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Buffalo Patriot and Commercial Advertiser from Buffalo, New York • 1

Buffalo, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BUFFALO -PATRIOT; AN-B GOMifIEIlGIAL A VoLXXill o. 1178.1 TUESDAY, JOE 17, 1831. Series yoi. XVII o. 11.

TIIE W5T. forwarding and Cornmiaaiofl Merrhanta, aud age ota for tt Trantportabon Lina' Boala EXTRAORDIXARY OCCURRENCE." The fertile genft of the author of Tom Cringle Log, could hardly Kig-iA aiixre ainguiax eofubouitiou of CJrcUiiisjtanc thao rt eontaia4 in the of a Went frm AtUmdm iafaMry 6tith- Afnl W. pTHE VOICE OF THE WAVES." Wriu nemr tJu $utu reaJ ShipteruL Adw, ya clucajog waves, That npw wsunsiliitMi awsepj Jhttrwine Cflsnoiy. Perhaps we owe sa apology for not noticing at an earlier date, an accent of a serious nature that, occurred the forepart of tlte week, and one which proved the death of an unfortunate individual, who was emigrating westward, and recently from Ireland, We have not able to learn hi. name he had a family cf three children, two daughter, and gorag on to Ohio is a canal boot -J-and while passing, or attempting to pass under Fiiehugu bridge, was so badly tlnrty iKHir.

Ho was literally crushed to death. is often tlte ease, attempted to pass the bridge by baying dawn upon the deck of il uxi wbrtb, a jw JVrscA-CZfliw -Ey Vjiclosuree asadt: ia the proceedings of Uie euate, on rtturday tiie 1th inst. we have Uie o-ficial admission that the claims of our r- upon France, amounted, priucipJo and irjejest, to ftty-em -mMum of Dot-' krim -Of these Cornmiasioner. under the treaty, have rejected susjx.uJcd a little over 011,000 leav-' iug, however a balance of nearly forty. ore wuttiont of dollar, for which, in his eagerness for diplomatic glory, and for an excuse for raisiEg another kurrafor Jack.

-so Mr. Eivea agreed to take five eW. Iton Dollar- Um cent, on Uie dollar on the aggregate arnount, or about a York shiliing to the tiuibr on tiie amount actually reeooied by tiie Commijfflioners. There's giorr for you Like the West India Huaiiw-wi -t crr wa the Kv-wiitive otwiitoMlrV I fuhWwJ weeks for lur every wuiuw WIH be ftsade to iKum who advertise by the year. No paper or tdverlwmeiit Will be d-wwtiiiocd, nU at tint di-cioa uf ike editor, until all arrear.

eg. ire paid. U'ttera and wuunowt swat tt.nw free of portage, VfTUtllLY IMPORTANT. BADO- Orlando Alh W4 Mi. BiiflUj, just iwme ttiir ttpnng Supply of Ooodi.

coe-M-iio rfOwewirP, Paint and Painters' artftea, jWe-VVo. and IHe-Htirifs, Window tileea. Oik, lirua snrf Medicines, Ac Among their Urore-are the Stowing: Hvaea. iVHysea, If. Ski.

ImmiW. ea anpowder, Poet-hong. Soaehaa. Bb Hi Creii. Porto N.

Orleans,) 's jtrad, Havaaa, ftiirghk SVgOrS. Ixwl. Lump aad natch Keed) the boat, the bridge proving too low, came tn contact with one of tbe string pieces, which dislocated one of his shotil'jers, hmk collar bunc and as it is suotKssed. was badly injured internally. FiUihugh-J.

bridgCt a. well as many oth 1 era in this Dighhorhood, are quite too low. not unfrtq neatly tiie ease that buaijsin order to pass under tiie bridiro, hav to put on an additional quantity of hiading for the purpose; and we have seen from 50 to 10U persorm garnered for tfie occasion, spd piaced un decj-of thebeatj for tlte pur 1 ou boarttogi hav. Un sach as to lose -pose of 'sinking her -deep into the water, us the present prospeej of receiving a shiU to do am'jthing to ntine a shout of g'ury, taat tm whole trade ui Americas u.tnu has beeo lost by the bargain. And now with ranee, tune tenths of the dct sacrificed to gt a treaty.

But ca-sta, -tiie party" raised the Wud hurra atd fired the big guns, and burnt bee-fm'S and in the lat instance, tlte vain glon- liitg. Hail to the Chief 1 'row Ck Jfoatee Democrat, Quid DcspaUkOn the 2Stk of Ma v. we ordered from Messrs. Starr and llulf- man, of New-York, an assortment of Dry Goods, and on Uie 7ib June we were selling them to our customers. They came by the Pilot Line.

The iavoiee- consists of English, French, India, and American Goo-is, which were purchased from 7 dif- rent b6uses, and taking mto considera. lion the time necessary to select and ship, the goods, we think it eq4l any thing the transportatioa which we have witnessed on our canal. Porto Kiev, and Bang! HHfe. Nrw Oritttintj mfifHMPS" Mala, sad aotiaa I 1 tto. Of Port, liT.itwHow d.

Malaga, Ttiiwli-. -H-'W Carrami, Oil, CaK Si Cacoa. MI Hl ernd L. W. SIBLEY cc Co.

