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The Noblesville Ledger from Noblesville, Indiana • 2

Noblesville, Indiana
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AGE two NOBLESVILLE t)XM tEDGOWEt)NESDA AUGUSf 28, i 929 'one, NvlthTtsTnanifdldesponsj'bil i JJetfdiITMichare the olis, spent he' week end with "rela Lewis Gascho left1 for their home Saturday but the others are remaining for a longer visit. On G1PJEIG Nowhere a Greater Value The HOOVER- New Fall New Fall Suite New Fall Topcoats --r--J-. J4 hiElNZMANN'S OUT PRICH CAH (TOHl SundayMrrahd Mrsr-John Brill had as their guests, Mr, and Mrs. Jim Gascho, Mr. and Mrs.

Noah Gascho and Mr. and Mrs. "Dan Smeltzer. Mrs. Albert Justice was taken ill very suddenly Sunday night and required the care of a physician but is much better at this time.

Ote Myers, a tailor here for many years, now in the home of his sister, Mrs. Hattie Yeider, in Logans-Jport, is failing in health from rectal troubTeT Mrs. Earl Scott and son spent Tuesday in Atlanta with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis.

Paul Teal and family, of Charleston, and Mrs. Edna Tomes and Sons, of Johnstown," are visiting with Mrs. Mary Teal and Miss Emma Knause. Joe Ross, of Muncie, spent the week end with his parents, MrK and Mrs. Will Ross west of town.

Mr. and Mrsr Russell Alexander, Mrr and Mrs: Harold Hunt and daughters spent Sunday in Indiana polis." Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Loomls and daughter, Madge and Mrs. Amanda Rollings enjoyed a motor trip to Brown county, Sunday.

.1 Howard Waltz is enjoying a visit in Indianapolis this week with, his aunt, Mrs. Harry Wilson and 'fami Mr. and Mrs. Claud Shaffer and sons, Dale and Bobby, returned home Sunday night from New Orleans where they visited Mrs. mother, Mrs.

Lew Shank and sister, Ruth and family 1 Ivan Jordan, employed in Indianapolis, spent the week end 'here with his sisters, Isabelle and Jordan. Miss Mildred George, who has been in Muncie college for several terms is spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert George, before taking up her duties as a teacher in. the high schools of Hartford City.

a Miamia, likes tourists-even touring Four bird baths arid drinking fountains for the ben-" efit principally of migratory foWL have ibeen presented to the city. Larkspur is poisonous to cattle. OMlSiRICT Congressman Purnell to Speak at Delplii -Labor Day An informal meeting of Republicans (tofcH and. women) of! the jNinthCongresgional District will be held, Monday afternoon, Sept, 2, (Laoor Day) from two to four o'clock, at the Delphi- City Park. principal addres'S of will ibe delivered by Hon.

Fred S. PurnelL of Attica, 9th district "rerpressntative, who has just returned rom a deoatihg tour against Senator Bookhart, of Iowa, the question being that of the much discussed new Farmers Re -lietiBill, Purnell made this tour, upon the request of President Hoover which more than indicates that Mr. HooVer considers him one of the outstanding men of the country versed on this great Hon. William-; Irwin, of I Frankfort, district census Supervisor, will also deliver an address cm 'the coming census which no doubt will prove of great interest. State Ciiairmah Rogers, Senators Watson, Robinson and Governor Leslie as well as other State House Officials, have been invited to attend this meeting.

The meeting which was sched uled to be held at Camp Quietude, was changed to the Delphi City Park, 'because ofjack of facilities to accommodate a large crowd, at that place; Oliver Cook Dead Soldiers Home In Sandusky, 0. 2 al PENDLETON, Aug. Skillen-Cook, of Indi-anapdlis, has advised friends here Mrsr David Havens, Home From Hospital, Is Improving PERSONAL AND SOCIAL ITEMS Mrs. Champion Is Recata- loguing the Books In Library v''Kcial to The Ieilgfr.) CICERO, IncL Aug. 28.

Mrs. CTt a i 6 a 'i-r i ve ohd a an is spending the time until school opens in recataloging the 'books in the library. Mis. Roxie Marshall, teacherof Elementary, has- returned from a pleasant visit in Illinois. Mrs.

