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The Leaf-Chronicle from Clarksville, Tennessee • 1

Clarksville, Tennessee
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Weather Forecast: Fair tonight; colder, with frost; Wednesday fair and warmer. 92ND CLARKSVILLE, TUESDAY. APRIL 2, ,1901. 5 12 CENTS A WEEK AGUIIIALDO TAKES OATH OF ALLEGIANCE TO UNITED STATES I 111 It la. I I.

I I Sill ft ESI Which is Followed by- the Surrender of the Special to the Leal-Chronicle. Yesterday Afternoon at Great Chiefs and Crack Team From Nashville Will Ar-; rive To-Morrow, Insurgent Governor of Manila and His Staff. NASHVILLE, TENN.r April bill a state Convention wasilledvin the House this morning by a vote of forty-seven to forty-four. It was stubbornly contested on either side, the of the: measure. dying" This makes Us third defeat in the House thislessibm A LUNATIC 'gen, Kuruo XGxrnAixo.

GOOD SOLDIER, Lieut. McLester, A First Tennes-sean, Dies at His Home in Nashville. Second Lieutenant Charles M. McLester died yesterday morning at his home in Nashville. His death was due to an illness contracted In the Philippine Islands, together with a severe attack of pneumonia.

Lieutenant McLester went to the Philippines with the First Tennessee Regiment and remained in its ranks until it was mastered oat. He then joined the Thirty-Seventh Volunteer Infantry under B. F. Cheatham, he served with the exception of a short time, until the regiment was mustered out. He came to Nashville several weeks ago with Ool.

Cheatham's battalion, doc entirely recovered from an illness contracted In the Islands. Special to the Leai-Chronlcle. -MANILA, April. a. The Fill pino insurrection received its death blow today when Agulnaldo took the oath of allegiance to the United States.

Oeneral Conzalez, insurgent Governor of Manila Province, when he heard the news, immediately together with his This means that the end of the rebellion has been reach ed, and the islands will be speed lly pacified under American gov 3L. eminent. $444,931 Net Increase In the L. and N. Earnings For Eight Months.

The comparative monthly state ment of and N. earnings and ex-penses for Febrnary, issued by Con troller Quarrier, shows gross earnings of $2,377,689 for the month, a net in crease of 889,512, compared with the corresponding month For eight months, ending Feb, 28, the gross earnings were 19,825,712, an in-croase of 1622,012, a net increase ot $441,931. Daring this period the proportion of expenses to gross earnings was 64.21 per compared with 65.40 per cent, last year. NEW PROVIDENCE ITEMS. Miss Ellen Denis, of Oak Grove, spent last Saturday with Miss Lewis Gold.

Miss Frances Cooksey, of Ringgold, is the pleasant guest of Miss Earl Jones. Prof. W. H. Minor has returned home from a visit to relatives at Louise.

Walter Burgess is thinking ot ran ning a fruit stand, and is trying to purchase a "Cherry Rev. Ransom is quite sick with the grip. TEST RUN, The Fire Department Makes a Quick Run and Water Connection This Afternoon. A test run was made by the fire department this afternoon the engine house to the American BDuff Company's plant on the corner of Fifth and Commerce streets. A false alarm was sent in from the SnufI plant over the private connection with the engine house and the Department responded promptly, making the ran from the engine house to the plant and having a stream of water on the building in one and a half minutes.

M. H. batter only 25 cents per pound at Young, Uffelman Neblett's. Qwensboro-Long Prominent in the Tobac- co-Business. OwensBobo, April Gilmour, Hugh Gilmore, John Gil moor and Gilmore incor porated, tobacconists of this city, filed deeds of assignment in the County Clerk's office yesterday afternoon.

The assignee is the Louisville Trust Company. The amount of the assets and liabilities Is not named in the dseda. The deeds are in the usual form, and contain a surrender of all the property, real, personal and mixed, of all the assignors. jQilmonr Bros, is a corporation, and John Gilmour Co. is the style of i firm composed of John and Hugh Gil monr.

A meeting of the stockholders of Gilmore Bros, was held and it was decided that it was best for the cor poration to assign along with the others. Most of the stock is held by Messrs. John and Hugh Gilmour, The assignee is given full power to dispose of all property, and to settle and compromise all debts of the as si gnors. The assets are estimated to be $100,000. It is the Information of the Leaf Chronicle that the above assignment in noway affects the firm ot W.