Death of fonder. Africa, has leeQ- most fruitful in the deaths of enterprising travellers and discoverer. Toljth(innn' of Park, C'lapperton, and several otliesp, must now bo added that of Lander, who in his researches, was the most success ful of all having made tho long-sought discovery of the outlet of the Niger. has been murdered while proseeeHng hi search in the cause of science and civili-asation, at a place 200 or 300 mils up tliat river. He was truly a self-made nuor- bAving been-Originaily in the condition of a servant, in which capacity he first went out with CapU -York Transcript.

Relic of the Poet Burn. Oa Friday lost the household of Mrs-Burns was offered for sale by public auction, at her late residence, in Burns' street, and which i excited great interest amongst the admirers of the bard in that town, in consequence of a portion of the furniture, consistihgof tables, chairs, bed and table linen, clock, having once been tne property of the poet. The latter article was made at Mauchtin, in Ayrshire, ond was sold on Friday for thirtyfive guineas, although its original cost, when new, could not have been more than 7 or 3. Other articles brought equally -high prices. Sftat, Hr Lead.

fiUwr wlrim.N Ilraiil and Pa N. Cd llmf, Laveml Kmokiaft.irt nilirh. Ladies' Twist, A 1 A and i tOOQCCO ifwiwriur quality ana 4 ICM, a rotrh. Rnppee, and Mnroahov flnatff. TI5'N t5 51 l-ed, EilWtand AmenOaa V- Mtiaa Red, Yelk.

and Frencli Oebra SpaoMb li.own.du WluiUodaad Bla Paial, groand inoil, Chrome, Stone, Patent, Kif PYellow, Fnrb, Minerltand Ctirfme Green, nminUUiC, tin. I "iw'r-Chineaeand Eafl'wli VrmtHn.Onni Verdrtrr, Rom nd IJaich Wxck, l.uharje, French nine, Grei'fianlRrown Smalt. Paiwtand Vaniirth Hmiipp. olall kiad, Sink aud 'loot. White ttsh, i Camel', and Halile'ti Hatr Pencil, Gold and Silver l-eal.

IMffi Meiul, Cold, Silver, Cwr, itite, fnnnP HMtaadVellnw- UI UfUKm a liamonda, nn ii I (irnpiiii Hp. Jn. numi i inrr. Umber, Tere de tScnua, rrdiffna dry and grouoJ, Sweeping, Carjiet, t-hpo Shoe, Crnmb, Tooth aim Itun) IteltA Camel 'n Hog' Hnir Bleaden. DYK WOODS.

Are. i- LogWood, Funic, Hatch and Hp aim in uie pih-k, rmwrtoH. Mitddr. Atbm. Conneraa, Blue Vitriol.

Oil Vitriol, PresRpHrm, Cinihter'r WontI, Indigo, and nentnt JMliat, fii Oil, Tenter Hnkn, Chjlhiera Screw, Curcuma. Cochiueal, fthmaire Acid, ate. also have on hand A large aasortmcnt pr DRUGS AND MEDICINES, ot he best minti tv. Alio, Boston Crown aitd Cylinder Window GUisg. 'machrnt Cards, mamitnctured ry Messrs.

Jones, Wood Co. Kitfield. Maaa. cqiml, if not annertor (U1T other in Uie United states. Tiiev ha" enumerated but a few of the artirlet bent by tliera.

Their stock will at all timea be kpntfull arfd complete, from which dietr custom ers can make selections at prices as low, and terms as ffod as at anj establishment hi una city. Their fi-lnndu mid the miblic ffeocrallv. and par tictilarly tlie custonrii of Mr. Allen, are reapect-nivitpd to cnll nnd examine Uieir stock. rtnffcio.

Mnv 14. 1SU i 78 US. A -ArBUTihlt uiioma hex rmtrnna And the oublic ift funeral, that she i.M a SdllP asd COFFIN HOt'SE, on jtock Street second door from Main street, where alia intend, keeping a Tegular ttrdimrrn-w Turtle and Prmek Sovps every day from 12 -i-lr i till 3 P. M. CotVc sefved five Min ute notice, in the true French style, with erenm or without A table will be kept constantly fctt with Uie best the market affords.

If the patroniiga ii Tpntrf tun nublio it commensurate with unwea ried assiduity and exertion, Mrs B. foels assured of success ami can uuy say nu crto command success I villdo uioro I wtll deserve it" A Cold Collation wil! tem the table on Wed-nesdny, from o'clock tilt 10 P. Mock Tur-. tie Soup, -4 The leadirijE papera on koth aidei of the nj" Political Question will kept. Heading Room 30 -ff ASS ACUU8ETT3 Patkitt Sawed ltJL Shingle The aubsruihor hiw opera; Rlaek' Rock, hetid of Siinaw An- dia PntPfitfiirninnufrtcUirinffShinfflet.

Twui'tV years' experience at the east, by those who have them, have satisHaetoriry dcmonftlrated that they are decidedly superior to the common Slun-jrle, N. B. Sawed Jjith Mamifiictuirfl at the same place. WAITER OSIiORN. ReferntcM.

Wnb AMififebis Porter, Niagara Falls; House Bwtchton, IV. W. Gardner. Lorkiiort: Hriirirs. TonuWanta; i B.

Potter' S. Jordmi', J. G. Driscoll, J. Knight, M.