Rebecca Foster returned home Monday afternoon from she--visited with her son, Charles Foster and few days. Kenneth McMurtry, who has been working at Sheridan this-sum-mer, has returned' to stay in the home of his-aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Case, and attend Cicero High School this winter. Mr.

and Mrs. Elmer Hedin and family, "of Iowa, are visiting in the heme of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, B. B. Wootis, this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Holland and children, Ward, Eya'lyn and Kath-erine, returned to their home in LVbana, Ohio') after a pleasant visit with Mtvund Mrs. John Har-baugh during Cicero Home Coming. Misses Nora and Ruth Martin, of Westfield, were Cicero visitors, Saturday.

i Callers in the home of "Mr. and Mrs. N. Dewey, Thursday, were: Mrs. Horace Brown and daughfer7 Betty Lou, Mrs.

Charlotte Heiny, Mrs. American Hawkins, Mrs. Hannah Brock, Mrs. Caroline Ba-kerMi-s, Sam Craig, Mrs. Wilkinson and Mrs.

Nobles-ville. fully-entertained 'Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Th'omas, of Nc'tJesville, Friday evening at dinner. Mr.

and Mrs. F. C. Leonard and FROM CICERO pities, and still have the time to demote jhcirefforts to the perfecting of so many diversified accomplishments. The people of the city should feel that' the direction of park activities have indeed been in -competent hands this year.

The park officials also desire to thank MrsQ.pal Loehr, Mrs. Harry Mills and Eleanor Mills for their services as accompanists at the piano. j. s. Commissioners Informed That Potter's Bridge Has Been Damaged The'County Commissioners were in special session again, Wednesday, going over the proposed bridge repairs and' trying to elimi- nate every new bridge and even;..

j0h that is not actually necessary. i This is being done to educe the feswns8 to the county and also down the tax levy. Thev have a list 0f f()Ur five pr(p0S0( new bridges which will be carried over for a year or two if any way can be devised to do with- out them at the present time, County Highway Superintendent Devaney met with the board in an advisory capacity. "He reported that rotter bridge -was -damaged Ky some kind "ofa heavv truck running through it the other day Several stringers were broken and the structure was in' such t'ad shape that it became necessary "to send a gang of men up there to make some repairs, they found three sets of flooring on the bridge ar.d allof them were laid at different angles making it necessary to remove twelve pr fifteen feet of the floor in eaoh iiirection in order to reach the broken stringers. After the Board has reduced the bridge cost to the minimum then the list will be submitted to the County Council at its annual tions.

It is possible. that the Council will make furthur reductions as it is understood to be the purpose of all the members of the body to keep expenses down as low as possible and not raise the county tax levy any more than-4s4 actually Restoule, sixteen, Sturgeon Falls, Ontario, has gon-to a Toronto hospital t(T get perhaps the heaviest youn woman in Canada. She weigh'- 4n --pounds. 375 nounds" also-will be taken tr the hospital for treatment. Thr parents of the children are norma' in weights MA TERS tives in "(Gentry, Cloe Campbell.

AttyiO OF EUTATK Notice Is hereby riven -to the creditors, heirs and legate of Williams, Deceased, to appear In tht Hamilton Circuit Court, held at Nob on the 7th Jay ol October; ID29, and show caune, If any, wliy the Final, Settlement with the estate of aid decedent should not be approved: and nalo heirs are notified to then and there make proof of helrxlilp, and receive their distributive shares. WitnesH, the Clerk of said Court, this 20th day of ---(Seal) Kb-jTRNAfi. Clerk. Hamilton Circuit Auir. 21-28-Sept.

AGED ARCADIA WOMAN SUFFERS BROKEN HIP (Continued from page 1) ren in their home; He reports that his brother, Will Bonner also lives in Chicago, but that he is in poor health. Mrs. Vane Learning, daughters, Mary, Margaret, Anna Marie and Jean with Mr; and. Mrs. Gerald Hale, vf Alexandria, have returned from days outing enjoyed at Lake Tippecanoe.

George Knapp is spending a few days rhis-week in Anderson with his aunt, Mrs. Omer -Pheanis and family. Mr. and. Mrs.

Daniel Smeltzer entertained at, dinner Sunday relatives guests, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gascho, of Bowling Green, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Gascho, of Los Angeles.

Mr. and Mrs. Gascho, of near Parsons, tjir sister, Mrs. Alice Shank and son, Noel, of Kokomo, Mr. and Mrs.

