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The Ledger from Noblesville, Indiana • 4

The Ledgeri
Noblesville, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

we denounce, and the offenders should receive the extreme; panalty of the law LEVIN SON Inflow prepared to show the BEST SELECTED STOCK FAULTLESS! SanT, Hart Coal Burner. OF Fall anfl Winter Clotlii Kver displayed at Noblesville. Yearsot experience, by done attention to txmlnnwt, has enabled me to make oareful aelecUona of whatever clothing I bay, and Id doing ao 1 am enabled to 'Guarantee Kind and Price as Against Any Competitor. Fair dealing lathe motto. Kino Clothing a specialty.

23 South Side, opposite Jail. ihould be allowed now and then to Cottage and Todd WOOD BURNER. 1 i 'm S12E TIIEZX Before You'Bny, W. E. LONCLEY, Kouth Bide the Square, Noblesville, Indiana.

Death of Joseph K. eraaaaa. We noticed last week the departure of Dr. and Robert Graham for their old home in Pennsylvania to attend the funeral of their brother, Joseph K. Graham, better known here as the bright and venial Karl.

He died oa the Uth of October, 1883, at the city of Bradford, in his native state, at the age of 40 years. Biuce leaving our town several years ago be has been engaged in newspaper work; previous to his death he had received a government appointment at Washington in the printing department. He was a member of she Uth Pennsylvania Regiment and saw hot and bloody scenes in the army oHhe Potomac. The following address was delivered over his grave by the captain of his company, Hon George W. Fleeger, of Butler, Pennsylvania.

MT FRtEitns It Is something unusual for a man in my profession to hare anything to say publicly In the presence of death and the open grave On such occasions it is generally left to those to speak wboe lives run on a higher, jurer, piano than ours. Under ordinary circumstances nothing would Induce me to intrude upon this custom. But my friends, when I stand at the. open grave of on ol my cum -rades of old Company one with whom I served for three years in the army, and one whose herolo courage I witnessed In aome of the bloodiest battles of the war, when under such circumstances I am requested by his friends to say something, I cannot and will not stop to question the propriety of aodoing. Willingly, cheerfully I bring my poor offering of a soldiers tribute to Kerr Graham's memory, and lay it upon his coffin lid.

Hera In the neighborhood of bis bo hood's days, and In the presence of the friends and associates his youth, here at his open grave la this quiet churchyard, here In the presence of hisaged and venerable father, his brothers, his little daughter and his friends, aad hero in the presence of Are members of his Com- fiauy, who have Just -lowered his coffin into final resting place, sua who can attest the truth nf whatl say, bear public tesUmouy to his character ms a soldier, and the fidelity with which he performed all Uie duties of a soldier during his term of rvlee. In our whole army of more than a million -of men, stretching from the Atlantic to beyond the Mississippi, I do not believe there was a braver or belter soldier than Kerr Ura-liam. This is not empty eulogy; I have said it before: said it when I never thought of saying It at his grave. Brave, manly and generous be endeared himself to all his comrades with whom he was associated. In all his soldier life, in camp, on drill, on the march, In the bivouac, aud ou the picket line, he was ever talthful In the performance of every da-ty required of him but especiaily in the Ume of danger, in the hour of battle, in the storm of the conflict did his character as a soldier shine forth resplendant.

Fearless and courageous in the deadly charge he was "foremost among the first and a 'est Of the brave." On his escutcheon as a soldier there Is na blot or stain. Jn bearing this testimony, I speak for these my oom rades as well as for myself, and I but voice the senUmentsof all thesurvlvors of Company when 1 say that the array had no braver or better soldier than hlra whose lifeless remains have been oon- signed to this grave. Iu this hourof darkness and sorrow it eertalnlymust be a source of consolation and pleasure to his aged father, broth-eraand friends to look back over his pathway, and reflect that in the hour of his country's trial bis son, their brother, and friend, though scarcely eighteen years of age, tendered hU services, his life to hi counlry; went forth to the most advanced post ot duty aad danger, and there on the bloodiest fluids of the war, served his country falthlutiy tor HE TT I tTT ITIT Tlrtfl HAIII.TI.HAS 1 X1UJJI XJJJI, 8UTPHEN ltecrijtioi Pharmacists HBPT DOOR SOUTH OF THfc BANK. DrSUTPH I lately With Venial Harold, will give his personal attention to PRESCRI PT I OK Family Recipes. OUR Drugs and Medicines Asssatof a superior quality and fredi, hev- lag no old stock.

