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The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York • 3

The Buffalo Newsi
Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LUFFALO EVENING NEWS: TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 21, 1955. MY4 LADY'S MIRPvOR: oooooooooooooooooooooooooo on Thursday, Sept JO, in honor of Mine Emily Burnett and Mr. Reginald T. Wheeler.

Mr. and Mrs. -Robert L. Fryer are leavlnc town tomorrow with Mlas Mar- a ow'w anr NEW YORK BROOKLYN Buffalo, Tuesday, Sept. 21, 190.

garetta Fryer for New Tork and Dobba Ferry. jV- (rohlcle! Opcadaat Hlarht, Th Otoweca Club will open its sea 'he Was. '-(. "Prithee. Lot, veat bast-the gala) For the tear at yeeterday, Wbea tay lot crept, ear mad stala, Deaa a duty, alien way; -V Wba wtta droorlnj wings ud tora.

None to cbeer comfort Thou wait thy gladaee ebon? Aad La re answered, "Memoir!" Cbarlott Becker. Main and Huron Streets, Invito to Kevr Fall Models. Ladies' and rili-'cs" Tcilcrcd Sullz Dresxe Gown3, Walkinfy Sldrts, aistr. and Fur Garments, Millinery, Mil ttr and Children's Coats and Dresssa ud Kums' SuiU, adonTe 35.00. 50.00 EW Tulored SuiU, alio tuUble for snudl 16 i75, 19.75, 29.75 EW 'UiuTeriiY ......20.00, 22.50 Piarticular.

Attcalicn Fall Tailored Suits, New Of Diapmal Serge, Wonterl and Fancy Tweedi, plua taSored modeli with new plaited tldrttv Ipng coats, Ened with atin. n. In Bo orrowed Plumage i Br JAMB 08BORN. i Or AeeocUted Literary" Proas.) i- Wben college opened last autumn there waa a new maid In the cloak room. Something about her dark, cloae-flttlng dress, her mall, ruffled apron and her-parted hair, tied with a big black bo at the back of her suggested a French maid much more thaw a student.

But tha fact waa that Molly Dodge really waa a poor Southern girl working her way through the Woman'! department of thia big university. During the three or four hours thajt Molly wa not attending' lecture she to stay In the stone-floored, lock. er-Uned cloak roomy and be ready at any time to get students' hats and coati or put them away In their own era' locker. A At first-It had aeemed not at all bad, for Molly had a toft, lovable, Southern way of talking and honest brown eye that made all. the girls like her.

But as the months pasaed they became accustomed to seeing her every day, and they passed her, thoughtlessly by. It would not hare been so hard it Molly had been Intellectual, but she was not at all fond of books. In fact If she had had a chance she would probably have been a little frivolous. But there were two things that made Molly's life bearable: One wa the dally visit of the university porter and the other waa the appearance, now and then, of new and pretty hats and 'wraps. Molly had a little mirror over her desk the cloak room, ana waen- ever any specially charming appeared on the clothing, she would wait till the had left the room and then, with it on her own pretty head, steal an admiring at herself over ner desk.

i AndVthe porter! Well, he used' to come aver from the university every day with the-students' mall, which. It was Molly's duty to sort and distribute. Of course a woman student of Thornby college ought not to have flirted with so humble-a personage as the univers ity porter, but Holly was only halt a student.1 That hall that -was, cloak room maid looked forward with Impatience to the dally visitation of the porter's tuutulul smile contagious laugh. '-'v- li'p itf ftt'r- On rainy days Molly 1ad to handle countless damp and- muddy rubber ana goiosne ana dripping; umbrellas. That alone would have made her dislike the rain beside that, stu dents always wore their Did hata when rained.

