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Pensacola Gazette from Pensacola, Florida • 2

Pensacola Gazettei
Pensacola, Florida
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Col. iLecinVidi'ns Elec ftfellrI, Ufi tt gfvfti tbkl WU.i,12, V.c), -'is abeu. RescheJ, Tbt thnbnfcs ih? tendered to the rtteraa chawpiofl of Whig prtaciplei, e'l fti dtUcACJ, ta rli(a IB of xtr Pf Weal FiorU, wtikb conferred opu by the lheatrta Cut- II fc 11 2sl ft.luilia fhla khus Ms lid" GtH. the leading Abolrtkmists of tte hostile to tb Wbig nomination, bt4s it ii not free nl enough for them, tniilenium must certainly bo approt5 wben we see ibe Lion and tits Lamjj iog down togther The following is part of the WL bers of Congress opposed to-Scu Convention a wuuibunied to ultv visitors from distant cuunlics ft voting im-m-wi iUj (a amendment (tf b) Guv. Bfuu was, a uv, lost.

The question ws ibcn taken poii Mr Mitchell's W.ilHMI, W'at JruuS adopted. Col. J. P. 3nderon moved lht (hit Convention adjaurn until to.morrow morn-iug lit o'd which snot ion wn lost.

Gov. T9 moved the unani rntiriratrou ib nominations for Presidency fid Vice Presidency of the Baltimore Whig Convention. Considerable discussion arose as to the HVHie of voting on ibis motion it beiug hiia.ty dVcidcd that tb majority of a del. ii Ituui ft county be allowed to cast ibe uboie vote of the County. motion of a memler of the minor!) upon the vuti drciding ibis question, it H'j icji.lvrd that inembert diiseiiiing rtoiuTLe 'majority' casting the vote ot a county, be permuted to place upon the If Colli foctl dijS'ill.

The counties represent) si by delegates by pmxy nfif then called, arid the volet Iheirof recorded. 'I he lo. lowing is the result I ilu in lloUlA.icl Ij t.iem, as ilh by ib "cofe 'Ihe Carnrumiw ifr wa Jweti, and it it admitted en ill bono thai it is" (oo4 if out ft txmer plaidrm than that of ib Deroocratic Convention Whit el-cy then luva Fillmore fur refj-alag 1 1 rapport Scon None, we ima fctae, bat theer tpiie, or envy he-cause iheir favorite wii not iiomiuated. Why should tbey tupport Pitrce pretefenrre We would nut detract one ioia from the Urn and tenics of tin! latter. We would mt thro tlne Kbit oti tb et of his fTuittMnry ancestry.

Distinguished a Geu. Pierce ny btf in the ftari of hi ewinlry, Cow-(arrd uillilKr1 fn putu.i'iw, iiilktMi er'tice, nd Jl 4-iia 4 co-petilor, dn it lu a J'igmy at of Wrttt tb Hhli then fn mi.i n. tbitd catilid iet wuiiiji, t-imy Ilka bet er, we cauo.K b-ui i girt our rajtoft lii From (lie -iitnii t. Whls Stute CnVfHliou. The Coavenliou cotivnied ul lu.l ut ten o't lock on Wvdiicday moriiing, Hie 14th in the KrreenUtiVe' HjIi of the Capitol, in Tailahaec, and lor ihe purpose ol lempuiary appointed the lion.

I iiom.ii ankall, v( Leon County, Piesideni, and Tuoi. U. of On motion, the Chairman in iurliuc-led to appoint two Committee one to renort on the 01 "itniz iduii ol I tie C'onVi'ii Southern atcicbers." C. CsUU, Fls T. L.

Clm3ia, C. Jsa. Aheieroiohte, AU. J. R.

Guldn, Ch. Alita, Mus. L- D. CsaipWa, 0. J- W.

Hii, fm ThJ. Swtu, liwscs Muia, Am Tucx, S. C. J- Faalxoer, Ya. P.

