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The Springfield News-Leader from Springfield, Missouri • Page 1

Springfield, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i1 46 RING OUT THE GLAD TIDINGS The Famous Missouri Success. Jjie Grandest Racing and Comedy Drama ever produced, from the pen of. Kditor of the Sporting NewB, 4 ling, the ml: WW. The Big Success, th Genuine, AS A AV A a. is vn mm 11 1 t-l BARLOW Taul Day's dyug store and at Effects I New Specialties SCENE I of Hume ipkU a Hook store Side Electric Wiflit Kiice Track, See the 1 String of Famous- r.

Race Horses, FreelufitMhe grandest race horse in nit the laml, Im Civile. All Ablmc, KruieUy, Col. Cox, Ailnwan, Put King. All the great nccnes will be given in their entirety, including: (ff n. Grant's Lop; Cabin Home, near 8b Imin, The Cherokee Garden.

The Klectric lAM Hare; Track. The Stables at the HI. Louia Fair 1 tun ml. Kuea Track and Grand Stand at St JtOtita FairtironndH." Interior of the home of Adam Hugen-lcof theO. A.

see "The Derby WinnerJ Bartlett'a drug store. vTkars ah Has the Bvlgs. great advsntaga a Ilonton girl has over us," sighed Miss Wtllalong, laying aside tlio volume alia was reading and taking up on with larger print, "la that tlw; world never looks upon ber spectacles as a sign that slit Is growing old." Chicago Tribune. Aannaa-B Marie Mr. Quickly tells mamma that I'm an Intellectual girl.

I wonder what men mean when they call a girl intellectual? Mamie They mean they ean't And It In conscience to call her pretty. Chicago Record. Wishing you- all Merry Christmas Long Life and Prosperity- I am yours, ei i. am, BUIIBHIK Sues irtT.Father's Executors for a Large Stun. Says She Is Persecuted and Her Life Threatened.

Hut a Hmsll I'ortlon ef Iter Father's Large Estate. New York. Dee. 3k Mrs. Hatty Green, said to be the richest woman In America, baa brought a sensational suit against, the executors and trustees of bur father's estate Involving mil' liana.

Hho" say she Is in fear of her life being taken by a band of who also took life of her father, Edward M. Robinson, and her aunt, Sylvia of New Itedfoid, yosra ago. Hor fears hare caused her to lead the llfo of recluse, tine alleges that (floss has been placed 10 her food and wood and stones burled at ber front windows as she passed on the, street. Mho lived with ber aunt when a girl who, instead of leaving ber all her fortune, bequeathed half to ifity department and politicians whom Kihe scarcely knew. Mrs.

rnce, ot Vau. II n.r.iilr.l.i Mn. I an to allegation as to ner aunt having been poisonod for her money. 8h tales that the executors named in her fsiher'a will were not those whom lie and that she was loft for services instead of getting all her father's fortune, who left l.laM.tnW outright and in trust to go to hor beirs on hor death. She cliargea-a strange man tried to kill hereon by throwing him over an iron fence on a graving.

Ilenry A. Itarllng, sole living says the story la riulculous. Jl ST1FIAIILF. HuviHIDE. A irrn Mint While Fighting With rwklt.

WnvW. Sbphens, living ten miles below this place, had an altercation with Charles West, a negro lata on Saturday afternoon, near his home. In the dispute it seems that the negro had got the advantage of Mr. Htephens and was doing him up at a lively rata. Stephens' son Arthur, about 18 yeara of age came up at this juncture; and being unable to got tho negro to desist from the.

attack upon his father, shot him with a Winchester. Tho shot proved fatal, the negro dying short while afterward. Coroner lllackahear empaneled a Jury soon fterwardi and held an InqueaU Tba verdict ot -the jury was justifiable Mr. Htepbena Is oawmf -thai eavnly'i -WM omens. Tba negro no waa Killed was looked upon as a high tempered and Insolent fellow.

He had a knife in his hand and a pistol on hia person when killed. He came to the homo of Mr. Stephens purposely to provokes tight, called him from hia house and used lnsultir.g and threatening lan guage. REKIUIH Sere. Xegrwi Aimed Mrs snEarbHide, Quitmax, Dec.

84. A race war is well Wean here.Home time since negro named Jessie JefTreth killed T. Uoulde, a white nan. A namlxrof white then meted out punishment noun JefTrsth. A band of negroes or ganised.