Clarence Mosbaugh and children, of east of Cicero, Ivan Smeltzewand 1 a j.1 mi. lamuy, 01 vnanui. mis iavon of relatives was most pleas' as it had been 35 years since wis Gascho had visited here, 18 years for Noah while but five years ago for Jim. These brothers have been visiting with their sister, Mrs. Shank in Kokomo, and assisting her in repairing her home and at the same time calling on their many relatives and triends in this part of the state.

Their parents Were John and; Lizzie (Hendrickson) Gascho and the family resided near Cicero when these men were lads. Mr. and 0 Only of 90 VI KI NG off ers the luxury guests of Mraeonard's aunt, Mrs, Julia JPaulstichy this week. Mrs, Leonard lived" in Cicero when a small child and this is her first vis it in Cicero for saveral years Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur Johnson are the proud parents of a baby boy, who arrived Saturday, August mn. iney have biven him the name of Arthur Eugene, Janeljerry returned to' her home in Indianapolis, Sunday, -af ter a week visit in home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Clifford. Mr.

and Mrs. Delbert Mitchell and son, of Not'lesville, were difP ner guests in of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.ook, and daughter, Saturday evening. Rev.

and Mrs. J. Magor, pas Jtor of the Cicero M. E. church, have returned from pleasant va cation of several weeks, which they spent in tne eastern states.

Mrs. David Havens who has been in the hospital at for several, weeks, was brought to the home of her son, Dr. D. Havens, in Cicero, luesday inorning, in the ambulance of Evans Cod'by. She lVrecovering nicely from an' injury she received by falling.

Fred Eader, of Elwood. and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Miller- ar.d daughter, of No'blesville, visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Geo, C. Shoemaker, Monday. Mr. and 'Mrs. John Thomas and children, Ritchie D.

and Rosemary, spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jobe, at WestfiekL Mrs. Alexandria, of Kokomo, is visiting in the home of Mr.

and Mrs. H. E. Morris. Hilda-Hawthorn, of Houston.

Texas, spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Voss and family. Harry Foster, of Flora." visited with his mother, Mrs. Rebecca Foster, Sunday. 1 Mr.

-and Mrs. Herman and children, of Creston, were guests in the home' of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fetty, Sunday.

Miss Mary Fisher, of Indiariap-olis, spent Monday in Cicero with her cousin, Miss Anna Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas ahd daughter of -Koblesville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas, Friday.

5 Heiny, of Lapel, visited, with Cicero friends, Saturday. Mrs. Nora Barnes, of Indianapolis, visited with relatives in Cicero and community, Saturday. Ella Wilson, of Indianapolis, spent week-end with Cicero friends. Mrs.

Nora Barnes, of Indianapolis, visited with her sister, Mrs. Nettie Webster, and days last week. JVlrsIillyQuvof-Jndianapolis, visited with relatives in Cicero and cdmmunityT Saturday: Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Grc'ble and daughter, of Anderson, visited with friends and relatives inCiceyo, Saturday. Mrs.

Ella-Wilson, of j'an4f bli. spent 'the week-end Vith (Jit-ero friends. Mrs. Charles Taylor to her home at Chicago, after a pleasant visit in the home of Mrs. Nettie Webster and son, Carl.

Mrs. Berlin Boughner," of Indianapolis, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Claud Crum. Mr. and Mrs.

Norman Patterson, of Anderson, the week end in Cicera. Miss B'airy Kendall, of West-field, is the guest of Miss Josephine Mundy. Mr. and -Mrs. Guy Buc'aanunjit Delphi, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Wm. Bii chanan. f.1 Mr. and Mrs.

John Kay, of Nob-lesville, were visiting with Cicero friends, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. N. B.

Dewey were dinner guests in the home of their son, Annin Dewey, and family, Sunday. Mrs. Dobson, of Indianapolis, visited relatives and friends of this community, over the week John Applegate has returned from a pleasant trip through the eastern states. He also visited with relatives at Bridgeton, N. while there.

He accompanied Rev. and Mrs. Ward Applegate and family. Mr. and Mrs.

J. C. Stahl returned to, their home at Connersville, Monday, after a pleasant visit with the latter's sister, Mrs. V. L.

Harrison and father, S. L. Dale. Miss Rcma Clifford was an Indianapolis visitor, Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Courtney Mongold, of Richmond, visited with his mother, Mrs.Clara Mongold, ovr the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.