Baker, Buffalo. Black Rock, AprUW. 1 hereby rortttY that I covrrod the roof of a that she in'af pass under. Kow, whettier Uiis state oi uuugs exisu Uirouga carciess- or otherwise, or whetiicr are boih too bish tBcertatrnVnototrt of piarei so often as an'aeddcnt of this nature oc curs, to remind hose -liiMs it is to eee Ie our canal ail air on section. Jfojtroe Democrat, Gilvin-ia no.

Wednesday, as a young gentleman was takmg aa equestri an ainngout ot town, nra oorse took Irtgnt and ran at full speed towards the city. tie had aped some two miles when, near the house of refuge, be passed a gentleman and his dauglrter, also on horseback; The young lady's steed caught the enthusiasm, and joined the face The tathtu-alamed for hi. child, applied the whin, out was. soon left quite behind, the stews which. ran of choice Jeaving the ground behind much ia-ster than he who rao by compu).

sion. It was not long after the general race commenced, before the young gentle. man was landed in a ditch, leaving the young lodv mistress of the course. Her borse having distanced competition ran down JI road way against time, the beauti ful ndcr shrieking all Uie way with alarm, hut maintaining her seat. Some where near the Park, tiie horse was stopped, and the tilt terminated without material injury to any one.

Iniertttite facU-k few years ago, "a very worthy laboring man, in Salem, ho had been so unfortunate as to acquire a habit of drinking spirit, becoming convinced of iUruinous tendency, had strength of mind sufficient to form an effectual res olution of future abstinence. Attnattime he had a wooden box made, with a hole in the lid, and labelled RUM into which he every day dropped as much money as he hod been in the habit of spending for liquor The box was never opened till very recently, hen, on counting the sum, it was found to amount to no less than one hun dred and eighty dollar, with a part of which he purchased a good house lot, and the remainder will go towards putting a neat and comfortable house upon it. Outrage oh the American Flag. The Mobile Register contains an account of a most flagrant outrage on our flag, by the authorities akTobasoo, Captain AFLeege, of the brig Industry was dragged from bjs vessel and thrown mto a dungeon without Our Council has made every effort to procure his release, but in vain, they offer to set him at liberty for fifty ounces of gold and will probably detain him until they have extorted the money "Of are constrained to release him by the interfcrance of our outraged government. Alb.

Jour. Ereention and VonfetuionJ-JXetsajn from -A friend in Fayetteville, that, Benjamin F. Seaborn, convicted setting fire to tbe store ofRichard Smith. Esq. in this city, in was executed in that town on Friday last, pursuant to sentence.

Notwithstanding he protested most solemnly, up to the day of his execution, that he was innocent of the foe which he was doomed to suffer, yet be made a foil confession bis guilt under the gallbws. He had no' accomplice as has been generally supposed, tic slept in the counting-room, and gained admission to the store a key which fitted the lock of the intervening door. He took all the money he could find, and to conceal the robbery, set fire to the store with a candle. All the money be obtained wasj subsequently given up, except what nau been previously spent by him. He denied that be knew any thing of the origin of the more recent fires hich have taken place in this" city.

At the gallows he was very calm, spent ume in silent prayer but ia Uie -last-struggle his sh. foriiigs, were unusually protracted. e-gister. vAerer before in A person was 6 Trwirit Mmtdt, m.M. T.

Strang will you taU cocktail with tit," caltad out a tall attu tic kAig IUIqv to mo, 1 was muktug tuf wiy tbroagh s-roun of wild lookiniT chancteri us-m. k4 a bour.incfotml the fire by which launjiow wntinff. iier was baired tocfthcr from IiHiaaa, couple of araart looking. uccore froui the eoutheni part otjiiiuosia Keen ft( icauKim ut.iu badgrr' Ironj tlte muK. of Oukcoosxii, and sturdy, yeumau-bke foHow, wluaje wlute capote, Indian mocassins tud red sash pro-claiined, while he boaaU-da tfirfw year.

re.Hl';nce, the genuine wolverine; or naturalized Mtchiganian. Could one rtfuae ui ms r7 The pokunan was evidently a red bone' from Kentuckv, and aothing was wantine but a uuckeve fnjro Ohio, to ren der tfhe group as complete it was select was in tbe nudst of trie hrst real prame 1 had ever seen, on ad Wand of timber, whose lee while making alow headway the laat two lioura, with a biting breeze on my beam, it had been my whole object, ni.n and ambition to eomfortatde hir foum, a smoking cocklaiT worbhifful asaemblsge (Ouldafnith'a Club wa a fool to it) had never entered my dream. I Could I rf-fuse to drink with such a company 1 The warm glaea was in my frozen fingers. The most devout temperance man could see no harm in that It touch ed smariiy by tle rim of the redhorae is brushed by Uie booshcrit rings a. gainst the badger-Ht eotrw in companion.

