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The Springfield News-Leader from Springfield, Missouri • Page 3

Springfield, Missouri
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FRIDAY, AUQUST 8, 1913. DIVORCE IAS i FATAL BIDING Texas County Firmer Takes ULi Life Vihen TMd Wife Ha Sued for Divorce. HINTS' At decision 1 1 Homtoi W6H Aug. 1. Henry.

Nagla, well known frnr. II vine thr4 and 1m-Ka1 mHa ahnt and V.lilfd hlmeelf at midnight last night. wa served with papera Inf arming -Km that waa' defendant ln( a '0'-JWe ault Ulel during th da tr wlf In llouaton, and had told the sheriff that ba would "ettle It to- Mr, NaiflaJ "n'V ''lor help three days ago whan ana charged her husband with iltreatin J9ha aooompanled th officer 4 to at that tlm and baa bean giving hard sine. sv -V I It la not likely an Inquaat WIU MERCHANTS' DAY IS BIG SUCCESS Thousand Throng Doling to' At- tend Annual uuuest or Merchant Association. Thronging to Doling park yoaterdar I afternoon to "participate In "the big 'Merchant spnutU picnic, 'over .00 I ftprlngfleldlan foraook their home for tha tlme being.

Many of tha atorea la tha city cloawd at noon, thua giving their employaa an opportunity to aeek a half. dara pleaaur. The crowd Ixgan to gather at tha park about four o'clock. In tlma to wltneaa the baaeball -game between the geta and the vQulnn-Barrr teama. Nina Innlnga were, played.

tvaultnvr In a acore of: Midget JUyulnn-Warry 111. Hoover1 hand entertained the crowd, throughout the afternoon and evening. At eight o'clock tha dance hall waa thrown open and tha publlo enjoyed the delight of dancing for beveral hour. Newton'- orchestra (furnthed thaanualcv' The. -firework, attracted much at- i 1 DhaNljun Waa tha moat attractive shown, four bower of golden apur fire, -radiating from an Illuminated center mbelllahedi 'with i rapidly revolving serpentine wheala of vaaloua colored Ltrire.

ehowlng outer ring of golden Mprwyv nt-grand Uutf.pretitA aj xavater eaaead of liquid fire Ik: fU 'long an SO his, av wall, Uihunmartaia; stiver apray. faying to the, 'Vround. a raallatl repreaenUtlon of Niagara Fall. The time consumed In lplylng. tha entire Hreworka ywa about on hour and fifty mln-sjutea.

Tha eoat of the aaaterlat need t.trki tIKfl mnll tlo. A larr number did not ear to take aupper at tha park visited the ground In tlm ew th pyrotechnic display, which waa the moat expen- alva aver.hown at.thft. park, PIONEER IS DEAD David Bedell Lived in County for 7P year. I i i rolloaring an" Ulnae of four days, David Bedell, who.hved near r'atr 1 Grove In the aortheast part of -the eoua- iy, died yesterday morula of pneumonia. Mr.

BdD was lghty-oa years or age. and had been resiAeat of thl county i for the last aavfenty-nve. He I by his Wife and fix chTidrea Mra. I. K-Womack of Kan City, Mr.

Fanny FelU. Ml Maud Bedell, K. W. Bwlall sad Roy Bedell. of -thla city, and Mall Bedell, who lived with her i The funeral VIII held at.

the home of Roy Bedell, at ltt Orange street, at o'rlock this mornuia'. Interment win 'be la Oreenlawn oemetery. WIU. GO ABROAD Former Drnzyite to Operate Print-shop inUnnna. Paul R.

former Drury aru-dent, haa been appointed to take charge of the mechanical and producing part of -th BapUat Pra at Rangoon, Burma. Ilia appotntmeat waa mada by th Bap-- list Forelsa Missionary aorksty. He will leave for in ptember, Mr. Hackett I well known here, having been ta the-clae of 112 at Drury. He attended school her for three years, 'topping a th end of hi junior yeer os account of nines la -4il family.

II nss alnc been la the employ of the Swttt Parkin company at BU Joseph and Eald. Ukla. OFr rpR DENVER, Bart S. Lea, pait grand commander of Missouri Tmpar and marshal of the ela-hth dlvlalos, of th grand pared to ne held In nvr, aext week during the' triennial conclave of tha order leave tonight for Deaver. Otiier tr Knight from au John coramandery No.

will gn Baturday alght to Join tbe Kaaa City dslegalloa In epecjal train to the coa-rlfive rttv. i i i i "A Ilard Row" fee anyone handicapped. with a weak atamach. You mean aua diatr, th appetite' I poor, th 'digeetion bad and your tenerel health Impaired Try HOSTETTER'S Stomech Bitters at ne. it i for etemaek and Bawat Ilia.

