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Buffalo Patriot and Commercial Advertiser from Buffalo, New York • 4

Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

lttw Vrtxr Mill BurAf-ojiorsB boot shoe UilET FUKi ft Co, wWd ykJOTtrR ia fcasaht pm tbaasanaw twesiy-aVatt (W at tfc Fart Tera lbs CHy of by a me aWnaat tbt attorn ZThZ! kn HV UWts4tnMrVyFMtUtrtsaiator RY Selliso at Conv A FAKNIiAM. I minim r. bufW, km IldLESAL AM? ETAIU- Maauau. B. batuweam hi sseatf ttif as ka store.

No. mausL wear ly tmawet Uie Pim ati liwkesttawammavsrT larnaeaiait. wre amcstmem af geewime, 6 Kw klf "siaKaak art "Rfflbw iaf yiukg kywiav kaoa akitt, mv afial, famkey, eoutbsatf puJtoOf aa4 fysrdaw axa, ee4 kMBMp. wtuu bmI Uvsl ll maa, troo, New-Urtoaas ad Braul ea, 1 ItaaMM, AUhuiiub and New ItiBMa MoLaaaas. Bc, Mravma, mttm mi lane) ZiZS.T -ai tn kta ka4was-arJ iLT as the same km faari and a a all anal Mail Tu Scaacsa auvisa iiii am twbd to rcttira to Krw-York in ila) sonog, there- least, whiV-ii be to my, ie uwjra well Mtacted.

and DurLh as cheap as at aar other atom west of Kew-Vurk. Hm atk eousist of Browa Clutlirif ait colon and Cjuslittes, C(rrT, JNtllBeUt, Veerings, of all kiad,, Banrip and Irish Cords, Blankets, MrMies Qujhs and Cauuwrpaaw, Fuuiorb of all cdvcs, ah Can too riaaucb, Veur fine, Mrnin. C1chi and CifcaasaM of all kiaJa sad AUaliUaS, I i laacaarja coioreo oomoaim, Biaek and Italua Ore ds Crude Naples, (ro Swiss, and Siha Boaae Silks, of atl kinds, liiark, Wliite awl Eud long and square Mma Ato, Persian, TbIM wd other Shawls, Ifcr'nani; Cause and tm HiwJkAie. and a thousand tber article boo kumerwua io a very large iswrtnml of Pedlar's Goods, atl of v. hkh be oners at WI.oleale and Retail (or Cash or approved wotes.

Country Merchants and Pcd fare would do wuU lo call befix hVt purrbae sUewbee. B--FITCH, No, Mn'm-S. N. B. The Ladies and Gentlmen tf Budalo and its vicinity wspoctfully invited to cat! and examine bis Goods, as 1m now intends to Piy particular atteow to retailing, fe.

r. Oec 14. 17 11 BUFFALO BOOT Axa I SHOE STORKS. The 1 3 HitMcriber hsi an kand nd 00a tinoB to manolartiire, at hi 1 HTbib dL onnoetle tlie arntera two doon Tsed ol'Canal CrUe, at ttie ptra 1 hm and jrnerai aworoneni BOOTci SilOfc, of toa tr otnlitT. 4h il-U aod Shucaamflf hiaoww aiamiCiura.mvia of goon itock.andbynftworko.betliiiik ke warrant them Mrb a fnodv if not a liW up- rior to li rheip eiMerp ntlo ale work with fin tiiu muodated.

TiuiM wUliiax to porfliww woaH du well to call, at ia determined to fff-l) ht work lowetfor coxli than lia evr beeu sold ib 0i rity. Id old friends and cut mteti ar pwiiciiluly -mritedto calU 'rUo-sroafift frrs tlnnkfiillj rocmorf. MERLIN Vjlay leave to inform ki -ffind, and die punJw. 1 Itii MtaMithrn'virt. andmade other valoal-lo b- -woWmetnViieit W4Ao-1m thr- lJtfc Priantlrmnninjr.and havktf thotwtwrkiiia mrfwaf.

tit ssasewot ma ia sat ma pravaHMia iwniin lire rtock at aooeof ibat SI wltLlAM L-LauV tbWHD 4uKToa, A 4S 1 1 vtriosasavtritaahen risnwd.1, aitd cli-uta, lan'U aa teaew. jwTr Kent, 1 bar ariseUndlAi-a all fttierratb-tar raid Juha hsnil that heea parrot tl (sud. (rinw mid l9 mt oH.u. rovniv ot Erts and Ptaia af New ye. knmn sod dasinroaaal by t' 11 fob town and ittnraims.aj wn, AjImwi (or the Holland Land Csmjuuy bwM luilow: begnantng at il ertMrsot ianid uJl inff from iUirk anlbi m'atb TalisT south tjl and a bwtl decree, ssst on cbwi sad tu! a lutr links fruia lbs tti)-at ebrkBf af laae Aldricb's sew bouvej rnumf Un westoa the auuth side of lamb deeded mm -day of Joty, in the ve-ar ot oar Lord ikovau-t eiEbt bundrnd and thrm rbrsw, by levies AMnetiT Mary Mophanand Aas Le.

asvaw chnjadMUHrw bake, lo a mom ia (be a oand, Ikoucs asoikerh no the nwnb btNiNde mt Isnda botulrd (a Kjliik Ptaai! lhneratro lUakbwvMiilurMaHj: lUneenwna. ett ia ibecenterej aaid road a Hu place ot b. arnx; oMtaiaini aboat a half acra at uutd, be lb sa'nte nsarn nr tew. Alao, att tliat certain ottiSf pieca or parrel KifiR and beitif stiaalrn in tbe tnwnef Coiiins.eiHts tv ol fcrre and aUteot New Vark, known and lmg disuncutsbd by kig parts mi lots 3J anrt ,4 laS town, 8MitMf(M aoeeyd bv Josrpk Ibe HoiUHMi Land ComrNuiy, hosnied as fellow bafiantni ai a post wccu nunoa ia the center otikw hirbway kpdiug aorthwnnll from Ralfik Plamb' Mills InJaroli Trior's. nouOi 61 and a baif -(rea cam one sbaia and 39 and aa kail links frots Ota sontbrant corner of the brick Bad moots feoosft of I.

ane Abtriik nmniag tlw nee west 7 chains and 3d Uoka toastosm ia tJia ikearv mm fa and iCt link ia a poatrtbence west Sitt cliains and Ktt Unka to -a puat; tbeites riorib t5 ciiaias undSO links lo a post; Dteaee souib and aa hail degrees east 50 chains and 61 links at a etune thenuc auuih 1'J cltaitts i links ami one third lo a stake) these east cbaius and links to a slake wincb stamls to tlis -enwr-ftbe-4)(bwty sJortwid? thence sooiberty -nlwng me center ol said highway 5 chains and Jinks the. phtscsfheginniugi ItlO poles of land, be (lie same more or less; re-kervtng out of the witliio described land one aero of bind on wknt is eontnonly culled tbe high flat, formerly deeded to Nalbsniet hitcomb, and now owned by Kd wis FarRsworth, and rewrviHg tbe prit9 burying any of tlie counexioa of Isaac AldV, rieb ia tbe burying erobnd furmt-rly occupied by iba Aldricb faintly. AH of which bliatt exMise for sale, at public vendue, ai tbe bonse of Jo tin Kent, in tbe lows ot Oolbas, on. Wednesday tbe 94 dnv of July next, at 10 ia tbe (brenooo of tkatday. L)a 4ed MayS, IttM.

