerltorc'burcbes are a recent importation into tbe South, but but tbey are beeoioiag very popular in same sections, especially in Virginia.

The prices are as follows: under 15 years. 35 cents for a bug of two minutes; from 15 to years, irom fo co in cent" another man Tire, i widow, accoruing to loots, from ll cents to old aiairis, 3 cents apiece or tw for a nickel, aud no Sim it of time. What 3C T. Snietlmes Means. At the recent trial of Dr.

Buchanan for If- siiing bcfrus medieai diplomas a woman of ice Dane or ruse a tesiinea tnat, aitboun she displayed a sign as a doctor, she bad been gradual a irom no meutcai sctioji, ana ex- piainea mat toe v. alter ner name meant. "Money uowu. Cures all Forms of Heart Disease "1 am using Dr. Graves1 Heait Regulator with great results.

Had heart disease for nine years ro could not lie down. "John aiciiun, nice rsta.sKn. kj. i ne nearc emulator cure alT fornof heart disease, nervousness and sleeptessness. titi Wo lli Rrmeinberlnr, "1 nebter waste my time in in dat I wuz like tbe man wbut am great ao er way up yander I (loan er how high de buzzard fly way np 'inorg de clourls he's got ter come down arter er while an' he jU ez low ez a bird wbut couldn fly ha'f so high." Mer titan raveter.

Crattdniotlier Maya Wben ha was a ffiri that ber mother always gave ber ulphur and moa-iea to purify her Uiood, but be uow gives ulpur tutter to uer RraaucniidreD. It is tLo 0rt meal- cine eerwt t'uthfi IB A lax and were that from nrder bis Bood drill of "Ave bold holes bovs. and to this ve four flaws taken law 'Bte cud next was in tie A. mis on tral ly tbe bv np see a hia at a Technical Objictlon by the. JfudgeradTocate-eneral FWe Hollars' Wrth of Fun With a Conrt- artiat Jurisdiction, Boring tbe winter just passed some of the privates in the 65th Itegiment became very in their attenoance at battalion drills, the officers decided that courts martial the proper remedy.

It was given out hereafter any unlucky private who, without good came, should absent himself battalion drill would fall straightway tbe ban to the1 extent of to, the extreme penalty of tbe law. At tne next drill there was a marked increase in numbers, but-Judge George A. Lewi-, wro Is a high (and wide private in Company was aheent. Tbe officers missed commanding figure, for George tells a stcry at "Ball's" on Court street wben is done, and it 1 was decided to him. uonte.

bv the way, hard ben eutenainiug a card party, utterly oblivious drid. Of court be was joked about the gcod hard case he would have to give Georee offered to bet, howeverj that be wnnldn't un1 "Oh, ye, you will; Sam Welch is going to tbe court aod be wen't leave any loop for vou to get out," said one of tbe i George allowed he could get -put or hola rlian that and. said nothine. ti-" timA tinned bv. the court was orolered Lewis was summoned to the i BA.R OF JtTSTICE.

'Frivate Georgei C. Lewis, how do you ieiore I pieau, win wo uciuuiui it. in his well-known Scaria voice, "I'd like enter an objection to the jurisdiction of court. The law says 1 must be cerved davs before the trial aud was served days ago.5 i Tbe court waa fairly knocked our. Knowing tbat the learned Judge would see any in the proceeding, some care had been to get hia case strictly legal, but tbe and the returns showed be bad not been properly served.

The Court considered the 1 til i BUU mkiu ni A vaKti juiiuiouti. all tbe text esse." I "I obiect to tbe jurisdiction of this court be ground of improper was the plea, ana tne next aiso, ana tns court then and ttiere au journea. a tetter was hastily dispatched to the I JDDOE-ADVOCATK-OKXKRAL, Albany, but that officer sustained tbe private. An audible smile went around at next battalion drill, which George at tended, when the Adjutant read oat: tGeorge Lewis. Companv F.

case dismissed: no jurisdiction;" and the same for the others. "There will le another court ordered for George's especial benefit and we'll catch him i. i i time," says toi. sua. The Judsre save he will plead guilty then.

the ground tbat he baa had more than worth or iun. inn ooys enjoyea some or. Weyar-d best at the expense of the court-martial. I Girdled fair and garlanded, With pliDts of gold above ber head, And all tbe ways she bas to tread louehed green with moss. i Wav ward Spring, but she is fair, lib pale memories in her hair, Arbutus blush arm pansies rare Above her heart.