able contact with tlte wolvering my respect to you, gentlemen, and luck to us Here was capital cuuuntuieciisKUl of juat the sort of salad society, I have long been wishing to meet with, having as yet only tasted its component parts in detail. But ausTHcjouMs was the I nearly got uiu dithiity with mv new acquain- nrnce a few nujmeiUs aJwalHi, by landing the landioroWHe of the Teckooing and I took back tbe coin forced upon me, with many apoicgie on my part, for hav ing presumed to pay a part of a 'general what laboring under Uie disquali fications of being a stranger. Room, was then courteously made for me by the fire place, and acceptmg a pipe, proffered by one of the company, a few whiffs made me sufficiently sick and at home to lay it-by wittMJUMuruict crejmnv a smart chance of cigars Uiere in Uie bary stranger, if yowd try some of them1, said one of the hotwhe'rs, 'lea, echoed the other, aod they are a heap better than these pipes 1 allow, rejoined "another of the company; 'but I wish that follow wttuld shut the door he must think we were alt raised in a saw mill, and then he looks se port whenever he comes 'Poor ejaculated one! who had not spoken, 'he i coroiderahk) troubled with youngness. From the1 eastern side, st ran. gers said anoUier to me.

l'm told it's a tolerable frog pasture. Now. her. Uie soil's so deep one can't raise any longer scarce they mil gt pulled Ui rough the other aide. We can winter our cowa, knirir.

nn wooden ciocka.Uwe'a so man yankees among us," cc ox. True Coanupe- Sir Edward Codring- ton, who commanded the allied fleet at Na-yarino, has been reputed a brave dian, but his coUrag? has lately been placed beyond all ouestion. as he has dared to refuse a challenge. A London 'correspondent of the Journal of Commerce says; utis now some months sinoe informed you that a stupid raggarT had the audacity tosend a challenge to Sir Edward Courtngton, and on the gallant officer refusing to receive it, had the idiotism to- post him as a cow ard Not eContent with sucb an act ot tne deermaligmty, foliqw published ev. etl statements against the brave admiral, the whole of which were calumnies of the most flagrant description.

Sir Edward then applied to the King's bench, and got-a criminal information filed against his challenger. At the last assizes the duelist plea ded guilty and threw himself upon the mercy the Court. On Saturday last he was brought up for judgment, and senten-md to iav a fine of 100. one month ira- prisoament, and find security for good be; Iiavtor. in ueuvenug uii juurhivm learned iudce' made sons excellent obser vations, and jKiid a high compliment to the prosecutor, lie observed, The Court cannot help enUertniumglfelTugs of gratitude tn Sir toannetoa, who, vu mw occasion, has shown high hio rat courage by preferring an appeal to the laws ot Dis country, to that appeal you wished.

to pro mote Mirning RVrs Whiit cau be more delightful as well as beneficial, to the man whrTi. eniraircd hathc active duties of Ufe, or the woman who prizes the mellow tints of beauty, -than to rise with the orient eun and mount the praTtcing to leave. fMvnftvwith its thousands of inhabi- tnnts locked in -the gigantic embrace of Soinnns, to enjoy theleasures oi ftB)ro-in ride in Ue country, to breathe the pure and wholesome air that -heart the treasured sweet, ef the wild flower? by nature's hando be cheered by the warblings of Uie merry songsters that float from the leafy groves, to behold the ca-poring of the innocent lambs open the vel. vnt frfnon tn har the lowrings of the herd, and to see the humble and contented hue-hndman sratterinff his seed from which he expects to reap a pleutiful harvest. To view early in the morning so many e-qiiestrians, as may be seen going forth fo greet tho rising un, is really a pleasing sight, and shows thHtlbej pn their health ib- alummrd who isonlyawa- iia aliHrrbers bv the oroakfoat bell: te sav nothing of the bloom it adds i 't lUenarllA rifthflSSVO- to tne cneea nnu ilfonree Democrat.

A person who wished to borrow a small um of money, was asked by "Swift, trAom he proposed as security. ,1 Aave none to said the poor man, 'excepting my faith in the Swift accepted mn.le tiie entry accord'tiR' with all formality, artdafterwards declared that none of his debtors were more pwi tuahthan thUwan. I Nitm, 1 OaVa, Wim.f R. ftuyat Harmartf. ARiiay.

Cnh a ihw. aVua iw. 4 Cr, Hfart, fm, fi. HvUHt 4 ParMM, Ol T. HrioWM t', (iraMl k'vr, O.

rlimsa. ia4 CVv'UtHt, O. M. ft. a at Wtttmn, Mtlua, O.

L. WfM. M-tarv. O. W.

i4 T. HT. W. a. I Ja.

0. JidfMi v. Hwa, O. Jm. N.

A. I'M. jl IHirksM, hciwt, Call A Lowr Hiwwkr. jm hi. i- J.

J. Wiktf, TtSta. U. rid O. Jbvurff.


BUFFALO Kf.v or Howls, j-ad I JOY havmn wiUidrawn Jioin Uie Wt l-ina, rwin ufa tha'abov AW Ltav, winch enmpoaed ehieflr ajuaa new art vt boata, wtitpn a and turtied fcr taa a-wiaaaiodatoMi Paaaatv. era. a4 writ Imi 0t aiwai Albany UWaoitoUoof pctaoM and Mr. Jw apBrtiHT aalastiB th aatrcaaea af ha 6f Preibtr HMatfa, anntv TllADDKLd JIY CO. 30Y A WKBSTKR, K.