STEPHEN OSBORN, Sh'ff. TsCsah; Cjuih, Hrptv Sir- 3T Tbe sale of tins above ilescribed premises is postponed to the 15th day of October next, nt Uie lime of dav and place strove mentioned. Dated July 2, im. STEPHEN OSBOKN, Sb'ff. 47 BV vwtneof power of into contained in anortajre eieeuted by Ircna Howard to Sionnel 0.

Smith, bearing ditte ibe fint dty of Ma-ch, A. li- IB33, recoroVd hi tbe Clerk'Oflke of Krie Onumy in liher of MortfV pe at page 154 on tbe fttb day of March, 1833, whieh ilieee it claimen to be due st Uie first publication of: Ibii notice, tba mm offuur hundred and thirty tis dollars nnd twenty sight csnti. which aid Morifrage hsi been duly assigned to Uia nndemigned David Burt by the laid niQrlgsgee, und also in purswmce of tbe itatute in tach case msln and provided, nil Unit certain ninee purest of land sitaate in tho eity of Huffalu in tbe county of brie, and beina part of outar number eigbtenn taitt city of BtiHalo, and boonded a follow UoLnaning at Make ea Franklin street thirty feet nariherly from tbe souUi wert corner of said tot, runmnff ibence westerly parallel with tbeaoathevlyboondiof aaid tolone hundred nod Kventy three and a half feet', tbenca nonlierly ptralkl Franklin Streei, thirty feet thane eSMerly patalielr Wlia tba ftoniti line of said lot. one hundred ana leveoty tkres and a half feet to Franklin street: thenca tooinerly as FmnUin street thirty leet to the place of -Uining mora or let. Will beaokt at Ibe K(fl Tirwm in city of Buffalo on the fourib day of December at ten o'clock is the forenoon.

listed June 17th, 1834. DAVID MORTGAGE SALE WHEREAS dVtult bv, been made ia tbe pay. ment of a eertain sum of money secured to be psid by an indenture of mortgage, executed by Ivers Barton and Samuel Hall, to John W. Martin, dated April 30th, A. island recorded in Liber 7 of mortgages, at page vSWtli, in lira clerk's office of Erie county, and which raid mortgage has beea dulr assigned by the said John M.

Martin to the undersigned Noah P. Sprngue; and on which said mortgage there is now claimed to be due two bus dred and fifty-nine dollars and fifty-seven cents Notice is therefore, hereby given, that by virtue of a power of sale contained in said mortgage, and ia pursuance of the elntnte in such case made nnd pro vtded: A II that certain piece or parcel of laud situated in Buffalo, and known and distinguished en a map of tbe village of Buffalo as part of outer lot nnm ber twenty-eight, and aim on another of a aubdi-vision of said outer tot number twenty-eight into smaller lots, is distinguished part of lot number six and bounded ni follows, towit; Beginningin the northerly bounds of Chippewa street at the distance of three hundred and thirtv feet, from tho southwesterly corner of said outer tot number twenty eight easterly on snid northerly line of tsid Chippe- iiiiu cnnnij wn mini iiuruieriT Hue OI biu vintvp- wa; north fourteen degrees east two hundred orf ihiriv.w fox. de snd thirtv-two feet: ibenre aonih neveniv-eix de grees east thirty feet; thence south fourteen degrees west two hundred and thirty-two feet; thence north seventy-six degrees west thirty feet on the northerly bounds of said Chippewa street to the tbe place of beginning will be sold at me Court House, in the ciiy of Buffalo, ia the county of Erie, os lbs nineteenth day of November at boob, of that day. LWd, June 3, 1834. NOAH P.

Sl'UAtiUE. Edward Nohtqh, Attorney. MORTGAGE SALE. WHEREAS default has been made in the 'pay-nrerit of a sum of money, secured to be paid Iw -an indenture of mongage, executed bv William Postal, and Luna C. Postal, his wile, of Buffalo, tv tbe slate of New- Vork, to A innsa Carter of ibeJewn ol East Bloomneld, in the county of Ontario, Is stale, dated the eighteenth day of May, certain nremiaea described in awtd indenture as fol auid irjima tbt autiM as BumuW aad Ha viriat that tber aua twsSm UdM iMto I tava'a, fttuaea' aad duMna'a BUTTS SHOE, at wmi Rruil.

of a Mtpenor oiultir, toad oxpmT Imc iwntoiltraifai, am004wl.nA art um muowttig. Ladwv Frcack, Km! Uti W.lkin- Kid. Mooceo JLestber Lacd, KtdNod Ualbor litr BoonV laLHer. Laatltor, kid and ClotS FHpa, Vis) rrtp and Anita TN. rkildraa'a Lmkr aod UoroerM Hoflra, (ietrtl-awa'a Fine CfFrod CwWfd SHan, VBruaa, a Br-tu, Bora fine Calf fliopf, thck Brimj, Cent'emea'a fine CaH" Bootii, I'cip-J of all ft-iads, fSrt- Children' BoftU, Jkc "4 A prima lot at' Ladi- fintlmnn'.

ttiaaeft Cliildren a INDIA UliHtKK MMU.S, locmhw with evrr artick peocrUy kvA in-aiitabiuh-enent of tiiia kiad, ail of which Will ikt cold low terrmfa or apftroTed rodifc N. Tbtr have a U- MAXLTACTOttY at lheaL (Viita whick tiwv will ba oumtintir re- eeivinxwiUB.ia, Parciia6arereaethiltmTv ted to call-and esawiuo tin aruriesUefun fcuyio. fv4enir 17, 1. ft Vr ESTABLI.SMMEXT. The i.

job-eriw Vrforma Uii pitliltc that be ha in i SADDLE -ANO Mikmc Bvainw, oV tle curwer wf Mj A.K its. dim ity ia ih rrr of VantWa Hat ltw. vbeia he wtll kwp niiwtsa-tfyoii i (-liersl artmitt auit ihla either for mreJ tutness tourter, ana ot uie BILA8 BENSOS. Jwfi 4fi IP. UUELLA M.ikek.

Joshua Kae resmctd- ly lit for Ui piiblic tlutl ho haa Mt.K and Lotto athb shop, ww the Mansico HouWf and opposite Uie i-itluageboild- I'mbn-llas and Paraself repair ed oirshrjri iioS, and on revonable ierms and old Umbrellas received for new one at a fair price. TEW fclMiT A SHt.R 1 1 r. iiw hufilic itml be ha onenrd a new Boot and rlior store at the stand la'elv orcupied No. IMS Main fS Elltcott Suarar) where he inteods to carry oa the above all its vnwua Itranohea. and 'wiJfhe hiippy lo wait npon those whotiwy faf ot fiini with a cai.

From hi cxrwrience in the' business, and haTiifs; his work mode under liie own immediate eupenttemience, be feela corifidept that lie will bouble tofuniiifh customers with as piwd articles as canoe obtained at any ottior establishment in this city. He ki-eps constantly on basd a general assortment of Boots and Fhoest of his own mm utactore. Also a ijnod supply of Findings. Ke-pairins dofleiaJbe neatest manner. Ju1t8.

ft HATS, CAPS ASD THE su1)scriber offers the above OTt't-cles and wil) jrusrautee Uiatthey are as GOOD as any Uiat can bo purchased in the United isiatw, and ccrtsiaiy muck better dthen amy that come from Johtif BuW covntrj. These poods are sold at New-York prices. Call and see and fur yourselves. T. KNOWEft, l97JHaia-t.

