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The Buffalo Sunday Morning News du lieu suivant : Buffalo, New York • 3

Buffalo, New York
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THE ONLY SONS OF I i I II II i TT' i TTTawnia-fi'ir- I LlrtiULawJUHun could poor old Monsieur Peltefaer, with the THE FROM LOCKPDRT. OH THE short In this particular. The Fire Depart-roent will do their duty nobly. Let them bp ably seconded by the Commou Council and the citizens generally. MHTABLI8HKU 1833 Hainbietoniai IN EBIE COUNTY, KyKdyk'ft STANDING PERSONAM.

soiieu wnite reib ami ongut kuiwiib. uu such an petite as I then thought, when I saw him devour the ample lunch my good mother's thoughtfulness always provided for htm when he came to give roe a lesson. It never occurred to me then, as it has since, that she saw deeper than I did and perhaps knew that this was the only decent meal Clarendon Hotel Saratoga Springs. Harrv Osarood exnects to attend a big trial shortly, i Charles Lewis, formerly Of the firm of Steam Expansion which Causes Vaverly Mohican Brad by MR. CHAS.

BACK MAN, Stoney Ford, Orange County, 24. T. Walter A Lewis, has rented the plate glass an Explosion. "Oh, That the Waves Would Rise Up and Cover Me!" irontoi eiaata's news room, anu win mwu be ready to do anything required in the watch or clock repairing line. NEW YORK.

The CLARENDON opened iung tSfS the poor snuffy, old fellow ever got. However, I don't think that attache's French was much better than mine, but on the other side of me sat a gray haired gentleman who took me up and made that solemn ceremonial a genuine feast. Unless he -rrr .1 ,1 iS. en June 1st. Rates reduced; Mai it or junaio, were in sown on neuucuT.

They were cared tor and were no doubt Political i Coming Events Which 1 91 per WCCK iur ogHn nnu pleased with the acquaintances they maae Cast Their Shadow fift September; $16 for July: $28 '1 for July; $28 for August; 94 and the royal manner in which they were entertained. I 41 Before. was appeaiea to ne aevotea nimseu vo me, and although his slow and drawling tones sounded a little odd, I not then having learned that where we clip words, English people draw them out to their utmost. I felt very much obliged to him. His conduct aroused my blonde moustached escort ci i a j.

it a -Tec The Nimble Sixpence Brings Good Servtee, If Sufficiently Multiplied. f.iji provements and conveniences nave been added far the season of 1877. Interesting7 Batch Fire A Very William a. Hamilton, formerly ioreman at the Holly Water Works establishment, but now the mechanical Superintendent of the Indianapolis Water Works, has been In town several days on a visit to relatives. George Brown, of the firm of Taggart Brown, dealers in firemen's supplies, was in town Wednesday making arrangements for exhibiting a full line of their commodities during convention week.

The firm is now PEDIGREES. A Y1BLT, Brown Stall ion, 15 hands inches high: weighs 1105 pounds: foaled, October, U46; sired by Rvsdyk's Hambletonion; first dam Susie Roberts, by Kewi York Black Hawk; second dam Capt. Roberts' Mare of Messenger descent Hattetw With I Personal Ia; ana ne was inciinea to oe attentive, out my turn had come, and I am a little afraid I gloried in returning the snubbing. I learned afterwards that my pleasant friend was an English gentleman. His tones be- grains) of Loekportiane anal Baffaloaiana.

CHARLES E. LELOD. Proprietor, Of Dii-evaw Hottsb- Albany, and Rohhuobs Hotel, New York. MOHICAN. Merchant's Gargling Oil! Chicken Soup and Cayenne-Liverpool and London En Rout to Pari.

Rtnllion. 1S; hands inches hla-h. foaled trayea nis nationality, nis courtesy, ms right to the latter title. Dinner was at last over and at a signal from our minister's i pi in spalding uose wiin new oeiw. H.

C. Godwin, ai representative of 1872; got by BysdVk's Hambletonian; llrst dam Makric Jones by Seeley's American Star: sec A xaniment for Man and Beast. rBOK ptra kkouxaa cobb.xspokikst.1 wife we all rose, ana returned to the draw inff-room. Here the ladies leathered to ond dam Memnrino Chief, eon oi siemorino P. J.

Hanour, of Buffalo, was in town on business during the week. Frank N. Baker, the Secretary of the State Fireman's Association, and lL Paymaster, by Membrlno. Hamoiemmon rtyr dyk's) by AbdaUab; 11 ret dam Chas. Kent Mare, IjOCKpobt, July si, 1877.

Ime ago BirdsaU Holly, of gether or separated as they pleased. I sat down to a oort folio of nrints and conducted Whether for use on msn or beast. Merchant's Garellne Oil will be found sn Invalnahls'Lltf It. and WOTthV Of nsa bv everv refit dent In tha IsnnT knnur nf nn nmnrinian nu.iui,. a.

Some Pommes de Lerre et Haricot DUwer a. ttv Bishnn's Hambletonian: third dam article now nsed In the United States which shares the good will of the people to a erector de eroe than this. Yellow wranoer for animal and white for hnmnn flAnh" iv ft' oe than this. Yellow wrapper for animal and white for human flesh." JV. P.

Jhtdeien(Umt, Never at th Americam gallon. So Silver Tail by Imported Messenger. 1 Abdallah by Membrino, son of imported Messenger; dam Amazonia by son of imported Meaeenger. myself precisely as i soouia at nome unuer similar circumstances. I looked at the prints and waited events.

The gentlemen joined as very soon, and ny blonde attache Axirnn irom leunr irom (t. h. mmmnnflu i minnvi i la ia ioth uarglinfT Oil than all the liniments put together, and I am keepine twelve different kinds. Marvin, Chairman oi tne executive jom-mittee. are expected In town to see to the arrangements for the coming convention.

W. L. Pattison, city editor of the Union, has tendered his resignation, to take effect to-day. He will recuperate for a couple of weeks, and then assume a position of trust Hambletonian (Uisnop-s) oy lmponea messen D1DK 1L IB I no IMMl rameav rnr hnrwflMh In ilna mil fmn It thmi nnMUv. UUUUIWVtlUU.

It' fe Kxtrastfrom a letter from Bhoemafcar A Rl Aomin ctnn. In A. Rant 17th 1HTS tm tkoF John Root's I S. These celebrated! Bitters are purely Vegetable, being composed of roots, barks and berries. They are the result of thirty years study and repeated experiment, and we now offer them to the public, a sure and speedy cure tor fever and ague, dumb ague, typhoid, brain, intermittent or any kind of lever, small pose, chronic and bilious diseases, launaice, liver and kidney complaints, dyspepsia, Ac, Tuc are an excellent stranffthnnnr in fell r.AMR of attacnea nimseu to very iuveiy uirrtcu woman.

My English friend sought me out again, asked me several questions about America. made me feel auite at home. ger; first dam rneasani oy imported ouara; second dam by jimported Medley, American Star (Seeley's) oy Stockholm. American Star, son of Durao: first dam Sallv 81onoht by Sir Tht Bloni Attack as the En water works fame, came to the conclusion after some investigation of the subject, that steam could be conveyeJ through pipes under-ground and distributed to house, stores or manufactories for the purpose of heating the same. His scheme was made known to parties here, who were favorably Impressed witb the project and a company was formed under the title of the Holly Steam Combination Company (Tmited) with Samuel Rogers as President, Dr.

Bishop as Treasurer and Frank Trevor as Secretary. The canital of the company was to be wu. uuw. a. uunil.