N. RfMr IRA FANCHUtt, JW Yar, SoutlKW- ABRAKGEMKSiT FOH 1834, ffTIIACA AND BUFFALO LIAK. M. The proprielora will atari on Boat a wk II lai'ii li Ituflla. diiriUS tbfl Kanl.

rOT. Frt'iclit or Tawajte apply to S. VItKfcSON A-SONS, AetUt corner of YVi-ltiit-ion and Ohio itrwtl. GRtGiJKY CO. BuHa o.


SProp'r. HIRAM WRIGHT. REfXR TO OtiaClapp, ') AIM Ringe, South it ew Tort John Rice, John M. Hu'gheaVaV Co. AlbMiy.

J. Child Co. Rochester. J. MaTbew Co.

Brifiaio. FanilmmA Rnmsey, Kilver Creek. J. Bc'kc Co. Ounkirlt E.

Tinker, Portland. 9-W'f jErss.IV''-. Kellocp, Joaeph B. Gardiner, Conneauti Ohio. Hubbard Parsons, 0.

H. Phelps Co. Fairport, O. Kelley Walworth, i jiand, O. Rinslow, U1K A Cn.

(UndilrnkT. O- IVnnvera letroit. M. T. frpICUARD SEARS having taken hi.

ta, Bwheff I. P. PF.ARS, into co-partner sitio, wiildo tli hrin ot V' RICH AH SEARS CO. TRA NSPOR TATION USE will start i Boat daily, from Albanv, Jiulfiiio and Rochester. Fat Freight or Passage, apptyto Rottttt WfaWew-? A imrd.

MMIII ATtBU WirrA. 1834.. 81 U.lnl MraTirTY AND TOWN LOTS i 3 FOR SALE. The Subscriber of- en lor sale at a moderate price aitd.on easy terms one hundred building lotson Genesee-rtreet; also, Iota on Main, tilhoott, Oak and (ioodell streets -u Uh hv die acre en Batavia-etreet. one mile from the Court House, adjoining the east line city, and without italoaaineoonnas; ayuuiBinoun rods fiont and sufficient rear to contain from four to eight acres each: these lots being situated on rn.imd and on a street that will soon be come the principal street to BataTia and the great tborongbfere to Albany and within twenty-five mtnntea walk of the heart of tho City, are well calculated for the private residence uenuemen.

In the rear of tlww are lots containing from to 8 acres, well accommodated wjth possessing agood anil and heavy tiinber, some of which will nrtibnbif rtroduce etghlv cord to the aero. lu ijA(inDft nnrlferltltt made known at theflstdence of ffte sub-criber, 4t the Corner of Main and Goodell strwts. Alan, at the office of J. Bull, oppoiwhe Cirr Hotel on Otnal-street. JABEZ GOUELL.

Nov. 19. 11 OrVSALB.h&eufeseriber nffi-n for sale a Tamable FARM tm acres, lOJ) nder iopr.Twnt with plenty of orcharding. A I a good TAN -R fh. Tannery on Very extensive Sn lenstkand 47 feet in widths np 84 feet oil new and fitted up fcrusine-son, with a flood steam engii-lt ent foa- Tlie above property is aitujii ie town of I Boston F-rie rounlT, 18 miles smh trom Btinaio, and on the main stage road to Hpriagrtite.

The above prprty will be sold aH together, er separate, to suite pnrcliasers, or wnpure my -w-' or of the aubscribor on the Pnilf.v i. raivauw-- Jan. 90. FARM FOR SALE. The aubaerihei, offers to sell liis furm, on which" he resides, iihiate in (Jroenrieltl.

Erie coun ty coiitainms 275 acfca ut umi-i iw nrroa are under cicelleiit improvement, iw acres which, eood tneadow Alia, arm situated hi die center of the town, and bounded east by Uie groat road leading from ftorm Mat to Waltshursh and aterlord and soum oy um st InailiitP frum Erie to Mavville, Ti. X. On thenirmiww area good Dwelling House, four good Barns and Out Houses, and a first rate well of water several durable streams of water, and aiooa-SinwaTly new. The locaboii for a store is equal if not superior to any in this seotioR nftheTountrv. The snbabribr has carried on huainmn for a number ol years, and foitnd it, in cneciion w.m prefitaUe and tlie'sitvintwn msn, healthy and pleasant JjH Wle given.

WTJ nuireof BssTEaTbws, F.K Innkeeper, North Greenfield, April S9, 1KU. 3m37 P. 8. I'osaeaaion given attlie time of salfl. The premises ii within onu mile elaWaw and firMMiM- Ytup AI)LOAFSUGARanba UGiR "can bo Jtnin at.

i. JLi hid, ofaanpenorquawyi. J. ti. A O1" RANGES ANU Boxes iut reeeived and sale at ft.

VM. mm India pfltt pow before ua, of Uie i tih of May. I ie twite aaseru Uiat Uie iapcra ll'lt-d to ki the Darreutre are in hi. poa f-mon, and that he ha. Uie authority of hifoiieIf(Lieoteaant Bagot,) for their Ukt'jrbave boea Ukci Trnm litm itMlt uk i tiu Ifis Majesty's Schooner Lieut.

