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The Evansville Daily Journal from Evansville, Indiana • 1

Evansville, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ill EYANSV JOUR Ji4 A. 0-Jjj -L il VOLUME XV. MACHINISTS. EVANSVILLE, Slamifacturers of STEAM ENGINES, STEAM BOILERS, AX1 CIECTJLAIt SAW MILLS, Of the most Approved Pattern. ALSO All kinds of Machinery appertaining to Railroads, Steamboats, Distilleries, Flouring Mills.

SUGAR MILLS, or all sizes Willi the latest Improvements attached Tobacco Screws, Portable Engines, House Fronts, Grates, Railing, Iron and Brass Castings of every description. DEALERS IN Steam Ganges, Gum Belting, Tire Brick, Vrougnt Ircn Pipe, Bolting Cloth, at HAXTJEACTLTSEES' PEICE5. Bepairrng dons at short notice. AYorltmen sent to all parts to lit up wstk and repair Boilers Uacblucry. ordTS will receive onr icdividnal attention and will be tly filitrd on the most reasonable terms.

Office and Foundry on the Canal, corner of Ingle Street. mhl7-ly STOVE WORKS. t. W. BEISKHtYEB.

A. HEI.BLISG, SOUTHERN STOVE WORKS. BRSNKMEYER Mannf.icturer of StOYes, ITollow Tarc, Iron KaiUnss, House, Fronis, Verandas, Balconies, Castings in General, COPPF.B, TIX ASD SHEET 1P.OS WAKE, 4c KH Sales Room Main Street, opposite Court ATon-- fcJSTFouudery Kear the Sfouth of Pigeon Creek. EVANSVILLE, ISD fiSS-ORLEKS eOLU'ITED mv9 DRUGGISTS. AND GROCER, So.

175 3ttia Mre't, V. VA XS VI LIE, IXDIA XA Medicines andGrsceries at the lowest cash prices of the city. FAMILY IIS IM WM. A. HALLOCK, and Apothecary, NO.

10, FIRST STREET, NEAR POST OFFlfti, Has just received another h'rge aud splendid as-sortniuut of Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chemicles, Fancy Articles, Perfumeries, Pomades, Brushes, Combs, Toilet Articles. Scaps. Flavoring Extracts, Brandies and Wines, for Kedical Purposes. All the Jpproted Patent Medicine, kept ron-tautlyon baud and for sale at North American attention paid to the compounding Trt-riutlous St a'l hours WM. HALLOCK, No.

lOSontb First Street, mar ttire. 1 ml. PINE SHINGLE 100.000 iv-1 TINE SHINCLES ceivd trom Cbtaip. aud fur T-rtuut Street and Canal. C1IEII FIIIY, HARDWARE.

JACOB Sllill Main (Six doors below the Washington House.) HAVE NOW ON HAND 60 Dozen Blood's C. S. Grass and Grain Scythes 50 Doz. K. L.

Waldrow's Grass Grain Seythes 10 Doz. Blood's Briar Scythes. 50 Doz. Hay Bakes 25 Gross Scythes Stones 35 Doz. Hay and Manure Forks; 30 Doz.

Shovels and Spades; 5 Doz. Cradles 0 Doz. Snaths; 40 Doz. Axes; 200 Eeg3 Nails 5 Cass Trace and Log Chains; Locks, Screws, Tacks and Coffee Mills Spoons, Tahle Pocket Cutlery Files, Saws, Curry Jombs and Brushes Seives, Carpenter and Ccoper's Tools, JACOB STBATJB SON. p22-3m JASU'tL E.

GILBERT. William R. Bakeb. S. E.

GILBERT XiUljXiO is iiii X. Sycamore Street, bet. Water and First, Evassviii.e, Ixd. A fr.ll assortment of Groceries always on hand, id for sale at the lowest prices. LAW CARDS.

CHARLES DEltfBY, Attorney at Has resumed the practice of Law. Office on Third Mreet, middle of Hall's Liiock, up sairs. fi-b2 rj i Tc aTTi Ti nnT ci JAMES RE ID, Attorney at Law AND COLLECTING AGENT. OFFICE On Third Street, third door from Main Street, iu the Crescent City Bank Building, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. frb25-lv J.

