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The Cicero Gazette from Noblesville, Indiana • 2

Noblesville, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

rliriri Ih iriBin mm L4l CICERO GAZETTE nisu Am ft I go out in some rye field and vet flaw' FROM WASHINGTON. Aen im5, D. Aog. 8, 1877. To rata XwTom Cxcsnso Usxanar n.gsest rye at raw, aaa go oat la te woods, behind some big oak lag.

Bad -rite jour will wiih a Sett or isi Eaton Roberts' groy Saturday, Angaet 18th, 1877. Tbe wheat is being threshed yery rapidly bviv maohiisas in this part of tbe township. Cal Bundy kiied a large tattle snake on Tom Buzan 's pfeoe lately; it DANIEL THORP, EDITOI AND PCBL.IIkB Cioaro. Indian, Aagggt 1877. goose quia, ana tuen urate The radical difference in (be conefa death aud die bappy, pineea will bieaw yonr arrived at by the various schools soul will fly away to dwell oa tbe tbe UAXtTTB will to Neat WB RKD HOT, lVt bins oi sootner ana aw ai oountty: rd oar wishes will that voir rnaueace wiU be Ml was seven feet long and had nine rat taere; neceuae God ksMswattbaa noef- tles.

oere. m. ia a bom, and belongs to that i of pimps Hew rainy lists and ber dockets, at double priow dee it take to keep up the Ledger? Young men, If you went to get work, go to Ooeho at Carey. They will par you KM per month more than yon eek. thai haye no influence easMfct ronnn-ciaes noodlaase, lour of them so get up- tbe staned 'HoomiemP iot oae ot I em eV part of our commiasionere; and when they pay out money hereafter, tbey want (o knew what tbey art getting in exchange tor their money, The indignant citizens met est Saturday and expressed (heir feelings in unniefakabm terms, J.

W. Evans, chairman, declared the commissioners were acting in violation of law, because the injunction suit was still undecided in the supreme coo. r(. John Coy also made a few very pointed remarks about (be case knife jaw bat coat so much money. Levi Farley boldly charged one of (he commissioners with fraud, and insinuated that the rest of (hem were no better (ban (bey should be- Dan Brown said be waa in faror of a court house, but be wanted it to be an honest house, built by honest men, and (he whole people to be a committee to see (hat it is done honestly Andy Tucker wants to sell out, so we understand.

Now is tbe time for soma one who desires to go into biz to strike. Langston A bave opened a new tile factory four miles west of Arcadia. iaV 'The citizens of Mi llersburg intend to President's personal character and tbe uprightness of bis metiyes, the convsn tioo recognised (be right of Republicans to dissert from aortic alar line of policy, and hence made no absurd at-tempt to force any to endorse specific measures relative to (he wisdom of which tbe President had often expressed as nut oyer confident. The main purpose was te so act as insure a victory against Democracy, still regarded as the arch-enemy whose annihilation is tbe first duty of every Republican. The issue is fairly made up and there is an open field, and the fact is everywhere recognized i hat tbe result is doubtful and will be awaited with anxiety to both parties, but not without hope by either.

There is a pretty general concurrence in tbe belief that England is now dead in earn est in its efforts to find a pretext for arrived intervention in favor of Turkey, failing wbicb, be will make one. Tbe pretense that she has been moved, just at this fatal juncture for the Turk; if left Ifpgef unaided, Pauper Practice, log able to write a paragraph without tbe assistance of bis brother aaaSaV Kn. The Normal KMmnl an of political economists certainly indicates that there is not yet one of (bo exact sciences. For instance it is claimed (hat additioaai protection is all that is necessary to start into uo-pa railed activity every languishing American industry. This has been demonstrated here time and again sine the discussions, growing out of tbe arises, began On the other hand (hat already offered by the laws baa just as ceary shown to be the real cause of (he long dismal stretch of business depression reaching from September 1873 down to the present hour; and "free trade" is the panacea urged by thousands versed in the mazes of of social, economical and potiticaf problems.

From present appearance! the gentlemen forming tbe 45th Coot gress will take up (he matter direct y. TffS kAnmmtm iiin a wa build a belt railroad this fall. The next time the young gent at Cicero writes a letter to a young lady AX ARAI4W, ISDIA9JL. School the entire year. Students AtHrfcmbs should JoftVhw BoM.

rllle King and apply to Gosho A Carey tor extra pay. The bootblack mosey is In the hands of the committee, and t- K. Gray can have it by presenting bta check. The 100 000 court house would coat 1275.000 If Ooeho A Carey were to do the engineering. Ooeho A Carey sat down on Or.