UuAle- Or. 22. 12 CUTLERY. IIkkst A. Ksapt.

rcspectfuily ititorriis the public diat ho has removed h'ra business In thjs city, a fcw doors east of Stock, ing Hart's hat ware house, on Swan-st. whtire he will manufacture and repair Surreal Instruments, Saddlers' and Shoemakers Took, Knife Sharpeners, Dividers, Penknife Bladr? Carriers Musket," Swords and oilier articles polished in Uie neatest manner, and Stamps, Marking Plates cut to order, azors, Scissors and Shears sromid at short notice. Also, cob-jstandy kept on liand and for ahv a peneral as-sortmcnUif Penknives, Imtli of hW-own and English mannlHcture, oftlio best quality. Jobs of almost every dew ription in the White-Smith business, done on short notice, and in the best manner. He will warrant his work to be rell done, and should it in any instance prove defective throiurh his fault, he will make it good without charge." Cash paid for Keys, and Kcv8 fitted to Loa.

,1 HA1R MakwTo. D. R. HAMLIN lifts, resumed tljeCj'air jui-kinr busiTiowt at ihe- ohl stand 011 Main street, op. positc -Clitinpsidea few doors below Seneca street, in the now hut Id where he intends keeping a general assortment in his line, and will endeavor to satisfy all who may cfl, as to kind, quality and Wanted, curled maple, black walnut, Bass, and white wand plank, Ac.

-Also ah Jo tlw abovo buMness. r4' -V- 4lJ VILKKS IN SONS 1 arc now receiving and will ki- ronstanily on hand, at the old stand-of Wtllteson, Heals A. Ccv, ptonsti-n assortment of litotes, wJLillow Ware. Pit Iron. rVmn Iron- Potu'li Ketlli's and.

Coolers. Sosar Kotllrs, -iiildrons, Mill ixrewB, bletgli tfhoes, Cranks, Ar. Having recbl an additional I-untace at thur Foundrv, they are prepared to make castings of anv wciciu rcquirfiM. ptea.m i.nginea ana trull gearinebuiRtourueft 1 JUmST -T Tin. vin ffrUA is Tin (mm Mininini ihu kM ilscnootiors rttnlanu.

Hubbard. Ams- Adama. Geauaaand Minerva, add nre constantly rcceivinff a verv esten- siipply of Stoves, Hollow Ware, Pi and Smp Iron, Potnli kettlus, Bark mills J'laUter miH.s Corn craters, Ac. Ac. (Vom our Furna ces in Ohio; All of which will be sold on accora-jaodating terms.

Also, a eonftnnt supply of first quality of Ohio Grind Stones of all sites) from to ih J. MAYIIKW JSc CO. Xl ILLOTT'S PATENT PENS. 1 JK case more of these celebrated (including (be Patent Lhmrated and Lunar, with Ivory Holders) juit received direct from tlw Pat-eoluoiu Biriningfiam, Kajt. and fin sale hv JOHN A.

NKWHOULD, IiajwrUr and W'hnlU IcBlpr. titaMHiR-(-Sduura into titt fanucri' llnid. Mav 6. ,38 4" Li ll a()f Ma. ftWMW" Hnoa.

ifTtasn pt tc rMH- i Cmi fmm M' j.a.t at. Iraffee. Kv Bti(; molasses. i muW 4o. Uia I iriattM Siietrf.Atl aha, iiartiHetiK, lVr.a, i Ui, Zaw epraumw i Cadi LaMa.

Draam, froMfc fit. 1M Aai UV. iw, ta ml aWer4. 1mm, NaiMtfa, Mom.Coma, lfcO. MMrd.

CaiMt. Oie pMJif.vim MHt. iSi.i, LmJ. li'oertfc MaeniAM. tkawlad PAt.ld ftata, Hrnn, Mif.

kr-rt. Bar iHwfS CimMtitk. IjhUt' 1 1 -7- ai.i.iaWlprt.a fohctCCO. Cfcri.ot(rwriiiiiyd tuwuLLv. fwirM, "1 rmra.

rUHr, aod S. FiimV le tftlna, io Aui(u, H- cfrniv wm, Aiewadn, Jioett 4 PAINTS fc PAIPiTERS ARTICIXA. R( Lend. Hlark tniUA aad Aowttcaa To- -WMtaa Rlt Yr4tw and Krearfc Orhrr, itpaM Kia, ia KW, BW aad Ua rami rori In Paw, KtafT YeHoti, Frencii, CferaaM iintm. 11 PnwtaBiiM-.

Mu. I mmi. Kmc ltrk P-k. Lha Biora, PrrMbtUark.lTrro. PatMaatl Vrib Unuhra, ki ada, Fxrk 1V1.

hiir a. Cnrr.and Sable' Hir Prwita, Itoldai) Sihrr laf. Pair a MeUl, tMd, lfr. ronp. but, 1V1" PahVi Kaitr.tiluW'afViifiiOBda.

Sp'if Tarpeaiine. t.iasprd tfnwd Paper, 1 ere aeuoa, inttrti dry al groewf, Swerpmr. Carprt, ioih, tlf, Slw, V'omt'. Toatli ami um id in lUcFiirk UwdHr, Atom. Cwnerrtt.

Bine Virrial OifVrtrwt, Prrw rnrj'T, Jf tt atjli, Wond, ami B-nf at Float, 1 te Oil.Teater Hunk, ('lotlrii i Srrewa. Curcuma. Coehiaeal, Uoriatie Acid, etc, T1t hsre on' hand alar-e assortment DRVVXASI) MEDICiXES. of the het qiiali-ty. BoKtort Crowa and Cylitwh iaWtfw VUts.

Mathim Cards, manuf icturod by Jonoa, Wuod A Co. tairield, et'ial, if nut aarerior to any other in the t'nited Slxtfie, Thy Iiare eaumorated but a few of tlie articles kept hv Uiena. '1 hw stock will at all limes be ftttand RHPipieip, from wtatfc Hirir ni-uvm-en can nuke erlwuorw at prices at low, and terns asood a at any eetablishtnent rim etry. 'Vhtf'tw fruA mnA llio mtklLi. buuMv 1-T ii 7t un: ui ntwn, ira mpeei- iu nen 1 can ana uietr Mocc.

Hunatn, Jolv 1S34. 4fi EW GOODS Sigu of the Krp i ll Bail. No. 234. LONU A.

UT.LTY are now recciviiiK, direct from the importers, New-- Vorkr their Fall and Wirrter Stork DHY-GOODS, which tnsctlier with their lorniHr atouk, tmkM their assortment general and complete BconoVlotlts, (liwi iae re, Sminetu Lnrxo'i imm Merino CKUw, 3- i and 64 Mertso Circamiaiia. 4-4. 6-4 Lajtia's black, white aad scarlet Meriao Thiliet aew style, Pnper B'trk Italian, Btrl etoed Uro de Nspsr mH eokA, BelHof ds. ter Mm Sitamda, Vtsured and eaibaased scarlet aad free Afe- veens, a Frrcb, Fnanifc tt Aasericss Calicoes, Laces, Edgisf, Invettioa, Hwipry.tttoTes,IbD,F!aaaels; r-tmleta, Ire. Also, aw elegant and well selected assortment Carpet inc.

Ticking Bleached Goods, Pbtrt-, an Slieeiini, Cottoa Yarn, Wicking, Vv'ad. Battirur, 7 We have enumerated a fW of the leadiof ar ticle in the Dnr Gooda line. Oar stock has been selected with much cam, and it would afford us pleasure to exhibit our roods to friends and cus tomers, which we will sell for cash or approved credit, as cheap as can be purchased in thif fttr. taking quality ami style into consideration. Call ind examinei Oct 26 A BOOK STORE, 203 Bf Main sL.

east sidc.June 17. 1834.Ar.W. Wncn ia now receiving a choice' selection of HOOKS and STATIONERY, which, togeiuer with his former stock, will enabta turn to give isfiction to his old customers anu otiiera who mar fiivor bim 'with iheir patronage, Some oftliose just received are4iie ltw York Ananat Register, tar CoMwrll'a Vmira riramaiBr Parley', TatM atooai Amrtea, in Frprfh aC Boann's lalrodaUtuB to Um alodj the Germas ad- a-B Inria, itn Betmilt, fjfniBi Dtmar Bnrih Drama. 3 Fans tttrnk, Af Ktant Potter Grecian The Tbrw 8iaBiards Alontn and Mf litaa, Uurn'i Work 1 mmi 3 Portiral Woras Ln af Omart, bv Uaitelf WaBine rranklui Mrni'ir of lliip Ke.

