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The Hamilton County Ledger from Noblesville, Indiana • 6

Noblesville, Indiana
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1 norse is tn largest piece tu bronze ever casfln a single piece In this country and perhaps la tbe world. More than 6,000 pound of liquid bronze were poured Into the. mold to L1PAY1TALKS TO VAN Sudden Deaths. There' is a disease prevailing in this countr yraost dan gerons because so decep-" TO PRISON TODAY HONORED TODAY III! V4 won, wan was shown by "our owiTpei pie in -tbe civil war. And you, the men wbo wore the blue, would te the first to say that this same Iofty indifference to tbe things of the body, when to the things of the was shown by your brothers who wore tbe gray.

Dreadful was the suffering, dreadful the of the civil iwar. Yet it stands alone among wars In this, that nowxjthat theVounds are the memorypf the mighty deeds of valor performed on one side no less than on the other has vbec6me the common heritage of all our people In every quarter of this country. iTbe com-. pleteness with wblcb this Is true Is shown by what is occurring here to-1 ti ve. Many Sudden deaths are caused by it, heart dis-.

pneumonia, heart failure 'or apoplexy are often the result of kid ney If kidney trouble is allowedtoadvance the kidney-poison ed blood will at I II I form the horse. The casting was done 1 ay fnnnArv near Providence. EL LN' 4 preceding the unveiling of the statue there was a military parade In which all the. regular troops, sailors and ma fines stationed In and near Washing too as well as the national guard of tbe District of Columbia took part. In addition to President Roosevelt speech an address was delivered by General Horace Porter, wbo was chief of staff to General Grant and Is president of tbe Grant Monument association.

The principal address 'was de-, Uvered by President Roosevelt, wbo eulogized General Sheridan's army ca reer both In the civil war and In tbe fighting on the western plains with the Indians. The president's address was as follows: The President's Address. It Is eminently fitting that the nation's Illustrious men, the men who loom as heroes before the eyes of our people, should be fittingly commemorated here at the national capital, and I am glad indeed to take part in the unveiling of this, statue to General Sheridan. His name will always stand high on the list of American worthies. Not only was he a great general, but he showed" his greatness with that touch of originality which we caHH genius.

Indeed, this Quality brilliance has been In one sense a disadvantage to his reputation, for it has tended to overshadow his solid ability. We tend to think of hlni only as the dashing cavalry leader, whereas he was In reality not only that, but also a jrreat commander. Of course the fact Lin. bis career most readily recognized was bis mastery in the necessarily modern art of handling masses of modern cavalry so as to give the fullest possible effect not only in the ordinary operations of cavalry which precede and follow a battle, but in the battle Itself liraddition he showed. IB tbe civil war that he was a first class army commander both as a subordinate of Grant and when, In Independent command.

His record In the VbIIav mna Irni and areln from Flva 1 i 4j, STATUE OF SHERIDAN. oi utj is i.ui- cira. tt in U.I.I: close of the greal war. lu a lielj where there was scaut glry to be won by tbe general la chief, he rendered a signal service which ljas gone almost unnoticed, for in the tedious, weary Indian wars on the great plains it was he wbo developed in thoroughgoing' fashion the system of campaigning in winter which, at the cost of bitter hardship and. peril, finally broke down tbe banded 'strength of those formidable warriors, tbe horse Indians.

General's Carter Eulogized. His career was typically American, for from plain beginnings, be rose to the highest military position in our land. We honor his memory Itself, and, moreover, as In the case Of the other great commanders of his day. his career symbolizes the careers of all those men wb5 in the years of the nation's direst need sprang to the front to risk everything, including life Itself, and to spend the days of their strongest young manhood In valorous conflict for an ideal. Often we Americans ore taunted with having only a material ideal.

The empty folly of the taunt Is sufficiently shown by the presence here today of you men of tbe Grand Army, you tbe comrades of the dead generdl, the men who served with and, under phim. In all history we have no greater instance of nubor-dination of, self, bf xaltlug of a lofty ideal over 'merely material twaina- aninnir th ruMinle 'tit A creat na- wVJKflfnorf 0T1 See I nveiltnfr of His PRESIDENT'S SPEECH. QAr. Roosevelt Eulogizes Career of Tiflhting Phil" In Civil War Battles end In Fights With Indians. Monument Shows General at Close of Famous Ride to Cedar Creek From Winchester, "Twenty Miles Away." Washington.

