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Buffalo Courier Express from Buffalo, New York • 2

Buffalo, New York
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THE BUFFALO EXPRESS. WEDNESDAY MORNIXG, DECEMBER 22, 1915. I MAYnil MATfFS I fa follow: Cambria. MJX6; Harlle. i Lrwttoa.

XZ3: Nrwfane, Leekport. fS.150; Niagara. 1.00; I ra iu. t-tfcB WiA- Kav A LEGAL DUEL, a piatol talle hi companion tarr4 a ear door ana tumble a dose or store boiee of merchandise Into (he dUch. The membere of the ere were then ordered bach to their poeta aad told to patl ct with their trela.

Cond actor 1 VV 11 I II II alloc. IS.IWO mmr, field. Wiisoc. li.OOO, PLOTTERS HAD Sr.IALLCHANCE Warm Falli Bridges and Power Houses Arc Exceptionally APPOINTfilENTS North Tonawanda Officials Not Choacn Because of Their Political Faith. JaoiR Baldwin reported tbe robbery bs hi (rata reached the city Tke The watr commlaaioacra' petition to build an annex to the city water Han Convicted of Lewi tan Murder Isue Statement as He police have no trace of the robber.

pleat and to kII th boiler equipment D. M. Steadmes, 35 year old. a Buffalo Biaa employed here for some Goes to Prison Well Guarded. tbe old city waterworka will prob-lably go over the year by default.

Tbe frt committee of the common I KKM I UU tVLIL council ha ordered them received and WITNESSES RETURN Dr. WkMaaf COFFEE BURNS GIRL Emma Ales, Seven Year Old, filed bwmsw a atWasMssj Daar, (be (tit of aa era jester-day while working in Wtlaoa village. He wa clearing branches to a fleer iy for wires when a thorned twig pie-red hta eye. He wa taken to. JJUNMfcJKiaitsWv.

at wrkMr as mmMml Tb will of Cbarlea W. Lindsay of Thinks a Sentence for MansUugh- AVIA Hivt Keen MUkStM swse fat? e9HBksWi JsWfl'Jst f- Neafaoe waa admitted to probate by i on Face and Neck. f-i- hm Nearer Justice tern irdtamentary were iaeued to eona Daniel W. and John SchwarU War fai t.TU of Koenig Movement. BANDITS HOLD UP FREIGHT Crew a Lehigh Valley Train Ordered Martin 8beban.

appointed Met-aor, la awaiting tbe return of Orr UanaxHr Cajr for a eoaference re-gaidifie tbe reorganizing of the I Harmon W. end John D. The ACTi1 of eltOOe. Tbe will COUNCIL FAILS EXERCISE TO REDUCE leave ij.uuv to nanea vkw ano raui H. Lindsay, grendsona, and the balance 1 to be divided anion's three Special Ths BaCale gaavsss.

North Tonawanda, Dec II. Mayor Rand this afternoon announced these appointments to take effect on January let: City physician. Dr. Frederick 3. Bchnell; commissioner of charities, Anthony E.

Lewis; Are commissioner, Charlea Gajrlord; polig tne Rev. EOTa Gilbert; members of the Just aa most pern. a wo CSLZT eesor depart meet, in tne presrot government there are three aaareeor. a elerk and an aaiietant clerk. Mr.

Sbeeban will hereafter tx all prop Appropriation of for Addition to Lockport'a High School is Not Yet Forthcoming About With Revolver When Near La Salle. of diet and eiereiae go band chaxtgw In one proponioBs At sam time, poise, graoa and suppnej erty yajusLXor iaeDk It 1 e-i Pitrpoaefurw-al increased department of public worka, Wallace IWO IAtE OATHjOI: Defeated Candidate in Town of Llnd-ley Disputes Other's Election. perteit that both Henry T. Kane acd Georxe Wood, rlerka, wltl be retained. They have been in tbe ofBce for a number of year.

Palmer and W. Bradford Peirce. Th designation of the Brat two are for one RWJl to Tf Kltrt Lockport. Dec, Wood and Cbarle Hees were uken to Au-bnra today' Wood mut wrve twenty yeara lor killing William at Lew-luton on Auguirt 2d, and H-. who aa hi alleged accomplice, gem 2S year for boratary.