Geuuy, Teoa. Alex, blepheos, Geo. Robt. Tiwmhs, Yerily, singular association I If Geo. Scott it not touod as Mr.

C. bell and Toombs would have th Cuil8i think, why do these Abolitionist dun the nomination? bccauit tlj if Gtn. Bcoti it elected they have to expect from hiui jet Too an Cabell io a tirade of asieniooi, twui to make the South suspect the hoour integrity of Gen. Scott; no by the of facts, but by iluusy prelum surmises. "It is hardly necessary to lay, highly gratified at the nominaiion of ty Ward at candidate (ut Governor, biin success, and will do our hot la p-.

mute it. He has carried the Whig Uw aloft through wsal and Woe with tirraam and consistency that commands our saw. ration and tegarJ. No man in ihe Sts is so well known, Mid no one cwiiu, more numerous aud devoted Whig tit Col, GEO. T.

WARD, the VVhi rM- aidale for Major J. i LEY, Wlttg l.lccior, for the Wtst, ui address the people nt Hie followuj ces! San la Hoi-a, Jaclkon, 4 LrOII, VakulU, i Jemrkiiii, 4 Madison, 'l llomtiion, '1 Culumlua, 3 AlachuH, 2 Uutal, 3 Joliiik, Marion, Marianna, 7, Caaipbellton, Monday J. W. ll.rrells, 'Tuesday, Is, Gordons Ferry, Fridsy, 13 Milton, Monday, 16, Pcnsicols, Tuesday, IT, Ny Yard, Wednesday, Ij, fjcheeamu, Monday, 21, Heweils Bluff, Tuewlay, '21, Vernon, Wednesday, 2i, White Oak, Thursday; 26, Neals Liinling, Satordsy, 21, Hinsfords Mills, Monday, 111, Abe Spiinj Bluff, Tuesday, 3l, Colt's Mill, Wednesday, Stpl. I.

tor frwia the Eastern Diiir'ict- a ehator hai not, preiume, fc'n supe- ricf la lite Stale. Very aooa all the CotiOty tiomiQaiious hae nude thcu lkr lon pull, a airong pui and a pull ftlto ether" and Locofoiim will agftin hide Is iminished head. Mr. Cuixll stud the Whig State Conveutlou. Ti euqiricg iniuds lew things are mote interesting than lo trace the evolutions that politicians sometimes nuke iu their career.

This is peculiarly applica ble respecting the recent course our Whig Representative has deemed proper lo pursue, iu regard to the nomination of Gen. Scott by the Wbig National Con. tention. Thar Convention was mada up tbe concentrated intelligence of ihe United States. Men, who understood the political pulsation ofthe couutry, as well as a physician doe's that of a patient.

A platform of principles was adopted' betore he candidate was selected embodying a series of resolutions upon ibe subject ul the compromise superior to those embraced by the Democratic party, aud inbnuely superior lo anything the Southern delega. lion expected, or demanded. Now, what does Mr. Cabell mean by his recent erratic course particularly in the letter written to a inembwr of the recent Whig State Convention, wheieiu it is asserted be kUI ttot suyfort" the Whig nominee (Geu. Scott) tor the presi dency I 1 J.

it withio. tha jtruioaLhujuau probability thai Geo. Scott," if elected, will enact the Tyler game, and prove re- creant to the principles of his election? thereby sully au illustrious reputation that. looms out in bold relief in ihe history ol our country for patriotism, unsullied honor, and integrity. What will Mr.

Cabell do- where will be go how can he dl'nd bis position before tbe Natiwiial Whig party ofl'loiida. The feeling is almost unanimous in thi, section of the State, that if elected dent, Gen. Scott will not allow the phren lied touch ot free soil demagogues to in fringe upon the sacreduess ot the Com promise. But in the very face ol the pi inciples adopted by tbe Baltimore Con ventiun, and accepted ly joii. Scott- as forming tho basis of his election, Mr.