SMITH'S SHIPiT MANUFACTORY, Seconcl JSt, (i.t beay's block.) OniP.TS MADE TO tRER FROM BAS IC? urment and a fit warranted. A stock of read v.made Shirts and Collars always ou baud, and at iirices that will snit the purchaser. Tacking iXoKuu, i -i -ni'- i' cdi'i it with. ueatneii and (iesvaIt'" Tliaiikful lor past favors the sunscriDer respeci- fnllv solicits a lontnance of the patronage su liberally lstowed for ti past five years. net i SEWING MACHINES.

SELLMAN HAVING BEMOVED niS office from No. 4 First Street, to his residence cn Second street, opsosite the new Presbyterian Chnrch, will keep, as heretofore, a pocd assortment of Wheeler Wilson's, and Sinner's Sewing Machines and Needies, Silk Thread and Oil, an i errythinz that is connected with the business. mh K. If. SKLLMAN.

Ait't. DRY GOODS KEEN PRESTON 7 AVE RECEIVED A LARGE AND jlI general assortment of Desirable Dry Which tbev nvito the "trade" to call and ex amine prices and qualities; believing, knowing, they can save dealers anumoiiMi iieigui aim in going further Eastward. janl5 A. C. PUSHEE, DEAMB IN Foreign American Fancy Goods, COMBS, BRUSHES, PURSES, WALLETS, n.

t' aiCUf IS, lUllfl DUapS IkUUllCl uuuun GAMES, A Iv Jr. nuTiuas, Ladies' Baskets, Childrena Cabs, tc. No. 20, Main Street, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA SPECTACLES. I.

RITTENBERG No. 67 Main Street, ESPECTFCLLY ANNOTTNCES TO HIS J.V friea'isanU th punnc ne nas a niwiy latemeu Pantoscopic Spectacles, .1 v.rp,l Tii iiirii.les. bv which the nu I'll i I' tliA Siu-rtecles now ill US' DlcrouH iiitimcii. v.v. nnit everv adrautaco secureu are riiiii-ij which these artiUes can pow-ibly afioid in assisting the sierht.

In addition to mat nave on nuu Brazilian Pebble Spectacle, They are made on a scientific principle. Field Glasses for tne Army, Sunerior to all others now in use Marine Spyglasses, Compound and Sim pie Microscopes, upera ana Hunting Glasses, Spyglasses, Eye Glasses, Tortois ell, Steel Sr. Onlrl TTnTns. Xf ar Stehtcd and atnrart Sneclaclcs The above mentioned articles are alwavs kept on baniLaudrau Ire had of I. P.ITTKMIKRG only, jao.

iuaiu cuiTi. xiYnuoviiie, iuu. uvii. Ill, EVANSVILLE, IND. DENTIST.

.1 a. jl jr.KMNii i THANKFUL FOR THE 1 liberal pali recr.iveni during the four year, ind i-ein 1 permanent resident of this city, desitns all pel so- (whether they need his profes-fional services or -I) to visit rooms aud eeethe Various Style clwork manufactured Impi orovemen's and Invent1 ens An lieinc mn and th will rm tlie interests of his patients is secured by him. I Establishment and Faclliti Are eqnal to any in A It CITIES. He has Several Anaesthetics Alleviating Pain wheu Extracting Teeth. CbeeVs that aj sunken ran be restored to nearly heir original contour.

A desirable sty leg of ARTIFICIAL TEETH, made anywhere in the United States, are made by him. Irregularities of Children's Teeth successfully corrected. Those having DECAYED TEETH Should either have them V.xt rut-ted or Filled, (the latter if possible.) The health of the parties aud the remaining Teeth demand it. NEURALGIC AFFLICTIONS TREATKD. ALSO CLKFX PALATE.

Ollice ou First St Near Post Office. DENTIST, Corner Main and Second Streets, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. FvAypviixE, 'y AS ES AN DOO RS W. HUNNELL, COBSEB WAtsn STKEET AND CANAL, EVANSVILLE, Has ou band the largest lot of Sashes, Boors, Blinds, Tramcs, Lc, Ever Manufactured in the West. THEY ARE OF MY OWN MAKE.

