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The Waterloo Press from Waterloo, Indiana • Page 4

Waterloo, Indiana
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9 i HE TTATEItLbO PR ESS 1IB. VIIKT-TRHRT JBVJEKT THURSDAY Herbert a Wlda, Ed'r and Pub'shsr at the Postoffloe at Waterloo, Indiana," as second class mall matter. BrT.T PHONS No. S4 'V JUNE -4923 svx nor mDnniis 10 II 12 13 Kl 15 IS 17 1819 20 21 22 23 K23Z27232930 SEVERAL times daring the past week -1- we hare heard, remarks made by peo- MAKING Waterloo, how much they A TOWN -think this town has Imi proved of late; and all are unanimous the expression the paving of the streets la Waterloo la the greatest step the town has taken along- any Woe of There Is not a town in the United States that is consider- ed as a town of progress without paved streets. People who -drive through Waterloo are praising the town and those whd are responsible for the progress.

As a concrete example, the writer tn Vjohversation with; Mr. C. C. Beyer of Kendallville, mentioned the paving of Van' Vleck street that yadolnitfcpT6peTty owned by' Mr. Beyer, who' gave this expression, that be was in favor of any improvement In any town where he had property, and that he considered that if his property" did ifof.

bring sufficient returns to, pay for, the that he was willing to let the property go." This sort of an expression of a man who ia not even doing business A In his property, is rather liberal, and it should a. lesson for people "who do live In Waterloo and have property Street paving is -expensive It is true.but it makes your people living in Auburn, frequently express themselves that with the paving of the streets" now underway in Waterloo, that the coun- ty seat town will have to take a back seat when it "comes to good streets as compared: with 7 EVEN a whit mask worn these hot days is quite uncomfortable to say the least. Perhaps that Is why some'peo-vple do not join an order that masks. THE president is now making his mile trip to Alaska. 'During this time he expects to "become better informed as to the great resources of the country, and it is to be-expected that he will inform the public on some subjects that they are vitally Interest- In.

I HHUUt 4 1 Do you want good 01 Plcsmonfl INDICATIONS point td the fact that Canada now 'produces more liquor than' It. consumes. IF the. 1923 wheat crop does not yield what Isv supposed to be fan average crop, if will, force the wheat that has been stored to come onto the market, and oerhans the 'price will have a tendency to climb. God save the farmers.

THE migration of the negroes to the north does not seem ot spotdap the complexion of Waterloo It has been nearly thirty years' since there was single colored manS to have regular employment in Waterloo, and not in the memory of the present generation was there ever a colored family to reside, in Waterloo. THE announcement made by J. Munton, of last week, that; he would be a candidate for1 lieutenant governor on the republican ticket; is meeting with much favorable comment over the state: So faVa Is known there are no other (candidates in i the and by "the. early an nbuncemnet of Mr. Munton it is quite likely that' there will'not be much If any opposition.

THREE special Interurbon cars, are scheduled to leave Waterloo at three o'clock on the morning of July. 4th, to go to Kokomo to carry members of the Ku Klux Klan, and they will re turn the same day, arriving here late in, the night" Of course reason of leaving before daylight Is so that the return trip can be made the same' day. It has been announced that there will be eleven hundred inter-urban cars to arrive in' Kokomo on that PRESIDENT Harding has sold his controlling Interest In the -Marion paper ot which, he was so long the Howevej, Mr. Harding still holds a- minority: Interest, and will continue; to be associated with the paper in an editorial capacity. It ia 'hardly likely "that the President had to make the sale to take his vacation trip to Alaska, as his Ohionewspaper was a paying proposition, made so by careful manage? ment under his 1 -f i SOME concerted! action should be taken In Waterloo to prepare a regular campers site for tourists in The school park presents ah ideal location for, such a place.

Road signs should be placed along' the high ways out of Waterloo a' short distance citing them to this: 'location. There certainly would be no objections to having campers' 'use the school park during the summer months, Nearly every night; some tourists now. camp the school park. The play ground equipment. Is there.

should be made for to' get water and other necessities, all of which could be done with but1 little expense, and it would help advertise the town. It pays to show hospitality to, visitors that, come to Waterloo. 1 1 It I 1 1 1 1 I ll 1 1 I gasolme? If soy fgo1 to Ion and SERVICE IE I i I Is for lca I fire ing is just is In the July. to to little Plash ms this i3 the old style straight rim you used; to get some yearo ago. Made by; the Eagle Oil DlALIOIipl FLASH GAS and TBXACO 01 1 i A mbiimtion hard to.

beat YOUR etxtlxuslastn over USCO" ponn ance won't surprise the motorist who knows the fabric tire field. 0rf' Every 30x 3H tire user recognizes "USCO? as a value to be respected and to be investigated. 'The users of'USCO," know it as a money's wortit that came before the public as a lecuier and that has maintained its leadership TJSCO" is made by the same people who; make Royal Where to buy U71n TATHAM'S SALES Waterloo, Indiana WATERLOO AY, JUNE 28,1923 OUR FLAG AVHAT IT STANDS FOR Readers symbolizes i that freedom, equality, justice and humanity 'for which our forefathers sacrificed; their lives and personal fortunes. Today this flag represents a nation of, over 000 tree Constitution and institutions, its achievements and aspirations. i 'The flag -represents the living country, -and is itself as a living, thing.