SUrt to day. I 7 IS WELL ATTENDED Epworth Lfu InititnU at Mar-: PxoYing Sncoett. MnrU.nvllle, Aug. 1. The nrat annual Epworth League Institute I now in Bion at Marlonvllle.

Thl ra ti! tut en of about twenty being held 'mX different point throughout the' Vntted Btatea and I conducted under tha aupervlalon of the Central off Ic of the Epworth League Work of tha M. S. church, located aj, Chlcag. It work compiiae dally training Claaae covering tha entire field of league activity) all under Christian workers and Instructor (elected from the tr of the church, with a view of training young men and young women to secure greater afflcleney la work for Chriat. not only In tha Epworth League, but In department of tha church with which It I allied, 7 The faculty who will heard In dally program of lecture comprise aucb leader aa General B.

8herldan. Dr. Peter Jacobs of Chicago. Dr. T.

Headland. Prof W. 8 Uurrla. Dr. Stephen B.

Campbell, Dr. Dean C. Dutton, Dr. C. M.

Barton, Mlaa Emma Robinson from' the Cen tral efflc and Mlaa Horton of St. Loulav i. Th Kanaa City Ministerial Quartette are alao attendance and add greatly to the musical feature of th datly'vrogram. Delegatea began to arrlv a early efunday, many coming on nearly ever' train on Monday and th at- tondanca and Interest bid fair un to" th anticipation of th moat ardent of It UDDortera. This is a new venture for Marlon- villa and meana much for her people.

Such I cannot fall to productive of much good to. th young life crowing up In th community; and It th fond hop of many of (he Institute supporter that thla annual aalherlng may be secured aa a permanent Institution ior MarlonvlU II EL FOR i I XL ratter' and Two Sons Held on Charges of Well Plain. Aug. 1. The preliminary bearing of Granville Brown and hi two sons, Wesley and Thomaa Brown, charged with aaaault on Attorney JT.

Burroughs, editor of tha West Plains Searchlight, waa Held yesterday- morning befor Squlr Oeorg Halatead. In ordor to have room for tha many people who' wr eager to be niDunt at tha hearing the trial wii held In th large vacant room over the Tha -5 rqbnv, waa icked 'to Werflowing. but those wTw expected to hear much of the evieence rwer; disappointed. Several aute wit ness for th defense were put on in (-land, Tha three Brown wer bound over to circuit court and their bonds axed at each. Tha caaa will not tried until tha December term, of clr otilt cout.

HEARING IS SLOW Evidence Not Yet Completed in $28,000 Not Suit. Plaine, Mo, Aug. T. The not" ault of F. W.

Webb and other of Dent, Phelp and Texaa countiag-agalnat J. J. Cope, la atlll grinding, alowty In circuit court and th evidence In the case la not yet completed. TJ. J.

Cop of Salem, the defendant NEW BOTTON BUILT Pomme de Terre Ford Now Bas floor of Concrete. An easineering feat, believed to be the flfst of lie kind evey attempted with success la th Mate, haa been completed la the northeast, part of Greene county by Schneider, road overseer of district' Ne. near Fair drove. Tbe feat oonalsted to laying of a concrete bottom In tbe Pomme la Trra river at the font on the Fair Orovs and Marsh-field road The laying of th concrete bottom Which M( by. to feet and on aa average of iachea in thlukneaa required a tot slot Sou hour work and unique fnglneetlnic In diverting the trm during th laying of the bottom in aectlooa.

The concrete which la la many place three feet below the qurfac of the water at low water mark et la about hour but no team will allowed to cross for two week. The feet I the only on of Ita kind ever attempted la th etate so far aa engineer knew yesterday. RESISTS DROUTH. F. i.

White, epedal eet of the Frisco, received, a letter yesterday morning fro-n J. K. MeClura, oeunty farm expert of La Elor county. Inclosing a samp) of pod of he had secured seed, from Mi. White, and asking for addition-al Information regarding it.

Tha sample waa identified by Mr. White aa tn Japan Mong bean, a product which ha bee, found to be more hardy than row nray or any' like soli products. Mr. McClure suited that the bean are three reet hi Kb, while almost all of th othor product of tha aama elaaa completely burned LAND AT HOBOKEN. telegram waa received Wedneeday lag by Will-C Lohmeyer.

aanouae- leg the, arrival at hi falber, together with hi party. In Hoboken. N. T. Mr.