MJl BHUUl ZUIUtUB. X. M. AUV. all.

in JL mt 1 in llsst MiUaau. Henry; Beeona asm oy importea jaBeengr. and responsibility on a newspaper not far from here. He has the well wishes of a host of friends for his future success. mors or year Oarsjilng Oil than of all other liniments combined, and have seen It used on horse! and cattle with jrood effect when other hare tailed." -vf- i nmiinM nr show better coIlb in sise.

form or HTNKT. ipeed, for the time tbey have been in the Sind BOTTOM TOUCHED tsBusrii new This is positively the last season of Waverly Wpntnrn Naw Vortc. as he returns to Stoney The JNToftoriou Min Howwd- more of your Gargling Oil than of any liniment we ksep. OOOlV-lflORROW. Ani ItaUinv When thnt the morning weeps.

Ford Sud Farm at the expiration of the season. The subscription books are now open. For par say, goou cnecr, Blue skv is near: Merchant's Gargling Oil as a Faiitfy Liniment Pe are now, and have been for some years. the OH free from stain to k- ticulars inquire at the stanxesoz IN one half of which was to be put General Debility, for either old, young, male or female, weakness of the stomach and nervousness. Females will find them invaluable in cases of weakness, irregularities, pain in the back, general languor, etddiness in the head and nervcais irritability.

It cleanses and purifies the blood and gives new life an vigor to th patient BSTFor sale at Powell Plimpton's, and Spencer 9t Bullymore's, Main street. P-8m win. LOCK WOOD, Bat when the day his rainy mar tie keeps. And wraps about him till with eve he sleeps, it J5.h' extractlBK tn coloring ingredient which has heretofore ivnT ed It objectionable. This Oil possesses all the medicinal properties of that prepared with th.

tinge for horses and cattle, and will be found one of the best remedies for alJ pnrnose4 Cold Spring Houie, cor. Main and Firry or on tnej maracL iiuuiYuiatMY wuu iuc agreement It Is claimed-that the other $13,600 was to be divided pro rata among the original stockholders orovided the rrxox oxsm BJteirz.xa coratspoxroxvr. Kiw Toax, July Slst, 1677. say "gooQ-nignc" sorrow, Soon comes 'good-morrow." I A. in Harper's for August.

ituuucrui. im reqnirea inav oas ever neen msnafactnred. FRANK CULVER, Cold Springs. All hints of travel mast be more or THE PRICE OF CLOTHING. experiment was a success and Mr.

Hol OTvmniown, Jan. ikvl Your Gargling Oil Is doing much b. outstairaflVa. OW- x5l pnt up for family Season commences April 1st and ends Novem- less egotistical, but as am only one of the rank and file of the StJHDAT ENTISTRY $10 to $25 Ear-rhe are line OH called 4 P.miw mi HhMli, I I oer mi jot i. TERMS.

Wayerly, $50 for the season. Mo- ly's plan proved feasible. Accordingly the nraxhalf of the stock was promptly nlaced and from the money realized a Mwersas weirfor-heasts: vtc wr. thedirk ImVnTwK1 At Prlcea to uit the Times. Kiwi, and for the commanding office to stain and discolor the skin, but not permanently.

Yellow wrapper for animal and white for hu day sure made by Agents selling onr Chro- hiran, SsOforthfe season. Mares not proving in foal bv Mohican may be returned, free of for the season of 1878. Good pasturage furnished, but at own's DR. W. H.

KEZELER, Dentist, AT NO. 6 EAST GENESEE boiler-house was buiir, boilers construct apReat Is for all others to ODey, can only say that if like poor Nolan I should misinterpret any orders and my Light Briftda coma to ffrief. I shall have done mos, Crayons and Reward, Motto, Scripture Text. Transparent, Picture and Chromo Cards. 100 samples, worth $4.

aentpostpaid, for 75c, Illustrated Catalogue free. Established 1635. It was here, however, that 1 got into trouble, for I had been at the Italian opera the night before. We bad gone into a party and many notable people had been pointed out to me. My attention was specially attracted to a very superb looking woman, dressed most sumptuously In satin and lace and fairly ablaze with diamonds.

Several royal scions had been pointed out to me, who were then visiting Paris, and I noticed that these and many others had their lorgnettes levelled at her. I began expatiating about her to my new friend and asking who she was? It might have been her pi eta re that Owen Meredith drew in his Adz Italiens when he says: Like a queen she leaned, on her fall white arm. With that roval Indolent way she had. So confluent of her It was gravely told by my friend In the quietest way that he did not know, though of course he did all the time, and it was not until afterward I learned that I had been questioning about the notorious Miss Howard, whose name at that time was linked with the Emperor's. We did not remain long after dinner as we were all going to the opera again that night.

So bidding oar hostess "pon solr so ended my first entertainment in Paris. Although I had gotten past the period of sharp elbows my attache didn't see me leave, so consoled myself with making a face at him (a mone mutine would undoubtedly sound more foreign and elegant, but a face is what as a school girl I should have called it) behind a curtain and left him neither of us inconsolable at the separation. Ada Dkkn Hunt. Is furnishing a fall plate of best ed, and pipes were laid through certain HtreetaJi i Merchant's Gargling Oil as an Internal Remedy. ICE.

ICE. CE. IUMSril IUI WM(5 of all kinds at lowest possible urices. and all work warranted. Goods of tbe Beet Manufacture, Merchant's Gargllij! what I couid and the court-martial must J.

ti BUFFO liD'S SONS, Boston. ig yii a oimsinie stlmulsnt and carminative. It can be takn internally which for FIT, QUALITY or STYLES cannot be excelled, i SLAUGHTERING PRICES. wnen sncu a rsmeay tyTceth extracted without pain by a per- The Work was pushed forward as rapidly 'as circumstances would permit and asithe time approached for the first trial to i take place, the Steam Heating Com party were on the very tip-toe of be held at headquarters. I dont believe it ever occurred to me i 1 1 mii CI a mi i 1 1 mtm I Inn mV fecuy safe process- nrteen P91! i-the stnct, Colic, Asthma, or Internal Pain, the dose may bo Iron? tn mixed lit ny convenient form, and repeated at Lis ef three to six hours.

Yellow wrapper for animal and white for human flh-1 to Intervals E. WEBSTER SON, CANCER. HOTEL DEVONSHIRE, expectation, tnaity, everytning oeing in readiiiess. Jul? 12th Wai the dav set going abroad whether I was to the manlier bora or not. I was far more interested in the discussion between the dear am tij3h- and mv folicitoos mamma STRANGE, BUT TRUE! 219 Erie Street.

Office. A sure enre for Cancers. Tu EsmilhwJf.S0.01 8 Liniment of the United BUtes I5edin 600 Bmail, 26c; small size for family use. 25c alanntactured at Lockport, H. bv M.

Q. O. and sold hv mi dn.i.t. Opposite Grand Central De mors and Ulcers without the use of the knife or loss of blood. There need be no dread of the aside for the great test, which was made from radiators that bad bees placed in the residence of H.

Hooper, and at I JOHN HOPGg, Socrctnry. pot, on 4 1st and 42d St. bet, 4 ill Sc ath A re lines, JSexv York, i The above having their houses filled with PUJUE LAKE ICE, i ji treatment, as it is mild, easily borne, sure, safe and certain. All persons interested are invited to call at our office and examine specimens of cancers removed by us. Satisfactory reference will also be iriven to parties in this city and The TIOTICTj DEVftWSHTBR la naw fl.t other places, which was highly satisfactory to jail concerned.

