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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 3

Indianapolis, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ij1 -If fN THE 1 FIRST PRCStDENT OF INDIANA DENTAL SOCIETY, tOKCE PARTNER OF ELI LILLY Inerl rric for IV." John F. Johimton, for lty-lx yeri a realdent ct who dls3 Friday. wQ Monuty forenoon at hl hom. "''Ifitf North Wnirt tret II nlnty-in yar-old. la nirvlved by hit mlCow.

Mra. Hltaabeth Johnston; a 5uhtp, Mra. John Vf. llurty, and a aon. tf, Johnton.

of CMeairo, Vr. Johrttos bom at Sothamr-ton, Kns land, 8ptmbr Don't DR.J. F. JOHNSTOH DEAD; -LIVED Itl CITY 66 YEARS Scrub on Wash Day THERE is fin easier vtay out of the hard work and your clothes will look whiter and cleaner. Go to your dealer's and get a package of MULE BOMX SOAP CHIPS i and make a Soap Jelly in this manner.

To a quart of water add three tablespoonnils of 20 Mule Team Borax Chips and boil. Pour enough of this solution into the wash water to make a good suds. Then soak or boil clothes as usual. Don't rubthey vrtH corae ou4 snowy white end hy gicnically clean. CO Mule Teem Borax Chips vrill not shrink woolens or injure dainty fabrics.

An oz. of 20 Mule Borax Soap Chips equals 25c worth of ordinary laundry tllpt tkot i ti srsrl AT ALL DI-AIXUS I. 1ST- ML' mm 1 PATRIOTISM AND MISSIONS TO BE METHODIST LAYMEN'S DAY TOPICS it i It 4V7 1 i If 11 Br If I It ll is vw" if ALBENW. Qx LAFAYKTTE, August 1 The fifth annual Layman's day. on August will be one of the features of the annual Battle Ground camp meeting of the Methodist Episcopal church In Indiana which opened August 1 for a ten day's session.

Patriotism and home missionary activity will be the topic discussed by speakers of prominence who will address the audiences on that dar. and a larze attendance of lay church workers from all parts of Indi ana la expected. The first speaJter or tne day wm te Allen w. Barkley. representative in the congress from Kentucky.

Sergeant James E. Kimble, of Indiana pons, who saw service in tne Boxer rebellion in China and later In the Spanish-Amerl- NOTICE TO SCALPERS. Must Quit Business Now, Under Threat of Prosecution. WASHINGTON. 'August Notice waa served yesterday on ticket scalpers by the railroad administration to quit business at once under threat of prosecution." An effort will be made to stop the cut-rate sale of passenger tickets by other than authorised ticket agents through charges, cf conspiracy.

Most tickets are under agreement that ihev shall not be. transferred to another. A special division of the railroad- administration has been created to direct this work. Leaded cy a. iioacn, or Chicago, formerly connected with i the railway-ticket protective bureau.

-Grain Damaged by Water. tSpeeial ta The Indianapolis News EYANSTim; lad August JVe- Ttl- 7 i lift Mi 1 "(T JAM E5 E- F3LH can war, and went to France with a Canadian regiment, where be suffered a gas attack by the Germans, will speak on the war. The Rev. W. L.

McDowell. D. superintendent fit the board of church extension, will speak twice on laymen's day. In the afternoon he will talk on missions and at night he will -give an illustrated lecture, describing the work the church is doing in Porto Rico. L.

X. Hines, superintendent of the Crawford rville school and teacher of the men's Bible class of the First Methodist Episcopal church of that city, will speak on "A Sunday School Lesson." The Rev. L. R. Eckhardt.

Ph. of the Bible history department of Purdue university, will speak on Bible study. The program for the day includes a number of other Interesting features. day night eaosed by aa e-erbeated motor Is a caoveror over the gram tanks at the Roar milt of Igieheart in this cltr. threateBcd 1 deatror the entire plant, which is one of the largest mills in Indiana.

More than iOO.SOe bushels of wheat were stored in the tanaa. The owner of the mill say it may be several days before they will be able te estimate the Joss oa the water soakel grain. The property loss at the mill was about C000. The employe of the plant pre vested the ftr from spreading Kokomo Man Held as rspecial te The Indiana poll. DANVILLE, HL.