Pledge "I pledge allegiance to the flag "of the United States and the Republic for which 'it 'stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for alLM- a I Salute "During the ceremoay of hoisting or lowering the flag or when the flag is passing parade, or review all persons present should stand at attention facing the flag. Men's headdress should' be removed with the right hand and held at the left shoulder. Those present in- uniform should salute with the right hand. Women should stand at attention facing the flag or as the flag Is passing in parade should salute by placing; the right hand over the heart. If the national anthem is played and no flag Is present all stand -at attention and salute at the first note of retain the oosition unW the last note of the air is played." i "The Star Spangled Banner.

Is recommended for nnlversal recogni- Itlon aa the national anthem. WONDER why Ford don't start right out as a candidate for president and use the slogan Vote for Ford and realize the -t 'T' THE seventden-year locusts are again report' in Indiana this year. Who can rei-ember when the seven teen-year" loc sts did not appear THE Mini esota primary- Is over. and with the fourteen' candidates who were in the race, it will be Interesting to know how much was spent In the primary' campaign. THIS headline Is becoming popular In the dailies of late "Another Crash Takes 'Street by Surprise.

Well, Cannot see where there is any surprise in that at the rate the crashes have been coming to members of the New York Stock Exchange of late. THE story of "the fool and. his mon ey soon parted has been made to a practical "realization in. Waterloo dur ing the past two or three weeks. It in the manner of spending money firecrackers and torpedoes and shooting them off promiscuously be fore the Fourth of July.

Young Amer- likes to make a noise but he should bettaught that to make a noise with works is emblematic of the Day of Independence, and that shooting of his ammunition before that date is noth less than burning up" money. It done, without any reason "or even a desire to be patriotic In: faet it is the opposite. Fourth of July the day to shoot off the fireworks. fact there is a town ordinance on books." making it unlawful to ex plode any Fourth of July ammunition any other day than-the Fourth of and then some pnetis heard that the government always followed some poor man and Bought punish, him and let the man of means and Influence go. Here is a news story printed under -date line from Kansas City: BSrwin B.

Bergdoll was arraign--f ed late Wednesday before Federal Judge Arba Van Valken-. bergh i on a charge of consplr-l acy4 to escape the draft and released on 110,000 bond signed by the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, with head Quarters In Baltimorel i BergboQ, a brother of Grover tbOldGlory jj 1 -Study this then clip it out 'There is but one' Federal statute which protects the flag throughout the country from desecration. This law provides that a "cannot, be registered which consists of or comprise among other things, the flag, coat of arms or other insignia of the United States or any simulation, thereof. (33 StaL L. p.

725, Feb.20, 1905.) -j Display "The flag should be. displayed from- sunrise sunset, only or between 'such source as designed by proper authority on national and state holidays, and on historic and special occasion. The- flag sbould always be hoisted briskly aqd lowered slowly and, :fWhe.n in ''a procession with another flag or flags the "place of the flag of the United States is on the rights' "a rWhen a number, of are grouped and displayed from staffs the flags of the United States in the center or: at -the highest point of the group. v-. 7 '''y- Platform "When used on speaker's platform" the flag should be displayed above' and behind the speaker.

It should never be to cover 'the speaker's; desk nor drape ever the front of the "When used in unveiling a statue or monument the flag should 'not be allowed to stall to the ground, but should be! carried aloft" to wave out. Cleveland BergdoU, slacker fugi- tive, was- released from the -i Leavenworth disciplinary barracks and' immediately rearrested earli- er in the day. He was turned over to the United States dls- trlct marshal- from Topeka, Kas Bergdoll had served two years and ten months at the barracks following conviction a court. martial for desertion in time of war by evading the draft. He was rearrested for alleged con-' splrlcy to evade the draft.