It was then understood that in view of the promised success of the enterprise the disposition of the balance of the capital stock had better be arranged, i class Hotel, elegantly furnished, well ven- LOOK AT THIS PRICE LIST. elsewhere. Send for circular giving full par HAVE YOU SEEN THE LATEST NOVELTY? Are prepared to snnply consumers both in large and small quantities, at the lowest market rates. ticulars. Address iimiea.

every room is origin ana cheerful. The hotel i a modern structure, built especially for a first-class houue, anil has everv modern Improvement. It is conducted on the European Plan, at a mrtri(ratft rain nf hflfira lJ nrnma DHS. McniCHAEL ec minota. 86 Niagara street, BullWo.

N. Y. ryice Houses, foot of Erie Street, about my the n-exceedin yoathfalneea for such a voyage an entire catting off from parental apron strings. I was going with an elder brother and his wife, if I went, and they were to take no end of eare of me. How Idispieed of that hateful proposition it need not here be told, for consent was given and I immediaiely began to patronize all my less fortunate friends and in the hoar the final was said succeeded in tearing three breadths, of a new dress while confiding it to a handsome Gordon setter and a big Newfoundland dog, in those days my warmest friends, A threat that such hoydenkh conduct would prevent It should have been previously mentioned that at the commencement of the IT 13 A 1500 Lined Pants, for nen.

at Visiting the city will Bave carriage hire ami se One Price Furniture House. enterprise, five commissioners were ap cure ui uuhl lor me emaneat ri s. Jacob J. Schwinn, I I Manufacturer and Deal- Formerly gl.OO. cob, oy stopping at tne uoiL djevon.

CITE HIE REST. Only one moment, unfettered by eare, Hushed as the temple devoted to prayer pointed to organize the company and it was held by very competent counsel that 3000 Pants of different styles from EDSTEAD FOLDING nen neaven is pawiing- we sbwwiinv the kkv thro' its nortals aiar. alter tne omcers or tne company uaa been elected the stock books should TOU CAN SAYS PER CENT. BY BUT" Looping the curtain of night with a star ar JOE SCHMIDT'S S1LOOM AND RESTAURANT, At 46 Niagara Street pass from the hands of the commissioners and become the property of the direc And enn be closed np to resemble a beautiful Wardrobe. It makes an elegant piece ef Fiirui TO cts.

to fl.CO a.fto 400 5.00 T.50 9.00 8.4IO to IO.OO 1AU FINE CHAMBER FURNITURE, i I my gQlng at aa prooucea an innux ox in tho cit y. tore and should find a place in every suite of rooms! 200 Pants, sold fast year at $3. SO, for GOO Salts, 1r Men, at -TSO 9aits for men, at -20 Styles of Suits Casnimere at -10 Styles of Anita, medium weight, at 20 styles of Worsted Suits, from dignity tfa.t luted until I broke dowa "i.RfflniB, Spirit of power, forever you'll reign. Umbrellas, Parasols, 137 IS Geuesee BU BUFFALO, T. with Av'rv endeavor ODDressed.

OF THE CELEiUtATED saying "good bye" to the dear ones at ANOTHER LARGE INVOICE tors, ri'hu opinion was not concurred in by M. St. South worth, the Attorney of the Company, and on his construction the books remained In pos of the COOL LAGER, WINES, LIQUORS, Fine Parlor Furniture CIGARS, Ac. Phoenix Bent-Wood Verandah and Lawn Chairs, commissioners. Accordingly, when it CyBeBt quaiity of all day.

50 Style of all Woolen Casnimere was determined to market (he balance of Sun Umbrellas and Parasols with Ivory, Pearl rem IO.OO to 15 OO Office Desks, Pier and iWantle Glae and: Window Corulcei at F. A H. BENSLERS', 141 Seneca. Street. and French Horn Handles a specialty.

I LUMBEU. the stock, the commissioners' consent was necessary before the i books eduld b-opened and a meeting held for lO Style of Bine Flannel Suits, from IO.OO to 1ft. OO These popular goods are in every concotvablo Color and Stylo, and are the most fashionable article of Furniture of the VaranUaJi kind offered this season. Re-Covering and Repairing promptly "and Sick of the lessons that nature has taught, Weary with burdens oi infinite thought Give merest. Grant me a potion lethean, a draught Sparkling with tranquil repose never quaffed By mortals at pleasure's behest.

Give me a peace the world cannot give Bespeet from action; to act is to live Give me rest. Ceaseless the toil of the spirit distraught, Boundless the realm of invisible thought. Where imagery lingers caressed. Waves of oblivion over me roll, Welcome forgetrulness bring to my soul Give me rest. alia CUrk.

neatly done. Fiv j1 I'iirk, Wholesale and Be tail Dealer In r.VirJH PT.nnil i M. 1 L. 1 ITU the purpose of di posing of the stock. This was obtained as fol Children? Clothing, at Boys' and gnrei, at Black Suits, 6fce tonlsliinffly Tjuyv DURRELL, MoEWEN aiit TIMBER of all kinds, for Frames of Buililinir.

This Yard is situated on UnnpiPA lows: Dr. Bishop, one of the com Frio CanaL Pine Lumber. L.atha. SU in- ICE CREAM i mlttioners. waited udob Mr.

Butter field No. 395 MAIN STREET. gQh snd Fence Poits. Onlce and Yard, eorner home. Previous travel had Uaght my friends just what we wanted so that we carried no superfluous luggage, although we bad everything necessary with as.

Among these were rugs, wraps, oar own lounging ehairs made of cane, rubber pillows and whatever we might need en voyage Oar belongings for the voyage wme all packed in a square box that was pat In oar cabin or state-room, and although at that time travelling was not as simple a matter as it has since become, we managed very nicely. I had the regulation travelling drees, handsomely made, but I got all the comfort of the voyage out of half worn black silk ana a aannel wrapper. it was an exceptionally proud day for me when I first stood on the deck of the Canard er and was starting for a foreign tour that was to last a vear. I felt de ui rouiiituna naeaon streets. and told him that Mr.

Rogers desired to see him at his office at a certain time and stated that he did not know what was Furnished in any JOHN HAMILL Dealer in genuine eMail; LactawannaVBlacl! Diamond I i Pittstoa Coal. Also. SOFT COAL and WOOD at Lowest HEW SUMMER GARDEN HOPELLERBES wanted. Mr- Butter rlield kept the ap quantity and guar LOOK! pointment and there met Dr. Bishop and THE ACTRESS AND THE MOUJIKS.

At East Seneca Street. LOqK TO SUIT THE LOOK! TIMES. Mr. Rogers, who wltn nimstur mane a maiorltv of the Boarx. of Commissioners.

anteed tne best in Good music, fbssh lager PRICES As Adveataie in the AJfe JUle George. Market Price. And a general assortment of Wines, Liquors LARGE INVOICE Tlie One Price Clothiers, HAVING PURCHASED A the city I 94 SCOTT STREET, Mr. Roger then stated In substance that it was desirable to plaot i the remainder of the stock and that the directors wanted aim wilful, pmuu ni reeorx in jsunaiOi uau ana see me. Kit uiusun.

ES A. THE (Hanour's old stand), 98 Seneca street. the books opened for that purpose and HOME-MADE CANDY DEPOT, The former directors of one of the Paris theatres isorntributing to the Figaro a series of stage anecdotes which have the doable merit of being well told and well founded. Referring to the French thea Dlrnnt. therebv Bavins middle profits.