Ca makes the flimsy assertion he. fears tTiattirr-Tefejafl soldier, ha Is acclir tomed to cmiimmid and lead" olhtrs, will be governed and led by such men -at Sewar'd. Gen. Scott was identified with the. history of hia country lotight lor the perm, nency of the Union-elevated the nation's character throughout the world, long be.

fore Mr. Seward was released from his swaddling bands. We would rather go it blind f.r the llro of Lundy's Lane htn advocate the flection of that microsi-opic character that renowned fainting hero, Gen. Pi-rce who only smelt gunpowder as it was waf-led by the breeze from tbe distant field of battle. But Geo.

Pierce is not the immaculate statesman "the Noithem man with Southern principles" usually represented, nor free from the contaminating influences of Abolitionism as is evinced by the following extract "Gen. Pierce, whilst delivering a speech al New Boston on I ho second day of January last, was interrupted by Ihe question: Do you regard ihe' features of the lugilive slave law as Consistent ilb common law." lo which G-n. Pierce replied If I must answer that question, I say no, I do not. have bren asked if I like this fugitive slave law; I answered no, I loathed it. I have a most rcv.rftine feeling utthe giving up of a slave the law is opposed to humanity.

Gen. Pierce as then asked, if it was not opposed to right as well as humanity." Ho an swered Yes il is oonosr.d ta mml rhht." 1 1 I be above account of Gen- Pierce's speech it laker Irom ihe Washington' Republic, which paper take it Irom the IndepeAdent Democrat, published at Con cord, N. IL, Ibe residence, I believe, of Uen. Fierce. We hope Mr.

Cabell will review bis position, and eventually give full sway to his affection for the tupremacy of Whig principles; disinthral himself from the in fluence of such men as Toombs, and Stc-pheus, ofGeorgia, who have their own peculiar, selfish motives iu resisting Gei We want auotli.r Whig President, and we want to Cabell returned again to Congrett at a consistent Whig Repre. tentative from thi State; but ardently as wo have heretofore supported him, we must proclaim in all cand ir, that the Whigs of West Florid will not rally on hiu. in his present position. He iri.7 gam a single Democratic vote in thus iso- lating himself from bis pany on the con-irary, sufficient number of Whigs will withdraw from him to guarantee the elec lion of hit oppoiieut. In what tingular category do we find him, and into what bad company hat he Gor.

R. K. Call, for Ihe dignity, eficiedc) n.l imrrlla il Vt ith which I charged tbedjiies ol Chairman of this Con- ea toil, aftd alsj lo ttie utt.t oiucri. wi tke bvdv, for the f.tthfiil discharge of da- Addrenes er made to the ConveoiUin ia the course of us tesiioti, by Col. C.

A. Vliicbell, Col. J. P. Siitdersou a nd others, which called forth enthusiastic applnule from Convention and the auditory pres.

ent. The business ofthe Convention being brought to a close, on mot ion, it adjourned sine die, after an eloquent tl-iting Address Irom the President R. K. CALL, President. L.C

YietPretiUnt, f. M. UITE, C. Drew, rrMmiit I. rLKl.G, PENSACOLA.

July 31,.152. FOR PRESIDENT, WIN FIELD SCOTT, of Yirgiuift. VICE PRESIDENT, WILIJAM A. Git A HAM, of North Carolina. For Governor, Col.


For Electors, MHj.jrj,yiuEvi-r Dr. GeoD. Fisher, Alternate. Hon. Thos.

Randall. W. Call, Alternate. Col. J.

P. Sanderson. -Col. C. A.

Mitchell, Alternate. OCT" Dick's reply lo ihe Editor ot the Florida Democrat came to hand too late for insertion ibis week. (rTbe Rev. Stanley, Chaplain ofthe Navy Yard, will preach at the Methodist Church in this ciiy, To mor row Evening at half-past 1 Jckck. To day we plac at the head of our co lumns the names ofthe candidates selec led by the Whig Stale Wi wish, however," to have it distinctly un derstood that unless Mr.

