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Pensacola News Journal from Pensacola, Florida • 8

Pensacola, Florida
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THE PENSACOLA TOTJRNAL. THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 12, 1917. I Three Cheers for the Red White and Blue-Enough for Anybody CALOMEL SELDOM SOLD HERE NOW corner in the city. On West Garden street yesterday afternoon about a dozen small children were playing, each one carried a flag. One little girl carried a flag so large that she could hardly be seen under it They sang "Three Cheers for the Red, White and Blue;" over and over again they sang it, that was all of the song they knew, but it was all they needed to know.

"Three Cheers for the Red, White and Blue!" 2 Vr 'THE VO; AT THE WILFRED is a great, big, powerful Greek waitress with auch a bac i "A LOV He Is tender and loving, under the hospital window. I he Is told that his sweetheart It He makes enennea and los the hot blood of hi race, neve-and there Is his little sweethei You'll lose a cjood deal of picture today. Then there la i "HOBBLl 5 cents THE VOIC 'PEARL OF TODAY PATH SPECIAL FREDERICK WARDE IN "King Lear" IT'S HERE TODAY. SURE 5 crnts 10 cents I A PEARL WHITE as of the Army" In "THE TRAITOR" PEARL OF GETS COMMISSION OISTBICT James Largue, who attended the Grand Lodge, K. of P.

in South Florida a couple of weeks ago, yesterday received his commission as district DEPUTY NASTY DRUG SALIVATES, MAKES YOU SICK AND YOU LOSE A DAY'S WORK. Every druggist in town your druggist and everybody's druggist haa noticed a great falling off in the sale of calomel. They all give the same reason. Dodson's Liver Tone is taking its place- "Calomel is dangerous and people know it, while Dodson's Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better results," said a prominent local druggist. Dodson's Liver Tone is person-, ally guaranteed by every druggist who sells it.

A large bottle cost 60 cents, and if it fail3 to give easy relief in every case of liver sluggish-; ness and constipation, you have onlj tc ask for your money back. Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasanfl tasting, purely vegetable remedy; harmless to both children and adults. Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine; no biliousness, sick headache, acid stomach or constipat-! ed bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause! inconvenience all the next day liko violent a dose of calomel today and tomorrowyou will feel weak, sick and nauseated. Dont loso a day's work! Take Dodson's Livef Tone instead and feel fine, full of, vigor and ambition.

Adv. I 5 ARRESTED FDR STEALING CATTLE Jim Goldsby, colored, was arrested and placed in the county jail yesterday in default of bond, on a charge of stealing This is the third cose of this nature having been made this week, two white defendants already being locked up on the seriou3 charge. It was claimed that one of the defendants represented to investigating deputies that he had no fresh meat at his place, but when investigation was made, it was said, whole quarters of beeves were found in cold storage. Upon this discovery the cases were made. Gear Away the Waste.

Bowel regularity is the secret of good health, bright eyes, clear complexions, and Dr. King's New Life Tills are a mild and gentle laxative that regulates the bowels and relieves the congested intestines by removing the accumulated wastes without griping. Take a pill before retiring and that heavy head, that dull spring fever feeling disappears. Get Dr. King's New Life Tills at your druggist, 25c Adv.

I. WIRE" K)AY JCAS nd he loves a little French Triangle Fine-Arts LIME a sick he plays serenades fiahter, too. and when that old hospital apart, he fights along with all ntll he comes out on top, cltement If you see this TI IGLE COMEDY. arts" 15 cents CT ti IRE" 5V THE ARMY" TOMORROW WORLD Alice Brady -IN "A HUNGRY HEART" From the Great Stage Play, "FROU FROU" SATURDAY ALSO CHAS. CHAPLIN "EASYSTREET" THE ARMY" I deputy grand chancellor, the former commission he held in this respect piring with the election of the gram chancellor at the last Mr.

Largue highly appreciates the document, which was signed by P. Yowell, grand chancellor, and nn'in-pates doing good work for ryUiian-ism in his district. The Journal's "Want Ad columns is a first-class medium. 31 South Palafox. 1.75 8.00 7.00 6.00 4.00 2.75 3.25 5.00 iL Pass' New Store Just In A new lot of Ladies, Misses' and Children's Slippers newest styles and good quality that we are selling at 25 less than market value.

Also new Dress Fabrics, beautiful and low priced, to meet the needs of all purses. We are always pleased to show you. "EVERYTHING NEW THAT'S GOOD" LANDS LANDED A party of prominent agricultural extension workers of the South have made an inspection over a large part of Escambia countv, the following were in the party: H. E. Savely, from the office of extension work at Washington, D.

C. K. McQuarrie, state agent; J. E. Huff, district agent of Southern Mississippi; C.

A. Cobb, state boys district agent of Mississippi; J. S. Willis, district agent of Northern Mississippi; Miss Harriet B. Lynton, district home demonstration agent for Santa Rosa for North and West Florida; E.