SAVING OVER 50 PER CENT and to give my friends that a meeting would be held for that object. Mr. Butterfield readily gave bis and patrpns the benefit. I am enabled to sell a g-oo article of i 420 420 SEWIlr MACHINE EMPORIUM consent ana on motion pi ur. jisnop me MAIN STREET.

815 Mak: f9tM opp. Chnrciies. tres at Constantinople and St. Peters- commissioners then adjourned until 10 YOUNG HYSON, OOIiUWfcr. AND JAJAIV, AttheExtraordin.iiy low Price of I urg, uu uuuiwiug fcua yivuuunj i o'ciocx oaturaay morning.

Aucassom aa Mr. Butterfield denairfied It is claimed At No. 10 Sontb Division St. PER lb. 40 CENTS Thomas Ianphier, that Messrs.

Bishop anil Rogers opened We irive no Chromos, Glassware or other presents bnt irive a (rood, wholesome article Tea at -ST ta aiift alL CALL AND COSVlrfCE yoijKSKLVES. Next to the Erie County Savings Bank. SINGER AND THE HOWE MACHINES AT DXAIiBK I the books and one placed to his account $5,300 and tbe other 5t 600. Mr. Trevor I apri Goods delivered to any part of the city.

Ordcfs by Postal Crd receive prompt attention. BOTTOM PRICES. was riven 6500. and asi it was not good New Second-hand Furniture, policy to leave Mr. Holly out in the cold.

Singer Machine- Retail at Whole- cidedly uncomfortable about the severed apron strings, especially when the hoir for parting came, and I think when the dear old padre bade 44 God bless his children, 1 would have tied them Into the hardest imaginable knots, just for the moment. The mater's surreptitiously wiped away tears were even worse, and it was with very red eyes I finally sic down to my first dinner on shipboard. Then as now, abundant feeing brought or bought, perhaps I ought to say good places at table and excellent attention. I had little appetite for the meal, however, and before I got to the table again, I had envied Jonah and would have been perfectly willing to have taken, or no, I coaldnt have taken anything, to have been thrown Into the sea, as a sop to a watery Cerberia or for any other reason Anywhere I anywhere, out of the world. $500 was pat for by him.

It Is also lltlPOIBXKR DON'T FORGET THE NUMBER, MATTRESSES, BED -SPRINGS, CARPETS, sale Prices. i claimed that Mr. Baodock, coming into Street, IV. Y. 150 and 153 Mala Save Agents, Commissions and order your LOUNGES, the office while this transaction was goto? on.

claimed a certain share, but as 4 OIL CLOTH, MIRRORS, SINGER SEWING MACHINES (personally) No. there was only $700 left he was content HOLMA at the i 4 Bulflnch Street, Boston (OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE,) their remaining open, or of their being closed while war is in progress, the writer relates what took place in the latter city when the French army was marching upon Moscow. Mile. of the Corned ie Franchise, was just tben the idol of the St. Petersburg playgoers, and, though the news of French victories arrived In the city, she continued to play, by order of the emperor, bat not without some apprehension as to the results in consequence of the growing hatred of the populace against the French.

After having appeared every evening for two or three weeks, she was informed, when about to start for the theatre in the court carriage, which was always placed at her disposal, chat a band of motijiks, armed with thick had collected onrsWa of tHa-tre, and appeared Intent upon procuring admission. It was with great difficulty that one of the actors who played witb her couid persuade her to go to the thea 105 and 197 Seneca House. Parade i I Sewing Machine Emporium. to take tnat The atttsir has caused considerable excitement sind tedious litigations will undoubtedly grow oat of the NEW TEA AND 0 FEE STORE, Near Michigan Street. BUFFALO, K.

T. The Science of Idfe affair. I have interviewed several par CJFnrniture sold on weekly and monthly 94 Mam Street, near Mam Street Bridge- ties who are interested In the success of payments, i EDWARD FAY, Vo. 10 South Division street 1 BUFFALO, N. T.

Or, SELF-PRESERVATION. the enterprise and all loin in condemn Just onencd with an entire new Stock of TEAS and COFFEES, at prices lower than any 1 Kobe than one million copies sold SKIRTS I had been so sure I shouldn't be ill, so I otner store in tne cuy. 0 Ing the action as before described, and the general opinion In that even if there Gold iriedat Awarded to the Author determined not to De, tnat wnen tne next Remember also that at No. 10 South Division rUG SHIBTLESS. FOB dav after Starting, a storm broke, FRA1 Srf an 5 efy WgVva r9eVy 8i KoaAVS 1 sF sue "Nsnonsi iQfld leal Ario- I mavoh 1 1BTH Just nnblished bv the EMBODY MEDT.

Manufacturer of Kolraan's Uakjng powder, the best made. THE and during the greater portion of the moral obligations of tbe parties who have made the "divv" have been violated and Fit Guaranteed Perfect vu Bcieoi i rum. (TAli INSTITUTE, a neweilUion of the celebrated medical work entitled the "SCIENCE must not only redound to their discredit AT Jolxu C. Slieehan, hut to the disadvantage of the company. 4 i POLITICAL.

-j OP LIFE; or, eELF PRESERVATION.1' It treats upon Manhood, how lost, how retrained and how perpetuated; cause and cure of Exhausted vitalltv, Impotency, Premature Decline in Mao. Snermatorrhoee. or Seminal Loss. Carney Bros, 176 Seneca St. tre, ana sue was oy no means reiawrcu mmm WmT9 mm.

m.T wmm ar aa a vnrsaa a-aa "i Last Wednesday intelligence was re by the savage appearance or tne men wuu glared at her aa Bhe got out of the car- ISO HALF-MADE GOODS. i ceived here that Niagara county had been es (nocturnal and diurnal,) Nervous and 1 hy- time 1 seemed to be trying utterly uncalled for, Impossible and involuntary acrobatic performances, in which standing on ay bead was the least of them, I bad to yield and began to fear I shoald become that species of people which can be turned inside out and yet fulfill all the functions of a living being. Witb calmer weather came calmer thoughts, lees involuntary action, and after a glass of champagne, followed by litcinchitiken soao. hot with cayenne, I taken from tne win ana sauea to tne zom Revenue District and that Hon. Burt Van CORNER fBNECA AND MAIN STREETS, Every Shirt guaranteed to (rive: Satisfaction to the Wearer.

None but Richardson's Linen and boUinfffl, Menial Depression, Loss of Energy, Hasrirard Countenance. Confusion of Mind ami Horn had been appointed collector. The Knnr York Milln llteL ount KarUcklne, the superintendent of the Imperial theatres, endeavored to allay her fears, but she felt more emotion as the curtain rose than upon that memor Shirt ESTEY ORGAN f-r becure your measore ana sob Lobs of Memory. Impure State of the Blood, and all diseases ariain from the Kkboks or Youth or the Indiscretions or excesses of mature years, j. to fit at district consists of the counties of Niagara, Orleans, Monroe, Livingston.