Zeigler, Jjr have returned to their home in Cicero, after staying in the Qf Ziegler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gintert, while they were away. Mr. and Mrs.

Clarence Fetty, of Anderson, spent the week end in Cicero. Mrs. Ronald Reasoner and children of Noblesville, several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Fetty, during the Cicero Home Coming.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shetterly and son, of Perkinsville, visited with relatives in Cicero, Friday. Mrs. Wm.

Kerr spent Tuesday at Indianapolis, and visited with her daughter, Ruth Holliday, who went through an operation at the Robert Long hospital, Friday. Mis Holliday is getting along very nicely. iMrs. Mary Gilkey was brought home from the Methodist hospital at Monday af ternoon, and is recovering. from an operation, very nicely.

Frank Cappel, Sr, of Cincinnati, spent the week-end in the home of Mr. and Mrs, Bert Sowerwine and daughter. Mr. Glenn Royer and son, of Atlanta, spent Sunday with Mrs. Isa Small and daughter, Marjorie.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lowe and daaghter. Amy, of Indianapolis, wre Cicero Saturday, Mrs. Minnie Woods, of IndUnap? With Positive Agitation, Only $59.50 H.

WILLITS CO. 1 BECREATIONAL FEATURES GIVEN IN PARK PROGRAM (Continued from page 1) jpry Ann Carroll, JamesJStern and Jiuth Scott. The next number was an exhibi tion of pyramid, building by the boys, in which they. tossed each other to their shoulders and in to position with rythmic ea.e; though the exhibition was made all the more enjoyable by the way in. which they usually piled up in getting to the ground once more.

Following the boys, a 'group, pi girls under Miss Elizabeth, lor- sythe, gave an Indian Uuo drill which was remarkably well plan 1 '1 11 1 1 TL. nea anu equally wen renue.rea.--tm; girls showed themselves to be un- usually practiced handling the woods, and the crowd" gave "the group a generous amount 01 ap of ulause at the close of the act Those taking part were Elizabeth Forsythe, Julia Cooper, Barbara Mary Dugger, Ruth Sharpe, Virginia Mott, Emma Clark and Lois forsythe. The last number was a Hohemian dance given by the girls under i he -direction oOliss TTarr. This wars Hng.LThose in the dance were, El- -anor Mills, Rose Mary -Frances Pfefferly, Frances Evans, "Elizabeth Neal, Ruth CraiK, Virginia Stern, Evelyn McConaughy, Betty Gentry and Mary Helen Mc-t-Neal. Following the program Dr.

Brooks, head of the park board, 4 "presented the prizes that have been won in the various -tournaments and contests, at the park this suni- Bier. Those receiving the awards Were: Kitten Ball Haas Terriers; Golf J. Drogue; Tennis mens? Singles, Henry jj -Earl Wild; Ladies' Singles Alice I JCareyf M5xed Doubles Thelma and Henry Owen; Mens' iDoubles, Henry Owen and Byron Stout. Following the awards the fires by the Boy Scouts anil -many in the crowd roasted marsh-is -mallows and enjoyed a social hour. The others joined in the big Treas-5 Hunt-which-was-under-the di- rection of the Tri Kappas.

i Too much credit cannot be given "Sam Blumer and iMiss. Harr for the ay- they-nave" worked -wnh- their -charges in order to assure the sue i cess of last night's program. It is no small job to assume the di-I Erection of a park such as the local 1965 TO -41- 1035 Buick Factory, ipt- 1 cisl equipment extra. Marquette delivered pnev include onlf reaaoib' charjtt I for delivery and fi-' i nancinf. Convenient I tenriKanbearranfrd 'i the hb.nal Q.U It A.

C. Time Pay meat run. Conalder th drliv-' and ic etl a tha kit price wbaa MiBarri( aiMonw btl raluca. f. 6 ijWHIN BETTER A There's MARQUETTE triumph craftsmanship.

7 new phase today Take the feel it speed 31 readability along complete on the BUICK. H. MO of the death of Oliver V. Cook, brother of the late Dr. John late Dr.

Otto Cook, of Fort-ville, at the Soldiers- Home, San-'. dusky, 0., where he had been em-; ployed as pharmacist for several years. He; was a son of Dr. and Mrs. John Ward Cook, both now He was born here, but left here iriany years ago.