It Is said, to kill the white men engaged in the and last Thursday one of thruu Joseph 1L Ishoiay-waa iileu 'b-whiles then gathered and commenced their work of retribution. Heven colored men have -been killed alreadr. Tne races are arming and picketing all the roads. Hoine SOU whites, well armed. have organised and their ranks are in creasing.

An equal, if not greater, number, ot negroea are also armed with guns and various tools, and' as they ean muster a much larger fores than the whites; thera Is a fear of great slaughter. Hants flans Last Night, Nearly all of tha churches had Christmas exercise last night, which were well attended, and tha Sunday school children warn -in glory. liMome the Christmas tree waa omit ted, and the money usually expended for presents went Into the fund for tha poor and destitute. nsnta Claua appeared at a number plaeea and distributed the many glfta rovldeo for the occasion among the aptv children. Literary eafrcisea, ia which the children took an active pari, formed a large part of th attraction in many of the ehnrch'ae.

Invariably then are reports of a glorious g'iod time, such as comes only with Christmas and Its glfta ot cheer. LjLuRlUA- OKAXliEH. New Parking Heasrs 1 si mease fro Itnwts Ike Favorite, Eusna, Dec 14. Th Lawton Hroa. have finished their new packing house, near tha depot here.

This makes the sixth' large and wall ap pointed orange and vegetable packing house In this citv. Immediately oa the railroad line. Th orange crop la a complete) aoceesa, and 90,000 more boxes -will be sent from this place this season than last year. The orange ar ripening rapidly and are ol a delicious navor. 1 acre will b.

preponderance of russets this seaaoa. Election Fraaas i'aalshed. Cmenoo, Dee. 14. The fraud jary indicted Ilenry fiauflsira, secretary of a repwbllcaa precinct club, tor perjury before that body la onaectioa with election oatragea, According to testi mony be was wearing clothes bought by democrats when ksd awora he had received so reward from that party for work don on election day.

El-Basalt Actor, ST. Lor is. Dee. 54. Frank James, an ex-train robber, and who.

baa beea doorkeeper at th Standard tliestartt. to become aa actor. He ia so atar la a melodrama depicting llf In the far west. Jaenes Is under eontraet with Tom iaco at good figurea i All trains on the Memphis mtr be tmnlonr'l Uxisy, rtt thoe ninf liTeUca snj prrk-h-Snii the ftnpioTi will I aNie tr olit juts 'ajmrs; lligs I i His Wealth In Honor Ills Marriage. Haltiuork, Dee.

J4- Twenty year ago Arch I'ric died near this city, aged 8. years, and it was believed he left bis son Edmund thousands, but no one was the wiser until today, when tha son, now. 60 year oldi brought iQ bankjn. thlclty-; a large quantity of guld, also a lor of silver, principally Mexican dollars and franc pieces, all of which baa been buried since long before the war- Tho son has alwsvs lived the life Joi a bachelor, and but a short llmrago took Itluiulili'liead to marry. Ilia girl "went back" on lilin.

and he fell ia love with another, and Is now getting rasdy for th occasion which has caused him to bring out some of his niausn money, us nss uiucw more, hid, but will not say whero, nor will he bring It out until after the msr-riaga He bas a valuable farm in Klk Bivor Valley. India Imposing CAKrrTA, Dec 34. At a meeting of the vie council today James Westland Introduced, a bill Imposing certain duties upon cotton. In Introducing the bill Mr. Westland said that with out th Imposition of such duties as were proposed only a nilracr wonld produce financial equilibrium.

Th lutles Impoied would go into effect immediately, so that tha state would receive tho benoHt of large shipments of cotton from Kngland. Discussion oftho bill was deferred. ATTK.HH ED KlMfiDF A Krpublie l.sdr Thinks Lire ot Worth Living. Eetoiilic; Mra Aaron tewis of this plac attempted suicide by tsklna- strychnine this evening. Medical aid was summoned but at a late hour thia evening she waa reported in a critical condition.

Mhe Is of a highly respected family. The cause of Hie rash act is unknown. A U01.DE BALL. Ueerge flontd to Eaterlaln 4IMI of the till! Edged. Nxw Yoiik, Deo.

