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The Ledger from Noblesville, Indiana • 4

The Ledgeri
Noblesville, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BAGNIOS. STOVES! STOVES! If you want a STOVE do not buy untiiyou have seen LONGrLEY'K colored citizens, will be a surprise to the general public. -It toas come tole believed that toe newly eafranchlaed citizen was eonstltulionally guaranteed tbe Mine rights In hotels, theaters aud public conveyance" as are enjoytd by white men. This, it appears, i a intake, which is made plain in an opinion prepared by Justice Bradley. The current belief haa been thaLthe Thir-Ueutb and t'ojjrteenth amendaienta to the constitution made provision for tiie compelling of an equal treatment of all LEVIN SO THK IIOT.SES OF AUfOHATIOH 'AND ILL-FAME POIKTED OtT TO om police orncEM, Isjnow prepared to show the CQ i CQ Best selected stock 03 l.

E- Will they br AIUwmI CaatlBsie as llentofar, Will tkey 1w laacd Vp Aeardl( Law. men without regard to race, color, or of previous condition of servitude. 1 he error of such an idea may be readily detected when the two amendmeuu and see the finest linetever brought to Hamilton County, at Prices that Cannot i are consulted. The Thirteenth amend ment gives Congress the power to prevent slavery and involuntary servitude except ua a punitihment lor crime, BE BEATEN! whereof the party shall have been uu Fall anfl Winter CloMii Everdtsplayed at NobleavlHe. Years of experience, by clow attention to business, hiu enabled me to make careful selections of whatever clothing I buy, and in doing ao 1 am enabled to Guarantee Kind and Price as 1 1 Ag ainst Any Competitor.

Fair dealing la the motto. Fine Clothing a specialty, 23 South Side, opposite Jail. ly convicted. The Fourteenth, or civil rights amendment, empowers Cotigreus to pass laws preventing auy titate abridging the civil rights of any citi zen, black or white, except as a punish Our Stove Trimmings CQ meut for crimes after couvictiau. But it does not give Congress anv power to pass a law compelling Hlatea to aee that its citizens enjoy the privilege of punlic places and conveyances.

The amend Are Home Made, and CQ ment is prohibitory, and the act pasted by Congress is clearly unconstitutional, in that it exceeds the power of Congress as fixed by the article under which the There are several ill-fame and assignation houses in Nobles vllle, and they are well known to the officers of the law and are in full blast bott night and day. One of these dives is situated on Conner street, in the large two story frame house west or the New Wainwright hotel, and is kept by a colored harlot by the name of Martha Splnks, and is known by the name of the White Hall. This place, the resort of the vilest characters of Noblesville, is filled nightly by negroes and whites, who meet in this haunt, and their drunken orglesare- kept -up-untit tire effects-of the bad whisky or the morning sun drives then: to their homes. This place is also used as an 'assignation house, where many young girls have been ruined, aud their fair names once in the hands of this vile woman she drags them down until they can never rise again. This woman has beeu a noted many years, and her swaggering manner and leering and luring! ways, as she walks along our streets accompanied by othercolored prostitutes is a disgrace to our city, particularly so of our officers of the laT9iud order.

statute was aougnt-ao-be-estatMisiied favore-us withrircoTn SUTPHEN Th. court holds may, if CQ Do not fail to see him, South Side Square, NOBLESVILLE. ids I munication which is printed on the third page of this issue, in answer to an editorial which appeared in the STOVES! STOVES! Republican-Ledger two weeks ago in FIRST DOOR ROUT 1 1 OK TJIK njTIZHXfcV BANK. which we charged him with, allowing a Democrat to teach in the public THE INLAND SEA. it sees proper, eo act such laws for the Territories and the District of Columbia, but not for the As the matter now stands, the colored man who Is refused admittance to hotels, cars, theater, or other places 1 without recourse In law, aud the only possible way that he eau secure relief must come through a new constitutional amendment empowering Congress or tbeeveral States to pass such laws us shall guarautee the fUttl treatment nh citizens by managers of public houses and public conveyances.