August Janii Ander son Marshall, of Kokomo. was arrested Friday by a deputy sheriff ra this city, charged with belngr a deserter from the United Statee array. It is alleged Marshall failed te rVport to hie local board, aad fce was classed as a deserter. He will be taken to Ft. Benjamin Harrison.

Indianapolis, and tnrned over to army officer. New Version. Boston Transeriptl "Keep the hem Crs from burning" till Decern her i z. -zj 111 V' Unanimous We four "duit well know the joy. of Windsor Castle Fags jmutary bmoKe.


August agement of the exploitation of children In the collection of patriotic funds, looking to the prevention of abuses that have attraced attention In various financial drives, has been undertaken Jointly by the bureau of junior member-shin of the American Red -Cross and I h. AHrl.Inn nt af the national War Savings committee. "Education In patriotism ana service and the alms. of the Junior Red Cross and of the school campaign of th national War Bavinrs committee," It is do- clared in a statement to th public. "Where the children of the country are concerned these alms are far more h.n h.

material results Of their service in money or supplies. The reverse of this policy would endanger th-i future whtcn tnese cnuaren noia in their hands4 1 Reference made to statements In recent camnaima that school children have- engaged in unauthorized street speaking, welling, soliciting- ana collecting contributions outside of school A lthmirh thM acfivitiea have bad their origin In the laudable seal of the children or those' responsible for their welfare, they must be discouraged. It is declared. Teachers, it is asserted, sometimes create this condition by saying to the children: "You must bring a quarter, or a dollar, next Monday," Yaa aMaaifi A nnrftvsil At tnm stK ploltatlon of children for the purpose niMMV it im declared that boys and girls under the legal age of labor must not be exposed to the dan- "V.i i A A I CURB ON mmm- OF CHILDREN SOUGHT A SAMPLE OF DIFFERENCE IN REGULAR AND i a. a i am 1 niHii 1 iljjLLtm.

0 1 lit i3U fm to America aa a -child, with- hia father and mochrr. a brother aad two tmtrn. ilh famliy a tied to Ohio, lit ka graduated in dtntlatry at th Cincinnati ColltKa of Dntriaty in JUC2 and ram to Indianapolla in LVVL II prac-ttc-d hi profession until 1S74. when went into the mannfactur of pharmaceutical preparation with Colonel Kll Ully. under th firm nam of Johnston Lilly.

II continued in commercial buaineaa fifteen or. twenty when ft rUred. Flrtt President of Society. Th preaent Indiana Dental Society wa orfanlzM In hia Hce, In Maryland street, between Illinois and Meridian streets, aud he was mad Its first preat He wa a bulnes contemporary of JDr. P.

0. Hunt. Merit Walls. (). A.

U'ellaand C. Kurgesa. II.and Ir. D. Watterman, who died recently at an advancerTase, were cloae friends.

Dr. Johnston was at on rime noted as contributor to th dental Journals of the country. was, in point of years, th oldest of Christ Episcopal church. When Qrac church waa founded he became on of it When He Moved Hit Offlcel In th a popular weekly Rub and 12 iy. TEAM 7 L.

4. illfi -1 4 Li i WW- 0 Taper of this rlty, on February IS, 1851, thta notice" was printed: "Remora Dr. Johnston, dentlat, haa removed his office from Washington street to hia reaideno In Pennsylvania street, half a square north of Washington street, opposite Mrs. Ferruaon'a board In house, which arrangement enables him to wait upon his friends at all hours. To stranrers he would say: In plurtisa; teeth ha ruarantees th permanency of the filllnra.

In th insertion of artificial teeth the nuritv of the ma terlals. accuracy of fit and adaptation as to ami form. ut. jonnsion baa th rlrht to insert entire sets upo the plan of Professor! J. Alien, which for comfort, cleanliness and beauty.

Is considered superior to 'any other method. to tho Poor. "Prices as moderate as will Justify to performina thorourh operations and as any responsible and competent dentist who work Dossesses canal merit. On every Saturday between th hours of 4 and i m. I will extract teeth at my omcer for poor persons era lis.

"JOHN F. JOHNSTON. IX IX ED MOVEMENT STARTED AT MEET ING OF GRAIN MEN. MORE RYE BE PLANTED A 17 per cent Increase In wheat acre- at 3 per cenL. Increase In rye a-e- ace and a 10 per cent.