She waa kwUng out of the iron bar nf her basement window at the gloomy isky, one dark day in March, when all once there -swept In a stately senior rerltsole billow of soft black furs. ii -slipped them off smiled at Molly and hurried-off to-her Tourist and Storm Coats Plahi and Fancy MateriaU 15.00, 18.50, 22.5Q Ladiet' Cape, sew models, lined tO 1500 Elack Broadcloth Coato, faD kngtht .....15.00, 20.00, 29.75 Trimmed Millinery Autumn and Winter Hata, Copie of Recent French Modela, Creations from Our Own Workroom. Moderately I Smart Tailored and Semi-Dress Hats, of Beaver and Moire Silk 1 0.00, 1 2.00 Turbans, hie French Models 1 8.00 SMART AUTUMN GOWN. i One of the advance model for early autumn gown I built after above design and 1 wonderfully smart. The material Is in one of the new bine shades and is also one of the very few good looking frock of the Moyen Age style.

Black el vet ribbon is used to trim waist and-skirt in charming manner, and the buttons used on' dress and guimpe are velvet covered, long loop of black velvet ibbon are arranged at bottom of long waist in back in -saab fashion. This model I extremely good looking and is even more attractive In reality than on i oooooopooooooooooooooooooe 19.75 THE BUFFALO SEMINARY A privat alch efcegl for girl will rem for ft Hth year, Monday, October Ik. la He saw, fully-equipped ew batldln aa BldveU parkway at th earner PoumM aveaae. Tb eohool offer two oourw of etady, the collea preparatory- which wm-. et tor Slnunont.

Imlta, Vwr and Welleeley and th gcua-t, wblch amphMlse bletoty and tb man, a lansuega and Inelude training ia dmietua eclnee. Office hewn, at (S Delawars sva: Tueedtye aad Thanday. e'eloek te Id. awniltut, aod I o'clock to aftarDooaa. Special eppolntmrau with th prladpai suy sud by telephone Bryant 12f.

aaiee anoill, phmiu. BURN HAM Skia Fae-A WrlaUi lreaM :11 at HI eJjawtliea aaa Pall Plant mar-SAru Vmaa Jtoan 1 Pot. Veafes aaaf aa Man Htrbanotn Fkmtt, asw. wUl tt a saar aAaaW aareaf Bath 'paenea a A 3UMMERMAK I known as the decennial census per-. tod.

The scope of the census will be substantially th same a that of the but one. Statistic of tb number of employes out of employment at the date of enumeration will be gathered. A new Inquiry I provided to show th I nativity of fore! go-born persons on i farms, and the- acreag of farm woodland and th character of the timber wlU be obtained. Affair at Washing-ton. In September National.

Catehlaat Plab ia aa TjatVretla. A aovel bo ef eatchlag Ballet Brwtleet lately by Jobs J. Jaa4re ef Fart' Pierce. Well at tb Inlet last Meaaay. ao-i ewipenled by hie wife and IIU1 irl, a aotlced a onl4rabl nrnber ef targe nal- i let feedlna la a email creek.

He traU a 4em acra the mmith of tble ereek and then little HIm Jaaoreeu, parerneted. about la tha water: tit flea. (Mcorclne saota- i atnnken. ran for deep water. Oomhis to the dam they leaped rr It as fnl Inta ra llk aaibrelhu bM by Mr.

and Mm. Jen-, drtau. There eemad to no limit te the' aamper te be eaoeht Is thl manner, -t enly taoagb for preaent ouoewuwioa w. 1 takes aad aow ble femtly and fr i eea alwaye kav trak UtKm 1 buna. Close fitting style will eoatlaa through the winter.

son on Friday evening of this week. Sept Si tor bowling, followed by a Dutch supper. A meetinc of the directors of th Scribblers will be held at th Hotel Iroquela -on Wednesday, Sept U. at 4 clock in tne afternoon. Mrs.

Charle B. Fish of Main street will give a tea tomorrow from I to o'clock for ber srueats. Mr. George u. Hackett ana Ml Vformacx.

Mra. Chartea H. fmaven will rvr a lunoh- eon next Monday afher home In Nor wood avenue for arr. yun'i guests. Th marrlasn of Mis Laura E.

Mc Carthy, daushter of Mr. and Mr WII- lard E. McCarthy of Meadville, Fa, Mr. Charle W. Mann, ef th Lafayette Hotel will be solemnised this evening at o'clock at the Castle Inn, Rev.