2wli Family ftyrt am" Smartr, Arabiaa Stght T-iiIMV Coane of Time pucal Wifrka nf Hra. Hmaaf The riwt rwwf, ('umpaainn. a ataefftine of wit As. Medical Wttrht.F Pimm IHspemalorv Wood sad DaBfh, Phi'ilr! Do. ott Jnflimmtna.

tu. Ffw, -Kbrcl's praftirp. I tuIs i MWlri Mntwir.Tr,o. on FMnaif. On.

Iupp.ii Atai-linrl'a Manawl irf PanVriojrf, M'Cjltwk on fever Twri lnflaiuatiua William an tbe Lung, Jtc. sc. His assortment of School Books very ceticral. Juno 17. 44 ffl-'JRON IRON WORKS.

The sub. jL SL Wiribers have rirchawd tlie Hur-m Iron Works, in Huron eonnty, Ohio, and appointed James R. Ford tliotr AscnL who will transact aH their business under the style of Wu.arr.snt Co. The Furnace is now in successful operation, ontrncts will Iw made for the delivery of Pijp Xrrap Iron, titave Plata find Hnflmfi- Ware superior quality. 3WH.KKSON, dOHNSi)N, W.

SMITH. BmHiIo, ONFECTIONARY of aH tinds, just received from R. L. ft Ar Ptnart-'s, and for sale low bps CUAHLhS o. jkihh, June 3..

No. SI Kremlin Mock. A Fill FRESH op GROCER. just received and for s.ile at AtWroie prifw. by JA.Mi; M1LLI-UL June 5 MAS1 PAID FOR WHEAT, at my ay vviire-iiouso, ffearioot Main-st.

K1CHARH HEARS. fttpt in. ER. Tho Surnrnhrni have iiWJtuia-JjtrjstojtlLAN tkh it tiinicnllor far. uwr no wi ii id uac un meir Lnnai itiiti.

rr.Mt'B. Wr'Bf pork 15" HAM. AO Tliubali 1)1(11 r-EAfHKS and a few ttus-ol I'lO Ll.AH. nt their ware-house foot of Main street. BARKER HOLT.

Buffalo, 18.14. 3S gU) MONONGAHELA. 10 Bbls. Mononahcla Whiiikcy, (very old,) a sujwnor article, tor sale BARKER HOLT, Buffalo, lxi at Mm Stfsat, 35 OPARTNRSHIP.w.The siibscri. hers have associated tliemsclviwi for-tho nnri poof transsrtinff the wholesale and retail GVO-' rtur Chappotin, and would be happy to receive tho patroniure ol ttieir tnenrts and tlie public in gene ral, at their store 19s Jtfnin streeL iSU w.

boypfn. LKON CHA1T0TIN. Buflalo, March 25, 1834. fci. atkt! Mala, lMftM ea Sorb in two contw lot rur.

sac aud CWtrv rwal Baua of lew nuM kt and mm. kif-wU Mok thm lU enkNa verr ih ma- awrt ow Biock'dUn 'raaca, it pvoa Oma 4ccd4 Mitaotaae a co of muck, earn ea. am the wlM(jn olW Hmmi aauOi W- otaa iao; kave star IB.dd 1a tUtt cwiavy. uci ofrrery mumUv of lU aaoat tp- provd tfautp. A 1.:..

silk a vrrw ntnan PfHAHRY. (al It- N- tWi vUi. furauk I1LL CA? oWr.plwa that nty Tke auWioere an cWi-at tii caa tunu wok ff the alxv afr4m brttw teraM tha tntf caa. be prurorr. at PktU.klpftia, Halutaure, ot uy of llie rt Svoiltrm aaarketa, aid at ti transport x'm Butittla be lew lit Iron iUHV4fl'pm limy Uuok wUJ be tttendof -rvlue au4 otlicra Uw wst, to taror tfiir orders.

CG a'E Wv BUU II. TVnWWBI ft Ca Mftttfu A U. ifM. U.ttUl'ia. it H'jrvmwi, FtM.

A K- 1. 1 tone. A Hf. HbA M-r 1 fttcOaitf Sean, if W.r I twa. ii't 7 GUbcrt kMiHL A'-a9' V.

iHktorow. i I Nt Rra'i A fa J. UrdftiW A C. Mt jMtpaa STATIONERY Ak-JAM FAXON are now opMiinc at the old Uad of Goa. P.

I tary, to tit tKiuc buiUiof tHinrr 131 Main ritreet, a trarwral aMortmeat of the abore articlee, amang wliirknM.ybeSmiidthefclhwin doederiioa aad porrt BilJea, RHfi Mn4erf! fcan.liaod'alloukol.Satatt: Kynta wHi.eo)lir ia one volume, Hwhwi'a awd I PmtM stk-koepief. Werbaaie'a (Mapaama. WaUitr 's Ss. and aebnot lidKHmry Kenwirkon Uie air am Citjiae, npnriaier.x auia. Vieil.

Clark'a Cirmr, JacoU Greel -CSWB'-r Ad-irrw Gramma Ijiiia Reader, lay' Algebra. Hi ad' Farriery, ajaamwre' Sarweyiat, HosMkerper Maaasi, t'caunoa Prayer. 8 so. ool(irlgM HUlard'a GeoerarbT. Olaey'a aad Parley's do.

J' irliV JuHfBtleTiilepol Amfrira, Larope, Asia Afnes.NUadaofttie Wister eves. Tales Oiaeanml Pmver. Porbrt Train mroia. Itmwa'i Li'aordiiw. Hoy's Own Bnok.

(i iri'aOwo Book, Webtser'n It eJmaarr, ColJra Walker. OosdrirVa States, Kirkbsst's Grammar ItaiwiH's Aritliaawie tiier' Spelt twt linak, C'ubb ada. ScboPm laineats, Hafoer'iai'aauly Library. Diarv a very irnm, ew iitfinwior arrta ntumwfi MwiraSarra.LofluB'i Natural Hiatory, itvola, Preremor, Ladyofibe Manor, 7 vola. MMaoirsoflloaaparte, Lady ot ibr Lake, Tliompon'sSemoaw.

Rotnaarenf iba Forest, Pilgrim's Proarew. Lllleth.RcottiabCbisw Childrea el tlw ANty, Dsn Uainotts, Arbia Nitlils.raleof landlard, Jarnselial Holland, Kin aecrettVoaBijDeks cur r.nwarq scawarn i arrauve, Ilstckmas'f Fireside, Csteekwiaot Health, C'ourae el Time, Symbolical Priner. Vocal l.vre. Village, Watis'llymns Weatem 8onrster, 5'oy Bibles. tova of nil at tea, Porier'allenltli, A Buffalo Almanac limit, I nk htanrta, Paint Bonet Sand do.

MathaiQetical 1 nalruneats. Pocket Inkstands, Waters and WatorstRmns. Wallets. Crsvoas. Pencils, Red Tape, PAPER.Tbey have oa band, Royal, klcdmro, Heaiv.