This question had nearly udjuxted itself, and it is to he regretted that necessity compels it to be reopened. The deelnion is indorsed by eight members of the court, Justice Hnrlan school of this county after he had rc fused to issue a license to a Republi Dr. SUTPHEN, THK CELEBRATKO THREE-HOLE eau for the same offense committed at the same time. WILSON BEWKR A GRAND FIZZLE. Lately with Venial A Harold, will give lila personal attention to ue aon uetena either young meu iu drinking but we do hink that they should both 'be treated alike if one Other towns rid their boundaries of PRESCRIPTIONS The Court Mouse Situated Vpoil au Island Surraunded by Manure and Dirty Stinking Water.

such trash, and we cannot see why our being the only diwscnter." Z7. teacher hrtbe county the other should" a9 they were together during the even REPORT OF NOBLESVILLE SCHOOLS This being the first mouthly report of this scholastic year of our schools, it is not so good as the subsequent reports will be, as the first report Is always poorer than any of the others. With the exception of the sixth grade the grades are all full, and some are crowded. The total enrollment for the first month is 001, the highest number ever enrolled during the firstmonth TtrusTThatThe patrons will have their children at school during the eutire year, then the pupils will be able to complete the work. The course in each grade is a full years' work, and It can only be successfully accomplished by hand work and punctual and constant attendance.

Parents and patrons will please accept our invitation to visit the schools aud see how they are conducted and observe the management. HIGH SCHOOL. iioom no. 1. 'Hnrrle Gibbons.

95.4 Harry 8 Klla M.S Ora Anthony 82.8; Emma Kline 97.4 Charlie Jennie 97.3 James Barnes Frank Lee .,87 Orph Moss tJ.7 Cuas Rena Melsse KA ing jefered, to and one drank as often l'OlNTS OF THK DKl'IrilON. -The court, in a lomr and carefully-prepared opinion by Justice Bradley, holds Kirat That Congress Imil no constitutional authority to dim the sectloim In nuuKiJuu-un. Family Recipes. as tho other. The only difference is, little city cannot do the same thing.

Also a house near the Colored Baptist church, cnlled the "Stone kept by a white prostitute by the name ot Elizabeth Hudson formerly oi Cicero, is one of the low dives in the town ofNoblesville. This house hns been raided once or twice by the offi that one became noisy under the effect Of It der either the Thirteenth or Kourteeuih amendment to the constitution. of the alcohol, while the other did not. Mr. Makepeace filed his affidavit Hecoiid That the I'ourhteiith amendment iihjhibitory upon Httil-s only, mid that legislation aiitliorized to be adopted bv emigres for euforulng Hint nmeudmeiit is d'iri'ct Icul.

Drugs and Medicines tho next morning upon information. cers, but no permanent good has been He did not see either of the boys on AYe all of a superior quality and fresh, hav the evening they were drinking. ing ti'i oia our The best evidence that Mr. Morris lallun on matters reapecUng which the Htates are pndiibited from making or enforcing certain laws ordalulng certain acts, but is corrective leglalaliou, necessary or proporlor counteracting aud redreaslng the effect of such law or acts; that lu forbidding Muttes, lor exiunpte, to deprive any person of lite, liberty or proerly without of law, and giving Congress power to eutorce MiAVORING EXTRACTS done. This woman has been married the Lord only knows how many times, her name hns been legion.

When at Cicero she went by the name of Hall. In the southeuft part of town, just west of the A. M. E. church, is a ranch by that notorious prostitute Mrs.

can have, (asp he did have it, Each and every time it rains the water collects at the northeast corner of the square several feet deep, caused by the insufficient outlet the three-tilo sewer placed i position last spring, proving (as we predicted at the time) insufficient to carry the water off as fast as it falls. The Council at that time thought it would cheaper, but they will find it a great deal more expensive when they pay the costs aud damages should It overflow the cellars of Fisher's grocery and Truitt's drug store. There is some talk now of run. uing a sewer directly west from this corner and connect with the court house sewer near the Wabash railroad, and allows a portion of the water to escape that way. Something must be done; nad that before the ice fills every Utile hole, after which if it should rain as hard as it has done several times in tho last few weeks, suit for damage will be brought by the parties named, REGARDLESS OP HIS DENIAL) was Lulu Durfee 92.4 Laille Martin- 18.1 Hits It was not iutended to give Congress power to provide due process of law the confession of the young Democrat to us that he had drank as often and Will be found superior to auy.

f-Tartles wishing to cat! their l'hysi a to invited to use our telephone, No. At. Com Pettljohn Jmz Hubert O'Brien IM lor protection of life, liberty and property, which would embrace almost all subject of legislation, but to provida modes of redruas fareouuleracling the operation and effwi of Uertie lavldon 99.5 JlmOray 87.8 Annie Uwlnu B5.6 Mamie Hall Morris riarrison M8.7 May Johnson 90.2! Ralph Kane JO.6 Laura Klirer 87.1 Jennie Adams, alias "the sheet-iron Charles Fannie Wallace. ,90.7 Meade Vestal JUHIOBS. Tllllo Granger of the same kind of liquor as the young Republican.