Albert E. Grain of th Pugrtm Congregational Church will perform the Mis Mary Lowe of Meadville will he tne maid oi nonor, ana oar. jonn T. Mann will be hi brother's beat man. Mr.

Mann and hi bride will leave for a JO -day trip to Niagara Falls and Canadian towns. At noma after Oct 1 at 1M Edward treat. Mrs. Harry Hudson of Elmwood av. nue entertained frienda yesterday nf ternoon at bridge to meet Mra, Conant or Bradford, Pa.

Phnllpe-FIOhlW Mra Ottn Flnhr nf Worth Ashland avenue announces the marrlam of her daughter, Julia Virginia, to Mr. William Jerome Phillips of New York city. At home in New Tork City after October lath. Hetaa-MeGaini. The mtrrlaa-e ef Mis Marsaret Jan McGulr of 4S Emerson Place to Mr.

Franoia Nolan of New Tork City, wa quietly at St Nicholas Church yesterday morning at o'clock. The Rev. Father Banks officiating. Mr. and Mrs.

Noian wm resias vt New Tork- City. The marriage of Mis Lena M.Chase, daughter of Mr. D. F. Chase of Main street to Mr.

William D. Ftss of Mor ris -avenue, this will take place this afternoon at I o'clock In Geneva, N. Rev. Thomas B. Berry officiat ing.

ii i. ii i ii ii Ceblacawr-Mnier. The marrlace of Miss Gertrude Mil ler, daughter of Mrs. Julia Miller, to Mr. Edward J.

Ueblacker will be sol emnized at o'clock this afternoon at the home ot the bride. In Elm street The Rev. Theodore F. Bode of St. Peter German Evangelical Church will perform the ceremony In the presence of the Immediate family and a few Intimate frienda Th bride, who will be given in marriage by her uncle, Mr.

O. Relneke, wears a gown of white chiffon broadcloth, braided with soutache and carries bride roses. Her maid of honor, Mlas Iran Laugh-Iln, wears a pink measailne gown and carries pink rose. Tne onaesmaia. Miss Ellen Miller, wear white broad cloth and carries vellow rases.

Mr. Alfred Schmelser is the best man. The house is decorated thhroughout with palms and asters. At the dinner which follows tne ceremony covers will be laid for -J at th bride' table, which i centered with aatera and -Amoor tha out -of town kueat are Mr. and Mra.

Daniel BchwartI of Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. John Ueblacker, Miss Helen Ueblacker and Mr, Otto. Ueblacker of North Collins, Mr.

and Mrs. Ueblacker leave this evening for New York and will be at home after October 1 at Elm street, Ahmad Sohrab of Washington. D. former secretary of the Turkish legation and now translator historian of the Bohai movement, arrive today to spend a few daya with Mr. end Mrs.

John Harrison Mills of No. 4M Elm wood avenue, and will be at home there this afternoon to, friends. Fvssa to Ceteek. At th silver tea to be given by Mra Lorinda Orave of to Allen street on Thursday of this week, from I to and until 1 for th benefit of the First Baptist Church, th musical program will be given by Mrs. C.

F. Browning, Mrs. jams Slacuean, hiss Msua Mae Lean. Mlas Elsie Mac Lean, Adla Mac Lean, Ruth Zyple and Dana B. Hellln.

ger, violinist Miss Charlotte Warren and Mr. Will iam O. Warren, of Buffalo, Mr. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I Ncw Patterns. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 852 LADIES' TUCKED SHIRTWAIST, no.

'i tor a separate blouse to wear with odd skirts, there Is no style bettor for the purpose, than a well fitting tucked 'This one has a broad pleat laid over the shoulders In Gibson ef fect and small tuck on each side the front closing. The sleeve Is In regu lation shirtwaist style- Th design will develop well tn madras, linen, cotton, silk and woolen. The pattern I cut In sues, a to 42 inches bust measure. Blie It require yard of 14 Inch material. A partem of this 111 net ration will be mailed to any address upon receipt of 19 cents In stamps or allrsr.