Cabell supports Gen Scott, we will feel ourselves at Ji brity to support y- ti-ffHntlidatett Uuugnti f)o uiay take Ibe' he 1(1 in oppo sfliun lo r. Cabell. i 1 As Col. VV ard and Major Finley are io be here on the 17th of August and a that fact Will no doubt attract a larg number, of our citizens would it not be well lo improve the opportunity and make our County nominations at that time Wo throw out Ihe suggestions leaving ii to others to act upon it or not as they think proper. We give below the proceedings of the House of Representatives on the "2 2 and '23d inst.

so far as relates lo "our Land Bill" as given in the Baltimore Sun. The account is nut exactly clear, but would certainly seem to indicate that the Land Bill bad at last passed the House and was ready for the action of the Senate. Wednesday's Proceedings. The Florida and Alabama' railroad bill was again taken up, which has been so altered as to grant- the right ol -way to railioadt companiesgrnarally, and authorizing them to take material for the construction of railroads for public lands on the line. Tbe amendments that had been proposed were agreed to, and a substitute was subsequently moved, pending hicb the morning hour expired.

Thursday's Proceedings. The bill granting the right of way to rail and plank roads, was again takeu up. Mr. Stuart, of submitted a bill as a substitute, which was objected to; and the bill as amended, was read a third time and passed. By a notice hich we publish to-day, it will be teen that Col.

Ward, the Whig candidate for Governor, and Major Finleyt tbe Whig candidate for Elector for the Western District, are to address th people of Escambia at Petisacola on Tuesday 17th August, and Navy Yard on Wednes-day the 19th. With tho exception of Mr. Cabell (and we yet hope to tee him on the righl track) the "Whig have been peculiarly fortunate in the selection of leaders to conduct, tbe campaign. Of Col. Ward it it unnecettary to speak ba it well known throughout the State, and enjoys a high reputation as an effective speaker.

Major F'nley it only lets extensively known from the more limited lime he has resided in the State a graceful speaker an astute reasoner, of winning manner that cause most be bad indeed hicb will not succeed wjib such an advocate. Judge Raod.lU, the candidate fur Elector selected for, the Middle District, it a of unimrsally acknowledged ability. I wui IX ft it 1 liment of respect and nr.iiiude uwaid tbose tkhw coufeirrd lLi uutiienL.i bouor upvn tne, than by a dnotition to telieve ihe Slate Convention im ltd aciiui of ft orai uni District Cvnttntian, wbitb met under the iBineiioo that the luticr would be lb medium ofactiou adopted b) he Whitf party throughout the Slate L'nder these circu'ttcs, i take th liberty of requesting you to leader my res-igoatioii as Whitf elector for West florid; aud at the same lime, I beg you lo assure the Conveutioo of my determination to co operate earnettlf and heartily with ihe Wbig party of Florida in any course wbicb it may deteimme UjKiu. 1 am, very respectfully Jours, J. J.

FIN LEY. Col. J. Myrick theo' placed before the Couveniion ibe name of Hi. a.

J. at candidate tor Elector Lr the Weiem District; which upon lbs iken, Mr. FtMLSV was unitiimos'ly chosen. Col, Myrick alo nanied Aliemate for the Western Dislrid, Dr. GlfiOE D.

Fiueb which nomination at aiop-ted unanimously. Some doub's being expressed by ft mft-n- berof tbe Leoq delegation, as to iLe accrp- tance of ihe nomination of Alleraale Eltc- tor by Col. Havgmtos, that delegtion reques'ed permission lo teiire for cotsul-(aliuii hicb was grauted On motion, the vole nominating 'Col. Hacohtok was re-coniidered. Tbe delegation then retiied, 'and ft'ter coiisultalioii, reportrdtba naiqeof Gf.ohoc W.