I have also a flne lot of White Pine and Popular Flooring. MouSdiugof all kind niadoand sawing of all descriptions done at the shortest notice. SADDLERY. Oltetrl. IlirOBTEB AND DEALER IN Coach and Saddlery Hardware, MAIN STKKET, EVAKSV ILT.E, INDTAKA.

HAVING COMPLETED MY ARRANGE-merits with European and American manufacturer for a direct supply of all goods in my limr 1 am enabled to oifer inducements that can not fail to be to the interest of all engaged in the business to eive ma a trial. I nan in part. Axles, Springs mado of: ne best Bauds, enameled a all kinds of Leathb. Cloths, Linings for Carriages Varnishes, Castings of all kinds; Saddle Trees, English Bridle Leathers Bite, Stirrups, Spurs, liames, fine Silver Dames of all kinds Jenny Liud Gig Trees Self-adjusting Pads; Taylor's Patent Hanies; Fly Nets Shoe Threads tiorse liiatiKcis lhuoou Girth Webj, American Girth aud Rein Webs, both cotton and worsted London Welt Skins, a superior article Ivory Gntta Percha and Brass lined Martengal Kings; superior Kerseys for liorse Covers the best quality of Carriage Bolts Patent Gig Trees, Sec, Ac, fcc, Ac. I keeD in fact everything appertaining to either branch of the business, and iiuderstaiiding bth branches thoroughly, we would respectfully invite your attention before purchasing elsewhere.

I am also Agent for Ward's Patent Spring Sa (tw Still Cn Hand and Determined to Succeed. GEORGE THORNIIILL takes pleasure in infor-minu his old customers that in the quality and style of his work, he flatters himself he cannot be excelled. He has removed to Bray's New Building. Secoud street, bet. Main and Locust street, streets, where the choicest Harness and Saddles of every description can be obtained on the best of terms.

BSBRepairing done with neatness and dispatch. second-hand Harness always ou nana. jei RE3IOVAL. nnnE undersigned firm have re I moved their Saddlery estnblishmBiit to the Corner of Main and Secoud Street, in the room oc- cepied by Fred. Krone, deceased.

C. WOLFF J. KE0EPSCH, MAKlirACTVBERg OF DEALERS IN Satldles, Harness, CO i LARS, Main Street, Cor. Second, (Store fornu rlv occuppled by Fred. Krone.) t-All orders attended to with dispatch.




I HAVE DISPOSED OK MY STOOK OF ORO-cerits, Produce, ns 1 find that I cauuot, nor can any onoolie, do justice to themselves aud their ahipjiers when they buy, for it is natural that they will sell their own first. As have many h-avy shippers, I will hcrcater confine niyocff stricily tp the COMMISSION BUSINESS, And hope that I will find a continnance of tha many favors shown lue during the past eight years. I shall pive personal attention toall consignments, and will make lib-rul cash advances on prcduce in store. 5Iy motto is, Quick Sales and Prompt Returns. Dealers in Cotton cannot do better than to leave their orders with me.

Mr. F. M. COPF.LAND, late of Copeland, Edmonds will giv the Cot ton misinesa nis personal attention. I In 18 one among the best jti'lixes in the State.

Orders so-lirited. II. B. CLIFFOBD, Ko. 7 Front Row, ap9 Memphis Tcun.

iDAMS EXPRESS COMPANY New Arrangement. THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY P.K-SPECTFULLY annonnc- to their friends aud jetrons, the public of Evansville and vicinity that, ritb facilitiis for the transportation of Freight, Packages, Money and Valuables, They solicit a continuance of former Savors. Especial care taken in the collection of Kills, Draft Notes, and the transportation of small and valuable packages. All ersons wishing to avail themselves of tl i facilities of the Express, can obtain at.y desired inclination in reference to the routes and details ol busiiiegri, at their oflicn on First street, between Haiu and Locust. jy3 CIIAS.

Copartnership. WE IIATE THIS D.Y ASSOCIATED WITn ns, in the Forwarding and Commisfion business, Mr. R. K. Dunkerson, formerly of the firm Slaughter Dnnkersn, nnder the firm name tf Drane, Brown A Co.