Foolacan aad Letter Paoer. Which tliey will soon be able to make into Books I tne dom qrviry, ruled and bound to aor pattern. Pen. I. IK jo ITFALO-STKAM JFQtJN DRY bers respectfully- inform their friends and the ewzeos of Buhalo A atul ita vinih J-j ally, that tfaey have ea-isP tered into eo-nartBcr.

ship under the firm of1 hkinntr Goodrich at the old stand of I. W. Skinner, near the aliip-railwTt 00 Buffalo Creek, where they will keep on hand -fall times, PLOH.HS ft PLOCGH CASTINGS, STOVES. HOLLOW WARE. MILL GEARING and IRON CASTINGS They have rdcently added to their establishment, ana put successful operation, fine Steam- Fnciw, and are now prepared to execute Boring, Turning and' Finishing Iron, of almost every description ot work that can ba desired.

They have also erected an additional FURNACE, andcannow furnish Costinei ofanv deacrintian. and to any extent required. Mill Gearing of a variety ot descriptions and patterns, always on hand or furnished on short notice, together with a rreat aariety of other Castings. amdCarticIes u- sually kept in establishnfenti of this kind, all of which are ottered un as liberal terms as can be found elaewliere. Also, BLACK SMITHING BUSINESS ia all its branches executed to order and on the shortest notice.

ISAAC W. SKINNER, AARON GOODRICH, fluffdo, Oct 22. 44 fllHE SUBSCRIBERS have an do-JL pint M)rtment of Looking Glasses now for sale, which they offer lower than ever, at Wawtasifaj or retaiL They have Sheet Glass of iss size, f-iper umd Leaf; and eortdry other thincs, wkdi they will sell low tor cash iunla thswbii- wishio, purohnseto and see. Poruait aii'l pirtora frames mads to order. Looking Olat, Plates.

Clocks, dVc. Ave. ILCOX 4, TA LCO ft. QY CUTS FOR SALE I or sah new, nnddify will be so 1,1 at a considerable discount Irom tlie foundry prices. A printed peciumn of the CtnayV seen at this ofli-e, where the terms may be, loam by any wishing to pKrehase.

fPST received by BOYD HULL aWMahvat, Kremlin Block, splen-did asaorfnitnt of Merino, Hcrnana, Thibet Wool, Embroidered Thibet, Palmannoa and Silk muslin Shawls and dn hdkfs. JunelO, 43 OA BOXES No. 1, STARCH, dfrcet 4iM (torn Gilbert's Manufactorv, for sale by G. M'KNIGllT A. CO" Jan.

15. WW Main street. 11ATENT PAILS on cortHiorrMpNT. M. R.

HoHistcr A Co. have on hand UN Patent Path, of tho Waterloo manutaoturs, which will be sold at a less pnoa than the same article can be obtained Builalo. May 13. 39 a I -ff 'Ji Try and Jot Csfs, Ti 4 coioprising soveo sets 1 Toy Bonlta, and a 'L-v-4 I wiitable fi fcx indliillsrfCafd. jrMrsMsai nwoi iw hw4 a i aac-k aWnatMa; IUm aaaaa tMMf in aaaoaSai s-pasaM a enUiaa aa4 lcctMa att' aalka taa-sa mhI ealj ajt Melr'tod.) aail Meartap ba IMS thaaaSMaa erat tWrn mwl lbs cuswasd asv prnans aaMiltwiinf aiaJ Sttvt-ntaiaf.

taal -aerUM pi- oi nd in mm riff, W-Mf (MrtnltHMrt U4 HH, taM ttow ti aat ha at ia tW awaarrtv rnna atm, la ebams. swaHbrrw at rU nttk- rtutaak. waa a waaia aim miains. SMtlafrit trM aawtas i rvNaa mi le Uavjalpcai of bettnniuf, sinn4 la fcUssfaam tii safer, fsnw? parpuja at hu- par Uaf St 1 Sal wt brad is asia ety briaj nana aaasr hat $0 Wfiinf 3U rWiaa rnirrty fraaa ta Haariy haw at sntd saUar tot W. jnce arwaa aas ssaaa 4mm mi aca mnmt Scawna, MaanoS awasawrty at naaS ics 4 abauaij Uarar aMrtr aud pMM aula fiVsaea stre, 3 dwias to lf.

I'irt i Ua4. Uicare oa wid DUry'a liae If Safa nrrn y-iad ia tor ike ittrtxMf of r'is tbe amn of 49 0U llauM Cj af Bottalo, Jsl? 3. W. K'. HI.L,'fVyff, YUMIK nrtrv kiVm tbai tbs tweMH-brst i 1 dav ul Aoanat a' 9 o'riwk ia lbs tori-noon dial da) their ill be war4 Utt sals si public aurlH.n, at chr Facte a era, in ib cur of Btitta-kt, by and nndertbs direction ot tbe tor lb eny nt littrliiio, pHranam 4be cbartiM- af nu) ciiy.

the bmOarMtt WnbM4 meres of ral ente for ihm aurrwso ol rataioe tbe sm munnd B4 law ekws mi nawb aWniHKM tW aame Imm Um aasanai wa ed and awnaard a -on iWb aereral nrwaMnents lur gradtn( aad fravclline Last tSfnera fitni (MMwrea WaabteKMMi atrest MMt (be llvrirmilie tWl asal mUKaed ansttUrrmd) swd bkswia raise toe sotoealsf latrrmt tbenwn, and the coats -ui asnsoaat'adverttMng aneaUttag. A part ofianaw Un 33. Siraei 43 feH rth from Sncca streei trace north ea Alain atreet Si feat tbewca aieweriyatnthtaaclrs teet as altavi tbenr snntberly an said alley 9fi aasterly b-i tba place mt asatwd ia ft. 8, Brows lor the intruoae of tawnnar io90 amo, fain as aaiar ms vs, oefiaaiaff (eel wetrrly from Um mrh aaat eoraar of eiT bx Wt awstHy aa lite sMiib lino af Heat street. 09 V- lv.tlu fret ibraco at ri bi anf nOwiberly lbo w4 Uteaeo eMer-U len.tlrfara I6S leet lo the pfoea of brriniiing Anmcd ia li.

Ueiser far lbs purport of aia.nplH sum of outer tot WP, Ul and trora. miiBi w. wwifor -ea neoef a sirrri, lchatas anuibrly at rtfbt socles chains, easterly parnfll to icca atrert 15 rbatns, northerly ntnrbt angles with Hences rtroet iotmiM to tbe place of bepnninj, sjnnnsed "Ktnwtnrt BuriKfMiif nii- sin tbe snra of H0 64 MORTGAGE SALE. 1V0TICE is hereby siven, that by virtue of i. power of sale coataiaed ia a mortKage, eiiecu.

tedbvNelsoa Fereusos. lata nf Buffalo, to Josenb Wi MoiihoB, benrine dale the 15tbdHy of Deremlier A. H. 131. and recorded ia tbe Clerk'a Ofhce of Frie eoenty, in liber seven of morigitgri ai pajp 165, 4te.

en which there ia at the date of the liret mhltcsiioa ai this notice, clamed is be dim, one hundred aad aeventv-sil doUam and omettHw cents, which said morlpase kits been duly asMzned to tiieuihiersiEOed Cbaries F. iiie asid awrl'rssee aud also in pursuance of lite staiate ia such run aWe and proviucu, all that eartata piso or arcel oi land, situate ia tbe city of Buffalo, knows sod dtstingeisneu on acertas map or pioi ofland annexed to a deed from Joseph W. Moultoa lo Louisa Clww. dated December 8. 1829.