Call, of Madrson as Mternate upon which, Mr. Call mi Col. CV A. offred to the Convention the following resolutions By the Delegate of the Whig parti of ihe Mate of Florida in Convent ionajje bled, Resolved, I hat in raiitTuig the nominations of the National Whig Con-vutilioii, which coiiveni-d al Baltimore on ibe lQ of June lasl, does so with full assurance aud ail linqualitiod conviction that tbe candidates nomiuaied by tbal Convention stand pledged to adbeTO to ill ofthe caidmal principles that distinguish the VV hig party, but above all, lo support and enfuce in all their parts the measures known as the Cumpiomise measures, and the Fugitive Slave Law. Rctolced, That tbe platform of the National Whig Convention was conceived in a spiiii ol fidelity io the Whig puly, and to tho iiilegiiiy ofthe Union and the Constitution, aud this Convention accept and adopif that as a manly and eloquent (Induration ul essential ptincirlns, ttjtOH which all of its candidates must Md, Mou.

D. S. Walk. eh, wf the occasion ol the presentation ul these. the CoiivettMnu on the relative merits of ibe Platform ofPrhici-pics, and the candidates tendered 14 the country by the respective national kriios.

Mr. rematks enlisted the earnest attention of the Convention fur a consider able period of time. The were then adopliid by tbe Convention. Hon. G.

'P. Ward arose, and stated (o the Convention tbal he had but very late moment leceived information of his nomination as candidate for the office of Governor ou ihe afternoon of yesterday and from facts which had come to his knowledge this morning, reluctant ts was the course be was about to take, la felt compelled to decline) the nomination, The desire ofthe Convention being itroug. ly expressed that Major Ward shojld not decline the nominal ion tendered bim, that gentleman, upon a further considsration of the subject, declared bis acceptance of ihe nomination for Governor, and bis intention to engage manfully in the contest the Whig party were about to carry n. The following resolution was presented by the Hun. Thomas Randall, and unanimously adopted.

Resolved, That, in the nominations made by this Convention, it was by great National and Slate W'hig princi pies, regardless- of individual preferences ith a kowedge that temporary differences existed, which lime ana mature consideration alone were waiiliug to reconcile, and tinder a full conviction that the caidiual measures ot tbe great Whig party would ultimately receive ihe support of alt it nominees (hat still influenced by these views, this Convention perceives with pleasure and satisfaction thai its nominee lor Governor, Major George T. Warp, on re consideration, hat withdrawn bit tendered resignation. Major Ward took occasion lf mention the circumstances lo the Convention, thai, during his late visit to he had the privilege of an interview with the patriot Henry Clat, who was then slowly sinking into the sleep of deftih and that this distinguished man, whom the country now mourn, gave among bis last expressions, bis testimony, to the integrity, patriotism and virtue of Wjm-ielb ScoTT. At the close of Mj'r Wabp'j remarks, Mr. Drew offered Ihe following resolutions'; to which, the unanimous consent of ibe Convention was signified by the membvrs all rising.

Ruolvtd, That this Conveotioq cannot sjejouru, without uttering its voice of lamentation for tbe death of Hinkt Clay. Resolved, That, while in the death of tbe great Statesman, Patriot and Orator, we mourn the departure of genius aud intellect, lament still more the closing ol a long life of noble, courageous and disinterested service to bis country of uny isld-log devotion hn his country Imper. tiled in the peril of foreign war of self denying sacrifice in ihe hour of civil corn motion, aud of untiring u.s fulness in tb time of tranquility. Col. C.

A. Mitchtll then offered ibe i o. turn, and tho oilier to p. Hie ciw detitiulj of the AMito-r the committee to coluil ol thiee- memtji'M each. The Chair Selected th" follow itijr prrsmn lo comprise the cunimilli on of'amz ilion Thu4.

