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The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York • 4

The Buffalo Newsi
Buffalo, New York
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BUF EVfiKLSa KtWS: THUhSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1915. FA0 NAVAL EiiimMiiiniiii KDUTIATfXET JUFFALO HARBC BUFFALO HARBOR Ultime Notizie Delia Guerra 1 V. mss IN SMpi. tTUl Eia Crmlse Tomorrow, TVf Sapplle. to trf! Ik.

IHc'nJJeDgcrerCQ Store Close -Saturday at 12:30 Store Closea Saturday at 12:30 Three'shlps' of the naval militia fleet rer i Letton ltaiiam Great IJikes are in toe narour tMe morning, the u. gunooai IN CONNECTION WITH JAMES McCREERY CO. NEW YORK. the Dorothea of Cleveland ana tne uon Austria of The boats Come i let tori ai rammenteruno ay atHengerers I Friday is Economy Un gran contingent dl truppe Ingles! c' stato sbarcato Suvla Bay cella Penisola dt Gallipolt nei Dar-tanelU. Una protests da parte della Nor-vegla e' state inviata a Berlino contro aglre" dl un sottomartno tcdcsco che dopo aTer fennato Piroacafo Norve-gese Haaken V.11, che trasportava la posta da Norvegia sH'lnghllterra, si a approprto1 di tutti i pacchi postali contenentl detta posta.

La Norregia Delia protest domaoda che la posta venga ritornata al piu' presto will take, on supplies, tnc Hon will be looked" over to mnke certain that he sustained no Injury to her hull when sh- went on bottom at Preeque 7sle l-ny off Kri'e Tuesday, snd th ships probablv will start on their cruise to their home ports tomorrow. The officers and crew of the Essex are saddened hy the fatality which befell Donald Gregory, the voting man who. as a member of the Aviation of the Essex, was killed Tuesday nt Frie. his- maehtne plunced to enrth as Gre6ry making a descent and was only 150 feet above pround. Aside from that fatality the cruise the naval militia fleet has a successful season of training, according to statements this morning bv Clearance of Children's WashxDr esses a s.

l'ltalia ha data sempre delle uoDe lezioni alia Turchia, specie-' nell'ul-tima cattura di Tripoli, eIa Turchia per tale ragione non auo' aatenersl dai dimostrare il su rancore contro l'ltalia cerca tutti 1 modi di riven-. dicarsi. Gli Slatl Batcaiil Aspettano il Rinnl- Zlla Sesslone Parlamentare Kclla Serbia. mmi da Londra annunziano che gli Stati Balcani aspettano il risul-' tato dl una segreta sessione del parla-mento Serbo che secondo notizie rice-vute dovrebbe aver luego tra oggi domani. Martedi fu esposta alia riuni-one ministerial la proposta delle po-tenze alleate Entcnti.

vfr fu una seria esaminazione in tutti i punti della proposta. II Presidente dei Ministri che si era recato a Kraguye- vatz, a conferire col Principe Rog-! gente ecol Generale Putnik, 1' ritor-, nato a Nish. COURT DECIDES TOMATO IS NOT VEGETABLES Tari PIrosrafI, Tlttime Dei SoKo-marini. LONDRA, 19 Agosto Il'piroscafo Grodno di Navlgazioac Wilsou e' stato affondaio da UB sottoeaarino tcdesco. L'equipaftgloe' aajvo.

II pirosrafe Grodno era dl proprieta' di T. Wilson xSons. II suo tonnel-laggio era d-19ir. ed era 295 piedi lungo. Un'altre pirosoafo vlttima dei sot-tnmaprni e' stato il plroscafo Thorn-ii-M di Liverpool, appartenente alia palish Shipping Carrying company New York, Aug.

19. After more AUGUST Sale of FURS The Largest and Best Stock in Buffalo at a Discount of 20 to 25 (Sale Ends Auguit Thirty-first) The Hengerer August sale of furs will continue but 10 selling days longer. Women who take advantage of present prices will save 20 to 25 per cent. Regular prices will positively be in force after the sale terminates. A small deposit reserves any purchase.