B. K. DUNSFRSON. CKANE, BE01VN For-warding and Commission 3eicliant, AND Jpecial Eailr o'ad Agents. Give through receipts and make lilxral cash alliances on shipments of Produce and Tobacco to Sew York.

CRANE, BHOWN CO. Evansville, Nov. 20th, 1661. Jeo. Fostf.b.

A. II. Fostek. Wj. A.

Gwyn. GEO. FOSTER Wholesale Grocers, Produce and Provision Merchants, COBNKB OF lOCrST STKEET AND THE CANAL, aug9 EVANSVILLE, IND. A'atts, Given Brown. Paducab, 1 Evansville, Ind.

Haruinq, Givl.v i St. Louis, Mo. WATTS, No. 43 Bsoad Street, A'fTIT YORK CITY, ife have opened a House in the city of New York for the sale of Tobacco and Western Produce, Vnder the uaine of WATTS, CRANE CO. Mr.

D. Watts, of the firm of Wtts, Given A Co. Padurah, long tiimilinr with Tobacco, will take of that department of our business, Mr. of Crane and Brown, Evansville will charge of the Prodnce business. tuay21 WATTS, CRANE A CO.

T. Cox. F. M. Humphbet.

COX HUMPHREY. Forwarding Commission IVIeiclirits9 Steamboat Agents, AN WHARF -BOAT PROPRIETORS, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. We have taken the Grey Eagle Wharf Boat, and ask of our friends a continuaui-e of thoir patronage. Ono of ns will be found aboard both day and night to attend to the wants of shippers. sepl medical: B.


RESIDENCE At Sherwood House. Evansville, January 6, s7 wTthompson, m. PHYSICIAN SURGEON, OrncE and Residence No. 35 Walnut Btbeet, (At Dr. Ronald's Old Stand.) EVANSVILLE, INDIANA.

nov29-ly FURNISURE. FURNITURE WARE HOUSE. 85 MAIN STREET, (CRESCENT CITY BtVLDING.) SEELIG, LOEWENSTEIX W7 OCLD RESPECTFULLY INFORM THE Public that they have ined a new Furniture Ware House at the u1ove locality. They keep constantly on hand a large stock of Chairs, Rcckers, Bedsteads, Lounges, Bureaus, Sofas, Cradles, tables, Sociiiblcs. ardrolws, Washstands, Safes, Ac, which they will sell at ki rates.

Their niotto is "'Qnick sales and siur.U protits-" price only. Orders promptly attended to. SOAP AND CANDLES. Iliilip Decker, (Successor to Decker Knimer), Manufacturer of Lard Oil, SOAP AND CANDLES. Also, an extra article of BVBXIXO, ENGINE, AND CAB OIL Dealer in Rosin, Soda, Ashes, Ac.

Also Pure Catawba Win Of our own raising, in quantities to suit pur chose rs, 116 Afam Phrret, btmtn First nni Second, Evansville, Indiana. Term cash, or fit) days' paper negotiable i lank. jimin-lT Trimmed Bonnets. rnRIMMED AND VNTRIMMED BONNETS I and Hats, by ne or a hundred, ou bDd or trimmed to order at thort notice at SCUAPKEIl Jc BUSSING, ap27 It) Main Street. MAY 16, 1863.

THE BATTLE at CHAXCELLORSYIILK. Drtnlla of the FtgUting on Saturday and Sunday, May 3d aud 4tl lla-gram of the Battlefield A Connected Account from Official lnfoina tiou. Correspondence uf too Boston Journal. Washington, May 7, 1863. Elated and depressed.

Cheered and chagrined. Exultant and despondin. The rebels were between two fires. Hooker had tbem just where he wanted them. They could -not retreat They would be annihilated.

The rebellioa wa3 nearly at an end. Such was the talk the feelinp. ll is now changed. The army is back in its camp. The victory that was to be, is not, It will be my endeavor to present a condensed review of the operations of the two armies, commencing with last Saturday, sifting, with what ability I may have, the true from the false, using official information.