Our FfcilVOIUNG EXTRACTS Will be found superior to auy. MTartiea wishing to call their Physlolons tm Invited to use our telephone, No. U. EEPU BLIG AN-LEDGEB, Ja 8 KH 0 Bum AHDritOPMWrOR, ffita occupies the Old ldgor Hootus, in the City Hall Blook, Jhb one ISO Outside the county SJU 1 90 NOSLESYILU. OCT.

26, 1883. 5 ft? mi file offieW vote In Ohio hei it last Ws made public. Iloadly's plurality It 11,129, His majority over all is 1.44S. The total prohibition vote in the majority against it being Massachusetts, Mary laud, Minnesota for Its violation, yet we demand from our officers that this woman should also suffer in like manner. We met Martha Spinks last.

Tuesday noon and she handed us the following note Ml. 8TETBKKSOM Mir Will foa grant me a few moments conversation for your own benefit M. J. HrmKa. We jrr nted her request and she said she was terribly hurt over the article published that she had known us for over twenty years, and If what we had published wu true she would lose fifteen acres of good land; that she did not care for it for herself but did want it for her boy.

Sba aid not want any hard feelings between us, but she asked that we prove that which we had published. We have only this to sav: Martha Spinks is a bad woman, and we continue in our conviction that she keeps one of the worst dives in the State; that neither life, limb nor property are safe in her ranch, and that she is a strong, courageous and vindictive prostitute of the lowest order; that she is known by every polioo officer in all our neighboring towns as "Martha Spinks, the noted nigger prostitute jof Noblesville." She has been here for1 many years and has always, as far back as we can remember, kept a house of prostitution. Common report says that she "stands in" with so many of our prominent citlsens that our officers dare not arrest her, and she thus walks the streets with the strut peculiar to her class, free from the possibilities of arrest. The men who visit this or any other. bell hole of like repute are lower than the vilest inmate, and should be known and the finger of scorn pointed at them they should be cast out of society like an unclean, leprous person, for fear of pollution by the merest touch.

Martha says she will sue us for slander. It Wask her a few questions Wero your Children born in lawful wedlock, Martha? Echo answers "No," Who it the father of your liv ng child, Martha? The rcverations roll back from past years, i' Don't know Have you not been proven in the courts a common prostitute, Martha? The pages of the justice's docket answer "Yes." Don't you and the Roper girl parade our streets nightly, and whoop and yell around until the darkness Is made hid eous, and still our police officers allow this to go ou? The citizens along Rail road street all answer, "Yes." Are not the vile epithets and slang that falls from your polluted lips as you insult all classes of citizens on our streets at all hours of the day and night, proof deniable that you are what we stated, Martha? Everybody who knows you will unhesitatingly say, "Yes." Mar tha, we might continue these interoga tories, but we will wait until suit for HOellsTiistltutqd," Our Marshal aud night-watch authorize us to say that on and after to-night each and every known prostitute andev ery man or boy tound engaged In con vention with them on the streets after dark will be arrested and jailed. This should have been done long ago. -The same law that governs this action now bus been in existence for years and if it had been enforced Noblesville would not aow be a refuge for the criminals of this, class that It has become. Let them cleaned out root and branch.

We are sorry to state that Noblesville has twenty-six houses of assignation and prostitution (and only three colored dives counted) of different grades (there can be grades in such places) and they are all known to our officers of the law, yet none aref 'pulled." We have beon told, for some reason that when well- founded affidavits had been tiled against some of these women that they failed to re celve attention. If this be the case, a portion of the blame attaches to our Justices. We know the law-abiding citizens will and do uphold us in our endeavor to root out these disreputable dives of our little city. Life, liberty and honor are at stake, and it has" now become a war to the bitter end, and we know that right, law and order will prevail. We wish to call tke attention of the owners and their agents of the property rented for the purpose of prostitution, to the following law passed by the leg! lature of 1S81, and is now In full force Baoma SR.