Balance of payments can be made to suit your convenience. Furs will be held in our Cold Storage Vaults until wanted. Fourth Floor) Values to $3. 75 Values to $4.50 at $1.50 at $2.50 Values to $7.50, at $3.50 Every wash dress in sizes 6 to i4 years has been marked down for immediate clearance. The reductions are radical therefore, the values are extraordinary.

With school days only a few weeks away, mothers will certainly take this opportunity to save money on girls' frocks. About five hundred dresses in all, but not a one too many. We advise you to come early. (Fourth Floor) Lequtpaggio venne salvato. I Tnrclil Contro Gil Italian).

ROMA, 19' Augosto. Dispacci rice- I Rnsal Sompre In Perlcolo. Lomdra 19 Agosto. L'assalto della fortezza Russa di Brest Litovsk, base princlpale del piano dl guerra del Russa, ed una delle piu' potenti fortezze di Europa. E' incominciato dai Te-deschi: 11' lavoro di cattura da parte dell'armata Austro-Tedesca e' incominciato alacramente si ritiene ini-mlnente 1' evacuazione Russa dalla fortezza.

La caduta di Kovno, l'avanzata te-desca contro la linea ferroviaria di Kovno Brest Litovsk la mlnaccia contro Pietrogrado fara decidere al Gran Duca Nicola dt abbandonare Brest-Litovsk preparare le sue truppe alia difesa di un'avazata tedesca su Pietrogrado. $3.50 $1.50 $2.50 than two months the Brooklyn courts have finally decided the status cf the i tomato. The police department aa underlhe impression that it a a vegetable, despite the attempt of Eva Schefler to correct its information. However, the court of special sessions decided it is a -fruit. The controversy started June 13, when Miss Schefler, who keeps a small store, was summoned to court by Patrolman Groll for.

selling a vegetable on Sunday, clear viol4lkn of the Sunday closing law. Miss Schefler decided Bhe had sole" no vegetables, only a tomato. Groll persisted that a tomato was a vegetable. Magistrate Geisman agreed with the patrolman and held Miss Schefler to general sessions. The magistrate was not wholly sat.

isfied and began looking up authorities. Finally, on page 225, of a text book, "The Foundations of "he found that a tomato is a first cousin fo persimmon, the grape, the vutl da Salonicco pubblirati nei Giornale d' Italia nella Tribuna di Roma, entrambi organ! annunziano che la Turchia non sod-disfatta di aver proibita partenza delgi Italiani dai suoi possedimenti ha emaifata una sopratassa di guerra cosi alta che molt! dei forestieri sono inabili a paare. Questa e' un'altra pruova dell'osti-lita' Turch contro l'ltalia si prevede al piu' presto una dichiarazione di guerra tra le due nazioni. MARRIAGE LICENSES TODAY. ISLE OF PINES NOT BADLY DAMAGED Charles H.

Mills. O. Julia M.Schaliacker, 63 Normal avenue- One-third of Grape Fruit Crop Blown Off Trees. gooseberry and the currant. Frank Grinauer, 26 Pink street Mary Fossel, 8 Stanton street I Clarence C.

Culbert. Philadelphia Leah K. Hrodbeck, Philadelphia. i $5.00 Sale of 200 Garments for Women and Misses Former Prices were up to $30.00 Determined not to carry over a single garment in the women's and. misses' wear store, wCewilJ place two hundred suits, coats and dresses on sale Friday at $5 each.

For-' mer prices were up to $30. All Are This Season Styles. The Materials and Models Cover a WideRange It should not be necessary to go into details. As a matter of fact, the sale covers such a rtde range that to particularize styles difficult. We advise you to come early.

-U. He made known bis discovery to Some of the Smartest NEW Hats Have the LOWEST Prices $3.95 to $5.95 There are hats of Lyons and fine domeic. velvets" that certainly suggestTmore than their marked prices. Combined with the fine quality of the velvet, is exceptional trimmings of wings, ribbons and bandeaux in the best color combinations. The workmanship is of the higher character.