P. Gilmoor of this city. While the latter gentlemen came here from Owenaboro, and are distant kinsmen of the gentlemen concerned In the failure, it is our information that there was no business relations between them of any character We attempted to personally Interview Gilmour Co. today, but were unable to do so, owing to their, absence from the city. CLARKSVILLE LODGE No.

89, F. A. M. Will meet in called communication this (Tuesday), April 2, for work in Master's degree. As this is perhaps the last meeting in cur old hall, would like for 11 the brothers to turn out.

Visiting brethren welcome. Wm. Brand au, W. M. W.

B. Kincannon, Seo'y. The long wished for rain has come, and the tobacco planters are glad, Yesterday at 9 o'clock a. m. it com menced falling, and continued throughout the day, in showers vary ing in quantity that fell.

Sprinkles are falling this morning, with a good prospect of their continuance. The rain -fall up to 7 o'olock a. m. today was nearly one inch and a half. The thermometer at sun-down on yesterday registered 45 degrees, with the wind northeast, iu which direc tion it blew all day.

This morning at 7 o'clock it was 48 degrees, and 'the wind southwest. What this great change In the wind currents will effect, remains yet to be seen. We expect to see active movements among planters in the tobaooo line, a bey have anxiously awaited the seai in now upon them. RIO GAUGE READINGS AT 7 A. M.

TODAY. 15.2 (Rising) Nashville 22.8 City Hauling and Moving. Darden Son do alt kinds of city hauling; ma tea specialty of moving. Everything dprie with care and promptness. Solicit public patronage, Headquarters Public Square.

Inquire at this office. Telephone 457-8 rings. Everything ia In readiness for the institution of the. local tribe of Red Men to-morrow night Masonio Hall, corner Franklin and First streets, has been secured for the occasion The charter list now contains eighty-one names, and Indications point' to the taking of more Jban one hundred scalps to-morrow night Deputv Great Sachem Straub: has been informed by a runner from the hunting grounds of Nashville that the Great. Chiefs of the Reservation of Tennessee have decided to accompany the crack team Nashville which will confer the degrees, swelling the number of Braves, warriors and chiefs from that' bunting ground to over fifty.

The party will be headed by Great Sachem, A. G. Rutherford Past Great Sachem, A. S. Williams Past Great Sannap, J.

P. Helms Great Chief of Records, G. W. Davis Great Keeper of Wampum, Geo. P.

Adcock Great Mishlnew, P. F. Gib-bona and Great Guard of the Wig-warn, J. H. Bowman.

Past Sachem Frank Rives, of Osceola Tribe, has charge of the degree team, which is composed of the pick of Nashville's six tribes. A delegation from Bowling Green and Hopklnsville will also be Arrangements have been perfected for a great spread of corn and venison in honor of the visitors. Whitfield Rebekau Ledge will have charge of this impart ot the program, and their well known reputation in this line will doubtless be sustained. If troubled by a weak digestion, loss of appetite, or Constipation, try a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and LiVer Tablets. Every box warranted.

For sale by the Owen Moore Drug Co. MR. RUSSELL TAKES CHARGE Assumes Management of The Richards Company at Hopklnsville. Hopklnsville New Era Mr. J.

D. Russell hag assumed the management of the Richards Company and will hereafter give his undivided attention to the store. His connection with the firm assures its continued prosperity. Mr. Russell is a saocesafal and enterprising bbslness man.

Before entering the Planter's Bank as LVice President he bad been long engaged in the mercantile business, and with this experience and his progressive business methods he will see that The Richards Company keeps abreast with the times and remains, as it has always been, a leading establishment. Prickly Ash Bitters cures disease of the kidneys, cleanses and strengthens the liver, stomach and bowels. dsw 2w Fletohbk Ellis. Temperance Lecture. W.

D. Turnley will address a temperance meeting in the New Providence Baptist Church at 7:30 to-night. Publlo invited. Faaey Batter. We selt the popular M.

H. brand of butter, the price is only 25 cents per pound. Young, Uffleltnan A Neblett Keep Posted. Yen cannot do without a live daily Ir you are not already a subscriber to the Daily LEAr-CHBONiOLE telephone 47 and we will gladly enter your nnme Yen will not regret It $50,000 FIRE fTountaln Stove Works of Chattanooga Destroyed byJ Fire. Special to the CHATTANonGA, April2 The Mountain gtoveWorks were destroyed by fire here this morning, entailing a loss of $50,000.