Jay, but the Ux-payer will lilt them off. Will the Ledger condemn the oom-misstonerfl tor paying $186 for that which they could hare obtained lor 155T No, sir-ree. See If it doe. enter at any time, select their own studies, and advance as rapidly as tbey desire, Full course of study. New classes organized each month.

Com hying north-west from here had better start it soon enough in (he week for her to get it before Sunday morning; because Sunday morning is too late; because when the girls want to go to Quarterly tbey are going. Matrimony is looking up since bar-vest. Bud Creek and Miss Matilda mercial course most thorough to be found. No extra charge. Fn imm less than at any other school In the land.

Tuition, 18,00 per term of J. Gray made a speech in which he weeks, Including all department. Good board and well furnished rooms, 82.00 to 12.50 per week. Satire satis- after convening; and it will be fought to send four formidable war vessels to oweu vm said (he county needed anew court ew as Motion given or money rerunaea. uasa house, but he did not think the board nnui a aecisive victory prewrve landi been achieved by one or the other of treat rights, is regarded as extremely The Ledger upholds every mean act of the Ring.

In fact the Ring owns the Ledger. had done just as they should. He said (he oounfy debt was only about $60,000. Levi Farley replied to Gray's speech in terms that were calculated to hit (he mark, and they did Thompson were married last Sunday, August 6. Thomas Scully to Miss Buscher, east of Buena, same day.

E. K. Driver has renewed bis friendship with Mo! lie. Now something is (o be done. Look out.

Bbep Noble and Hen ry Walls had a little spat the other day, in which me iwo great bciiuois. ivniirusu waiters can hardly escape a pretty thorough ventilation, and those interested will likely be enabled to gain sufficient reliable data to form a tolerably correct udgmeut as to the merits of the war-fare first waged against them by societies organized for that asone of the alternated. 1111 FOX LEV ITEMS. xlt. August Srd, 1877.

Editor azktte: 1 promised to give you (be subjects discussed on (he connr in this fetter, but haye not bad time to attend in .1 1 I a hit it. A Boxfey and O. H. P. Brandon made speeches in opposition to (he count house.

logue, giving rail particulars, seat rree on application Address Mi B. BROWN, Principal, Fall term opens August Winter term, Nov. nth; Spring term. Jan. 89th 1878: Summer term, April 16th; Review term, July 2nd.

4w SANPQHD'S JAMAICA CINGM This elegant preparation is prepared from the true Jamaica Ginger, combined with choice aromstics and genuine Brandy, and ia vastly superior to every other Extract ot Essence of Ginger before tbe public all of which are prepared with alcohol by the eld vrocmCBoU6ui Moifflrtfs, A Cramps, Peitut, Disrrbort, OyftpT-tarj are instantly relieved by TlT It wilt render au attach of Cholera Morons Impossible, tf takefl when tbe eymptotne of this dangerous complaint first manifest themselves. CRAMPS AND PAINS Sbep (ws understand) got ihe worst prims causes ot their creation a tew person, eonsequen'iy din not nnu oui PAUPER PRACTICE. Tbe county commissioners announced through the columns of the No-blesvUle Ledger that tbey weuld let eut the pauper practice of Jackson town hip to tbe lowest bidder, beverai physicians put in bids, tbe lo west of which WM 1155 for the township practice, and was made by Dr. Jay, a a graduate to medicine and a member of the Medicai Society- of this ot it. The Iroubls occurred concerning some hogs that Sbep had killed, belonging to (he former.

A immittee of one from each town years ago, and which in turn fed tofhe a One of tbe prin ontamtatiuD war employes lox-fiu dpft, however (he qWTJ to ship was appointed to draft resolutions. They presented one which condemned There has been several deaths near know who is the correspondent from here lately. A son of George Laferry, here, but so far (by have not fully little Frank, died July 28, ot scarlet fever. Also Jim Jackson's baby; both (be action of the commissioners, and it was unanimously Adopted. The meeting (ben adjourned.

buried' in the McCarty grave yard. county. Instead of letting Dr. Jay whether produced by indigestion, lm nrooer fond, change of water or diet, can say of (hem as of other chil dren: have tbe job, tbe commissioners let out too frequent indulgence In ice water, exposure to sudden changes of tempera tbe south half of ihe township to Dr. How may labor be leadjusted? is (he paramount, living issue of (he day, Labor readjustment is manifestly (he great poblem and duty of Tucker for 1110, and (he north half to Dr.