Freys Are Building Mr. and Mrs. Elias Fray are building a five room bungalow just" east of the residence now occupied -by Mr. and Mrs. Freyr Wst State -street Excavation is being made.

Collis Anniversary Celebrated The eighty-fifth birthday anniversary of E. W. Collis, of Anderson former resident of Pendleton, was celebrated at Falls park. -1 Threshing Ring Meets The Owen Brattain threshing -crew closed its season with a picnic at William Pettigrew's grove. In a business session Ben Kiphart was elected captain and Burchie Adams secretary for the ensuing year.

Icecream and cake were served. Memorial at U. B. Church Eev. Charles Webb preached his farewell sermon at the C-.

United Brethren church Sunday evening. It jvas also a memorial service for Mrs.TLouisa Jackson MrsrEmma-Rummell, Mrs. Mary Crosley, John Wood, William Griffith, Isaiah Sharrett and Charles Davis. C'---'- At Caney, the city council put some new benches in the ciy -park. Boys with new knive3 gotrr busy and now this tign adorns ttier parkr "If you must whittle call bhe City Hall and register and suitable whittling ticks-will -ie provided.

1595 f. o. b. factory, Lanainc Mich. Spara Tira and Bumper Extra.

Consider the Delivered Price Conritfcrtha deliver, cd price aa well aa tha list price when comparing, aatonobile -aluee Viking delivered prices itv elude only remaonabla chargea for delivery and a a at MP There is one outstanding difference between tki" new Viking and all other automobiles. The Viking entirely new in design and is more accessible than -in the conventional automobile engine. The valves i-are set and are unusually; simple, quiet, Fuel distribution is based on the down-dr. le "of manifolding -providing each cylin a fuel mixture of uniform quality. and 'cooling are both remarkably efficient.

Thermostatically-controlled radiator sWutters are 'standard equipment. If you have not ilready inspected the Viking, is the only medium-priced car on the market today that provides the definite superiorities of ninety degree, V-typc, eight-cylinder performance i The dfffcrence is instantly discernible when y6u drive the car. The very feel of ita power its smooth, quiet flow suggests the remarkable performance abilities of its 81-horsepowcr, V-eight engine. These abilities become increasingly evident With 1 a remarkablo new kind of performance in the moderate-price field performance! Another of Buick engineering and Buick Dashing new response thrilling new speed amaiing power surprising new economy. A leader's mastery of every of actionl Discover if for yourself drive this great performer.

wheel of a Marquette and lift. you in a smooth surge of from io to 6o miles on hour In seconds. Experience its perfect that lets you fairly float ct 60 or 70 miles an hour in comfort and security. Try it steepest hill and know its great reserves of power. Learn about its astonishingly low cost of operation.

Admire its smartly-tailored, low-swung Bodies by Fisher its handsome finish and appointments its provisions for complete comfort .7. its many, many refinements and improvements that make its superiority complete. No other automobile its price-range has an engine of such large piston displacement its remarkable waterproof, dustproof, wearproof upholsteryor its wonderful new sloping, non-glare windshield. See the Marquette today. Compare it with any other cor in its class.

Drive this great performer and discover the thrill that only a winner knows! every performance test. -There is indescribable smoothness. Acceleration is exceptionally swift arid sure, both in getaway from a standing start and in pick-up at the higher speeds. Speed easy and effort- less, practically limited by' the driver's desire. Few motorists come in and do so today.

Get behind the wheel and drive it. Then, and only then, can you Juxury that Viking ninety-degree, V-type, eight-cylinder performance brings to' the medium-price field. OLDSMOBILE SIX the Fine Car of Low Price -continuaa to wfn ever greater atteceaa throughoat tht nation. Companion car to the new Viking Eight, and equally outatanding in engineering and value at ita price, it off en a wide choice of body style and equipment combination ranging from S7J up, t. o.

h. factory, Lannng, Mich. 1 drive as fast as this new Viking will travel. Among the outstanding advantages of the new Viking engine are its simplicity, rigidity, and compactness. The valve mechanism Is COMPANY, FLINT, Oiviiion of Canaral Mo tori MO TO Canadian factories McUughlin-lufck, Oihowa.

On. Corporation i ckwall I Du Ri SWAYfalE MICHIGAN Bulldanof tukk and Marquette Motor Can Ick Will BUUd" THEM it a er Ml 1 11 A Of lNODiesvine ft 1 1 ARE BUILT BU.

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