KIOWA-COMANCHE RESERVATION OPENING. L. 0. Morton, Of this city, is 'in receipt of a letter from his brother, a resident of Ramona, Indian Territory, which is in reply to a letter from the former regarding a matter of more or less Interest to the people in this lm mediate section of country, for whose benefit we make this extract from the letter: "Your favor of the 17th is received. In reply I beg leave to say.

that I am not very wel 1 posted on the Kiowa Coaanche Reservation The date of 'its opening is not definitely fixed yet, and am not informed of the method by which the homesteads will be disposed of. This matter has been, by special aot of Congress, left to the President of the United States to settle as he deems proper. All seem to1 concede that he will employ an entirely different method from the customary run that everybody expected. "The reservation is located Just west of the 98th meridian and north of the Red river, about forty miles north of Henrietta, Texas. I have been over the ground, and if it waa 100 miles farther east it would be one of the finest countries in the West; The soil is rich and fine; for stock raising it cannot be excelled; but I am of the opinion it would not be a paying in vestment for farming.

I would not advise any one in this particular way. Some years crops are good and some years they fall. I am not going." GOVERNOR OF FLORIDA Appoints a Well Known Clarks vidian to a Place Upon His Staff. It is now Col. Benjamin QUI.

That well known and genial citizen has been appointed by Gov. W. S. Jennings, of Florida, "Acting Aide-de-Camp on the personal staff of the Governor and Commander-in-Chief, with the rahk of Colonel, for the term of four years, from the 8th day of January, 1901." The Colonel received his appoint? ment, made out in -doe form, today. The Leaf-Obhojtiolb saw it in the nossession of one of the Colonel's friends.

He bears bis honor, we understand, with oharaoteristlo modesty. Dr. -Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin ia a perfect laxative. Bold by all. drug gests.

al wm lm Drs. Swan, Osteopathlsts Office, upstairs over Dr. Doyd'e Drug- Store. Telephone 156. J2dsw3m, The) Oiia.

c.ifw hvru.ol. -UMnti- IU in in btJ tora tocn-'la 4tn Beats His Own Head Almost to a Jelly With An Iron Bar Will Recover. Hopkiksvillb, April 2i-J. Winters, an inmate of the Western Asylum forthe; suicide by beating his head almost to ft jelly with an Iron bar, which he worked loose from the window. When discovered in his room he bad lost so mnch blood that it was with great difficulty that he was restored to oonscioujaness.

It is -thought he will recover. FELL ON HIS FOOT. George MeDanlel sustained a painful injury Sunday night while unload- -ing a trunk on College street. It weighed about 200 pounds. He lost bis hold on it and it fell on his right foot.

He will be laid up several daye on account of the accident. SMALL-POX Situation Encouraging Twenty five Persons Within Quaran tine Lines to be Discharged. Judge Tyler received a telephone message from Dr. Sory last night, hi forming him of the small-pox situation at the State Line. There are' only four patients confined to bed and it is thought they will recover.

Twenty-five persons who have been, quarantined will be discharged the latter part of this week. 'N. The county pest 'house has been closed for several -days, the three patients confined there having been released last Friday. Don't let Bock' Beer get the best of you, but drink Gerst's and get the best of Bock Beer Bottled expressly for family use. Telephone 292.

m7dlm Tennessee Treasury Receipts. NA9HVUXB, April 2. The receipts of the State Treasury during March were (608,210.16 and disbursements $107,786.62. With the balance brought Over from tbe February balance now in $781,033.97 of the amount 957,411.21 went to the sinking fond account. OABTOZtlA.

FOUND DEAD With Bullet Hole in Her A Head Her is Arrested. Special to the Mbmphis, April 2. Mrs. Georgia Henegar, wife of a bwber. waf found dead in her kitchen, this morning with a bnllet bole in her bead.

Her hesbaud has been arrested He lays it was suicide. -Ci' FIFTY-THREE CRAP SHOOTERS CAPTURED. Fifty -three negroes were captured at Pulaski last Thursday eveniug while engaged in shooting crsps. Constable Ben Aynieet effected the capture alone. Big Sale of Select Fruit Trees.

Different varieties at auction sale on Saturday, April 6, on Public Square, at 10 o'clock a. m. Gold Young, a2 5td 2t sw Auctioneers. WILL REBUILD. Q.

T. Smith to Erect a Saw Hill on the Old Bending Works Site. G. T. Smith, the owner of the Bending Works property which was destroyed by fire about ten days ago, stated to a Leaf-Chronicle reporter this morning that he would begin work In a few weeks on a saw mill building, which will be located on the old Bending Works site.

The building will be eqaipped with all modern improvements and machinery. Vita Makes the food more delicious and wholesome tQvAt ftaiTWO POwWPW 00. WffW VOWH..

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