He turned etat evi as the system respond 1 adviaed. Housework of a certain kind is ideal for the purpose-bedmakr that ne-casaitate atretching aid bending over. 1. and that old-faahloned method HhM avt th tub 1 one of ciotbea vt the tub year each, while tbe ethers are for term of three years. Corning, Dec.

21 Stephen L. Hill, who waa defeated for election aa tax collector of tbe town of Llndley on tbe Democratic ticket at the recent Mayor Rand divided th positions equally between th three principal political parties. Tb appointment mad today on the public worka board will the most perfect forma of "m.ry" tn- rwturine- the hip and ab- dence against Wood. Before leaving tbe couuty Jail aid to the reduction of fleah. waikhZ that has tbia purpose ever in mmta mere strolling and sauntering equipped ia comfortable walking tfr, and boots, a brisk; walk, ot halfi hour ahoald follow tbs heavt8t oftheday.

To enhanc the flow 0f p. splraUon a rubber suit next to th btriy can be worn. The wearing of heavy elothlng te h-duee perspiration defeats Its own gj Nothing must be don to farigM body stimulation and rapid etinu, tion are tb objects sought. Wfcjj, walking- briskly, select gentle IocIImi and slopes, as they necessitate an ln jr-tion, Is to contest tb election on kiiiix A Nick QuarantHIo of No. 136f Ashland avenue today aiked a warrant of Judge Piper for the arrest of bla wife, who, he ay, deacrted htm yeaterday for the ORl rime lthln aix month.

Bb left behind ber three email rtifl-dren. frank Kloretto. JT-year old, with whom the woman I aliened to have run away lat fall, In the Ux-kport jail awaiting trial. The police have bn unable to get information of Ue woman. a non-partisan oae4tfn(nen.

stremrteenin tne neca maJk that board alar tbia month. Mayor Rand will nominate Harvey Sfwoitl Tke B.lf.t bff. Hlagars Fall, Dee. II. Tbe Canadian military author! tie and official! of tbe bridaei at thli point, iscuing today the report of a destructive design against the structurra, expressed tbe opinion that the fort of men gnardlng tbe trowing wa sufficient to defeat JUfa)PLb German agents to cWivy theni.

Nor la there1 any fear of an attack on tbe power plante weceedlng. Strong mlliurjr guard are maintain cd at both tbe bridge and the power works. Canadian military 1, t0 day that tbe Welland canal protective force had not been strengthened eince the discovery of the pl to destroy th wstorway, though eitra precaution)! have been taken to safeguard lock No. 14. the point at which Koenlg ageut4 an said to have planned to strike.

"Our bridge haa tbe same guard ut tit American end that we have had r. mil, me aeteated candidate for as semblyman from this district and Dr. Pemberton Lundy as members of tb dnclng the waist into enape. Of course, if a woman were advised to go to the wasbtub for a half boar twice a day. she would demur but when told to dress looeely and perform certain movements, preferably in the open air.

or, at least. In a room flooded with light and air, Buwenwhts calculated to reduce, her abdomen, hips North Tonawanda board of health. tae ground that his successful Republican opponent, Harry Miller, waa not a legal resident of tbe town at the time of tbe election. Hill, on the advice of counsel, baa taken th oath of office, filed a bond and announces that be will receive taxea, Miller baa i Z'ttri a bond aad taken the oath "of office. Pending tbe making of the first legal move to untangle the situation, tbe taxpayers are left to choose between tb rival collectors.

charge of Deputy Kdward Bowman, Wood Issued a aigned statement in wblch he attacked tbe prosecution of his trial, asserting bi innocence and aceuaed of giving false testimony against him. "A man Jointly Indicted with megoeg onto tbe wi.ttMs-ttfd and off era falaa testimony to ghat me away fro the world for twenty long years. Tbia ia Tar from justice," said the statement "I think that a criminal trial should be an attempt to establish truth, not a legal duel, and I siuoerely hope that tbe time wlU com when it will be so, for mI Avartinn anil thin hffimnto, Tbe commissioner of charities has canvassed the two cities and secured ilOBsr of B-owyj' A-W tne increairf i 1 tbe names of families where circum Drmsiuc uj tumulus geepiy, Tltu h. and waist, she gladly concurs. stances would warrant the sending of Christmas basket and clothing.