Bend ernf fur sumpla aory of Buffalo New FmbIo Sheet Issued month In tha Interact of women, eoriioi-. th lfst patterns, Illustrated In (-n; b'm helpful lea- eons on Home i Biy Hlntt, etft Addrsta I 'hi, ImS raw mm 5 00009000000000000000000000 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Pratt mo tored from Munich to Venice, where they scent some time. They will go to Pari before returning heme.

Miae nnth Rumaer aslla on La Lor raine on Thursday for Paris to spend th winter. Mr. and Mra. WlTllam X. Fhllp have rented a flat at tl Unwood avenue for the winter.

Ofr Mi Mr. Harold Morton Tsty and family returned from Glen Cairn th first of the week and have opened their house in Hodge, avenue. Freaa 4 to CJaafc. Mia Mary Lewta. nresldent ef th Dlstrtot Nuralng Association, and Mr.

Bernard Bartow, secretary, Invite throna-h the praas all of tn cnanerone and helper on Tag Day to meet them informally tor a lltue conference at, in Women'a Union, Delaware avenue, on Thursday afternoon of thia week from 4 to o'clock. The board of the Women's Union ha kindly placed the building at the disposal of the District Nursing Association for this occasion. Mra. Burton Mitchell azsect to leave on Friday to Join Mitchell at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Mrs.

Louise Jewett and Mrs. Charle W. Day have returned from Detroit where they were th guests of Mr. B. T.

Barbour, Mr. Herman Mmter and Miss Myn- ter arrive today In New York from their summer in Denmark, coming on th ship with Dr. Frederick A Cook. Miss Elsa James of Delaware avenue returns from Washington, Virginia, th nrst ot uctooer. Th Elmwood School opened yester day.

A Mr. Walter Colt Mr. Burrow Mathew and) Mr. Hamilton Gardener left laat evening for St-Luke's School. Mr.

and Mr. Geonr Crosman of To- peka, who have been the guest of Mrs. John Ellicott of Lancaster avenue spent the week end In Toronto, re turn today and will leave soon- for Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Carpenter Itlce and Mi Keller of Llnwood avenue return today from a motor trip into Pennsylvania as far- aa Pittsburg and vicinity. Miss Oladtya-Campbell Hoyer of Clar endon Place leaves today for Geneva, N. to enter Birrlth CoUega. Mr. Reginald T.

Wheeler gives Ws farewell bachelor dinner at th Saturn Club on next Saturday night r. i -ftSi-; Vra. Walter W. Steele, chairman Of tha Waman'a Exchange of the Wo men's Union haa arranged a card party for tomorrow afternoon at 1 eioca at the union, Delaware avenue, for the benefit of the Women's Exchange department Mra Charles H. Chevee of Ml Norwood avenue will open her home Sept at o'clock for sx recaption and auarterlr meeting of the ad visory board of the Western Division of the International Sunshine Society.

All active and aasooiato -members of the society are cordially invited to at tend and meet the new officers of the board. i i i Mrs. Gilbert A. Harvey. Mr.

Cbaun- cey J. Mra. Roderick Potter, Mrs. E. Percy smitn, Mrs.

Htuxi ana Miss Mary 'Clark are In Rochester, today for av match gam with the Rochester women tennis players, Rochester being represented by Miss Louise Otla, Mrs. Lewis, Hooker, Miss Lee and-Mr. Orchard. This evening dinner wlH be given by the Rochester Tennis Club at the. Genesee- Valley Club In honor of the Buffalo guest.

Mr. A. S. Hubbard and Mr. F.

Argu will entertain at the weekly card party and dance of th Baffalo Launch Club at their Grand Island clubhouse tomorrow afternoon. Transportation will be provided for th return trip to the city. The Women' Auxiliary ot th Church of the Good Shepherd In Jewett avenue will give an informal reception for the new rector, Rav. Mr. Walker and bis family, thia evening, at the rectory adjoining the church, Camtag aa 01 Mrs.