54. George Uould's residence on -Fifth avenu Is being put in trim for a great ball to be given In Junusry. Arrangements, It is said, are being made to entertain about 400 guests. It is not yet known to whom invitations will be sen The number of guests being provided for suggests th posHibitity that Mr. Mould will either try -to -capture the old Four Hundred In a body or create a now Four Hundred of his own.

ELL HI ITKB. Ckalrnua Arnold Beneabered In Pleasant Way. Vestentay George Arnold, who did such worthy service In marshaling th republican forces and leading them to victory, was given a Chrlstmaa surprise by the successful candidates In theshspeof a handsome snltof clothes. During the eainnaign he waa unfortu-nate enough to bars a suit nearly destroyed by an accident and this fact Is referred to in th following note ac companying tne girt: M-mxiiKliti l. Ma, Dee.

it. lHttt. George VV. Arnold, Ksn-, etfsirman K- punncan Uoutral Uommtttoe, Green conntv. Mo.

Dxak Sir: We, the undersigned, follv SDnre- elating tba arduous task and the hard work an! the responsibilities of your position during tne eamnairn iusl closed and th aueeeasf ul manner la which yon performed vour nart of tha and knowing that duriug the rush you bad the clothe nearly lord from your baek, we feel that ought in some substantial manner to acknowledge to von our araGtude for services renderod. We therefor present to you th ac companying suit uf clothes and trust -thst you enjoy a merry' Christmas wniie encased therein. Yours- Very Dan P. Stewart, Jamei A. Frlnk, J.

V. Ysrbrough, George Campbell. G. M. Patterson, J.

R'Tmey. II, K. Pat-ton, James ltoed, D. Uenshey.W. PorterBeld.

Mr. Arnold desires Till RKrvniJCAx to return th donors th most hearty thanks for their recognition and to snre them that he annreciates the good will and kindly spirit prompting tne gut giving. MR, DIGWMS KI'KPR1SEI. The Coadartors Presented Him With ferj Cslly Ulfts. A number of conductor want to th home of It.

YY. Dlggin. corner of Main aad West Warnut street, last night and surprised tha ax-dlvUlon superintendent of th Memphis rout by presenting him with an elegant diamond -vingre-ablrt atud and fly cirars. the presents costing aot less Mr. Dlffgins ws almost overcome with this token of esteem and goad wULiroat but friends, aoa ra ta roed his heartfelt lhanka.

It waa an occasion which will never forgotten by the veteran railroader, and snows the high esteem la which Mr. utgglna I held by th "boya" A FI.IHH liEIKJI, A XL Laals resale Have Kaet To heaply. Justice Patterson yesterday salted ia matrimony Joseph and Mis Joseph ina Kern, both of ML Loais. The groom asked th -judge what th damage was nod when be meekly replied only 1J.H1, appeared to astonished at th set rate oa asatrt- uoy In ttnringneld. and threw down a (s telling th boy present to -macsuiata oa A Hmall Hlaxe.

Fir Department Ifa en Commer cial street, had two calls hut night, one about o'clock and th other at o'clock. The alarm wsa caused by a are at the residence of Geo. Level corner of hberssaa and Pacific street. The firs bk 1 tbs aenad tiaaer hick canned th call at o'chv-k. The flsmee were extlnguibe-l before mocb damage wsa done.

Iran older. Rail. The Iron holders I'nina ball wis tended last by abm.t A nift rij il.le tin 4 Iri CO tl Tl Tl tl CI pnegtiew Merchants! -J-O Ccnls Pe month pays for Republican delivered at your home or boarding house fdr early breakfast. When you advertise understand that the Re publican leads all other spnngnoia papers i DKVOTKU TO TUB OOJIMEHCIAL ADVANCEMENT OB" SOUTIIWIONT MIHHOtJltl FlrGM A If EPUIILICAIV STANDPOINT vol. in: sriaxGriELDiissorur, ti'esday kxi hkcp bkk 18!) t.

XO. 22. irtv JKepup i lean Baldwin Grand Cfiristmas Attraction MATINEE AND NIGHT. See the Great Comtiany Of Artit Arthur Diimrrilie- -ftttmma little- -ortoi-ediuii, Urtrntrat ill America. Frank Pnyton, formerly with proh-.

man' leading; companies, Porter J. White, whom Lewis Morrimn declurea in the beet Mephieto orv the taffe. Max Miller, the ((rent Dutch Comedian. Jesse Untcher, tllga Verne, Viola Arthur, Minn Gcncll. BiHy Kentucky thorough- bnil, the Iwnt colored acturon the atone.