WhoeTW keep a bona ot UK Asm, resorted to tor tha parpoee ot prosUta- lion or lewanew or tnowingij leis a nouse to oe ao Kept, or Knowingly permits a house which he has let to be so kept, shall ha fined not mora than one hundred dollars nor leas than tea dollars, to which be added Imprisonment in the eouaty jail hot eioeedlng aia months. OMtwarjrv Mrs. Louisa II. Thorn; whose serious illness was mentioned In last week's paper, wife of John Thorn, died last Sunday morning. She was born in Warren county, Ohio in 1841.

being in her 42d year at the time of her death. She was married to Mr. Thom in December, 1868, with whom ahe lived happily until her death. Three children resulted from their union, all of them surviving her. Mrs.

Thorn was a lady possessed of all the qualities that make a devoted, a and loving wife and her death it sincerely mourned by all who made her acquaintance during the abort time ahe resided here. Her remains were token to Indianapulit on Monday and laid to rest In Crown Hill cemetery. The cortege from the rear-denoe to the depot was large, and a great many followed the remains to thaw feat resting place, Mr. Thom sod the children of has oaoe happy (xoae have the full sympathy of the. entire: THE KKKPKR8 Of TKtS BOC8ES OF aasioatTioBi aid ilumhr i Of THE WAR PATH.

Tky rtrat TarMtM SbIU for Blander an 4 Libel. Tkaa Iksst Ci Dwd, Dui, Sight, Wit Tfcelr Little Guu, And Thir4 mm baat, Raw HhU mm Cayenne Pepper la the Pnblle Streets, bnt We are atUl Ahle Held the ran and Wield a- the Pen. Cnsnnsenelng T-ntht, Use Mnrahml and Night Wnteh wUl Arrest all Ks.s PrneUtntes aad all Men fennd la Casaaaajr nr Talhlng wl.h Thenten theStneiS. Under the title of Noblettvllle's Bagnios we wrote a portion of the unwritten history of Noblesville and its habitues, and it seems that we mutt have struck -Are by--th- amoko4t raiaeJ. Noblesville has long been suffering fur the sins of it erring cltizeus, both male and female, and was the first time that their names bad ever appeared in print In their proper collection and they waxed hotter and hotter the longer they thought of their evil ways as they were depicted in last week's Republican-Ledger.

Monday morning we wero interviewed in our aanotum aauctorum by Mrs. Elisabeth Hudaon, alias "Bet Slick," the keeper of "Stone Front." She was wound up to run all but we managed to slip in a word or two, when she stopped to get wind (hfe actions were like a wind mill fanning the air with her talon-liae olaws) and told her what she wanted to know. She left breathing her direst curses and maledictions upon our Unprotected bead, aud telling us that J. W. Barnes, the owner of the house In which she.

held forth, would spend every cent that ho is worth to prove her good moral character and send us up. Mrs. Hudson does not Joke. She was not. in a joaitig mood when she was talking toaUa, but she was iu earnest, and that she would like to link her long, limber talons in our wavmg locks, when she announced her new-found protector from insult: and newspaper notoriety.

But we would like to say to Mr. Barnes If he has money sutllclent to push us to the wall, he surely has money a wife instead of sending her to the poor farm. We reiterate our charges, only now we can add (since we havy seen the woman) that she is a blear, sore-eyed creature, and looks like a veritable virago, and her daughter Is a brasen-faced, impudent chip of the old block. Mrs. If.

aud her daughter were parad lug the st reetr Tuosda Vj brandish lug a box of Cayenne pepperaud a raw hide and swearing by the Great Horn poon that oiif hiih should dry-4a-hr tepee, but we say for aye," Lliiie. She wrote us a letter on Wednesday, which was delivered by her chaperon, Bttrncs, in his "gentlemanly and gallant manner," but which is loo sweet for this brutal world's comment, and iu which she calls us such endearing names as "cowardly and infamous libeler" aud "slanderer of female virtue," aud then wluds up with tha unbearable threat "now refuse to publish and take the consequences." "Refuse If you dare," audio I we refuse and dare. If she wishes to know of her former history we will refer her and our readers to places of her former abode, Cicero, Jackson township, Uoxley town, and her i hi ed la to neigh uors vh ere she now resides. Our advloe tpl Mrs. H.