on re cord ia Ota Clerk's "Office bf. Mid county, in liber ISof Deeds, page 360, Air. by tbe nnrober4 (twenty-four) being the tot which on said plot ia mid dowa Uetweea tne UimlnnA toonn auejt esstciiyi ne-inuiof at a point ia Seneca streei in mid eity, one hundred aud fifiy feet easterly fronralkeyU3, and two htfndred aud fifty feet westerly from alley 27, as narked on said plot and running from said point, (parallel with mid alleys and adjoining lots) northerly one hundred end ninety eight feet, thence easterly fifiv feet, thence soutbcrlv one Jiundred and ninety right feet, flience westerly fifty feet to ibe place of befinning, containing titty leet troni anu rear nyone hundred and ainetv-efkht feel deoth, will bo sold at public auctios at tbe Eagle Tavern ia the city of Battatt on tne twemystxrn usv ot irrrmoer nexi tea 0 Croch the torenoos. uatea juiya, io. CHARLES F.

ktOULTON. Assienee. Pottir fc Babcock. Attv's. 47 BY virtue (several writs of fieri facias, issued out of the Supreme Court of Judicature of the state 6 W9i n.VeouBTii.axTat-Tt "aif rfe oi jonn Alien, 1 have seised and lakes aU the rtgbi, tills and interest of tbe anid Jobo td all that certain piece or parcel of (and.

situate. Ivina and iw. the county of Erie, sod stale of New York, ia ihe village of Springville, corner of a certain prec beo Dins at tbe northwest orece or narcel of land twlnninv to Johnson Beualey. thence souib two degrees west three chains and 18 link ta th mtmp Lake's lot, thence north 78 degrees 30 minutes west one casta and 57 links to a stake, thence north 2 derrees east 3 chains aad 9i links to tbe boundaries of ihe highway, ibence easterly oa the south bounds of the highway one chain and fiitv-sht links to Ihe place of beginning, being a half aeie, be the same more or less Which I shall expose for sale at public vendue, at the house of Richard WnHawonb. in the village of Springville, on Tuesday the 2d dnyof September aext, at 16 o'clock in the forenoon of July 15,1834.

STEPHEN OSBORN.Sh'ff. i. akey. uep y. 4 "I nVPUE nf one writ of fieri facias isued out a onus supreme court ol pidicatiire ol tbe state of New York, and to me directed and.

delivered a-gainst lbs goods and chattels, tandx and tenements oi Koilman Starkwather nnd Russell ,8. Brown, 1 hayeseixednnd taken ah the HWle-aod mterew ol the snid Rodman and Ruesell S. lo all that cei lain piece or parcel ofland, situate, lying nnd being in the village (aowrilyj.of Buffalo, in Ihe coiraly of E-ne, and state of New York, being part of outer' lot number 104 ia said city, bounded northerly bv a line twrallel with ihn anmlipnxorn Itnmul. Af V. horst's Avenue, (now Main street,) at the distance of nrcci noruieasirriy uiereirom: norlliesaterlv by a line parallel withjie sonihwestern bounds of EaKIe street, at die distance of 21H feet southwesterly there-from 364 feet; southeasterly by a line parallel witb the southeastern bounds of Yaostaphorst's Arenue, (Main streeU aforesaid GO feet anri hyaline parallel with the southwestern bounds of basic streei, aforesaid HA feet.containing 36-100 of aB acre, be tho same more or less, as (he same was granted and conveyed by Joseph Ellicott to tbe Pre- iuciiju i-orfcion mm unipnny Ol Ine UnnKOI liiag-nra, by a deed bearing date lbe2lhday of Feb.

ruary, 1817. Also all thatothercertaia piece or -parcel of Innd being nan ol inner lot No. 35, ia the village, (now city) of Buffalo, a described oh a map ol said vil-lajje, made by Jostnh Ellicott, survevor. described and bounded na follows BeBinning on Willink's a venue y'un streei) S4 leet irom Die souiliensteoi-nerof said lot number on Seneca street, ninnins westerly qn a line ptrallel with said Seneca street ouieei; inence noittierly on aline parallel with Willink'a Avenue 28 feel; thence eastrrlv on a line parallel with the finrt-nwiilionrd line 60 feet lo Williuks avenue: tbeoce soulberh; ia said Willink'a Avenue 28 feet to the nlnca. of beainnina.

w. serving a ripht of wy of 13 feet across die rear of sain mi niKivs described. Which 1 shall expose for sal at public vendue at the Court House city o'l Buffalo on Wednesday tlie third day of September next, at two in Ihe alter noon of ibat day. Oalcd BuAnlo, July iii, IR34. 6w49 rTEPHEN OSBORN.

Sh'ff; 1Y vlrtoe of a power of sale contained In a mort- 13 gpe execntrd by Robert M'Kelip of Uie first part, to the undersigned William A. Clark of the second part, tiennng ote the iwollth dnyof June, in ibe vear of ortr lird eichteen hundred nnd thir ty-lhree and recorded In tbe Clerks Off re of Kris I t. oi iintr iw wi morijrajji-, hi cna eh and on wbirh said morlftHRe there is now claimeil to be Hue on the first publication of this noiirn. three humtfril nnd we my one dollnrsnnd ihirly-flve cenia. nevrml picresor parcel of land wbirh are described in said mortgiise as follows, to wit Att Ibat certain trnet or fmrcnl of land situate in the Inwttof Clnrence, conniy of Erje Hnd smte of New Vot-k, losing part of two certain lois ol'lnnd which are disiintnirhndiis tots nuinlieraix nnd.ihlrleen in the first section.

IwcllTtr townstiin nttd--stwlb ranee Jilid isdescibed SS follows i BeKlnning at a poat siandiiiK in the esaUine ol a roau iitnig south Irom tne Kujlijlo Itond past the tchool liouae ave chmns from snid luOnlo-nad ihf nrs easterly in a line parallel wild Jb said ButofmRrrrrh Cttains to a post standing in the south west corner of Amos' Wrights luiifl, thence, south one chain, nnd uliy links ton sluke, whence westerly on aline parallel with the Builalo road five chains to a stake, ibenre north one cbaio and links lo ihe (tines begun at. onntainint; three parts of an acre- ui land, be Jli sainn store or less. Also UiaLoilier fnece ol land in Clarence Hollow, county and rials aforcwiid twiiii part of lot number thirteen and bounded ai follows, to wit a tlw north by lauds ol Gennre Horner: on the west bv a itrnd rsunins souiit irom ius ituSHio road try let en iiimnre os ths souib of the tannery lot owned by Hobert M'l 1 I nrtii, ni mm III" TMl Ily nimi Fti Oiling BOUIO frombeButlHlo mud by the scbnol house, contain-ins one half acre of land be the asms more or less. Aleo all that pteca or parcel of laud siiuale, lying and hems, in the town of Clarence, cttuniyof Kits, and Male of Mw York, being part of lot number thirteen, ia the first section, iweihh lownahip nnd audi range, hounded, as follows, via i B04-inning at Jia'aoaa, Java, tab, Lacwraamd lAmna- elrrs, aa r. Hoaott, fori, rwv tt, ttUara rsrt, P.