To sudden life her presence thrills Tbe white nan: i-si by th-ir rills, Acd to eolden glow the daffodils Along tbe stream. A b. fsir and fickle, then dainty Spring, A wtld bird hovers oa opan wing, ith a btx ken bar of song to sing. AU incomplete. i Tb smile is so sweet tbat we forget, Tty fears are willful tbat glisten vet, We only know that thy cheeks are wet.

And love thee more. i Jennie MarteeH Paine. HE LOST HIS TEMPER. Capt. Jennings Seriously Wounded In a Sword Contest with Koss, the i Athlete.

-i A sword contest took place recently at Cen fsrk, San Francisco, which terminated ditastrouslv to Cant. EL N. denmncrs. former of iSt. Louis, one of the contestants.

His opponent was Duncan C. Koss, the well- auown auiiete. rotu meu were muuuieu, Koss beinK armed with a heavy cavalry word, nrotected bv a steel nuitoo on tne point, and Jennings wielding a long assegai witn a Damooo scaic. ne contestanus wore heavv tin cuirasees and strong; wire masks. Jennings borse was the better and easier managed animal of the two, and when time was caiiea Jennings gainea tue urn point ny dealing Koss a strong blow in the breast.

Koss secred a victory in the next round by riving bis opponent what was considered by he spectators an unnecessarily severe blow in bacK. lonsiaeraoie parrying louowea, ana several cuarges were maae oy uota without ADDanut advantaze crained on either side. At last Jennings unhorsed Ross a terrific blow in tbe breast, fouowiue it with similar blows. Koss then lost his temper ana cnargea nis opponent witn great furv. strikimz bim a heavy blow across the left shoulder with bis sword, not stonomg to tbe effects of the blow but dealing savage strokes right ana left witn ail tne lerocity or madman.

In trying to dodge one of these onslaughts Jennings received the blow full upon nis aeaa wivu sucu iure turn uib uia was displaced and sent whirling to the o-roiind. It was at once anoareut that Jen nings waa seriously wouuuea. ior ne ciappaa hands to the back of bis head, when blood oozed through bis fingers and trickled down bis neck, ine spectators criea 'Foull1 and several rushed to Jennings' as Examination disclosed- a wound behind the right ear, three inches long and extending to tbe bone. He wai taken to the dreeing room ana a surgeon summnea. wa i first pronounced the injury a fracture of tue i kuu out aiierwaru aeciueu tue cut lu us lees tevere.

Jennings was at once taken home and tbe match discontinued. Koss was roundlv denounced by ludiir- nant crowd for bis cowardly action, and naricwly escaped rough handling. Tbe judges have the matter under advisement. KOSE FETEB. VI hat a Pittsburg physician Has to Say About the Poisonous Properties -I of Flowers.

it has been demonstrated that certain flowers and plants exhale a peculiar poison and tbat many diseases may be attributable to this cause. A Pitt burg physician was recently consulted by a youug man suffering from a severe headache, the pain afterward concentrating between tbe eyes, and a sensation, when breathing through tbe nose, as if tne riraing were being arann ouu ur. Dickson, the physician in question, ascer- ft. U.l 1 4 flower exhibition, and d.agnosed the disease as "rote fever." He prescribed tbe proper remedies and tne young man soon rec ver Hi. In a fsubseouent conversation with a re porter Ur.

Dickson entered into detail as to tbe effect of smelling certain roses acd other flowers and declared that hia patient had drawn the pollen of the flower i.1 1 1 miu iiie naiNU taiHiif uigso ucu wdu notfraied and acute inflammation caused. Various flowers and plants, be declared. have different effects on those handling or tmeliine tbem, Some Deoole are thrown into convulsions bt the faintest smell of flaxseed, wbile the odor of lilies extremely repugnant to others. Still others are made violently ill by smellinz buckwheat fl jur while cooking. Only one or two parts of a nower act as a poison not tne wnoie, ana headaches, catarrh, are tbe result.