Nov. 23. In one of the dost beautiful parts of the apltal he helped to save, the magnifi cent equestrian statue of General Philip II. Sheridan pas unveiled today. Among the throng of notable persons who gathered to do honor to the memory of the great soldier were the president of the United States, who delivered an address; the army and navy officers resident or stationed and near JWashington, the heads of the executive branches of the government, diplomatic cepresentatlves of foreign countries and others of note.

Tbe statue stands in Sheridan circle, mamed after the general, at the junc-itlon- of Massachusetts avenue and "Twenty-third street It Is the heart of one of the best residence sections of he national capital The universal opinion of those who Twitnessed the un veiling today Is that the statue of the famous cavalry Jead-er la a worthy memorial of his fame. 1't represents tn general at the close his famous ride when, coming from "Winchester, "twenty miles away," he rallied his men at the battle of Cedar mm iiiiiiiiliiilli i OTITZON BOEQLTJM'S CTees ana turned tUe.r rout by theL'ou federate (Jenernt A ll.irly i.iic federal victory." f. Statue True to Life. "The bronze general sits his bronze steed like a centaur, bat In hand, urg Ing bis men to greater exertion. The efflgy of the man Is a true representa lon of "Fighting Phi1" as he was in "the flesh, and the metal horse shows to the life his famous charger, Rlenzl.

sometimes known as Winchester, who 3bore the general from Winchester on the storied ride. The sculptor of the flstatue, Gutzon Borglum of New York, las caught to the life the expression of the general's face, according to Irs. Sheridan and her" son. Lieutenant iPhlllp n. Sheridan.

The horse Is a xwrrect facsimile of Rlenzl, according 'to careful measurements of bis skin, preserved at the army post on Gov-ornors Island, New York, and photo-rapb9. The clothing and accouterments of General Sheridan shown in the statue are modeled after garments actually worn by him. lie Is depicted wearing a service with sword and -epurs. Tbe statue ia fourteen- feet blgb and stands on a plinth of granite. The upper of the statue' base is trough, indicating' the earth torn up by 'Sheridan's horse as he Is reined up by vui9 rider.

Record Bronx Cant. 'V-i Chairman of Tariff Committee Resents Criticism. TO BE JUDGED BY THE PEOPLE The Revenue Bill Now In Process of Preparation Will Sjbeak for Itself, Says Mi Payne, and Those Wise Prophets or Critics Who Are Judg- Ing It In Advance Are Not to Be Seriously Considered in Forming, an Estimate of the Work Being Done. Washington, Nov. 28.

"We are fully aware that the bill reported from the committee will be judged by the people, not in the light of view of those wise prophets or critics who are judging It in advance, but in the light of what will be learned from the bill itself and from an examination of material before the committee." In these words Sereno. E. Payne, chairman of the house ways and means committee, replied, to a letter from J. W. VanCleave, president of the National Association of Manufacturers, criticising the methods being pursued revising the tariff.

"Of course, If you have no information at your disposal which would aid the committee in the formation of a bill, I can understand your refusal to appear. If you have such information, I cannot see why you do not accept the invitation which has been extended, to you arid which Is still held out to you, should you reconsider your determination," concluded Mr. Payne. In 'his letter to the chairman of the ways and means committee, which was in reply to an invitation to testify at the tariff hearings before the coriimit-tee, Mr. VanCleave says: "We would rather bear the ills of the Dingley tariff than to be a party to a tariff revision made in the old manner.

To appear before you to plead for --certain schedules would be to acquiesce in the superficial and unbusinesslike methods of investigation against which we protest. We have carefully watched all the statements that have been made by you and your associates in recent years, and instead of convincing us of the errors of our ways, we are more than ever convinced that your present plans of gathering information, on which the readjustment Is proposed to be based, is wrong, radically, absurdly, fatally wrong." Mr. VanCleave sets forth his views regarding an "expert, non-partisan tariff commission," and claims that It Is impossible for the ways and means committee in the limited time at its disposal to make an inquiry which can furnish an adequate basis for any such tariff as the country demands. There was little of interest brought Out at yesterday's session of the com- smlttee, which was to finish up the hearing on the metal schedule. While automobiles are to be discussed fully at a later Charles H.