Fred E. Ogden and Mia Mildred L. Ogden of Norwood avenue have returned from the Adirondack. Mr. and Mn.

F. Leall Owens and son. Master Dayton, ar spending a fortnight at Atlantic. City and Fblls delphia. s.

Mr. and Mra. Joseph. T. Snyder and Mr.

Robert C. Heanay ot Richmond avenue ha returned, are at Cry Lea. Thousand Islands. Mtts Janet E. Whytoek, dasghter of J.

Whytoek, In West avenue, returned to Syracuse University yesterday. Mrs. Elmer-D. Fleher of the" Mar keen from spending 10 weeks' at Chautauqua )i 4 Mr. and Mrs.

J. Kieut'er leav today to attend th Huaeon-Fulton celebration, stopping at Auburn, Utlca and Albany and will return October Mr, John Pierce has returned Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N. T. Mln Helm Brown of Dewitt street spent the week in Erie, Pa.) the guest of Mr. and Mrs.

C. O'Oallagnan. Mlas Jane Mead Welch -I In Paris and sails for bom Oct. L- Mr. and Mrs.

James W. Wheeler of Portland, Maine, will be In Buffalo next week for the Wheeler-Burnett marriage, Mrs. Ellaha P. Ruaaer has returned from MTnneaonka Beach, where sne wa tne guest ot her son ana daughter-in-law, Mr. and -Mr.

E. Frank Huaaay. (Mr. George K. Staples and Mlas Jean Staples left yeatm-day for Lvnchbur.

Virginia, where Mi Jean Staples en ters mi nar ou-e. Mlas Minnie Schwelkert of Mala straat. who haa fc tb waH of Pro-fesaor and w. jialeh H. at wood of Columbua, Ohio, haa returned to bar home.

Mr. Frederick DePeyet.r ToWnsend of West Ferrv aireet ha returned from a trip to aticnimn, Mra. 8. F. Folaorn la vlaltlng near Theodora FrtHrha of High street n1rtln-d a friend at din ner laat Baturdar In honor of Mr.

HMgar Mienri- -ir the Philadelphia Metllcwl i-, sr Loun O. Bernk-k, vh fof Ion trip throii i rrled-rlcha wa th, of-town (meat (- jjaaon of ua vefne. r-r-- Mr. and i i i i of Bvn tlrwt Jil r. trnm moii i aojmirn v.

York and l-enneyivania. M'ea Kelts iv arum a- vjwui. uivugul. WUli. Aad on day like 'this! But what iBoes tt matter when one has a car-plagef iu -1 Molly raised the soft piece gently from the counter and -started to put them in their locker.

But the temptation was too great She' came back and replaced -them- lovingly, on counter. Then, very carefully, she pinned the toque over her piquant lit tie face and glanced approvingly at her Image In the mirror over the desk. It only she. could see the rest, she wished. In a flash she jumped -over the counter, closed the door into the hall and1 slipped into the luxurious coat' Then she stepped up to the students long pier glass: "If It only were a little she thought And then, turning around at the aound of the opening door she faced the He closed the door quickly and stood against It Then he i turned to Molly and laughed.

But Molly didn't laugh back. She slipped out of the furs, sprang over the counter, with 'a guilty blush, took the morning mail. The next day 'when the porter came Molly was deep IB a volume of Horace. book you're reading. Molly," remarked- the porter and Molly, the student smiled coldly without raising her eye.

After the porter left off the "Molly" from his morning' salutation and Molly had no' difficulty In repressing him. In tact, she was a little disappointed that he took his quelch-ing eo willingly. tt BANISH TBOSK IXTW SHOK, LADIKS "women should banian the low low i so gent die- Shoe whan men's straw hata Into retirement," said a prominent phyelclaa, today, as the wind die- closed a variety of pumps, oxfords i and lac hosiery. "It would -be a bad thing for phyalclans If women would learn to avoid colda and the tnany other serious ailments that can be dl- i rectly traced to the wearfcn at uaseaaoneaile clothing, tor It la i just euoh follies tbat make bual- neaa good for ua. i "Th tblnnstsklnoa the body Is at the ankle, and rt Is one of the parts that ahould be moat care- fully protected agalnat dampneaa na At tnis eaon o( tne year when sudden chane-ea of tem- perator ere frequent, a little caution wugnt prevent a great deal of aubaequent dlacomfort.