Hiy fever, rose fever and kindred diseases come from this cause. Many portions of roots flowers and plants require extraction before tbey can be used for medicinal purposes. Tbe eating of seeds or plants by children is oiten atttnaea witn ratal results. The Ofl'erlas. Dailv with fe-ble.

care-worn hands I trim The Ian of life, aud with uacfsiog prayer 1 oner us porr nicBrtng namfi lo mm ho ta cur burdens bear.j Long, long ago, rs bifghtnea slowly waned, Lcng, long ago, I teased to ld it dear; -Norsaw I of gladnef to be gained From year slow following year.1 Yet for my Master's sake, who bids me walk TTntll TAia rtminv atlll trim lie It: And cihl it and now tbe no-rs grow late ALd oeepea uto nigat. Un mina In ask wh Ha1H AO. Not ice to queniti ihi- faintly burning Are; itlr but to aw in patienre. aca io know Tin faithful hnart ia His SlDMUie desire. -sprinojieid Republican.

PiolilUltiaa Wlthant Specs. tV Western paper says that oo one occasion JHrvt- jonn, wdo was very new-B'suwwi amt r-ivin hanaimt. and orerot his eve- U(c tTa cat noxt In tbe Chevalier rlqueassiette. The Cbevaliera hand was gracefully but negligently posed upon tbe cloth. A smile of anticijietory satisfaction, at tbe prospect of unlimited turtle-soup, illumined his classic features.

Suddenly a yell of anguish startled the guests. What had happened Only this the inyopio St. John had simply but etfectually harpooned tbe lily white hand of the Chevalier with his forkjts be remarked, in a firm bat polite tone; "My bready 1 thinki" liuw to Sitv Coal. Bridget Ui have a shurprise in sbtore for yez, Patrick. Patrick Have yen, an ptfai is it? Bridget It's a patent shtove damper, me darlint.

The agir tould ma it wudsave wan-half the in coal. Thinkv av that, Patrick, jist wan-half the expinse. Patrick Faisb, and did yez tuy but wan av I-him? i Bridget That's alt Patrick SUuie an' ye are nob sebmart, Bridget. by didn't yez buy "two av thim, an' ne wud the wbolaexpinae Ii-akSs Magazine. Two Arkansaw AcqualiifcMwea "Captaio, what waa the matter with your aon when diedl:" 'Nothiyg tbe matter with- him when ha died except tbat he was Prttty sick, thi ngb, befye he died, wasn he?" "Well, I was-kl.

aF peart as he bad bean 'lii'idi a notuval deathi i suppose'1' Yis." 'Whi ky?" Arkansaw Traveler. A Woman's rtgbt? With Won. Ore evening lately, says a Utah dispatch, i a nnr orkfits. which are nems! herded by Mis Teresa Tallert on Little Lot Uivr Idaho, came home one morning early and rushed for the corral, a heavy log con-r fft toieb. They were shut in ani a aearch toward tbe foot-hiiU develop3d no unca fnr th.ic alarm.

-In the BUS at Miss Tallert was aroused by her dng whining at ber ear, at.d geUnifl op aw aaa wua anv- It is Ami Anc Tl wloiij Tl A 'It Itev A yt Htr. He Her, He Now Anc bow Or Acd Tte Thau Now jo Aud Upon And gat yon dost a ore! me loft bis of ier Utt. o'er In a to did an1 liar Sir is and his i I thn it of, mv for the is at in of is of Attention. All the latest Spring Ladies' Straw -AT- OVID, CO EN'S, Seneca Street- I AllUielactallcs Millinery, Corgctt nl alrfoodsf ept con9anil on hand at prlcew Arrived 1 Arrived 1 Arriveidt AND PUT UP IN QCH WAREHOOMS, 1 LATEST IN I 3XJ2 3ST THAT ARE bKLLlSG Main Street. Extension Tables DINING CHAIRS, In Great Variety.

Lowest Possible Prices. 477 79 Washirgton ccr. Kohawk, I Occupants of Stores Take Notice. THKV AV "Notb.tiK attracts ttade ro much as A GOOD SHOW WINOOt." 7 i io'ouiK Fiettc op some of acd not, look at ihem then tell yuur ttnty two, enter built or remedied last to vn Vour rent, but if Utoioid ycu iS li t'uildingH referred to above y. oet't bltiff bim off, it will wbicb are tbe only eooimmicai a r-fnntB are proiUd on o.y patent wrcupnt iron bp- XT in AT HAilD TIMES PK10KS.