Sherrili of New-York appeared for the importers' automobile in favoring, a reduction on the tariff for automobiles. He charged that there is an automobile trust which expects to get the duty on automobiles increased. "Instead of an 'infant industry' which 4s seeking protection at the hands of your honorable committee," said Mr. Sherrili, "it could more properly be called a trust. Up to now all attempts to break this trust have failed because its foundation is a United States patent which is a monopoly granted by the government." Mr.

Sherrili asked that the duty on automobiles be reduced from 45 per cent to 30 per cent ad valorem, claiming that the manufacture of foreign automobiles involved the use of much American machinery besides" bringing large business to the American carriage he said make 90 per cent of the bodies for foreign motor Girl's Terrible Confession. Belleville; IIL, Nov. 28. Miss Nellie Morton has confessed to Chief of Police Helsgen and Prosecuting Attorney Tranklenburg how she sat on the cot upon which lay Peter Waeltz and watched the old man slowly sink Into unconsciousness, while Sydney Baker, her sweetheart, held a handkerchief saturated with 1 chloroform over Waelts's mouth and nostrils. The next morning Waelts's body was found at the foot ot the stairs with his skull crushed.

Baker has disappeared A warrant is out charging him with murder. 'h: Lamphere Nowf In Penitentiary. Michigan City, Nov. 28. Ray Lamphere, sentenced to serve an indeterminate sentence for setting fire to the home of MrsJ Belle Gunness, was brought to the stite prison by Sheriff Smutzer of Laporte.

He was escorted direct, to the clerk's window, where commitment papers were issued, and after the usual preliminaries, was placed In a cell. He will not be assigned to work for several days. Mr, Tang Pushing Along. Ogden, Utah, No 28. The special train of seven cars carrying -the Chinese special envoy1, Tang Shap Yl and entourage, which feached bere yesterday afternoon for Washington.

la due tn reach 0ab fci Defendant In Gunness Case Found Guilty of Arson. MURDER CHARGE WAS IGNORED Jury Accented Court's Instructions that Lamphere Could Be Pound Guilty of Mere Arson, Regardless of Presence of Bodies in Ruins of the Home, and This Phase of the Case Will Be Made Baals of Motion for New Trial, Lamphere's Lawyers De claring Verdict to Be Ridiculous! Laporte, Nov. 27. Ray Lamphere, charged with the murder- of Mrs. Belle Gunness and her three chil dren by setting fire to the Gunness house on April 28, was last evening found guilty of arson by the Jury, which had the case for, twenty-six hours.

Within five minutes after the verdict was reported. Judge Richter had sentenced the defendant to the state penitentiary at Michigan City for an indeterminate term of from two to twenty-one years. Lamphere was taken to Michigan City today to begin his When Judge Richtter asked the Jury if a verdict bad been reached, Foreman Henry Mill announced that the Jury had agreed, And with that he passed the white piece of paper to Judge Richter, wbo after making the entry on his docket, read the verdfet: "We, the jury, find, the defendant guilty of arson, and that he is thirty-eight years old. Henry Mill, Foreman." Judge Richter thereupon asked each juror Individually If this was' his verdict and the answer in each case, was "yes." There was no demonstration from the- crowd, the people having been warned to keep quiet. Previous to the handing of the verdict to Judge Richter, Foreman Mill stated that he wished to make a statement to the court, but Judge Richter Informed him that he could not hear any statement until after the verdict had been received and read.

After it had been read, Judge Richter asked him if he cared to make the statement, but he said that It would do no good now. Before the Jury was discharged Judge Richter expressed his thanks to the jury for its careful and conscientious consideration of the case. Prosecutor' Smith also thanked the jury. Following the withdrawal of the Jury, Judge Richter instructed Lamphere to stand up, which the latter did. His face still looked haggard and his eyes were downcast.

He held his hands before him as though his hands were still shackled and then," just as the church bells In the city were ringing out, Judge Richter asked him If he had any reasons to state why sentence should nbt be pronounced. He replied solwly but distinctly, "I have nohe." With that Judge Richter sentenced him to the state prison in Michigan City for an Indeterminate term of from two to twenty-one years, fined him $5,000 and disfranchised him for five years. The court then instructed the sheriff to returji the prisoner to his cell. 7 Attorney, Worden, for the defense, said that a motion for a new trial would be made and should It be refused, an appeal to the Indiana supreme court would follow. Mr.