H. Manning, county farm demonstration agent of Santa Rosa county; C. A. Fulford, farm demonstration agent of Escambia, and Miss Landrum, home demonstration agent of Escambia. The party went to Magnolia farm and inspected the cattle, dairy, syrup plant and the pastures.

After eating a regular full-sized, old-fashioned country dinner at the farm, the party went to W. C. Barrineau's place, at Rarrineau Park. Mr. Bar-rineau has 120 acres in potatoes.

Mr. Savely and the party with him have been on a tour of inspection in Georgia, Alabama, and down the east and west coasts of Florida. Mr. Savely spoke very highly of the farm lands of Escambia county. Don't Let Your Cough Hang On A cough that racks and weakens is dangerous, it undermines your health and thrives on neglect.

Relieve it at once with Dr. King's New Discovery. This soothing balsam remedy heals the throat, loosens the phlegm, its antiseptic properties kill the germ and the cold- is quickly broken up. Children and grown-ups alike find Dr. King's New Discovery pleasant to take as well as effective.

Have a bottle handy in your medicine chest for grippe, croup and all bronchial affections. At druggists, i0c. Adv. CLASS OF SALTS CLEANS KIDNEYS IF YOUR BACK IS ACHING OR BLADDER BOTHERS, DRINK LOTS OF WATER AND EAT LESS MEAT. When your kidneys hurt and your bank feels sore, don't get scared proceed to load your stomach with 4.

lot of drugs that excite the kidney and irritate the urinary tract. Keep your kidr.eya clean 'like you keep; your bowels clean, by flushing then with a id, harmless salts which re- moves the body's urinous waste and. .17 1 stimulates mem to tneir normal ac-, tivity. The function of the kidneys is to filter the blood. In 24 hours they strain from it 500 grains of acid and waste, bo we can readily understand the vital importance of keeping the kidneys active.

Drink lots of water you can't drink too much; also get from any pharmacist about four ounces of Jj-d Salts; take a ta'olespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast each morning for a few days and your kidneys willt act fine- This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has' been used for generations to clean and stimulate clogged kidneys; also tcf neutralize the acids in urine so it no' longer is a source of irritation, thus, ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot injure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep their kidneys clean and active. Try this, also keep up the water drinking, and no doubt you will wonder what became of your kidney trouble and backache Adv. Friday, Something big will Startle you Tomorrow. Look for Everlasting Fabrics Co's.

Ad. 11 The Personal Writing Machine Corona Reynalds Music House 1 The Ready-to-Wear Store If It's New, You Will Find It Here 9 and 11 South Palafox FORCHEIMER'S FASHION SHOP "The Store for Women' Ml On the buildings and business houses of the city, big stores and little stores, private residences, automobiles, coat lapels, peanut stands, on everything, everyw'nere on every- There" has been such a demand for body there is an American flag. American flags the last few days that the stock in the stores has been exhausted in many cases. There is hardly a flag in the city that is "idle." They have been mobilized in full force and stand guard in every nook and PICNIC PLANS PROMISE PLEASURE rians for the joint picnic of Veteran Firemen's Association and the Gulf Beach Highway committee at Kup-firan Park on May 2, are progressing rapidly and a big success for the affair is predicted. The committee in charge is planning to bring some-unusual attractions here, attractions that have never before Wen the South, and that part of tlu nicnic and Spring Festival will be a great success.

SELLINC CIEIDETS M. Taranto and W. A. I'feiffer, pleading guilty in the court of record yesterday to selling cirgerettes to minors, were fined $3 and costs or thirty days. Both fines were paid and the defendants released.

This was the first appearance of either of them so charged. One of the offenses is said to have dated back to February, while the other is of more recent occurrence. cases were made a the instance of Probation Officer Finney, who stated yesterday that other defendants will probably shortly be required to answer like charges in the court of record. Three Others Plead. Two negro women, charged with immorality, and who gave their names as Edna Stephens and M.

pleaded guilty and were sentenced to three months in the county jail and ten days additional. The first part of the sentence was ordered suspended in case they leave city and county at once and remain away. They promised to accept this alternative. George Moore, charged with petty larceny, was sentenced to CO days in county jail. LOOMS AS LEADER OF G.

O. P. IN HOUSE This Wisconsin man is considered one of the most powerful republicans in the house. He opposed the idea of not contesting the election of Champ Clark as speaker, and led the republican fight. Glad to Learn of It.

April's changeable weather causes colds that lead to expensive doctor bills bills that be avoided if the cold were checked in time. C. Smith, 1421 12th Augusta, writes: "1 got one 25c bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar and my cough and cold is about well. I was glad to learn of a great medicine like that." Foley's Honey and Tar enjoys such a splendid reputation that it is often imitated. Of course, no substitute or imitation is as good as the genuine.

D'Alemberte's Pharmacy. 1 Adv. 1 I IRVINE I. I EN ROOT Phone No. 771.