Three ars- Plant ine leei ui luij m- ntSJSiM together. Throw cnanical mus( of the gsns. Now bend organixauone. tbe Eagles, Elks and the arms above tb head. TJse common couacULaLlU inuUug laet night approved the bill of P.

('. riery and Auauatua Thlbaudoau for legal ervlte during the Inventl-gatlon of tbe trouble between tbe police department and tbe police judge In 190. Clary appeared for the police department Tblbaudeau for the then judge. Each aaked ISO for bla ervlce. The bill of George D.

Jud-on, counsel to tbe aldermanio Investigating committee, $350, wa turned down several year ago by tba council, but the court ordered it paid. Orioles, besides tbe churches In tbe forward without bending the knees un two cities, will supply the needs to tbe the benefit of others who may ome poor of tbe Tonawanda. CELEBRATES 9STH BIRTHDAY. Uncle Hawley Biabop of Livonia was One of Fourteen Children. Tbe police pension board held Its an nual meeting at th city hall last night ANSWERS TO QUERIES.

Distress: The following is aa a. ternal remedy for pimples: Bortew acid, two drama; alcohol, two ouncei, rosewater, four ounces. Bathe the akin. In fairly hot wittr, then daub on thla lotion with absorb-ent cotton. Allow It to dry In.

at which th business of th denart day become situated as i am now. i may be guilty ia tbe eyea of the law, but to the eye of tbe Lord I still remain innocent. There i a Supreme Being that can aee thing aa they are, and when His judgment cornea 1 know be will judge things as they really happened I think manslaughter would have been sever enough In my case, for try aa I will I do not remmber com- sitter th beginning of the war," aald Superintendent Reynold of the lower ateel area over which Grand Trunk tralne operate. Daniel W. Bcbwsrt.

owner of tba Hotel Schwarts ia rail atreet, and Jobs Schwem of No. 1614 Eaat rail treat, who were summoned to New Tork to tall the federal grand Jury what they knew about Paul Koenlg' activities ia tbia vicinity laat summer, retureed home today. Mr. Liaette Fttcb of No. 02 Buffalo avenue, step-mother to George Fucbi, the man aald to have been (elected to blow up tbe canal, remained ia New York.

ment for th last year was completed. Th report shows that th fund has a balance of with S500 due that fund from tbe 1915 city budget. Tbe board adopted a resolution requesting th aldermen raise the 500 for pen Thieve early today entered tbe Jefferson Hill apartment In First street at Jefferaoa avenue and ransacked the apartment of Ml Ethel til tbe Anger touch tne now. A atout woman will not be able to do thle, but she must persist and each day will find ber fingertips a little nearer to the floor as the fat melts away. It should be pursued ton times morning and night and gradually Increased until 100 Is accomplished with ease.

Th next is more difficult: Squat on the floor Turkish fashion, with the feet crossed. Stretch out ths srm parallel with the shoulders and use them as lever or balance; gradually raiaehe body until tbs erect position Is reached. It may be impossible to perform thu exercise at first but, with practice, skill and dexterity are acquired and the stretching and pulling necessary to woodward. 1 hay were bundling up the deed tor which 1 now stand a coneiderable booty when they were nvorpd sions next year ny taxation. frightened the return of occu Wood testified in the trial that he Emma Alee, seven years old, daugh Sal lie: Here la a formula for rose-water: Oil ot rose, eight drops; carbonate of inagneainm; twenty grains; distilled water, one pint Rub the oil ot rose with the esr nate of magnesium, slowly sdd th i.

ter and filter. remembered having tbe revolver, but not of shooting Oillia. ter ot r. and Mrs. Thomas Alea of No.

158 Main atreet was badly scalded with boiling coffee at noon today. Tbe child Spselal to Th Buffalo express. Livonia, Dec. 21. I.

Hawley Bishop, tbe oldest Hying resident of this town, celebrated Die 85th birthday today. Uncle Hawley wai in good health until a year ago, but now haa to remain at home. He is afflicted with rheumatism. Uncle Hawley waa born at Richmond Center, about aiz miles east of Livonia, on December 21, 1820. He was next to the youngest of the fourteen children of Isaac and Loran Bishop, pioneers of Ontario county.