Pettijohn for 175. These sums atnouut to 185. Now why in the name of common seuse didn't (he com The press of the country is rapidly ture, arc immeoiateiy rwievea oj is One ounce added to a gallon of ICE WATER and sweetened, forms a mixture which, as a cooling, healthy, sad refreshing Summer Beverage, baa no equal. DYSPEPSIA, Flatulency, Slugciah Digestion, want of tone and activity in the Stomach and Bowels. Oppression altar Sating, are sure to be relieved by a single by a single done taken taken after sash meal.

Sold by 1t Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Grocers, and Dealers la Medicine. Price, 60 oents. Sample free. Dealers should purchase original packages ot one dosen to obtain tbe trial bottles for free distribution. WEEKS POTTER, General Agents and Wholesale Druggists, Boston.

tuai protection, was sain, agarnai sue roads encroachment's upon individual rights, and against their exacti ns. From all of a difinite character that has been evolved by (he late strikes, it appears that while a few rods in the more densely populate sections haye been able to continue their 10 per cent dividends besides handsomely increasing (heir surplus funds by unknown amounts, others, from a variety of causes among them mal-administraion is diverting their earnings to illegitimate objects, bave been forced into the bands of receivers. But whatever future revelations may teach, the strikes with their attendant loss of life and destruotien ot property, have given a remarkable impetus to the demand that tbe general Government should have some band in the control of those vast corporations that number among their alleged assets State Legislatures Judges and members of the national Congress, and which so vitally influence for good or evil every great in dust rial interest and every citizen, more or less directly. Evidently this is to be another of the subjects that wifl engage the attention of the President antl Congress the coining session. The uew issues raised by the late insurrec-tious and which will no longer dawn Smiling lovely creatures, Joyous as the daiy, Fair of torra and font ores.

Happy blithe and gay. Moslems rippling sweetness, LaugD and careless song, From their hearts repleteness, Ever flowed along. There ws laid our loved ones, lit their mossy beds; And the dewy lillic Crown their peaceful heads. Few tbe starry summers, O'er their path bad shone, Ere the angels called them To the far unknown. Smiles and gleamy brightness Wreathed their fntr young faces, Till llio placid whiteness Told of Death's embraces.

Another one of Laferry's children is not expected to live. Mori Aok. concluded who it is. Some of the citizens have been throwing fun at our TtNvoahip Trustee onacount of some certain parties being supplied through him, but he was here and witn (wo of our best citizens visited tbe parties since which the fun has turned the other way, our Trustee is a man above suspicion and will only do justice. If all officers waa as purs as our Trustee we would be in a healthy condition so far as misused confidence is concerned.

Our friend Harper returned from Virginia where be and his family has been visiting for a month, we were somewhat surprised at the out lay of money lor a vistUhese pan icy times. Some of (be citizens of Boxley object to the grammar in (be articles from Boxley. We only have to say to such if ws had time to sit on (he corner and (ilk and argue we per hips could learn from them better grammar than is used in these articles, but we must rk r.s well as talk. Our eny object is to tell in plai i language (he news ol Boxlev and how it gets distributed, we ill gladly take lessons from any one (hat wilt be kind enough to instruct us in grammar. falling into the advocacy of a large increase of the national regular army.

When Congress meets provision should immediately be made for the employment of at least 25,000 more men in the regular army. A Salt Lake special, ot a recent date, says: "Dr. C. F. Winslow was crerasted here to-day, Tbe process occupied (hree hours.

The heart had been taken out and sent to his birthplace, Nantucket. The ashes are to be sent to (he grave ot his wife, near Boston," ELECTRICITY 1 BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS' miss kwert let Dr. Jay have (be contract? Do (hey want to pay mere for a job of work than is asked of them? If (hey do (here is no tolling how much more they will yet pay Drs. Tucker and Pettijohn. But is that tbe way to do business? Do (be people want their money thrown away in that kind of style? We will do Mr.

Stehman the justice to say that he was in favor of letting tbe contract to Dr. Jay, but was opposed by Gosho and Carey. Tbe reason why Pettijohn got the contract was because he 1ms been a working member of tbe Central Committee, and wants his pay for the dirty work which he bad to do. Tucker made a few campaign speeches, and of course be must haye a suck at the public teat. Dr.

Jay must take a back seat and let Gosho and Carey set down on him. Gosho and Carey want to build a 1100,000 court house against the will of tbe people. No wonder they want to build such a costly house. The taxpayers understand the trick. The Ledger is in favor of forcing the tax on the people.