1 SCHLUND COAIj. I. lee, Smith MoorW OKKfCK: I 17 SWAN STREET, CUAPlrt BLOCK, i Ortlrrk tin molitv AtLrd Telephone Oanuec- Ilea, No. ituild lilt- No. 17 V.nnt Hwan Street, liuflalo, M.

l.onffvr oTaU-fl here thun any nihir rtrHtl liiff livrfevoird lu tbe treatment ai of ft of throat, okln an hnnen en arnd 8 nnil-i. 'i-hIohh. tinrm-n, rt'ernt urohrwnie.rnml without inmt'ca iwlnvu and auaranieed ir-uran'e re irf for young men from th rttwt tt.i4-i una Imps Jlmi-ats tn Marrlane.Mnuli'HMl liw" M. Ia nli fvw 11 llllk-r or oy Cl i'r irv a nu pnvtiP nour tor.H. undyi 1 to F.

M. Call or wrtta J. II. ULLENBUUClt, PRACTICAL OPtlOIAH. i la i-t u- der for- wid n-Rf Heavy i material nev.

theagr KELL0GG, 378 Main St, COT. Eagle "(y BUFFAbO, N.Y, (lO TEETH EITRACTED 81 UJl POfsiTlVKbY WtTUOCT PAIN ry ibe wee of ballsed Alrsafe and Harailea Eveiv. swe cau trice it with perfect ttaiety All il 1 1 ui'tftl. atv daugetvus. AititVctst Teeili it nueftfl lowi'si rowible nriees.

Teeth "lleil wftL W. rilvet.ete. Mi. G. LONbMA KKK, 5Jl ti et.

1 ONY SCHMIDT Tiioli Garden ani Rsfresliment 353 anil WatiHlngton SU, CQUSUt.lPTION. 1 hvo ft poBltivo remedy for Uio illai-jo Hi use thottl'lS OI Ol i mini tm; hre lioen cured, tnden.t, i i it In itSofflcftcT.MmLl wilt solid TWO TlUTl fltKK, toftl ttfforer. i.tiiri,8 nl I D.Adili PK.T.A. B4.0tlia,Iil rearlSC. Kb York.

nov 80 tlmo. reen hired to wken a man every hour to tbte a drink of w'uisKy, fur he would rather bave taken the ire icme birtetf tuan disturb tbe dumber of a in adli-ticn to fcui; it may te sail that there never was a John Oluerjbaw, and tht ia 1 there was co Chicago but merely Fort tar-born, where tioix-dy went but and -t trad i rs. A Owd Story of Mr. Chote. Mr Cb- ate i sitting in bis la when -ung man very well known in sciety, who is fliways extremely well dreJ, taKes Bnit rn-'e in bis family connections and has 1 urttfy bah mumoo of hiawit generally atii introduced bimelf something as fjows- i a Mr.

J. Van Keneiar replied Sir. Cooate, "take a "Ve- ctmtmued toe youn aiaa. lint initw-u im porta npua Well, doggone rt wouldn't it be aepon deil better tur Maa to be in heaven ftvia aroand tliau to fee- lay in a gquealiii' a toat erecraalef" Kvntntcky Waft; Journal lly Avians Hrccmrnend rous pi-isters in cases of backache, lame side, stui muscles, rheumatism and all local Hop are the best fresis hnps with gums. Heady to pleasant and powerful inaction.

25 cts. at any drug stare It Just Sttl It is only tbe woman who is civen away io matriege Tbe man will (rive himself awiy r-pfcre the hon-ynjiQu, i 1 fVtlit. bpeclat lea ad cnirurt ai juste a74 Mal street. at raK vi r. a.

m. Hmhiiv E. t. I tt' H. Ill) Mn'l.

i A 'A fc Jr I't t'l Aw: A u. it.14,r,., n' Mn- J.4r '-siwi fa.v... A A s-ver, maiaria aj bp eiai, GEO MANN, Jaiitatj iLd HichaDiral Fn. irear a Mailt ua? Collins' fiasters ian Klertric Kattery imbiaei elers Accident Ins Co, of Hartford. Orders tue lawv.r, i am er tue op in received by 4eleu.houe.

iuti-id Lccaie: to caaiu.

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