Mr. Morris will not deny under oath that ho did not hear Hime laws obnoxious to the prohibition. rhird That the Thlrieenth amendment gives no ower toCougniss to pass the sec blonde." This woman is a regular visitant at the post office after each mail, and is always accompanied by REPUBLICAN-LEDGER, this, if ho does over his own signature. one or more young girls in their ttens, whom she Is teaching the tricks of her nous referreu to, oecanso linn ameuuiiieiit relaunonly to slavery and involuntary servitude, which Is abolished and gives Congress poWHrs to pass laws lor lis enforcement; Hint this power ouly extends to the subjtet-matter oi the amendment Itst-if, namely, slavery and Involuutary servitude, aud the'iiucmsary liieldeuta and couaeiineuue of tiiese conditions; that it has nothing to do with lie different races or colors, but onlv. relets to slavery, the legal equality at the dlhVn iil Mr.

Morris is a great stickler, and h8 statement that ''The young man has never voted, it may bo after all that jou are mistaken," is another of Kta jeasup 86.S Hnrrle Luna Ixwhr 90.6 May Miles .03.2 Charles Oldacre SI A Mniy Stabler .90.8 John Sutphen JUS Nannie Wheeler Louie Wallace. 88.7 SKNtOHS. Florence Anthouy.97.5 Alice (ilranatu Vte 93.8 Cora Orny 1 eon Is Harris Rditohanp PnopRiicrott. Tit RrrrnucAW-ljBixjtn occupies ths Old i- Ledger Rooms, iu the City Hall Block. damning trade.

Shejmn be seen on street at neat ly all hours of the night, and is continually tolling, or making Hulscy Neal ....87.6 Vosm Oursler 84.4 Charlie Kltchle 8.5.8 Crrant Rooker Ixci 'ance I Luna Frank Joseph 91.3 boom wo. 2. Fred A Mary 92 Henry Hai ry Cora 00,4 Julia Fisher 89.2 for it will aurely flood their cellars, her beit eiForU-4o-4io-Bttr-tt nv his strikes aspund the truth. For The Town Council should also order her dive near the Calamus Swamp, ruceirniiti classes ot being provided tur iu the fourteenth amendment, which prohibits Hlates from doing anything tuluteron-e wtlh sueh iUHlity that It isnotau Inlrlnvu. the simple reason jhnt the young man TtlR BWTuW-LKbGKtt one year.

The house formerly kept by Mis. Maggie 'uiuiie me coutuy. hn htouuw i also admitted in our presence (Mr, Jack Conner In the south part of town liattle Granger 90.31 mem of the thirteenth amendment to re-fusu any person! uceoinmodatton and privileges in an inn or a place oi public entertainment. However, may te vlolatlw was raided by outraged citizens about Morns and myself) that his futhor two weeks ago, and completely riddled of Ills legal rights, Utat it Imposes him was a Democrat, that he was a Dem TvDi.cdviLi.ui inUi, uli. la.

iboj. and was burned to the ground few r-BEPABATOHV. Valllet'ook at Ella Ogan 64 Kddle Herman Alice KsMnstton Slijennle Dettrtek .91 F.1U Coylor Frank Conner May Crawford 91 Hurry "iKilth Stabler 77 Kate 9S Frank 97 ocrat, in tact, according to McMullen, no oauge oi slavery or involuntary servitude, which imply some sort of subjectlou of one person to another, and Incapacity Incident thereto such as Inability to hold proHrty, to make poutmala. to be parlies lu court. nn nights afterwards.

Before the house "was a Domocratdied in the wool." was burned Mrs. C-onner had moved Ida Amanda Gaines I aud that If the original elvll-rlghtaaet, which uhollshed these inuapacitlea, might be sup. the Marshal to clean the manure from nd around the hitch-rack, and make the county pay for it would do if any citizen of Noblesville should have a dirty alley nd he would let it lay in the hot sun, breeding pestilence and disease to the surrounding families. This should be attendednto be fore cold weather, or it will bo impossible to live near the square during the hot days of winter. The stench now is nearly" unbearable.