Here's a Chance to make Yourself a Christmas Present: Wednesda)' mGBHIiTIiEliS! Seats now on sale at Grand OperaHouse COMING! Tba lasterpieco'ol Homali Interest And Superb Scenle Splendor CHRISTMAS MATINEE AND Uncle Josh Spruceby. The ISew England Comedy Snccess. Remember this ia the same company nt wan at the Grand two years ao. New Scenery New Mechanical THE WO.NPERFrmtKAT.rSTlC SAW-MILL A Fuir-WorkuTtf Saw-mill, with 31V inch Steel Saw onthe Slnffe. A COMPANY OF STERLING ARTISTS The "Hayseed Band.

The Superb Orchestra. a The "Dncle Josh" Qnarafte. Strict parade daily, at noon, of the 'Hayaced" Band. Don't miss it (South House Hosa' Drun; Store Tickets for aale Middle Sections of Drugstore North sections ALFRED H. SPINK, St Soitin, iinil manager of Uie South thcoiily one in the Hit, the Great St.

Louis the "Winner from the Start, the Real, the Start- Sensation of this year's 1 CI II Via, a 4- re can I get the best I JOB PRINTING? J. M. BOWER CO. 330 Boonvllle St We get our work done there. D.o.mtuaii.mi.

r. s. BcrpKBiiAH, vi rmt. COUNTY BANK, or irm.iunuu. mumolri.

CAPITAL. tlOO.OOO.OO. 1i)iccmn to th, iimm Oonstv Kstlcnsl ltankR4teblibea la 1) Transact a penfral bankine; basinens. Interest paid on time deposits. Collee-tionn solicited and prompt attention Safe deposit vaults under bank 1 I'K MANUFACTURING CDVANV.

BuritlaiN po Kadt1 Vrk in Two Stores. Nobby Grocery And Randall's Harness Shop. Attrmptedr ttr open -Horh -Safe, Httt-j -failed In Each Case Koine Taken. The recent arrest and conviction of a number ot burglars st the late term of th orimlnal court Menu to have had no terror for the knight ot tha dark lantern brigade, as the work still goo -quietly on. Sunday night the naruesa store of win.

Kantian, In the Ramsey 'building, on West Cqtniaercial street, was entered and 11 loved ol a number of useful artlolea. It waadifiicult for the proprietor to tell just what and bow much was taken as the entire stock waa completely rummaged. Almost every box of harness, fixtures ani supplies had been meddled with, and the other goods were -promiscuously struwu upon the floor. Tho robbers had made an attempt to get on tho Inside of th ssfe, but failed. They had umiI a chisel on tha dial of the asfe, and changed thu combination so that Mr.

Itandall waa unable to unlock it yesterday. He thinks has some of the goods located and in Import! nt msy be mane soon. tin th same ght, and perhaps by the same partita, tha Littlo Nobby grocery atore, corner of Center and Iloonvtlla- streets, owned by ft. G. Tracey; formerly owned by G.

Peterson, was 'burgisrixed. The robbers unlocked the front door, whk-h Was fastened with a spring lock. They no doubt wanted to lay In a little stock for Christmas, aud therefore helped theinsolves to large quantities of tobaoco, candles, two boxes of clghrs, seventy-five oranges, groceries and other goods enough to -mka a good load and to last tliem uqtil after tha holidays. The safe in this place was also tampered with aud tha result waa tha same aa in tun other-aomlM a nation -lost and as yet is not opened. This ia the fourth time three yeara that the Little Nobby has been robbed.

SNOW EIGHTY FEET DEEP, ew tbe KsllnSMts Uusrtl Axslnst Snsw ihllji in H04idtein.r It la the custom, of most of the transcontinental railroads to make an Accurate measurement snow-faU for th winter in those places where it la always deepest. This Is in the mountains, of course, and at the higiicst eto-vatlons. Although few of the roads are bothered-, to-any sei ious extent tn these dsys by enormous to th invention of the rotary snow plow, they make every preparation to meet unexpected emergencies, Tha esnow In the mountains begins to fsll in the middle of September on the peaka It Is not till October that it is olwcrv-kble to Any extent in the passes such aa the railrosda use In crossing the mountslns. Ileforo that time, however, the plows are put lu order aud mad ready for use at a moment's notice. Probably ao roaef that crosses tho Cascade rsnge has a mora serious struggle with the snow each year than' tbe.