THE POSITION AT CHAXCELlToRSViLXEi Saturday Morning. The single house which makes Chancellorsville is at a crossing at the intersection of the Gor-donsville olank road and the old Orange county turnpike. Standing on the piazza and looking south, you look directly dowu the old turnpike road a mile, to Scott's run. As you face south, the liappahannock is at your back. It is five miles to United States ford.

In front of the house and west of it, along the plank road, is a small field; all the rest is woods. In this field is an immense train of artillery, ammunition cavalry, ambulances, supplies, hospitals, and troops. Here are General Hooker's headquarters the grand center of a hundred thousand iiieu the brain which thinks for them all. Go out two miles west on the plank road, past Dowdall's tavern, and you come to the Eleventh Army Corps, commanded by Howard, mostly German troops. Howard has had them but a few days knows but little of them, atid they but little of him but there is sterling merit in both troops and commander.

His position is entrenched toward the south. It is in the woods, and the great trees are felled rolled up as a bacl-woodsman builds a log fence. Nearer to the house, on the morning of Saturday, stood the Third Corps, General Sickles; but in the afternoon a portion of it advanced, directly south, nearly five miles. Berry and Whipple, with their divisions of this corps, remain. Birney, with Berdan's sharpshooters from Whipple's division, also go south.

Right at the house, and east of it, is the Twelfth Corps, Slocums. Williams's division of this corps joins Birney and Berdan, the whole under Sickles. East of Slocuni is the Fifth Corps, Meade's. Behind Slocum, a.ncl1M'inAoTla the Second Corps, Conch, holding the .1 onomr mav not make granu rusn ana secure iu UOIILWUO Lnited States lord. The hour is Saturday afternoon almost night.

The First Carps, Reynolds, is just crossing the river at the ford. He turns his column west, and is four miles in rear of Howard. A diagram will present the position thus to the eye: ahannock. Reynold. Couch.

Berry. Wh'ppl. Metide. Chancellor House. Plank Road.

Slocum. Howard. 1 Sick lea. I Old road by which Jackson advanced from Fredericksburg. Howard has advanced from his morn ing position, and is pretty well out to ward Sickles, instead ot being two miles west of the Chancellor House, he is three miles south-west All throuch Friday night Howard has heard a confused sound south and west of him iu the woods the rattle of wag ons.

the clatter of axes, men voices, the low words of a multitude. Two days ago the entire rebel army was ten miles east, but now it is passing west. There are guesses that Lee is retreating to Gordonsville. SICKLES INTERRUPTS JACKSON TRAIXS. Sickles, looking down the turnpike, discovers the moving column ot aniinu nition wagons and ambulances.

He wants to cut it Obtains permission, moves out, opens with a battery, explodes a shell, sends in Berdan with his sharp-shooters, and cuts the train in two. He brings in a fine lot of prisoners. It is excellent He wants to move on. Asks for reinforcements. Hooker objects, for it is not known whit the contused bum means out west on the plank road.

Ha moves Berry and Whipple up a little nearer to Chancellorsville. Sickles moves on. Suddenly he comes upon the rebels in two lines, of Longstreet's force. Nearly all of the rebel army has been massed south and west of Chancellorsville, with remarkable celerity. Sickles has crossed Scott river and is ascending the hill beyond, when he receives from the thick underbrush the fire of the enemy.

A severe contest ensues, and he is obliged to fall back before the tremendous fire. IIOWAP.D ATTACKED. Howard, in the woods, has heard the enemy. The pickets have been exchanging shots and that is all. Suddenly, away out on his right, where General Carl Sehurz's division is in is a rattle of musketry, mingled with the demoniac yells of fifty thousand men in mass.

They ponr through the woods, down the hill, like a stream of lava. Jackson has determined to crush Hooker with one grand staggering blow; to fall like a thunderbolt upon his extreme right He commences with Schurz, who is in flank to the advancing force, Schnrz. Jackson. It is like breaking a walking-stick by striking it on end with a sledge-hammer. Not that, but the crumbliug and flying of a stick of brittle candy.