Several of his brothers and sisters lived to be more than 80, and one to 86 yeara old. In 1843 he married Mary Ann Kenyon of Caneadlce. Her death occurred ten yeara ago at 88 years Old. Three children were born to them; on died at an ariy age, one son died fh' the clVll War, and his daughter, Mrs. Willard Smith, died ffVe years ago.

pant of tbe bouae. Sometime during tbe olgbt the drug tore of W. M. Bowen at No. 104 Fall atreet waa entered.

Several boxea of drug tablet were stolen. Th job la believed to have been done by dope fiend. accidentally fell against her mother while playing and the coffee was spilled on her facs and neck. WANTS 510,600 FOR INJURIES. Mm Marv M.

Wilde Pil n.i Tbe common council took no action last night on the request of tbe board of education for an additional appropriation of I35.0OO to complete the high-school enlargement. Tbe original allowance was 1100,000. At a special election In October the taxpayers by a close vote favored tb additional" appropriation to build an The Eldredge Bicycle club celebrated the seventeenth anniversary of its in Revolver in Hand of Boy; Wounda Companion at Corry. "Tba tare of a that weal to New York were wanted to stabltsh the fact that Koeulg wa here laat unite er," aald Mr. Bchwart.

None of knew anything about the alleged plot to dynamite tbe Wetland canal." Bobber early today held up and robbed Lehigh Valley fait freight No, 1, rail bound, between Gratwlck and La 611, -brosa open a car of rich merchandise and made oft with a considerable quantity of good, it ia aald I bat the robber aaed aa automobile to cart away their booty. stitution with a banquet at the club house, Broad street last night Against Lackawanna City. BuJ vLl CITY'SPLANT T0OSMALL Dunkirk Firm Applies for Power Which Cannot be Supplied wanna TIaa 91 Mm Km The North Tonawanda board of commissioner last night adopted Corry, Fa, Dec Aum HiiTrtay, a achodlboy, wa Tahot tbrough the abdomen by a revolver in tbe hands of a playmate Ward Fleming, tbia morning. Tbe discharge waa aeciden- a resolution requesting tb aldermen Thomas N. Brenbea, county superintendent of highways, states that over 1100.000 will be apent tor tbe care and Wilde of No.

493 Victory avenue bti filed a claim against the city tor for injuries alleged to have ben sustained by a fall on a defective Hdfr to appropriate In tbe 1916 tax hudt IS00 for the Dollce den.rtrrnn. Want 100,000 for Improvements. twelve towns of the tiff ekrr year. yolver to bla friend. May's condition Is serious; Fredeonla Normal school will ask the legislature at tba opening session for 160,000 for Improvement to buildings boarded tba train at North Tonawanda.

At Gratwlck they broke tba air bote and when the train cam to a atop, tie of tba men covered the crew with Many Tonawanda merchants are their cash receipts to the police Of this amount the towna have raised 150,689 and tbe balance will be appropriated under law by tbe state. Tbe portions to be raised by tbe towns Is amount for the toss ot ber serrltei. The claim ha been referred to the corporation counsel for Investigation. Tin city authorities are not sure that tbe accident occurred on property that bu been deeded to the eity. Tb rtrt sad btl Huodtr newspaper la auel, Tb Bsstm Uads them all.

station after closing time this week. It and equipment at tb school. is thought that the large receipts at th CARE OF THE NEEDY Christmas Tree Arrives and Elks Are Preparing Baskets for Many Families. BPMlal to Tbi Buffato gwrssa, Dunkirk. Deo.

21 A conference was etore would be an extra temptation for yegg lert in the stores over night -XCTy hPIPLr'X -Ssfrs Mm Mr. Inec Ives. 62 rears old. died at ner home at No. 180 Bchenk street to The common council last night appropriated $200 to keep park lake tne of ice and snow so that skating my be enjoyed there this winter.

Tbe council also approved the estimate of $612 for a new steel garage for ths see held at the city hall last night In night She was stricken with apoplexy a week ago. She is survived by two which the water commissioners and representatives of the Atlas Crucible tai mm nan and the Niagara Erie rmi cnuraen. uur Booth Jvea of North of the police department Tonawanda, and Mrs. R. 8.