is that the sooner she shakes the dust of NoUIesvlIlo from oft her shoes the better It will be for her and its eitlsena, Mrs. Jennie Adams, alias the "Sheet Iron Sloude," was rather warm when she heard of the free advertising we MVS hue unH nn frtn.l xr nltrht alt land Miss Bell Hooper, the "Drum Ma yor," paraded the streets looking aa sour, and in the aamecondlMoa, as two vinegar bottles that had been struck with a We understand from Martha Spinks that the "Blonde was swearing vongeanee, and was carrying a "pop" with which she intended to get our scalp and hang it In her wigwam to dry. (The "Blonde" will take our scalp, and "Bet Slick" our hide.) This Adams woman it one of those oily- tnngued tempters who bat been for yean cloaking over her ulcerous skin skin with all the hypocrisy of a persecuted saint, while at the same time she hat been luring yeung girls to destruc tion. Let a young and unsophisticated girl be plaoed in her way and she is the prey of this leacherous, evil-eyed and hypocritical old prostitute, and at last the will work ber Into the toils of degradation and ruin. Not quite a year ago this woman and a young harlot named Bowman, brought to ruin two unprotected girls in this way, and now they are in the slums living a life of shame.

Parents of Noblesville, will you allow this notorious woman to walk the beautiful' streets of our little olty and contaminate the air your daughters breath, and make no effort at purification Let Iter be handled by the taw and banished from our midst Tuesday night this dive was stoned by aome unknown parties, whiott action THE GREAT INLAND SEA IIA.I OOZRO AWAY THROUGH THE CKLKBRATED THRHE-HOLK WIL80H SEWER. Bat will Rise Agaia as Saaa mm alight Rain Descends and Wets the Dnst mt Use Streets. OH: "ORE AT ARE THE POWERS THAT BE." The winds came and the. floods fell and overflowed the beautiful streets of Noblesville at the northeast corner of the square, and after a sufficient time had elapsed, seeped away through the manure, straw and three small tiles to the river. No town in the State of Indi ana hassuch good outlets for drainage as our little city, but our councilmen have never yet taken advantage of this In a proper manner.

They go on the penny plan, and the old adage that "anything worth doing is worth doing well," is ignored. If, at the proper time, our streets had been cut and filled and the water from each street allowed to run direct to the river, the expense would not have been aa great as it has been ndertLe-platHhat harbeen pursued, 1. e. each council, or even Marshal, allowed to dig and slash the gutters and streets In any manner they may see fit. We will never have better drainage until a system is adopted and that sys- tem strictly adhered to to the letter, When that is done we will have no floods on our streets, and until then we wITI have them at each dashing rain We are glad to say in connection with this article that the hitch rack has beeu cleaned, and twentv-flve larire drav loads of manure carted away, and the Court house stauds once more on the main land Advertising does pay, re- garuiese oi wnat croaker say.

Jackson Tawaaatp Teachers' IneUtate. Tha Teachers' Institute of Jackson towu-ahiD convened at Arcadia. Oct. XL imt. and wm cnueu ui uruer oy oupi.

Morris. devotioual exercises conducted by HupU Morris, i On motion, J.Frank Brown waa appointed Secretary. sue inwimi was ODeuea or sinsina end Howard WlUou was appointed Critic for the dav. The flrst exercise was given by T. Bartholomew, subject, "The True Ends of Township Iiutlitutee." Mr.

Bartholomew said thoae metaous of teaching are the best, which in terast the pupils. He thinks teachers often try to teach too many thluaa at one Ume. it is oeuer lor a pupa to learn a few things well supt. Morris called on M. 1.

8hlel to open tha discussion ou this subject, in which was impressed the Ihouxht that pupils should be kept interested aud busy, that they should be given just enough to do and no more. The next exercise on the programme was "Spelling," by Joete Blount, but on account of sickness Miss Blount was absent. "Writing" was next presented by Theodore Warman. He would teach flrst reader pupils to print their lessons on their slates, giving aa reasons that It is soma aid to them Fn leara. Inline wonls and that it keeps them busy.

In tha writing class tha teacher should make free use of tha blackboard to show spacing, analysis, etc Tha subject of bow to secure suitable writing materials for pupils who not tise copy books, was earnestly discussed. The plan of tha teacher providing the pupils with good, foolscap paper and good pens, and then relying on tha pupils todefray the expanse lnourred, was presented, and was considered a safe plan by some teachers who had tried it. Soma very practical thoughts were presented. A excellent easay on "Good Behavior" was read by Mary Conner. She would have teacher regard tha motives of a disorderly pupil.