Let us see it the Ledger wifl condemn the action ot the commissioners. Avoid all risks, and subscribe for the only reliable and official Counterfeit Detector issued, snd (hen loss rom For the Million. Ah Electric Battery for 25 Cents. COLLINS' VOLTAIC PLASTERS is warranted oa the reputation of Dr Collins, Its inventor, an old physMaaj to be the best piaster in ihe world of medicine. Tbe union of tbe two great medical a genu, visi Electricity and Medical Gums aud Essences, fully Justine the claim, and entitle this HaWl dy to rank foremost among all curative compounds for all external Aohes and Pains, "ARB DOING Messrs.

Weeks A Potter: Gentle-men, -Collins' Voltaic Plasters are de-ing wonder. Tbey wore. Ilk magic, and those yOd sent last are all sold and more wanted. Please sand me three onsen as soon a you get his. Money enclosed herewith.

I want them tomorrow night, tf possible- In hast. Tours, T.V- PALMER. M. Ho. Fayette, Me.

May 1, lam Palmer is the Postman-ter of North Payette, and having be- receiving counterfeit money need at the bidding of politician or patriot, never be incurred. All handling' pi ieslot layman, balers or the iudus- Pher Hadly store room we spoke of Fur the CWro ffaaette. SHE WOULDN'T HAYE HIM. BY MASK St. HARBAVOK.

In Cieem there lived girl, Whose name was Mary Weaver; Abe tell in love with Preston Webb, Who vowed he'd ne'er deceive ber. He courted Mary aevnral months. And presents gave ber dally; And Preston oft remarked that he Ne'er passed tbe time so gsyly. A' last the wedding "day was set, The guests wereall invited; Tbia loving pair were soon to be In wedlock's bonds united. bauk notes have only to keep at hand frious, and araoet numberless, and (h being fited up by Dr's Richards forcousultat'on Peterson's (Jounterleit have fhiowu wide open the gates to tbe and for a first class drug store, Mr.

Crews from ludianapolis is the prescription ctetk. Dr's, Kewby, McMeHs and Haugley Detector, a semi-monthly publication cultivation aud gleaning ot new fields containing descriptions of all counter- i by the demagogue. As evidence that feit notes as soon as (hey appear. he sees them and intends to profit Every number of the Detector contains thereby, it is reported (hat a Demo- are the practicing physicians ot this place, all doctors and gentle likewise lists of all the National and emtio Pennsylvania member of come convinced ol the great vain of he has ob these Flaalers by actual nee, State banks in the country, financial men. Then Preston bousht a wedding When hay hardest Is over we will have more time and the articles wi I gress has already made a bid for tbe support of the tramps and other riotously disposed of his District, by assurances that he will urge Congress to distribute tlO.000,000 Irom the U.

S. news and items, price current, reviews of the money and stock markets, Ac, and is, in short, a very valuable publication, and no business 'men in the perhaps be of more interest, J. T. tained tbem upon favorable terms and is selling large quantities. A medicine tbat thus recommends itself nan net I too highly commended.

One Plaster sells dotene. Sold by all druggists Mr tease, Sent on receipt ot cents for one, 11 ia for six, or 25 for twelve, care-fnllv abd. Warranted, by WEEKS A PX5TTBH, Proprlstora, Bos-ton, Muss. MANY ARCADIA ITEMS. August 7th, 1877 country should be without it.

The Treasury among the "working peers to of subscription for the Monthfy pie." The appointment of Mr. Hil-issue is only $1.50 a year; Serai- illard of Geoigisfo succeed our presen( monthly, fd.OO a year. Subscriptions minister at Braxit is variously com- For his dear little Mollis, Anil aa be psid he clerk, said he, That's Just tbe aj ripe, by folly!" Poor Preston! little did be think Tbat etorro-clouda bung above him That Is, that she whom he adored, Ws false-she didn't love him. Alas! (wo days before the tune For his and Mary's wedding, Bill Clayton came and married ber, And moved off bed and bedding. Now Preston didn't do like some.

Who've been In Just soon places; He tried to ease his troubled mind By making ngiy face. Enrroa Gaxkttk: I thought a few items from here i mm the effects of the warm may commence with any mont.i, and mented on. It appears to be cordially would be in order. Health is on the decline. Some few oaes of chills reported; also a case or and are debilitated, are advised by physicians to tab moderate aeaoswts of whisky two or three time during the day.