Ontario, Yates. Chemunar. Steuben and Allegany. laning, McMillan gluck, CARNEY it tens you tu nuoui montie 01 generative Mr. "Van Horn has alwavs proved a compe BROS) Buffalo, N.

i tent nublic officer and will undoubtedly 176 Seneca. Street rnysioiogy 01 aiarriagre, ox weutocx and Off-sprinir, Pnvtiical Contrasts, True Moral it v. Em- THE LARGEST AND MOST CONVENIENT PLACE IN THE CITY FOB able night when she played before I parterre of kings, and on loooking round the theatre, which was filled from top to bottom with the savage moajiks, she fell fainting into tbe arms of the actor who conduct tne ousiness oi ma new posiuon ac- COUNSELORS AT-Ij AW, i eentablv. Pio Nics? Summer Night Xrestivala Concerts. Parties PATENTED BIRD CAGE, 1 ft may not be generally known but it Is a No 24 West i Seneea Buffalo.

uiiiwbiu, ii, ui Precept and Friendly Counsel, Physical Infirmity, its Causes ana Cure, Relations Between the Sexes, Proof of the Expansion of Vice, the Miseries of Imprudence, Ancient Ignorant And it is especially adapted for bahmilt fio nics. The Only Safety Cage in the Market fact that tbs Hon. T. T. lagier has been to Washington endeavoring to cause a chancre was standing oesiae ner.

a sue was Ing carried off the stage, the moujiks. roSEPH JEItGE. LEADS THE WORLD. anu Cirruns. JunAnn tin.

uiire or kiuiv placed without taking the Cage down from its felt my dignity returning and I soon got on deck. After that I enjoyed the trip as only a school girl ean, and, as we bad pleasant party on board, many of whom wre old travellers, we. enjoyed ourselves thoroughly. When packing bad first been suggested I had gonA largely into histories with a school girl determination to read up places-1 expected to see. In fact the remark with which 1 clinched the outset project was to the effect that I never ouid have believed the St- Lawrence aim muiu inui.

rHinvirij3 uf xkjeat- in the post-ofiice at Middle port, Niagara county, and at Batavia, Genesee county, noos. or parucuiars wiureuo mint. Address to Patients anu Invalid Read SOMETHING For Musical NEW People. ers; The Author's Principles. The price of this MAY Sc 339 Clinton St BUY FURNITURE? Dooa is uniy x.w.

ARE YOU GOING Ti BUFFALO, N. brandishing weir mess, aixempieu force their way in pursuit of her; but Count Narischkine, who bad been watching tbe scene from behind the wings, came forward, and by a motion of bis hand kept them back. Several omcers of the army were with him, and upwn a but wiuioui result, it wouia ne supposea that the honorable gentleman would have been content with the wiplng-out," he received last fall and abstain from again sticking his finerera into nolltlcai nle, but it This Book also contain more than Where the Cases can De nadJ Cost no more Just nnbllshed for the benefit subseribers I tnan oruinary uages. ALL MEANS, CALL AT to CUTJB'jH'S MUSICAL VISITOR, (the inds IF SO, YOU SHOULD, BY Fifty Prescriptions lor the above named anel other Diseases, each one worth utnucni journal ox maucj, THIS YEAR 1877. seems not and under cover of going to New York to see his daughters off for Europe, he took a little trip bouth which has done DOLL'S VISITOR AVrO-USEC ALBUM," more the price ol the Book SCHIUND Evafv mnalAal ncmn wants It.

No ona shoulu vnn -alant ttmnv. vifrnmni. Well-branChed. Aim, uiiubiid iiicuioi uvauuj tea to a 44 Normal" or other Musical Class witn himself end friends no good. Verily like Joev BaaTStock the trick was "devilish unforced Flowering Plants, Hanging Baskets, 472 Main opp.

Tifft House. exclusively on miiiN xjvij ajxv jsekvou Extensive Warerooms, No. Rivef ran down had I not been there to one ot tnem toe uoora 2i tl5 wSned forvlf Sat it really stalls, galleries, and boxes were thrown dTdandv Wet fixed My histories were confiscated, however, adiers with loaded muskeu and fixed bat I had guide books, and although I bayonets- A iTt -r i At the same time a detachment of sol- out ill It is just what young musicians need to DigRses; more man zw royai octavo pages, nraservfl their efforts In comnosmon. anu tne etc, in complete variety ueiuro Bpeuuujjf dime. Examine sly," and It's leakine out has added much to twenty eiegani engravings, uounu in suosian autographs of their friends and teachers, it the gentleman's sUscomforture.

tial muslin. Price only i. Barely enough to OUR mnKNSK STOCK AND SEE THE ELEGANT STYLES AND THE LOW PEICES OF OUE UOODS. y' ALL KINDS OF BfipEOOM SETS FROM contains 64 pages, fine iv ruled, gold stampsd and strongly bound. It will be given away to all pay ior pnnung.

The book for vounar and middle-aired men to The name of Lee B. Sanborn has been Srominently mentioned for the position of tate Senator on the Republican ticket. It aia not scan mucu wh biicl nnu i glad Sail had learned what I eould, and diers came forward i i I sinA nf tho prvin tu of the theaire brouffht one of the servants of the theatre brought And LowjHard-Tlmes Prices, whether you buy read just now, is the Science of Life, or Self- who Biitoscrioe for ens visixutt at si.ou. ara nle conv with oarticalars of this, and four other or nou I I Four Dollars to Six Hundred Dollars. aDOVe- ail Uia amu rw uiuiou premiums, sent on receiptof on stamp.

Agents rreservauon. ine umnor 11 aa reiurnea irom Enroue in excellent healtb. and is a train the LON( inri.itire in a deal of desultory reading. wuwu. would be a nomination eminently fit to be made as the gentleman has served accepta-blv in the Leffislature and la withal a man Chief consulting Physician ot tho I'eabody EVERYTHING NEW AND STYLISH AS WELL AS BEING BE It VIC ABLE.

317 Main Opposite The Churches, jour caiiKun sv. tlt 1 CINCINNATI, O. aieaicai msuuiie, an. jouinnca ntreet, osion, Mass." Reniiblican Journal. of acknowledged ability and fitness.

ON WESTERN NEW YOlUt and are sellinir it at rAVe have one of the LARGEST STOCK. "The Science of Life is beyond all com pari son i-iy name would add considerable 'strength to i mu-war price. BUFFALO. N. IT; Branch at i IjONO FLORAL BOOTU, the xuost extraordinary 'work on Physiology the ticket.

George Ostrander. the nresent very effi NEW DRUG STORE everpuouaiica." insiwn neraru. "Hoe nestled in the bottom of Pandora's box. WORLD'S PRIZE MEDALS Washington Market, extreme cor. Washington cient elerk of the Surrogate's court is talked and hope plumes her wings anew, since the is We landed duly and rested a day and sight in Liverpool, and then left there all tha superfluous wraps, tbe camp chairs, and the boxes we had used In our state-room.

Tbe trunks were gotten up out of the hold and we were really on British soil. The next day we went oa to London nay brother was the bearer of dispatches to oar Minister there, but beyond mere interchange of cards we saw nothing more of them then. It was I and Chippewa streets. of for the nomination of Surrosrate this fail, PREMIUM OSL suing ot 1 neao vuiuaote wonts, puuiisnoa oy tae Peabotiy Medical Institute, which are teaching EASE'S CHOICEST IMPORTED FLO WEB SEEDS a table with pens and Ink, and laid aown a plank to enable the moujlks to step on the stage from the body of the house Bat before they were allowed to do so Count NariAhktne addressed them aa follows: "My good fellows, what would be the use of you insulting or killing Inoffensive actors, who are, In addition, oar guests I can give you better advice than that. Come up to this stable and enroll yourselves to serve in the outposts, where you will be able to prove your devotion to holy Russia and your love for her master, our respected and glorious emperor.

Not a single moujik uttered a murmur, and they came up oue after another, deposited their sticks, George is a young man who has hosts of friends and should he be so fortunate as to Cronyn Sc Co mo us aims now uvuiii Lita mitiauiuH uiili. nap thn citadels of life." Philatleluhia Enouirer. A th. bfist In Iti. World secure the nomination he will undoubtedly FAMILY USE.