Great Northern; the newest and- furthest north of the Amertrn lines to th Psoitis coast Like some other of the through lines when first built this road emsse Gut Casaado. rangn hy a switchback ot tracks. It Is there that the greatest snowfsll occurs, from Octolier lMi.1, to April 1MII, the snowfsll on the Great North-arn's swltchteck was by actual measurement eighty-one feet and aina It snows almost every day in th winter there, and often the fall Is a foot In three hours. Mill, a dolay of mora than an hour or two on account ot snow, even In the severest weather, la unusual. Three trcmendoua snow plows ar in annstant mouon during every storm, and Uicse keep tins tracks practicslly clear, One of these plows throws the snow In the ai a distance of sixty feet and ao rapidly that th.

flying snow actually make it dark to those who ride directly behind th plow. One of the engineers nf the road, who had much to do with the switchback, said to a Sun reporter recently: '1 her Is no longer any serious dif ficulty in eopiug with snowfalls either In tha Rockies or tn the Cascades. Th ehlef danger la from snows! Ides. A you pass over the mountain yon will notice that bar and may be soen- enortnous pathways from on uunareo- to two nunarea leet wine running from th top of a peak straight down. a pasa These patbs are aa eleaa aa if mowed with a monster knife.

Tbe snow start with a slow glide that change to a tremen dous speed before It reaches the bot tom, aud it cut the Umber befora it tlesn. When It all plies np at tha bottom It ia a tremendous maaa of debris. It would require-days and Jays of the most laborious work to clear the, tracks of th accumulated mass If one of th slide should land on them. Therefore, It ia on of the engineering problem In constructing a railroad thera to build sheds where these slide have taken place, and where there are Indications that they will take' place) sgain. Frequently the slides go thundering down tb slopes, strike on these stout sheds with a fore of a thousand tons, and then go on their way down to the -valleys.

Thera la bow very Ilttla dlnienlty-free thia source, but the precautionary work eosta Uie railroads many thousands of dollars." On tha Great Northern thera ara probably a score of these sheds In tba Cascades- They ar rarely more than one hundred and fifty feet long. They are bat tressed with tb sum test timbers that can be cut and worked in the awuutainSvBnd th roots ar made to slope ao that they follow the grade of tbe slide as far aa possible. Th tracks ar built close under th highest part th highest part nterfer as little a slope. Wheda ota over tb with th cayr of tha roofs, so as to interfere aa possible with the slid come it shoots smoothly roofed sheds a waterfall, over a precipice, A psuing through the shed at the's as-time Giat a slide was going over woalu sraeeeiy leei tne en-ret livere would be a tremendoaa roar and an earth- quake rumble, but beyond that tha paasenrera a reel know that anything mV taking place s.Y. T' -ly feel tha effect There would I TO Iirn.D SOlTH AT" L-ISTJ" Tiie lllalr Kid will Probably Ex- lead Ha Ltne.

Tho rumor has reached tb Demo- sit from an excellent source that the lllalr line will extend It line south the oomlng year. Tb new Hue will not follow the rojito. to. tinjenliel.l, heretofore surveyed and dlicussed In this connec tion, but -will In the nature of an extension of the present line southesit from tlseeola, where elosa trafllo arrangements -rn be mad with th Holivar branch of the Frisco, making a Kansas City-Sprlngdeld line seven miles shorter than that of the The report reached tho Democrat through reliable channels, but when Maiisser Ik S. Josaelvn was anoroacn- cd by a representative of thia papor he waa unwilling to dismiss tne matter or be quoted cuntorniiiiMt.

It is certain. however, that the Itlair people have long anught this eonueetlou aad thev regard th coming year a a good year fur railroad building. Clinton Demo crat Death-ef Fr4 t'leaient C. A. Clement, the jeweler, returned iast night from Van Huron, whore he waa calls I by tha death nf hia brother, Fred W.

Clement The remains were shipped to l'oirco City and burled yesterday. CKAZy MAX IX TOWN. J. W. Cooper, From Franklin' County, Insane.