Bajrot, during her last cruiae off Ue Lie of flues, for tit. purpose of cafrturing vessels engaged in the trade, and whifst lying in s.gi4 of Cape Francis, observed a large scbooer voder sail koide the Julian Kts. "1 he msoieaiajtcty wetpfhed, made all sale inehaasi, and from advantage in sailing, very oon convinced the atran- gfjr that an to escape would be au- sjulutelv fruitless. Tbe stranger accord ingly anchored, thereby giving the Fickle an opportunity of better distinguishing her. Site was perceived to carry the Royal "laiSpuii, wittjoutapeudint, This, tenretner with ner broadside view and tne number of men ho crowded her deeki exactly corresponded with the dWripUea of tho veeael, tiie commaoder of the vcasiol had previously received of her and gave bops of avdisfL'ig Uie stranger with a broadside, (the usual courtesy shown by large Carers to small vessels ol war.) ine Pickle immediate ry ran under her stern, i Silly prepared to retura the- nsual ealuta- uona, and anchored on her quarter wiitim half pistol A boat was then sent to examine the suspicious stranger, when she proved to be the Spanwh schooner two---18 founders, with a compliment of 30 men, from Santa Martha to the Havana.

-Tbe veatel having an unusual number of water casks on board, and. being also fitted with a slave deck, created much sus picion on Uie part of the Commander of Uie Fickle, who was not altogether satwii-ed with the account the Master of the sla ver gave of himself, and sent back to bring him on. board immediately, together with his papers, logbook, charts, Ac" From these documents nothing could be elicited to the detenwon of a vessel under Spanish colors, and which was to all appearance a vessel ot war. There were however, strong suspicions oa the wmd ef the Cemmanderof the fick le, that she bad -very recently landed a car iro of slaves, and which, subsequent cir cumstances folly justified. About two o'clock in the middle of the watch on the same night, a fishing tine which had been unintentionally left troll- ing overboard, was observed, by the quar ter-master of the watch to be swerving a bout in all directions, and.

he with assis tance hauled it in, when it was found thai to the hook was appended a about four tect tone Un opening it, in the mora ing, a bundle of papers was discovered in Uie belly Tolled and tied up, (now in otu office, and which were sent to us by the ComMwUr ot tm PtekW; through our re porter,) these, on examination were found to be the paper, of the "Carloltaf amongst which are the private signals; they also prove that the Cariotta was a slaver, and had on board a cargo of 293 slaves, which cargo hud been landed about four hours, before was discovered by the Fickle, Thus were the hopes of success, singularly discovered. "Gainer thenttn their graves again, And solemnly and softly lay TteWitriwfa" acaufed bones awayj" Among the disclosures made the past week in excavating the vault of tbe new Presbyterian Church on the site of the ancient burial crtwnd in this city, was the collin suiuxsed to contain the remains of 1 1 mL- I the gallant Aiajdr Holmes. iflis orave officer, it will be recollected, was killedin the assault on Fort Mackinac in 1814, while forming his men for a charge under Uie very batteries which, Uie British bad erected, and which despite his fall were carried-at the point of the bayonet. His body, together, with that-of Capt. Van.

Horn who was mortally wounded at the same time, was the next morn ing. obtained under a fianof truce and despatched down tho lake for mtermeut. Van Horn is said to have been buried at fort iJratiot, while the bodv of Maior Holmes "in a coffin hea vily loaded with balls for the purpose of sinking it should accident induce the no- Cessiff of its beine thrown over board, was Conveyed to Detroit. These facwere- commimicated by an resident ot tne place, who imagined he indentifijd Uie bodv irom the circumstauces toot a quiin- tity icannon shot, with a military stock were fbuud in the cofhn. There were other evidences appealing loud'y Uie sympathies of botn young and old', and vividly recalled 'to the yoathful b-standcrs the tales ol border horrors and the perils of the.

frontier so often listened to with shuddering as they sat oa the knees of thsir The chest containing a part of the chivalrous buf unfortunate Ren-tucky Corps, barbarously butchered at the River Raisiu. were likewise exposed. Many of these skulls exhibited appalltog marks ofhe altrocitiesor savage wa.iura, being both perforated with bullets, cleft with the broad sword and hacked with the tomahawk: The fate of this detaehment which embodied within it the yonng volunteers from Lexington composed of Uie flow-r of that chv. under the command of Cap tain Hartcreated an as was that epoch with scenes of horror, has scarcely been equalled by any event in the bloody of Uie past. A few bodies only were rescued by friendly in-terjosition from the mingled heaps of the woendedV the dyingand the dead, which notwitltstanding tlte eapitulaUoo, were first wantonly riddled witb -balls and mangled With thn knives of Uie Indians, and after.

wanls burnt in their cantonments. These few weresomotime after raised from their secret graves, and brought to Detroit whtre jhey were again tntered with the respect dun to the brave, but ill-fated soldier's; and an appropriate tribute to the honored dead was mtid them in the eloquent and pathet- ic address pronounced on the I Their remains nave neon removed to me upper cemetery of Uiis Cour. as It Speak to me from thy biddeo cares, oac. of Uw soieaoa deep A Ham anaa'a lone apirfl here With storms ta barlls stnrea --When all aW eaJinlr War, llaih arujawiraied to iteavasi I Tbea th aaa's race arose, Ijka an earthquake's tiadertoaw JH'taJ, Ute slrilti oi huanin woas here hath ot nature know, Hereto tbe ouivering auat liespair hath wildly rkmfl Tbe shntdi aaoe the wiftd hath pest, 'J astdoigM aky taat. rang And voadirul and the brave itli dmr beamy and rnWD, To the hallow chnibfra of Um wave la darkness bare gooe dowa.