Let the Council act iu those two things. In Meuiarian. Amanda Du Bois, wife of William R. The lota vote in Ohio ior prohibition is "Oy.rifii The majority against the mpaHtiro is 90,201. Nellie Martin Bertha JM Tho young man may never vote, but Democrats generally do, and wo will wager that he will votovas early as pos Lultl Fisher 91 Ut-orao purivtt uy uiq iiii.u-euiu aiiienuuiunr.

ihhs uot, therefore, fol ow that the act be supported by iu Fourth That this decision nftectaonlv the Capple Kate I'otter Charles LennieWHd 89 Tommle Omer ......91 Willie Clark .....79 Carl .,,,.77 Eddie Csrlin .78 Ella Truilt sible for Jus Uenolactor (Superintendent Morris) at the next election. validity of (he law In the Mtates, and not hi the Torrttorlea or tho District of Columbia, where the legislative power of Congress Is unlimited; aud it dues not mule Hake to de what few traps she had to Mose Mas-sey 's farm a few miles south of Noblesville. There are other houses Ih'Noblesville that are not quite so low and public, aud which, possibly, would be harder to prove as assignation aud houses of ill-fame, but if a proper watch is given them this fact can bo established. We have fully a score of youug girls Mary Walter 82 We do think, and so do our citizens cide what Connress might or muni not uo under Ha power to regulate commerce with foreign nations aud amongst tun several who-aro acquainted with the facts of Hlates the law not being drawn wlthnnv auch Winnie Iter? (W Clia Vestal .90 Clara 87 Bonnie Albert- Kuireue Usborne 87 Clara Clark Neille Vance Jl Jullcn Trlssal 94 Ernest Hoilcuboch.J0 Dora Smock -90 Sarah. Barnett 88 Johnson ....93 Eddie Or the case, that Mr.

Morris knew and lew. LDu Bois, for twenty years Fifth-That, therefore. It the oulnlonof Jacol Kdling, a laborer on llio At-liuMin farm, in'Beiitori county, lias bpon aiTestod for the murder of Ada Atkinson, a few weeks ago, and sinco his arrest has made a confession of his crime, but he did not- attempt outrage, her. IIo was removed to Iafayctto fbr safe keeping, the authorities feariujfif that if he was kept at Fowler hq would be Ivnebed. acted as Democratic officials always the court that the tlrst and aeeond sect Ions of Mary Bare Nellie Boss 97 the aol or Congress or Mareb 1, 177.

entitled "an act to protect, all el 1 1 sens In their civil have ruled, 'Tarty first, and country afterwards. aud legal rtghls," are unconstitutional and void, and Judgment should lie rendered uhii the ludlcmetita accordingly, Johnnie Morris SV Karl Bovd. Victor Thomas Anna Sanford Teter SB Cora InKerrasin 77 Jnllft wTilliama S8 Li miens Charlie has had his say on th's Kdlth 4fi Julia subject, and so have we presented the facta and injustice of his actions, and Blanche Katie Pettljohn. .87 Atarrie Sohl. 83 HOW THK JUIA JtECAME A 1A.W.

The supplementary civil-rights act HIHo Wallace. Llizie KeMoss 90 Nellie Hawkins. .80 Fdith Bchock 85 Emma Wilson 86 May WllllHhux .87 so far as this paper is concerned, the debate is closed on both sides. Palseil Martin ...97 was under consideration from Jauuary to March, 1875, and during the consid Lillle Ilaworth SI Vivian Voss Eller .83 OKAS MAR GRADE. eration of it occurred the protracted deadlock iu the House which has be A dispatch from Constantinople come historical, Mr.

Randall was the j-esale 97.1 Blanch Blanch BunebrakeJW.l dated the 17th savs: "Ther The New York Tribune publishes a table which exhibits the decline of the National debt duriug five i Republican administrations since the close of the M'M to put down the Democratic pro-duverr robellion, with the reduction in yearly interest-charge per capita IV M. Keduotlon Int. yearly in per cap. Tillle Bschniann is repented much damage to property leader of the opposition. The bill was fassed In the House by a vote of 148 to 13.