Will I. jrenr All Teru I Ovrr HtifWrrlptlcm Nend. Illin llomr. the North Lyon street is all torn up oyer the fact that on J. W.

Cooper, or any man from Franklin county. has taken up hi residence in that va- clnlty. II came her about tlx weeks ago with his son and was a maniac when he came. The boy has no means of au poor Hug himself and father, besides it requires his whole lime to Ionic after the old gentleman aud keep h.ltn at homo. Many of the neighbors are lunch agitated over th matter and are In abject terror of the uiauiac.

hetliee not tha man waa sent here from rrnnkim oonuty on purpose to get rid of htm can nut be ascertained, but the circumstance appear to bear out that theory. The authorities here claim they bavu no power nor legal right to take charge of him. as ho ia not a resident of this county. A petition was boing circulated yes trntay mirposeT of getting sunlclent subucription tn send the crazy man and his too back to Franklin county. Certainly something should lie done at one, a the man ts dangerous aud tha people should be protcoted; Nearly alt women bav good hair.

though many sre gray, and few ara bald. Hall's Hair lti'newur restores the natural oolor. and thlck'un the growth of the hair. HOARD OF UU It II IKS Held Xifllng leslrrday Report af Relief unlcer ilt. The way and means committee ot tba boerd-of eiiarltie- held eve- inter esting meeting at tb mayor's oflk-o yestirrday aheraaoa.

A vary good re port waa made by tba eolleeUire, which showed that all Intorest la behalf of the poor ol th oily is aot iiml by the charitabl nuople. It la a fact, however, that it is more dlfllcult to ublaln donatlona thla--year than tnsti -bnvthat ht no rttmbt du to the fact that th weather baa been very warm and not cold enough to enlist sympathy for the poor. Each of the uuunng mills tu town nave given pounds of llour with the uuderatand. ing that th board should draw 00 them for mors If Relief Orllcer Witt's report for th week ending December -'1 showed thst bad 'assisted forty-oue families, containing ltd persons In all, and had distributed ftA.W) worth ol provision and 7 in cash. -7 More llarlwrltlrs.

Yosauaxa, Dee. 54. A dispatch front Bingaoor say that a Chines tongkang, which had left that port on the 7th instant with a erw of eight men, returned to port In charge of three men only. Four bodiv of the other members ot lb orew, fearfully mutilated, were lying on in aecu just as they hsd fallen when killed by Malay pirates, whom tlte poor f. kinase had gonerously offered to assist aod were assisting.

Another at aa ber of tbe crew bad jumped overboard and a drowned. Awarded Highest Honor-World Fair. CREAM MOST PERFECT MADlC pure Gmpt Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret (Tom Ammonia, Alum of any other Adulter am. 40 YEARS TUB STANDARD, MiltVELOt KACHIME.

.1 Mure t'nret Fur the XraBaiZC Tnrhaleat EutToii Rki'I ulhI. lor tha nasi" four years 1 bavu conjured my brain continually to devise some means by which a typical nineteenth century 1. rank miulil 1m, brmtirlifc to a rtl uio of the errors of his wars. That saw-ot a proverb: "lie from the. presence of a fool, when thou pcr-oeivost not tho words of wisdom in him," nlll uot work uu your modern urauk politician- Heretofore the orunkjiaa been ouinlprutcnt, outniver- -ous, oittniscicnt, iuviucihla And Iddis-triutiblc In his Ugic, but thauks to -the genius of Edison and my own tireless I'-'l energy, I liave enemy in my graa'p.

kiurakAsic semper sat-eratus ourdeliveranue'drawetu nigh! I will condense tho detuils; M- Kditor, but you know that science ia elsborstu and often ruqnirea mor or less mluuto detail buforo common mortals Can comprvbcml the intric-aciea of Ita couitllcatcd pliouotntiia. Now to the point: My wonderful etectro-phono-kinedo-ilyuauiosuop hi an electric machin ot highly aega- tiro power, while It ia comparatively harmless to the operator, it axerta a wundcrf ul lull itemjejin tlui parly wtw dynamUeil, which lu all vanes should be a eranky politician. -'iHlier uses may tie found for it lu the future, but at present th crying need of Hie country la a crauk annlhilator that ia aim-pi in conatruction and certain to do itn work. 1 have it. That is, I havw the dietaUa all eaeef ally eompiled aad, really fur the manufacturer, except th rusuHcllaUir, which ain working dlllgaptly to iarfect Thia, however, la a matter ot minor importance, as tho resuscitalor will only be re(uird In rare casea 1 Tho uiultuiu in parvo of thia contrivance lit external appcuranco will reaemblc a AVitterbury watch, but ou oIihmi Inspection will seen to contain tha most intricate machinery In exiatence.