But If women were- consistent. A half hlr mimii amnlal k. Just then. the Elmwood ear cam along, and the doctor went 4 horn to an office who waiting A room would Justify bis obserra- TtlOnSi -e4d00000000000 OOdQOOol atBMBT PU4NS riNtswr AMBHtOAK DRITBWAT. The New Jersey Legislature State officials, arouead to their responsibility a promoter of th best Inter, ests of their have voted millona of 'dollar to used In constructing an ocean boulevard, to run the entire length of the coast.

In a 8tate already famous for It road this will undoubtedly be the finest driveway to America and will be a superb sddttkra to th already wonderful attraction of th Jersey coast. With th assistance of th United State Government th State has also appropriated money for the dredging of an In-land water way through the mass of bay, creeks and Inlets from Bay Bead to Cape May, which will make poe-sible for pleasure craft to ply between the resort with absolute safety at all time. -i 1 Prewarlaa fev fka Ca Over tE.OOO enumerator will be en. gaged In th census work next April, and Supervisors wilt be provided In every congreesionsi aistnct. Tnss ot-flrlals will selected by the director of the comma, but the appointment of all other employe must through competitive civil aarvlo nomination.

Thl arrangement will secure a force tested for efficiency, and will prevent preesur upon Congresimen by person looking for census appointment, Th eenau will am brace each State and territory and Dlitrlct of Columbia, Hawaii, Aiaaaa ana rorto tuca. lMt, mark th beginning or wnat Sidney Cole of Cornlnc. Mis Marion WiUetU of New Tork. Mis Muriel Hal-comb -of Caaenovla, Mia Marion Bmyta of New Tom ana air. Bicnara IMnifflaa or rnuaaeipnia were im rueata of Mias Cemella HIscock and Thorp Hlscock for the fair and carnival -In Syracuse last, week.

Mr. and Mrs. James W. wadaworth, spent Fair Week with' Mr. and Mra.

Ernest 1 White. gooooooooooeoooooooooooooo 9 Amonjf Women 0 1. I leufatiiivetinns 8 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lia.eael. StaeW Chek. P1a Vmmariv.

fltudv Cluh haa la sued Ha next season's program to the w. T.l th far hi year's study, from' the loth century, B. Cn to tne present tune, ine om man Empire, Mytbolory. MedUeval Period, th Vatican, Reformation, A twrinrl. aflehaal An- aelo, Venice.

Modern Italy, Genoa, Flor. ence, Dante, Home, ue tonewum, Naples, Garibaldi, Milan, Verdi, Sicily, Meaalna and Renio, ar th subjects to be written upon and discussed this year. The club meeting are held every alternate Friday at P. befi-nlne Oct. 1, at their parlors, 11 York street.

Th cluh flower Is a carnation, and th club color ar red and white. Th director, music soaat, arcs; ami membership committee are alert and prompt woman, masinf the club a sue. oes In point of business aad study, for the past five years. i. m'.

SAMlal mnAmv tha US plee ot th Ladles' Aid Boctotyof the Souta Presoytenaa vnurcn win hall hla avenlna. The proaram inelude a trip through Scot-J All oordiallF tow1te4. t-Vak tTaMaar1ait fTlllIt frf MAIDOHAI at II TV sum- 7 Mill anae aMMTl'l WOfK WIM -ew WUrVriVw e. th Memorial Chapel, Cedar street, near Clinton, when Mtt Aaa uatee wiu give a talk en "The Relation of th Parent to th Taehr." card party will he held at th home of Mr. and Mrs.

Charle Johnson, to Nlaajara, atreet. n-u imlw wilt HHmtn. It regular meetings for th winter next mmmIh. arhlnK tma alec. tlon of officers will Uke Re- fresnmenvs win a Aster TXr Mlaaasaawr epw Wmmm'i AaanMatln-i nf Church will Mold their first mlaalonary meeting on Thursday at I o'clock at th home of Mra.