Worden declared the verdict to be ridiculous. "If he was guilty at all," said tbe attorney, "he would have been guilty of murder. He should have been The motion for new trial will be based on the court's ins'trutlon that they could find Lamphere guilty of arson. Should the case be carried to the supreme court and sent back for retrial, Lamphere could not be tried 'on jmy charge in this particular case ex-j cepting arson, the crime of which he; was convicted. However, in an event of that kind, the state would elect to try him on one of the other indictments, probably the Helgeleln case.

Members of the jury are reticent about discussing what occurred in the jury room, but it Is said that but for two members Lamphere would have been found guilty of murder or. manslaughter. Several members of the Jury, it is understood, held out long for murder In the first degree with a life sentence. So far as could be learned, none was for Lamphere said that he w.aa confident that the dead body In Ihe fire was Mrs. Gunness, regardless of what other people may think.

He reiterated his innocence 6f setting Are to the He also -declared that he did not see Mrs. Gunness kill Helgeleln. "1 have no complaint, to make about tha verdict. Things looked pretty blue, but the verdict might have been worse." he said. The members of the Jury in a signed statement declared It to be their Ju li(men: that tbe adult body found in t'ae ruins cf the fire was that of Belle Gunness and that the case was deoIdM on an entirely different proposition.

It is stated that but for two Juro- whose names are unofficial- ly used, the Jury would have given Lamphfre a life' sentence, and after i the verdict had been returned, one' of the Jurors said that they would have found him guilty of manslaughter had they: remembered that the sentence for that was the same as for arson. tack the vital organs," Causing catarrh of the bladder, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles almost always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys; Jf you are eel-ing badly you can ttiake no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's SwamprRoot, the great. kidney, liver and bladder remedy.

It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding paii in passing it, and over comes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. SwampRoot is pleasant to take and la sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new discovery and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail.

Address, Dr. Kil-' mer Binghaniton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this, generous offer in thispaper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr.

fwamp-Rcot, and the address, N. ja every bottle. TERSE TELEGRAMS The football season will end on with the Army-Navy game at Philadelphia. President Castro of Venezuela is ex- pected to leave Caracas this week for a surgical operation in Europe. Judge Thaddeus A.

Minshell, aged seventy-five years, an ex-justice of the supreme court of Ohio, Is dead at Chik flcothe. Turfmen, trainers and breeders from all over the country are at Lexington, to attend the annual sale of thor-oughbred horses. Archbishop Timotheus of the Independent Catholic church of America, has decided to make Winnipeg the headquarters of his see. The St. Louis police raided a.

dozen clubs where it is alleged liquor was sold on Sunday in violation of law. Nearly 300 arrests were made. Frances Sommers, an ex-slave, ninety-seven years old, was burned to death In her home In Washington. Her dress caught fire from the stove. President Rcoseveltwill be the most distinguished speaker at the unveiling on Wednesday in Washington, of tbe new statue in' honor of.

General "Phil" Sheridan. Brigadier General John U. S. retired, is dead at Boise, Idaho, in his eighty-fourth year. General Greene was a veteran of' the Mexican and civil wars.

The grand lodge Knights of Pythiaa hasinvlted William Jennings Bryan to address the grand lodge of western Canada in session at Winnipeg in June, and he has accepted. Legal Fiction. Says Sir Henry Maine in bis "Ancient Law;" "A legal Action is the assumption which conceals or affects to conceal the fact that a rule of law has undergone alteration, it letter remaining unchanged while its operation has been modified. The fact is that the law has been changed; the fiction is that it remains what it always was." Weak Heart Action There are certain nerves that control the action of the heart. JVTipn they; become the heart action is impaired.

Short breathj pain around heart, choking sensation, palpitation, feeble or rapid pulse, and other distressing syrnptonfol-low. Dr. Miles Heart Cure is a medicine especially adapted to the needs of these nerves and, the mus- cular structure of the heart itself. It is a' strengthening tonic, that brings speedy relief: Try it. "For years I Buffered with what -thought was stomach trouble, when the doctors told me I had heart trouble.