FOR PLANTS AND FLOWERS 1 I BV I "'It should be read by tbe yotng, the middle-aged and even the old." New York Tribune. The tirst and only Medal ever conferred upon longer Mitt will gi Bonn ST. STEPHEN'S i IIAlili come out aneao. ODDS AND XXTDS. SEND FOR CIRCULAR.

Tne Avenue Greenhouse F. S. PEASE. MANUFACTURER OF OIL any Aieaicai aian cms country, as a recogni tion of skill and professional service, was pre I understand that the glass factory will Cor. iSVAN AKD BAN KLIN aemed to the author o( these works, March 3lst, Isi aw Corner of Summer street and The Avenue.

THOMAS Proprietor. close for the season this (Saturday) evening if sin ifJl el 11 CETTEHHIAL PQJi WORLD'S PRIZE MEDALS 1876. The urosenutUou was noticed ut the lime of its occurence by the Boston Press, and the The undersigned havinor leased the larg-o and after a ntiui run oi snout seven weeus. A number of people in different parts leadinfiriournals throughout the country. -Th.

UREASE'S theeity complain of depredations which PREMIUM OIL handsome store, corner ot Swan and Franklin streets, for the purpose of carrying on the Diug maenidcent Medal is of solid gold, set with Drop me aline and I will call at your residence. Estimates and designB for fixing up windows with house plants attended to. For a trifle bouses may be made beautiful by decorat- n. i liniu att signed their names or made their marks, and started for Moscow. are committed by boys upon their flower more than one hundred India diamond a of rar hrilllRiifW.

(bp bent in tli. Woi Business In a legitimate way, desire to call the attention of the public to the fact that, belnx FOB gardens. If a few of the marauders were caueht and handed over to the tender mercies of the do lice authorities and an ex Altogether, in it9 execution and the richness of its 111 ale rials, ami size, this is decidedly the early in the season and we were to cross the channel at once, so aa to replenish oar wardrobes, and also, which was at that time a great consideration with me, be presented at the court of the nephew pf his uncle and see Paris generally. My impressious of London were rather bewildering, and as for that channel it was just beastly. It left me altogether In such a demoralized condition that the ride to the gay eapicol was almost unheeded by me.

It was not until the pext morning when I opened my eyes anal rjeeoed out from the bed curtains mun' liglit than nuy utlic.t ina.Lt. Burn. loiitf.r and will practical Pharmacists, we do all our own work, Tone full, noble, and exceedingly animating. Moscow. mostnoticcauie meu.u ever scrucK in mis coui Rnblnateln Lake Shore Sunday Train to Lake Ceau-taaqua 8:40 A.

returning arrives in 8:20 P.M. OR CIRCULAR. SEND and having; no wages to pay we can afford to ssll trv toranv unrortp; wtiatever. It is weil wor PEASE, MANUFACTURER OF OIL, tha infection of Numismatists. It was fuirlv and dispense Medicines at from as to ss per sent, less than any other 8 to re In the City.

It won and worthily bestowed." Massachusetts AA. 117 SC ti, tti I consider them unsurpassed by any I have ever seen Frsni Abt. Deserve the high eat admiration. Brunswick. Ploughman.

June 6a, I7b. AUNT SALLY'S VISIT. will pay those wanting anything- our line to ample made of them it would probably have the desired effect. The Millard Club is practicing with a view to giving a concert in oratario musie at tbe Baptist Church shortly. The selections are from Elijah, Joshua, Samson, the Messiah and other first class oratorios and there is no doubt that under the guidance of ty-Catalogue sent on receipt of 8 cents for give us a ealL postage.

v.itho nf thfi AhrtvA works sent bv mnll nn r. I COAL. RED CT 10 full line Of DZUGGI3T3' MATfi tt jM Exceedingly appropriate for religious seryiees. Schwcrin, ceiptof prir. Address PEABODY MEDICAL Grand Duke of INSTITUTE, (or H.

l'ARKEK, M. Con Back to OI4 Virginia susd the Friends he Lelt Thirty Years Ago. suiting Physician,) No. 4 ButUnch street, Bos- constantly on hand. Pure Soda Water? PRICES.

SEE WU, JUnSD-j ujjiiroiii. vutvu. n. it. The author can be consulted on the and eaught sight of a very gilt mirror, a very gilt clock and very gilt candelabra heard the unaccustomed cry in the queerest of all nasal voices of "pommel Ce terre efi haricot" that I realized I was really among 'furrlnera.

ttn looa I tWre trvinir to make Excel fine powerful tone. Copenlutgen. above namttddiseascs, as well as nil ditseasee requiring skill, secrecy and experience. Office Ole Bull. the ekiniui oaton or 1'roi.

m. J. comp-ton, that the club will exceed any of their former efforts. It is a remarkable fact that notwithstanding all the State bridges have a large sign at either end setting forth in plain iet- tfr that tba nenaltv for drivintf acrotts Stove UtJUi s. 9 A.

M.W5F. fll. W-lv Ginger Ale and Mineral Water ON DB AUGHT. Chestnut $4.45 per ton. 4 25 do 4.20 do 4.10 do I can play with exquisite enjoyment for hours on these beautiful instruments.

St. Petersburg. Annette Eealpoff. Egg faster than a walk is 15 00 for every or-fence. yet nine-tenths of those who cross in Grate Old Aunt Sally Manning left Hawkins-ville a few weeks ago to visit her old home in Virginia, and if possible hndsome of her people.

It is about thirty years since Aunt 6i i left since the war sue been industrious and frugal, and accumula. ted money sufficient to buy her a little home on the street below Messrs. Ferguson store, and had some money extra. About the first of last month she made her arrangements, cooked rations, bought a rv Particular attention riven to tb Pre Wcrrick Bissiug, tvKN'Hit al iJisun-ANCK ana REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Xi. "5- German Ins.

irenared to insure nronertT at tho scriptlon Department. I am surprised at their full, noblo, and oran-like tone. AxxAa- Chap rile. Panltne Lucca. out that queer and uoinleiligSie Jargon 1 cannot say, but a-determination to find oat what it meant sens me out of bed, and there saw a ert 'driven by such ax object and containing potatoes and beans.

Why eould at she just as well say "po-tara and beans9' was the Hibernicism vemcies uo so wunout attempting to slacken tbe soeed of their animals until more than two-thirds over. Attheciirar sxnra of James- Mnlvnenv. f'BOYN COi I Hew York El Honongahela Coal Company. in the following good and reliable Non Explosive, ticket irom uswainsviue to Macon, ana there procured a through ticket to Norfol k. $4 '00 Per Ton on tho Track, on Main eifreet, there is a dog which excites the wonder of the country-folks.

Tbe Canine 4s of the breed known as Scotch terriers, and its hair is quite busby. The body is of icrman $650,000 of Jlufffilo 300.000 Buffalo. IflO.OOO Quick Baker, No Gas Bun tnat where she arrived in due time. Aunt saiiy rushed throegn my Drain, tm i Uniu LOW F1GUHEH. -SEND IN TOUtt ORDERS ALL OF THE PURE AND CLEANEST Surpassingly flue, aad rank far above any other manufacture.

i Professor Aug. WllhelmJ. i Undoubtedly the finest of their class. 1 Fr. Knekin.