The Bergdolls are getting, just what is coming to them. It matters not what standing they had financially or otherwise, the federal authorities know, no wealth, no political pulL and once in the clutches' of the law will get about all that the law allows. Saturday the remonstrance will be heard, whereby a large number of citizens of Smithfleld township win make it known that they are opposed to the expenditure of 40, 000 for the erection of an addition to the Ashley high school building by the township trustee. The remonstrators allege that the property la too far from the center of the township to warrant the expenditure of such "a sumx as they claim that It would not properly serve the entire townshipl The case will be watched with considerable Interest! V. HOW TO TREAT IT.

ETCH around the peanuts an the speckled lemonade I Feller 'advertises is the one that gets the trade. "Twenty-five concessions in the little City Park, roDln't lnv the nlckles, from daylight till if Wagon-loads of sody-pop fills the day with cheer Speaker in the grandstand, nobody can hear. Flags awavln'. in the breeze to jollify the scenes Ain't a dozen fellers here, can figger what it means Band a-playin. jazzy tunes hosses steppin! high.

Feller sweats a barrel, with so many drinks to buy. Take the country over, with a holiday on hand. -Fortunes made from cigarettes, or on the peanut-stand. Wonder why they hdve it when the weather is so hot? Used, to know about it, but blame It I've fergot. Used t'te be the patriots that celebrated here Now never mention Golly, ain't It queer arid save it forming a distinctive feature' during the remainder of the Church i "When flag Is displayed, in church It should be from a staff placed on the congregation's right as they face the clergyman, with; the service flag, Btate flag or other flag on the left walL chancel the flag of the United' States should be placed on the 4 clergyman's right as he faces the congregation.

Donfs To not dip the flag States to any person The' regimental "color. of the United or thing. state flag, or- ganlzation or. institutional flag will render thisonor. fylt.

Do -not let the flag ot the United States touch the ground or trail In the Do not use 1 the flag of the United States in any -form of advertising nor fasten an advertising ilgn nag' rt A Do not use buntng. Do not drape flag over the top or sides of a vehicle, or of a railroad train" or boat; If It is desired to display' the on a car affix- the staff firmly to the chas sis or. clamp it to the radiator cap. Do not use i the flag of the United States as a receptacle for receiving. holding 'carrying or -delivering any- thing.

yy Then there seems" to be de sire among some to take a holiday on all public improvements. DO YOU REMEMBER WHEN dad went to the Centenial ex- positibn at Philadelphia A. McClellan advertised money to loan Long and son conducted a store In the Matson building grocery The Blaine and Logan carupaign clubs were attracting attention Haines Bros. Co. run a candy factory in Waterloo 1 Lockhart Bros, i '-'Co.

made land rollers i'W X' E. Y. Williamson manufactured fan ning mUls 'r A 7' v. Sarah Williams was in the furniture business Jonathan Spencer conducted the flouring mill the flag as drapery mi: -4 MAKE THE IF you would do what you can with what you have; got, where you are; you will get more done than by waiting to get something that you can't get. Wm.

Spreigel run the brewery 7 v- V- -r 1 L. Henkey had a blacksmith shop in Unlontown $iX'iMH -Denison Salyer sold tobacco, cigars and Maggie Bateson, Yant and Mrs. A. Jackman were the milliners in Waterloo r. Pnttnrson faf 'company Newell Buckland the largest Rhlnners of butter-and eggs ins this part, of state There were "six church buildings; in Waterloo and eight denominauons holding services in Waterloo E.

A. 1-: GENERAL MEDICINE Special. Attention Given to Eye, Ear, Nose. Throat and. Fitting, of Glasses.

Phone: Office. ZSO-t: vi 1I0-S Office Hour. I to 11 to 4. to 7-7-7 Hair Soecialist Reveals' Secret Telia How He Grows Beautiful Hair For the" Hollywood Girls Mr. G.

W. Busche French Hair Specialist of Los Angeles; attributes his success to- the use a remedy that he claims is nnequallfed. In a letter recently vwrltten to the Mr. Busche "Women who must be beautiful, come to me by the score, complaining that their hair is falling out or is scanty and lacks lustre. In my forty years experience I have tried bat have never, found'- anything that does the work as well as your product Lucky Tiger." i What Lucky Tiger Is-r doing oh the Hollywood girls it-will do Ask your druggist.

Any xlrug store will supply -your need; and a single botUe will; convince y-ir -f ORDINANCE No. 4, 1923 An ordinance to require all male per-v sons i betweeni; the 'ages tof twenty- one and fifty years of age to work en the streets of the: said town. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Board of Trustees of the incorporated town of Waterloo, DeKalb county, state of Indiana, all male persons between the ages of twenty-one and fifty be required to work on the highways -of said town for the period? ol two-days during each calendar year, or in lieu thereof to pay in 'cash the' sum of Said labor to, be performed at such time in such manner as the Marshal or Street Commissioner may direct, and such work to be done under his.

supervision and direction. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after its passage and publication in The Waterloo1;";,'i -e- s'C r- Passed at a regular session of the said. Board of Trustees of the said in corporated town of Waterloo, Indiana, on tne iztn day or June, 1923.