In a little whit those who sdopt tbie advice frequently la are as tbe number of -drink" and la ties become confirmed ine oris tee. A bV' erage hich will not create thirst fee intoxicating liquors, snd Which BS Intended eepeoisJly for tbe benefit of de (wo of fever. approved by Democrats, leading to (he presumption (hat he is of that order; but he is so little known that criticisms upon tbe appointment are necessarily based largely upon speculation and hearsay. Opponents of (he administration affect to see in tbe tarn vote given are payable in advance, A canvasser oeuld get up a list of subscribers for it this neighborhood. Address T.

B. Peterson A Brothers, Philadelphia, Pa, for specimen oopy. As there is a great furore now about Old Coins, we would advise all to get a copy of Peterson's' Coin Book, coo- Arcadia ia still improving. Correll A Pick over occupied (heir new room; boo-hoo-hoo-" amid he, "that girl I never can forgive berl It is a fine business room. bilitated persons, whether at abroad.

Vs Dr. Seaebeka I'D shoot myself and cut my tnroat. Correll A Hershman will occupy Toole. Ccwtatntng the la lose ot herbs, fhts nrenrsien do wot taming perfect impressions Judge Tsft in the Ohio convention, ao sn snnstit far the iatonleati aw skm. (be other room in a few days.

A. Elmore is improving his proper The nourishing and tbe lire-sopprirtlng properties of OBsrry valuable natural THE INDIGNATION MEETING. Wa have from time to time been tolling our readers (bat the great mass of (be people of Hamilton County were bitterly opposed to (be building of a new court house at (he present time; and (be mrgo number of old gray beaded farmers (bat were present at tbe indignation meeting at NobfesvtUe last Saturday gees to show that we rated aba truth. Tbe old pioneers of (bis eeuofy are dsermed that the commissioners, who where placed office by the people, shall not ignore (he wifl of Ihe people Tbey waal the commiseteners understand that (he voice of (be tax payers must and aha1 be heard. Tbe ease knife jail which tbe peeple 135,000 has convinced nil hfmt men in our county (bat (here has been grot mismanagement on tbe of tbe Coins of the World.

It will be seat by mail, postage paid, on receipt of 11 by T. B. Peterson A Brothers, Philadelphia, Pa. implied condemnation of the "Suth ern Policy asTaft is asserted to have em phatical ly declared against it. But Mr.

Hayes' friends strenuously insist that bis position upon the Soufhern questioa did not afreet either way. tbe ty in the Way of a new fence. Toll Driver is following suit. Mike Knapp et al wiU soon buJd a productions eonUinM ta it, aaa wen known to nMdtrat men have Basest reran baelrtg iafhience. A single bottle of Toole will dssnouetrat ft vsIusMe rordetdllty eriatag trom sleknoaa.

over exertion or from any cause whatever, a wlaagliaa fall of Sea Weed Tonic taaea aftsw Basal will strengthen tbsi atnmseb and Stents an sDoetttefbr wholesome fend, lb all bride ever Cicero creek near Ana jump Into White river!" FROM BUENA VISTA. Tit ns a Vbta, Inpi at a Aaguat 7th, 177. It baa been so long sines "Hooier" appeared tn the Ledsrer. tbat he ks almost torgottsn, but we would like to say we were astonished at this article it ought to be deseed with "BodVs dog ights" or his chicken fights" It Is burning shame, or an awful pity, tbat bis intelligence, integrity snd influence are not salt oatakte of the corporation Of Cicero. Oh, awful.

BOW Striking strange! What a calamity! Bow can It be ndursdf To think be hsa'nt bean beard Of in the corporation, poor tallow! you little son of your father. Russia, it is said, refawet to treat with Turkey except through (be medium of the great powers. If sheds-teats (be Ottomans ia 'be field, she ft. ft choice of a rmndklate. but that the farm- reWutrons adopted with great uoanimi-! Was Gwinne and Sam Devanef are ty honestly reflect tbe sentiments of loosing all their bogs with tbe cholera.

h- sr about leaving their lUatr tn ssv that the SXSSall nr n. aeaaonabse Was says be has used John Bray nope, ny a.pmsaaue sorewwess Republican, (award the Preai- See Weed Ton ie, and MaejSli hs PBss, are partioulsrl evident when take by those who ere Intarioosly saTasesal bye rhinm of water and dtt. We a gain ioe indorsement of ner rrvats for any amount of indemnity she may see fit to demand. fluioke the on bend cigar at Me'e, cbofera medicine without effecting a care. When a bog taxes the ehoiera be is "gone op." There will bean old seftfore' meeting dent and campaign isswes, as (her profess tn do.

Tbe tinth appears to be that while there is hat oae opinion as to lb person aL bnnld leave home without enpply of tbesas5feguarda Bf by all Or.

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