Noble tone, surprisin power, fulness with light touch, satisfy tho greatest pretensions. Sophie enter. Vienna. -IK Popper. a likht brown color while the ears sua tall laughed at my own folly and wondered I says she was astonished to find the streets wbat possible Irish ancestor, though 1 1 of Norfolk "turned and crooked about so since she dare befo.

All de folks and Economical. Mechanics Traders, N. 675,000 Westche ur. n. Y. a. AT THE OIFRJE OF NOW OR CALL are a light blue and around its neck and down the center of its back there is a never beard of having any, had sug Brewers Malsters, N. mi Western Toronto, Ont 2,000,000 THE J. HEN, bright erimon streak. Its appearance is very remarkable and as I said before attracts much attention.

The artistic work RKAL ESTATE. We have very desirable Farms for sale on mueh was 'peared strange, par was lots of new houses put up and big ships on de waters, and nobody peared to know her. She at once began searching for her white people, and after a lonar inquiry found that the old folks were dead, but that her young "missus de little gal dat she used to units and think so much of was still livintr." She easy terms or to exchange for city property. waS performed by Wm. Palmer, who is to CLIMAX OIL STOVE Has all the abore qualities.

See ii before buy gested thatidea. Oar eards were left at the American Legation and aa my brother was a personal rtend of his, I suppose we may have escaped tome of the usual formalities. However, it is a customary thing to leave cards whether acquainted or not, as, It Main Have been a teacher for a lifetime, but never found their eaual In beauty and sympafhy be -congratulated on nis success. Street? Street. LAKE SHORE AND 509 535 to rent in ull tmrts of the citv.

1 tone. i Our new list Of Hiiildintr TotA is th Ini-o-Afit FIRK MATTERS Anton Freyer- Warsaw. and embraces the moat desirable on tho West ing eisewnere. REFRIGERATORS, The noose of Protection Hook and Lad and Aast siaes. Mich.

Southern R'y. der Company ie faet approaching comple WKKKIGK HISSING. ICE CHESTS, poo if a stranger in Paris, upon that de at last found her "little missus" an aged now, witb her second husband, and Like them bettor the longer I know them, Berlin. WIRE CLOTHS, Professor Leonard ft: mil Back. tion.

Hydrant Hose Company's house is being pends to a certaia extent the probability woman ren. A sood as she saw old "Mam Direct for Cleveland, Toledo, Chicago, St. ERIE RAILWAY. my Sally" and recognized her sbe ran to the Louis, New Orleans, St. Paul, Omaha, Denver, RANSOM AND ALBION RANGES, fixed and the furniture re-upholstered.

The official paper of tbe committee of ar Instant Pain Cure. San Francisco, ana an points ew ana aoura Excel all in beauty of tone and easy act.on. tichlenitz. west. The Conntssi Braadli, The onlv line runnlne Pnllman Palace rangement has just been Issued and pre- sents at attractive appearance.

It content 1 are fraught with much that is of interest to every fireman in the State, and reflects Hotel and Sloeoinir Coaches tbrouh without GUARANTEED. 1 MANUFACTURER'S PRICES 8e all above Goods at the Agency, Our first days were devoted to shopping and the Louvre, and a dinner at oar Minister. Oar manner of going gown was appointed us and 1 brought up tne rear with a youDg attache who ew 4cntiy felt utterly thrown away and no wed he felt so. I am dreadfully afraid he was not to the manner born, for cour- ehaoge, between ChlcaRO, Cincinnati, Cleve No Delays. old woman, threw her arms around hevand embraced and wept over her as if she were real mother.

Aunt Sally's next search was for her husband, and she found him living in the eountry, near Norfolk, married again "Well, Aunt Sally, what did you do then?" we asked. Numog at alt He aay to bis odder wife dat he was agwine to come home wid me. and be would a come If he bad de land, ruiitj. nucuwuic, liUIJ UIO, Aew Redeem reed instruments from harshness. Boston.

TESTIFWIOIVIALS. Professor E. o. Emenou, mucn cremt on us compilers, jaessrs. is.

m. Ashler and R. Hudson Bond. It will be Wms J. Donaldson, im ana a.

i ior dan, viat, lot iraina will leave no terry Transfers. HrPR AI.n. mi 11 rv lTllt. 1s47l. circulated throuarbout the country so that BuuAio as louowa: I nm that can irive testimony in rvn and after Mav.

IS. 1877. trains leave Bnf vor of your Instant Pain Cure, since tt has ilone r.i ion. the means of hohiincr thotiRHnds nulTorina wt every body can have an opportunity of post- Certainly the best I ever beard. iVe-tf York.

1 nmepeakablo Rood, and has in it. In my npiij 5 15 A. M. NEr T0ua1.yI!xpaE8B- falo from Exchange Street Depot ana Eat ty is an essential lugredieot in ibe na- Professor Geo. W.

Morfan. monev" ng that you will be rewarded for your InhnVs for tho "Well, Aunt Sally, yon are now log tnemseive upon nre maiiers. 123 Seneca, opp. Wells St. BUFFALO, y.

Y.j 1 tne common maiauv i nuQuiaausub Buffalo as lollowa, by tfuffalo time: Arriving at New trrr fit fach a one. It makes me lanzb I aillicted. I am, yours truly. John Hodge has just naa Buffalo 7.10 a. ar WAY I fully endorse Capt.

Hand's tetlmonja 7 25 A.M. uunxirc aim. now dat re seen de old country and de I through tbe popular house of C. P. T.

La 7 1 Ai Mi rrve at rblks, I'te gwtne to try to make some more Boche. a handsome uniform cap for bis I Brocton 8.45 a.m, Erie 10.00 at Brocton a.m, icrte io.w Sundays excented. After a trial of twelve years, I cannot find their equal. Philadelphia Park McFarland, Orfanlst. Teeth Extracted Without Pain and prououueo Uie IuhUihI Curo par excellence, IIUKFALO, Mar IPth, 17.

ity of saving: a word in favor of tho Instant I'ain uaed it will) (rreat succcbr, and oan recommend ft Between buffalo. Avon and Corninar. iZon a.m. (Dreaciaat), Cleveland txm (dinner). Toledo D.m, moot? to live on.

Pan worked hard all dia I snecial oroteKes the Hod are Hose Comoanv. Mrs. D. Broad: Madam 1 take pleasure in the opportu nectiiiK at Attica with trains for all stations sow wbeil I think how bored he looked and wbeo finally he tripped on my train, having been arrayed thua for the firU tune, I aboald have laugbed odtrht had not been for the awful solemnity of tbe occasion. (supper), rues via old road, Adrian 9.45 p.m, time to save money to go back to Ole Vlr- 4.

ue caps are ok oiue ciqui ana oi tne same I Cure, prepared nnter your direction. I ha to ouaquenanna. reon 1.16 a.m. Klknart 3.1U a.m. Cni.

DAY OR NIGHT. shape as those generally worn by midehip I row rigi srinnv lo aee mv neonie. hui mv dov -l'ae to allufferers anlicted with RhcumatlBm, Sprains, and in every chso where a pood liniment is- KA TIT ATLANTIC EXPRESS. Tg" bW IklU niAn in iu nmvv. i nm irnnu am omimsnb never aeen him yit.

Da ay he went to 'Or UEO. W. BUOTT, Mo. 17 East boneca hUecU neeued. j.

ALA JJaiiv. ieans. Jiawcin6inu4 ucapcucii. Arriving at New York at 7.26 A M. SlilT 18ttt.