The itepubllcatu who- voted against it were Butler, Harrison and and great loss of life, caused bv earth Dick ttraee Willie Haya 96.7 Eddie Hawkins ft) Mairnle Emma Klei.fer......90 Nettle Dolly Lucas Walter Lennen. 89.5 Roale Percj- Nicholson ...98.2 Anna Harry quakes, on the peninsula between Mahlon 97.7 Anna Uaiichert 97." Johnnie Bauchert.H.i 1 Anna Louie 96.1 Era Boren Ollie .91.1 Jesse LydlaCaylor 94 Thomburg, of Tennessee; Hyde and Stanard, ef Missouri; Lowndes, of Ma ryland; Sauer and Ambler Smith, jof Virginia; Walter Whelps, of Kew Jer sey; Bay, of Illinois; Ht. John, of New Julia Crano 9S.4 Minnie Finnle Roberts 96J John Cottlnghanu97.4 Willie a resident oi Hamilton county, Indiana, tlietl of caucer, at ludianapolis, October 15, 1SS3, aged 67 years, 1 month and 14 days. For three years she waged an uue-qua! contest for life, but the odds were against her, and two months ago she took to her lied to rise no more. The same Indomitable will that characterized her through life, was present with her through all her painful and lingering Illness, and she bore her suffering with uncomplaining fortitude, of a martyr.

Her last hours were painless aud peaceful, and she passed away without a murmer. At iter request she was interred at tlie beautiful cemetery of Crown Hill. Our mother is gooe and the old home is broken up at last, but we have tbe consolation the supreme consolation of knowing that she is at rest. On a bright October day, ben the woods were turning from green to gold, and the ground was being carpeted with autumn leaves, loving hands laid her away in ber eternal led. Othernames may be forgotten, but of mother we can say as the pot said of Qlencsirn '-The bridegroom may forfH the brtiJa Was made his wedded wifa yeaterVa The monarch may forget the crown That on his head an hour has been The mother may target the ebild That smiles eo sweetly on her knee, Bnt I'll remember thee, Olenealrn, And ail that thoa hast been to me." apeeaae Ceart Deetateaa, The petition for a rehearing in the ease or Rachel Wallace vs.

Peter C. Lawyer was denied by the Supreme Court last Wednesday. In tbe ease of O. P. Rooker vs.

the St, L. A P. R. R. Judgment was reversed In the Supreme Court last Wednesday, ou the ground that the complaint did not ast forth that the person operating the engine was in the em tf 7Jf(ilS wTeU 4.SX9.1...

,14 Mota WMKI83 3S91 aicu s. i in i i -p. Total, isk iwiojm km The Tribune further sava; "It Ray 98.8 IjMs Crawford Graen ttDrineer 96.4 lorn, ana Thomas, or irginla; aud In the Republican press of the day their names were otteu printed in Mack letters Under the caption: "The Republi Charlie Stafford OtU LK-eda. J7.7 i od tooly 98.2 j1 Charles Ward 91.1 Pick Davidson Walter Wall 92J Frank Eller 87 JS $at he remembered that each of JuUui 92 1 who walk our streets every night, and tho way they leer and glance at a decent person as they pass by makes one shiver and think that this should not lie allowed. Our little city is getting to lie the resting place for all the scour-lugs of our neighboring towns, where they prosecute such persons.

Only a few weeks ago ah old bag and her daughter, the young harlot calling herself "Daisy Dean," came 'here from Anderson, from, which city they had been driven by, the Iron hand of the law. The old woman lives upon the earnings of her daughter, who Is about eighteen years old and has rather a pre-possesing look. The mother tolls and talks for her daughter and then pockets the money, the price of her daughter's soul. Why is this allowed? Other towns and cities raid and break up these dens and arrest all women and girls known to be prostitutes when they walk the streets, and our citizens are demanding the same thing of oar police force whether they get a fee or not In prose-outing the case. i AtbM' Lawtwra Miss Winifred C.

Stephens, uuder the auspices of the M. E. church choir, will give an entertainment consisting of dramatio recitations and xylophone solos, Friday evening November 2, at M. E. church.

Tickets will be on sale at Ana Truitt'a. Read what the Dallas, Texas, Herald says of her eutcr-talnmentln that cltyt la Rtephoni evinced dramaUn ability the graceful aud perfrtly at eaaa In the presence of her audience. She rintad their attention from the moment of her en-tnm and httd them tnrhaatod throughout ecb rendition ah essayed by the exc-Unc thereof. The evening1! entertainment waa oneof the moat delightful this city has aver had." can enemies of civil In the Senate, the bill- was passed veas 88. nays 20, absent The aOl'rmative Harrie Anna -Mick Levi uasie John vote was wholly RepuUican.

and FIFTH Names of pupils whose average la SO or more, ClflX? periods except the last, covers fiscal years, and yet iU reaults export well with those of any four tfl rwedlng. When the war dos- if) U. tioo Blanohe Nelson 92.7 among the negative votes were these Republicans: Carpenter, of Wisconsin; Ferry, of Connecticut; Hamilton, of Texas; Lewis, of Virginia: Schurs. Leo Mand Eller Haute Annie Claude Loll Brwin irrie Martin.JJ Sprague aud Tipton. Mr.