II. Alejander, of Juckaon, Joseph Cli.ln, of Leon, ami Col. J. P. Sni.dci on, oi liu.vV.' ion, I lioK.

m. tiJtiv ol J.ik-i'ii, unit Lewis C. Giiiiitfr, of Mai ion, mi the Com Hiittoe ou CredeiitiuU. In iilftr lliUl tltf ftiH It if lit ti! trill join in pruci'gsiou, and uttenJ the Eulo to he pronounced on (temy Cluy, ut hull-pint 11, the Con re ii I luii adjnuimd tni 4 o'clock, P. AFTLRNUUN rflU) At 4 o'clock, P.

the CoiiVf niiun re.utscmbled. 'The Culllinillee on oi jjanizalion being called upon, reporledtbe lollowing othceis A or i i caiueii. ii is LiAUriicuc it. i. CALL.

For Vice PretidenU Maj. L. C. (41.V3, ol Marion, and lion. iuon.

M. White, ol'Jackion. Secretaries Messrs. L. I.

H.NC,.of JrflefsoU, and C'OLlMBla DHEW, of Tha report of the Committee on orjjan. i 1 1 I. ii i IZalioil as utkqAinuuTy nduoiml. The lieporl of the Cvmtuitiee on Cie- nl'al. uaatknn nrii.nitlMi' flint I li-- I I1IIUI.

I IIII.J, 11 llll ll- IW lowing Delegates and Proxies were ascertained lo be in attendance Santa Rota John Chain and James E. Simpson, by 11. K. Call and Gov. Drown, proxies, Dr.

Uoo. D. Kisher by Joseph CI is proiy. Jackson. Capt.

Julia '1'. Myrick, T. B. Alexander and Thus. M.

White. Ii. ytephens, Bollinj; Baker, Dr. J. K.

A. Davidson, M. Johnston, CoL W. 11. Uibion, J.

Win ley, and John W. l'oiiidexter. Hundall, It. K. Call, Ja.

Beard, 'L Johnson, T. 'takins. V. R. Betton, C.

Uaniierman, C. C. Williams, Dr. Ceo. WahitiL'ton Parkhill, Col.

J. Maxwell, llo'Ue, D. S. Walk. G.

Wilcox, A. Crnmaitie, K. linn-try, J. W. Hale, Dr.

T. K. Leonard, O. S. Burroughs, W.

L. Thompson, II. A. isbiue, Joseph Clisby, Lppcs, A. A.

Fisher, Giles Stewart. Wakulla. Solomon K. Mathers, II. II.

Walker, James Csvrli-y, Noah Poaey, AL Grovcr, Dr. M. J. McBnde, Vm. Cannon.

Jefferson. Col. U. H. t.aiiilj'.e, L.

I. Fleming, W'm. II. Arendell, Dr. Eppes.

Madisi-n. 0. M.Lee, by I). S. Walk, er, proxy.

Hamilton. Dr. W. K. M.

Cousins, Sol. II. Smith, Juhu B. Spencer, and John KohcrU liv l)r I. Columbia.

Silas L. Nil.Uck. M. W. Smith, Win, B.

Ross and C. Deni aou, by S. L. Nibluck, roxy. Duval.

Col. 1. D. Hail, Col. John I.

Sanderson, Columbus Diew. Alachua. S. F. Halladay.

Marion. L. C. Gaines, Col. C.

Mitchell. St. Johns. Columbus Drew, pioxy. Judge Rakdall then.

retired Irum the Chair, and conducted to his keal the Prusidunt elect of the Convention. I he Vice Presidents and Secreiaiies elect, also took their seats. Two ol the Delegates to ihe B-iHimore Convention being present, Col. Gu. T.