You'll be surprised at the values. Prices $3-95 to $5.95. Hundred of Untrimmed Shapes Large, medium and small shapes of soft and stiff lines have literally taken possession of the untrimmed hat division. Of Lyons and fine quality black and colored silk velvets. Wonderful diversity of styles.

Prices $1.95 to $7.95. A Free Trimming Service is Maintained. (Second Floor) William F. Pickert, 16 Mlnton street lne 01 special sessions uen Loretta M. Kelleher, 7S4 Eagle street.

Miss Schefler was arraigned. They John Pewitz, :05 Strauss street looked at the book and dlschanred the fruit dealer. Hannah 676 Genesee Glenn Fullingon, Sardinia, N. Y. 1 Edith Vallade, TeesVater, Ont.

Christ Lock. 26a (tarlton street Ella I Erftus C- Knight, one of the numerous Bttffalonians considerably interested In the Isle of received word today that the recent gulf, atorm did not do as much: damage on the of Pines as was reported. A According to my information," Mr. Knight declared, "the storm was not at its full Telocity when it hit the island. It is estimated that one-third of the grape-fruit crop, which was witnin a month of picking, was blown off the trees.

The trees, however, and buildings were not damaged. Clement, 25 Cypress SUPREME COURT TO HEAR CONVICTED INDIAN'S APPEAL Frank J. Lindesmith, 311 West ave- nue George Johnstone, 169 Pearl street. Ftlippo Cam. 69 Seventh street Ala- ria Pollina, 62 Erie street.

'200 Wash Skirts, Values to $5.00, at Sl.SO Women's and Misses' Linen Dusters, at $1.50 and $3.50 (Fourth Floor) Plenty of extra sizes. adoui an iuv storm lam ice t9ie 1711 was a heavy wind, causing damage said to be about Thts figure Is much lower than the amount the earlier reports gave, and It is more nearly correct" SUPERVISOR CANDIDATE IN TWENTY-FOURTH WARD The legal right of the United States Government to assume jurisdiction over crimes committed by Indians resident on reservations in the state of New York is involved in the appeal which is about to be considered by the United States Supreme court. The case is that of George Chow, Indian, tried and convicted in the United States district court in this city last March of the murder of George Douglass, also an Indian, the shooting having occurred on the Tonawanda reser-ation. The claim for Chow, presented by his attorney, Leroy Andrus, is that the Indians on the reservations are subjects of the state of New York and are not under jurisdiction of the federal government. I Persons leaving the city for a long or short period during tfie nimmer can have I THE NEWS mailed to them for any length of time desired.

Addresses may be changed as desired. All mail j'. subscriptions must be paid in ad- vance. Phone ot address Cir- culation Department. Raymond T.

Austin has entered the fjcld as a candidate for the Republican nHaination for supervisor in the Twenty-fourth ward against George Ttohmer, his petitions' bearing the names of Iewis C. Hohl, Edward Kener Jr. and Arthur C. Rohmer as the committee required by the primary Ir. w.

Mr. Austin, who resides at 22 Remnant Day in the Silk Store Friday u-e all short lengths of seasonable silks at excepwmally low prices. These remnants-are wJt subject t6 exchange. Values to 75c at 25c yd. Values to $1.25 at 60c yd.

Values to $2.00 at 75c yd. $1.35 Crepe de Chine at $1.05 yd. The colors include ivory, light blue, pink, flesh, tur-qoise, yellow and black. Friday, the yard, $1.05. (Second Floor) Women's $4.00 and $4.50 Low Shoes, $2.85 We are closing out women's oxfords and pumps in plain black, all white, and black and white combinations.

Midsummer styles the last word." Were $4.00 and $4.50. sale price, $2.85. Broken Lot of Low Shoes in Color Combinations $5.00 and $6.00 Values, $1.65 $6.50 and $7.00 Values, $2.65 (Street Floor, Aisle Rear) Parasols at Half Were $2.50 now $1.25 Sixty summer parasols to move out Friday at $1.25. Their original, price was $2.50. Coaching style.