Carpenter Tommt Swain 98 Jl Vern wiuie wranain n.i Chosmo aud Asia Minor, opposite Chios and on the southern coast of tho Gulf of Smyrna. All the villages of that region are destroyed. Most of the houses collapsed at the first shock, burying their inmates. The people who escaped became panic-stricken ami sought tho fields, where many are still huddled together In a starring condition and suffering from cold. A government commission will start as soon as possiblo to aid the local officials.

The report that 1,000 persons had perished is confirmed." TUB CIVIL RIGHTO LAW. Heetlonl. That all rrn within the Jurla-diction of th I'nlted Htatm ahall be enUUeU to full aud txjual enjoyment of the aoromnto-ftatlona, advantage, factllUm and privlleaaa tnna, public oouveyanoea on land and water, theater, and othwr plaa ot public amumtnent, iul(Jeet only to ttu tton and by law and appll" cmtta alike alike to ettiaena of every race and color, recant I nm ol any prevtouanindlilon of M-rvllutie. Tb I rulians polis Journal TrTcom. mentiug upon the decision of thi' United States Sunreme court in An.

Crinla Knmk UIJi! Mary Toll S2.7 Charlie KlaerMm.1 Helen ton ner wis Maacte Crawford 95 me t.iii yearly (5 each persoti, and in four years un-i'v fWrtary McCulloch it was rr-dooed to 13.32. Then four years Mr. Boutwell reduced it to made an argument in toe Senate against the constitutionality of the law; declared that all of iu provisions were in conflict with the constitution, and predicted that the Supreme Court lite A red9iv6 Charlie Nelj9 I ttarne uusniii.7 Etta Oauae 94 illie Minnie Wea 7j Katie r'juneet Clover 17 Henry MKXle95J would hold it invalid and void. Kdi mumls, on the other band, was the advocate of the const ltutiorjftlltv of iha oar Ie Wllson 90 Nellie Rnth Willie bill. He inaintad that the purposo of WUlloNevitt SUIMable McMhan.w.t7.(i Mand (iarreUou 90 Frank RssingtonJM hose marked with a atur were not exam ploy of the cotnpry.

ined. STAS. In the case of Georse W. Eaton vs. HAM AU rlC Ut U1C HBUaUUU Oi UUS- itfys, four years mora under Mr.

wducod it to 12.01 per capita. Jaliout tle close of President Grant'i sctffod term, business began to recorcr, anrj piore than half of the eatire bur-ixi pf tbe dU has been rrmorrd in Hit fix yfar which hr followed; 4c uder JSecretary Khenutu cot it trotn 12.01 In 11.46 per capita. JUarr Frss). Lucas Fwirth irad, TWrl Grade, AUie Kerr J5 i Brad en WlUUun JSJI John McKahan the Judgment waa reversed by the Supreme Court last Wednesday. The higher sourt deciding that the mortgages held good as shown forth by the proof.

tuo out was to protect the people against dlaerimlnatlouH founded exclusively upon color. Iu the eight yearn since the bill paimed it has failed to Jim-tlfy the expectations of lu friend or the predictions of its enemies. The first Judicial opinion under the new law was delivered by Judge Emmons, of Tennessee, ho, in a charge to the grand Jury in Afferent to the civil rights bill, declared It to be unconstitutional; maintained that the United State could not with hotel proprietors or common carrier, and serted tho right the State to take care of their own private atlJilra. fUophls If nshaw Heerwid Graite, Urtle l.nnMwi ag, Vdl Bonlh daring the abore law uwonsUtutional -4 r. sc nil.

np I SMral UCKJfSKO TO MARRY. Homes Feutjohn and I MoniaFalL Over A car load of Srst-claas'coal and irjiiT jimr snTllnsKl riws llir lite ana two unJcr becretane Windomj and, Folger have cut it down $14 to 95 cent jfr taita. ay: Tlie dvoikioii of the Uultcd 8tat Kuprrme Vmrt, remlcrwl Mo; day, in the cao iuvulvingtlittrivU rtrhta of wood heating stoves, to be sold tat cash Mampaon an ana Mary J. fearsna. C'larnBee K.

Harvey aid Mary K. IVay John A. 1 mber Mnd Harsh Brand John A. lnuer HWisarsn tininili Iag. say wp, iK jssV tay 0f 1 ths -world.

at I CASE'S. 1 Neal and Idla E. Htehman..

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