The division melted away like a straw in a candle-flame. Howard was on the left with Gen. Devens. He rallied the two remaining divisions. For a few moments they resisted the shock, but like the fall- ing of a shattered wall, when the ma- sonry is loosened, like the washing away of a dam where the water has swept out the first grain of sand, the line dissolved.

Gen. Howard was left almost lotto. He begged, threatened, strove with all his might did ail that man could do, but the panic was on the men. Away they' went toward Chancellorsville, through Berry and Whipple, through the mixed crowd on the tifiy acre Tot of cleared land, imparting the panic to teamsters, to artillerymen and ambulance drivers. They have left eight pieces of artillery behind.

The remainder of their guns are coming dowu the narrow roadway as fast as the drivers can hurry their horses with lash and spur. A CRITICAL MOMENT. It is sundown. A critical moment in the hiBtory of this nation. It is not a cull itun stampede, wttii no enemy in pursuit; not the close of a hard fought battle, but the beginning of one, with a fierce, exultant, determined host ad vancing.

1 he river roaring in its might, just bursting through the breach, must be dammed in an instant! lhe flood must be stopped at once or all is lost There has been no moment like it during the war. It was a' critical hour that sunset hour on Sunday at Pittsburz Landing but there the torrent had been stemmed all through the day. It ws an eventful moment at Molvern Hills, when Magruder led up his whhsky-mad- of our forces; but that was the last of ajbe exhausted by seven days lighting. But nere, at. iu.

this wood, this clearing, may have been the turning point of the destiny of this nation, the welfare ot tne Human race lor all corainr time. Now is the hour for the stringing of the nerves, lhe bracing of hearts, the clenching of teeth! Flesh and blood must become adamant THE TORRENT STOPPED. Gen. Sickles, seeing the disaster, hast ened to avert it lhe fleeing artillery was thundering down the narrow road. Half way back to Chancellorsville at the entrance to the cleared field was a stone wall, extending from Scott's creek up to the woods.

There was the place to stop the stampede. He reached the gateway. With pistol ana 6word ne stoppea tne foremost piece of artillery. The others came crowning on, me arivers in a iever heat of panic, but they were blocked. Officers rallied tbem, and ttieir courage began to return, and notwithstanding the infantry was tumbling headlong over the wall, and fleeing through the woods, the artillery recovered its senses.

Pleasanton with his cavalry was in the field. Leaving the cavalry he took charge of ths artillery, turned it up ou the ridge, manned it in battery, brought np his cavalry to support it a feature novel and lau enable and in hve min utes had the foundation of a dam. Capt Best, Chief of artillery to Sickles' corps, with marvelou senergy brought his pieces into position, all pointing toward the advancing avalanche forty pieces ready to open their thunders. Gen. Hooker was at Chaucellorsville.

In an instant he was in the saddle. There was no force at hand but Berry that could be thrown instantly into the breach. It was his old command, hardened, indurated, made perfect through suffering in all the hard-fought contests of the Peninsula. With a heroism unsurpassed, equal to the imperial guard at Waterloo, amid all the disaster rout, panic and commotion, they moved into position one single block to resist the moving mass, to stop it square till Birney, Berdan and Williams could be recalled; till Slocum could change front; till the darn could be thrown across the stream 1 jacksos's advance. With yells and cheers the enemy advanced aud met the canister and shells of thirty pieces of artillery.

It as a terrible fire. There stood Berry's division as firm as a rock. Again and again the rebels dashed against those veterans only to be hurled back, dashed in pieces, to reform and roll np again like the waves upon the rocks of Nahant An hundred shots a minute were thun dered from those thirty cannon one unbroken roll of thunder, sweeping away the rebels as a housewife an army of emmets into the fire! They quailed, halted, fell back. The torrent was stemmed. The grand coup d'etat of Jackson bad been checked.

Coolness, nerve, pluck, endurance, had won the day seemingly bad turned tbe tide of destiny. JACKSON PUSHED BACK. In the night Whipple and Berry and Birney advanced. It was not enough to stem the tide it must be moved back. NUMBER 190.