Good variety of Mostly plain top- models with ribbon borders. While they last, $1.25. (Ktrert Floor. Fronti Vermont street, Is an employe of the A. Meldrum company.

CANDIDATE FOR SUPERVISOR IN TWENTY-FIRST WARD, S3 EE3 E3 S3 3 3 S3 5X2 S3 S3 William N. Crane, a dealer in milk products residinft at No. 128 Howell street, announced today tliRt he is a candidate for supervisor of the Twenty-first ward. Mr. Crane is a district committeeman -of the ward at the present time, which position he has held for the past 10 years.

He was also criminal deputy under sheriff Frederick Becker. He names Giiv B. Moore, assistant district attornev Jacobs and Geore (lieson as a committee to fill vacancies. FLEE FUSILLADE OF EGGS. Candy 2r lb.

2c lb. 50c Cream Cherries 40c Italian Creams? 40c Salted Teanits Itc lb. 1 Buffalo's Best Linen Sale Free Scalloping of Table Linen Friday Table linen at $1 a yard and more purchased Friday -'or Saturday will be embroidered with scalloped edges free of charge. Five different styles from which to choose. Bleached Table Linen, 70 inches wide; heavy weight, closelv woven.

Fleur de Lis and floral designs; regularly yard $1.25. Cluny Lace Centerpieces, 45 inches wide; insertion centers and wide lace border all around. Regularly $10, sale price $6.50. Bleached Bath Towels, made of double twisted yarns; large sizes, white and colored borders. 75c Bath Towels, 50c 40c Bath Towels, 25c.

(Second Floor) 25c Salt Water Taffies. lSe lb. Pop Corn Fritters (fresh dally) 5c pkg Extra Special Asst. Salted Nuts SOf lb. Almon'ls.

Pecans. Walftnts, Brazils, and Jumbo (St ret Floor, Aisle 1) Chester, Aug. 19. When a couple of footpads stopped Wallace Games, who was going home and ordered him to hand over his watch and money, he responded by pelting the thieves with eggs from a bag he was carrying. The eggs were thrown full in the faces of the footpads, and all the time Games kept shouting "police." Leaving Games unharmed and -n possession of his gold watch and a rfili of bills amounting to something over $100, the hold-up men beat a quick retreat down the street.

Games says the eggs were intended for his breakfast; but he was satisfied witrf the use he put them to. $5.00 to $6.00 Blouses at $3.50 Blouses of silk crepe de chine, Georgette crepe, organdy, voile and batiste, which were formerly $5 to $6, will now be closed out at $3.50. All are this season's models. All sizes in the lot, but not in every jtyle. Suit shades, and flesh and white.

To close at $3.50. $4.01 owes, $2.45 Blouses of French organdy, imported voile, crepe de chine and Georgette crepe. White, flesh and black. Long or short sleeves. High or low collar.

To close at $2.45. $2.00 to $2.50 Blouses, $1.00 Blouses of lingerie, crepe de chine, stripe silk and a few of China silk. Some are slightly soiled, $1.00. $1.00 Blouses at 79c Tailored blousw of plaited lawn. Stiff collar and cuffs.

Sizes 34 to 42, at 79c. (Fourth Floor) LIEBMAX MUST PAT DEATH rEXALTT August Fmnitue Sale Continues but 10 days More Convenier Terms of Payment Mcy One Big Fact Not Advertised is the 2 J-S. grains of a harmful drug in the average cup of "coffee. Coffee roasters know Jhat there is caffeine, a subtle, poisonous drug in coffee. But they dodge the issue and.

talk about flavour. Proof lies in the fact that somecoffee concerns have tried; without much success, to rid coffee of its' caffeine. Daily blows of this coffee-drug finally result, for most people, in nervousness, headache, heart flutter or some other form of caffeine poisoning. You may not think coffee hurts you, but to be sure, quit ten days and use pure food-drink New York, Aug. 19.