By order of the Board of Trustees, r. S. L. GOODWIN, President Nina Duncan. Clerk.

Notice to, NonRaldnt. 4 State of Indiana, DeKalb County, In the DeKalb Circuit Conrt. fT IA(Mi Alwyn Id Jr. Prang is hereby notified that an action baa- been commenced against bim in said Court, by Mildred rraug; ine same win De beard and de termined on -the 22nd day of Arnrnat x9o oiDg toe disc jo -Kit cat a ay or tne AAA a A next term of aald Court, which com mences May 21. 1923.

i V. Witness, tbe Clerk of said Vart? tUi sealV A. McCtintock, Oerk Geo. W. Crooks, -V Notice to Non-Ree'ldenta Cause No.

12772 State of Indiana, DKalb Cor.nty.'ss: In toe UKalb Cirenit (Vtnrt M. Term, 1923. Ross Easterdav la herebv nntifiH that an action baa been vammnMH against aim in said Court, by Esther casteraay ror, divorce and that the same will be heard' and determined nn iutn aay or August, 1923 beinjp the 79th juridicial day of the May term of said vjoarc, wruea commenced May 21, 1923 Witness, tbe Clerk of said Cuurt tbis 9tb day of June 1923. rSEALl EA. McClintoeV rirtr Atkinson Huseelm Attorneys.

Notice of Final Settlement if Estate Cause-No' "2557- -Notice is hereby riven to air interested in tbe Estate of William E. Byera deceased. 10 appear in tbe DeKalb Circuit held at Auburn. Indiana, on tbe 18 day of July 1923. and show cause if tnv.

vhi m.i Settlement Accounts with the estate of said decedent should not be approved; and said heirs and all others interested, re notified to then and there make proof of heirship or claim and receive their distributive shares. Witness. Mi name, thia IKth Am June, 1923.. CORTISL. CBILDS AHminiaf afA Unk MeCiintock Attorney.

Mow Your Weeds. Weeds are injurious to public health. By order of the Waterloo Board of Health all property owners are ordered to mow their weeds on or before July 1. 923. Secretary of Board of Health.

John Oyler, Marshal. BEST OF IT H. C. Willis EXTREME HOT WEATHER DUrtlNG THE PAST WEEK The past week has been' one of the hottest June weeks that this aeHnn has experienced In a number of years." The: thermometer registered as high as 84 degrees in the shade. A number of heat" prostrations "were reported from various' central states.

r- There were no casualties- in this many, complained of the i FOR SALE Driving horse. Enquire FOR RENT Boom with 2 jingle for two persons, bath. W. J. Miller, Center Street 4 FOR SALE---TourIst tent and stove Thlbaut's Garage.

FOR SALE sixteen p. RusselJ engine, tank wagon tank pump drlve belt, Txullpr, and feeder. Price $250. See John Melton, Waterloo. si FOR SALE- Tank wagon, task pump, huller, feeder, for $250.

See John. Melton, Waterloo, ,51 FOR SALE I h. p. gasoline engine. condition.

Enquire at the Press office. 1 FOUNTAIN-PENS If your pen needs repairs-bring to.The Press Book-. storev EVERSHARPj PENCTLS We repair. them. If yon have one that not working right bring it in.

CALLING CARDS rLatest styles as to size and styles of type. Call and see them at The Press Office, FOR SALE Old newspapers at five cents a bunch at The Press Office. SALESMAN 1 lIlVANTEDill The Atlas Oil Company, aeveland, O. marketatera ainee 1S36 special iaed quality lubricants, deeires per-; manent services of capable repre- senUtiveor this' seetionl Selling -s direct to farmers 'ana preferred class of dealers. Unit have Commission basis with if weekly i drawing account Average earn-inga xe i $200.00 Goods shipped from FV'Wayae; Write WUI arrange person-' al interview.

51 Link 6 MGlintocIc Successor to J. E. Pomeroy rs OVER COURT THEATRE AUBURN, INDIANA Dr. C.S.( Stewart B. and" O.

RAILROAD EYE and EAR SURGEON Spectacles Furnished INDIANA HOSPITAL -v Established -T 206 West Seventh Street, Auburn, Ind. Earl E. Prisbie Optician Churopractor Butler, Indiana APPOINTMENTS AT YOUR HOME DR BOHHELL SODDER'S :1 i 4 -y- t'1 2 mm i.

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