It was a fierce and successful assault They recovered a portion of the lost ground, and gave Hooker time to reform his line for the great' contest of Sunday, TH'-: LINE OX SUNDAY HORNING. The line was nearlv in the form of a letter V. There was but little danger ot an attack from the east, and Howard, who, with almost superhuman exertion, had reo: Lis corps, was placed on the while Mead was sent over to the right. Couch was also moved toward west, but kept a position to strike in either direction. hooker's plan.

Hooker's plan was to fight a defensive battle. He knew the enemy must attack him or retreat It was his intention to receive i iie attack, let Jackson do his utmost tili exhausted, and then be would begin tin- advance, bring in his fresh divisions, and cut the retiring force to pieces. All of his movements from the luomeut of leaving Falmouth had been with ohjaet-itt Reyiu-lds was on the extreme right, at -iLo. upj -of -th Jeft Lj.g 0f the V. Mead next, then Sickles, then Slocum in the vicinity of the Chancellor House, holding the point of the V.

Howard was on the right and Couch in the center. Rappahnn. k. Ford. iteynlds.

Mead. Couch. It was not exactly a but a triangle, with the left leg longer than the right, with nearly all the troops on that leg. The rebel advance was from the west, directly along the turnpike, Reynolds and Mead were north of the turnpike. Sickles on it, and slocum exteding one division eouth of it Hooker selected his old case hardened corps to meet the shock.

Berry, of Sickles' corps, was on the north side of the turnpike, Birney of it both divisions advanced from the general line: Whipple of Sickles' corps, was behind Berry, and Williams, of Slocum's corps, behind Birney. The other division of Siooum's (Geary's) formed the southern -nlf of the other leg, joining on Howard. The art ilery under Best was massed ptKQ. i.Huaoiptis, beeieys, bmith OsbandV, f.nd two sections of Dimmick of the fifi acre lot Birney and Berry were at ti.e western ede of the lot, with two Dimmick battery in the road. TUK FIGHT ON SUNDAY.

It was tiriy Sunday morning when Jackson a anced about half-past five. The force his stroke was intend' 1 to break the lHl leg of the V- close to the joint, thus V. In the annals of this war there has been no greater manifestation of desperation than that shown by the rebels this Sunday morning. They came through the woods in solid mass, receiving in their faces the terrible hail storm which burst like the fury of a tornado from Berry's and Birney's lines, from "Whipple's and Williams' which were at once advanced to the front The batteries the forty pieces of artillery under Best, hurled in the grape and canister. The advancing column was cut and gashed as if pierced, seamed and plowed by invincible lightning.

Companies and regiments melted away, yet still they came. Berry and Birney advance to meet them. They were terrible shocks. The living waves rolled against each other as you have seen the billows on a stormy sea. The enemy, as if maddened by the obstinacy of these handfulis of men, rushed np to the muzzles of the cannon only toe swept back, leaving long lines of dead, where the grape swept through.

The rebel commanders pushed on men to the sacrifice, carrying the one all-animating idea of this rebellion, to win at whatever cott Sickles 't for reinforcements. Hooker, instead of sending them down the road, ordered French and Hancock, of Couch's to advance past Mead and attack the imy in flank. Couch was in the centes of the V. Instead of going down totht- they marched through into the wet, came with great force upon the divisioi which Jackson had thrown down towa-o'clock, an-put the em Mead. It was about seven in a half hour's time ther i to flight But blCK the tremeu'i driven in.

Up to tl.i at the Ci could not hold out against us odds. Gradually he was time Hooker had remained jfcllor bouse, directing the The left leg of the was he order up Couch? safe to bring Geary across -r leg of the and leave to hold that line toward i-? But Howard's men from their fright Now i be in the thickest of the out the stain upon their were heroes now, every Ought he njt to bring I 'jnolds up to swing them Uckson's flank, as if the iit the" Chancellor house be made at onie. He tead, to make tbe smaller movement -breaking. Would it from the only bad reco. they fight to -honor.

T. one of tb. Mead an round -up; were hing Decisions preferred, and thickfe -i make it compact eaoo-o to resist Keeping Reynolds Mead lu tbeir positions, he took 1 vo-V toward Conch lJties an. nA fr.rm.-i a still in the foro of a blunter, tiicker, I Hovard. Ill I Barry, Whip- I 1 pj Bi- 2V Slocum.


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