Patent applied lor soon ai model complete. It la a stem-winder aud stem setter that la. you pre the stem, when you wsnt ttiv start It first, you talk in it same as a telephone, place it lu. your vest pocket aaina as a watch; meet your viutlut, who'ia a poltucal orauk. ra--.

mark that tluie are all-tired hard. Thia seta tha- crauk to cursing "con gross. Wall street, Knglaud, demone. tiation of stiver aad so on, uutil he comes to the 'seven nuancial con-spinscles," when, if your lectro-dy. naiuo bas been properly wouad and loailed, ha' rciva a shock of milianiper.

hie iufucuar maxili- ary te in-tsntty dlil.icatetl Ilia tongue hangs limp from bla-ofien iininth, feels unconscious' And remains comsMse for saveral hours unless you use the rvsusitator, which .1 advise you not to do. After receiving two or three -iwh- thoeks the -victim willuouclude that if rrlicted with epilepsy every time he talks pol-I tirs, snd ho will nil it So on ever sutiert that you carry such aa Infernal machlu aud all the crank ia Christendom ean he- completely hyp--- noticed with my machine before the public la aware ul tturir existence. Agents wanted in evvry town in the country, and specially in Springdeld. Fur particular call on. Me at tbe wood -yard, or wberavwr I happen to bav a job.

I am poor man know, but 1 will be rich and happy when tb polit- -teal cranks ar all cured. Oiu T4 A Sureemfitl Htbool. Ava, Dec J4. The' Dougia county Iluslnes. Musi and fin art school closed It first term December 37th.

Thia Institution, i dolngaat xcl lent work fur Doagln county aad Mouthwvst Mtaaouri. It ls one of the best equipped schools touth of HprlhgtieUl. the enrullmunt of the term just closed waa 0 per cent high- er than waa aver enrolled in any corresponding term. Tb puopl of Ava and Douglaa aouaty ax giving their entire support, aad tha schools of our northern towns must soon reaiua that they bav a rival south oi the JJ-nrks. soap, I doaeu ahuv aUiiiKx, I card 1 Il-M-MCffl-SlI.

304 Boonville Street. Articles ibr 1 Cent. I-pce nredloa, paper pin, boy' whistle; irouct leaU pvitvila, Iat' pnii)-r, 1 lever colar buttuna, aheeta rooU writing, to(x--r. proctl 4 hut plna, Japaneae bird, 3 pvu holdi-r, taid hooka aud eyes, paHr tacka. Articles for 2 Cents.

-Tilt coke cutler, tin cup, biscuit cutter, bunch hair piua. t2 diirn-inif needle. ildoa buttons, 4 inch shell hair piuia.a-iuch rubber hun piua, box uiournintc piu. Articles for 3 Cents. Pint cup, 1 1 i inch China doll, bunch rovelouea, auiiiK iKarll Ix-ails, nihber bail, 1 rake toilet mi cl anlcty pins, rubber bu couib, burn drveeiu)- comb, 1 cvut bot- i imnampc lew.

Articles for 4 Cents. I luc lead pencil, pair gold tOtibsI cult buttons- n.ift-h eublve- hMijri.iit iottle beat aewni)- auchme oil. lurm im iiioiomlom book. I' -1 tablet, pun uippcra, bunch Iutkc cuvvlcpc" ies for 5 Cents, -4 paring knife, toy sat) irons with atttiid. bottle- vn-rfu cake Kuod toilet soap, quurt tin ctti, (nick play iiii- cante, 1 eal kid hair turlvre; pair cwvvrvd novel, tiu.

1 do pc.ul ions, Uck humiticr. a I 1 Articles ior iu uents. w. a svA-ta Fine pocket kmW. act 1, tccl 1 withhaiiiilc, miirlui 1 inch ivmij, Iv 1 vrr en mi apitil Uu-riiioiucti-r.

n.u iAt" t.4.:u-r. Thea are cot m' i rrws. Tb- art i 7.

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