Lohmerer baa beea coaductisg a tour throurti Europe for the laat few months. He eipectaMo visit Niagara FalU aad Mocheeter before returning home. COUNTY FAYS SILLI Fifteen younth aenr rrnm Oreeae eoua-llT't the Mleourl school or Vojrs at Boonvllla, will cost the roust a total of for tbe quarter from Augnat 1 to October 1, An order drawing on the county treasury for 'that amount, waa ysaterda directed by" the county court. haa been on th wltneaa aland practically all day today and Junt when tha can will be argued la not known. W'ltnessea and attorneys) who have com to Weat Plalnat to appear tn other raae.

are getting very Impatient waiting for their turn to and although thery crowd the 'court room constantly, find Itttls entertainment In th somewhat dry proceeding of th not cs. th' Impatient waiter are Judge James Neville, Prof. J. A. Taylor, J.

W. Crank and A. Claa. all of Springfield, who are Involved hv th ault of Harry Foley and At Camp bell of thl elty-gaint th former promoter of a Mexican mine develop ment chem. Taylor; i Crank.

Claa and other the defendant In the case and Judge NevtlV la tbalr attorney 1 'I VISIT PEACH BELT Many Visitors Taken to Xosa- 1 konong to view Orchards.v I West I'lalna. Ho. Aug. 7 Notable among th many sightseeing part lea that hav vUlted tha Kohkonong-Brandsvlll peach district th big harveat wa th party mad up yeelerdny In compliment to ovral visiting matrona and young ladles. Th party, which spent the afternoon at Koshkonohg, waa composed of Mesdame Speed Mosby of Jefferson City.

Freeman of Martin, Tenn Hal Woodalda, Anne Rlnea, Mark Springer, Elmer JCellett, Fanny Relley C. F. Funkhouaer, Mlaaea Franc I Moaby of Jefferaon City, Beulah Casey of ML' Home. Myrtle and Ver Moore of Franklin, TJeva Ward of Rutherford. Mildred and Elisabeth Harlln and Mr.

and Mra W. T. Marltn. IANSI0N CLOSED OoTernor Major and Family Off ror race uonnty. Jefferson City.

Aug. 7. The mansion will be closed for two week Governor Major and hi wife are go. Ing Pike, county, for a visit Tbe. governor ttd thla morning that the help haa been aaklng for a lay-off for ami tlm.

"They all want a lay-off." said the governor 'thla morning. "and I thought tbey might all. take their va cation at once. we return from Plk county we will take meals at ia hotel and make the beat of It at th mansion." There will be no entertaining at th mansion while the help Is away and It will he officially, closest CT OS a number of "ear we hav in ad a specialty of onr prescriptlcn' de. I partment, and each year finds ns with better facilities and better equipped for handling this particular lint of business.

What ths doctor orders yon' get from ua'- "1' C. Dalrymple Druggist NORTHWEST CORNER SQUARE Frawt St and S17A But It's Fierce to Be Poor On good friend aenda ua a pot eard telling of the wonderful ''Musky" in Michigan. Another of th floe trout la Colorado, still another that th water la fin at Atlantic City. These friends are not vindictive; they mean kindly! they really doa't know how tough It I to be We do! And that' why we stay right here in Springfield and hustle tbos Palm Beach aulta through' our Dry Cleaolng department, and' alao keep eur Laundry department turning out clean linen for the hot day. appreciate your buslneaa, and that I "what make lit worth llvlng-for u.

The Frank B. Smith LaundryCo. Home of the Purple Box." TUB EPRINOTIELD MISSOURI itPUBIIOAlT. ISIeivs From JJJL A a immiLii DIC STONE fltESIGNS Stats Bacteriologfat Says Can't a Get Proper Equipment. i City, Aug.

T. Dr. MC. Stone, stat bacteriologist, ha resigned. He waa appointed under the lladley administration.

do "not want to be connected with a department not equipped to be tt service to' the people," ld Dr. exon ny way of exolanatlon todav. Dr. Adcock, aecretary of th tat neaitn. naa peraliltently re-fued to equip Dr.

stone's department. "I kd 'for six containers for transporting water for testing purpose, hut that waa refueed and this render th department Ineffective In th matter of testing water from different parts of the stnta" rw Bton. -Everything I nuk for that Is neceaaary to conduct thia department I refused by Dr. Adcock and therefore It I useles for me to retain the poslton; An economy fever haa suddenly hrok-D OUt amonsT the aane. ctally-when It cornea to doing something Republican, offlcehnldom.