Si. s. rwier, rara treat. Th toole I "BoutJtarn Mountaineer." Papers will be read on "Mountain People of Kentucky and bv Mlas Eva Fowler and Industrial Education In North Carolina," br Mrs, O. H.

McMlchael. Tha summer offering envelopes will be returned. A large attendance Is hoped for at this "Atr Day" meeting, which will followed by a eoclal half hour and light refreshments. rtianln Woman's Relief Corp will hold its reru'ir meeting tomorrow veiling at las at tnnr nraa-Quarter. Virginia street and Kim wood kvenu.

Tha L'Allegre Literary Society met Saturday evening at the realdcncs of Mlae Lillian Herbet, and elected the followln officer: Ml lie M. MevroA prealdent: Mls luiir. eerre- tary: Mil r.miu iv.rrinuiKtvr, trea surer. OetaWr. Tb atvee tr trUlsf reedy mo-w te l.kt their Bps eiolrrela: p-vl rmi ensM W9 alMe rai)p--t "we iisu pd tr--? Th I.

er.ffu mt si. POEMS FOR THE SCHOOLS. SalactaJ Ijr the Department in in toe 8, j. i ooooooooooopoooooooooooooo flnrfetlei. FOR TUB BrOHTH GRADE.

Heaven is not naebad at a slnsle bound; Bat we tiuild the ladder vy which we rlae From the lowly, earth to the milted aklea. And we mount to its summit round by rouna. I count this thing to be- grandly true. j-ni novia.aeea la step aowsra God, dlftlng the soul from the common purer air and a broader I rise by the thine that are under By what we have mastered ef ood end vtln- By the pride deposed and the passkrn elndn. v- And the viasqulshed Ills that we hourly meet Wa.

hope, we splre resolve, we K- iron, the morning calls a to life and light -But our hearts grew weary, ad era the nlrht Our Uvea are trailing the aordli duet. hone, we reaolve. we nrar. 'v Ana we tmns taw we mount tne air 3vond the recall aeeaaal thlne-a WMli our feat atlll ding to the heavy car- Wings for the anrels, tat feet for meal may Dorrpw tne wings to una the way -i Wa may hope, and resolve, and aaplr -But our reet must rise, or wt rap Orriv tn dream la a. ladder thrown phlra walla But the dreatne depart mad the vlaloa nails: And the aleepar wake on hi Billow of stone, -Heaven Is not reached at alngl wouna; Bat we fculld the ladder by wtileta rlae From the knrty earth to th vaulted aklea, And we mount to Ms summit reuad by rouna.

Joektli aiRiert Holland. 1 v- Cfevtotat Mr Cavtatal (Wrttten whoa Lincoln Died.) Capmlnl nry Captain! eur earful trip Is dona, The atilp haa weathered avary rack, the prlee wa aourht la won. The port la na the tiella I beer, th D4nle all nuiilnw. While follow eve tin steady keel, the TVieni ariTn tm oaring But, heart 1 heart! heart! the tolemMna: drn of red. Where on -the deck my Captain Mas, r.llu aoM and dead.

'1 Captain I my Captain! rise and hear th belle: Bla uo for you th fie; la flung far For you bonnets and rtbnonad wrih for you th aheras a-crowoiner For you ther roll, th ewerlng ewter niming, Her Cplln. dr fetherl This arm benlli jrour headl It I eome 6rmn n-ut on the deck Tou'v fajln ootd a4 dftad. I ISf Oapta-ta Af en ewer, his lips ar pule and -l, My tathr df-e n-t i my arm. tie baa no pulse nor Th t'P atirhnrd emfe end Bound, lie flriffl rt.i, Frara firful ip it ime And then, as the dancing i beaan. her tbouabta floated out on the 1 music and she dsneed with Just them she heard steps -behind her, and, looking back Into the shadow, she saw.

dimly outlined.) the-face of the porter. "Hello, Molly," he said cheerfully. "Sh she put her hand to her Up. "Some one might hear." "Well, let's sit somewhere else, I hate to whisper." "All Molly rose umidly. They passed by a short cut out in the starlit campu.