Tboy ra enihd froej uW place. Let their homa aod bnarta make aaoaa I But die rodtng wateis keep no trace Ofjuuifror eondci Abut Am haughty deep! -The strong, Um soundia. Ctfl My heart befire the dw weaf -To thmk os what ware. To ll.inkthd a. wt Hurb hope, and tioihi, and Bind, t'tm as the bsafh tm fr-m UiegUsa, Leering do ih behind I 0awatjUoo aourhteise.

the. uais, 1 boa and the midrngbr sky JX ought, save the stu-gle, brief and vain agonyf And the sea' a voice rcpTed 'Here eobler dimga nave been Power with Uw veiunt wijea they died, To sanebfj the acjue Courage, i. fragile form, Faith. wasaiBgio the last; Prayer, breadiuig heaven wtrdfl mrooh the storm, But ail alike bare tkHind oo, thou hauthty seat Tliea have wot pawed in raioi My aod awakB. my heart pnnga fre.

On icier wings agata. i Thou, from i. thine empire driven, May'sl vanwh with Uiy powera But, by tlw hearts that here have striven, A hftr doom is nynt af JaJtM mftLft immmMMMt 4-fpwl fllasf fawaj aawsaasarrwasaaas ssarny CHIEF JUSTICE. MARSHALL Richmond, Ya. May 22.

I must toll vou something conceruioR my progress with the bunt of Judge MurehaU. I have taken two eitttnes one more, aod I have him immortal. The venerable fifcief Justice received me with every expression Hi. health is good, and be looks extremely well for one so advanced in yea.s He is drawing nigh to eighty. Yesteruay be made me come and dine wito him.

He ha. no family about him except ing his domestics. His wife, he tells me, was taken to ft better world two years ago. While at dinner I asked him if be did not feel lone and melancholy, since he wasleft companiohlcM Ah, yes," said, the good and venerable sage, as tlte tear swelled on his quivering eyelid yc," he contimf-od, I do fool the absenee of a com tonkin, so Vmd and good, tnd with whom I bad lived with so much of harmony, Jove, and happiness, for more than forty yenn." But," he added, "I submit with meekness and humility to the just will of I lira at whose appointed time we must all depart hence, and though he called for away, he has afforded me such health and strength hath uf bodv and mind, as has enabled me to bear up under the trying afflicton." He then went on to state that it seemed to be'fhf constitution of 1ns mind-and naturej to be cheerful in almost any condition oi life. And indeed, I believe it, tor I never met with a person of sweeter deposition, or a more even temperament.

Whfctt first coffiraltmgwith how he would like to sit he replied, just as you please sir, I wanted him, to have 1m easy chair to sit in. No, said he, don trouble voureclf for that, I can tit Ofi I have been, oetstomed to-every thinir. in every staire of mo I have been in the army of the and am nsed to sitting on logs and stones, and lying on the I em not particular" neted if he could I5ar the fatigue of sit ting more than an hour each time yes," hesard! will sit for you as many hours, two, three, or five, as you wish." lie has a fine constitution, and eats with a hearty appetite. When the cloth is re. MAn takes two or three classes of old aiUti VV inn.

some thai Sn vnu see that cheerfulness and vivact- -tv mntribute to longevity. Franklin was inraon was so, and so was the elder Adw i-anii all lived to good old age; sand Judge Marshall seems likclyto live to be as old as any one oi utem, Childhood. There ts in ehidhood aho-ly ignorance, a a sort of sanctiiy that. ohecahnot contemplate without something oi te reverenuw iw inrM with whirH' rm should anproaeh bo- Mlnatinl Tfature. The impress of divinity is, as it were, fresh on the inlantj siiirit pure and unsullied by contact with A heartless world.

We tremble anj impure breath shoaHl dim the clearness of iU bright mirror. And how perpetually must thoso who are in the habit of content. -plating childhood of studying the char-acters of little children feel and repeat to, their own hearts, of such is Uie kuigdom of Heaven Av, which among thowij est of may not stoop to receive tustruc. tioritincf rebtiWfroni the character of fi. child.

Which of us, by comparison its uwiue bas not reason in hn littleness, the sincerity, the i litlVnesMhCSinr degeneracy -bA8" -tII: A Editoriai H'isA, We wish that our mibscribcra would dream that they had settled all arrearages, a'nd wake, in the morn-jug and find it to betrtj fiirmerhad thebonor to be elected lepresontative for the county of lower Uanwta on Mtul "Well, what have the as. mbly-done?" To which he answered, 1 don't know." And what do you go for Two dollars por day. a 1 it HigHhf Important. Dr. Buisson is said to have discovered an infallible remedy for hydrophobia, which he has communi- eated to the Academie des Sciences, in Paris.

-He had no expectation of recovery, and went into a vapor bath heated to, 40 degrees of Reaumur (126 Farenheit,) as the easiest mode of suffocation. To hi. astonishment, Uie wiiole symptoms vanish- ed at once, and he has neveriince had the slightest recurrence of this dreadful dis- ease. -By the same means he has cured upwards of eighty patients, and he intends to try its efficacy in cases of eholeralague, yeilow fever and gout. from the tfoio State jouriuU.