Yet they created lot of new and fat jODa ior ineir own party. WILL SELL STOCK Jewelry of Osborne Company Will is Disposed ol. Jewelry that Invoices at ft a 'nrt of th etock of the A. H. Oehorn Jewelry coittpnny.

now adjudicated bankrupt, vlf be lt at auction August IK in the Offlce of Rrferee In BanKruptry John Schmook. Attorney W. tkwd. who was named trustee for the firm creditor will conduct the tutr. i At a hearing Wedneeday before nefvrw SchmooH.

the claim of the Mindlln Jewelry, co.npaay on Campbell street for ws eiaminfd. It I probable tnr account will be handled a a prerrrd c4alra since It wss secured by a quantity of diamonds. Stomach Troubles Diarrhoea I Cholera Dysentery I Sunstroke Malaria and all other snirimer complaints cn be prevented and relieved by Duffy's Purs Malt Whiskey tne one remedy tnat bos beea used with con tinued saccetis: the standard of parity and excellence since 1860. 111 VbrlK.h ma When rrsvetllnc wu vuu, a CuroMaJt Wbibkey In your It often, uvea much diatm occasiciied by-thn change. 'Sold IN SEALED BOTTLES ONLY by most ftruggista, grocers and dealers everywhere, tor $1.00 per Urge bottle.

TgiaurrrwAtTwgisttT t. ELECTRIC WIRE DEATH DEALING Albert Hall, Lineman, Is Killed While Working on Pole at Lamar. HEAD TOUCHED LIVE WIRE Lamar, Mo. Au. 7.

Albert Hall. SI yaara old, a lineman In the employ of the Bell Telephone company, died lat yeaterday aa a reatilt of hi contact with a wire carrying M00 volt In the early forVnoon Mall was working on a pol twenty-Hve feet from the ground when he lifted hi head Into a live wlr. He fell to th ground below, break ing hla neck, aeveral ribs snd tha left The sen-Ire of ptilmoter. runhed from Joplln to thla city proved of no avail and death ended- Hall's suffering late In th afternoon. was married only two months sgo.

Funeral services heve not been CHAS. HUTCHINSON, Photographer, VIEW WORK A m'KCIALTT KODAK FINIHHINO. Iave Kodak Finishing at Brown Ilrother. on the Bquare. or Van Matr Irug Store.

Room II Jefftrson Theatre Building. $750" A 123 Seuth Side Square. Q5Q To arranged, pending word from relatives rnuiKrnrt, hut it is protmhle tha body will be shipped to his fuwn-er honje in Kentucky. OOOO REASON FOR HIS ENTHU SIASM. Whra'a man he sonered for soveial days with colic, diarrhoea or' other form or Jmw.l complaint and Is then cuiml sound and wll hy one or two ilnwa of Chanib.rlsln rollc.

t'holeia and llar-rhoea Remedy, as la onsn the case. It but tfatural thai he aennid be enthusiastic In hie prl.e of ths remedy, and especially Is tlife the esse nf a sever attack when life la thieatened. Try It when In need of such a remedy. never falls. Wold ny all deairra PAOK THRXta NOTICE To my musical friend Ml patrona.

Th sixty violin pu pile enrolled, neoeaaitate a centrally located studio. 1 now have, nt room Np. Masoni Temple luilldlng, on of tb fluent studios la the atata, Oail ny time, or phone No 1I74W Edwin H. Kelley WMIA TEA Iced or Hot The Pure Food Tea ONE TEASP00NFUL MAKES CUPS. Published by the Growers of India Tea, Come urn! deposit your money with ns.

"We give you tha protection tt yon get from having your money di-ponited in a bank that haa run stronger in available caah during the laat five yearn that any other bank in the State of Missouri, comparing it with banks as large or larger. We pass our regular atnui-annual examinations made by the National Hank Kxam-iner without a criticism. We pay three per cent in our aavinga department, according to the rule of well governed banks, and three per cent on time certificates. To Investors: If you have money to loan on gnod real estate, come and see us. Ws hav -real ett lean for aal.

If you have an opportunl (y to l'nn, your money and want our attorney to pass on the abstract and draw up the papers, we will attend to the mutter for you. Think of the following induccmenta: i First. The officers of this Bank pass npon the value of all real estate on which those loans are made. Second. The attorneys for thia Rank draw up all of the paper, examine and pass upon the abstracts of title.

Third We see to it Jhat each year's taxes on the real estate are paid; also that expiring insurance ia renewed and placed in good companies. Fourth. All interest can be collected by this Rank without trouble to holder of the notes Fifth In onr years of Ranking experience, we have never sold to a patron a real estate note that had to be foreclosed. THE UNION NATIONAL BANK W. J.

McDANIEL, Vice -Pres. II. R. MeD AN1EL, President. 8.

E. TRIM RLE. Cashier AL CLEAN UP SALE OUR MEN'S AHD YOUNG MEN'S SUITS WILL BE THE BIG FEATURE HERE SATURDAY -To clear our stock of summer Suits and make room for our new Fall we have priced the balance of our summer clothing very low as an inducement to the men who have not yet bought new clothes or those who would like to buy another Suit for the summer. ALL BIG "3" CLOTHES REDUCED AS FOLLOWS: $175 18 Worm and 22.5 PE B1P "3" CLOTHES SHOP II ft WIIIWIIWII IIIIIIIMf I.J III 123 South Side Square. I.

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