Teattnam, ISciiy, vam-kmm, MaaVtre. XiWtT, Makva, Ua, Cta-el ami Mornrn H.a", -aos anal iJtacce BrmWv, HoUaaal Uas, a. Crma aud Jimwra ram, Anmrw wkukev, eid Inak auf, Lmm Pomw. fWoiaie. euoaav, tar, peopor, Batnm, avtaaete Base, curraum, awmrooaa, to-saalo.

and wait rawp, meet kttcy tram, ealtodmi, mam mi, s-dm aa1 olive ad, olitea, cvpera, ajamried pickiue, LswaVat aawoa, Irmoa svntp, aeppar aaam, cocilrrtiooorT, ernsap and eereniie peppar, he, pwaaa. aj-aaoaJa, feiberta, Braaul num. -Jdadrtfa ft; paw aute, awmtitve end lemon, Mthaaa, buark, btoami and awnrataf rataiaa, Poland stsvdi, gm ram- pbor, aadt aatie, fhmbae eetm, Itntwnre bJl, peartaak. boraa, India bit erarkor. rjieh aw.

tard ia bottles, Vandvke's atMaatard, table salt, botllo and parfe vmiaA 40. aruMttx roebdle and soda powders, finsf soap, iDdfcor soap Aowdorj efaot, and oar tead, -od- Bsh, herfhif, markerel, smuked sftlmow, shad in barret aod 1 talf kwm, mfffesaoy, manpee sj." frote siHilf, plot tobacco, dusrnt qualitiea, ea-end 15k, liomboult'sand Lonllard't 6ne col, Jb. papers tw sawk 1 -b. do, Spanish eiftrs, 1-4, 1-9 and whole boxes, Pdloa'a do. Ha ranna and Amerioia do.

Tbe shore comprises a part of his stork, which eras bbAIIT aelerted and pfrrrhased wilb cah oa beat terms, and they viU be mid at as k)W raiMaseaa be obtained of an ether estabitsh- ment in the western enaatry. Those wbwwtah to ponuase Kemuaw artactoa will and it to their at-vanrve to mve htm a call, as be arttt be. muudily mrMtiot freak supplies during ths seaaoo. Also, Urfe Quantity of Ei rale recti utd whia-key eoastauUy lor aeie. JnW I.

46 500 Redwood Window Gltut. TIN haVinr become aients in this eity. for Uk, ttwlwood Aiodow Olam Company, woay I- fer for sale (jopt ree'd) 500 boxm eontatDinR st- sestrom6bv8 to 13 by Id. spscdully mvitod eJ! and ei amine this sueriqr article, as we shall be ready at all times, to sun- nty any size that mav he wanted Persons wish-uif to pnrchasa "OLAHS' would also do. well Jo call at Main at.

April 9. 73 laf 4tlflll SPANISH ANU fm Va 33 -AMERICAN CIGARS, for sah: by F. MALTBY, C76 Main st 7 Kremlin Block. June 17. 44 I 4 EVER AND AGUE.

Rowland'! warrameda specifhe and lainar can lar laiamincat fever, at F- yrtr a mniwH atat4 tines this ra innffcaM awKtxiaa has aces be. (ara Iba mwhltt, a a certain ami mnat ef-(attnal ran. for lati tratv drenJfal oiMara, fever aud av n. lloriag this abort itrqc. a bM ai il eftuM natta known) it hat emns Mh ttonamkafdraeei' and mrehaata uarournvst Um I'ntled ttaias, ari hna een bailed and truly regarded ai aeFriMMl tft Um Afttiftwl for what as amount of that, ami etonev and eomfort oVMnitaataaTaM iacb flflnn nanVrine.

Ia aH tbe biMary ofmedirtaet no pnpnraiioa aat parhapi ever met with neb iiraal (seeest and favor for ta gitni of mankind Umn uw Tnnie Miitnra. iWn hava Imen mJiitilv fnrnihed with Cr- tincaMs and enciimiumi of annrnbailoa from ihpmandtnf perw, mmo, wMli.juf, carrUy to trwlv wonnenui nafili (hey ban received from ibii ntost effectual remedy. Tna noparallelnil and nmvertal ftucreti which hn ever attended a puartuftl. and racalar ute of tba Toaic stialar ail caa fcver sud affna, warranu ibe proprietor ta eaf tfiBC is mm a (ha priea to aH ttmas wbasbalt knv takeit iHs'medicine in strict accordance witb tbe preicrUj-ed diractinat, without hnvtnr been Derfecity and laMinetv eared. Tkt above vsluxbu meoH-jae niay bad of tba siMcriber, at Iks piofMMtor'i price, wbuteuta and ntaiL J.

O. General ARent, ff special appointment, AOS Grsaawich at, eus door ww oMiKtmj, new ion, ana ow mi tea at IvVVQTICE ia hereby given to all concerned, that the commissioners appointed by the ouncu uie ciiy oi ounjvio, to assess the sum of five hundred and fifty dollars, for wor-king sod gradin Crow street, from Main to Mar, tin street, have returned the same complete, and that the Common Councilwill finally confirm the same, ea the first Friday in August next, unless objections be made thereto, in writing, by some vm. iieo Durraio, juiy Id, IWJ4. E. J.

ROBERTS, Clerk. "MTOTiCE is hereby given that the un. dersigned Commtssionera appointed by the the sum of one hundred and fiftr dollars iinnn Ihn vmiiiuwi vuuncii ui uie cut ot nnnaio tn Bk real estato to be, benefitted by the construction of a stone sewer from Crow street to Little Buiralo Creek, commencing opposite the westerly lins of land owned by L. Le Courteulx, on Crow street, thence along said street, near the north line of I me the corner of land owned by A. Wells, thence at richt ancles to Little Buffalo rock.

hnv completed tbe same and left it witb the Clerk of the Common Council, where tlie same mav be seen and examined by any of the inhabitants of saiacity, during twenty days; and the Commissioners will meet at the Common Council Chamber, on Wednesday, the 30th day of July, to re-Tiew their assessment on the application of any person considering himself aggrievedHaled Buffalo, July 1, 1834. D. BURTON. D.BFRT, J. GOODELL, J.

STOCKING, E. GREEN, 5w4fl PoTWaWiiWOWTS, "IOTICE is herebrciven i'that the un. JLw dersigned commissioners appointed by Uie uicmcii ot me city ot ttuttajo, to assets the sum of three hundred and seven dollars on the property to be benefitted bv urn workins and grading Franklin street, front Court to Tupper wreet, comormmgw ineestaDiisncd grade, in con. fbrmity with the 12th section of the amended city charter, have completed the aame, and left it witln the Clerk of the Common Council, where the same may be seen and examined by any of the inhabitants of said eity, ddring twenty days; and the commissioners will merit at the Common Council Chamber, on Wednesday, the day of July, to review their assessments on the application of anv person considering himself Buffalo, Julv 1, lt334. CHAJS.


Harrington; "-TIIIIM KIll-DUAnn 5w4A j' Comm'rs. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned commissioners appointed bv the vuniimiH UUII1. UI MIW VHJ UI DUOdlO, lO SS- es the sum of eleven huodred and twenty dollars, on ibe nmnnriv to tn bpnnrliiral hv wnrLina grading, and gravelling Niagara street, frofo the Publip, Sotiaro to Georgia street, according to the stahlialicd grade, agreealde to the 12th section of tiieamcnttrd My Charter, have-completed the same sun itmjt witn tlie ciers; or tne common Council, where the same may bo seen and exam- iWeXf'by th'mhflbitsnta of said city, d'iring tM nommixnionflrs will biettt at -the CommimCaiHfcjLChHmbor, on Wednesdiiy," tin Wth day of their nasmrut, on the application o'f any person considering him. elf aggrieved. Dated 'Buffalo, July 1834- rv, mwatet- sheldon chap1n," nath l.

wilguh. manly 6w4fi Camminrwnm. "JvVTOTICE is hereby giren that the Common Council of the City of Buffom liave taken and appropriated the land necessary to contirrae Front street from the present westerly term ins. tion, on a comer north seven ty.niue degrees west to ths ship canal, forty-one feet wide thence a long the margin of said cauabnorth ei ghteen degrees, east Ih the southerly line of Water-street, thirtjr -three leel wide, ia appropriated and that lite same will be finally confirmed unless notice of a claim for damages be filed with the Clerk within days bun this date. Oated Buffalo, Jul im.