I had tried many remedies, when the Dr. Miles' almanao caRM into my hands, and I concluded try Dr. Miles' Heart Curef I have taken three bottles, and now I em not suffering at all. I am cured and this medicine did It. I write this in the hope that It will attract the attention of others who suiter as I did." MRS.

D. BARJtON, 801 Main Covington, Your drogglt sella Dr. Mllei' Heart and we authorize htm to return frlce or flrit bottle (only) If It falls benefit you. Miles Medical. Elkhart, Ind' day.

We meet together to 'raise ai monument to a great Union general in the presence of many of the sur vivors of the Union army, and the sec retary of war, the man at the head of the army, who, by virtue "of bis of flee, occupies a special relation to the celebration, is himself a man who fought In the Conf edenfte service Few indeed have been the countries where such a conjunction would have been possible, and blessed indeed are we that in our own beloved land It is not only possible, but seems so entirely natural as to excite no comment whatever. Americanism Defined. There is another point in General Sheridan's career which it is good for all of us to remember. Whereas. Grant, Sherman and Thomas were of the old native American stock, the parents of Sheridan, like the of Farragut, were born on the other side of the water.

Any one of the five was Just as much a type of the real "American, of whatsis best in America. as me otner rour. vve snouid keep steadily before our minds the fact that Americanism is a question "of principle, of purpose, of idealism, of character; that It Is not a matter of birthplace or creed or line of descent. Here in this countrythejepresenta-tives of many old world races are being fused together into a new type. a type the main features of which are already determined and were determined at the time of the Revolutionary war, for the crucible in which all the new types are melted Into one was shaped from 1776 to 1789, and 'our nationality was definitely fixed in all its essentials by the men of Washington's day.

The strains will not continue to exist separately in this country as in the old world. They will be combined in one, and of this new type those men will best represent is loftiest In the nation's paet, what is finest in her hope for the future, who stand each solely on his worth as a man, who scorn to do evil to others and wbo refuse to submit to wrongdoing themselves, wbohave in them no taint of weakness, who never fear to fight when fighting is demanded by a sound and blgb morality, but wbo hope by their lives to bring ever nearer the day when justice and peace shall prevail within our own borders and in our relations with all foreign powers. -Much of the usefulness of any career must lie In the Impress that it makes upon and the lessons that it teaches tp the generations that come after. We of this generation have our own problems to solve, and the. condition of our solving them is that we shall all work together as American citizens without regard to differences of section or creed or birthplace, copying not the divisions which so lamentably sundered our fathers one from another, Jaut the spirit of burning devotion to duty which drove them forward, each to do the right as it was given him to see the right, in the great years when Grant, Farragut, Sherman, Thomas and Sheridan, when Lee and Jackson and the Johnstons, the valiant men of the north and the valiant men of the south, fought to a finish the great civil war.

They did not themselves realize in the bitterness of the struggle that the blood and the grim suffering marked the death throes of what was worn out and the birth pangs of a new and more glorious national life. Mighty Is the heritage which we have received from the men of the mighty days. We In our turn must gird up our loins to meet the new issues with the same stern courage and resolute adherence to an Ideal which marked our fathers who belonged to the generation of the man in whose honor we commemorate this monument today. Poor Air and Poor Living. When Jim Bridger, the one time famous scout of the plains, grew old he thought he would like to retire from tbe somewhat arduous life of a plaids-man and settle down to the ease of "the east," which to him meant Mlsh lourl.

So be used bis best endeavor to find, a competent man to fill his place and went back to Missouri. A year or two passed, and one day Captain Russell, the commandant of the post which Bridger had left, was lurprlsed to see the old scout heave tn sight When he came in the captain asked "Well, Bridger, what brings you back here?" "Captain," said Bridger, "I want to go baftc to scouting again." "Indeed? Why, I thought you had settled 'down in the east for the rest of yourllfe!" "Well, cap'n I'll tell you how it is. I went back to old Missouri, and if you'll believe it they've got a railroad station within ten mile o' tbe old place sir, a railroad station! And, what's more, they've got a ranch now in every four mile. I tell you what, cap'n, tbe air ain't pure down there no more!" "Is that I thought you'd like the, good things to eat they have down there. You like good things to eat, I remember." "Good things to eat! Why, cap'n, didn't have a br'iled beaver tall tho rhole time I xcai thAnU" '9.

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