Ward and Col. Jm-g M. Bker, an in was extended ihi in to the Convention. Col. -Ward 'accotdingly the Convention, giviit a ol the course of actiou of the tjouihern Delegates iq Baltimore, and the adoption ol the platform fif ri.Mfiliilt,)ti liv tti XaIiiuimI rlini ventmn luioriu tba ideuticat Irom re-coiutneoding by them Altaost the result of the final hallotingt of the Convention, in Ihe Domination of G.

u. WJNFILLD SCOTTi nd the acceptance of nomina-ttoo by that die'inguisn Citizen bis en doxscmrot ol be platfotra as expressed in a Jeltr cwtPfiumcafed the occasion Col. C. 4 IttTTWiru. then mod I Ai i tliM.

Il lm UT. present, be permitted to lake eu in lb Conveation, and to express their seuti rotits. Go. To. Baowf moved as an mmrmimmmt to tU notion, that aftid drl-rgatei bo lked alaotocaat Ibe vole of th couiitirs of I heir residence.

Some objection being made to tbe St. io lor Vot ii ol C. ol a Tho. Leonard, of tie Leon CoUn- 1Mfuv dW r3M'4 led MitiliKt the faiilkaliun Dr. Davidson, of the Gads.Jei County delegaiion desired his vote recorded in Uvnr ol the ratification.

M. Whit Smith, of Columbia recorded bis diiieiil against Ihe. ratification. Col. J.

T. Myrick moved that the Convention adjourn until to morrow o'clock, which motion was lost. The Chair announced it in order lo pro ceed to ihe nominations ofthe Candidates be. proposed by the Convention. Col.

C. A. Mitchell proposed tne iiuumofCol. Giso. T.

Ward, as a can lor Governor. 1 Imre being no other name pioposed, the vote was taken viva voet, anu. uoi. uluhuu i. WARD was nominated a (he Candidate Governor, by acclamation, but one bein cast 10 the negative Mr.

M. Whit Smiih named to the ColiveiUion as a Candidate lor Represen taiive, the E. CARRINGTON CAtiF.LL, Nu bei ai iW ti gill jj piased bebne the Couvetiuon, b- nu iva ii ken viva voce, aui the Hon, E. C. CA BELL wit uitatiimnusly nominated as Candidate for Rrpieseuiaiive to Con- cres Boiling Baker, ofthe Gadsden delega.

lion, red a paper, giving the reasons the course ol the tnnjorUy ol tliat dele gaiion in voting against tne ratification which, upon a motion being made to uu lourii. was wiiiiurawu. Mr. u. Alexander, ol JacKaon, ol- leied a resolution pledging tae Candidates uoiiiiuuted lo Hie lUppoil ut the National Nominations.

On iimiiou, the Convention then ad journed until lo. morrow morning, 9 o'clock. THURSDAY MUUMMi, JNNE 15 h. The Convention re assembled at 0 clock. The not having completed tb preparation of ihe minutes ol yesterday, the reading thereof was waived.

Mr. Aleiander witudrew the resolution offered by him yesterday, pledging the iioininee ol thu State Convention to the siiiiuuri of the nominees of the National The Pretidciit announced the namina-lion ot Presidential. Electors lr the several Di'tiK is to be in older wben Col. A. Miichell proposed the.

tiatuit of Col. J. P. SaxdkbsON, of Duval, as Elector lor the Eastern District. Th'-ie being nu other candidate, named, Col, Sandkbso.v was unanimously chosen.

Mr C. Drew then proposed the name Col. Charles A. Mitchell, of Marion, us :i.e Alixrnalu Elector lor the Eas tern District; which nomiuaiioti was unanimously addled. Dr.

Cousins placed in nomination (he name ol Thomas Randall, of Leon, as a candidate fur Elector lor the Middle District, and Judge Randall was UiialiimouslV chosen. Dr. G. Parkhill nominated Col R. B.

HaHGUTOn as a candidate lor Al teruate Elector for the Middle District; which nomiuaiioti was unanimously adopted. Mr. Alexander read the following letter from 'ii. J. J.