Rollman of Dayton. O. Mrs. C. D.

Orcott of North Tonawanda, la a sister. Power company participated. The steel mirniuv wants an additional 1,000 John A. Toomey, mayor-elect, nd other officials who are to take office en The funeral will be held Thursday horsepower for Its plant at the earliest afternoon. Burial will be in Elmlawn.

Yon Arm Invited to Inipcct the Dhplay ot Victroiat at possible time. The municipal power plant will be unable to supply it, without a material and costly increase in its equipment. ,...) GAS KILLS CANADIAN. St 32 Tbe representatives ot tne power Suiiiiiiij' Lieutenant Chestnut of Saint Cathar ARK WEAL CO. The Home of the Victrola in Buffalo company advised that their company would be able to provide only from 203 to 400 horaepower and that the stringing ot additional lines from Athol Sorinsrs to Dunkirk would be required ines, Dies of Poiaoning.

8lc1al to Ths Buffalo Kxpraas. Saint Catharines, Ont. Dec. 21. January 1st attended the meeting.

Tbe present council will hold its last meeting on Wednesday, December 29th. tnd the new officials will take charge oa Saturday, noon following. Albion Business Block Burned at $10,000 Loss. Albion. Dec.

21 (Special). The larp frame building at No. 21 Moore street owned by Michael Rytlewski of Albion and the American Brewing company of Rochester; 'Was destroyed this morning by Are. The loss is aboct $10,000. Tbe ground floor of the building was occupied by a grocery operatfd by Mrs.

Mary Rytlewski, mother of Michael Rytlewski. Lieutenant Albon Cheat nut nineteen years old, son of Captain and Mrs. to provide the full power desired. The power company Is to submit an early reply to the proposition. Chestnut of this city, died today in a OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS 643445 MAIN STREET hospital in France of gas poisoning.

Efforts will be made to have the bodv Dunkirk lodge ot Elks held a Christ sent home for burial. Lieutenant Chestnut was a gradu mas entertainment for members and invited guests at the clubrapms this evening. Music was furnished by an We lell annually, from this store, more than WORTH OF VICTROLAS ate or Kidiey college and of the Royal Military college at Kingston. He was orchestra from Buffalo. r.v.-n,.,....

gazetted a lieutenant- of artWery wnd was at once sent with his battery to the front Thorcld, Ont, Dec 21. Word was re saloon of Michael Kytiewsai. The building was doomed when the alarm was turned in, but good work by the volunteer firemen saved near1' homes. ceived here today that Private Saint Clair Botilby of the 36th Canadian bat Dunkirk's municipal Christmas tree reached here today. It was obtained from the Fantx woods at Pleasant Valley, near Stockton.

The tree is to be installed near Union Square and exercises will be held there on Christmas eve. In accordance with its annual cus talion had been killed In action on December 4th. He was nineteen years old. Corning Man Gives Bond to Appear on Perjury Charge VWwaalttllsj) I lljsS eek I tom, Dunkirk lodge of Elks will supply Corning, Dec. 21 (Special) Claude needy families hero with Christmas I g.

Hedden of Corning today appeared YOU CAN GET IT HERE no matter what atyle of Victrola you have decided on whether it it the neat little Victrola IV at $15, or the magnificent Electric Victrola XVIII at $350 and $400. Try Our "Hever-Miss-the-Money" Payment Plan It makes it a pleasure to buy here, thousands of satisfied customers are the best proof of our superior service. We know we can please you, too, if you will give us a trial. A small payment will put a Vic-trola in your home. We carefully adjust and tune each Victrola before delivery and.

back it with mw ast-. in addition to the before Judare Maxwell at Towanda, Pt. baskets, each containing a chicken and other essenUals for a Christmas din Rescues Wife and Children From Their Burning Home. Bethany Center, Dec. 21 (Special).

Flre completely destroyed the home of Carl Teede at Bethany Center early tbia morning. Mr. Teede, returning from Batavia, reached home In time) -to rescue his wife and five small children from, tba and gave 11,000 bail for his appearance next February for trial upon a charre of perjury alleged to have been committed in' connection with the divorce which Hedden secured from bis wile. Anna Koetael of Newark, N. J-.