Th art ot keeping pupils busy Is the great secret of aeon lis (good behavior. The teacher show id be a living example of what he would dictate tb7 policy of tha Rupublican party, but before be proceeds farther in his mad career, we wish him read the advice the young irog gave its mother in the fable An ox drinking at a pool one day trod upon a brood of young frogs and crushed one of them to death. The mother, coming up inquired what had become of him, and when told that he had been crushed by a huga beast, the old frogpuffing herself up.inquircd if the beast was as big as that in size. "Cease, mother, to puff yourself said her son, "for you would, I assure you, sooner burst than sutxxisstllymitatoje hugeness of that monster," LOMT AMD rOCRD. "Items under thin head published free of enargu.

Found, a small gold locket, been Wed for a watcb charm. The owner can get it by calling on John Trissal at A. W. Trultt't book store. Found, one day this week, near the VValuwrlglit House, two bird orna ments tueh as are used in trimming ladles' haU and bonnets.

Owner can have same by calling at the Wain wrlgh House. A Card. Wo hereby acknowledge gratl tude, and tender our Blncere thanks to all the friends who so kindly twlMted and tvmpHthiied with us iu oar late bereavement. Respectfully, I. B.

and 8. A. Austin. Oar Hunters. Three different hunting parties- have loft Noble? vlllo during the past few days and have had rather (tattering aucoew, MessrsrltawkThH, Vestal, FiHher, Carey, Itooth and Durfe comprlning the flrst ueer hunting party.

Up to last Monday this party had killed, six teen deer aim one bear. tfUUU WUHII VA'T, AJUll LVE Fab DavldHon. Dr. Haroldand William Moore hm tried their 1 ck and skill and when last heard from had killed nine detr, Oeorffe andLElbert Shirts, Dr. Laehi and Bud Wilson have Rene to the Kan kakee after duoks, but so far have mudu no report.

Cfceaa pry faeess. We bear to notify, our customers throughout the state ot the past that Dry (foods of all kinds are cheaper this season than any for twenty year. An examination of our stock andprove the truth of our statement Cfnaka, Dolmans, Shawls, dreat foods. Plan nets and ootten toode nave never beeu as low aa they are this season. A visit of InspecooQ win be but justice to yourself and a favor to A.

VIChKOM uo. SvC "Trad Palace." IiWianamlis, and New Jersey will elect Governors on thetth of November. Elections for various State officers will tako place on tfcesaine day in New, Phlngyl vania, Mississippi and Virginia. If eu, Nathan It Overman, Judge of the Tipton and Howard County Circuit Courts, died at bis home in Tip-L tot Uet Wednesday night. He was a auua widely known at an intelligent aol upright barrister, and his loss will Jaeply felt by those who knew him.

C1 wludy article appeared in "last Crock's Independcnt.drawn out by a )ocJ of ours a few weokt ago, that T. V. Davis, of this county, was allowing hitaaelf to be used ak a candidate for jaiiaial honors iu the Interest of the preatntbeumbent, Judge Qoodykoontt, ani tftinst General Moss. Davit and kit friends had a perfect right te deny this statement (hut his denial will not eltw the facts) and abuse at for it, but it was ungallant aad in bad tagWltr them tolug into the article ttt tames of other members ef the bar, who Lave no no interest whatever la kia schemes. As a young man of average ability who It just starting in kia frofesston, and who kat not yet Pi trial an important case in court, at we aciiafonned, it would better become kia and hit frienda to let well-eawgh and not bite ofl more than they lrm Lew.

We will not atop to argue lkefKestion about hit beetiag kit old partner, Kauc, and all other imagine-lit tjaadidatcs fur judicial honors we wQ ext dispute tliat it it itnpiotw for three years, and when his term of service expired returned home with the respect and esteem of nil his comrades with -whom he served, and without a blot or blemish upon his reputation as a soldier. Here, in this hour of bereavement and sadness their recollections enn torn, and here on this bright Held fond memory can stop and Unger with fatherly and brotherly pride, over the soldier record af son, and brother, and friend. To you, his little daughter, he leaves the stainless record of his soldier life. It will be a source of Just pride to you In after years to recall this scene, and to remember that alx comrades who had served In the same Company with your father during the war, laid Lis cofflned remains in the grsva, and then speaking through one of their number bora public testimony to his good character as a soldier, his bravery Is the boor nf battle, and the fidelity with which he performed every doty required of him. One word to you, my comrades It is a little more than twenty-two years since old Co.