Increase in pork production" In Indiana next year is the present plan of state officials, actlnjr for th federal government, accordlnf to plana discussed at a. meeting of the In dlana state committee on food produc tion and- conservation, held at the state-house Friday afternoon. ITJe plan will mean an increase "off 4T.816 acres over th estimated crop of 3.619.095 Te4j in the state thuy yer. The rye plan wui mean an. tncreas oil 1I5.CC3 acres, tt waa aaia.

I A commltte consistlkr of Charles B. Riley, of Indianapolis, secretary, of the Indiana Grain Dealers? Association, and Samuel ueorf. oz fTanaun. and W. W.

Bonner, of Greensburc. waa appointed to work out th a eta 11a of a better seed corn campairn in Indiana for next 'year. The committee will report at a meeting of tne reneraj committee to be held at George Ade'a farm at Brook, ta about weeks. The committee adopted a resolution commending the work of the county arriculturai airents of Indiana. Representatives of the dalr- -Inter- mmtm nf the atmtJl tnlA the vmnnittaMi that a.

raeettng or the Indiana dairy-I men and representatives of th na tional dairy council wiu be held at tne Clarnool hotel next Friday evenlnx. Dr. McCullum, a dairy expert from Johns Hopkins university, will speak. Tne meeting will be under the auspices of the state rood committee. BOY HURT BY MOTOR CAR.

Newt Carrier Taken Hoepltal With Crushed Foot Cart Ellla. fifteen years old. iSO West Washington street a carrier of The Indianapolis News out, of Substation was bruised badly and his foot was crushed when be was ran over by an automobile at Belmont avenue and the Cincinnati. Indianapolis Western ntlroad tracks Friday afternoon. The entomofcite belonged to the Beck Auto 1 Livery Company, and waa driven by a I man who rv hia name aa Charles Maiheaon.

i3 toutn oiton avenue. 31ie and some other boy were running en the east sidewik on Belmont avenue ihtn th automobiiel going west, cam out Cf an alley. nsB Poa rorn stomach Take TJerafereTa Art Paawakato There Is nothing better for nausea, sick kesdacb. iaesauba or Indigestion, Try tt. -A4v.

EHESPW 1 25c WATER GLASS, PRESERVES EGGS 10 T0112 MONTHS Prices Subject to Chanje Without Notice, i rverrtiiin: Fresh. Genuine, of the Highest Purity and Best OualitT We Buy Direct From tho ts BeU-ABS VKS 1C Be 52 cIri7rt LIle Liver law. rillm -74c 44c oe Llatertae mU0 liateriao S4c mi VfZ ixeethymaollao soe tlyeetkysaeUa 45c Glyeet-y ll- Reaaedy Take). ..,1 lc 1 Vl-l-e Case-. Gr, Si iTU-le Claea for Jl eatkelatmsa Uc sac Msisteiwle- Se 11 1T2C 11 Baser Blades at eat rlee.

3S Vlek's Bab SOe Anal rea Balsa 2-te ts Barkhart ear. ic a raifff anm. ism. eoe Plmater. 1 f.

Plasters. 1 jm m. Haas Pills for Indigestion, Sick Headache, BiIioii5ncs3 Haars Insect Powder K1II3 Bedbusrs, i-ies, iccaches, Ants ar.d.Lica '53 South Illinois Street, Corner Maryland 112 V. PENNSYLVANIA ST. 27 S.

IIXINOIS STRrCT'A'. 1C1 ViVVAniNGTON ST. 802.MASSACnUSETTS AVE. decisioli the gers of work. It Is explained that the JUntor Red Cross and the War bavlnjr- committee seek to -work through the schools and in school time, under proper school control, and that they do not encroach on, the child's playtime, -j 4 i BE IN0IAMAP0LIS COMMERCE BODY MAN RETURNS.

'1 CONFERENCES BEING HELD Indiana manufacturers doing business on. a email scale are receiving 'much benefit from the Washington bureau of the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce war contract department, accord- Ling to S. L. Rarlden, Its head, who is In Indianapolla for a few days. Mr.