Hyman Lieb-man, after a jury brought in a verdict that the man was sane, was sentence to die in the electric cr.atr in Sing Sing during the week of Sept. 26, Judge Wadhams In the court of special sessions. Liebman was convict ed of murder in the first degree by a jury two weeks ago, for killing his daughter, Sadie, by throw(ng her out of the window of hisjiome at3 East 98th street. Chair, 35.00 Illustrated at Left. Fireside arm chair and rocker, with high, comfortable back, deep spring upholstered in verdgre tapestry; solid mahogany ball and claw feet.

Value, each, $45.00. Sale price, $35.00. $20.00 Arm Rocker, $15X0 Illustrated at Right. Solid mahogany arm rocker, as illustrated, or chair, Adam style. Wide cane back and seat.

Regular $20 value. Sale price, $15.00. NOW All Men's $15 to $20 Fancy Suits at $10.50 Men who want Hengerer $15 to $20 fancy suits at $10.50 will have to be on their toes tomorrow. The suits will certainly move along fast at this price. All $15', $16.50, $18 and $20 suits of fancy mixtures are included.

They are fine-looking clothes, and fine-wearing, too. Some are suitable for fall wear. Models for men and young men. While the present stock lasts, $10.50 is the price. (Fifth Floor) Clearance of MEN'S SHIRTS FRANCE SftLD STEAMER DACIA.

Paris, Aug. 19. France has sold the American steamship Dacia, condemned by a French prize court because of her transfer from German to Ame-lean registry. Her new French owners has renamed her the Yser. i Under the tri-color she has sailed from Cherbourg to Cardiff to take on a cargo of coal for Brest.

POSTUM Assortments at Rare Prices. Friday we will begin to clear away all Hengerer COAST DEFENSE (iARRISO.VS TIM Delaware City, Aug. 19. 'ort Deleware, Is now garrisoned by a detachment of 12 men anl one noncommissioned officer, and Fort Melt, N. has a garrison of 14 men end two non-commissioned officers, all taken from the two companies lb Fort du Pont, Del.

The prices are as shirts in Droken assortments, follows Oar Regular $3.50 and $4.00 Shirts LI $22.50 i37.o0 Library Table, Our Regular $1.00 and S1.5Q Shirts at 89c Oar Rcgu'ar $2.00 and $2.50 Shirts It is made: of wheat and a bit of wholesome molasses. The tasty, Java-like flavour makes the change easy as well as beneficial and there's no drug or other harmful element in Posium. There are two forms of Postum: Posium Cereal the original form must be boiled lSc and 25c pkgs. Instant Postum the soluble form is made in the cup with lint water, instantly 3oc and 5oc tins. The cost per cup is about the same for both kinds.

"There's a Reason" for Poatum Sold by Grocers everywhere. Factories Postum Cereal Ltd. Battle Creek, Micblgac Canadian Postum Cereal Ltd. Windsor, Ontario measures 28 45 Top $25.00 Table, $18.75 Library table, as illustrated. Built of figured mahogany.

Top measures 26x 42 inches. Heavy columns and. scroll feet. Regular $25.00 value. Sale price, $18.75.

heavy modeled rim, inches ches; Library Table, $17.50 Mission library table, built of quartered oak in fumed finish. Magazine rack on each end, and two large drawers. Value $22.50. Sale price, $17.60. (Seventh ant- Eighth Floort) at $3.

15 Our Regular $5.00 Shirts Reduced' to $3.30 (tttrtet Floor, Aitle 9) CATHOLIC DAILY DlSCfSSED. TOt.F.lXi, Aug. II. Member of the Cnthnllp Editors' association of America began their nnnunl convention here today. It will I held in connection with the American Federation of fjthollc Hocletles, which closed yesterday, and will last until Saturday.

The editors arid delegates will represent 126 Pnthollc publications. The question of an nffli inl dully Cntnollc organ whlcU is said to have been agitated for ev- 'at $1.45 one drawer; scroll posts and feet. Value $37.50. Sale price, $27.50. er-tl years, will dlscuaaedj.

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