187. Dr. TtnnAT) ed with the inscription "HodRe Hose Com- 1 1 Paclne Express (Sunday pany worked in bullion, aad an.r- krl tfL 13 CMS p. arrives Dunkirk S.0O (dine' Beautiful Artificial Teeth at PRICES TO ritit Call and REED-ORGAN WORKS iitr-fl vniir TriRlant Pnln Cure, nuil in uakm tit MOST EXTENSIVE Madam For three or four years I havo WAT EXPRESS, Via Dinner la a solemn matter at best, bat aa official dinner as completely take the pas ot a funeral aa that ceremonv doe of a 3.25 P. m.

p.m. Brocton 3.26 Erie 8.4 p.m., Clevelan iUy relief. Vety rojpctfiiily, Ac- row gilt Dana arouua tne edge complete I or Kheumausm nouiing can give more epc see beiore having Teeth A Deserved Compllmeat I a natty piece of head gear. The cost of the 7.06 p.m. (supper), Toledo xl.30 m.

fruns via mane. FINE1 FRAGRANT TI it vir a r.o. JannarvlVth. IB74v I whole was in the neighborhood of $50 and 1 Mr. "Hi.

TItji- A TJ jiocneswir division. Sundays ezoeptod. ACCOM MO DAT ION. Daily. Bnffaio Division.

air line), Elkhart 4.3 a. Chicago 8.30 a. xn. 6.00 P.M. I hdvrt nno.ti vrttir Tnnts.nt Pftln fliiro for several weeks; for a biuiso on the knee, and morn TOOTH POWDEB for sale, prepared by my.

speaks well for Mr, HodgC liberality and 1 Brood taste. 41 fJT Brie Accommodation, (ex -L ill i oent Sundavi). arrive in aotilUon. Even tears are not permitted here, and until on is fairly seated and tbe aotip and Sab bave been dispensed with, there is an anxloos stillness, a sort of that speech would be sacrilege that I relief from it than any of the various remodies 1 have used. From the Commercial Lfcst and Price Current of PbUadelphla, July 7, 1877.) The New York Mercury at th present time 1 one of tbe best literary papers in tbe country.

Under tne able management of Wm. Cauldweft, IT. nri its variMII ftm-M rtmiinfa Mnlata mw i A. CirTBCn, fi Exchange Street ii m. ii tu DC1I, IliCU lAIC JUT NEW YORK NIGHT liunzira o.v p.xnt 0 roc ion 0-00 p.m.

xno i.wj tne teetn irom aecaying ana aoaing. rrowcuus sp luuer vompany win hold their reception in Daniel' Hall, and! XiiUi EJltuem. uaiiv. rt. ON THE GLOBE.

inuiresUDa matter. For some time past the the Hydrants have secured tbe Millard Club IR JJC Bpeoinl Michigan Cxpresi ires eopt aunaays, jkrnvuiK rxow iors at BAKERY diiorUis of this lonrnal have attracted the I Hall for a similar purpose. iJtXJ 2.1XJL' (UaUy, except eaturdaye. STEAM rouo mak the digestion of those first two disbe a serious operation for the gastrie juice. Tbey can only act apoa a nome-t rm.

Jt i a nri nctnle. My attache, who had a Trains1 leave uunaio for Niacrara rails. fid attention of the literary world. A vigorous, 1 r-witt OHnton ffomnanv baa Invltad Kaai jsnnaio m. amrn unniir iu Dewitt.

Clinton Comnanv has Invited Suspension Bridge and the West at 11,60 A. iest rexerences given, DR. CLARK, Dentist. No. 443, Main Street.

early opposite the Park. sent! bio, thoughtful exponents of the day thoy Libertv Hose I. of Buffalo, to accent of their Erie LOO a. Cleveland 5 1 a. m.

ertre into Special Chicago Express, arrives a. Betnmlnir leave SuBnenslon Bridsre at 11.40 uu uariTaitea. ina iaoie xsis ueparw ment is an exoeedlnffly Interesting feature. In hospitalities on parade day a well aa Mechanic Enifiue Company of Albion. Xxprese, una, eaen weex, arnumoer ox jour xeuows ana svme of the other tex too-reiute th most rViUG RIDGE Sl SONS, GEORGE Sunday train to Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridae leavea Buffalo 11.80 AM.

liOO At datzceptadaSrt tnar, Eat Buffalo 1.00 a.m., arrive Dui or, Bat Buffalo 1. oe a.m., arrive wonderful blonde moustache, paid very UU tie attention to m- Ha addressed on or two remark to me in French which eould have been better thaa that lfinlster Elect Koye 1 aaid by the inn to be Studying no nnWrwn PiaU. and which I DfeUnded morn Washington Hose Company No, 9, have extended an Invitation to Active Hose Com ADDRESS FORBEAUTIFU ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, omorons ana satirical lnomenta. especially Dunkirk lteturntns from Suspension Bre at 10 MAtftirACTCwEnS OF a.10 a.m.. Erie a 45 a.m..

Clevelend 6.86 nanv, of Rochester. umixv vnn prvirae fr muoaucuon to eaca 01 the articles which make no this nortion nf th TONY SCHMIDT'S m. anu o.iu Aiasara saua ana Handoasrv 8.68 a.m.. Toledo 10.43 0.10 si. Bpauldiite Hose Company No.

8 will have a errand bait on the evening of oarade dav. am. (runs via air line), Elkhart 8.00 p.m. Trains arrive from the Bast 12.20 and 8.20 A not to understand ia faet I am not snr thai I Aitt. Inarned OllendorsT through mm.

THE BEST OYSTER CRACKERS TIVOT-iI I O-LXYJOXIIKr si. is. 0.16 ana a ai. (upper), unicago o.uu p.m. 1 Truin arrive at Buffalo at 4.16 a.m..

I 0.30 frnm Aven. wyuM lm ekaveaul to jluant 'i ne soliciting committee wm can on our citizens within a day or two, and it hoped l.h.t thnv will cri va v. In nt.tiar E3STEY eSo inxongh and Local Tickets and Sleeping and Drawing Boom Car Accommodations 1.30 7J6 o.m.. 8.20 o.m. Sunday train AND REFRESHMENT HALL, ctudte, je reeiiai hien.

to say nothing of paper. This journal employs the best talent and is a living example of the fact that flxsirikiass, well conducted literary paper will ray. We seidata speak as strongly In reference to a periodical as we do at this time, but we so rrite because we believe the true merit should be appreciated and noticed, especially when ttreU so much traah" in newspaper For full corroboration of all we hay Mid we rifer the reader hiaiaetf (0 the jiercpry, Butter Crickero, Snaps, Milk Biscuit, Soda Bisc Secure ticket oy uiis ravorite route. For may oe onramea at tne uenunu Uffloc, No, 177 Main street. S3 ana 354 Washing; ton Street, Kceuil tpistoiaire," out renen was so dinerent from American French, and then places when conventions have been held the citv authorities have taken the matter in ie at Kxonsoure xreet; uapot, ana at vom- JNO.N.

ABBOTT, C. GOULD. paay uipoe, jsj vxenanfre ntroer. 1 BUFFALO, W1 T. band and entertained the delegates, and Street BUFFALO, Nm Y4 Wo.

10, 13 and 14 Elk ttea'l Pass. I Gen'l North'n PaHB Act. 1 muidrt tell these people that they spoke lea fitind generally bxowbeaUtbem a 1 vnao. rjLLPtai, we a. 0a px.

S. A. A BUBOH, Oen. Sutern fu't to ne nopea tnat jfocaporf wui pot aiL sent New York. BuXTaio (Forxueriy ef Aroado Qaloon, Clinton Street).

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