Rariden went direct to the Cham ber of Commerce, where, a' of appointments with manufacturers of war essentials bad been made for hint. lie aid he knew positively that Indi ana's smaller manufacturer are re-eel vine contracts where small shcDS elsewhere are idl. "This i particularly true of Michi gan." said Mr. lianaen. me general imDreasion is that Detroit's manufac turers, large and small, are 'doing, an Immense war business.

This is not true. The smaller plaoes are Idle. The same Is true of Illinois, Iowa and a num ber of other states In the middle "I think that of all the work the bu reau at Washington has accomplished this stand out as one of. the paramount features. The small factories of the state are getting war contracts.

The bix ones are getting them, of course, but the little fellows are running a pretty even race. They can not afford to send rep resentatives to Washington to see government purchasing agents, and. if It In mm mm NEF1TED BY BUREAU Manufacturer and Sell to the Consumer at Wholesale Prices, Umc'i Pill for Ceastivstlen SOeCatlewra Olataaeat 3hc Rablfeeaa 24c SO Kelynee Teeth Paste 'J4c 3e I.yen'a Teeth Paste or SO Pebeee Tooth Z5 Peteraaaus New Diseovery. 1 Oc 23 Peterasaa' Roaek flcH Kerhaa's Pyorrhea 4. fS Najol SOe Staeellad.

30c fev SI SIjOO White Mineral OH r.1c tljint Alaellae Lleald 74c 1 Plakham's Cesaeenad SUc $1.1 S. 8BI4 74c SlS Pleree'e Pav. Presertptlea.HOc tti PJeree'e GldenvMed. DU.Oc SL0 Persaa H4c tlJM FelloWn Cem. Syr.

Hypo. 1 1 S1.00 Wyeth's Sax and Salyhar 74c S5 naaderln Paaderiae 4fc Zi rente Seltser eoe Breaso feltaer ,4 tc X3 Celerr Veseo 5e Celery Veeeo tlJ)0 Cardal (for women) 74 25e Sloan's Llatmeat aid well' Syrna see Osaea 4 0c SO St. Jneon's 15S N. ILLINOIS STREET IXDIAXAPOLJS. ISD.

4 tr 7 I. Cleanse the System of all Imparities, strengthen the 41c-Mtive organ and th liver ia a i.oUe, thereof a meaner by eeiog A HO'D Oerivadre Ce-a-ieond) A Vary Arrab! Aperient Alt PrmggUtt Absolutely rRemoveq Indiestionr- Drusists refund incney if it-faiJc ID Dyspepsia, 'auiea, iioux tocacX Ferxcentation. Ileartbura aid ilU- UMlmllatiea of fo4 aad all farm, at and tfeUf. liatorbaseM aoM bt wr not for the bureau, they would get none of the work." By "small factories" he meant places employing forty to 10 men. One shop at Knihtstown Ij ufacturing motor ftanda, another at Marion is making flashlights trie lamps, another at Kdlnburg is making carpenter's chests.

Similarity. Bowtan Trnc7ptJ 8lm in- a Saloon 'T not f. har. t.ndr; It like paring- th eoodactors 1 I L-J slV 'vJ IIAAG'S PRICXS. 13 Cedomeae lab lets ivr 3o Kaera-Iar, for shoes, 25c heeibb's Release T-' iy i.jhi- ze i- ti -k Ve Java Illee Powder levy's La Ulaehe Pewder ne Melba pinder 25e Freeman's Peirrfer.

ft.7.1 Asarea I. a Trefle Pow.Sl.i: I SI.73 Asarra er l.a Trefle I llS IJJer.Ki. eretal jt 1 Powder sr-e DJ.r.KI. Tilnn 1J0 Plaand Lllae Vegrelal, 7 I Clevine SOe Woodhery's 1 arlal SonD. 1 J5 Palaaollre Soai.

if, 3 ur 13e rhys. Jt Sr. hoap. a for. Packer's Tar mip.

23 Catler See 20 Italian Sos. 4e Miiic Jiarn, for JtX Ileef. Mine aad Iroa. 73e Feed SCe Illeyrle Cards 30e Herllrlt's Halted VI! ljfi Horllrk'4 1alted 7 3 llorllrk's )Ialte4 ar.d Ccnstipaticn, Hoc. S3 VIRGINIA AV.

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