"'Solemn naraittg. A distressing occurrence took place on Saturday last, in the family of a Mr. O'Brien, of Hamilton fpwuship, in this county. His eldest soil, between nine and ten years of ago, and hiS little son of a Mr. Powell, brie of his neighbors, about six or seven yeareold, were poisoned by eating of the root of the American yiqhLshaHe, or What is commonly called Pokeireed.

The eldest boy died in a few hours, before medical aid could be procured; the others, who had, it i "supposed, partaken less freely of the noxious substance, have recovered. Parents cannot too earnestly warn their nwachiMtCH, 1 well as thpso who be under their against the the too prevalent practice of fntino- wild roots, or other miknown ar ticles; aslliistances of poisoing. from this-, cuuso are of too frequent store, 41 by last in no vh i uu.) I With Mr. (Vdwnra Hawed Shi 'cles, and that they I make a tirrt ratn tightToof. and I oandidly bcltev.

li 'tbntthey-wiHvtmtaH drive tin- shaved rfun: Mea from our market IIARH YfV Qrlcan. The Louisiana -Adver- User of the. 21th ult. states fchafthe Cash-ier and two of the Clerks of the 'CousoiU seen a dav or two aro walking rapidly ownTT.entlv Ifwt in the mouth-ot the river bt. 'dated Association have been arrested, in consequenceof large deficits hav.ig lecn discovered, ami traced to these They-gavesexuritiea for jloliare eaclt, and.

have since Ten or twelve British vesselsJiave been: I Lawrence, and at sea. JUore than 600 are said to huvo been lost. Eighty-three Whig' of tlm Peacewho were 'reformed by the Van Buren Legislature, in Connecticut, last year, were restored to their offices one day lust weelt. Jour, Court of appeals. Justice Jersey lately -'seftteiMseuV-two men to be whipped for stealing-oysters andaflef thfc operation was performed, he saidthcy might, if they cppealjfa ctswn of the.eouri, 4v foUdwing libel is going the rourrus: -1" Never trust a secret with a married; man who loves his wifefor he will her, and she will tell her sister, and her sister vAilKtellher aunt Hannrih, and hfrr aunt Hannah will impart it as a profound secret to every one of her female acquaintance, On amount of the great number of su- icides, member moved for leavo to bring in a bill to make it a capital offence.

Bla Rock, April t. 1 1 certity that I have piirrhaaed ahont BO.OTO Bfr. OfWi Sawed Siiiuglcs, and covered my Bant Shcdti, ai.Une -hottse with tlie same, and 1 have no hititton in aaymfthat they tuako a. tiht roof, and iliut they are the ImmI Slnnsh'" 1 iVer ued. 1 am now building a Moris and dwel-liner lltill-JO for niv -own.

which I tnlond to tfoverwitltMoso aJiii'igliA in jw itllOf, lWielU Anril 15, I take the liberty of stating to' Master Builders nn otheta wtio may wisn to pnrrriaw i l.nt I hnvfl eiamined the Sawtnl Shingles mami' fctrtiired by Walter (hibora, mid think them, in ivAtml ta ttuHwrnnnuraetured the stale of which are there in pjneral ennaidered altoecthor nrofwable to split i. Vpahi mv Awn nvnnrinnca ffl die tine of diem. I am satistied tliat dmy make a bettor rojtf than shingles ofthe-rlinary kind, and arewib- iort to leaa waste in laying. o. Buffalo.

April m. Tff A 0,. APRIL lfith, 134; EB C.lMM'r.KIERri BIOIJtr FiMtHA. ''haveontinnd alarge assortment of flfrOPrVNifc'fil mereryeMrtpticm whieh thiy oMur unusually low for emit at Hmn ac JOTTON DUCK-A first rtito artt cte of Coffen ltirilc of all numbers suitable for vesaela and ateamtonts nlao Cotton Sewing Twine, for aalain anyuismiy hy March t. ni.wfM a- few half bnrrott Conauetu SXut Mum (hud, for nale at No.

08 Mam st li. A. J. H. DICKIE.

June 3... -a V-tai CASKS CLARlilWINE 42 For ar low at No. StwMain J. i. A.

3.AL DICKIE. I in tiie middle of Main street with a cowhide in his hand, apparently in search of some one, when he slopped soidenly and tunied round to some eeatletnen standing on the side walk and enquired, if they had seen a farffe sout negro-iiwrrpass by They re- red. that.tnoy bad not, uiurasiteu it ae was a runaway 1 No." said the man. I voted for Ucneral Jackson and mrun Van Buren. at tho Inst election, and 1 was huntine for a negro, to lay me down and cive Vouflerr yc spaptf Tiosttively-nevet Ik new man in tho couulry.who was too poor to take a newspaper.

Yet two out of three, rien resoectanle people, read no Bewspa per but what they borrow. As I speak reneralr. I hope to Offend none. If I do, the greater1 the necessity to spen oow Every mad is able conveniently to toko a weekly newspaper, 1 he cost is tour pence a How many who thmk themselves too poor to. take: a newspaper, pay as much daily for drink.

Aliserableman, thou art poor indeed! Dr. Franktit' 43 lurtal 25.

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