5w4tt E.Ji ROBERTS. Clerk. 1 IT I in tlM wealent cmjiiirr-, ire j.rrj-f". dweriptwo of Turoins, b-th of wwd and Ivort, in die very beit maimer, and on short on Cotirt-A immediately ondor J. bloats' Cabinet shop.

Tlnffalo, March 4. 14 30 t- tn An MfrV HEEP SKIX3 -The k7 SulmclSr wislif to fhoep Skiat nA U'nn) tltR PlicO Wit) bfl girn for thVnmai lift Main 00', noxtdoor to the rarmcra Hotel. ft. il. TIw hiwstCash Priro giwn for all hinds of Slapping and Hatting REMOVAL.

LONG WELTV, would inform their city and country friend aod the public in freneral, tliat ihfv have removod their KiKinMve Block of DR Y-G(XDS, to lite new Kremlin Block. No- USA Ma in ft. of the Rr.o Kill, where dmy will be makins vert birso ad- rfj-ris totlicir present ttock, immediately on the opening ol navigation. April 33 TO LEASE for a term of yenra the store No. 1, Wert Seneca, now occirpi- Pd bf lift Powenn Riven of Mnynett STOftKS APAllMALtE.

Jnn. iW. 24 Subscribere have formed a Con. .9. Bexion in the exchange bdsinem which will be eonducted nnder the firm of Burt A Al- Street GEORWE-BCBT, ORLANDO sTt A liVING of'Evebt DE3caiPTiox dona to order on abort notre, at No.

8 Lllicott Square. A. CUTLEJL Riot, lit iX flIX MACHINES. For Sale, a few M. setts of Seth Peck's Patent Tin Machines, at die oiartufiicturer'sprfces, adrlirif transportation.

WEED PRATT, Agents. i.fflr. WW- If v- fllHE SubscHber lias on hand 3000 JL lbs. firat qualitJvCii.TSB, whirh ho oC fere for sale low. I.

F. MALTBY. 1 -JWorrAU. 8 S- INJ3EI0Hj by the. barrel or otlu A erwUo to suit purchasers, at 224 mam at.

April 15. (35) B.A-F TTUST Teceived, and for aleat Nc. 9 and byAl PiUaburth Glass BAVGLEy tf Apni MACHINE CARDS, at Number 224 Main st. manufactured by Messrs. Jones, Wood Co, Enfield, Maes, tuperiorto nny ittJ this market.

BADGLLY FARAUA31. i4prt' 12, A 1 S. 100 Doz. Patent Fail 1 for sale at 98Hnvm'f () GEO. McK NIGHT CO.

JL CHIN E3. A few of Burrill's highly approved Threshing Machines, for sale by June 24. 45 0NGRES8 WATER Frcsft from tlie Spring, for sale by 1 ror. of Wain West Senoca sts. Bimalo.

WABLE SALT of very fine quality i ftirsaleby VM WILLIAMS. Mnv 40 fT: LACK TEA-Of superior quality at (') -WM. WILLIAMS'. fcJ AVE YOUR SIXPENCES. Wm.

K7 Wii.T.usts has just received a cunsimnent 01 LINSKEH tHL, to sell at M4t-pricesasalftlt i-Sore ita aod'pf course it will he sold below ths-marJtet 4nce. Corner of Main A West Seneca ste. Mi r27. 14 nnOBAfXIO. KePIug, DL B'Miss Cavendish Tobacco.

jiiKt forsscbr. K. IIOLMCTGR A CO. J.ilv 47 "ftTRTHiSKKV. R.

IIoUwtbr 9 have KW bbls. hrstqu-tlity titn-d luskcy, winch they otlpr lur sale low, oil A 1 i (drctTttotn 1 tOMStanm on liaiidby .4 II. HOLI ISTI'R CO. Mir 90. 40 gr- UVPiD IE ll.

Ol stifnftv itm- XJI ly, just receircd and for sale by CHAiiLKS-ti-HaiHH, No. il klremlm block. 42 Ju WHITE LEAD Ground in Oil, Tor sale very low, by My 27. WW. WILLIAMS.

1 JiARRELS L1NSEEE ja' VF ceived and for le low by R. HOLLISTER A CO. JUST received at the Clmap Store No. 2Mi Kremlin Block, a-lar((o and fi.Mioral axsortjiieiit ol'lloeicry and (i lutes, which will be sold very low. BOYD BULL.

June 10,1034. 43 lows, vis: "all that certain piece or parcel ol land, I tying and being in the city of Buffalo, comity of Erie I and state ofNew-Vnrk, known and distinguished part of outer lot number one hundred and lorry-one, comment ing on Main street, at a southwesterly cor- ftnr n( xmart nf aaiit Inl nn lumrlrMl and forlY'onet ft1 J-l-jI 1 t. r. .1.1 Mlwcw uei-ueo 10 4oscin vjnry, rjsrj. oy 1 iewi weod (henre running st right angles with Miu Street, to WmdiingtoiMtfreet; ibence at njtht nngles wilbtiie taut line along Wnsliinglon-slrretj soulberiy to the northerly line ot ihe of tbe said lot nnmber one hundred nnd forty-one thence atnght angles westerly lo Mam-street; thence atrpntjiortberh to the.

nlnce ol beginning Which ..1 Ntrordad in the Clerk's office ol h. r.uu- iaUwRiir nfiriD'iDea. ai nitre whereas iher is now, claimed to lie due on the said mortgage urn sum ol seven hundred ana sixty ti.tUn Xntif im iliAMiore berebv siven that bv vir tue ofa power conorinod in snid mortgage and hr ptirsnnre Ol Hie ainiuie in awo cukj iimho nun nir yjded, the (aid morlsgrd premises will lie Sold sub-ji ct 10 prior tiiriimbranrri upon die tame at the Eagle Tavern, in ibe oily of HnfUIn, in the county nf Erie, on ibe fit tee nth day of March next at l'i o'clock at noon of that dav. Dated I7ih Hrptetnber A. iM.i.i.

AMASA CAUffclt Mortgagee. Br O. Bksjamir, liia Att'y, The ssle of the nltove described premises la postponed until Friday, ihe Ifiih dy ol August next, at at the time el 'day and place above mentioned. Dated March 15,1814. AMASA CARTER, Mortgagee, jjrBaLSjAMm, hisAn'y.

Jl vlrtuTofa power of sale contained inaittbrt" -'gage excci-tcd by Silas Hlisrmnn and rnslus Finney ib TlrivId Iliirl, (be BiibKcnber, beftr1" ing datn the third tiny of February UWU, nnd recorded in the Clerk Office or Erie County in liber of Mortgages, nge IMA.c. oraNri4ih dav of Fehv twry lHttej wbiebttfere is ebJttjed to the first publication of'ihit itotire fhe sum of four IboiiMind tw hundred dollars, all that certain piec or pureed ol land, situain ia thn vitv of Bull il. snd bring lots number nix ami seven of ths suIhIivisiom of inner lot number fitiy-six in the said eiiy 1 Buo df'd northeaster lyMl tlie Folium lot, eittlily feet and -eight bundi-nilis; by Maia streei, filiy-tWo feet sooth westerly by bit nonilter five, one huH.lfwtteiwl).,. r.t anH AnrihwearerlT bv aa al- BmI and twenty-fits hundrediha, confammg eleven hitrt-dielbs of nn more or less 1 ill be sold at V.u 'l in the cirvol Biiftah an the 13tb day i of November next at 10 in ihe forenoon, at in; 1 it iu 1 li Clary l-nocEXit. mis s.

Uier, for sale hf COISON Clfc Alao, a tew roiu damagoa, vary iuw tor ossn. July 15..

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