In some parts the world a silk hat and umbrella mark the highest points of correct dress. But we have in addition to these, suits and every detail of fashionable attire for men and boys. Spring Suits (new models, new fabrics and new colors, arrived yesterday) that will prove to you they are the best values in town, bar none. $15 up to $30 Come in and see you're welcome to come, even if you don't buy. As we have sild before, we're specializing on straw Hats and Panamas this year; a look at our 60 styles will convince you that they're the classiest line in the city, $1.53 to $5.00.

736. Bite Store 7 THE dDF LQWE Benefit of Red Cross April 19 Opera House Buick Valve-in-Head Motor Cars Pensacola Buick and Supply Company Phone 465 The On th Square. Within Easy Rac The Empire Laundry "WHERE LINEN LAST Phone 322 20 S. PALAFOX ST. -BETTER CUOTHe," Garden Cash Grocery Co.

Garden and DeVilliers Streets Phone 2027 SPRINKLE'S MARKET Fresh Home Grown Meats, Poultry, Eggs and Vegetables PHONE 723 E. GREENBLAT "THE MAN THAT SAVES YOU MONEY" 112 East Intendencia St. J. P. REMICH SONS "THE STORE THAT SATISFIES" Agents Swift and Goulding Fertilizers.

Phone 722 tinw PUT IN CHARGE OF INTERNED GERMANS NOTES-' Xoyes is in charge of Fort Mcl'herson, where the officers and sailors of the interned German liners, now at Philadelphia, are held until the end of the war. II LAW TO WDMEII In line with notice served upon them by the police department the night before, a number of white and negro women appeared at the police station yesterday morning, and following the regular session of the city court were called into the office of the police captain, where they were told by Recorder Semmes, in very strong and unmistakable language, that their manner of making a living must cease, or they will have to suffer the consequences, said penalty for not conforming to the law being the maximum-penalty of sixty days, with a fine ranging up to: or about These, females have been, it was said, conducting houses of ill-repute in various parts of the city, and in sorso cases in residential districts. Considerable complaint has been made of the existence of these and unless they quit business, or leave the city, a severe penalty is awaiting them. And they all clearly understood it before Judge Semmes was through with them yesterday morning. Cut This Out It is Worth Money.

DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mail it to Foley 2835 Sheffield Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearfc-. 'You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds, croup; Foley Kidney for pain in sides and back, rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for constipation, biliousness, headache, and sluggish bowels. D'Alemberte's Pha rm acy Adv. DRINK HABIT RELIABLE HOME TREATMENT The Orrine treatment for breaking up the Drink Habit can be used with absolute confidence.

It destroys all desire for whiskey, beer or other alcoholic stimulants. Thousands have successfully used it and have been restored to lives of sobriety and usefulness. If you fail to get results from Orrine after a trial, your money will be refunded. Orrine is prepared in two forms; No. 1, secret treatment; Orrine Xo.

2, voluntary treatment. Costs only $1.00 a box. Ask for booklet. Balkcom Drug 17 South Palafox street. Adv.

VERY ATTRACTIVE ire the new arrivals of Suit, Coats, Dreaaes and Millinery, at LA MODE 122.124 South Palafox Street. EVERLASTING Fabrics Company 10J lautfi Palafaa. ST 1 tu FUUBDTQJIIBIE AT FACTdDBW CdDST All your furniture needs, individual or many, modest or pretentious, simple or exacting, whatever degree you like, can be satisfied here at price economies that have never been equaled by any store. This sale will continue through until Saturday night, and after that time you will never have such opportunities presented you by this store again. It is positively your last chance to buy Furniture at old-time prices.

READ THESE PRICES, COME AND STUDY THE VALUES. ART SQUARES AND RUGS Wool has more than doubled in price and is going higher every day. These Rugs were ordered before the price of raw material advanced the saving is yours. $30 to $35 Extra heavy 9x12 Axminster Square, sale 5.50 Axminster Rugs, 36x40, sale p-ice 3.50 3.50 Axminster Rugs, 27x54, sale price $12.50 Crex Squares, 9x12, sale price $10.00 Crex Squares, 9x12, sale price 8.00 Crex Squares, 8x10, sale price 6.00 Crex Squares, 6x9, sale price 3.50 Congoleuan Rugs, 6x9, sale price 4.50 Congolum Rugs, 6x12, sale price 7.00 Congoleum Rugs, 9x12, sale price rr i' tc fi us in tr cr th A aj in ra at Ti 0( Fr en em tio 'TV so rep Ml REFRIGERATORS AND ICE BOXES One of the best makes manufactured, built of solid oak and handsomely finished. $15.00 Refrigerator, sale price 9.00 $20.00 Refrigerator price $25.00 Refrigerator, sale price $27.50 Refrigerator, sale $16.00 $30.00 Refrigerator, sale price $20.00 9.00 Ice Box, sale price 6.00 $15.00 Ice Box, sale price $10.00 $25.00 Ice Box, sale price $15.00 O.

M. PRYOR FURNITURE CO. 'PRYOR SELLS FOR LESS" 19-21-23 West Garden Street Tlip! 3C.

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