August. ner. There will also be candy tor children. The baskets, about 60 In number, will be distributed on Friday evening. Murle L.

Rowe is chairman of the committee. aiOwlS. industrial conditions here, this neetf fdV'p'ddiF relief this year Is not nearly as great as for several years past ft I of the Victor factory. We will give you a liberal allowance on your old phonograph (any make) toward a genuine Victrola. Tax Sale of Property in Genesee County.

Donald Raynor died laat evenlnr at the family home, No. 14 East Courtney street following a stroke of apoplexy. Batavia, Dec. 21 (8pecal). County Treasurer John Million aiH that he was indicted in Penneyivam through the efforts of bis first wile-He has since been at Sherbrooke.

Qua. with his second wife. Lucille Mitchell of Painted Pest As the result of Hedden's act in peering voluntarily before the court today the indictment against Pan Stlmson, a Corning undertaker, for perjury in connection with the divorce case, was dismissed by Judge Maxwell thul afternoon. VV Carry in Stock Nearly 200,000 Recordt nd office in, the courthouse this moraine I He wa" born ln Brentford, Ont, bad lived in Dunkirk for a number of 24 pieces of land in ten towns ln dene years. His wife, two daughters, Mrs.

John Davie and Mis Anna Raynor, and one son, Donald Raynor, survive. aee county to satisfy unpaid taxes. This was the first sale under the present law and the first tax sale which Mr. Mullen bad held since he was elected treasurer. A total of SI.

436.04 wag realised from all the sales. There was 8Dlr1td bid Robert Zerfus of Lion street reported to the police last night that he was held up near the Brooks locomotive ding for the George Sneff property, con sisting of an acre of land with a house 1 night, by a arrange man and robbed of $16, some lnaurance papers on It which was finally bought by Albert C. 8pann of Buffalo for th. ana a numoer or dance tickets. Hi amount of tbe taxes, $48.37.

Mr. 8pann baa' had possession of the property for twenty years Dunkirk lodge. No. 757, F. A.

last night elected these officers: Master, N. L. Engelhardt; senior warden, A. M. Blssikummer; junior warden, J.

E. Smith; treasurer, A. J. Lunt; secretary. F.

W. Wlrtner; trustee for three years, Dr. C. H. Richards.

A OrVTE THE BOYS yf igY BILLIARD TABLE For Christmas EASY PAYMEMT8 MJ.CERNHARDC0.lnr 712-724 leffrtos St, Sutfilo. Little Girl Rescued From Fire Near Mount Morris. Mount Morris. Dec. 21 (Special).

A houae on the farm of Jams JL Morris on the Sohyea-Mount Morris state road about a mile and a half south of this village, occupied by William Morris and family, was completely destroyed by fire early last evening. Mrs. Morris had stepped out of tbe house for a few minutes. Two of her children wer in the kitchen playing while a third, a little girl, wan In bed in a room ofT from th ki Thfuneral of John Morrlsey, infant sdfrof Mr. and Mrs.

Edward Mor-rissey of No. 104 East Front street, who wa burned to death at tbe family home yesterday, was held at o'clock this morning from Saint Marys church. NEAL, CLARK NEAL CO. fill mm I mm I Chou The Home of the Victrola in Buffalo 643-645 Main Street Open Evenings Until Christmas Alexander Woman Dead. Batavia.

Dec. 21. Mrs. Josephine Wslt Altenburg died this morning at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ira Nye of Alexander.

She was 7 I XM VlBTaM niH I rat Jmunml JfcrfirtM. I nrst that was known of the fire was when th children reached the house of Morris. The little girl was removed from the bedroom, although the entire rear portion of the dwelllni wu i old. fom't Herbal Embrocation Cl aJao ba fowl nrr afScaoloM la BRORCHmS, LUMBAGO A8 RHEUMATISM Tmnt tk Grip m-tb, mm anti tftme and tbe room flfled with JTne loss is estimated at $2,000. ii rwnova lb cauac.

Tbtr is eaty est BROMO B. W.Oroy.esinlUreai.

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