FivLEY, declining tbe nomination tendered him ol Elector lor tbe Wcotoin District, by the District Convention held at Ucheeauna Marianna, July 13, 1852. T. B. Alexander, Dear Sir Since iny leturn. home, (afteY an absence of several weeks,) lam lutoriiied that it bai beeu determined to hold a Whig Stale Convention" at Tallahassee on the 14th to recommend course ot psrtv action in retrreiice lo the ippioacbing Presidential election.

As yu ar a delegate to this Conven lion, I lake tbe liberty of addressing you this nous. One of the Juta' to be performed by ttxr Slate Convention will be, as I am iutorm-ed, lo constitute a Whig Electbrical Picket" for tbe Stale. I am also advised that tbe West of Florida will be fully rrp resented in this Convention and as tbe delegate from this portion of the State will participate, in the nomination of elec tors tor Middle tnd Eal Florida, I am BATTLE OF LUNDV'S LA SB. par difT-rent music has reuun-! hiough these continuous woods Ihan wilfTbird' ol cardU the hum, ot. and th? wavirrg of the txi tbaVaw iztiit'iy" streets our ai.

At' w-tl houe, said ibe Maj as Gi tirtal St-making a lorwaid iiioveiiHil with Lis Ui gade in the 'al'itTruouii vl 1814, came iu view we ml court. yard Tilled flbcv their horses held by orderlies. 1 t'uni in4 'Aaluotl al- we came visible to them, their bugle ded to' saddle, and in a tew Ibey were mounted, and through the woods al full-galiop, Imi'les rinuiiiir ihrt aUrni from UiflT" uaits ofthe forest. All vantsM swallovyed by Ibe earth, save an rlj veteran ofiicer, who reined up jut m'uket shot, aud look a leisuieiy of our numbers. II nviiiti appareiitlj istied hinuelf ol our force, Tie raised plumbed hat Irom his head, nd lwIB.

''racelully lo our cortege, put Wfio' burs'-, and dixafitieared with From the ocenpants we gathered ibat "I were about a mile distant trout body of tbe enemy, posted in il1" "(IJ'j ground jut beyond the woods in General Scott, turning to tne, sii kind riuiiiirh. air. to relUin General Brown; infurrti bim 'bat I bs'j lallen in with the euemy's advaiid f' I T. ane, si ii luitc i i in one half hour 1 shall have joi tie." Order up Ripley vilh the briondr. direr! I'artrr to 4 n-t-ie ttriutr t.t fit I brief leply of.

the Maloi-Oeiierai message, and tne aids were ha orders. I A th ihe wow'' 1 caiiuun stiol. nfMeuininv by H't the trees, and seudin-i the C7 the air in their course, warned tbe contest had tui WI I the battle.i-rouhd. there, r- wi slnping bill, parallel with H' .1 mrougii itifi grave yaraio'--. ara, wa' drawn up the Briiish lie General Riall, iu lorce ibtes ttms terihun 'mir linuuilc.

his ul 1 uilh ot HIU' I' aril frv Int. Ihvin Ullil t'i I 'I 1 rfil i lie L-ieveniu auu i ci; menls first leaving tbe upon the open ground with th and regularityof a rtview, engaged luriouni in acuoo the Hiii-mv'- mirl Iroin -lb which Completely-commanded'1-' 1 opening iiHn Them Willi leci. 1 having ou" bit guns on tbo left, in uft iK n.,M ore oi uioir oatiery. rrf our side was very great.

l.i. MnalimiDttt Svr-I iheir -a their' officers nearly ail and wounded, they were action, Ihe lew otficers uiihu rt themselves into Iho Nin'hi came into action, Jed b) tb 6' oiiel if Tho biunt ofthe battle n0 i mem, and Ihey a'one soiti time-, iliirblin? with "ery, until their number -r, to one lulfby thtr fire oflha fSr?.

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