"This Is a great deal better," he said as he helped her onto a secluded ledge of the great stone looked lonely there watching the yi waant knely. I nke to see them." "Ob. they aren't bad." he said dryly. "But when a fellow is working his way through his- last year he hasn't much time to waste. I say," ne saia.

looking at her curiously, "what were you thinking about up "Oh, I wasn't thinking at I was Juse making believe waltilng off In that soft blue aatln dress. The musle gets hold of -me like that and drives away the cloak room. and the wet umbrella and rubbers and; cross seniors' i "And obtrusive college porters who catch you dressing np in other people's fursf he laughed. "Oh. no." ahe saw without smiling.

1 can make: the porter, fade away with the wet umbrella and rub ber. ne seem so stay ana waicu me float around -In other people's blue satin dresses, dancing with other people's partner. He just stays and laugn. one loocea up mm. uuiy there won't be any porter In the cloak room any more.

There will fust be a poor student working his way through college like the cloak" room, girl I hall mis the porter I think." "But he couldn't stay, you -know." he said. "The cloak room girl liked him at first, the porter used to look forward all day to seeing her the next Then one day. she remembered he wa a student and he wa only a porter, and after that (he wa eold and distant But the porter went right on dreaming about her. And now," he taking Molly's tired little hand in bla. "be is going to let the poor student try his luck." i And that luck wa In hi favor wa proven by the absence of Molly In the cloak room when college opened In th fall For art may err, bot nature eaaaot eaiaav BBJUAtF.T.

1 -ej C-f-rtua Pr. I Ciim1 im) (Mia. If I'nrndi fwegHua. Corn kallw. CsSea, tilWMrm.

Rn. Hdiifd PnUfoes. Cunnar. tv-ima Frlitoro. Coftsek r'lTH.

Plmrcn CTC-'te. Celery t. I iwwulta. 'it-. of ie If A (.

in ki W. (3 About a month after episode of the furs there was a dance in the col- lew gymnasium, and Molly, as was her custom on such vTitr place as maid In the dressing room. Here ne buttoned giove ana slipper and arranged ruffle and bows -for her more favored colleague till her finger were numb. Then, 'during toe long hour of the dance, she was anpposed to alt and guard the wraps and lend her aid In case of a dilapidated coiffure or torn ruffle. But to- mgm strains or in uance music 100a possession of Molly's soul and started her dainty feet tapping on the stone floor.

Her curiosity and her lonllness had the upper hand and she slipped out of the dressing room, ran along the corridor, np the wide stone stairs toward the gallery overlooking the avmnaalunL. As she waa hurrying timidly along had to paas one of the lecture rooms, which had been converted tor the occasion into the men's checking room. Three young men were stand- In Idly smoking: There was something about the cut of an evening coat that fascinates aiouy ana sne mrnea Sa the shadow to Suddenly her heart stood stfll. It s-t-ally was the porter, the talleat one. with the light hair.

He was laughlnf now. 8 he wa Just turning to run heB he faced about. And Just for a efcond his eyes met hers through the d.irknea of the dimly Ugntea corridor LeialtEfcl'-' 1 i fine had bn discovered deserting, tr.i by the port' couldn't back to the dressing room now without being ael openly, she fled to thi gallery and slipped Into a seat So th porter waa probably a atu-r from the university! The porter ahe had tried to repreas waa a ip-si of some girl at the danoe. Hr id urm v-ah Uie etcltement of tb ti-n tti vlollna atrnrk np a --rni, ir wi.itst, Khe leaned forward a rfnrd wr the dnn'-Tfl. if ifl I' tl't blue ati'iu -l It rnvimin'r In li'T Irill, ehir.

n1 i-in. eMlel js itt evt'h il Wi 'h ir'f "plnlii 1:8 fallen 'l (i-Ti I'H. 1't rlllTJ. will ii' a smii.

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