0 was organised and went with Its regiment to the sosne of conflict. Many of oar comrades ws saw fall in tha hourof battle. They fell at Gaines' Hill, Bull Ran, South Mountain, Fredericksbnrg, Gettysburg, tha Wilderness, Hpottaylvauia, and Bctheada Church, Some died la Labby Prison and oa Belle Island, and erwel Andersonvllle, too, baa its share. When oar three years' tana expired, with broken, decimated ranks ws returned to oar boras. Since than that reaper whoso sickle Is keen, aad who has "all seasons tor his own." has still been busy In our ranks.

This makes twenty -one of oar number who hav died si no their discharge. Again and again are we reminded that our ranks are growing less, and the soldiers' graves In oar esss stories and church yards increasing in number. Little did we think when we met Kerr Graham at the wanton of oar aid regiment at BlatravUlc oa the 25th of September last, that he, so fall ol lifts aad energy, the youngest of oar Bomber one whose sua bad scarcely reached Ms meridian woakl so soon be ealled to Join the majority beyond; that within three abort weeks, we. bis old comrades, woald bear bis llMesa rasnalaa to that qnlet churchyard, aad here amid the hvlllng leaves and the sighing of the antumn wines, eeesmlt them to the groeod to sleep the dreamless slumber of the grave until ths resurrection mm; bat such te the esse The hand that aiasyed ours oa that occasion la true comradeship now Use err el ess upon his lawless breast the voice that was so full of adly (recti ng and lnqairy after absent comrades Is new hushed oa earth 'forever; hUbosy, reetiese life has ended; all Ibat la mortal of Kerr Graham we have eeaamltted to the sliest grave It is not ansaanly, ray comrades, to weep naon saeh aa sponsion hlssoldler lifts, his early death dcataada the trlbateof a tear. Farewell, Kerr I other may ftwget yon, hat while one of Company Canr-vlves yoa will not be Inrgottea.

aeevssl atoveal Over a ear load of frrst-elasa coal sad wood beating stoves, to he sold cheap for cash at vE, E. Oasn's. y-t-? 'a1'. have hta pupils be. Art censure should be given for tha benefit of the pop 11 and not merely to vent the teacher's wrath.

last! lute adjourned to meet at p. m. aTajtooK assBtow. "Tha Leading Object of the Common School," was presented by M. T.

8hll. Ha said the leading object Is InteUeetual training, but as the body hi the ant through which the mind acta, Instruction should he given in regard to exercise, apparel, diet, etc Physios! training Is torn much neglected. Morals aad intellectual training are InUmately eon nee ted. Morala come with knowledge. Mr.

Shiel made soma vary logtoal statements la regard to th divisions of tha tataileotoal Cao-BlUea, peroepUva aad expressive, rioma Jovial members of tha lost! lute greatly aided Mr.Sbtel lo lUustraUng them. Jennie Hoggins presented Primary Bead-tag" la a praoUeei Bhe would leaoa tba aoonda of tha letter, frtmary reading lessons ahould be eompoard of words easily anderstood. Drill paptls on words which are aabltanlly mispronounced. "School UovernaMnt," was presented by May Hlalt. She expanded the condensed rules given on the program, and sanctioned them them In a very practical aisaaar.

Henry Bonds read aa assay on'Tom penance Education." Ha would oppnaa prohibitory legislation aad thinks lemaeranca must he broagat ahaat by eases! eaassoa aad by edn-rnUaa the Using gaaaraUoa In regard to lbs effect of intemperance A lively Interest was maaUrated among th teachers daring the anttra tarns. Ovt of treaty -ix tcanoera aU were present except two. pr.llet for Jackson township pisass nt year pt lntita-v e- Uaoawx VrnavTrnstr. J.FasfK Baowa.SecivvaiT, ttmaw to question bit' way tfvsr hi twai jKuiy in tV in cutiaiv. ava l.

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